sorry I'm movingsorry to have to inform you that your message

sorry是什么意思 sorry在线翻译 sorry什么意思 sorry的意思 sorry的翻译 sorry的解释 sorry的发音 sorry的同义词 sorry的反义词 sorry的例句
sorry英 ['s?ri] 美 ['sɑ:ri] 比较级:最高级:sorry 基本解释形容词遗憾的; 对不起的; 无价值的,低等的; 感到伤心的sorry 同义词形容词sorry 反义词形容词手机查看sorry的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 sorry 即可sorry 相关例句形容词1. 1. I feel sorry for you.&&&&我为你感到惋惜。2. I'm sorry that I can't join you in the discussion.&&&&很遗憾,我不能参加你们的讨论了。3. He was in a sorry plight when he became ill and had no money.&&&&他贫病交困,处境困窘。4. I'm sorry, I can't come to your party.&&&&很抱歉,我不能来参加你们的晚会了。5. danci.911cha.com5. I am sorry about it.&&&&那很遗憾。sorry 情景对话道歉A:I’m sorry about that.&&&&&&那件事真对不起。B:It’s nothing.&&&&&&没什么。道歉及回答A:I’m terribly sorry to have caused you so much trouble.&&&&&&真对不起,造成你那么多的麻烦。B:That’s all right.&&&&&&没关系。加班A:Are you working overtime tonight?&&&&&&今晚你加班吗?B:Unfortunately, yes! There’s a lot of work piled up on my desk.&&&&&&很遗憾,要加班! 瞧我桌上堆了一堆的事儿。A:I feel sorry for you.&&&&&&我真同情你。sorry 网络解释1. 道歉:今天道歉(Sorry)不下5次. 所以我们完全可以肯定他的反悔和道歉,特别是退出这个圈子做的很正确.但是换一个角度再想,他又有什么必要需要道歉:make love在现代青年男女的身上本是屡见不鲜,大家都经受不住诱惑,更何况陈冠希才只有26岁,sorry 双语例句1. sorry的解释1. I am sorry, I did not mean it.&&&&对不起,我不是故意的。2. 2. Sorry, I'm tone-deaf.&&&&对不起,我五音不全。3. I'm sorry, but this is the largest one we have in stock right now.&&&&抱歉,但这是我们现有存货中最大的一个。4. Well. I'm sorry to inform you of this, but we got cloth that are all the&&&&哦,很抱歉告诉你,我们发现你们寄送的布匹颜色搞错了。5. This looks like the end for us. I'm sorry, Kestrel.&&&&看上去我们走到头了,抱歉了,Kestrel。6. Sorry mate, the blank DVDs are all gone.&&&&(不好意思,空白DVD盘全卖光了。7. 7. I'm terribly sorry to break in on you like this.&&&&这样打扰你们我真过意不去。8. B: I'm sorry Manager Liang, we must pack off this products at this afternoon, you must make up it at 16pm this afternoon, or else, we will dally over the outting times.&&&&不行啊,梁经理,我们今天下午一定要出货给客户,所以您今天下午16:00前必须将货补上,否则我们的交期就延误了。9. I'm sorry Manager Liang, we must pack off this products at this afternoon, you must make up it at 16pm this afternoon, or else, we will dally over the outting times.&&&&不行啊,梁经理,我们今天下午一定要出货给客户,所以您今天下午16:00前必须将货补上,否则我们的交期就延误了。10. 911查询·英语单词10. But it's not the important, laste year's August the eight, the laster time i hear your voice, i just want to tell sorry, and you are my friend forever.&&&&然而,这并不重要,那是去年的八月八日,是我最后一次听到你的首音,我只想告诉你我的歉意,并且让你知道你是我的终身朋友。11. I'm sorry to have bumped into you.&&&&&&我很抱歉我撞到你了。12. 12. I'm so sorry to tell you that the contract we signed with exibit booth 834 was terminated and there is no need for the contact examined and approved again.&&&&&&对不起,很遗憾的告诉您,我公司和展位号为834的合同已终止,可不必再审批,谢谢您。13. 13. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients.&&&&&&我很抱歉的通知你,你的信息不能被传达给一个或多个收件人。14. 14. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be be delivered to one or more recipients.&&&&&&我很抱歉地告诉你,你的讯息也无法送到一个或多个对象。15. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could notbe delivered to one or more recipients.&&&&&&我很抱歉地通知您,您的邮件可能仍坚持发送到一个或多个收件人。16. I`m really sorry, it is out of character for me.&&&&&&我本来和一个女生同车考,奇怪的是前面车子下来了一位考生,取消考试;作为替补,我就安排和一位大哥一起考了。17. I'm sorry we don't have the equipment necessary.&&&&&&对不起,我们没有专门的洗衣设备。18. Christina: I'm sorry, but I couldn't say.&&&&&&抱歉,但我不能说。19. When you do something terribly wrong, it is too late to feel sorry.&&&&&&3一失足成千古恨也就是:一旦做错一件重大的事,后悔都来不及。