每天大学生三分钟英语演讲学英语 第60期:英文"无所事事"怎么说

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每日晨读文章美文一 美文二 美文三 美文四 美文五 美文六 美文七 美文八 美文九 美文十 美文十一 美文十二 美文十三 美文十四 美文十五 美文十六 美文十七 美文十八 美文十九 美文二十 美文二十一 美文二十二 每日晨读文章美文一这 9 件事,不要期待别人去做!Life is full of experiences and trials that you never saw coming. Sometimes what we expect to happen and the reality of the situation are 2 very different things. Expectations are nice to have. They give you goals, purpose, joy and even something to look forward to, but you have to understand that life happens: you’re not always in control.生活充满不期而遇的经历。 有时现实跟我们的期待完全是两码事。 期待很美好, 给人以目标和快乐, 使人有所憧憬, 但你得明白:生活并不尽在你的掌控之中。 Some expectations are good to have and some are unhealthy. Here’s a list of expectations that if you have,you need to change. By changing certain expectations in your life, you are opening yourself up to new experiences, new ways of thinking and even a greater sense of accomplishment that you otherwise could not have received.有些期待很美好,而有些则无益。下面列出应该改变的期待。调整对生活的某些期待,你会迎来新体验和新思维, 甚至还能获得前所未有的成就感。1. Stop Expecting People to be Perfect:停止期待别人尽善尽美If you have this mindset, you will always be disappointed. People will never live up to your expectations. There’s nothing wrong with having high expectations for people, but understand that when they fail, and they will, they still tried. Be understanding and don’t expect perfection.如果你总要求别人做到完美,那你必然一直失望,因为人们永远也不可能达到你的期望。对人有很高的期望其实也 无可厚非,但请记住:就算对方没能做到,他们也尽力了。所以请多加体谅,不要苛求完美。2. Stop Expecting the Worst from People:停止预料别人糟糕透顶On the flip side, if you’re always expecting people to fail, you’re not giving them the chance to succeed. Encourage those around you. Help them, teach them. That’s how they will grow and be able to accomplish hard things.反之,如果你总觉得别人会栽跟头,那等于是在扼杀他们成功的机会。你应该多鼓励他们、帮助他们、指导他们。 这样他们才能成长并征服困难。 3. Stop Expecting People to Pay for You: 停止期望别人为你买单Your finances are your responsibility. You shouldn’t expect people to pay for your entertainment, your bills or even your groceries. Get in control of your money. Once you have a budget, stick to it. Just because all your friends go out to lunch doesn’t mean you have to. There are differences between needs and wants―if you want something, don’t expect your friends or family to pitch in and get it for you.你应该为自己的经济状况负责,不要期望别人请你出去玩、给你买单或付菜钱。管好自己的钱袋,制定预算并坚持 执行。朋友全都在外吃饭并不表示你必须跟着去。 “需要”和“渴望”是有区别的:如果你渴望什么,那就自己存 钱,不要妄想亲友买了送给你。4. Stop Expecting Things to Always Go Wrong:停止担忧万事不顺Whatever streak of bad luck you may think you’ve been having, you shouldn’t come to expect that out of everything. Learn to stay positive. If you look for the good in things you will find them, and it’s the same with bad things. If your whole focus is on situations never turning out how you want them to, they never will.不管你觉得自己现在有多倒霉, 也不要因此意象出无数噩运。 学会保持积极乐观。 如果你心怀美好, 就会发现美好; 反之亦然。要是你一心以为一切都不会变成期望的那样,结果还真会事与愿违。5. Stop Expecting Fairness in Everything:停止期望一切公平 每日晨读文章Life isn’t always fair. Sometimes you don’t get the recognition or rewar that’s just how it is. Learn to be ok with giving something your all and not expecting anything in return.生活并非一直公平。有时你辛勤工作却得不到认可或奖励,事实就是如此。所以要放宽心胸:付出所有,但不要期 待任何回报。 6. Stop Expecting Things to be Easy: 停止期望凡事简单容易If you only ever do the simplest things, you’ll never do anything great. Life is hard. Trials will come your way that you don’t feel prepared for. But know that you can stay strong and do hard things. Anything worth achieving in life requires hard work, diligence and self-discipline. If you only strive for mediocrity, that’s all you’ll ever be.如果总是挑简单的事做,那你永远成不了大器。生活会在始料不及时考验你,所以你必须挑战困难、保持坚强。世 上任何值得拥有的东西都需要付诸努力、勤奋和自律。倘若自甘平庸,那你就会变得庸碌无为。7. Stop Expecting Something for Nothing:停止期望不劳而获If you don’t put any effort into accomplishing something you want, you’re not going to get the results you desire. If you want to lose weight, you have to make changes by eating healthy and exercising. You can’t eat what you want, when you want and still expect to look amazing. If you want something, then work your hardest to achieve it.若是渴望得到却又不付诸努力,那你绝不会取得期望的成就。想要减肥?那就开始健康饮食、规律运动吧。若还是 任着性子乱吃,你永远也不可能变得苗条美丽!若有所渴望,那就全力以赴去争取!8. Stop Expecting People to Change:停止期望别人有所改变People are habitual. We like things to be constant. It’s comfortable. We can change, but it takes time. If you desire someone else to change, you need to start with yourself. You don’t have the power to change anyone other than yourself, and once you realize that, your life will be a lot happier.人都依恋习惯,喜欢万事固定不变、舒服稳妥。虽然改变也行,但却耗费时间。要是你期望别人有所改变,那就先 从改变自己开始吧。你的力量只在于改变自己,而非其他任何人;一旦意识到这点,生活会变得舒心很多。9. Stop Expecting People to Drop Everything for You:停止期望别人为你放弃一切You’re not the only one who has bad days. Friends and family members should be someone you can count on to help you when life gets hard, but don’t abuse these relationships. Learn to take care of yourself. Being independent is healthy. You shouldn’t have to insist that you do everything on your own, but you don’t want to keep putting your friends and family members in a position that causes them to miss out on important events in their lives because they are helping you.世上不幸的人何止你一个。遭遇坎坷时,固然可以向亲朋好友寻求抚慰,但请不要滥求无度。学会照顾好自己,能 够独立才是健康。你当然可以自力更生,而且不要使你的亲友因为帮助你而错失他们自己生活中的重要事情。Having expectations is about finding balance in life. You have to know when you’re asking too much and when you can ask for more. It can be hard but we all need to let go of ourunrealistic expectations and learn to live a healthier, happier life.有所期待是为了找到生活平衡。你必须清楚自己何时索求太多、何时又可再多点期盼。当然,这点做起来不容易, 但我们总得抛开不切实际的期望,努力过上健康快乐的生活吧? 