
勒索木马盯上热门手游,360手机卫士提醒谨慎辨别勒索木马盯上热门手游,360手机卫士提醒谨慎辨别腾海科技百家号提起木马病毒,不少人可能认为那些都是技术高深的黑客高手的作品,但是近期,有大量木马程序都是通过一种专门的病毒“定制”程序一键生成的,即使使用者并不具备编程技术也可以通过软件制作病毒,这是怎么回事呢?日前,360互联网安全中心发布了《2017年中国手机安全状况报告》(下简称“报告”),报告称,受到了PC端的WannaCry勒索病毒大爆发影响,国内开始出现仿冒其页面布局、图片及功能的手机版WannaCry勒索病毒。360烽火实验室还发现了一款冒充时下热门手游“王者荣耀”辅助工具的手机勒索恶意软件,会对手机中照片、下载、云盘等目录下的个人文件进行加密。此外,仅去年1月至9月间,360烽火实验室共捕获手机勒索恶意软件50万余个,平均每月捕获手机勒索软件5.5万余个,其中1月到5月手机勒索软件呈现波动式增长。6月后由于全国首例手机勒索病毒案的告破,使手机勒索软件在6月份以后新增数量急剧下降,对手机勒索软件制作者起到了一定震慑作用。报告显示,目前勒索软件中不仅通过语音识别、二维码和文件加密等新技术不断提升解密难度,同时程序还会伪装成各种热门APP来引诱用户下载。今年6月,360手机卫士发现了一款冒充时下热门手游“王者荣耀”辅助工具的手机勒索恶意软件,会对手机中照片、下载、云盘等目录下的个人文件进行加密。并向用户勒索赎金,金额在20元、40元不等。并且宣称三天不交赎金,价格将翻倍,七天不交,将删除所有加密文件。这个恶意软件由于可以在加密算法、密钥生成算法上进行随机的变化,甚至可以选择对生成的病毒样本进行加固混淆,很大程度上增加了修复难度,对手机中的文件和资料造成了严重破坏。在各种木马病毒变种频发的背后是不断降低的制作门槛,以勒索程序为例,随着技术的快速发展,已经有人通过使用AIDE开发工具一键生成勒索木马,从而实现批量生产的工厂化模式,这种不断变化的病毒在一定程度上大大增加了安全防范的难度。恶意广告(左)和勒索软件(右)一键生成器此外,近期Android平台挖矿木马又重回视野。从2013年开始至2018年1月,360共捕获Android平台挖矿木马1200余个,其中仅2018年1月Android平台挖矿木马接近400个,占全部Android平台挖矿类木马近三分之一。2014年Android挖矿木马经过短暂的爆发后,于年逐渐归于平静。主要原因是受到当时移动平台技术等限制,以及电子货币价格影响,木马作者的投入和产出比不高。随着2017年年底电子货币价格的一路高涨,挖矿技术的成熟,再次成为木马作者的目标,手机挖矿木马在也呈爆发式增长。鉴于目前勒索病毒等恶意程序主要通过第三方商店、社交软件等方式进行传播,360手机卫安全专家提醒大家在下载手机APP时应选择官方商店或权威第三方,同时拒绝安装来历不明的程序,不要轻易点击微信群、QQ群中的链接,及时更新手机系统及安全软件,避免成为勒索软件和挖矿木马的攻击目标。本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。腾海科技百家号最近更新:简介:科技领域原创作品创作,带给读者更多资讯作者最新文章相关文章厉害了360全家桶 手机电池中病毒都能检测出来
近日有网友在微博发了一张图片,图片文字提示系统检测到您的 P8 正遭到(2)个病毒代码的恶意工具,您的电池已经被感染!
1、 给电脑安装一套有效可靠的安全软件,及时更新,保护电脑安全;
2、 定期更新网络账号的密码,增加密码难度,可以混合英文字母(大小写)、数字和特殊符号;
3、 不要随意点击可疑的链接,尽可能在正规的大网站浏览信息和下载软件;
4、 网上聊天时不要随意透露个人隐私信息,不要接收陌生人发来的不明文件。
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404 Not Found&主题:刚把360卸载就中了敲诈者病毒,严重怀疑就是360干的。
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你的意思是360可以防住这个病毒? 我靠墙想了想,觉得好像不行
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注册: 2010年10月
shenlan123 发表于
&&C_E_R_B_E_R& &R_A_N_S_O_M_W_A_R_E
&&Cannot you find the files you need?
&&Is the content of the files that you looked for not readable???
&&It is normal because the files' names, as well as the data in your files
&&have been encrypted.
&&You have turned to be a part of a big community &#Cerb3r Ransomware&.记得这种病毒在作案完成后会自我毁灭,自然查不到了。
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<font color="#A7489 发表于
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此类病毒无解 本帖最后由 chantongda 于
10:34 编辑
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注册: 2007年11月
&&C_E_R_B_E_R& &R_A_N_S_O_M_W_A_R_E
&&Cannot you find the files you need?
&&Is the content of the files that you looked for not readable???
&&It is normal because the files' names, as well as the data in your files
&&have been encrypted.
&&You have turned to be a part of a big community &#Cerb3r Ransomware&.
&&!!!&&If you are reading this message it means the software &Cerber& has
&&!!!&&been removed from your computer.
&&!!!&&HTML instruction (&# DECRYPT MY FILES #.html&) always contains a
&&!!!&&working domain of your personal page!
&&What is encryption?
&&Encryption is a reversible modification of information for security
&&reasons but providing full access to it for authorized users.
