
求大学英语作文!!100词左右。。。A Nervous Experience_百度知道
求大学英语作文!!100词左右。。。A Nervous Experience
文章给你,是自己写的噢,如果满意可千万别忘记采纳噢。。这个要打字很久的。Monday morning, I have especially excited, because Monday is a solemn flag-raising ceremony held at the school day. Today, of course, is no exception, after I finished breakfast, they happily walking on the way to school. Today the weather good, cloudless sky, white clouds floating Jiduo. Busy street, bustling crowds and see the rows of tall buildings, I feel that our lives incomparably better. Suddenly, my feet seem to be tripped over something, I Ditouyikan, yeah! Who is this SONY's PSP fell in here any more. I bent down to pick it up, holding in their hands, do not know how to do. My mind seemed to raise two bad people, the left one, said: &Haha, lucky today, picked up a good thing, quickly took it to school it.& That villain immediately right, said: &No, those who lost the thing must be very anxious, you should wait to see here, there is no one came to it.& The left side of the villain said: &silly, you do not use or GBSP? When you look at the school, the students are using NDSL, and if it is holding in his hand, it be nice ah!& The right of the villain retaliate: &The've found something to back someone else, which is taught to us, failure to do so would not be a good boy.& They made me this way you have a quarrel with the phrase, so I do not know who to listen to. Finally, I remembered the glorious image of Lei Feng's uncle, I decided to stay here, such as owner of lost me. A little later, an uncle looked anxiously walked over to see him that way, glance right and left, as if what is found, an excuse, so, I immediately approached her and asked: &Uncle, you are not lost anything ah? & Uncle worried, said: &ah yes ah yes.& I asked: &What do you lose anything at all?& Uncle said: &I lost my PSP.& I immediately asked: &Your PSP is what ah?& Uncle replied: &My PSP it has a 32M super-large capacity memory, using SONY public version of the design, using high-speed group of SONY's 4G sticks, as well as a deluxe version of the software packages it!& Then, he added, : &It is a limited edition plate ah SONY camouflage.& That said, these, uncle seems to have realized what was asked: &Did you see my PSP ah?& I regret shook his head and said: &I picked up a PSP, but it is not you out of that one, you are not out in other parts of the ah, you then look for'll see.& Hear, uncle of disappointment to go a. So, I continue to wait at the roadside, when I look at the table, have been quick 8:00, and immediately begin the ceremony, though I am burning with anxiety, but I think the owner of lost property must also worry more than I do, in order to bring things also went to owner of lost property in the hands, I missed a flag-raising ceremony is worth it, I believe teachers will forgive me. Think of these, I am more determined confidence, stand by the roadside to warn pedestrians looked in the past. Just then, an aunt hurriedly ran over to, and she nervously watched the ground, step by step, walk cautiously, as if in search for something. I immediately walked over and asked: &Auntie, you are not losing anything ah?& Auntie excitedly said: &Yes, yes, I have at work, not careful lost my PSP, and children, you see it?