
如果你在讲英语国家的商店购物,则一定要掌握好用英语购物的用语,下面是一些在购物时常用的购物用语,一起来学学吧!  一、售货员招呼顾客:  在讲英语国家的商店里,售货员见到顾客时常说:  1. May I help you? 您买东西吗?  2. Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?您想买什么?  3. Is there anything I can do for you?  4. May(Can)I do something for you?  一般不说:What do you want?因为这样问显得无礼.  店主或店员想了解顾客想要什么,喜欢什么或向顾客推荐物品时的用语:  Which shirt(pen…)do you like?  你想买哪一种衬衫(笔…)?  What size(colour,kind…)do yu want?  你想买哪种型号(颜色,种类…)?  Do you like this size(colour,kind…)?  你喜欢这种型号(颜色,种类…)吗?  Is this(Are these)all right?  这个(这些)可以吗?  What about these(those)?  这些(那些)怎么样?  What else would you like?  你想要点什么?  二、顾客告诉售货员想买什么:  (1)如果顾客需要购物可以说:  1. I am looking for a red coat. 我想买一件红衣服.  2. I want to get a pair of sunglasses. 我想买一副太阳镜.  3. I'd like to have a pair of black trousers. 我想买条黑裤子.  4. Can you show me a shirt?可以把衬衫给我看看吗?  5. Could I have a look at that blouse?我可以看看那件女式衫衣吗?  (2)如果你只想逛商店可以说:  No,thanks. I'm just looking around. /Just have a look. 不,谢谢了.我只是随便看看而已.  顾客要告诉店主或店员想买什么时的用语:  Can you show me…? 你能给我看看…吗?  I would like(want)some… 我想买…  Have you got any…? 你们有…吗?  I’m looking for… 我想买…  顾客向店主或店员询问价钱或讨价还价时,可以说:  How much is it(are they)?多少钱?  How much do you ask for it(them)?这个(些)你要多少钱?  What does it come to?一共多少钱?  Can it(they)be cheaper?能便宜点吗?  That’s too much dear.太贵了.  Can you sell it for two yuan?两元钱你卖吗?  Can you come down a little?能便宜一点吗?  How much do you want?你想要多少钱?  顾客选购物品时,店主和顾客之间交谈的常用语:  May I have a look at it(them)? 我可以看看吗?  Can I try it(them)on? 我可以试一试吗?  …is(are)over there. …在那儿.  三、询问顾客想买的商品的特征时可以说:  1. What colour do you want?/What colour, please?你要什么颜色的?  2. What size do you want?/What size, please?你要什么尺码的?  3. What kind do you want?/What kind, please?你要哪一种?  四、售货员向顾客推荐商品:  1. What about the green one?那件绿色的怎么样?  2. The coat is nice and warm. 这件衣服很暖和.  3. The trousers are the fashion now. 这种裤子现在正流行.  4. How do you like this pattern?你觉得这种款式怎么样?  5. How about the colour? 这颜色怎么样?  五、顾客询问价格:  1. How much is it? 它要多少钱?  2. How much are these things?这些东西多少钱?  3. How much does it come to? 一共多少钱?  4. What's the price of it? 这个多少钱?  5. How much,please? 请问要多少钱?  六、买卖达成:  顾客中意某一件东西后想买下某物时说:I'll have/take it. (我要买这个.)而较少说:I'll buy it.  七、付钱:  Here's the money. 来,付钱.  当顾客购物付款后,售货员或收款员通常要向顾客致谢说:Thank you.  1、May/Can I help you? 您想买点什么?  2、Are you looking for something particular? 您需要什么东西?  3、We have a clearance sale today.我们今天请仓大处理.  4、The price will go down.价格将会降低.  5、I heard other stores having great mark-downs on this item.我听说别的商店这种商品正在大降价.  6、Please try it on.请试穿一下.  7、I\'ve seen this cheaper in other places.我在别的地方看见过这种商品,价格比者便宜.  8、Could you bring the price down?价格能再低一点吗?  9、That is a steal.这是廉价品.  10、I\'d buy this if it were cheaper.如果再便宜一点我就买.  11、It\'s a little overpriced.有点贵.  12、Do you know what size you are?你知道自己穿多大好吗?  13、I\'m afraid we\'re out of that item.恐怕那种货已经卖完了.  14、I\'m afraid we don\'t have it in stock.恐怕已经没有存货了.  15、Where is the men\'s shop?男装柜台在哪?  16、Do you have this in stock?这个还有存货吗?  17、Do you have this in blue?