right darlinginthefrankk the walk意思是什么?

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音标:[ fræŋk ]&&发音:&&过去式: franked&&&过去分词: franked&&&现在分词: franking&&&
中文翻译n.弗兰克〔男子名〕。短语和例子Frank2n.1.法兰克人〔古代日尔曼民族的一支〕。2.〔近东各地的)西欧人。3.〔诗〕法兰西人。adj.1.率直的,直言不讳的,坦白的。2.【医学】症状明显的。短语和例子a frank avowal of guilt 坦白认罪。 to be frank with you 坦白对你说,老实说〔插入语〕。n.1.免费邮寄特权。2.免费寄发签字[印戳]。3.免费递送的邮件。vt.1.免费邮寄。2.在(信件)上盖免费递送或邮资已付印戳。3.许…免费通行。4.特许自由出入。5.释放,豁免。&&&&不爽快... &&&&&&说句心里话... &&&&&&在家吗... &&&&&&安妮?弗兰克; 安妮的日记; 安妮法克; 安妮法兰克... &&&&&&佛兰克... &&&&&&坦坦荡荡; 为人坦率... &&&&&&禀性爽直... &&&&&&老实说... &&&&&&弗兰克凯布尔... &&&&&&法兰克卡波拉... &&&&&&伊迪丝法兰克... &&&&&&爱德华弗朗克... &&&&&&弗兰克阿卜杜拉... &&&&&&弗兰克阿代朱翁... &&&&&&弗兰克艾肯... &&&&&&弗兰克?艾伯森... &&&&&&枪手; 与杰西... &&&&&&白尼马拉马; 姆拜尼马拉马... &&&&&&弗兰克?巴克... &&&&&&弗兰克巴尔特鲁施... &&&&&&弗兰克鲍曼... &&&&&&弗兰克贝斯威克... &&&&&&弗朗克?贝尔... &&&&&&魏德金... &&&&&&弗朗瑞... &&&&&&弗朗茹... &&
例句与用法I know you're having fun, frank .我知道你正玩儿得起劲呐,弗兰克。A frank discussion can help to clear the air .坦率的谈论有助于消除疑虑。Frank was becoming financially significant .法兰克已经在金融界里崭露头角。You never came after us, frank .你根本没有来找我们,弗兰克。It is time for some frank discussion .现在该坦率地谈谈了。I'll tell you, i'll be frank with you .好,我坦白跟你说。You just leave it to me, frank .你就交给我好了,法兰克。Let us be frank and don't beat around the bush .大家都坦白点吧,不要绕圈子了。Frank clenched his fist and broke out in excitement .富兰克紧握拳头,冲动地说。Frank had his churlish delicacies .富兰克有罕见的温情。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释characterized by directness without "blunt talking and straight shooting"; "a blunt New England farmer"; "I gave them my candid opinion"; "forthright criticism"; "a forthright approach to the problem"; "tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank"; "it is possible to be outspoken without being rude"; "plainspoken and to the point"; "a point-blank accusation"同义词:, , , , , , , ,
"frank enjoyment"exempt by means of an official pass or letter, as from customs or other checksstamp with a postmark to indicate date and time of mailing同义词:, a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or often served on a bread roll同义词:, , , , , , ,
Copyright &
All rights reservedThee Zombies Walk-Frank N. Stein-单曲-酷我音乐-好音质用酷我
Thee Zombies Walk
Frank N. Stein歌榜
举报电话:010- 举报邮箱:iPod is a fad, just like the Walkman
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rollins' responses were decidedly negative. he mentioned the ipod as a fad and made a comparison to the sony walkman, which at one time was the device everyone had to have, much like the ipod is today. he believes that, like the walkman, the ipod will disappear, and is a “one-product wonder.”
he also stated that the mac mini won't even dent the pc market, and he was unimpressed with the device.
finally, rollins pointed out that apple's growing marketshare was not in the computing sector but in the music sector, and therefore would not do much to affect the industry as a whole. his comments were not meant in disrespect to apple, he clarified, adding that “… what they do they do very well. … they've done a nice job.”
mr. rollins also restated his commitment to the business customer first and foremost, even though his company has branched out to offer its own mp3 player.
matthew's opinion
rollins' analogy to the walkman is an interesting one, and with technology moving at such a torrid pace the ipod could well be a one-product wonder, dead within a couple of years. he is also right to say that the mac mini doesn't impress him–since he runs a corporate computer company first and foremost, a commercial product such as the mac mini has little impact on his business or customers.
the most damming comment is about apple not growing in the computer industry, but again he isn't far wrong. pretty much all of apple's press and sales lately have been from the ipod range and itunes. there isn't much new apple is offering there, just the best form of a digital music player.
if you look at apple's business scope as a whole, it is quite small, with just macs and ipods really featuring. if the ipod does stop being popular then apple is back to just macs once again. i am not saying apple don't have other products in the works but rollins is right that apple has little impact on the tech sector on the whole as a company.
i have no doubt that apple will be around for many years to come. the company flair seems to be for high-quality, consumer-oriented products, and its continuing push into this sector should bring success. the only question is, what will be the next big apple product after the ipod?
user comments 195 comment(s)
pathetic (9:44am est thu jan 20 2005)what a stupid pr move. let the whole world know just how scared of apple's utter domination of the digital music market you are.
you would think someone would have stopped this clown from running his mouth off in such a humiliating way for dell.
