
你可能喜欢背单词网站_世界左撇子日 关于左撇子你不知道的6件事_沪江英语
August 13th is Left Handers' Day and this year, 2014, will mark the 22nd annual celebration. The first celebration took place in 1976 to promote awareness of left handers' and the struggles they face with the day-to-day products
towards the right-handed
population. It has been estimated that up to 10 percent of the world's population are left-handers and even now, many are still
in society for being born that way. Scientists have studied left handers' for a while now to see what differences they boast in comparison to their , and here are six surprising discoveries:号是第22个世界左撇子日。我们生活的世界大多都是为右撇子设计的,而为了引起对左撇子的关注,1976年这个纪念日被首次提出。据统计,世界上现在有10%的人口都是左撇子,然而至今他们中的很多人仍遭受着不公平对待。科学家曾对左右撇子进行研究来辨别彼此有何不同,这里是六个令人惊讶的发现:
1.Left-handers are more likely to develop . A whopping 20 percent of schizophrenics are said to be left-handers, which is a strong proportion considering they only make up 10 percent of the world's population. What's more, being left handed has been associated with mood disorders,
and .1. 左撇子更容易精神分裂。据称,近20%的精神分裂患者都是左撇子。鉴于左撇子仅占全球人口的10%,这个比例是相当大的。而且,左撇子更容易遭受情绪障碍、注意力缺乏症和阅读障碍的困扰。
2. Left-handers have a shorter . It has been quoted, for what seems to be ages, that left-handed people have a shorter life span by nine years than their right-handed peers. This information was shared in the 1980s in two scientific journals -- "Nature" and the "New England Journal of Medicine" -- by psychologists Diane Halpern and Stanley Corenboth. But critics of the study have pointed out that some of the subjects of the study could have been right-handed, since it was common to train a child to use the that hand, and thus, the data was .2. 左撇子寿命相对较短。据多年的观察表明,左撇子平均寿命比右撇子少九年。二十世纪八十年代,这项发现由心理学家黛安·哈普恩和斯坦利·科恩波斯发表在《自然》和《新英格兰医学期刊》上。然而评论家指出,这项研究的某些样本其实是右撇子,因为孩子常被训练使用右手。因此,该数据是错误的。
3. Left-handers do worse on
exams. It could be because of the right-handed desks in school or awkward sitting positions, but left-handers do worse on timed exams. Lefties, know that you can ask your school for special seating on your exam to
your hand dominance!3. 左撇子在限时考试时表现较为不好。这可以归结为学校里的桌椅都是适合右撇子的设计,但是一旦考试限时,左撇子的表现会变得更不好。左撇子们注意了,在学校考试的时候你是可以根据自己需要要求特殊座位的!
4. Left-handers are most scared. You know that lefties suffer from more disorders in the
point above, but did you know they're twice as likely to suffer from
stress disorder? If you're curious why, then know that it is because left-handers have a dominant right brain, which is responsible for the symptoms of PTSD.4. 左撇子大多胆小。你可能从本文的前半部分知道了左撇子生活有诸多障碍,但是你知道他们比右撇子遭受创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的概率高一倍吗?如果你好奇原因的话,那么让我来告诉你:是右脑主导着左撇子的行为,而这部分大脑正好负责着创伤后应激障碍的症状。
5. Left-handers will be worse at languages. The left hemisphere of our brain is responsible for language function, according to Psychology Today, and this is the less dominant
for lefties. As such, they have less dominance for language.5. 左撇子语言方面表现更差。根据《今日心理学》,我们的左脑负责语言功能,而左撇子的这半脑发育较不占优,因而语言能力也相对较差。