这件有蓝色的吗?  18、How are you going to pay? Cash,check or charge?你打算怎样付款,现金、支票,还是赊帐?  19、How will you pay for this?你用什么方式付款?  20、Cash back?要现金找头吗?  21、what a deal!多便宜!  22、Bring your receipt to the customer service,and they will refund you.拿着你收据到顾客服务台,他们会给恁退钱.  23、Can you give me the invoice?你能给我发票吗?  语购物常用语集锦  英语购物常用语集锦  1.顾客进入商店时,店主或店员的常用语:  What can I do for you﹖  Can(May)I help you﹖  Is there anything I can do for you﹖  May(Can) I do something for you﹖  以上各句均可译作“我能帮你吗(您要什么)?”  2.店主或店员想了解顾客想要什么、喜欢  什么或向顾客推荐物品时的用语:  Which shirt(pen...) do you like﹖  你想买哪一件衬衫(笔……)?  What size(colour、kind...)do you want﹖  你想买哪种型号(颜色、种类……)?  Do you like this size(colour、kind…)﹖  你喜欢这种型号(颜色、种类……)吗?  Is this(Are these)all right﹖  这个(这些)可以吗?  What about these(those)﹖  这些(那些)怎么样?  What else would you like﹖  你还想要点什么?  3.顾客要告诉店主或店员想买什么时的用语:  Can you show me…﹖ 你能给我看看……吗?  I would like(want) some…. 我想买…….  Have you got any…﹖ 你们有……吗?  I'm looking for….  我想买…….  4.顾客向店主或店员询问价钱或讨价还价时,可以说:  How much is it (are they)﹖多少钱?  How much do you  ask for it(them)﹖  这个(些)你要多少钱?  What does it come to﹖ 一共多少钱?  Can it(they) be cheaper﹖ 能便宜点吗?  That's too much dear. 太贵了.  Can you sell it for two yuan﹖ 两元钱你卖吗?  Can you come down a little﹖ 能便宜一点吗?  How much do you want﹖ 你想要多少钱?  5.顾客选购物品时,店主和顾客之间交谈的常用语:  May I have a look at it(them)﹖ 我可以看看吗?  Can I try it(them)on﹖ 我可以试一试吗?  …is (are) over there. ……在那儿.  英文购物对话-讨论价格  A: How much are you asking for this?  A:这个多少钱?  B: I’m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Is that all right?  B:每件10欧元,您看怎么样?  A: Is tax already included in the price?  A:这个价位含税吗?  B: Yes. Our price can’t be matched.  B:是的.我们的价格无人可比.  A: Would you consider a volume discount?  A:批量购进可以再优惠吗?  B: If you buy 1000 or more, you’ll get a 10% discount.  B:如果您能购进1000件以上我们就可以优惠10%.  A: I’ll accept your offer.  A:好的,我接受.  A: Could you tell me how much it is?  A:您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?  B: In the neighborhood of $ 500.  B:500美元左右.  A: That’s way too much money.  A:价格太贵了.  B: We can make reductions according to the model.  B:我们可以根据型号给予优惠.  A: We have to ask for another price reduction.  A:再给我们优惠点儿吧.  B: You can forget about another cut.  B:不能再降价了.  购物英语对话  A: Could you tell me how much it is?  (您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?)  B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.  (500美元左右.)  A: That’s way too much money.  (价格太贵了.)  B: We can make dow by model.  (我们可以根据型号给予优惠.)  A: We have to ask for another price reduction.  (再给我们优惠点儿吧.)  B: You can fourget about another cut.  (不能再降价了.)  A: How much are you asking for this?  (这个多少钱?)  B: I’m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Is that all right?  (每件10欧元,您看怎么样?)  A: Is tax already included in ther price?  (这个价位含税吗?)  B: Yes. Our price can’t be matched.  (是的.我们的价格无人可比.)  A: Would you consider a volume discount?  (批量购进可以再优惠吗?)  B: If you buy 1000 or more, you’ll get a 10% discount.  (如果您能购进1000件以上我们就可以优惠10%.)  A: I’ll accept your offer.  (好的,我接受.)