– by xploitman n virusboy
ipod… a fad like the walkman. (9:44am est thu jan 20 2005)the walkman which for ten years plus was an icon..well if it is i am sure that apple are finding it a profitable one.and the mac mini is a lifestyle system to match the ipod.i think personally that it will expose a great deal of the world to the mac way of things. its a good move. – by apom
whoa (9:47am est thu jan 20 2005)last i looked the walkman was quite a success. in fact, sony still sells products with the walkman name. however, unlike dell, apple and sony sell products with *quality* components.
apple is a good company with a very recognizable name and they fill a niche market. small market share doesn't reflect quality either. how many people drive a bentley? not many, but bentley, like apple, fills a niche. success isn't always measured by creating a large market share by flooding the market with second-rate components.
– by gus
plus world dominance of the (9:51am est thu jan 20 2005)walkman, its still famous name..it was an icon, one which represented a generation more then any other.how can you compare anything to the walkman as a negative thing..?the walkman product lost market share and took its eye of the ball. the move from tape to cd resulted in bulky and inconvienent devices..sony are re-inventing the walkman to compete with the ipod but have missed the ball.do i have an ipod …? no.. i dont want a device that holds that much music, personally i dont have the need.do i want a mac mini..damn right. it looks cool.do i want a dell…? at work .. yes.. at home .. sorry..different horses for different courses. – by apom
firrrrst (9:51am est thu jan 20 2005)well, apple has always sold “just macs” since 1984.
the ipod is a recent success for them.
apple also has a tidy software business going as well, with industry leading programs such as final cut pro.
apple also sells servers, albeit they don't sell nearly as many as dell, this is another non mac offering.
– by blumper
cheaper, faster, better (10:01am est thu jan 20 2005)
i'm guessing that ipod will be around for another 5 years.
another company might come out with a good competitor.
having your music on the go will never be a fad.
– by crazy paul@t.o.
re: firrrrst (10:02am est thu jan 20 2005)“well, apple has always sold “just macs” since 1984. “not true. apple sold newtons in the 1990s. – by xploitman n virusboy
electronic fads? (10:08am est thu jan 20 2005)how can they call anything electronic a “fad”… people buy current technology until something better comes along…
was the 386 just a fad? the 3 1/2 inch floppy just a fad?
i wouldn't want kevin rollins to be the chief executive of little debbie snacks, let alone dell – by nugget
i must agree (10:12am est thu jan 20 2005)if you only knew what the media told you, apple invented mp3s and dominated the market.
i've still got mp3s i encoded back in 1995, when steve jobs didn't know what an mp3 was.
i am looking for a 1gb usb thumbdrive that also plays mp3s.
there are several cheaper thumbdrive style players.
archos makes the best multimedia player, and creative has made players a lot longer.
i personally know more people that have i-river players than apple.
apple products are expensive.
they always have been, since the days of the $4800 apple ][+ to today and the $499 computer that really costs around $800.
apple is too stupid to realize that they aren't going to compete with hp, which sells an entire computer, speakers, monitor, and all, for $499.
apple is too stupid to realize they would have been better off with ps2 ports for the “mouse and keyboard laying around” than they are with firewire, which the industry hasn't really adopted.
before you macheads rant about firewire being better, consider this:
the ipod shuffle has a usb port, not a firewire port.
michael dell is wrong in comparing the ipod to the walkman.
walkman became a common name for any portable cassette player, and is similar in use to kleenex, band-aid, rollerblades, etc.
people are nowhere near calling their i-river or muvo an ipod.
however, i do believe that dell is correct in stating that the ipod and mini are fads.
i equate them to the nasdaq in feb 2000, highly overvalued.
rant over – by zaph1
i once got to talk to one of the guys (10:17am est thu jan 20 2005)who developed the pancake motor that allowed the tape sony walkman to be reduced in size to just bigger than the tape itself. people forget how big the original walkman players were. (bigger even than the radioshack clunkers.)i bought an aiwa first because i wanted the recording capability.
i find it hard to find a player with dolby noise reduction these days while virtually all tapes sold commercially are dolby b encoded.
my present radio/tape sony walkman has lasted at least 4 years and has about 18-22 hours of battery life with regular alkalines (now i use rechargeables). – by kev, a swing dancer
kevin rollins (10:22am est thu jan 20 2005)knob jockey extrodinaire!