练习记录 每日晨读文章美文二穷忙族,为啥你没空休息放松?Do you think that you have no time to catch up on your favorite TV series, go out with your friends on the weekend, or just sit around relaxing around doing nothing? You might have a boatload of time at your disposal, but don’t even know it!你是不是觉得自己没有时间追看喜欢的电视剧,跟朋友在周末外出,甚至连无所事事放松一下的时间也没有?其实 你也许有许多可以支配的时间,只是你没有意识到。Here are 15 reasons as to why you might be crunched for some R&R:、下面就是你没有办法休息放松的 15 个原因:1. Your workplace is full of distractions你办公的地方太容易分心Chatty coworkers, silly desk toys and emails of cute cats can put a damper on your ability to get things done. Eliminate distractions in your workspace by using noise-cancelling headphones or purchasing a white noise machine, work in a different area of the office or ask for a workspace reassignment, or log off of email or the internet completely when working.聊天的同事、傻傻的桌面玩具、关于喵星人的电子邮件都可以成为你完成工作的阻碍。想要消除办公地点这些让人 分心的事物,你可以戴上消除噪音的耳机,买一台白噪声机器,在办公室里另找一片地方工作或者要求重新分配一 个工作区,也可以在工作时退出邮箱登陆或者完全断开网络。2. You say &Yes& to everything that comes your way你对所有落在你头上的事情都应承下来You don’t have to always say yes to everything that comes your way, be it an invite to a party or function, a question or even a chance to do something completely out of the blue. Think twice before saying yes to something C you have the power to control your schedule and your time.你没有必要把所有落在你头上的事情都应承下来,比如说邀请你参加的一个聚会或者活动,向你提出的一个问题, 甚至是突然让你做某件事。在答应做这些事之前要三思,你有权掌控自己的日程和时间。3. You mistake work time for playtime你把工作时间用来玩了You say you’re working, but you’re playing yet another level of Candy Crush Saga…which one is it? Work or play? Playing during work time adds more time to your day and messes up your schedule. If you just sat down and worked, you’d be done so much sooner than if you stopped to play.你说自己在工作,可是你又玩了一关《糖果粉碎传奇》游戏??你到底在做什么,是工作还是玩?在工作时间玩耍 会让你的工作时间延长,打乱你的日程。如果你坐下来好好工作,那么你结束工作的时间会比你停下来玩游戏要早 得多。4. You don’t commit to scheduling meetings and appointments你没有出席计划好的会议和约见Not committing to meetings or appointments creates more work, effort and wasted time. Stop being wishy-washy when you receive an invite: you’ll either attend or not.没有应约出席会议或约见会增加你的工作量, 还会浪费时间。 当你接受一项邀请的时候不要漫不经心, 你要么出席, 要么不要答应。5. You don’t book your vacation well enough in advance你没有提前足够多的时间预约休假Your vacation days are racking up at work, you’re feeling drained and the year’s almost finished. Why didn’t you put in that vacation request months ago? Take action and be sure to book your vacations in advance, you’ll be happy you did in six months’ time!你的假期时间被工作吞噬了, 你感觉筋疲力尽, 这一年好像都要结束了。 你为什么不提前几个月提出休假的要求呢? 行动起来,确保自己提前预约了假期,如果你提前半年预约会很开心的。 每日晨读文章6. You watch the clock too much你总是在看时间Counting all the minutes and seconds in your day isn’t healthy time management. If you’re constantly looking at or managing your schedule, you’re using up all your time: work and play time included.工作时总是读分数秒并不是健康的时间管理方式。如果你总是在看时间或者管理你的日程,你就把时间都花完了, 包括工作时间和娱乐时间。7. You get caught up in other people’s business and drama你陷入了别人的事务和生活&I heard Joey had this terrible truck accident last weekend, broke both arms, and has to settle things in court… plus his wife’s threatening to leave him and take the kids with her…& Blah, blah, blah. The gossip mills will always be turning with information that really isn’t useful to your life. Step away from the gossip and instead spend your time on yourself and creating a life you love.“我听说 Joey 上周末出了严重的卡车事故,两条胳膊都折了,还要上法庭。而且他老婆还威胁要离开他,还要把孩 子都带走??”诸如此类的八卦总是源源不断,而它们对于你的生活毫无意义。远离八卦,把你的时间都花在自己 身上,用来创造你爱的生活。8. You make mountains out of molehills你小题大做You just broke the heel on your favorite pair of shoes! Your day is ruined…or is it? There’s no reason to waste time getting caught up on little things that can be fixed. Get the item fixed and move on with your life.你最爱的那双鞋的鞋跟坏了!你的一天都被毁了??是这样吗?没有理由把时间浪费在那些可以处理好的小事上。 解决了问题就继续你的生活吧。9. You check your smart phone every three minutes你每三分钟就看一下你的智能手机Constantly checking email, text messages, social media all adds up over time, especially if you are trying to relax. Put down the phone―or better yet, shut it off completely to prevent yourself from checking in every few minutes.过于频繁地查看邮件、短信和社交媒体都会占用你的时间,尤其是如果你还想有时间放松的话。把手机放下,最好 是关机,这样你就不会每隔几分钟就看一次。10. You volunteer too much of your personal time.你自愿牺牲了太多私人时间Do you go out of your way to volunteer your time even when it isn’t asked for? Sure, helping people out is good, but being burned out and bitter is not. Strike a balance as to how much of your free time you’ll volunteer or donate to your favorite causes per month.你是否自愿付出了太多时间,去做一些甚至没有要求你做的事?当然,帮助别人是好的,但是忙到筋疲力尽就不好 了。要平衡掌握你自愿付出多少私人时间,或者每个月愿意花多少时间上你最爱的课程。11. You participate in too many hobbies, clubs or extracurricular activities你参加了太多的兴趣活动、俱乐部或者业余活动You signed up for yoga, Spanish lessons, pastry making, juggling lessons and antiquecabinetry classes… every week! Stretching yourself thin is never good, especially when you were trying to relax in the first place. Narrow down your activities to one or two to keep things in check.你报名了瑜伽课、西班牙语课、点心制作、慢跑课程、古董家具课??而且每周都如此!过分压榨自己的时间本来就 不好,尤其是你首先想要放松一下。控制一下,把你的活动压缩到一两项。12. You wake up late你起床晚Trying to squeeze more time in your day after a late start? Unfortunately relaxation and fun time are the first two things to get cut when you have a late start. Give yourself time to relax by getting a good night’s rest and waking up at the time you’re supposed to wake up. 每日晨读文章因为开始的晚了,所以在白天拼命挤压时间?不幸的是,如果你起晚了,放松和娱乐是你首先要放弃的两件事。晚 上好好休息,白天按时起床,这才能保证你有时间放松。13. You don’t plan your day你没有计划好一天的安排A day without plans can quickly turn into a day of doing things for other people, or doing things that aren’t really necessary, thereby wasting your time even more. Get started by jotting down at three tasks that must get done for tomorrow, as well as when you’ll stop working so you can rest and relax.