6. Left-handers are better at certain sports. For instant, in sports where opponents are facing off each other (e.g. boxing, tennis) lefties have an advantage due to the "fighting ," which states that lefties are better away to
their opponent's rightward movement with their dominant left hand.6. 左撇子在某些运动上表现更好。例如,在和对手面对面的运动项目中(如拳击、网球)等,基于“战斗假说”,左撇子们更占优势。因为他们用左手更能回击对手右侧的行动。
今天是第22个世界左撇子日,你是左撇子吗?你了解左撇子吗?接下来跟随小编一起走进左撇子的科学研究世界,来看看关于左撇子,你可能不知道的6件事。查看: 4120|回复: 19
左撇子智商高 暴脾气
& && &不过,据英国《每日邮报》9月18日报道,一项关于左撇子的最新研究发现,左撇子比普通人脾气更大。
& && &美国马萨诸塞州梅里马克学院的露丝·布罗教授领导了这一研究。他们通过对习惯使用左手的人进行观察记录,并扫描了他们的大脑使用情况。结果发现,左撇子大脑的两个半球交流更频繁,“联系”更紧密,这使得他们比常人更聪明,但也容易情绪化,易冲动、发火。
& && &研究者表示,古往今来,许多伟大人物都是左撇子:美国前总统克林顿、科学家爱因斯坦、微软创始人比尔·盖茨等。“如果左撇子能更好地控制下暴脾气,他们成功的几率就会更大。”布罗教授说。
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聪明人,脾气大,想得多?如果倒过来 想得多 脾气大 聪明人!会不会呢?
是真的吗 ??6亿?
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  No.1 巴拉克&奥巴马  No.1& Barack Obama
  在过去的一百年中,美国的总统们越来越&左倾&,这不是指他们的政见,而是他们的用手习惯。二十世纪以来一长串左撇子总统名单中,奥巴马是最近加入的一个。在他之前,加菲尔德总统、胡佛总统、杜鲁门总统、里根总统、老布什总统和克林顿总统都是左撇子。  In the past hundred years, the U.S. presidency has veered more and more to the left & not in policy, but in handedness. Barack Obama is the latest to join a long list of left-handed presidents from the 20th century: James Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Henry Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton were all southpaws.
  怎么会有那么多左撇子总统当选呢?一些专家认为,左撇子人群的语言运用能力更强,这种能力或许可以使他们在组织一些政治措辞时更为游刃有余。而至于近些年左撇子总统出现更为集中的问题,有些人认为这和教师最近停止对左撇子儿童进行右手使用纠正训练有关。  What makes lefties so electable? Some experts think left-handed people have a greater aptitude for language skills, which may help them craft the rhetoric necessary for political office. And as for the bout of recent left-handed presidents, some think it's because teachers only recently stopped working to convert lefties to righties at an early age.
  No.2 比尔&盖茨  No.2 Bill Gates  包括美国第一首富在内的这一人群,是美国左撇子最引以为豪的。事实上,这位微软巨头兼慈善家仅仅只是美国商界左撇子巨贾中的一位,如福特、洛克菲勒和前IBM总裁郭士纳都是左撇子。不过美国商界的左撇子团体似乎是一个&女士止步&的男士联谊会,研究表面,尽管男性的左撇子商人要比右撇子盈利更多,但是这条规律却不适合于女性。美国国家经济研究所指出,左撇子男士更青睐于&发散性&思维,这是一种创造性的思维方式,使大脑&从传统的知识转移到未曾探知的联想中去&。也许正是这样的一种思维方式创造了一张价值约估为570亿美元的&网络&。  Claiming the nation's richest man among their number is a source of considerable pride for America's society of southpaws. In fact, the Microsoft titan and philanthropist is one of a surprising number of U.S. business moguls to be left-handed, including Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and former IBM head Lou Gerstner. But the club seems to be a guys-only fraternity & research suggests that while left-handed men tend to earn more than their right-handed colleagues, there is no similar advantage for women. A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research floated the idea that left-handed men favor &divergent& thinking, a form of creativity in which the brain moves &from conventional knowledge into unexplored association.& Maybe that's what it takes to develop a net worth estimated at $57 billion.