&&To become an authorized user and keep the modification absolutely
&&reversible (in other words to have a possibility to decrypt your files)
&&you should have an individual private key.
&&But not only it.
&&It is required also to have the special decryption software
&&(in your case &Cerber Decryptor& software) for safe and complete
&&decryption of all your files and data.
&&Everything is clear for me but what should I do?
&&The first step is reading these instructions to the end.
&&Your files have been encrypted with the &Cerber Ransomware& the
&&instructions (&# DECRYPT MY FILES #.html& and &# DECRYPT MY FILES #.txt&)
&&in the folders with your encrypted files are not viruses, they will
&&help you.
&&After reading this text the most part of people start searching in the
&&Internet the words the &Cerber Ransomware& where they find a lot of
&&ideas, recommendations and instructions.
&&It is necessary to realize that we are the ones who closed the lock on
&&your files and we are the only ones who have this secret key to
&&open them.
&&!!!&&Any attempts to return your files with the third-party tools can
&&!!!&&be fatal for your encrypted files.
&&The most part of the third-party software change data within the
&&encrypted file to restore it but this causes damage to the files.
&&Finally it will be impossible to decrypt your files.
&&When you make a puzzle, but some items are lost, broken or not put in its
&&place - the puzzle items will never match, the same way the third-party
&&software will ruin your files completely and irreversibly.
&&You should realize that any intervention of the third-party software to
&&restore files encrypted with the &Cerber Ransomware& software may be
&&fatal for your files.
&&!!!&&There are several plain steps to restore your files but if you do
&&!!!&&not follow them we will not be able to help you, and we will not try
&&!!!&&since you have read this warning already.
&&For your information the software to decrypt your files (as well as the
&&private key provided together) are paid products.
&&After purchase of the software package you will be able to:
&&3.&&view your ph
&&4.&&continue your usual and comfortable work at the computer.
&&If you understand all importance of the situation then we propose to you
&&to go directly to your personal page where you will receive the complete
&&instructions and guarantees to restore your files.
&&There is a list of temporary addresses to go on your personal page below:
& &_______________________________________________________________________
&&What should you do with these addresses?
&&If you read the instructions in TXT format (if you have instruction in
&&HTML (the file with an icon of your Internet browser) then the easiest
&&way is to run it):
&&1.&&take a look at the first address (in this case it is
&&2.&&select it with the mouse cursor holding the left mouse button and
& && &moving the
&&3.&&release the left mouse button and
&&4.&&select &Copy&
&&5.&&run your Internet browser (if you do not know what it is run the
& && &Internet Explorer);
&&6.&&move the mouse cursor to the address bar of the browser (this is the
& && &place where the site address is written);
&&7.&&click the right mouse button in the field where the site address
&&8.&&select the button &Insert&
&&9.&&then you will see the address
&&10. press ENTER;
&&11. the s if it is not loaded repeat the same
& && &instructions with the second address and continue until the last
& && &address if falling.
&&If for some reason the site cannot be opened check the connection to the
&&I if the site still cannot be opened take a look at the
&&instructions on omitting the point about working with the addresses in
&&the HTML instructions.
&&If you browse the instructions in HTML format:
&&1.&&click the left mouse button on the first address (in this case it is
&&2.&&in a new tab or window of your web browser the s
& && &if it is not loaded repeat the same instructions with the second
& && &address and continue until the last address.
&&If for some reason the site cannot be opened check the connection to
&&the Internet.
&&Unfortunately these sites are short-term since the antivirus companies
&&are interested in you do not have a chance to restore your files but
&&continue to buy their products.
&&Unlike them we are ready to help you always.
&&If you need our help but the temporary sites are not available:
&&1.&&run your Internet browser (if you do not know what it is run the
& && &Internet Explorer);
&&2.&&enter or copy the address
& && & into the
& && &address bar of your browser and press ENTER;
&&4.&&on the site you will be offered to download Tor B download and
& && &run it, follow the installation instructions, wait until the
& && &insta
&&5.&&run Tor B
&&6.&&connect with the button &Connect& (if you use the English version);
&&7.&&a normal Internet browser window will be opened after
&&8.&&type or copy the address
& && & ________________________________________________________
& && &|& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&|
& && &|________________________________________________________|
& && &in this
&&9.&&press ENTER;
&&10. the s if for some reason the site is not loading
& && &wait for a moment and try again.
&&If you have any problems during installation or operation of Tor Browser,
&&please, visit
and type request in the search bar
&&&install tor browser windows& and you will find a lot of training videos
&&about Tor Browser installation and operation.
&&If TOR address is not available for a long period (2-3 days) it means you
&& usually you have about 2-3 weeks after reading the instructions
&&to restore your files.
&&Additional information:
&&You will find the instructions for restoring your files in those folders
&&where you have your encrypted files only.
&&The instructions are made in two file formats - HTML and TXT for
&&your convenience.
&&Unfortunately antivirus companies cannot protect or restore your files
&&but they can make the situation worse removing the instructions how to
&&restore your encrypted files.
&&The instruct they have informative nature only, so
&&any claims on the absence of any instruction files you can send to your
&&antivirus company.
&&Cerber Ransomware Project is not malicious and is not intended to harm a
&&person and his/her information data.
&&The project is created for the sole purpose of instruction regarding
&&information security, as well as certification of antivirus software for
&&their suitability for data protection.
&&Together we make the Internet a better and safer place.
&&If you look through this text in the Internet and realize that something
&&is wrong with your files but you do not have any instructions to restore
&&your files, please, contact your antivirus support.
&&Remember that the worst situation already happened and now it depends on
&&your determination and speed of your actions the further life of
&&your files.
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