[典型表达] What can I do for you?May / Can I help you?你要买什么?I want / I’d like a pair of sports shoes for my son.我要为我儿子买双运动鞋.How much is it?多少钱?That’s too expensive,I’m afraid.恐怕太贵了.That’s fine.I’ll take it.很好,我买了.How many / much do you want?你要多少?What color / size / kind do you want?你要什么颜色/多大/什么种类?Do you have any other kinds / sizes / colors?你有其它种类/尺寸/颜色的吗?I bought this blouse here last week,but there seems to be something wrong with it.我上周在这儿买的罩衫,好像出问题了.Can you change it?你能换一下吗?I insist that you give me my money back.我坚持要求退钱.[案例探究] —It’s just the one I want._________ —Three hundred and eighty yuan.A.Can I take it?B.How much is it?C.What’s its size?D.Is that expensive?答案与解析:B.根据下文售货员的答语Three hundred and eighty yuan.可知顾客肯定问的是“多少钱?” [巩固练习] 1.—_______ —No,thanks.I’m just looking around.I’ll let you know if I want anything.A.Are you alone?B.You’d better buy something.C.Can I help you?D.What is your idea?2.—I’m looking for a shirt for my father.—_____________ —Size 40.A.What size does your father wear?B.What can I do for you?C.That’s OK.D.What about this one?3.—Have you any pears and oranges?—____________ A.The pears are very good.B.You like oranges,don’t you?C.Yes,sir.They are over there.D.I will tell you they are cheap.Key:1-3 CAC
welcome! can i help you?i would kile some apples and bananas.yes.this way please.......these fruits are very fresh and thay sells well.i will pick some ,thank you!you are welcome ,...
Paying the bill
Tom&& : Waiter .
Waiter : What can I do for you ?
Tom&& : Can you bring me the check , please ?
Waiter : Sure ! Here you are . Would you like to go over it ?
Tom&& : Yes , what is the extra 5 dollars for ?
Waiter : Oh, that&s for the soup .
Tom&& : Soup ?We didn't have soup .
Waiter : Let me see . Sorry , I got the wrong check . Here it is . This one is for you .
Tom&& : How much should I pay for the bill ?
Waiter : Altogether 80 dollars . Did you enjoy your dinner ?
Tom&& : Yes , very much . All the food is well cooked .
Waiter : I&m very glad to hear that .
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 买单
& 汤姆:服务员。
Typical Sentences 典型句子
Can you bring me the check , please ? 你能把账单拿过来吗?
Would you like to go over it ? 您要不要检查一遍?
What is the extra 5 dollars for ? 这多出来的5美元是怎么回事儿呢?
How much should I pay for the bill ? 我应该付多少钱?
Did you enjoy your dinner ? 你们吃得还好吗?
01We want to pay separately .
02Can you bring me the check , please ?
03Leave some for the tip .
04Let&s go Dutch this time .
05May I have the receipt , please ?
06Can I have the bill ,please ?
07Let me pick up the tab .
08We&re going to pay by check .
09Can you cover me ?
10I&ll get the tab .
11Where should we pay for them ?
12How are you going to pay , in cash or by credit card ?