& I then asked: &What do you throw the PSP looks like, and can talk about to see it?& Aunt replied: &My PSP is to use the pink board PSP2000, which uses the large capacity of 64MB of memory, luxury's& Rock music g &original game UMD, capdase metal box.& Having these, she added and said the sentence: &Yes, my PSP also provides a USB port charging and AV video output it!& Then, the aunt anxiously asked: &Did you see my PSP it?& I shook my head, replied: &Auntie, I picked up a PSP, but not pink board, and is using a Logitech transparent plastic box, so should not you out, you look for other places Zaiqu Kanba . & After listening I said, aunt was disappointed to go. Later, several people came to see that they lost the PSP, but I picked up, and not they had dropped, and so, I have been standing on the roadside, and so on, ah, so ah. In this way, slowly dark days. Hill to watch the sun about to drop father, I am more anxious, and would like to leave for good, but I thought of Chairman Mao's teachings, is the meaning of serving the people, everything can not match ah, I am here, and so on the owner of lost property is not also in serving the people Mody? In this way, I had such a firm resolve to go on. Soon, the sky gradually filled with a little bit of the stars, it is already Wanjiadenghuo time, but I stood there waiting, I believe, will find owner of lost property back. Then, after a long, long time, walking on the street to an old lady, and she stumbled along to walk, wearing a large black cotton-padded jacket, trembling and trembling, in the dark is extraordinarily eye-catching. Her face is very anxious to see a step the ground, what seems to be found, an excuse. I walked quickly walked over and asked: &the old lady, you are not lost anything ah?& The old lady anxiously replied: &Yes ah, today I come to the city to upgrade 5.00-M33, finally come to a town, but walking on the road, accidentally dropped my PSP, where, and now I am looking for a day, and have not found how to do what it can be? &finished, the old lady anxious to cry. I hastened to comfort the old lady said: &The mother, you do not worry, you Tell me, you lost the PSP is Shayang, and maybe I can help you find it!& The old lady replied: &My PSP using a 66MB ultra - Large memory, FF7CC limited edition PSP, full support for mobile TV, 8G original ultra-high-speed memory stick, use the Logitech transparent plastic box. 80 of the original screen protective film is anti-blue-violet light Oh! &she said, adding that the : &It's model is PSP2000 ah.& I excitedly asked: &That's what your mark on the PSP it?& The old lady replied: &There is ah, I use the PSP's theme is up to combat chronicles, using Logitech transparent plastic boxes. Equipped with a SONY original of the wire, but also the original SONY ultra-high fidelity headphones. & I secretly picked out of the PSP, looked at the wire He does have the SONY original. And there is Logitech transparent plastic boxes, but there is a beautiful SONY headphones. It seems that this really is the old lady away with, and so I did not hesitate to come up with PSP2000, handed the old lady, said: &The mother, which I picked up this morning, you see what is not less ? & The old lady looked at it regained PSP2000, they look at me, excited does not know what to say, after a while, she asked: &Thank you, ah, children, you ... ah ... What's your name?