hireact native 500错误怎么老是网络错误

让母语者纠正你的发音吧#HiNative - 简书
最近聊了很多有关语言学习的内容,今天又给大家带来了一款语言学习的辅助应用 “HiNative”。
区别于大多数自带课程的语言学习应用,这款应用本身不提供任何学习资源,其最大特点是搭建了一个全球化的语言社区平台,为各地的语言学习者的相互交流提供了机会。看到这里大家可能会发现与昨天推荐的语言学习网站内容有所相似,没错,这款应用就是由昨天推荐的语言学习网站 Lang-8 开发的。
不过这款 App 主打的服务是需要学习的问答,即向母语者提问与其有关的语言问题,获得他们最地道的答案。提问方式丰富多样,包含文字,图片,语音等,让我们一起来看看这款 App 能够如何提升你的语言学习效率吧。
菜单中央的提问按钮是整个 App 功能的核心。用户可以通过提问来获取自己希望得到的各种语言学习资讯。同时提问菜单中内置了各种提问模版,以方便将问题横好的翻译为母语者的语言形式。
由于软件的定位,其实这款 App 并不能作为语言学习的主力工具,但是却能够起到非常好的辅助作用。另外由于设计的特点,这款 App 十分适合在零碎的时间使用,最大化语言学习者的学习效率。
本文来自互联网,作者—屋漏 第1节 著名语言学家Greg Thomson说的:“外语学习的原理是如此之复杂,以至于没有人能说清楚;但掌握语言的过程又是如此之简单,以至于不需要说清楚。”讨论语言学习的原理,是件非常复杂的事,在下当然也没把握能描述得很清楚。而且因为外语学习就连...
用两张图告诉你,为什么你的 App 会卡顿? - Android - 掘金Cover 有什么料? 从这篇文章中你能获得这些料: 知道setContentView()之后发生了什么? ... Android 获取 View 宽高的常用正确方式,避免为零 - 掘金相信有很多朋友...
用两张图告诉你,为什么你的 App 会卡顿? - Android - 掘金 Cover 有什么料? 从这篇文章中你能获得这些料: 知道setContentView()之后发生了什么? ... Android 获取 View 宽高的常用正确方式,避免为零 - 掘金 相信有很多...
告诉你外语学习的真实方法及误区分析》第12节 ——作者: 漏屋 这样几十小时一个级就能完。大家一定不要拖,非得“全会”不可那就麻烦了。觉得70分以上就好了。第二级如果从零基础直接这么上来有点费力,但有一点基础的同学没问题。一共两个月,每天也就一小时吧,我们的(Early S...
发现 关注 消息 iOS 第三方库、插件、知名博客总结 作者大灰狼的小绵羊哥哥关注
09:45字数 61697阅读 3316评论 2喜欢 85 用到的组件 1、通过CocoaPods安装 项目名称 项目信息 AFNetworking 网络请求组件 FM...
整个人群中,四分之一的人都会在生命的不同阶段面临焦虑问题。六分之一的青少年都有焦虑症。 我生命中感受焦虑最深的一次经历,是我作为科长第一次主持单位的新员工技术比武。比赛前方案制定得很周密,准备工作也非常充分,我自认为应该一切顺利推进。 但是,在我主持赛前会之前的几分钟,主管...
今天全家出去吃火锅,不小心被妞发现旁边有个游乐场,然后她就不定心了,激动得语无伦次:“那边有个游乐场,可有意思了!你们快吃,我带你们去,你们要听话,谁不听话我就不带他去。”然后又是拍手又是唱歌催我们快吃,“我都等你们半天了!” 没办法我先带她去,然后发现从我们所在的楼层找不...
看到标题的两个词,你肯定会立马产生不适的自然反应,就像我刚明明在吃水果,却突然感觉有点难以下咽。 这就是联想激活:“事物在你的大脑中唤起的想法激发出许多其他的想法,而且这些联想的行为在你的大脑中迅速扩展开来。”连贯性是联想激活的典型特点,不仅会联想一系列事情,还有可能引发情...
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最近读了本有意思的书,声称“泡男人才是正经事儿”。文章短小犀利,语言幽默风趣,书名虽然有些简单粗暴,但内容却颇多值得玩味思考。对于两性关系,也许有很多你不知道的事。今天通过拆书帮的拆书方法分享一个片段,希望小伙伴们喜欢! Reading阅读原文片段 I复述中心内容 没有人是...Increase your output and hone your English skills for the workplace
Expressing yourself in English...
starts with asking questions.