没有计划的一天会很快变成为了他人忙碌或者做一些没有必要的事情,这会浪费你更多的时间。一开始可以写下明 天必须完成的三个任务以及停止工作的时间,这样你就可以休息放松了。14. You feel everything you do has to be perfect or &just so&你认为自己做的每一件事都必须完美Perfectionism can kill time in an instant. This isn’t to say you should do sloppy or incomplete work, but pick and choose your battles where you can do things well, better, and best.完美主义非常消耗时间。这并不是说你要草率行事或者不完成工作,但你要学会选择,哪些事要做好,哪些事要做 得更好,哪些要做到最好。15. You tell yourself you have no time to relax and have fun你告诉自己没有时间放松娱乐Ahh, the classic case of self-sabotage. If you constantly tell yourself you don’t have any time for relaxing or fun, pretty soon you’ll believe it one hundred percent. Be adamant about finding times to relax and have fun: delegate work, rework your schedule, or give up that nonessential volunteer position.噢,这是自我糟践的典型案例。如果你不断告诉自己没有时间放松或娱乐,很快你就会百分之百相信这一点。你要 坚定地抽出时间去放松娱乐:合理分配工作,重新规划日程,或者放弃那些不必要的自愿工作。 练习记录 每日晨读文章美文三生活怎样才更有意义?从简单小事做起Let’s look back all these years you’ve gone through, what have you done for your life? Are you spending your time wisely to make your life worthwhile? Neal Wu shared some ways we should do to make our short time of life meaningful on Quora, find out what you need to do next:让我们回顾一下这些年来你在生活中都经历了什么?你都做了什么?你做到了充分有效利用时间让你的生活过得 有价值有意义吗?尼尔-吴(Neal Wu)在 Quora 网站上分享了一些让我们的生活在短时间内充满意义的方法,对照一 下看看你接下来需要做到的:1. Make friends as opposed to networking交朋友但不只是社交Your friends will go a lot further than the professional contacts you make, especially since only one of the two groups is invested in your personal happiness.多和你的朋友沟通交流比你联系专业人士交流探讨要强,尤其是专业人士和朋友圈子这两组人群,只有你的朋友圈 子才是你个人幸福的投资方向。2. Become an expert by learning as much as you can and deeply seeking out the things you are curious about尽量通过多学习的方式成为专家,并对自己所好奇的方面执着地探求Find the things you enjoy and practice the skills you want to develop. If you can achieve expertise then it will be easy to obtain an audience.找到你喜欢做的事情并争取达到熟能生巧的地步。如果你能达到专业的高度,那么就会很容易赢得观众。3. Volunteer to help out those less fortunate自愿帮助那些不幸的人In the process you will gain a ton of new perspective and will better understand other people’s real problems. In a society that always looks upward, these people are being forgotten easily.在这个过程中你会获得多个新的视角,会更加理解别人所遇到的实际问题。在我们当今这个非常势力的社会中,这 个人群很容易被遗忘。4. Become as independent as possible尽量自立Even though you work in a big company, you should constantly make small steps to reduce your dependence on your job. Write a book, build an app, or start a small business on the side. Release your inner entrepreneur.即使你在一家大公司工作,你也应该经常做出小小的改变,减少依赖工作的程度,让自己不那么依赖这份工作。写 本书、编个小程序或做个小生意。让你内心的企业家潜质充分释放出来。5. Don’t spend too much time worrying about your personal brand不要在你的个人品牌力上浪费太多时间Accomplish things, and the recognition will follow.把事情做好,大家心中都有一杆秤。6. Stop treating life as a competition and do things for their own sake别把生活当成比赛,做事只是为了自身利益Genuine interest should be what drives you to improve yourself, rather than a desire to beat others. Find a community of people who are interested in the same things as you do, and drive each other to keep improving.你是真心想着要完善自己才做的,并不是希望打败别人。和感兴趣的人一起做,这样会互相带动、精益求精。 练习记录 每日晨读文章美文四好朋友在哪里?如何做个真正的朋友Life can be a lonely thing without companionship. Acquaintances are easy to come by but true friends are a whole other story. The best way to develop meaningful connections with true friends we can trust is to become a true friend yourself.没有朋友,生活该多么孤单。泛泛之交遍地都是,但真正的朋友却少之又少了。要想结交到真正值得信任的朋友, 最好的办法莫过于先让自己成为可靠的朋友。1. Be present for their highs and lows.荣辱与共。If you’re absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be present during my success.――Will Smith在我艰难的时候你缺席,那么我成功的时候你也不必在了。――威尔?史密斯It’s easy to be there for our friends when they ask us out for fun things like drinks at the bar, dancing in the club, or laughs at the theater. But are you willing to be there for the hard times that are the opposite of fun? You might not feel comfortable while spending time with an emotionally fragile person on the verge of tears, but true friends are readily available when they’re needed the most.被朋友喊出去玩乐很简单,一起去酒吧喝酒跳舞,或者是去戏院看戏找乐子。但如果是陪他们度过一段艰难的时期 你愿意么?也许让你花时间和一个充满负能量眼泪汪汪的人在一起不是那么舒服的事情,但真正的朋友是在最需要 的时刻陪在身边。2. Know when to hush.学着安静。When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.――Ernest Hemingway如果人们只是一个劲的说话,那么大部分人不会愿意去倾听。――海明威The act of vocally expressing our troubles to a trusted friend can offer instant stress-reduction. Give your friend the gift of silence so they can drop their baggage and get on with living.和值得信赖的朋友倾吐自己的烦恼可以减轻压力。但别忘了在朋友有烦恼和麻烦的时候也保持安静做一个倾听者吧。3. Offer your encouragement.鼓励别人。Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.――Ralph Waldo Emerson我们最想要的,莫过于有人能够激发我们去做那些可能可以做到的事情。――爱默生The four most inspiring words you can speak to another person? I believe in you.对别人最有用的四个激励词汇?是“我相信你” 。4. Accept them as they are.完全接受他们。Happiness can exist only in acceptance.――George Orwell幸福只存在于接受。――乔治?奥威尔If you can’t accept a person as they are, you will never know the feeling of true friendship. Fight the urge to attempt to &fix&them, no matter how crazy their mannerisms might make you.如果你不能完整的接受别人,那么你永远不会知道友情的真正含义。别再试图去“改造”他们,哪怕他们的行为在 你看来多么疯狂。5. Challenge them to grow.刺激他们去成长。Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. ――Helen Keller要么冒险,要么就一事无成,这就是人生。――海伦? 凯勒If a friend tells you they plan to drop 10 lbs, tell them, &10 lbs? Please. I bet you can get so fit that people’s jaws will drop when you walk past them.