  No.3 奥普拉&温弗里  No.3 Oprah Winfrey
  拥有约27亿美元的身价和仅需她瞄一眼就能把书卖到脱销的神奇力量,这位脱口秀女王已无需更多特质来使她鹤立鸡群了,但是她同样也是左撇子俱乐部中的一员。由于左撇子男性本身要比女性多,这无疑使奥普拉更为引人注目。其他与她同为女性左撇子的名人也都非常出众,包括乌比&戈德堡、茱莉亚&罗伯茨和安吉丽娜&朱莉(朱莉的同居男友布拉德&皮特也是左撇子)。  The talk-show queen doesn't need much more to set her apart from the rest & what with her estimated $2.7 billion fortune and a magic ability to sell books just by glancing at them & but she also has the distinction of being a member of the left-handed club. Since men are more likely to be left-handed than women, that makes Oprah doubly impressive. She's in good company: Other show-biz ladies of the southpaw persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie (live-in boyfriend Brad Pitt is also a lefty).
  No. 4 贝比&鲁斯  No. 4 Babe Ruth  即使是棒球的伪球迷们(得,就算是你们的祖母),对&全垒打之王&和他的714支全垒打也不会陌生。但是很少有人知道在贝比&鲁斯运动事业的初期,他也是一位棒球界出色的投手。在1915年至1919年之间,他以胜场数为ERA2.02的记录赢得了85场比赛(不包括三场世界竞标赛),而之后波士顿红袜队则决定把他放在本垒打的位置上更加合适。  Even casual baseball fans & heck, even your grandma & are familiar with the Sultan of Swat and his 714 home runs. But fewer people realize that early in his career, Ruth was also one of the game's &lite pitchers. Between 1915 and 1919, he won 85 games (plus three World Series contests) while notching an ERA of 2.02, before the Boston Red Sox decided he'd be more valuable at the plate.
  但是尽管鲁斯的左撇子使他的事业锦上添花,但是他却几乎是棒球名人堂中唯一的左撇子。棒球场上许多的位置对于左撇子来说是不可能完成的任务,如接球员、游击手、二垒手和三垒手,因为他们需要很怪异地把球绕过自己的身体才能打出去。但是左撇子在场上还是有他们特有的优势。Lefty Grove,Sandy Koufax,Warren Spahn 和Steve Carlton都曾经是令击球手闻风丧胆的左撇子投手。左撇子击球手在本垒打中同样表现出众,他们的本垒打比右撇子球员打的更出色,而更可贵的是,由于他们是左撇子,他们所站的位置要比普通球手更靠近第一垒,一些棒球场上的重击手,从Ty Cobb和Stan Musial到Ted Williams和Barry Bonds,都把这一优势发挥得恰到好处。  But while Ruth is baseball's most decorated left-handed player, he's hardly the only Hall of Fame southpaw. It's almost impossible for lefties to thrive in certain positions & including catcher, shortstop, second and third base & because they are required to throw awkwardly across their bodies to make plays in the field. But southpaws have distinct advantages on the diamond. Lefty Grove, Sandy Koufax, Warren Spahn and Steve Carlton are among the left-handed pitchers who have frustrated hitters. Lefty batters also do better at the plate: they do better against right-handed pitchers and stand a precious step or two closer to first base, advantages that sluggers from Ty Cobb and Stan Musial to Ted Williams and Barry Bonds have clearly used to their benefit.
  No. 5 拿破仑&波拿巴  No. 5 Napoleon Bonaparte
  据传,拿破仑反对士兵站在道路的左边而右手拿着武器这一经历了时间考验的军事惯例,这项惯例让像他这样的左撇子在战术上非常不利。据传说中记载,这位法国国王(他的王后约瑟芬也是左撇子)掌权之后,命令军队士兵改变左右列队位置。所有他所征服的国家百姓也都必须这样做。据说,因此也就产生了我们现在所知的道路法规,这也解释了为什么英国人是靠马路左边开车的。(英国人和普鲁士人在滑铁卢打败了拿破仑)  Legend has it that Napoleon objected to the time-honored military practice of marching on the left side of the road with weapons at the ready in the right hand: it put lefties like him at a strategic disadvantage. Once in power, the story goes, the French emperor & whose queen, Josephine, was also a southpaw & ordered his armies to switch sides. Civilians in countries he conquered had to do the same. Hence, supposedly, the rules of the road as we know them were born, which also explains why the British (who, along with the Prussians, defeated Napoleon at Waterloo) still drive on the left.