With feedback from your teacher...
you can find the answers, and make them your own.
With only input, it's difficult to find the right words to use in real situations.
By increasing your output with Trek, you can start asking the right questions to prepare yourself for the real world.
By increasing your opportunities to practice, you can learn English more efficiently.
Problems Every Day
Get practice in speaking and writing each and every day.
Personalized Feedback from Your Teacher
Each day, a teacher with professional experience from one of a variety of fields will correct your writing and pronunciation.
No Reservations. All on Your Smartphone.
No need to make a reservation or go to a classroom. Get your daily English fix all on your smartphone.
Get in the flow of daily English practice with a single app.
Email and push notifications inform you when new problems arrive each morning.
Post both written and voice answers for each problem.
Immediately after posting, a sample answer written and recorded by a native speaker will appear.
And before you know it, you'll receive personalized feedback from your teacher.
Don't hesitate to ask your teacher questions about the problems or their feedback.
All times and dates are based on Japan Standard Time (JST).
Coursework written by native speakers of English with professional experience in business and teaching.
The content of each problem is designed to teach you the basic phrases and grammar you need to get by in an English business environment. The writers worked to create modern-sounding problems that deal with actual situations they've experienced during their careers.
The writers include a serial entrepreneur, a project manager who's worked on multiple million dollar projects, and other professionals with long and varied careers in at American companies. Eriko Sekiya, a prolific translator and interpreter also took part in the creative process for the coursework.
Translate the following question into English and then answer it.
Roleplaying and Conversation.
Do you have any questions about what you saw on the tour?
Translate the following question into English and then answer it.
Roleplaying and Conversation.
Blue Hardhat, how may I direct your call?
Translate the following sentence into English.
Green Gasketにおいては、きちんとした書類を作ることはとても重要です。特にユーザーマニュアルは、非常に細かく作りこみながらも、同時に消費者にとって理解しやすいようにしなければなりません。
(次の文章の主なポイントを日本語でまとめましょう。)Mark Thomas wishes to reward the Product X team for a job well done. When that project was launched he put a staffing management plan in place. The plan gives consideration for a reward, and he should be able to give each member of the team a small bonus.
Translate the following question into English and then answer it.
こんにちは、Forge IndustriesのKen Phillipsです。(当社が御社にした)注文がちゃんと発送されたかの確認したいのですが、今手元にペンはありますか?
(次のクライアントの注文内容を日本語でまとめましょう。) I’d like to place an order for desktop computers, 15 of the SuperStack Professionals and 5 of the SuperStack Ultras. In addition, I would like to add 20 of your 27-inch LED displays as well.
Even the busiest people have time to master English with Trek
No annoying reservations
Turn in answers whenever you want.
No missed opportunities
Even if you miss a problem, you can always turn in them at a later time.
Turn in answers from work
Use Trek on both your smartphone and in your PC's browser.
Converse with your teacher asynchronously
People embarresed by real-time conversation need not worry.
No wasted money
You can always go back and complete old problems, and will never lose their value.
Quick, efficient studying via a smartphone
Inrease your output, review, and learn, all on your smartphone.
Daily English lessons for the price of a cup of coffee.
per day on average
Get started with a
How is Trek different from other English learning services?
Trek helps you increase your output through daily problems designed to teach you important English phrases. It's available on your smartphone without reservations, anytime, anywhere, and all Trek teachers are native speakers of American English.
Teachers are usually native speakers of English. Programs are designed to help students stay motivated and provide high-quality content.
No real-time conversation.
Going to a classroom is inconvenient, they're expensive, and the amount of time actually spent studying each week can be short.
Native speakers of American English.
Japanese teachers and native speakers of American English.
Around ?400 per problem?9,800 / Month
$200 USD~ / Month
Trek helps you increase your output through daily problems designed to teach you important English phrases. It's available on your smartphone without reservations, anytime, anywhere, and all Trek teachers are native speakers of American English.
Teachers are usually native speakers of English. Programs are designed to help students stay motivated and provide high-quality content.
No real-time conversation.
Going to a classroom is inconvenient, they're expensive, and the amount of time actually spent studying each week can be short.
Don't need one!
With the HiNative iOS app, you can use it anytime, anywhere. Study on the train and on your lunch break.
Typically involves going to a classroom.
Access old problems and listen to audio answers as many times as you like.
