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& & 改革开放以来,中国经济飞速发展,对外贸易成绩显著、中国经济和对外贸易发展的良好局面来之不易,这与我国政府尊重和重视知识产权是分不开的。随着科学技术的发展、知识经济的兴起和经济全球化进程的加快,知识产权的重要性得到了历史性提升。经过二十多年的努力,中国知识产权事业全面发展,为鼓励自主创新,增强自主研发能力,提高国际竞争力提供了坚实基础和有力保障2。& & 当今世界,知识产权制度的变革与发展巳进入一个空前活跃的阶段,知识产权在世界经济、科技和贸易中的重要地位日益显现,并成为促进一个国家经济发展的至关重要的因素。强化知识产权制度,已成为世界各国发展科技、经济和增强国力的必然选择。3日本明确提出从科技立国到知识产权立国的基本国策;4美国将知识产权当作国家基础性的战略资源,把强化知识产权保护作为重要的竞争手段,把深化知识产权管理特别是对专利的管理作为指导科技创新、经济结构调整以及产业技术结构优化升级的重要手段。从国际大环境来看,知 识产权保护范围正在不断扩大,知识产权保护水平正在进一步提高,围绕知识产权的竞争日益加剧5。知识产权已成为连接技术、经济和贸易的纽带。& & 未来15年,是中国走新型工业化道路,实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的关键时期,也是我国实现贸易大国向贸易强国跨越的关键时期。6要实现外贸增长方式的根本转变,提高对外贸易的质量和效益,就必须重视自主知识产权和自主品牌7的带动作用,通过加强知识产权制度建设,提高企业自主创新能力和核心竞争力。没有完善的知识产权保护体系,中国的自主创新的能力就不可能得到释放,8这不仅关系中国的形象,更影响我们自身的发展,事关中国的利益。9& & 本世纪前20年,是中国走新型工业化道路,全面建设小康社会,加速现代化建设进程的战略机遇期。我们要牢牢把握机遇,利用和保护知识产权,培育和推动企业自主创新能力建设,加快创造和培育中国高科技的自主知识产权和自主品牌的步伐。我们要让全世界知道,中国不是只有价廉物美的纺织品和轻工产品,还有更多体现中华民族聪明才智的自主知识产权局新技术产品和自主品牌。参考答案:Rejuvenating Trade Through Science and Technology and BPR ProtectionSince reform and opening up, China’s economy has been developing rapidly with tremendous achievements in foreign trade. The upbeat situation of China’s economy and foreign trade is hard won, and is inseparable from the respect and attention paid by the Chinese government to DPR protection. With the development of science and technology, the rise of knowledge-based economy, and the acceleration of economic globalization, the importance of intellectual property has been enhanced historically. Through efforts over the last two decades, intellectual property has gained overall development in China, thus laying a solid foundation and constituting a strong guarantee for encouraging independent innovation, strengthening independent research and development capacity,and boosting international competitiveness.In today’s world, the reform and development of IPR system has entered an unprecedentedly dynamic stage. Intellectual property has played an increasingly prominent role in world economy, science and technology and trade, as well as a vital factor behind a nation’s economic growth. To strengthen their EPR protection system has become a natural choice for countries that wish to develop science, technology and economy and enhance national strength. Japan has explicitly put forward the basic state policy of “building the country through intellectual property”,replacing the previous one of “ building the country through science and technology ”. The U. S. takes intellectual property as a fundamental national strategic resource. It identifies IPR protection as an important tool in competition, and deepening IPR management, especially patent management, as a significant instrument to guide technological innovation,economic restructuring and optimization and upgrading of industrial technological structure. In this global context, the coverage of IPR protection is widening, the level of protection is becoming higher, and competition centering on IPR is getting ever fiercer. Intellectual property has become a bridge linking technology,economy and trade.The coining 15 years is a crucial period for China to take a new approach to industrialization and realize the objective of building a well-off society in an all-round way,and also a crucial period for China to transform itself from a big trading country to a strong trading power. The fundamental transformation of the developmental