– by spacca
dell computer's (10:23am est thu jan 20 2005)how could this guy run any sort of company!!!!! first of all i find that dell computers are cheap quality… how can he compare his cheap product with such a well designed product like mac's ipod and mac mini.he is just pissed off that his company cant break into the mp3 player business – by gmr
the walkman (10:24am est thu jan 20 2005)sunk in the 90's because of the short lived, “big bulky sport walkman” trend. sony thought people wanted a walkman you could drive a car over and it would survive, and we got those enormous ugly yellow bohemouth walkman. but for almost 20 years the walkman was the standard for portable music players and owned the market. apple should be greatful that someone would make such a comparison.
– by king of the town
dell dj (10:25am est thu jan 20 2005)has anyone every actually seen or heard of anyone, anywhere buying one of those pieces of crap?
don't be embarrassed, speak up.
– by xploitman n virusboy
ipod is a fad (10:25am est thu jan 20 2005)in it's current form of course it is. all players that are mp3 only are fads. they will last another 2-3 years as “strong” sellers. but video is on its way over too.
whenever these mp3 players can play .mpgs, .avi, .wmv, .mov and the like with all the endless amounts of combinations of codecs, then you will see the next generation of this fad. mp3 (only) players will sell as well as portable fm radios did in comparision to tape players etc.
what will be interesting will be which company will be able to offer a product that can do this. many will only support mpeg-4 avi. this will leave 90% of my collection of 900 music videos unplayable. and no i will not be interested in some stupid utility that i have to use to convert all of them to .mov like i am sure apple will demand.
i use a pocket pc which has betaplayer software that plays any file i give it. any. no conversion needed. 1 button access to my mp3s as a player etc.
the next “fad” will be a close call between having mp3 players not only play video and pictures, but phone ability, camera or video camera, internet or games. that one the market will have to decide on. my money is on camera or video camera. but absolutely yes mp3 players in general as they are now are a fad and a very short one.
the speed of how fast technology changes will not allow a “mp3 only” player to stay in the top seller list for 10 years in a row. they will always sell, but not nearly as much as the newer more fully capable products on the market will.
music videos is the next big step, and they are the mp3s of the future. big screens for everyone! – by fad
he speaketh from his rear end (10:33am est thu jan 20 2005)digital music players are here to stay, they are the logical extension a trend that started with sanyo's pocket sized transistor radio (although sanyo made special shirts for their salesman that had a slightly bigger pocket). the only thing i see changing are the encoding and storage tech used.
i'm speaking only of digital music players here, not multimedia players, palm pilots that play mp3, super cell phones or whatever…..
ipod will lose some market share, that's practically a given, but i bet they still make them in 20 years and apple still makes a tidy little profit. – by asdf
hhmmm, (10:37am est thu jan 20 2005)i might as well give my 2 cents. yes it is true that apple has yet to put out a product that is a good value. now when i say value i mean, high quality and an excellent price point. now they seem to have the quality point down pretty good, however their prices on everything is outrageous. why anyone would waste money on a mac product is beyond me.
and to the guy above who said that the dell was a *cheap* product is simply not true. they continue to have way above average in the reliability section. people buy dells because they work. they are not the #1 pc seller for nothing. now don't get me wrong. i myself would not buy a dell. i would stick with a falcon, alienware or an abs system. just my opinion.
if the mac is so good. why is the market
share so low? – by boywonder
i poo (10:38am est thu jan 20 2005)total trash – by lkets be honest
boywonduh (10:44am est thu jan 20 2005)“why anyone would waste money on a mac product is beyond me.”
why anyone would waste the time it takes to keep windows running is beyond me (but i get paid to, so it's not my time i waste). for me time is money, mac gives me the best bang for my buck. os 9 was getting troublesome, os x is a boywonder dream.
“if the mac is so good. why is the market share so low?”the reasons are numerous– bad marketing decisions in the early-mid 90s, a business culture focused on short-term returns instead of long-term (which translates to buy whatever is the cheapest now), and a culture of geeks who in their interest of self-preservation have recommended continuously the platform which will get them the most job security.
– by toeknee
what do you expect him to say? (10:54am est thu jan 20 2005)as mentioned above, the sony walkman was fantastic, even if it was (or wasn't) a fad.
it is easy to pooh-pooh it a decade or two later.
is mr. dell saying he would have never sold walkmans back then if he had a chance?
because they were a fad.
he should pray that his music player is a “fad” lile the ipod.
this drivel is embarrassing because mr. dell's agenda is so obvious. he must feel it is his job to downplay competitors — as it that will make a difference in sales.
it would have served him better to keep his mouth shut.
now he just appears like a
quantity of macs sold does not equal quality of macs.
it is best not to criticize a product unless you have tried it.
macs are great ! – by dantheman
so what? (10:54am est thu jan 20 2005)the ipod is just a music player. well– primarily a music player. but if it has a run of a few years and in the mean time gets wintel people into apple retail stores, it has accomplished its purpose. once a critical mass people try the mac
windows, with all its bugs and security holes, is toast.mac sales were up 25% last quarter. a modest inrease, but it is a start. – by tomb
macs biggest marketing blunder… (10:58am est thu jan 20 2005)apple's biggest marketing blunder is that it still requires os to be run on their proprietary hardware.
if the os is “so much better”, they should put it out there to run on any pc and compete directly with microsoft.
true geeks don't want to be forced to buy some pre-assembled thing from apple.
i would love to build my own computer and have the option to put whatever os on it i want…be that linux, m$, or macos. – by thegrasshopper
told you…. (11:10am est thu jan 20 2005)a fad is a fad.