Look through old papers and homework
Practical English used by business professionals
Various courses to choose from
Native speakers of American English.
Japanese teachers and native speakers of American English.
Around ?400 per problem?9,800 / Month
$200 USD~ / Month
Other useful features
Dedicated App
An easy-to-use app that is always improving.
American Teachers
Personalized feedback from your teacher.
&Practical& coursework
Real phrases used at American businesses.
Problems arrive via push and email notifications.
Turn in When Ready
No reservations necessary. Turn your problems in when you're ready.
Follow-up Questions
Follow up with your teacher when you have questions or need clarification.
Voice Uploads
Upload voice answers separately and perfect your pronunciation.
PC & Smartphones
Use it on both PC and/or the dedicated HiNative app.
When does the course start?
The first problem will arrive on the day you register (and your payment is confirmed). If you register on a Saturday or Sunday, the first problem will arrive on the following Monday.
All times and dates are based on Japan Standard Time (JST).
Will I be able to speak English perfectly with just Trek?
The short answer is, no. However, we believe that the key to actually learning to use English in real situations is through practice. This course is designed to get you writing and speaking phrases consistently so that they come to you naturally the next time you are in a situation where you need to speak English.
When will I get corrections?
If you submit homework the same day you receive it, we'll do our very best to send you your corrections within 24 hours. (Please be aware that there may be times when we can't send out corrections by the time stated above.) If you submit homework on a different day than the day you received it, it may take us a little longer to correct your work.
I want to learn English in the easiest way possible
Trek is designed for people who realize that it takes effort in order learn. We can't make learning English easy, but we can provide you with an efficient method that is guaranteed to help you improve. For people who don't have the time or resources to live abroad, HiNative Trek is here to guide you through the daily process of learning English.
What browser does it work on?
Use the latest version of Google Chrome when accessing HiNative Trek from a computer. Uploading voice answers is unavailable on other browsers.
Quick, efficient studying via a smartphone
What is the latest I can turn problems in?
With HiNative Trek, even if you can't turn in your homework on a given day, you have up to 30 days within which you can turn that homework in and get a correction. When problems are turned in together, we will do our best to correct your work quickly. However, depending on the volume of submissions at the time, correcting your work may take as many days as the number of problems you turn in. Please be aware of this.
Do the teachers have business experience?
Every teacher has work experience with an American company.
I can no longer access problems on HiNative Trek. What should I do?
Please contact the HiNative Trek support team with your HiNative account's username and email address in the body of the email.
How long will I continue to receive problems after canceling my subscription?
You will continue to receive problems until the date when your next payment would be due. You can also review your old problems, answers, and corrections as long as you maintain your account on HiNative. Homework turned in within a month of unsubscribing will be corrected by your Teacher.
Can I ask my teacher questions in my mother language?
There is no rule against asking questions in your native language, but please be aware that the majority of Trek Teachers do not speak it.
I don't have a HiNative account. Can I still use HiNative Trek?
When you sign up for HiNative Trek, an account on HiNative will automatically be created for you.
If I decide that Trek isn't right for me after I register, can I get a refund?
Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds at this time.
How much will I save by paying for a yearly subscription?
Students with a yearly subscription will save $16.30, or roughly 17% each month. In total, they will save $196 during the year.
Will my yearly subscription automatically renew?
This depends upon the course you are currently subscribed to.1) Students subscribed to Trek IT1 will have their yearly subscriptions automatically renewed and they will be switched to the IT2 course. (Students can cancel their subscriptions up until the day before their registration date the following year.)2) Students subscribed to Trek Business or Trek IT2 will not have their subscriptions renewed. They will automatically expire after a year passes. (Even after their subscriptions expire, students will have access to their homework and correction data as long as they do not delete their accounts.
How long do I have to cancel my yearly subscription before it's automatically renewed?
Only students subscribed to Trek IT1 will have their subscriptions automatically renewed.Students can cancel their subscriptions up until the day before their registration date the following year.
Can I change from a yearly to a monthly subscription after I sign up?
Yearly subscriptions can not be changed to monthly ones after sign up.
What happens if I cancel my yearly subscription during my subscription period?
Students can cancel their subscriptions during their subscription period, but please be aware that the remainder of the subscription price will not be refunded and problems will continue to be sent out until the original expiration date.
HiNative Trek for businesses
Pay for multiple team members' subscriptions with the same card
Receive PDF receipts
First, pick the course you and your team will take.