红石板新村:K101, 67, K30, K12, K807, 801, K86, K19
湖墅路沈塘桥:151, K101, K251, 211, K204, K76, 801, K516, K348, 333, K12
新河坝巷:K30, K807, K333, K86, K82, K19
湖墅校区:湖墅南路260号8楼0 &&城北校区:永潮街139号3楼
版权所有:优朗教育&&网站备案号:&& 站点统计:购物必备英语表达
学习啦【购物英语】 焯杰
  1.I&m just browsing.(我只是随便看看。)当你走进商店,营业员通常都会走过来问你&May I help you?&(需要帮忙吗?)或是&Are you looking for something?&(你想买什么衣服?)如果你只是随便看看,不妨客气地说&I&m just browsing.&或&I&m just looking.&这样你就可以在商店里随便逛了。如果你要找某种衣服,如毛衣,你就可以说,&I&m looking for a sweater. Could you help me?&(我想买一件毛衣,你能告诉我在哪里吗?)或是&Do you have any sweater?&(你们卖毛衣吗?)
  2.May I try this on?(我能试试这件吗?)如果想知道自己看中的衣服能不能试穿,可以问营业员&May I try this on?&当然,在美国,大部份衣服都是可以试穿的,倒是可以问营业员&Where is the fitting room?&(试衣间在哪里?)有时进试衣间前,有人会在门口问你&How many?&这时你只要告诉她你拿了几件衣服就可以了。比如拿了两件,你回答:&Two&就可以了。这时候,她会给你一块上面写着2的牌子,进去之前,你只要把这个牌子挂在门上。
  3.I like this tank top.It goes with my baggy jeans.(我喜欢这件背心,它很配我的宽松牛仔裤。)tank top就是背心。有一种男生穿的纯白背心,美国人把它戏称为&wife-beater&。因为他们觉得穿这种背心的人通常有结实的肌肉,回家后喜欢打老婆。&baggy&是&宽松&的意思,如男生穿的宽松短裤就叫&baggy pants&。而我们熟悉的直筒牛仔裤是&straight jeans&。
  4.Could you help me pick up a dress?(你能帮我挑一件礼服吗?)在正式场合,每位女士几乎都有一套正式礼服(即dress),特别是那种低胸(low cut)连身裙(evening gown)。有时可以用&dressy&来强调这件礼服很漂亮很时髦,如&Her dressy dress really caught my eyes.&(我的目光被她漂亮的礼服所吸引。)而&dress up&则是指作正式的穿着打扮,男女都可用,也就是女生穿礼服、男生穿西装打领带了。
  5.I just want to buy some off-the-rack clothes.(我只想随便买一些现成的衣服。)&rack&指的是衣架,所以&off-the-rack&指的是那种由工厂大量制造的成衣,通常指很普通、不是特别好的衣服。例如在某夜市买来的地摊货,就可以说&It&s just something off-the-rack.&(只是件普通的衣服啦!)相比较而言,&custom-made&或&tailor-made&指的是&定做&的。如,&Ineed to get a custom-made tuxes do for my wedding.&(我要为婚礼去定作一件燕尾服。)
  6.This shirt is very stylish and not very expensive.(这件衬衫又时髦又便宜。)&Good-looking&就是&好看&,&stylish&则是&时髦&,可以用&good-looking&和&stylish&来称赞某件衣服。另外,也可以用&becoming&,指&合身又好看&。
  7.I don&t think this one will fit me.(我觉得这件衣服不合身。)买衣服时看到一件自己中意的衣服,却偏偏没有合适的尺寸,可以说&It&s not my size.&或&It won&t fit me.&(大小不合适)。有些商店挂着&alteration&的招牌,则是指可以提供修改衣服的服务。
  8.Your clothes don&t match.(你的衣服不太配。)这句话指的是衣服不配,可能是颜色不配,也可能是样式不配。当然,外国人的审美观和我们中国人不大一样,营业员说这句话,你可不必太把它当回事。
  9.Let me ring that up for you.(可以结账了吗?)&埋单&的讲法通常是&check out&。通常,选好了衣服就可以拿到收银台(cash register),跟店员说,&I want to check out.&有些营业员喜欢用&ring up&,同样也是&结帐&的意思,因为在开收款机的时候通常会有ring的一声。有时候店员看到你拿着衣服走过来,她会主动地跟你说&Let me ring that up for you.&你可以回答&OK.Go ahead and ring it up for me.&(好,那就帮我结账吧!)