20. Sorry by the long quote, but the context is importat here, for abstract it implies that we don't have support&&&&&&遗憾的长期引用,但背景是importat这里,对抽象它意味着我们没有支持sorry 词典解释1. (用于表示歉意)对不起,抱歉&&&&You say 'Sorry' or 'I'm sorry' as a way of apologizing to someone for something that you have done which has upset them or caused them difficulties, or when you bump into them accidentally.&&&&e.g. 'We're all talking at the same time.' — 'Yeah. Sorry.'...&&&&&&&&&&&“我们俩在同时讲话。”——“噢,抱歉。”&&&&e.g. Sorry I took so long...&&&&&&&&&&&我耽误了这么长时间,真是对不起。2. 遗憾的;难过的;抱歉的;失望的&&&&If you are sorry about a situation, you feel regret, sadness, or disappointment about it.&&&&e.g. She was very sorry about all the trouble she'd caused...&&&&&&&&&&&她为自己引起了那么多麻烦而感到非常抱歉。&&&&e.g. I'm
sorry about what's happened...&&&&&&&&&&&我为所发生的事情感到遗憾。3. (用于告诉别人其不愿意听到的事时)对不起,抱歉,很遗憾&&&&You use I'm sorry or sorry as an introduction when you are telling a person something that you do not think they will want to hear, for example when you are disagreeing with them or giving them bad news.sorry&&&&e.g. No, I'm sorry, I can't agree with you...&&&&&&&&&&&不,很抱歉,我不同意你的看法。&&&&e.g. 'I'm sorry,' he told the real estate agent, 'but we really must go now.'...&&&&&&&&&&&“对不起,”他对房地产代理人说,“但现在我们真的必须走了。”4. (表示威胁或警告)你会后悔的&&&&If someone says 'You'll be sorry', they are threatening you or warning you and suggesting that something unpleasant will happen to you because of your actions.&&&&e.g. I'll tell Daddy, and then you'll be sorry because he'll give you another black eye...&&&&&&&&&&&我会告诉爸爸,到时候有你好受的,因为爸爸会再揍你一顿。&&&&e.g. Get back in there, or you'll be sorry.&&&&&&&&&&&滚回那边去,否则你会后悔的。5. 很遗憾,很抱歉(包含失望或不赞成)&&&&You use the expression I'm sorry to say to express regret together with disappointment or disapproval.&&&&e.g. I've only done half of it, I'm sorry to say...&&&&&&&&&&&很遗憾,我只完成了一半。&&&&e.g. This, I am sorry to say, is almost entirely wishful thinking.&&&&&&&&&&&我很遗憾,这几乎完全是一厢情愿的想法。6. (用于听到伤心或不愉快的消息时)我深感遗憾,我很难过&&&&You say 'I'm sorry' to express your regret and sadness when you hear sad or unpleasant news.&&&&e.g. I've heard about Mollie — I'm so sorry...&&&&&&&&&&&我已经听说了莫莉的事情——我很难过。&&&&e.g. 'I'm afraid he's ill.' — 'I'm sorry to hear that.'&&&&&&&&&&&“恐怕他生病了。”——“真是遗憾。”7. (为别人的不幸或不快)感到难过的,表示同情的&&&&If you feel sorry for someone who is unhappy or in an unpleasant situation, you feel sympathy and sadness for them.&&&&e.g. I felt sorry for him and his colleagues — it must have been so frustrating for them...&&&&&&&&&&&我为他和他的同事们感到难过——这件事一定让他们感到非常沮丧。&&&&e.g. I am very sorry for the family.&&&&&&&&&&&我十分同情这家人。8. (为自己的遭遇等)感到闷闷不乐,垂头丧气&&&&You say that someone is feeling sorry for themselves when you disapprove of the fact that they keep thinking unhappily about their problems, rather than trying to be cheerful and positive.&&&&e.g. What he must not do is to sit around at home feeling sorry for himself.&&&&&&&&&&&他万万不可宅在家里自艾自怜。9. (用于请对方重复所说的话)没听清,请再说一遍&&&&You say 'Sorry?' when you have not heard something that someone has said and you want them to repeat it.10. (用于纠正自己刚才说错的话)不对,抱歉&&&&You use sorry when you correct yourself and use different words to say what you have just said, especially when what you say the second time does not use the words you would normally choose to use.&&&&e.g. Barcelona will be hoping to bring the trophy back to Spain — sorry, Catalonia — for the first time.&&&&&&&&&&&巴塞罗那将有望首次把奖杯捧回西班牙——抱歉,是捧回加泰罗尼亚。&&&&e.g. ...refugees (sorry, economic migrants) who refuse to return to Vietnam.&&&&&&&&&&&拒绝回到越南的难民(抱歉,应该说是经济移民)11. (处境)可怜的;(状态)糟糕的&&&&&&If someone or something is in a sorry state, they are in a bad state, mentally or physically.