& Throw down the gauntlet, make sure they know you believe they can do it, and ask: &Challenge accepted?&如果有朋友告诉你他们计划要瘦十磅,你应该说:“十磅?拜托,我打赌你肯定能瘦到当你走过时人们都惊到张口 结舌。”撂下挑战,这样他们就会知道你相信他们能做到,不妨再问一句:“敢不敢试试?” 每日晨读文章6. Be vulnerable.敞开心扉。I found that the more truthful and vulnerable I was, the more empowering it was for me. ――Alanis Morissette我发现我越诚实越坦诚,就会获得越多的能量。――艾拉妮丝? 莫莉塞特Hiding your flaws might be appropriate in a job interview, but it’s not something you should do in a conversation with a friend you trust. Never hesitate to speak your thoughts and feelings in their raw and unfiltered form. Who knows? They might open up and disclose a surprising secret in return. Full disclosure will strengthen your friendship and make you both feel at ease in each other’s company.工作面试的时候隐藏锋芒也许比较合适,但和自己信赖的朋友聊天时就没必要这样做了。别顾虑太多,不说出自己 真实的想法和感受,或是不假思索的言语。这样做了又如何呢?也许会打开彼此的心扉,你也会获知对方的一个秘 密。畅所欲言能巩固你们的友情,还会让彼此都觉得对方的陪伴十分舒服。7. Forgive the past.原谅过往。Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.――Buddha耿耿于怀就像是自己喝着毒药,却期盼另一个人死去。――禅语Have you ever hurled an insult at a person when you were feeling stressed and wished you could take it back? If so, you should understand that even the best of us suffer from the occasional slip of the tongue. Holding onto a grudge over a minor slip-up will make you look petty, so let it go.压力大的时候有没有对别人大吼大叫进行侮辱,现在后悔莫及想收回?如果是,你需要了解及时最好的我们也会遭 遇口舌之灾。把怨恨没完没了的纠结在鸡毛蒜皮的小事上会让你看起来非常的市井俗气,算了吧。8. Watch out for jealousy.小心嫉妒之心。The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you. ――Bette Midler成功最糟糕的一部分是试着找到为你而开心的人。――贝蒂? 米勒Your friend landed his dream job and you feel stuck in a rut. Your friend scored a hot date with Mr. Perfect and you feel down and depressed. Jealousy is a nasty feeling that can take hold of our thoughts without warning. If a friend achieves something you aspire to do, channel that jealous feeling into an “if they did it, I can too” attitude.你朋友找到自己梦寐以求的工作,你觉得有点不爽。你朋友跟完美先生爱的死去活来,你感到低落和压力。嫉妒是 一种糟糕的感受,会在不知不觉中占据我们的思想。如果有朋友做到了你也想做的事情,不如把态度转变成:他们 都能做到,那我也可以吧。9. Speak the truth (even if it hurts).说实话(哪怕有点伤人)。The truth is rarely pure and never simple.――Oscar Wilde真相很少会纯洁简单。――奥斯卡? 王尔德Have you ever watched a friend damage her self-esteem by staying in an emotionally abusive relationship? I have, and it hurts more than words can express. Confronting a person about an inconvenient truth isn’t easy, but sometimes it needs to be done. If you have something to say and can’t find the nerves to do it, ask yourself, &How would I feel if it was me making a very bad decision and my friend said nothing about it?& While speaking out doesn’t guarantee you’ll change their mind, staying silent does guarantee you’ll regret not speaking up sooner.有没有看着一个朋友身处虐心的恋情,连自尊都不顾?我有过,这种感受无法用语言来表达。要告诉某人一个不好 的事实不容易,但有时我们需要这么做。如果你有话要说,却鼓不起勇气去做,那问问自己:“如果是我在做一个 很糟糕的决定,但朋友却无动于衷,那我会怎么想?”说出你的想法并不能保证就能改变他们,但保持沉默只会让 你日后后悔没有早点说出口。 每日晨读文章10. Make it special.让你们的友情与众不同。We are all special cases.――Albert Camus我们都是不同的个体。――阿尔贝? 加缪The greatest friendships have quirks and qualities that are exclusive to them. Search for a special activity, gesture, or saying that is reserved for your true friend only. That could be a song you belt out on every car ride, a goofy handshake or gesture that no one else understands, or a weekly ritual just for the two of you.最好的友情对两个人而言总有着俩人之间的特殊习惯或喜好。找一个特别的活动、手势或者话语,只对你真正的朋 友使用吧。可以是每次乘车都必听的一首歌,一个傻傻的握手或者是没人能懂的手势,或者是只有你俩的一周一次 的活动。 每日晨读文章美文五灵感在哪里?15 个可以激发想象力的地方If you’re a writer or artist, you understand the power of location when it comes to creativity and finding inspiration. Looking for a place that will get your juices flowing? Here are 15 common places that can inspire your creativity. 如果你是个作家或艺术家,你就会明白位置在创造力和寻找灵感方面的重要性。你正在寻找能让创意源源不断的地 方吗?来看看这 15 种能激发你创造力的常见地方吧。 1. Libraries and Bookstores 图书馆和书店 Words are a wonderful thing. You could rearrange the same 26 letters to create an endless array of words that will surely tickle somebody’s fancy.Observe how things like the weight or texture of a book could offer clues for what’s hiding under the cover. A heavy book could symbolize a significant time investment for the writer (and you, the reader). A light book could be seen as a short-and-sweet escape perfect for a beach, cruise ship, or even your lunch hour. 词语是很神奇的事情。你重新排列一下 26 个字母,就能创造出无限的词语,必然会让某些人心满意足。观察类似 图书的重量和图案这些内容会帮你发现隐藏在封皮底下的线索。 一本重书标志着作家 (及读者) 投入了大量的时间。 一本轻书可以当做在海滩、游艇或午餐时完美的短暂而甜蜜的休息内容。 2. Early Mornings or Late Nights 清晨或深夜 You know what I love? Being awake with no sound but birds chirping and an ever-so-slight morning glow overhead while the lazy sun opens its eyes for a brand new day. But maybe you’d be more inspired by a hooting owl, glowing moon, and the sound of crickets. Morning or night, the same fact holds true: there is something innately inspiring about getting work done while the rest of the world sleeps. 你知道我喜欢什么吗?醒时,周围只有鸟叫声,朦胧的晨曦照过头顶,慵懒的太阳睁开眼睛,开始崭新的一天。但 也许猫头鹰的叫声、月光和蟋蟀的鸣叫声更能激发你的灵感。无论是清晨或是黑夜,这一事实都是成立的:当世界 上其他人都在睡觉时,你与生俱来的某些东西赋予你灵感,让你把工作做完。 3. Hotels 旅馆 Hotels are kind of like the purgatory of living arrangements. It is a place that is hard to feel comfortable in despite the fact that you do “home-like” activities such as sleeping, bathing, and brushing. The drastic change in living arrangements could shake you out of auto-pilot from your daily routine and increase your awareness and ability to live in the present. 旅馆里的生活安排有点儿像炼狱一样。尽管你在做“类似家里”的活动,如睡觉、洗澡和刷牙,但是却很难感觉到舒 适。生活安排的急剧变化会让你从每天例行的自动巡航状态中跳出来,增加你活在当下的意识和能力。 