& I smiled and said: &My name is Young Pioneers.& Thereupon, I turned around and walked out. Go for a while before I look back and saw the old lady looked at me still standing there, in the red sunset, her eyes flashing with crystal tears. I was looking at the old lady smiled, watching the sunset, I suddenly felt that my day just how enriching flies ah! Although I participated in a little flag, but the matter to me how education is worth ah. Ah, let us work together to learn cultural knowledge, grew up in the building for the four modernizations and make our due contribution to it, the PSP to buy their own bar!中文星期一的早上,我都格外兴奋,因为星期一是学校举行庄严的升旗仪式的日子。 今天当然也不例外,我吃完早饭之后,就高高兴兴的走在了去学校的路上。今天天气很好,万里无云的天空上飘着几朵白云。街上车水马龙,人群熙熙攘攘,看这一栋栋 的高楼,我觉得我们的生活无比美好。      突然,我的脚下好像被什么东西绊了一下,我低头一看,呀!是谁把这个SONY的PSP 掉在这里了。我弯腰把它捡了起来,拿在手里,不知道该怎么办才好。我的脑子里好像出现了两个小人,左边的一个说:“哈哈,今天运气真好,捡到了一个好东西,快拿着它去上学吧。”      右边的那个小人马上说道:“不行,丢了这东西的人一定很着急,你应该等在这里看有没有人来找它。”      左边的小人又说:“真傻,你现在用的不还是GBSP吗?你看学校里,同学们用的都是NDSL 了,如果把它拿在手里,那该多好啊!”      右边的小人回敬道:“拾到东西要还给别人,这是老师教给我们的,不这样做 就 不是一个好孩子。”      他们就这样你一言我一语的争吵着,让我不知道该听谁的。最后,我想起了雷锋叔叔的光辉形象,我决定留在这里,等失主来找我。过了一会儿,一个叔叔神情焦急的走了过来,看他那个样子,左顾右盼的, 好像是在找着什么,于是,我马上走上前去,问道:“叔叔,您是不是丢了什么东西 啊?”         叔叔着急的说:“是啊是啊。”         我又问道:“那您丢了什么呢?”         叔叔说:“我丢了我的PSP。”        我立刻问:“您的PSP是什么样的啊?”        叔叔答道:“我的PSP它有32M超大容量内存,采用SONY的公版设计,使用的是SONY的4G高速组棒,还有个豪华版的软包呢!” 然后,他又补充了一句:“它是SONY迷彩限量板啊。”         说完了这些,叔叔似乎察觉到了什么,问道:“你是不是看到了我的PSP啊?”         我遗憾地摇摇头,说:“我是捡到了一个PSP,但不是您掉的那一个,您是不是掉在其他地方了啊,您再找找看吧。” 听到这些,叔叔失望的走了。         于是,我继续在路边等着,这时,我看看表,已经快八点了,马上就要开始升旗仪式了,虽然我心急如焚,但我想,失主一定比我还着急呢,为了把东西还到失主手里,我错过一次升旗仪式也是值得的,相信老师一定会原谅我的。想到这些,我更坚定了信心,站在路边,警惕地看着过往的行人。        正在这时,一个阿姨急急忙忙的跑了过来,她紧张地看着地面,小心翼翼的 一步一步走着,仿佛在搜索着什么。         我马上走过去,问道:“阿姨,您是不是丢了什么东西啊?”         阿姨兴奋地说:“对对对,我刚才上班时,不小心把我的PSP弄丢了,小朋友,你看见了吗?”      我接着问道:“那您丢的PSP是什么样子的,能说说看吗?”         阿姨答道:“我的PSP是使用粉色板的PSP2000 ,它使用的 是64MB超大容量的内存,豪华的《洛克乐克》原版游戏 的UMD,卡登士金属盒。”说完这些,她又补充着说了一句:“对了,我的PSP还提供了USB接口充电和AV视频 输出呢!”         然后,阿姨着急地问:“你看见了我的PSP了吗?”         我摇摇头,答道:“阿姨,我是捡到了一个PSP,但不是粉色板,而且 是使用的是罗技透明塑料盒,所以应该不是您掉的,您再去其他地方找找看吧。”         听了我说的,阿姨很失望地走了。         后来,有几个人来找他们丢的PSP,但我捡到的,都不是他们掉的,于是, 我就一直站在路边,等啊,等啊。就这样,天慢慢黑了。         看着快要落下山去的太阳公公,我更着急了,想一走了之,但我又想起了毛主席的教诲,为人民服务的意义是一切事情都比不上的啊,我在这里等着失主,不也是在为人民服务么?就这样,我更坚定了等下去的决心。很快的,天上渐渐布满了点点繁星,已经是万家灯火的时候了,但我还是站在那里等着,我相信,失主一定会找回来的。         又过了很久很久,路上走过来一个老婆婆,她步履蹒跚地走着,穿着一件黑色 的大棉袄,颤颤巍巍地,在黑暗中显得格外显眼。她的表情很焦急,走一步看一次 地面,似乎是在找着什么 。我快步走过去,问道:“老婆婆,您是不是丢了什么东西啊?”         老婆婆焦虑地答道:“是啊,我今天来城里升级5.00-M33,好不容易来一次城里, 可是走在路上,不小心把我的PSP掉在哪里了,现在我找了一天了,还没找到,这可怎么办哪?” 说完,老婆婆急得哭了起来。         我连忙安慰老婆婆说:“婆婆,您别着急,您说说看,您丢的PSP是啥样的,说不定我能帮您找到呢!”   老婆婆答道:“我的PSP使用的是66MB超超大内存,FF7CC限量版的PSP,全面支持行动电视,8G超高速的原装记忆棒,使用罗技透明塑料盒。 80元的原装屏幕保护膜,是反蓝紫光哦!” 她又补充着说道:“它的型号是PSP2000啊。”         我兴奋地问道:“那您的PSP上还有什么标记吗?” 老婆婆答道:“有啊,我的PSP上使用的主题是高达 战斗编年史,采用罗技透明塑料盒。装有SONY原装的线控,而且有SONY的原装超高保真耳机。 ”      我偷偷拿出捡到的PSP,看了看 果然有SONY原装的线控。并且有罗技的透明塑料盒,而且有个SONY的精美耳机。      看来,这真的是老婆婆掉的了,于是,我毫不犹豫地拿出PSP2000,递给了老婆婆,说:“婆婆,这是我今天早上捡到的,您看看,少了什么没有?”      老婆婆看着这失而复得的PSP2000,又看看我,激动得不知道该说什么才好,过了一会,她问道:“谢谢你啊,小朋友,你……你叫什么名字啊?”      我微微一笑,说:“我叫红领巾。”说完,我一转身就走了。      走了一会儿,我才回过头,看见老婆婆还站在那里看着我,在红红的夕阳中,她的眼里闪动着晶莹的泪光。我对着老婆婆笑了笑,看着夕阳,我突然觉得,我的这一天过得是多么的充实啊!虽然我少参加了一次升旗,但这件事给我的教育又是多么值得啊。      啊,让我们一起努力,好好学习文化知识,长大了为四化建设做出我们应有的贡献吧,购买自己的PSP吧!