mode of foreign trade and improvement of the quality and effect of foreign trade demand attention to the driving role of proprietary IPR and brands. Through a strengthened IPR system, the innovation capability and core competitiveness of enterprises will be enhanced. Without a sound IPR protection system, it will be impossible for China to release its independent innovation capability. That has a bearing not only on China’s image but also on her development and her interests.The first 2 decades of this century is a period of strategic opportunities for China to take a new approach to industrialization, build a well-off society in an all-round way and expedite the modernization drive. We must grip the opportunities, protect and utilize DPR, foster and promote capacity building among enterprises for independent innovation, and accelerate the creation and cultivation of China’s proprietary IPR and brands in the high-tech sector. We will show the whole world that China not only makes textile and light industry products featuring low price and good quality,but also makes high-tech products and brands with proprietary IPR that speak for the talent and wisdom of the Chinese nation.解题思路:1.此句中的“中国经济飞速发展,对外贸易成绩显著”是两个并列的主谓结构,既可以译 成由and引导的并列句,也可以将“对外贸易成绩显著”译成with引导的伴随状语 <lwith tremendous achievements in foreign trade",表示前者是句子的主要意思,后者是前者的表现之一。2.这里要注意动词的选择必须与名词相匹配。汉语中动词和名词的搭配常常有异于英语。如果直接将“提供”译成provide,则与foundation搭配不是很理想。但如果采用lay a foundation的译法,则动词lay与guarantee搭配也不合适。因此,可以考虑用两个动词分 别搭配对应的名词,译成:to lay a solid foundation and constitute a strong guarantee。3.此句的主语是动宾词组“强化知识产权制度”,可以将之译成不定式或现在分词结构,直 接充当主语:To strengthen IPR protection has become a natural choice for countries to develop science, technology and economy and enhance national strength.4.此句中,“从科技立国到知识产权立国”实际上是说用“知识产权立国”取代“科技立 国”,翻译的时候要把“取代”的意思翻出来。5.国际大环境:global contex to 围绕:to center on6.此句中要体现“大国”和“强国”的区别,可将“强国”译成power。7.此处“自主”可译为proprietaiy,意为自己所拥有的。8.这里“得到”暗示着被动的意义,因此该句可以译成被动句:China’sindependent innovation capability can never get released;也可以译成由it充当形式主语的句式,更为自 然流畅:It will be impossible for China to release its independent innovation capability.此处 的“自主”意为“独立自主”,故而译成independent,注意它与前面“自主知识产权和 自主品牌”中的“自主”在意义上的区别。9.此句中,“我们自身的发展”也就是指“中国自身的发展”,翻译时应该与“中国的形 象”、“中国的利益”这两个短语保持人称上的一致,而不必死扣原文。
三级笔译试题库 第1题:
A few months ago, I stood at the corner of a busy roundabout called Place Lamartine, across from the Roman gates leading into Arles in southern France, on a spot that was pivotal in the life of Vincent van Gogh. Behind me was the Rhone River, where he painted sparkling reflections from the quay on one particularly memorable starry night. Before me was a run-down commercial strip leading toward vast fields of the sunflowers he painted time and again.
It was where Vincent van Gogh’s Yellow House once stood, the sun-drenched Proven home that was the subject of his 1888 oil painting, where he took a period of “enforced rest” as he put it, in a pale violet-walled “Bedroom” he depicted in oil paintings three times that year.The little house contained legends: It was where one of the world’s most famous artists pushed his painting technique to its peak with works such as “Café Terrace at Night,” “Sunflowers” and “The Sower.” And it was where his personal life turned a dramatic and tragic corner. Here, van Gogh had a tumultuous fight with his friend, Paul Gauguin, and sliced a blade through his own ear, before admitting himself to the local mental hospital.