4. Bars 酒吧 If you’re a writer looking to sharpen your ability to write conversational pieces that click with your audience, go bar-hopping (but not to one of the annoying ones with music so loud that you have to scream at level 11 to be heard). Alcohol has a way of breaking the barriers to authenticity, so have a drink and enjoy some plain and simple truth with fellowpatrons. 如果你是一名作家,想让自己写的对话能更容易让读者理解,那就去泡吧吧(但不是那种声音很吵很烦人的那种酒 吧,在那儿得尖叫到 11 级才能被别人听到) 酒后吐真言,所以喝上一杯吧,和酒友们享受一下简简单单的实话 。 吧。 5. Parks and Hiking Trails 公园和徒步旅行的路线 It’s easy to forget that we humans are a small part of the life bustling throughout this world. Explore a trail while keeping an eye out for animal life. Observe the unique quirks and behaviors of each animal friend you come across. Turn off your inner-chatter, crank up your listening ear, and enjoy the sounds of the whole other world you are now a part of. 人们很容易忘记,我们只是这繁华世界的一小部分而已。探索一条路线,同时密切注意动物的生活。观察你遇到的 每个动物独特的怪癖和行为。关掉你内心的声音,竖起耳朵来听,享受另一个世界的声音,而你现在正是这世界的 一部分。 每日晨读文章6. A Bench in a Busy Downtown Area 繁忙市中心的长凳 Can we just all go ahead and admit we enjoy people-watching? I love to plop down on a park bench with a notebook and coffee, watching the busy city life unfold before me. You are but one person in this big, crazy world. Check in with the rest for a fresh hit of human inspiration that will help you relate to the people around you. 我们不如直接承认吧:我们其实喜欢观察别人?我喜欢拿着笔记本和咖啡,扑通一声坐在公园的长凳上,观看我面 前繁忙的城市生活。你只是这疯狂的大世界中的一个人而已。和他人交流,得到灵感上的冲击,会有助于处理你和 周围人之间的关系。 7. Record Stores 唱片店 Whether you want to explore a musical genre that’s never been introduced to your ears or admire album artwork that catches your eye, a record store is one place that’s sure to inspire your creativity. 无论你是想探索从未听过的音乐流派,或是欣赏映入眼帘的专辑封面,唱片店都是能激发你创造力的地方。 8. Movie Ttheaters 电影院 Whether you’re a movie buff or not, there is no denying that films are the preferred art form for most people, so catching some flicks could offer you a hint about what people react to (not to mention it will be fun). 无论你是不是电影爱好者,都无法否认,电影是大多数人最喜欢的艺术形式,所以去看几部电影你就会知道人们对 什么东西有反应了(更不用提有多有趣了) 。 9. Old Haunts 故地 Are there any places you used to visit ALL the time but then you got married, had kids and it’s been a while since you visited? Maybe the bar you always went to in college, the Mexican restaurant you loved in high school, or an ice-cream shop you used to adore? Revisit these places to re-live some of your past memories that are likely to bring a smile to your face. 有没有什么地方你过去经常去,但是接着你结了婚,有了孩子,然后好长时间都没有去了?也许是你上大学时经常 去的酒吧、或高中时喜欢的墨西哥餐馆、或你喜欢去的冰激凌店?重新去这些地方会让你重温过去的回忆,很可能 让你的脸上挂满微笑。 10. Art Museums 艺术博物馆 If you’re going to learn from somebody, why not learn from the greats? Explore paintings from a variety of eras, countries, and styles to increase your perspective. Challenge your brain by asking yourself, “What was the artist trying to accomplish with this work?” This game will be especially fun for abstract pieces. 如果你想向某人学习,为什么不向伟人学习呢?探索不同时代、不同国家、不同风格的绘画会扩展你的视野。通过 问问自己这个问题来挑战一下你的大脑: “艺术家想通过这部作品传达什么内容呢?” 这个游戏对抽象作品而言尤其 有趣。 11. Live Concerts and Performances 现场演唱会和表演 There is something amazing about seeing a band or theater troupe that perform with complete harmony. 观看乐队或剧团的和谐表演是非常令人惊叹的。 12. Conversation with Friends 和朋友谈话 Ideas happen when you stop talking about them and start making them happen….. to an extent. Have you ever had an idea in your brain or written in a notebook that just felt like it was missing something, but then you talked it over with a friend and the missing pieces weren’t far behind? Your friends will have perspectives totally different from yours, so don’t underestimate the power of a simple conversation. 想法会在你停止谈论它们并在一定程度上开始让它们成真时出现。你有没有过这样的经历?当你脑海里有个想法或 把它写到笔记本上时,感觉好像缺了什么东西,但是当你和朋友谈论它时,缺少的东西就离你不远了。你朋友的视 每日晨读文章角会和你完全不同,所以不要低估简单谈话的影响。 13. Supermarkets 超市 There are few places more neat and tidy than your area supermarket. Check out the nifty food packaging, the attractive (and efficient) shelf placement, the magazine section, the floral selection, and anything else that jumps out at you. If you’re feeling sweet, buy a balloon or flower for someone special. 很少有地方比你本地的超市更干净、整洁的了。查看一下漂亮的食品包装、吸引人的货架摆置、杂志区、花卉区以 及你喜欢的任何东西。如果你很开心,可以为你觉得特别的人买个气球或买束花。 14. High School Football Games 高中的橄榄球赛 Check out a football game this fall for a combination of sports, music, community, and crisp fall temperatures (perfect excuse for hot cocoa and snuggling!). Imagine all of the working pieces that made this event possible: the football team, the band musicians, the volunteers at the concession stand, and the school’s staff. You’ll also have a perfect excuse to partake in some people-watching. Even if you’re not a football fan, you’ll enjoy the experience. 观看今秋的橄榄球比赛,把体育、音乐、社区以及凉爽的天气(喝热可可及互相依偎的完美借口)结合起来。想象 一下让这次活动发生所涉及到的工作人员:橄榄球队的球员、乐队的成员、货摊上的志愿者和学校的工作人员。 而 且你还有完美的借口去观察人们。即便你不是球迷,你也会享受这种经历。 15. Your Existence 你的存在 Would you say that your life has meaning? I can’t imagine you wouldn’t, so look for creativity in the most obvious place it could be: inside yourself. Every day is a tiny part of the grand story that is your life. Keep a journal and write without filter. Don’t be surprised when you look at your notebook later to discover inspiration staring you between the eyes. 你会说自己的人生有意义吗?我无法想象你会说没有,所以去最明显的地方来寻找创造力吧:你的内心。每天都是 你生命宏大故事的一小部分。写写日记并不加筛选地记录下来。当你不久之后看日记时,发现灵感正盯着你时就不 必感到吃惊了。 每日晨读文章美文六你理财了吗?年末不理财,新年徒伤悲Everyone has a bad financial habit. We live in a country that spends billions on advertising to make us wa However, if you are looking to make change and break your bad financial habits use these tips. Remember: even though the habits are hard to break and require conscientious effort, there is payoff. 每个人都会有些不良的理财习惯。