&&&&&&e.g. The fire left Kuwait's oil industry in a sorry state...&&&&&&&&&&&&&这场大火使科威特的石油产业陷入悲惨的境地。&&&&&&e.g. She is a sorry sight...&&&&&&&&&&&&&她的样子看上去糟透了。12. better safe than sorry -> see sorry 单语例句1. They have outdated reading materials and textbooks, and nobody really seems to be doing anything to change the sorry state of affairs.2. Any film whose highlight is a woman in the audience hooting when Lautner removes his shirt is sorry cinema indeed.3. He said he suffered the injuries when he tried to commit suicide because he felt sorry for the suffering kids and their families.4. The sorry state of wind and solar power shows the massive challenge that we face in trying to make today's technology competitive and efficient.5. The condition of those not covered by medical insurance is another sorry story.6. Actress Lucy Liu feels sorry for men having to deal with modern women because the recent trend in'girl power'has confused them.7. The Times'correspondent in Beijing has said he is " extremely sorry ", and as an apology the newspaper published a rectified report on Aug 24.8. While some netizens admired Wang's courage to pursue love, many felt sorry for Wang's wife and blamed him for his immoral behavior.9. His mother said she was sorry about the pain Lester's mother must have gone through when her daughter left.10. Shi said she feels very sorry for her daughter and husband, and sometimes while working the Spring Festival evening a sense of desolation overwhelms her.911查询·英语单词大全sorry 英英释义adj1. causing dejection&&&&e.g. a blue day&&&&&&&&&&&the dark days of the war&&&&&&&&&&&a week of rainy depressing weather&&&&&&&&&&&a disconsolate winter landscape&&&&&&&&&&&the first dismal dispiriting days of November&&&&&&&&&&&a dark gloomy day&&&&&&&&&&&grim rainy weather&&&&Synonym: 2. bad&&&&unfortunate&&&&e.g. my finances were in a deplorable state&&&&&&&&&&&a lamentable decision&&&&&&&&&&&her clothes were in sad shape&&&&&&&&&&&a sorry state of affairs&&&&Synonym: 3. feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone&&&&e.g. felt regretful over his vanished youth&&&&&&&&&&&regretful over mistakes she had made&&&&&&&&&&&he felt bad about breaking the vase&&&&Synonym: 4. without merit&&&&e.g. a sorry horse&&&&&&&&&&&a sorry excuse&&&&&&&&&&&a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick&&&&&&&&&&&the car was a no-good piece of junk&&&&Synonym: sorry是什么意思,sorry在线翻译,sorry什么意思,sorry的意思,sorry的翻译,sorry的解释,sorry的发音,sorry的同义词,sorry的反义词,sorry的例句,sorry的相关词组,sorry意思是什么,sorry怎么翻译,单词sorry是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号在线定制英文名用微信扫一扫recipients是什么意思_recipients在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
recipients是什么意思 recipients在线翻译 recipients什么意思 recipients的意思 recipients的翻译 recipients的解释 recipients的发音 recipients的同义词
recipients英 [ri'sipi?nt] 美 [r?'s?p??nt] 原级:recipients 基本解释接受的;受领的;容纳的;愿意接受的;收件人;接受者;受领者;接受器;手机查看recipients的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 recipients 即可recipients 网络解释1. 收件人:Group Setup中包含组(Group)和收件人(Recipients)两部分,对邮件组的操作包括新建(New)、修改(Modify)、删除(Delete)、导入(Import)和导出(Export每一邮件组可以包含多个收件人,对组中收件人的操作包括添加(Add)、修改(Modify)、删除(Delete)、复制(Copy)、移动(Move,2. 接受者:此功能让找寻新时段的过程自动化. 多年来众多新创公司一直在设法解决这个问题. 目前智能重新排程功能只是Google Calendar Labs的一项实验计划,使用者必须从那个选单中选取它才能使用. 不过,接受者(recipients)不需更改任何设定就能运作3. 3. 收件回執:News Group = 新聞討論群組|新聞群組 | Recipients = 收件回執 | Remove = 移除4. 匹配接收者在指定的列表中的消息:SizeGreaterThan 匹配比指定的限制大的消息 | Recipients 匹配接收者在指定的列表中的消息 | RecipientsLocal 匹配接收者在本地的消息recipients 双语例句1. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients.&&&&我很抱歉的通知你,你的信息不能被传达给一个或多个收件人。2. 2. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be be delivered to one or more recipients.&&&&我很抱歉地告诉你,你的讯息也无法送到一个或多个对象。3. One of the recipients has eaten his card already, he said.&&&&有一个收卡人已经把他的卡吃掉了。4. China is one of the top three recipients of British visas world wide.&&&&中国是收到英国发放签证最多的三个国家之一。5. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could notbe delivered to one or more recipients.&&&&我很抱歉地通知您,您的邮件可能仍坚持发送到一个或多个收件人。6. Be delivered to one or more recipients.&&&&被送到一个或多个收件人。7. 7. Knowing their difficulties, Malacca Tzu Chi volunteers thoughtfully prepared gift packages for Indian care recipients, for them to enjoy the festival of light.&&&&知道他们的困境,慈济志工贴心地准备了佳节礼包,送到印裔的慈济照顾户家里,希望他们也能欢喜地迎接屠妖节的到来。8. This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed.&&&&这是一个自动发出的发送情况通知,邮件在发送到以下地址发送失败9. The study used 411 lavage samples obtained from 137 lung transplant recipients from , Wendt explained.&&&&Wendt说,研究使用了93-96年间137名接受肺移植患者的411份肺液样本。10. CSSA'.''recipients and other socially disadvantaged groups through the Special Job Attachment Programme and projects supported under the Intensive Employment Assistance Fund, introduced in January and March 2001, respectively.&&&&社署委讬了非政府机构,分别在二零零一年一月和三月实施特别就业见习计划和深入就业援助基金所资助的计划,为失业的综援受助人和社会上其他弱势社群提供适切的援助。11. 11. NGOs have been commissioned to provide tailor-made assistance to unemployed CSSA recipients and other socially disadvantaged groups through the Special Job Attachment Programme and projects supported under the Intensive Employment Assistance Fund, introduced in January and March 2001, respectively.&&&&&&社署委讬了非政府机构,分别在二零零一年一月和三月实施特别就业见习计划和深入就业援助基金所资助的计划,为失业的综援受助人和社会上其他弱势社群提供适切的援助。12. Recipients of control is the use of ear protectors, and the control room and other personal protective measures to protect the health of staff.&&&&&&接受者控制就是采用护耳器,控制室等个人防护措施来保护工作人员的健康。13. Control of the caller ID Setting - Able to havethe userown home, cell phone, or business phone number show up ontheir call recipients` Caller ID system.&&&&&&控制来电显示设置-能够有用户自己的家里,手机,或公司的电话号码出现在他们的要求收件人的来电显示系统。14. However, a large number of Usenet recipients only have connectivity via UUCP.&&&&&&然而,还有大量的Usenet的用户只通过UUCP建立连接。15. Objective To study the clinical efficacy and characteristics of Mizoribine in renal transplant recipients.&&&&&&目的:研究咪唑立宾在肾移植患者中应用的临床特点。16. OBJECTIVE:To observe the effects of Mycophenolate Mofetil in regi men of immunosupression on recipients of renal transplantation with renal failur e.&&&&&&孙雯目的:观察包括MMF在内的免疫抑制方案在慢性排斥反应的肾移植患者中的作用。17. ABSTRACT:OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects of Mycophenolate Mofetil in regi men of immunosupression on recipients of renal transplantation with renal failur e.&&&&&&摘 要:目的:观察包括MMF在内的免疫抑制方案在慢性排斥反应的肾移植患者中的作用。18. recipients的解释18. Thirty six of the 106 episodes were controlled by drug dosage adjustment, 65 were controlled by MP stoss therapy and 5 failed the MP stoss therapy, of whom 3 recipients received OKT3 and 2 underwent re transplantation.&&&&&&106例次中,36例次急性排斥反应经调整药物后得到控制,65例次经用激素冲击治疗后得到控制;5例激素冲击治疗无效的患者中,3例患者接受OKT3治疗,2例最终行再次肝移植而治愈。19. recipients的意思19. To the recipients, the left kidney was removed, and renal blood vessel was anastomosed by ext-ext anastomosis and reconstructed urinary passage by implanting ureter into bladder.&&&&&&受体摘除左肾后行采用肾动、静脉端-端吻合,供体输尿管-受体膀胱浆肌层隧道术进行尿路重建,两点间间断缝合采用6针法吻合。20. Let's say one out of every 1, 000 recipients falls for their ploy.