  No. 6 莱奥纳多&达芬奇  No.6 Leonardo da Vinci  莱奥纳多&达芬奇是历史上最杰出的人物之一,他可谓是将&左倾&发挥到了极致:他写字是从右往左写的。(某雨注:老美真大惊小怪,我们中国人几千年前就已经从右往左写了。)历史学家研究出许多创造性的理论来解释什么是所谓的&镜像书写&:之所以这么命名是因为你必须把它放在镜子上面来阅读。举个例子,或许他当时是想让那些窥探他笔记、窃取他妙想的人难以得逞。然而,还有另一种更实际更符合逻辑的说法:因为达芬奇是个左撇子,所以从左写到右对他来说太过麻烦。一些历史学家认为达芬奇的天才有部分归功于他的左撇子,因为这迫使他从奇特的角度来思考和观察。(如果是这样的话,他并非唯一,左撇子的美术家还包括文艺复兴的另两大美术界巨人米开朗基罗和拉斐尔。)  Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most brilliant men in history, took his sinistrism to an extreme: he wrote from right to left. Historians have plenty of creative theories to explain this so-called &mirror writing& & named because you had to hold it up to a glass to read it. For example: perhaps he was trying to make it harder for people to sneak a peek at his notes and lift his ideas. One argument, however, is less fanciful but perhaps more logical: writing in ink from left to right was too messy because Leonardo was a southpaw. Some historians have suggested that da Vinci's left-handedness added to his genius, because it forced him to think and see in an extraordinary way. (If so, he wasn't alone: fellow left-handers include rival Renaissance titans Michelangelo and Raphael.)
  No. 7 居里夫人  No.7 Marie Curie  原子科学家居里夫人不仅仅自己是左撇子,她作为女家长,他们一家子都是建树斐然的左撇子科学家。局里夫人发现了放射原理,两次获得了诺贝尔奖,她嫁给了同为左撇子的科学家皮耶尔&居里,他对居里夫人的原子研究给予了很大的帮助,还和他的夫人分享了一座诺贝尔奖。历史学家相信,他们的女儿伊雷娜也是左撇子。伊雷娜也和她的丈夫一起获得了她自己的诺贝尔奖,而她的丈夫嘛。。。你猜多了,也是个左撇子。  Not only was atomic scientist Marie Curie left-handed, but she was the matriarch of a whole family of accomplished, southpaw scientists. Curie, who discovered the principles of radioactivity and won two Nobel Prizes, was married to fellow lefty Pierre Curie, who was instrumental in helping Marie's atomic research and shared one of her Nobel awards. Historians believe their daughter, Irene, was also left-handed. Irene went on to win a Nobel Prize of her own with her husband & who, you guessed it, was also left-handed.
  左撇子科学家其实并不少见。除了居里夫人一家之外,爱因斯坦、牛顿和现代电脑科学的创始人阿兰&图灵都是左撇子。  Lefty scientists are hardly unusual. In addition to the Curie clan, Einstein, Newton and Alan Turing & founder of modern computer science & all were left-handed as well.
  No. 8 亚里士多德  No.8 Aristotle  一些西方早期的哲学和科学著作都是由一只左手写就的。亚里士多德写就了科学理论、早期物理学、天文学、气象学和伦理学等一系列巨著,为现代科学的大部分学科奠定了基础。而他在哲学方面的思想成果也影响了许多年之后的一位左撇子思想家:德国哲学家尼采。  Some of the earliest works of western philosophy and science were written with a left hand. Aristotle, he of the scientific method, early physics, astrology, meteorology and ethics, penned an exhaustive list of works that laid the foundation of much of modern science. And his philosophical musings influenced a much later, left-handed thinker: German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche.