– by wd
boywondope (11:12am est thu jan 20 2005)sorry to have to break out the old trick of going to the referenced site and configuring a comparable machine…
alienware small format pc:xp pro15″ free monitor (claimed $399 value)junk lexmark printer (no declared value, prolly $50)intel celeron d 325 (2.53ghz)256mb ddrintigrated intel graphics 90080gb 7200rpm drivecombo dvd reader/cdrw3.5″ floppy (hahahahaha!!!!)digital audio cardgigabit ethernetmodemtotal: $1440subtract value of free display & printer: $990
i'm not saying it doesn't outclass the mac mini in some areas. but you are the one talking about how expensive the mac is…mac mini seems like a pretty good deal to me all the sudden.
i'm sure i could look up some more comparisons from your favorite vendors, but i've got work to do…
cheers! – by 505
(11:12am est thu jan 20 2005)it's not a blunder on apple's part just because *you* want to be able to build your own computer. many people who do that end up just pirating the os anyway.
without the revenues from hardware sales, apple would not have been able to fund os development. with ipod/music revenue, that may be changing, but there is still the question whether apple should enable their software to be run on other platforms, including cheapo parts that will degrade the image of the os, or whether then can afford to lower their margins and release less expensive, yet high quality hardware.
it appears they have chose to do the latter. – by toeknee
chosen (11:13am est thu jan 20 2005)s/b chosen – by toeknee
haha (11:19am est thu jan 20 2005)remember when the dell spokesman (“dude, you got a dell!”) got busted for smoking pot? that was awesome.
it seems everyone talks about the ipod in this article. did we forget the mac mini? which is going to be quite possibly the greatest thing to happen to computing? think about the abilities this will give small families or tie digital houses together.
granted it doesnt have a monitor or keyboard. but! lcd monitors are getting dirt cheap–some as low as 150.00 @ my job.
mac is gonna win. – by urban
again, (11:21am est thu jan 20 2005)most of you are taking extreme positions. a) dell is not “crap,” they are descent machines that are well priced.
buy them in bulk, like for a school or office, and their per unit price is just about unbeatable.b) people buy macs because they like them.
people use windows because they like windows computers, and people use linux because they like linux.
there's nothing to “wonder” about.
when you buy a car, you look at cost, safety features, luxary, etc, and you make your choice.
people do the same when they buy their system.c) ipod is a nice tool, but it certainly is no modern day version of the walkman.
miniaturized components that had previously been much larger when they developed the walkman.
the ipod just simply has nice features and a nice interface, and make no doubt about it, apple also had some luck with the ipod in that it became “the” device to have.
since such things never last forever, sooner or later, probably sooner, the ipod will lose dominance in the marketplace.
before some of you get all riled up….its an music player for christ's sake….get a grip. – by xyz
ummm, matthew… (11:25am est thu jan 20 2005)did you pass high school english?
“the most damming comment …”
is he a beaver, building a dam?
“i am not saying apple don't have other products in the works …”
i ain't even gonna comment on this here grammar.
it don't even sound like there ain't nothin' worng wit' it.
try a grammar checker at least.
i am continually saddened by poor education standards and lack of drive by people to sound at least half-way intelligent. – by seljo myeri
ipod envy (11:35am est thu jan 20 2005)dell jumped on the bandwagon with their own mp3 player.
creative was one of the first mp3 players that i had ever heard of.
archos has had a portable mp3, mpeg player out on the market for quite some time.
they are all nice devices but they fall short of the ipod when it comes to ease of use.
you shouldn't have to join the greasy minority of computer geeks to be able to enjoy some music.
the difference is that apple writes quality software to work with the ipod.
the windows world hasn't grasped that simple concept. – by switch
facts straight (11:35am est thu jan 20 2005)the sony walkman dominated the personal music device market for closer to twenty years until knockoff technologies copying its essential elements and new innovations such as the ipod displaced some of that market share.
secondly, it was ***rollins***, not michael dell who made the assertion. – by jj brannon
not so pricey (11:39am est thu jan 20 2005)boywonder writes:“i might as well give my 2 cents. yes it is true that apple has yet to put out a product that is a good value. now when i say value i mean, high quality and an excellent price point. now they seem to have the quality point down pretty good, however their prices on everything is outrageous. why anyone would waste money on a mac product is beyond me.”