【购物英语】图文推荐      每到一些节假日,爱漂亮的美眉们都会倾巢而出,大肆采购,绝不放弃商家打折促销的好机会。可是,往往美眉们又中了某些黑心商家的圈套,一些以打折、赠送为名的活动实则是变本加厉的骗局。你们也曾经有过上当受骗的经历吧,欢迎大家来吐槽,讲述自己的血泪经历,或者分享自己与不良商家斗智斗勇的秘籍。分享你们的惨痛购物经历,有什么投诉成功的法门也千万别私藏。  适用英语短语及词汇  1. 消费者:consumer  例句:We need more feedback from the consumer in order to improve our goods.  我们需要从消费者那里多得到些反馈信息以提高产品质量。  2. 消费的:consumptive  例句:Consumptive economics has an abound content. And it is increasingly developing with people's consumptive behavior.  消费经济学的内容十分丰富,并随着人们消费实践的发展而发展。  3. 消费主义:consumerism  例句:By the second half of the 19th century consumerism had taken root.  到19世纪后半叶,消费主义已深入人心。  4. 消费者信心指数:Consumer Confidence Index  例句:University of Michigan released the latest Consumer Confidence Index on Friday, which showed a fifth increase in the past 6 months. The index is now ata 15-month high, which suggests a moderate recovery is in the pipeline.  密歇根大学在星期五公布的美国消费者信心指数,六个月来第五度上升,达到15个月来的最高水平,显示经济复苏力道不足。  5. 耐用消费品:consumer durable  通常指使用周期较长,一次性投资较大,包括(但不限于)家用电器、家具、汽车等。  例句:The number of durable consumer goods owned by local residents is increasing rapidly.  居民拥有耐用消费品数量迅速增加。  6. 消费者权益:consumers' rights and interests  例句:The state shall listen to consumers' opinions and demands when formulating laws, regulations and policies relating to the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.  国家制定有关消费者权益的法律、法规和政策时,应当听取消费者的意见和要求。  7.“一分钱一分货” :You get what you pay for.  8. 明码标价:mark clearly the prices of the commodities  例句:Prices for goods must be clearly marked and advertising must be honest.  商品一律明码标价,广告必须实事求是。  9. 召回有缺陷的产品:recall defective products  例句:In accordance with the national Regulations on Recalls of Defective Automobile Products, a recall plan was submitted to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC (AQSIQ).  按照国家颁布的《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》,向国家质量监督检验检疫总局递交了召回申请。  10. 贩卖伪劣产品欺诈顾客:cheat customers by selling fake and inferior goods  11. 规范市场秩序:regulate market order  例句:Continuous efforts to deepen reform and rectify and regulate market economic order have created conditions for improving the development environment.  不断深化改革,整顿和规范市场经济秩序,为改善发展环境创造了条件。  12. 吊销营业执照:revoke business licenses  例句:Administrative authorities of industry and commerce shall revoke business licenses of those enterprises whose certificates of qualification have been revoked in accordance with the stipulations of this Law.  依照本法规定被吊销资质证书的,由工商行政管理部门吊销其营业执照。  13. 消费者物价指数: Consumer Price Index 英文缩写为CPI  是反映与居民生活有关的商品及劳务价格统计出来的物价变动指标,通常作为观察通货膨胀水平的重要指标。如果消费者物价指数升幅过大,表明通胀已经成为经济不稳定因素,因此,该指数过高的升幅往往不被市场欢迎。  例句:The annual growth in the consumer price index (CPI) surged to 5.6 percent in July, the highest in a decade.  七月份的消费者物价指数年比上涨5.6%,创十年来新高。  14. 对损害消费者合法权益的行为进行社会监督:exercise social supervision over acts infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of consumers
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