我们的国家在广告上花费数十亿,引诱我们花钱购物。然而,如果你想改掉自己 糟糕的理财习惯,那么可以采纳以下建议。记住: 即使坏习惯很难改正, 需要持之以恒, 但只要努力, 总会有回报。 1. Pay bills when you receive them. Think of all the stress and anxiety that you experience when you put off paying your bills. When you receive the email notification or open the bill in the mail, take care of it. It will only take five minutes, and you won't be swamped with bills at the last minute. 到手的账单及时支付。当你拖着账单不付的时候,想想堆起来的这些账单以后会带给你的压力和焦虑。留心电邮的 通知和邮箱的账单。查看账单只需 5 分钟,却可以免除你在最后一分钟被未付款账单淹没的窘境。 2. Use cash and not your card. You must have had a hard time controlling the amount of swipe purchases you are making. Minimize this urge by using your ATM card once a week to withdraw the amount of money you have allotted yourself for the week. Keep your cards at home, and even stow your credit cards in a hard to reach place in your closet to keep you from using them. 用现金代替银行卡。你肯定碰到过刷卡购物时难以控制金额的这种情况。要减小花钱的刺激,方法是每周仅使用一 次提款卡,这仅有一次是提出你下周要用的钱。平时不要把卡带出门,为了避免使用信用卡,甚至可以把他们藏在 壁橱里难以触及的位置。 3. Buy only what you really need. Most of us take impulsive shopping trips to buy items we really don't really need. Some claim shopping eases their tension, gets their mind off of other things, or gives them a boost of happiness. Take the time to figure out what spurs you to buy unnecessary items. Try to replace shopping with some hobbies like riding your bike or taking a walk with friends. 购买真正需要的物品。大多数人都会冲动购物,买一些并不真正缺少的商品。有些人说,购物可以缓解压力,把注 意力从其他事情上移开,或者提升幸福感。你应该去弄清楚是什么刺激你购买那些无用的商品,还应该其他爱好替 代购物,比如骑车或者和朋友散步。 4. Track your expenses. Sometimes restaurants and businesses will charge you the wrong amount, but you won't have the receipt to back up your claim. Other times, you might have insufficient funds for the check you just wrote. Keep your receipts, and spend a few minutes every night to double check your charges, and know the current balance of your bank account. It beats getting overcharged or having to pay an overdraft fee. 核对费用清单。有时候,饭店和商户会多收费,你却没有收据为自己讨说法。或者,你可能开了支票,账户里却余 额不足。你应该把收据保存起来,每天晚上花上几分钟核对两遍费用支出,清楚自己眼下的账户余额。这样做可以 避免消费超额和透支。 5. Check your credit score annually. Get in the habit of checking your credit score to make sure there are no errors or inaccuracies. If you do notice something wrong, you can send in correction letters, so your applications for credit cards, car loans, or a mortgage are approved. 每年查看信用评分。养成查看信用评分的习惯,确认没什么差错。如果真的发现数据有误,可以发送修正信件到银 行,这样他们就可以对你的信用卡、汽车贷款和房屋贷款的申请进行审核了。 每日晨读文章美文七如何培养你的幽默感?幽默感可是让你人气提升的关键因素之一哦!但是幽默感有时候并不是与生俱来的,那么如何培养幽默感呢? Humor doesn't typically come to mind in the same breath as depression. But humor can be an important ally in getting beyond the rigidity of thinking that accompanies depression and keeps people locked into a depressed state of mind. One goal of cognitive therapy is to change your perspective, your point of view. Humor is one way to change your view viscerally―and enjoyably. 幽默感并不总像抑郁那样不期而至。僵固的思维伴随着抑郁,让人沉湎于抑郁中无法自拔,但幽默感可以成为摆脱 僵固思维的得力助手。认知治疗的一个目标就是改变你的知觉,改变你看问题的观点。幽默感是一种从内心深处改 变你观点的方式――这种改变是愉快的。 Cultivating a humorous mindset helps you see yourself and any situation with a more supple mind so that you are not locked into a negative view. Depression is both caused by and causes the inability to see options and choices we otherwise would. 培养幽默的心态有助于你了解自己,而且无论在什么状况下都能有一个灵活的头脑,这样就不会局限在消极的观点 中无法自拔。一叶障目导致了抑郁,同时,抑郁又让人不能看到别的选择。 Humor fosters acceptance of our humanness and our foibles. It is not sarcasm or put-downs. What we are looking for is gentle, playful perspective that embraces humanness but never at the expense of others―or of ourselves. The goal is not to take life too seriously. 幽默感鼓励接纳人性和弱点。这不是讽刺挖苦或满不在乎。我们寻求的是一种温和的、打趣的知觉,拥护人性,从 以不损害别人或自己为代价。目标是让生活不要那么严肃。 So how to foster good humor? 那么,怎样培养良好的幽默感呢? Choose to allow yourself to laugh at your own behaviors and beliefs―but not at yourself. Make that distinction clearly. 让自己嘲笑自己的行为和信念――但不是嘲笑自己。分清两者的区别。 See your life not as a distraught drama but as a romantic comedy. Recognize the inherent farce-like quality in situations including sex and relationships. 不要把生活看成悲剧,把它看成烂漫的喜剧。承认与生俱来的荒唐滑稽事情――就像性、爱情之类一样。 Cultivating humor not only makes life more bearable, it makes you more attractive to others. Study upon study shows that a sense of humor is high up on the list of traits that most people seek in a partner. 培养幽默感不仅可以让人更能忍受生活,还可以让人变得更有魅力。诸多研究表明,人们在寻求另一半的时候,普 遍认为他/她对幽默的感知是一项重要的特性。 Insert silliness. Fill your life with one goofy thing a day. Make an unusual observation about someone. Or do something you normally wouldn't do. Wear something silly. You will learn that nothing terrible happens―and you may also discover that something good often happens. 做点蠢事。 每天都做点蠢事。 对别人进行与众不同的观察, 或者做些你通常不会去做的事情, 比如穿身愚蠢的衣服。 你会发现,这不会有什么糟糕至极的事情发生――恰恰相反,常常会有好事情发生。 Puncture a rigid mindset with a mental exercise called &paradoxical intention.& 做一个叫做“矛盾的意图”的思维练习,打破刻板的习惯。 Find the humor by saying, this makes me an utter wretch, a failure now and forever, a doomed and worthless subhuman, because I didn't get the part that I wanted or my partner isn't giving me the attention I want. Get into the exaggeration until you see the absurdity of seeing yourself as a &total failure.& 你可以这样说来发现幽默:这让我变成了一个全然可怜的人,永远的失败者,命中注定的毫无价值的非人类,我无 法实现理想,父母也不会注意到我。 每日晨读文章美文七Repeat after me: &I promise…&你愿意为“最好的自己”做什么?请跟着我说:“我愿意....” 1.I will accept everything I am, and everything I am not. 我愿意接受全部的自己,无论好坏。 Self-worth comes from one thing: thinking that you are worthy. So be confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren’t. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are, and aren’t, that you will truly find happiness and success. 