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通常文字篇这里指特殊病原体以外的通常结局文字,包括七种基础病原体和剧情模式的现实疾病等。根治结局①The world will soon eradicate PAX-12 forever. Humanity was very lucky, things could have got a lot worse...世界即将把PAX-12给根除。愚蠢的人类竟是如此的幸运,一切都没有想象中那么糟……②The world has survived a horrifying plague and will soon eradicate PAX-12 forever. Incredibly no one died despite the severity of the disease.世界在经历了一场可怕的瘟疫后即将把PAX-12给根除。尽管疾病的严重程度令人难以置信,但最终没有造成人员的死亡。③The world has survived a horrifying plague and will soon eradicate PAX-12 forever. The people who have died will not be forgotten.世界在经历了一场可怕的瘟疫后即将把PAX-12给根除。已经病亡的人员将不会被人们所遗忘。④The world has survived a devastating plague and will soon eradicate PAX-12 forever. Although much of the world is dead, the survivors can rebuild and carry humanity forwards.世界在历经一场灾难性的瘟疫后即将把PAX-12给根除。尽管世界近乎濒临末日,但幸存者们将会重建一切,促使人类继续向前。⑤The world has survived a devastating plague and will soon eradicate PAX-12 forever. Large numbers of people have died and the world is changed forever.世界在历经一场灾难性的瘟疫后即将把PAX-12给根除。而大量人口的死亡已让世界彻底改变。⑥The world has survived the apocalypse and will soon eradicate PAX-12 forever. With almost everyone dead, the survivors will find it hard to rebuild civilisation.世界在经历一场大灾难后即将把PAX-12给根除。由于各地的人口损失殆尽,幸存者们将很难重建人类文明。最终画面:PAX-12 has been eradicated——PAX-12被解药给根除了。灭世结局①PAX-12 has destroyed the world despite the world's best efforts. The last few humans lie dying in holes with no chance of survival.尽管人类竭尽全力抵抗,PAX-12还是毁灭了整个世界。最后一批感染者在墓穴中坐以待毙,全无生存的希望。②PAX-12 has destroyed the world despite the world's best efforts. The last few humans know they are watching the end of history.尽管人类竭尽全力抵抗,PAX-12还是毁灭了整个世界。历史正在最后一批感染者眼前终结。最终画面:PAX-12 has successfully eliminated all life on Earth——PAX-12成功灭绝了上的所有生物。
Neurax蠕虫篇和通常情况不同地方的是,蠕虫胜利时是以暖黄底为代表色,且有与其他病原体与众不同的奴役结局。奴役结局The whole world worships PAX-12 as their god and master. Efforts to cure the plague have ceased and humanity is entering a dark new future as a slave species.世界人民已将PAX-12视为他们的神和统治者加以顶礼膜拜。与之相关的解药研发已被废止,人类作为被奴隶的物种进入到了黑暗新时代。最终画面:PAX-12 has enslaved all life on Earth——PAX-12已奴役了地球上的所有生物。
Necroa病毒篇和通常情况不同地方的是,僵尸胜利时是以深红底为代表色、失败时以深蓝色为代表色且有与其他病原体与众不同的根治结局和灭世结局。根治结局①Humanity has survived PAX-12 and the zombie apocalypse. The people who have died will not be forgotten.人类在历经PAX-12产生的僵尸大灾难后即将得以重新生存。已经阵亡的人员将不会被人们所遗忘。②Humanity has survived PAX-12 and the zombie apocalypse. Although much of the world is dead, the survivors can rebuild and carry humanity forwards.人类在历经PAX-12产生的僵尸大灾难后即将得以重新生存。尽管世界近乎濒临末日,但幸存者们将会重建一切,促使人类继续向前。③Humanity has survived PAX-12 and the zombie apocalypse. Large numbers of people have died and the world is changed forever.人类在历经PAX-12产生的僵尸大灾难后即将得以重新生存。而大量人口的死亡已让世界彻底改变。④Humanity has survived PAX-12 and the zombie apocalypse. With almost everyone dead, the survivors will find it hard to rebuild civilisation.人类在历经PAX-12产生的僵尸大灾难后即将得以重新生存。由于各地人口损失殆尽,幸存者们将很难重建人类文明。最终画面:Humans fought the zombies and won! PAX-12 is no longer a threat——人类成功消灭了所有僵尸!看来PAX-12无法改变未来的永劫。灭世结局Mindless zombies infected with PAX-12 have hunted down and consumed the last human survivors. The zombies will decay and soon the whole world will be empty.PAX-12变异的病狂僵尸们已将最后一个人类碾碎得连毛都不剩。这批僵尸很快就会腐化阵亡,世界在如此鲜红的月亮之下将更加虚无。最终画面:PAX-12 and its zombies have consumed Humanity! There is nothing left——PAX-12及其产生的僵尸已经把人类灭绝了!红色的夏将持续下去。