your comments about outrageous prices are more heresay than reality, at least with some of apple's product lines. price out a system that matches an ibook or mac mini feature-for-feature and you'll find that those products are quite competitive. work with os x for a while and you'll wonder why a supposedly faster windows system seems to be so much more sluggish, why it's hard disk never seems to be at rest, and why your laptop's fan is running when the machine is just sitting idle. truly. i'm typing from a quite 700mhz ibook with half a dozen apps open, but the noise of the fan and hard disk at my workstation is all from the 1.8mhz dell latitude notebook an arm's reach away, doing nothing at the moment but running outlook on xp. the gui on the ibook is better and faster by far.
at $499, maybe it's time for some people to pick up a mac mini so that when they want to voice an opinion, it can at least be an informed one.
speaking of uninformed, from grasshopper we get this plum:“apple's biggest marketing blunder is that it still requires os to be run on their proprietary hardware. if the os is 'so much better', they should put it out there to run on any pc and compete directly with microsoft.”
apple tried the clone thing before, and disaster ensued. apple's a computer manufacturer
they make the bulk of their money from selling hardware. they aren't microsoft, nor do they pretend to be. and with sales on the upswing and $5 billion in the bank, i think perhaps mr. jobs knows more than mr. grasshopper about running the business.
grasshopper pushes on thusly:“true geeks don't want to be forced to buy some pre-assembled thing from apple. i would love to build my own computer and have the option to put whatever os on it i want…be that linux, m$, or macos.”
apple isn't stopping anyone from building their own computer, so buy your motherboard and geek out to your heart's content. so os x isn't available for x86 systems
why isn't anyone bitching because windows xp isn't available for the power pc? you can always load yellowdog linux on a mac, i suppose, though with a nice unix-based os like os x on the system i don't see the point.
and another thing about that “build my own computer” quip: since when don't “true geeks” buy laptops? how many “true geeks” do you know that have bought an lcd, mobo, keyboard, touchpad, case, etc. and come out with a great low-cost laptop? or do “true geeks” lug their custom build desktop systems to business meetings and libraries? (oooo, you added memory to your laptop. i'm in awe. oh, wait, you can do that to apple's machines, too…)
honestly, microsoft should pay you people for spreading this manure… – by
ipod walkman (11:40am est thu jan 20 2005)
walkman earned tons of money for sony,ipod earns tons of money for apple.both of these device plays music,there will always be music. – by nutty
free purse!! (11:45am est thu jan 20 2005)get yours now with the purchase of an ipod!
– by whitebread
credit (11:58am est thu jan 20 2005)he gives too much credit.
it isn't the walkman of today…it is the 8-track of today.
i have nothing against apple.
of course it's a fad, that should go without saying.
– by cd
don't underestimate kevin rollins (11:58am est thu jan 20 2005)mr rollins is clearly displaying his famous sense of humor in this statement.
clearly he intends to make a point through irony.
i take the statement to mean, as the walkman was for sony, so is the ipod for apple, and that if dell wants a piece of a real that profitable market, then they had better do better than the dell dj.
likewise, his statement regarding the mac mini was intended to mask his wistful sorrow.
also, to buy time for dell to come up with
competing product.
give them 6 months. – by consumer
more nonsence (12:16pm est thu jan 20 2005)zaph1 says:
“apple is too stupid to realize they would have been better off with ps2 ports for the “mouse and keyboard laying around” than they are with firewire, which the industry hasn't really adopted. “
hmm. well if anyone can show me a firewire mouse and keyboard it would be the first i've heard of. as far as industry support. which industry are you talking about? the dv camcorder industry includes one on almost every dv camcorder sold. since that was one of the target audiences, sounds like a winner to me.
he continues with:
“walkman became a common name for any portable cassette player, and is similar in use to kleenex, band-aid, rollerblades, etc. people are nowhere near calling their i-river or muvo an ipod.”
can't argue with that. those pieces of crap certainly don't compare with an ipod as sales figures show.
i won't even go into the nonsence i'm reading from the diyers complaining they can't build a mac or could make one more powerful for less money. learn to stay on topic. – by guydude
forgot one thing (12:21pm est thu jan 20 2005)another target audience for firewire was computer dv editing. can anyone find any computer on the market being targeted for dv video use that doesn”t have firewire ports?