From March to August, I traveled to many of the landmarks of van Gogh’s artistic life, beginning in the Belgian mining town of Mons, where the 27-year-old Dutchman was fired from his job as a missionary working among local coal miners for “undermining the dignity of the priesthood” by opting to live in the same squalid conditions as the miners — and where he instead began to draw. From there, I traveled to his renowned painting locations, Montmartre in Paris and Arles and St. Rémy in Provence, and ultimately to the Parisian suburb of Auvers-sur-Oise, where his life was cut short in his 37th year.
I was on the trail of the artist during Van Gogh Europe 2015, the year that commemorates the 125th anniversary of his death, observed by cultural events and exhibitions related to van Gogh throughout the Netherlands, Belgium and France. What struck me was that, considering how famous and beloved van Gogh is, there are a number of historical landmarks of his life that have not been preserved, or are neglected. A few spots, however — such as van Gogh’s room at the asylum in St.-Rémy-de-Provence and his hotel room in Auvers-sur-Oise, where he died — have been handsomely renovated to great effect for visitors interested in the artist’s life, and for the local communities, which benefit economically from this form of gentle cultural tourism.
Hoping to replicate these strong examples, officials involved in Van Gogh Europe 2015 said their aim was to promote the forgotten sites, to focus attention on the fact that many sites linked to van Gogh were still in need of preservation.
“There’s a huge amount of interest worldwide in van Gogh’s paintings, and there’s a great audience for his work in museums,” Frank van den Eijnden, chairman of the Van Gogh Europe Foundation, said in a phone interview. “But generally there is less money for restoration and preservation of van Gogh heritage, mainly the local heritage sites that you can find in France, Belgium and the Netherlands. We needed more attention for all the organizations involved, and especially from the governments that were linked to these locations. We really want van Gogh heritage to be a world heritage in the coming years.”
三级笔译试题库 第2题:
President Trump threatens to “totally destroy North Korea.” Another hurricane lashes out. A second monster earthquake jolts Mexico. Terrorists strike in London. And that’s just this past week or so.Yes, the world is clearly coming to an end. But is there anything you can do to prepare?
That is not a philosophical question, or a theological one. And if it is a question that seems to beg any explication, you may stop reading now.But if you are among the swelling class of weekend paranoiacs of affluent means who are starting to mull fantasies of urban escape following the endless headlines about disasters, both natural and manufactured, you may be starting to see a different image in your mind when think “survivalist.” You may no longer see the wild-eyed cave dweller in camouflage fatigues, hoarding canned goods. You may even see one in the mirror.
In a world where the bombproof bunker has replaced the Tesla as the hot status symbol for young Silicon Valley plutocrats, everyone, it seems, is a “prepper,” even if the “prep” in question just means he is stashing a well-stocked “bug-out bag” alongside his Louis Vuitton luggage in a Range Rover pointed toward Litchfield County, Conn. Here is a checklist for the neo-survivalist preparing for the apocalypse.Go for the Silver
Two years ago, Greece was forced to shutter banks and limit A.T.M. withdrawals to 60 euros a day during a debt crisis that threatened to shatter Europe’s currency union. In the United States, prominent authors like James Rickards, a hedge fund veteran, and David Stockman, once the budget director for the Reagan administration, insist that an even bigger crisis will soon tank Wall Street and torpedo the dollar.
No wonder so many preppers, some of them wearing pinstriped suits, consider gold and silver to be a crucial hedge against a crisis.
While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies make news, many preppers are quietly packing their bug-out bags with rolls of pre-1965 American dimes, quarters or half-dollars, which are 90 percent silver and available from coin dealers and precious-metals websites (silver is currently about $17 an ounce). “My preferred form of precious metal post-financial collapse, that is, besides high-speed lead,” wrote one prepper on SurvivalistBoards.com.Unlike gold, which is hovering around $1,300 an ounce, these old silver coins come in small enough denominations to barter for a loaf of bread or a socket wrench in an economic “Mad Max” scenario. Even so, some survivalists remain silver skeptics. “For $100, let’s say you get five silver coins,” said an urban preparedness expert who goes by the nom de guerre Selco. “Why not buy 100 cans of soup?”
三级笔译试题库 第3题:
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