自我价值来源于对自我的认可。所以自信一点吧。太多时候,我们都把时间浪费在了与他人的比较之上以及期许自 己成为另外的样子。每个人都有自己的优缺点,只有当你接受全部的自己,无论好坏,你才能真正地找到快乐与成 功。 2.I will appreciate others for who they are. 我愿意欣赏他人最真实的一面。 Sometimes the way you think about a person isn’t the way they are. On the outside, maybe they laugh, but you would be surprised at everything they keep deep inside. So pay close attention, and love the people you care about for who they are, and not for who you want them to be. In the long run, this is how you will get the best of them. 有时候你觉得别人是什么样子的,不代表他们就是你所想的那样。从外表看起来,他们可能欢笑,也可能流泪,但 你要为发现他们内在的真实而感到惊奇。所以,仔细观察你在乎和你爱的人,只因为他们原本的样子,而不是你希 望他们成为的样子。长远来看,只有这样你才能发现他们最好的一面。 3.I will speak kindly and consciously to others. 我愿意心平气和地与人交谈。 Open your mind before you open your mouth. Don’t mix bad words with a bad mood. Just be calm and deal with your emotions. You’ll have many opportunities to change your mood, but you’ll have an extremely tough time recovering the words you have spoken. 三思而后行。不要因为心情不好而口出恶言。冷静下来,好好处理一下自己的情绪。你有很多机会可以调整自己的 心情,但是一旦说话伤到了别人,就很难再恢复你们之间的关系了。 4.I will stop trying to control everything. 我愿意停止想要掌控一切的想法。 You can’t control everything in your life no matter how many safeguards you put into place. But thankfully, you don’t have to control everything to find peace and happiness. It lives with you always, deep within. More than getting into the nuances of control itself, you should be more interested in encouraging yourself to commit to giving it up, on purpose. See what happens when you loosen your grip, throw your hands into the air, and allow life to just happen and flow as it does, without constant micromanagement. 无论你为自己设置多少重保护,你都无法掌控一切。幸运的是,你不需要掌控一切,依然可以找到快乐与宁静,它 们就存在于你内心深处,时刻与你相随。与其为了控制一切而忧心忡忡,不如有意识地鼓励自己学会放手。当你松 开你的掌心,让生活顺其自然,不再施加任何的控制时,看看生活会发生什么变化。 5.I will appreciate the beauty of small moments. 我愿意欣赏从小处散发出来的美。 Positive minds live positive lives. There is always, always something to be thankful for and something to smile about. The happiest people are not those who get
they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, notice and appreciate the beauty and sweetness of everyday moments。 乐观的人会有乐观的心态。生活中总是会有东西值得你去感激,去微笑面对。世上最快乐的人不是那些得到了一切 想要的东西的人,而是那些在追寻自己的目标的过程中,能够发现并欣赏每一个小细节中所散发出的美好。 每日晨读文章6.I will do what I think is right. 我愿意做我认为正确的事情。 What comes easy won’t always last, and what will last won’t always come easy. So do the right things, not the easy things. Whatever comes your way, whatever battle is raging inside you, you always have a choice. In the end, it’s the choices you make that make you who you are. And no matter what, you can always choose to do the right thing。 容易得到的东西不会长久, 能够长久的东西不容易得到。 所以, 做正确的事不是一件容易的的事。 无论你遇到什么, 无论你的内心有多挣扎,你总能做出一个选择。最终,是你的选择成就了你是什么样的人。事实是,无论怎样,你 总能选择去做正确的事。 7.I will grow from my challenges. 我愿意从挑战中成长。 You can be stunned, awakened, and changed by what happens to you, but choose to grow from it, and refuse to be reduced by it. Repeat after me: I am determined to live a happy life no matter my challenges. I will turn all my tales of fury into tales of glory. I will turn all of my tales of woe into tales of WOW! 在面对挑战时,你也许会被吓到,会受刺激,会做出改变,但你应该从挑战中成长,而不是被挑战所打败。跟着我 说:无论我面对的挑战是什么,我都要幸福地生活。我会把所有的愤怒转变为荣耀,让所有的敌人为我惊叹! 8.I will realize and use my power. 我愿意发现并施展我的才能。 The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. In a world filled with doubt, you must dare to dream. In a world filled with anger, you must dare to forgive. In a world filled with hate, you must dare to love. In a world filled with distrust, you must dare to believe. And once you do, you will find that power you once thought you lacked. 很多情况下,人们放弃自己的才能是因为觉得自己没有才能。在这个满是怀疑的世界中,你必须敢于梦想;在这个 满是愤怒的世界中,你必须敢于原谅;在这个满是仇恨的世界中,你必须敢于去爱;在这个满是失信的世界中,你必 须敢于相信。一旦你这么做了,你就会找到原本你认为自己不具有的才能。 9.I will follow the path my heart longs to take. 我愿意听从自己的心声走下去。 Life is too short to live with regrets. So love the things that make you smile, let go of the things that make you cry, and believe that everything happens for a reason. Follow the path that your it’s your time to shine. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. You are far from what you once were, but not yet who you are going to be. 人生苦短, 岂能留憾?去爱那些能让你微笑的事物, 放弃那些会让你哭泣的东西, 相信世间万物的发生都有其原因。 追随心之所向,这是你的闪耀时光。如果机会降临到你面前,抓住它。如果它会改变你的生活,那就顺其自然。你 已经不是过去的自己了,未来的路还得由你自己来走。 每日晨读文章美文八父亲节对爸爸说出你的爱It might seem like your dad will be around forever, but your time together can be cut short when you least expect it. Take advantage of the time you have with your father. Expressions of love are not always easy.They often take conscious effort. 有时候看上去你的父亲会永远陪在你身边,但当你不经意的时候,你们在一起的时候被缩短了。好好把握与你 父亲在一起的时光吧。表达爱有时候并不容易,它们往往需要刻意的努力。 1. Say the words,&I love you.& 说出那句“我爱你。” Maybe this phrase was not used much in your home, so it could be tough to utter at first. In that case, it's possible your father won't be able to return the sentiment. Don't take it personally. The main issue is not to have regrets. Let your dad know what you admire about him and why you're proud. Don't take for granted that he knows. 可能这句话在你家里并不会经常使用,所以一开始说出话可能会比较艰难。在这种情况下,可能你的父亲也不 会回应相应地情绪。但请不要在意,主要考虑的是不要留有遗憾。请让你的父亲知道你欣赏他的地方和你因他而自 豪的理由,不要理所当然地以为他都知道。 2. Seek your father's advice and opinions. 寻求你父亲的建议和意见。 This applies from childhood to adulthood. He'll be pleased that you want his guidance. Listen to him. You don't always have to agree, but he will be flattered that you asked. 这一条适用于从童年到成年的时光。如果你寻求他的建议指导,他会很高兴。请听听他的建议,你不一定总是 要同意,但你问他的话他会受宠若惊。 3. Invite your dad into your life. 邀请父亲进入你的生活。 