– by guydude
i stand by my comment! (12:22pm est thu jan 20 2005)microsoft has tons more money than apple, and microsoft didn't need “hardware sales” to do it.
apple may have lots of money, but they could potentially have lots more.
i still say that if osx is so good, they should put it on the x86 platform.
furthermore, i think die-hard mac ppl are worried that the osx won't run stable if it's not on mac-tested hardware.
i say that the true test of an os is how stable it can run on any hardware.
i think that keeping macos on proprietary hardware is what has kept apple w/ only 3%-4% marketshare. – by thegrasshopper
re: guydude (12:27pm est thu jan 20 2005)because we all know everyone will be pluging in their dv cams but will have to choose between, mouse, keyboard, ipod, other usb devices. – by
arrrggghhhhh (12:31pm est thu jan 20 2005)bloody flaming wars…i know im guilty of starting a few myself..
i say if someone buys a mac mini and is happy, let them be. if someone buys an ipod and is happy, let them be. mac fans will never understand why pc fans snicker at them. just as pc fans cannot comprehend how mac fans will spend $3000 on an $1800 computer.no one can honestly say that one system is 100% better than the other. i use both, for different reasons, and they both run great. no my hd on my pc is not always running, a simple cleanup stops that. oh and my mac can multitask. but it is a top of the line g5 so i hope it can…
but this article was about the ipod and the mac mini…. so let the flamming begin lol.first off.. the ipod… i seriously cannot understand how anyone can buy one of these. i know people like the look.. well i think its one of the ugliest mp3 players iv ever seen. its large and clunky. the audio quality is alright though. but for $399-$699 ill pass thank you. there are dozens of less expensive players, that do the same job, are smaller and look nicer.
as for the mac mini… there is too much to say here. to me its just apple trying to sucker people into buying a cheap (cash and hardware wise) computer just like the old icrap.. oops i mean imac. what a peice of shizer was that… have you seen the specs on this thing. at first i was like
oh.. a g4 1.25.. not bad, a 40g hd… not bad, 256mb of ram.. getting worse, a 32mb r;. thats not good at all… what only 1 fire wire.. that will be used up buy my kb.. hmmm.. for $499.. wait.. it doesnt come with a screen, kb or mouse, well lets add that on.. the total now is..scratch that if i want 1ghz of ram thats now up to…(with a really cheap screen) $1241. dam thats fuk'n expensive for what im geetin.. im better off getting a g5 at $1499 lol. – by gilligan
hoppin' again (12:33pm est thu jan 20 2005)ever heard of microsoft office? word? excel? or how about exchange server? sql server?
i think it's a fair guess that less than 5% of microsoft's net profit (after r&d and other expenses) comes from windows.
apple has had mainly its os and hardware to make money from until recent years.
and, fortunately for us, apple doesn't listen to what “you say” for marketing and business tips.
opening up a whole new platform for the os to run on also requires making it compatible with all the different peripherals– i am sure they have considered it, and it probably didn't meet their roi requirements.
and yes, they did make some mistakes a decade ago, but that doesn't mean that the answer then is the answer now. it's a whole new ballgame.
the ipod, and its successors, are what's going to bring apple to a decent market share again. what's decent? i'd love to see 15%, but only 10% would be huge. – by toeknee
mmmm…. (12:38pm est thu jan 20 2005)dell….that icon of syle and hippnes…….lol – by maximillian
gilligan (12:44pm est thu jan 20 2005)i see you still don't get it. if you're the type who might buy a g5, then you're not the target market for the mac mini. it's not supposed to look like a good deal to you.
and if you need any extra screens, kb, or mice, they are everywhere, and they are cheap. the target buyer of the mac mini has them already.
get it now?
– by toeknee
dell sucks anyway (12:45pm est thu jan 20 2005)i have a dell at work and it sucks. i would never buy a dell product for home use. although i use both a mac and a pc i would rather own a hp or build my own way over a dell. – by dell sucks
8-track, casette, cd, mini-disk, mp3, ??? (12:47pm est thu jan 20 2005)they were all fads, most were quite profitable fads at that.
apple has done a great job of exploiting this fad, better than any other player.
they went from a one trick pony to a two trick pony and doubled their revenue, good for them.
mp3's will still be around for decades.
it already has, but it's only been a real money earner for less than one decade (real money earner = $100's of millions, not $10's of millions).
but like all fads mp3 will give way to something else, if you know what it is you should invest now and get rich.
maybe some on-demand satalite music service were with out any hard drive or flash you can listen to any song ever made for a small monthly fee.
maybe it will be some pda thing that has a constant wireless encrypted channel back to your host pc and you can just play your mp3's from there, eliminating the need for the expensive local storage at all.
toshiba just announced a cellphone that gives you an open portal back to your pc.
who knows, but you can bet your bottom dollar that personal mp3 players will give way to something even cooler & cheaper sooner or later.
my guess is it will be a cheap or free wireless link, way lower power than spinning a hard drive motor, way smaller, and way, way, cheaper ($100).
kind of like a portable xm/sirus radio except it will access a huge song database (maybe everyone ever made) on-demand.
i think the technology exist to make such a thing, just not cheaply, that usually changes. – by fads come and go
more for the hopper (12:51pm est thu jan 20 2005)walt mossberg explains it quite well, who's interested in the mac mini and why:
it's similar with the ipod. there are those who find it a must-have, and there are many who cannot understand the fuss. i was one of the latter until i got one as a wedding gift. pretty awesome device. not a fad. as long as apple keeps adding features (already has pda functions), it will not go out of style for some time, if ever– it may just morph into the next must-have consumer product.
t – by toeknee
usb for keyboard/mouse (12:56pm est thu jan 20 2005)if one more person says something about using firewire for kb and mouse i will scream. people, that's why the mini comes with usb. please get your shizz straight. – by jfinite
i don't think i'll buy anymore pcs from him.