&&&&&&话又说回来,就是每一千受助适逢其伎俩。recipients 单语例句recipients1. The letter claimed that the book would contain articles by government officials and the letter recipients could have their articles included if they " subsidized " them.2. A caveat is that recipients see numbers on their Caller IDs that are different than the cell numbers of the people calling them.3. If the transplant results in any of the organ recipients being infected with HIV, those involved in the case will be considered in violation of the law.4. Two reporters with the journal said they investigated Chen's major charitable activities in 2010 and found that some recipients'names appeared fabricated.5. To provide one additional month of standard rate CSSA payments for CSSA recipients and one additional month of allowance for recipients of Disability Allowance.6. CSSA recipients will be given one additional month of welfare payments as proposed by the Financial Secretary John Tsang in the budget.7. The administration says the new counting method streamlines the process and responds to complaints from grant recipients that the reporting rules were too complex.8. This means recipients of the treatment must pay special attention to curling and making up their new lashes.9. Polls show that current recipients are largely opposed to the type of major changes that Bush has advocated.10. The critics added that many CSSA recipients sleep on streets because the subsidy is inadequate to cover rents and daily expenses.recipients是什么意思,recipients在线翻译,recipients什么意思,recipients的意思,recipients的翻译,recipients的解释,recipients的发音,recipients的同义词,recipients的反义词,recipients的例句,recipients的相关词组,recipients意思是什么,recipients怎么翻译,单词recipients是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号在线定制英文名用微信扫一扫to inform是什么意思_to inform在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
to inform是什么意思
to inform是什么意思 to inform在线翻译 to inform什么意思 to inform的意思 to inform的翻译 to inform的解释 to inform的发音 to inform的同义词
to informto inform 双语例句1. Well. I'm sorry to inform you of this, but we got cloth that are all the&&&&哦,很抱歉告诉你,我们发现你们寄送的布匹颜色搞错了。2. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients.&&&&我很抱歉的通知你,你的信息不能被传达给一个或多个收件人。3. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be be delivered to one or more recipients.&&&&我很抱歉地告诉你,你的讯息也无法送到一个或多个对象。4. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could notbe delivered to one or more recipients.&&&&我很抱歉地通知您,您的邮件可能仍坚持发送到一个或多个收件人。5. danci.911cha.com5. Solicitation for stool pigeons to inform on their coworkers and colleagues.&&&&引诱大家去告发违返规定的同事和同僚。6. When she fall the beloved toy on the ground, she can loudly weep and wail to inform me.&&&&她的一切进展,会令我感觉到她已经知道我的存在,并且体会到我对她的爱意,我们之间的关系也会更加亲密。7. Pursuant to our rental agreement of February 10th 2006 which has already expired for months and I am giving you two months advance notice to inform you that with effective January 2008 your new rent is HK$8, 000 for another 12 months period, all terms and conditions remain no change.&&&&意思是:我们的租约2006年2月已经到期,已被你赖了一年,但中华民族度量大,以前的就算了。从2008年一月起下个年的租期,每个月新的租金为白银100两。愿不愿意干?只给你俩月回答。钦此。8. danci.911cha.com8. To inform the operating system that a particular filename extension is linked to a specific application.&&&&关联 通知操作系统某个特定的文件扩展名已被链接到一个特定的应用程序上。9. To provide us with the inform ation required or if the information provided is inaccurate or incom plete, your&&&&当你提供这些个人资时,请确保这些资是准确及完整的。