  No. 9 内德&弗兰德斯  No.9 Ned Flanders  内德&弗兰德斯是左撇子,是虔诚的教徒,身体轮廓极其分明。哦,还有他是虚构的。  Ned Flanders is left-handed, devoutly religious, and has a surprisingly chiseled physique. Oh, and he's fictional.
  在&辛普森一家&第三季中,霍默&辛普森的隔壁邻居用他的全部积蓄开了一家叫Leftorium的店,专门销售供左撇子人士使用的产品。霍默&辛普森把这家店搞垮了,但是又觉得于心有愧,就帮着重新把店开起来。虽然这家店只出现在了&弗兰德斯消失后&这一集当中,但是弗兰德斯在整个剧中都会不时提起这家店,所以我们知道这家店一直存在。根据斯普林菲尔德市最具虔诚宗教信仰的左撇子所言,Leftorium旁边现在有开了一家专卖左撇子商品大型商店&左尔玛&,这下Leftorium的日子可不好过咯。  In Season three of The Simpsons, Homer Simpson's next door neighbor uses his life savings to open the Leftorium, a store that specializes in products for left-handed people. Homer Simpson sends the store out of business but feels guilty about it and helps revive it. Although the store only appears in one episode & &When Flanders Failed& & Flanders occasionally references it throughout the series, so we know it's still around. According to Springfield's most religious lefty, the Leftorium is suffering now that a left-handed megastore, Left-Mart, opened up nearby.
  No. 10 吉米&亨德里克斯  No.10 Jimi Hendrix  吉米&亨德里克斯玩起吉他来,那是颠倒无常、花样频出,在那些狂热的吉米粉丝的父母听来,他的音乐大概也是这样的。这位六弦琴改革者喜欢将一把右手弹奏的芬得吉他反过来背在肩上,而完全不需要重新装弦:亨德里克斯训练自己如何反方向弹弦,产生一种奇特的声音,只要他愿意,他可以随意地进行左右手弹奏的互换。  Jimi Hendrix played guitar upside down and backwards, and to his devout fans' parents, it probably sounded like it. The six-string revolutionary favored a right-handed Fender Stratocaster, slung upside-down across his shoulders, that didn't even need to be restrung: Hendrix taught himself how to hit the strings in reverse order, producing a unique sound and allowing him to alternate between left- and right-handed playing if he so desired. (He could play right-handed but generally preferred not to).
  在亨德里克斯为伊斯里兄弟和小理查德的巡回演出做伴奏之前,他是在纳什维尔的蓝调俱乐部里学习演奏吉他的。他在1966年出现了音乐上的突破,但是由于吸毒过量,到了 1970年末,他的事业就匆匆中断了。亨德里克斯所创造的这种声音扭曲和哇音使得音符也出现了扭曲和延伸,在这方面再无其他演奏者可以望其项背。多少年来,右手演奏的吉他手们妄图效仿他的这种声效,甚至于将左手吉他的指板移到自己的琴上。  Hendrix learned to play in Nashville blues clubs before touring as a back-up musician for the Isley Brothers and Little Richard. He broke out on his own in 1966, but his career was cut short by a drug overdose in August 1970. Hendrix's use of distortion and wah-wah effects warped and extended notes in ways no other player for years, right-handed guitarists have tried to emulate his sound, going so far as to put left-handed necks on their own guitars.
  但是仍然还是有一种&技术&没有受到亨德里克斯左撇子的影响:把他的吉他付之一炬。干这个,他可是用了两只手。  There was one technique not impacted by Hendrix's lefthandedness: setting his guitar on fire. For that, he used both hands.


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