(12:57pm est thu jan 20 2005)dell's fad comment is idiotic. don't want to know that my pc was made by an idiot. as far as licensing the mac os goes, apple did try that for a few years in the 90s.
then jobs killed the experiment when he returned to the company.
apple was in big trouble at that point, and the margins for licensing the os were too small. – by adam
kb (12:57pm est thu jan 20 2005)i gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he has a firewire “musical” keyboard. that's the only i could find online.
t – by toeknee
re: arrrggghhhhh (1:12pm est thu jan 20 2005)hey gilligan, did you know that macs use usb for the kb, and not fw? you say that you use a top of the line g5 but you didn't know that? yeah right! – by steve
dell pc (1:13pm est thu jan 20 2005)i'm a pc tech for one of the states in the usa, we are recently deploying 200 pcs per week in our state.
dell lovers listen up.
out of 1000 dell monitors we have deployed 300 have been bad, out of 1000 pcs 100 have failed in some way or another.
someone needs to ask someone who knows and works on dell pcs before the say dell is great and very comparable.
did i mention i was a mac-tech for 6 years.
i installed them from start to bottom installed software, printers, etc.
i had 3 harddrives go out in 6 years and maybe, maybe 5 monitors, how can you compare, you get what you pay for, macintosh (apple products) are the bentley's of our age, don't be scared buy one, use it for 6 months and you'll never look
any questionssparky21 – by sparky21
fanboy morons (1:17pm est thu jan 20 2005)you guys spar back and forth over apple invented this, dell invented that.
the truth is that retailers like apple & dell buy most of their technology and assemble it into a box with their logo on it and spend far more on marketing it to fanboys like some here than they do on r&d.
it's true that both apple & dell have numerous patents.
but nothing compared to a ibm, intel, amd, microsoft, qualcomm, samsung, maxtor, seagate, hitachi, motorola, or any other real r&d company.
these guys buy their hard drives, buttons, displays, memory, cpu's, and even their plastic shells from real engineering companies.
they design a pretty shell to wrap around their product and sell it to consumers for 20%-30% more than it cost them to program & put together.
you can buy a laptop drive, a cheap cpu + programmer, a handful of button, display, and memory parts from digikey, and make your own mp3 player.
there are several websites out there showing you exactly how to do this.
it's much more advanced than building a toy car out of lego's, but it's not exactly pushing any design engineering envelopes.
listening to you morons you'd think these guys invented engineering, when in truth they aren't even close to being top flight practitioners of it.
their core tech was mostly invented by others, they mostly bolt it together and wrap custom plastic and software around it to fool dimwits like some of you into thinking they've really done something special.
apple definatly came up with the nicest mp3 player, they definatly added value with their slick software interface, but that's like buying a car and adding some really nice body mods and paint job.
it certainly qualifys as talent, but not exactly engineering talent, and that's why there are a lot more body & paint guys in the world than there are design a whole new kind of engine guys.
motorola, ibm, hitachi, maxtor, texas instruments, and such are the guys that really make mp3 players possible.
apple and dell are just body & paint guys, they even order their custom made plastic boxes from someone else…
– by real engineer
re: toeknee (1:19pm est thu jan 20 2005)firstly, thank you for your comments.
i can't say how much of m$ profit comes from windows.
all i can look at is the market share that they have an marvel at how impressive it is.
as far as the article, it describes why someone might switch now from m$ to apple.
my arguement is that if you could run macos on a x86 machine, many people would have already switched.
i bought a pc from dell, and i only had the option of windows as an os.
if i could choose macos instead, i probably would have done so.
lastly, how did microsoft come to dominate with their other products (office/explorer/iis)?
it is probably because they had such a huge os implementation that its a no-brainer to buy their products (ppl feel m$ software will have tighter integration with the os, greater compatibility, ect).
another tactic they used is by forcing the product on you like media player and explorer.
it's been nice discussing things with you. – by thegrasshopper
fanboy morons #2 (1:25pm est thu jan 20 2005)for the special idiot above who thinks apple invented mp3.
here's the patent number below with the names of the inventors below that, took a whole 20 seconds to google up.
a snipit from a book about the history of mp3.
you dimwits know about books right???
the history of mp3 from mary bellis,
“fraunhofer gesellschaft and mp3the german company fraunhofer-gesellshaft developed mp3 technology and now licenses the patent rights to the audio compression technology – united states patent 5,579,430 for a “digital encoding process”. the inventors named on the mp3 patent are bernhard grill, karl-heinz brandenburg, thomas sporer, bernd kurten, and ernst eberlein. in 1987, the prestigious fraunhofer institut integrierte schaltungen research center (part of fraunhofer gesellschaft) began researching high quality, low bit-rate audio coding, a project named eureka project eu147, digital audio broadcasting (dab).”
notice that no one from apple or dell is listed on that patent.
they pay royalties to real engineers for the rights to make mp3 players.
about the only part of an mp3 player they invented was the pcb that holds the parts, the plastic case, and the software that runs on somebody else's cpu.