冰冻病毒篇和通常情况不同地方的是,冰冻病毒有与其他病原体与众不同的退化结局。退化结局Every human on Earth has regressed physically and mentally to a Neanderthal state. Homo sapiens are no more...地球上的所有人已经从精神和肉体上回归到了山顶洞人的姿态。智人的时代已经万劫不复……最终画面:Pithovirus devolves humanity back to Neanderthals——琪露诺的恶作剧成功让全人类变成了笨蛋。
Simian流感篇和通常情况不同地方的是,流感胜利时是以鲜黄底为代表色,且有与其他病原体与众不同的根治结局和灭世结局。根治结局①Humans have successfully cured ALZ-113. Without any danger of disease, apes and humans can peacefully coexist and a bright future beckons.人类即将把ALZ-113给根治,瘟疫的威胁一去不复返。同时,今后猩猩们将与人类和平共存,携手共创阳光灿烂的未来。②Humanity have survived a horrifying plague and will soon eradicate ALZ-113. Intelligent apes face an uncertain future as they try to survive in a hostile human world.人类在经历了一场可怕的瘟疫后,即将把ALZ-113给根治并得以生存。然而,面对人类世界的仇人相见,那一批幸存下来的智慧猩猩们仍然存亡未卜。③Humanity has survived a devastating plague and will soon eradicate ALZ-113. Although much of the world is dead - humans are still the dominant species and apes face an uncertain future.人类在历经一场灾难性的瘟疫后即将把ALZ-113给根治。尽管各地的人口损失殆尽,但人类仍然是这个星球上的优势物种,而那一批幸存下来的智慧猩猩们仍然存亡未卜。④Humans will soon eradicate ALZ-113 but with almost everyone dead, the survivors will have to accept intelligent apes as their equals.人类即将把ALZ-113给根治,但大量人口的死亡已让世界彻底改变。现在,幸存者们不得不接受智慧猩猩们与其拥有对等地位的事实。⑤At great cost, a few surviving humans have cured ALZ-113. However, intelligent apes have become the dominant species on the planet - will humans be tolerated?在人类付出了巨大的代价之后,为数不多的幸存者们最终成功根治了ALZ-113。然而,智慧的猩猩们已经俨然成为这个星球上的优势物种,那批涯山之后能够苟且生存么?最终画面:⑴ALZ-113 has killed all its hosts! Apes and humans face an uncertain future——ALZ-113杀光了所有的宿主!猩猩和人类的未来将何去何从?⑵ALZ-113 has been eradicated. Apes and humans face an uncertain future——ALZ-113被解药根治了,猩猩和人类的未来将何去何从?灭世结局①ALZ-113 has destroyed humanity despite desperate attempts to develop a cure. Can the apes that remain rise up to build a new civilisation?
尽管孤注一掷竭尽全力抵抗,ALZ-113还是灭亡了所有人类。然而,那批幸存的猩猩们能否白手成家并在这个星球上建立一个全新文明呢?②Human civilisation has been shattered by ALZ-113. Intelligent apes have become the dominant species on the planet and humans face a dark future.人类的文明已因ALZ-113的扩散蔓延而寿终正寝。现在,智慧的猩猩们已经成为在这个星球上的优势物种,最后一批感染者的未来将长夜难明。③ALZ-113 has destroyed humanity but out of the chaos, a new civilisation has dawned. The planet belongs to the apes now.尽管灭亡了ALZ-113所有人类,但一个全新的文明在历经风起云涌后异军突起。现在,这个星球已经是属于猩猩一族的天下了。最终画面:⑴ALZ-113 has destroyed all of humanity. The planet belongs to the apes now!——ALZ-113成功灭绝了所有人类,天下一家已属于猩猩一族!⑵ALZ-113 has created The Planet of the Apes——来智猩猩的ALZ-113带领我们走进了猩时代。
不同的结局文字有不同的触发条件还是随机触发?   --大家好我是空桑~我喂自己袋盐~噗噗!真咸•﹏•
“①Humans have successfully cured ALZ-113. Without any danger of disease, apes and humans can peacefully coexist and a bright future beckons.人类即将把ALZ-113给根治,瘟疫的威胁一去不复返。同时,今后猩猩们将与人类和平共存,携手共创阳光灿烂的未来。” 这个结局怎么做?