The IT course is only available in Japanese.
Please select a course.hinative吧-百度贴吧
助攻总额: 43W
使用签名档&HiNative - 有问即答的语言学习社区 - Android 应用 - 【最美应用】HiNative—有问即答的语言学习社区 美一下一般般HiNative 是大名鼎鼎的 Lang-8 推出的一款全球语言 Q&A 软件。在这里可以与来自 170 个不同国家的人学习语言。HiNative 是类似于其他语言交换类社区软件,所不同的是更加注重于语言问题的问答。 最地道的外语老师凡是有外语学习经验的朋友都知道,语言学习完全无捷径可走,唯有日积月累一条路。学习的途中我们难免遇到问题。我相信,此时,若有良师指引,那必定事半功倍。如今常见的语言交换类软件大都以社区形式出现,其中虽不乏良品,却因时差、话题等原因,难以快速有效地解决学习中遇到的具体问题。 HiNative 汇集了全球 170 个国家的 learner ,注册软件时需要选择自己的本土语言和正在学习的语言。这里提醒大家中文是 「Simplified Chinese(China)」。直截了当的提问「这句话用英文怎么说?」、「这个句子听起来地道么?」、「请给我一个关于 ~~~的示例」----- HiNative 已经把大多数可能会提出的问题的都列出来了,你只需要填入相应的词汇或句子。如果这样还觉得麻烦,那就直接把书本中的问题拍下来好了,简单高效、直截了当。不要忘记 HiNative 的录音功能,你可以发出你的声音,会有很多热心的小伙伴纠正你的发音。无需等待,秒问秒答如果你使用过多种语言交换类的网络服务,那一定知道 Lang-8 这个有超过一百万用户的网站。 HiNative 除了继承了大量的基础用户外,来自 170 个不同国家热心的小伙伴更保证了高效的回答速度。这里提醒各位朋友,在寻求帮助的同时一定要及时解答正在学习中文的外国朋友的问题。互惠互利的社区,才是高效的社区。最后,也是最重要的一点, HiNative 可以用 Facebook 、Twitter 直接登陆,也可以使用 Lang-8 账号登陆,或使用自己的邮箱注册,不必科学上网,亲测可用。由于国内商店还未收录该应用,请大家移步网盘下载——————(C) 本文著作权归作者所有,并授权最美应用独家使用,未经最美应用官方许可,不得转载使用。 想要更流畅的体验吗? 关注「最美应用」微信公众帐号小美微信号zuimei47加小美微信号,来跟小美聊天啦~高清截图
求给安装包,下载不了,能再发一下网盘吗?太棒了,大家如果看到那个获取Google play服务的提示,点返回键即可.注册好了,语音基本用不了注册不了,激活邮件一直收不到打滚求安装包啊啊。。。 谢谢好人有网盘吗?下了以后登不了?注册也不行???看起来不错下来试试下架了???怎么下啊,下不了下不了QAQ可以用。可能是刚开始注册的原因,英语回答问题没有说的那么快。不是下载不了啊,它说要Google play 啊,一按获取就闪退下载不了耶敢不敢不用google 框架 谁给帮个忙 破解下界面简洁,看起来不错!可以下载啊天呐这个真的太棒了!!!!下载不了啊App Store 上的“HiNative-语言学习”
只能在 iOS 设备上的 App Store 获取此 App。
Made most Bookmark features available to all users!Made each user's home country/region clearer on country questions.Other small bug fixes and improvements.
Made most Bookmark features available to all users!Made each user's home country/region clearer on country questions.
Made most Bookmark features available to all users!Made each user's home country/region clearer on country questions.
Improved the Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Traditional Chinese translations.Fixed a bug making editing answers a pain.Fixed a few other bugs as well!
Say hello to the two newest question templates on HiNative! Get feedback on your pronunciation with &How's my pronunciation?& and get examples from native speakers with &Please show me how to pronounce ~~.&
Say hello to the two newest question templates on HiNative! Get feedback on your pronunciation with &How's my pronunciation?& and get examples from native speakers with &Please show me how to pronounce ~~.&
版本 8.8.0
4.7(满分 5 分)
230 个评分
230 个评分
对于有些问题 真的只有问那些母语使用者得到的答案下真的发自内心的让人信服!
对于有些问题 真的只有问那些母语使用者得到的答案下真的发自内心的让人信服!
启用“家人共享”后,此 App 最多可供 6 名家庭成员使用。


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