– by real engineer
standard business practice (1:26pm est thu jan 20 2005)this is obviously a standard pr move to marginalize apple's success. they taught us about this type of manuver in business school (mba). translated, apple is on a role, and if we do nothing to slow the “fad” they might penetrate other markets and further hurt our business. if you have seen the articles that are already being written about using a mac mini as a small business server and workstation, or in combination with a unix central server you can see where he is comming from. the dirty little secret is that small business is by far the largest buyer of it. they just don't do large media grabbing purchases in millions of dollars worth. they buy a thousand here and a thousand there, but by the thousands of businesses. what has apple done here… they have extended there easy to operate (lower it overhead) approach to businesses were they do not have the economic scale to afford a dedicated it staff. large businesses are beholden to small ones (customers) and thus have downstream pressure to accomidate them. this may be a unique end run strategy to enter the corporate board rooms while maintaining there existing brand value proposition. in 5 years we will all know, but don't be surprised if you are working on a mac.
– by cc
re: real engineer (1:27pm est thu jan 20 2005)apple innovated. – by you forgot 1 thing.
brief history of mp3 (1:28pm est thu jan 20 2005)some more for you
timeline – history of mp31987 – the fraunhofer institut in germany began research code-named eureka project eu147, digital audio broadcasting (dab). january 1988 – moving picture experts group or mpeg was established as a subcommittee of the international standards organization/international electrotechnical commission or iso/iec. april 1989 – fraunhofer received a german patent for mp3. 1992 – fraunhofer's and dieter seitzer抯 audio coding algorithm was integrated into mpeg-1. 1993 – mpeg-1 standard published. 1994 – mpeg-2 developed and published a year later. november 26, 1996 – united states patent issued for mp3. september 1998 – fraunhofer started to enforce their patent rights. all developers of mp3 encoders or rippers and decoders/players now have to pay a licensing fee to fraunhofer. february 1999 – a record company called subpop is the first to distribute music tracks in the mp3 format. 1999 – portable mp3 players appear. – by real engineer
my pee pee hurts (1:28pm est thu jan 20 2005)is that normal? – by gon o. rhea
pro con ipod (1:30pm est thu jan 20 2005)ipod:pro: easy (to date i know of no other mp3 player that can be used by a dumbass without reading the manuel)
service policy:
the ipod service policy:
oh? your having problems…ok are you in your warentee period? here have another new one…its the same model (or the closest match superior).
not a refurb.
a new one.
1 year base warrentee
3 year for 60$.
reasonable size/features:
not everything and the kitchensink, but a good set.
could be more, could be less.
but a good average set to compliment 1.
itunes: have you ever used nomad's software …case closed…its absolutely shitty…how shitty?
most of my friends pay to use a better software player for it (notmad).
and most of the others are not much better.
itunes is one of the best software jukebox mp3 player controllers.
decent store:
all things considered itms is a decent music store, it doesn't screw you changing rights on different songs, it doesn't change prices on you.
and it has a good selection.
the only stores i know people say are better than itms are either subscription (since its not and that's what they want) or cheapass russian bootleg sites
con:cost: definately….some models are more reasonable then others….but they all can be beaten by someone.
no wmp drm support, ever:unable to purchase from stores that only provide wmp files that are drm'd.(this will never change.
apple is refusing to hand the music market to microsoft and be at their licensing mercy…do you really think ms would let apple use wmp drm cheaply?
not with the msn music store being readied.
they would be as bloodthristy as in the days of ie vs netscape.)(*note itunes can do non-drm'd wmp files)
so ipod vs everyone else:ipod gets you easyipod gets you damn good serviceipod gets you decent/usable software and a decent store (most pop at the moment)ipod gets your wallet and it hurts.
everyone else gets you cheaper, more of a pita, more stores (but they all lock you into ms wmp drm) less stability between stores, and a choice of subscription services. – by dm
dell's chiet–the arrogant…..!!! (1:31pm est thu jan 20 2005)dell's chief executive is as arrogant as those you who dare to compare a pc with a mac. sure, they both do about the same functions but how they get there is as large as the distance from the earth to the end of the mickey way. there are two big animals in the pc industry and those are dell and microsoft. both powerful but for how long they will prospect in my opinion is a big question. dell makes pc for dummies and microsoft makes software for hell and its occupants.
open your eyes people!!! don抰 waste money on companies that can抰 make a pc like they should and others that don抰 get it when it comes to software. just because they are on top now doesn抰 mean that people at least some will remain brainless to continue to use their products, ex. dell, msft


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