求七年级下册的英语作文【很简单的】有一个陌生人问你去车站的路怎么走,你告诉他沿着这条路一直走,然后在第二个路口右转,在前面50米处就能看到车站,最后对方想你表示感谢.要求:对话格式规范,字数60词左右 陌生人用A表示 我用B表示 写一段对话麻烦短一点
A ask B :"Excuse me,can you tell me how to go to the bus station/train station?"B tell A:" Go straight ahead,turn right at the second corss,you will see the bus station/train station in 50 meters."A:"Thank you very much for your help."B:"You are welcome."
【www.ruiwen.com - 叙事】
  On the Way to the Park  去公园的路上  I walked down my street with my dad. The sun shone on Mrs. Stokes, watering her potted plants. 我和爸爸沿着我们的街道走,太阳照到了斯托克斯太太身上,她正给她的盆栽植物浇水。  “Hello, Mrs. Stokes,” I called loudly. “I’ll water those plants for you.” “你好,斯托克斯太太!”我大声喊,“我来给您浇花吧。”  Mrs. Stokes smiled. I watered her potted plant. My dad pulled out some weeds. People like to help each other on our street. 斯托斯太太微笑了,我给她的盆栽植物浇了水,爸爸把一些杂草拔了出来。这条街道上,人们很乐意帮助他人。  I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on Hope and her mom. They were singing for the people who went by. 我跟我爸爸继续走着。太阳照到了浩波和她妈妈身上,她们正为路过的人们唱歌。  We liked their songs. My dad dropped some money in a hat beside them. Hope smiled. 我们喜欢她们的歌。爸爸在她们旁边的一顶帽子里面放了点钱,浩波微笑了。  I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on a man and his brown dog. The dog wagged its tail. 我跟爸爸继续走着。太阳照在一位男人和他的棕色狗身上。狗摇着尾巴。  “Can I take Arthur for a walk for you, Mr. Rose?” I asked. “罗丝先生,我帮您把亚瑟带出去遛一遛,行吗?”我问。  “Thank you,” he said. “I’ll have a rest.” “谢谢你,”他说,“我打算休息一会儿。  ” I walked on with my dad. The sun shone on the buds bursting on the trees. I was happy. 我跟爸爸继续走着。太阳照在树上蓦然生出的嫩芽上,我很喜欢。  Mrs. Stoke’s plants were watered. Hope and her mom were singing for the people who went by. Mr. Rose was resting. 斯托克斯太太的植物已经把水浇过了。浩波和她妈妈在为从那儿经过的人们唱歌。罗丝先生正在那儿休息。  I was going to the city park to play with dad and Arthur. I love where I live. 我跟爸爸正要到城市公园去和亚瑟玩。我爱我居住的地方。
A:Excuse me.Can you tell me how to get to the bus station?B:Walk along this street,turn right at the second crossing.The station is just 50 meters in front of you.You won't miss it.A:Thank you very much.B:You are welcome.
Some people seem to have a knack (诀窍) for learning language. They can pick up new vocabulary, master rules of grammar and learn to write in the new language more quickly than others, so what makes lan...
Some people seem to have a knack (诀窍) for learning language. They can pick up new vocabulary, master rules of grammar and learn to write in the new language more quickly than others, so what makes lan...


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