圣诞蠕虫篇和通常情况不同地方的是,蠕虫胜利时是以暖黄底为代表色,且有与其他病原体与众不同的根治结局和圆满结局。根治结局Evil governments have won the fight against happiness and will soon eradicate XMA-3 forever, returning the world to darkness and misery...各国的和谐政府最终还是打败了幸福,并即将把XMA-3给彻底根治。根本就不需要绝望呢……最终画面:XMA-3 has been eradicated——XMA-3被解药给根除了。圆满结局The Neurax worm has saved the world! Humans have a bright, new future ahead of them, living together in eternal happiness. Have a great holiday!蠕虫救赎了整个世界!人类自此将拥有光明洁净的未来,建立起永恒幸福的圆之国度。幸福的歌声将传遍四方!最终画面:XMA-3 has infected the world with happiness——XMA-3已建立人间天堂。
暗影瘟疫篇和通常情况不同地方的是,瘟疫胜利时是以暗紫底为代表色,且有与其他病原体与众不同的单灭结局、根治结局、奴役结局和灭世结局。单灭结局Authorities announced the death of the vampire that has killed so many people and spread fear across the world. The dismembered corpse has been launched into space.世界政府宣布造成多人死亡以及恐慌蔓延各地的吸血鬼已经死亡,其遗体在肢解处理后将被运送至太空。最终画面:Humanity defeats the Vampires——人类击败了吸血鬼一族。根治结局①The world has defeated the vampire and will soon eradicate Nox Eternis forever. The people who have died will not be forgotten.世界在击败了吸血鬼一族之后即将把Nox Eternis给根除。已经阵亡的人员将不会被人们所遗忘。②The world has defeated the vampire and will soon eradicate Nox Eternis forever. Although much of the world is dead, the survivors can rebuild and carry humanity forwards.世界在击败了吸血鬼一族之后即将把Nox Eternis给根除。尽管世界近乎濒临末日,但幸存者们将会重建一切,促使人类继续向前。③The world has defeated the vampire and will soon eradicate Nox Eternis forever. With almost everyone dead, the survivors will find it hard to rebuild civilisation.世界在击败了吸血鬼一族之后即将把Nox Eternis给根除。由于各地的人口损失殆尽,幸存者们将很难重建人类文明。最终画面:The Vampires and Nox Eternis have been eradicated——吸血鬼一族及Nox Eternis被解药根除了。奴役结局①The Shadow Plague has fully corrupted humanity with Nox Eternis. Soon, a new vampire will rise and it can begin its rule of blood and pain. The world falls into darkness...暗影瘟疫借以Nox Eternis之力腐蚀了全人类。很快,一支新生的吸血鬼一族即将发皇张大并开启它们血与痛的统治。整个世界从此黑漆一团……②The Shadow Plague has fully corrupted humanity with Nox Eternis and now, after thousands of years, the vampires can finally begin their rule of blood and pain. The world falls into darkness...暗影瘟疫借以Nox Eternis之力腐蚀了全人类,同时在历经了千年之后,吸血鬼一族最终是开启了它们血与痛的统治。整个世界从此黑漆一团……最终画面:Nox Eternis has corrupted humanity. Vampires rule the world now!——Nox Eternis已经腐蚀了全人类,天下一家已属于吸血鬼一族!灭世结局Vampires have carried out a bloody extermination of humanity with the help of Nox Eternis. Without food, the vampires too will perish and the world will be empty.吸血鬼一族借以Nox Eternis之力完成了对全人类的赶尽杀绝。由于没有更多的狩猎物,这批吸血鬼很快就会饿殍枕藉,同时整个世界将彻底荡然无存。最终画面:Nox has Eternis corrupted humanity. The world falls into shadow——Nox Eternis已经腐蚀了全人类,天下一家已向势力低头!
我是仓成武视角,看来我得从头玩了。。。我想问问全灭结局和空的BADEND选项差在哪? 是我怎样的心思(对几个女角色的感情)导致了全灭?我很喜欢月海这类型的女人,也就是说我一开始的选项都是奔着她去的;对空的感情只是质疑与同情,充其量是欣赏,但后来因为过度关注空,所以走上了空线路。。。好吧,我承认我嘴上敷衍着空,眼睛却默默关注着月海。。。我对空的感情是歉疚,所以在选项问题上总是小心谨慎,尽量挑安全的甚至有点消极的选项。。。
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