如果你向本会提供所需的资或你提10. Please inform all of your staff members working in 9/BLDG to have their fingerprints recorded at the Computer Department tomorrow because a puncher for fingerprints shall be used to replace the used card-prints of those working in 9/BLDG.&&&&请转告你们部门所有在9栋上班的职员明天到电脑部录指纹。请他们准时过来。11. And please inform them to pay attention to the manual work.&&&&&&并且请通知他们在工作中要尽量避免手工操作时的错误。12. 12. We will inform you the date, time and venue of the pooja via E mail and your representatives are welcome to attend the same.&&&&&&我们会通知你的日期,时间和地点pooja通过电子信箱和您的代表莅临参观相同。13. 13. You need to knock at the copper ring on the door to inform the man inside.&&&&&&没有门牌,要敲门上的铜环,才会有人来开门。14. Lastly, I want to inform all of you that I am ok now.&&&&&&最后,我想跟大家说我现在已经好了。15. BIIA constitutes a neutral forum of information content companies in Asia Pacific and Middle East to promote, protect and inform the information industry.&&&&&&BIIA是由亚太和中东地区的信息产业公司组成的中立性论坛,目标是推动、保护和了解信息产业的发展。16. For the reason of office space operation, BOF was divided into the Nonhyeon-Dong Office and a new Cheongdam-Dong Office and reorganized. The two offices will operate as BOF offices and we inform you that not all of us have moved from the Nonhyeon-Dong Office. Thus, we would like you not to misunderstand that BOF office has `transferred, expanded and moved`.&&&&&&因为公司操作上的需要BOF分拆为论岘洞办公室以及新的清潭洞办公室,两边都是BOF旗下的办公室,并不是论岘洞所有的员工都搬了过去,所以,我们并不是如报导上所说的:`转移,扩张和搬离`,希望你们不要误解。17. We regret to inform you that...&&&&&&我们很抱歉通知您。。。18. This app will inform you when your friend doesn`t want to be your friend anymore.&&&&&&这个应用程序会通知您,当您的朋友,不希望成为你的朋友了。19. According to the type of the event, the staff will inform the respective specialized departments in time to provide help.&&&&&&工作人员将根据事件的类别,及时通知相应的专业部门提供帮助。20. I am desired to inform you that there are some errors in your drawing.&&&&&&你的图内有错,这是别人请我告诉你的。。。to inform 单语例句1. A list of all the leaders'duties was also included to inform residents which department and which particular official they should call to settle problems.2. Adam Winfield, whose father persistently tried to inform commanders of the atrocities only to be turned away.3. The United States commits to inform the Chinese side of changes to the CFTC's supervision and data availability on financial transactions in the oil market.4. Foreign adopters go to the Hubei civil administration and register for an adoption and sign " Inform of adopting Chinese baby ".5. The cleric has said he would not inform police if he knew Muslims were planning to bomb trains in Britain.6. I began to clip items that would inform my students and began to be on the lookout for those which would instigate discussion.7. Lewis did so, and failed to inform his shareholders about the losses until after the Merrill deal closed.8. He had refused to give up until the Japanese government flew in his former commander to formally inform him the war was over.9. The ban requires SOEs to strengthen management over the annuities and housing subsidies of executives, and inform employees of related duty consumption regulations in certain ways.10. Legislators yesterday proposed an additional stipulation in the draft labor contract law that requires employers to inform workers of potential occupational diseases and preventive inform是什么意思,to inform在线翻译,to inform什么意思,to inform的意思,to inform的翻译,to inform的解释,to inform的发音,to inform的同义词,to inform的反义词,to inform的例句,to inform的相关词组,to inform意思是什么,to inform怎么翻译,单词to inform是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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