Introduce him to your friends. Once you leave the nest, welcome him into your new home. When you marry and have children, include your father in many of your family functions. 把他介绍给你的朋友们。一旦你离开家,请欢迎他加入你的新家。当你结婚和有了小孩时,要把你的父亲当作 是你家庭的一部分。 4. Arrange activities strictly for you and your dad. 为你和你的父亲特别安排好活动。 Even if it's an activity you might not fully enjoy, share his interests. Let him teach you to play golf or a card game. Take him to dinner, or join him in outings with friends and family. 即使可能是一个你完全不喜欢的活动,但请你分享他的爱好。让他教你打高尔夫或是桥牌游戏。带他去吃饭, 或是和他一起与你的朋友和家人去郊游。 5. Visit your father on a regular basis. 定期地去拜访你的父亲。 Stop and pick up a cup of coffee to take to him as a surprise treat. Don't' wait for his birthday or Father's Day to buy him thoughtful little gifts. 放下手上的事情,拿起一杯咖啡去见你的父亲给他个惊喜。不要等到他的生日或是父亲节才给他买个深思熟虑 的小礼物去见他。 6. Inquire about your dad's life. 多打听你父亲的生活。 Ask him to tell you his &old stories& and record them. He will be proud that you care so much, and as a result, you will learn a lot about his childhood and your heritage. 请求他给你讲他以前的故事并记录下来。他会因为你关心他而感到很骄傲,并且你也可以了解更多的关于他童 年和你的祖辈的事情。 每日晨读文章美文九带你领略美式婚礼I do.& To Americans those two words carry great meaning. They can even change your life. Especially if you say them at your own wedding. Making wedding vows is like signing a contract. Now Americans don’t really think marriage is a business deal. But marriage is serious business. 「我愿意」这句话对美国人而言具有重大意义,它甚至可以改变你的生命,特e是当你在自己的婚礼 上说出这句话时, 在婚礼中所发的誓言就如同签订契约一样, 美国人并不是真把婚姻当作商业交易, 但是, 结婚确实是件严肃的事情。 It all begins with engagement. Traditionally, a young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry her. If the father agrees, the man later proposes to her. Often he tries to surprise her by &popping the question& in a romantic way. 结婚是从订婚开始,在传统上,年轻人会请求他的女朋友的父亲允许他娶她,如果女方的父亲答应, 之后方可向女方求婚。通常男方会试着以罗曼蒂克的方式「提出这个问题」以带给女方惊喜。 Sometimes the couple just decides together that the time is right to get married. The man usually gives his fiancee a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement. They may be engaged for weeks, months or even years. As the big day approaches, bridal showers and bachelor’s parties provide many useful gifts. Today many couples also receive counseling during engagement. This prepares them for the challenges of married life. 有时候双方会觉得现在结婚正是时候, 于是男方通常会送女方钻戒做为互订终身的象征。 他们可能订 婚几个星期、几个月,甚至几年,当大喜的日子接近时,贺礼赠送会和单身汉俱乐部都会赠送许多实用的 礼物。今天有许多订婚的男女在订婚期间接受咨询服务,这是为了让他们有准备接受婚姻生活的挑战。 At last it’s time for the wedding. Although most weddings follow long-held traditions, there’s still room for American individualism. For example, the usual place for a wedding is in a church. But some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot. A few even have the ceremony while skydiving or riding on horseback! The couple may invite hundreds of people or just a few close friends. They choose their own style of colors, decorations and music during the ceremony. But some things rarely change. The bride usually wears a beautiful, long white wedding dress. She traditionally wears &something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.& The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo. Several close friends participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and the maid of honor. 最后就是婚礼了,虽然大多的婚礼仍沿袭长久以来的传统,但是美国人的个人主义仍有其空间,例 如,通常婚礼的地点是在教堂,但是有些人却是到敉獾姆缇扒峄椋行┤松踔潦翘』蚱锫斫峄椋∷ 方可能邀请上百人或者只是一些熟朋友,婚礼的色风格,布置和音乐都由他们自己决定,但有些事是不 太会变的;新娘通常都穿著美丽的白色结婚礼服,按照传统她必须穿的衣服上包括了:一些旧的,一些新 的,一些借来的,及一些蓝色的东西。新郎则穿着正式的西装或燕尾晚礼服,几位熟朋友参加婚礼并协助 帮忙,包括了伴郎和伴娘。 As the ceremony begins, the groom and his attendants stand with the minister, facing the audience. Music signals the entrance of the bride’s attendants, followed by the beautiful bride. Nervously, the young couple repeats their vows. Traditionally, they promise to love each other &for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.& But sometimes the couple has composed their own vows. They give each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage commitment. Finally the minister announces the big moment:&&I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride!& 当典礼开始时,新郎和伴郎和牧师站在一起,面对观众,音乐一起,表示伴娘入场,后面就跟着美丽 的新娘。年轻的男女双方紧张地跟着说出他们的誓言,传统上而言,他们会承诺要彼此相爱, 「不论好、 坏、贫、富、生病时或健康时」 ,但是有时候,他们也可能自己编一套自己的誓言,他们互赠金戒指以此 表示结婚的承诺,最后牧师宣布这重大的时刻: 「我现在宣布你们成为夫妻,你可以亲吻你的新娘! 」 每日晨读文章At the wedding reception, the bride and groom greet their guests. Then they cut the wedding cake and feed each other a bite. Guests mingle while enjoying cake, punch and other treats. Later the bride throws her bouquet of flowers to a group of single girls. Tradition says that the one who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry. During the reception, playful friends &decorate& the couple’s car with tissue paper, tin cans and a &Just Married& sign. When the reception is over, the newlyweds run to their &decorated& car and speed off. Many couples take a honeymoon, a one- to two-week vacation trip, to celebrate their new marriage. 在结婚宴会上,新娘新郎向宾客问候.然后切结婚蛋糕并互相喂对方一口。宾客们在享受蛋糕、饮料 及其他的食物时就混在一起交谈。 之后新娘将捧花投向一群单身女孩, 传统说接到捧花的女孩会成为下一 位新娘。在婚宴上,爱闹的朋友用面纸、铝罐和「新婚」标志「装饰」礼车,宴会结束后,新婚的小俩口 就跑向他们「装饰完成」的礼车,迅速地离开,许多夫妻会去渡蜜月,就是一至二星期的假期以庆祝他们 的新婚。 Almost every culture has rituals to signal a change in one’s life. Marriage is one of the most basic life changes for people of all cultures. So it’s no surprise to find many traditions about getting married . . . even in America. Yet each couple follows the traditions in a way that is uniquely their own. 几乎每一种文化都有仪式来表示一个人生命中的改变。 结婚对于所有文化的人而言是一生中最重要的 大事之一,所以会有这么多婚礼的习俗就不足为奇了,美国也不例外。然而每对新人都以自己认为独特的 方式来跟随传统。 每日晨读文章美文十
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