she is beautiful 和she is beautifullywork有区别吗

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beautiful的副词是beautifully!beautifully['bjut?fli]adv. 漂亮地;美好地比较级 more beautifully最高级 most beautifully例句:The book is beautifully printed and artistically bound. 这本书印刷精美, 装帧高雅。
beautifully是什么意思 beautifully在线翻译 beautifully什么意思 beautifully的意思 beautifully的翻译 beautifully的解释 beautifully的发音
beautifully英 ['bju:t?fli] 美 ['bjut?f?l?] beautifully 基本解释副词漂亮地; 美丽地; 出色地; 完美地beautifully的解释手机查看beautifully的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 beautifully 即可beautifully 相关例句副词1. She was beautifully dressed.&&&&她穿得很漂亮。2. The children danced beautifully.&&&&孩子们跳舞跳得很优美。3. I read a beautifully written novel.&&&&我读了一本写得十分精彩的小说。beautifully 网络解释1. 美好地:beautiful 美丽的 | beautifully 美好地 | beautify 美化2. 美地:loudly 大声地 | beautifully 美地 | quietly 安静地,静静地3. beautifully3. 美好地, 漂亮地:beautify 美化 | beautifully 美好地, 漂亮地 | beauty 美丽, 美貌, 美人, 美景4. 优美地;完美地:terrify 使惊吓;吓坏 | beautifully 优美地;完美地 | have butterfly in the stomach 十分紧张;忐忑不安beautifully 双语例句1. The girl hid in tree's behind, but she saw to a picture: A strange girl, is putting on beautifully, the stature is very good, is long very lovably, held his clothes, was certainly also taking that paper.&&&&女孩躲在了树的后面,可是她看到一个画面:一个陌生的女孩,穿著妖艳,身材很好,长得很可爱,抱起了他的衣服,当然也拿著那张纸条。2. Josh - it`s not a coincidence but because you h History of Love is very beautifully written.&&&&要不我也分辨不出是翻译的问题还是我自己鲁钝看不懂,因为我知道History of Love 的迷人处,在不好的翻译。。。3. 3. However beautifully disgusting the work may be, the sound of the community screaming and laughing after each successive pumpkin is the true essence of Pumpkin Day.&&&&然而,为每个成功击中特定目标的南瓜而发出的尖叫和笑声才是南瓜节实质所在。4. Very occasionally they had beautifully carved boards of whalebone on which they rubbed a high gloss on to the linen.&&&&偶尔,他们非常精美雕刻板鲸须,他们摩擦的高光泽度的亚麻布。5. Stay in beautifully restored, medieval farm buildings at Hotel More di Cuna, set around 20 minutes drive from Siena and featuring spacious gardens and characteristic Tuscan décor and furnishings.&&&&我们这间小型舒适的酒店距离锡耶纳Siena)中心不到1公里,毗邻高速公路,装有全套空调设备,设有一个带有阳光露台的户外游泳池。6. 6. A very wide wide beautifully decorated hall, usually only be seen in the cathedral painted glass,
The number of home to the rich and others boast crystal chandeliers, here are four in number, a Century painter Langfenai value of a 10, 000 meter gold paintings Surprisingly, in the dorsal horn can be seen on the walls, although not authentic, but the Duke of your family should be absolutely no fake.&&&&极宽极阔的大厅装饰精美,平时只有在大教堂才能见到的彩绘玻璃,在这里只不过做为采光用;多少富豪之家用以向旁人夸耀的水晶吊灯,在这里就有四盏之多,而且只是照明;世纪大画家米开朗芬奇价值万金的画作,居然在背角的墙壁上可以见到,虽然不知真伪,但公爵府上应该绝对没有赝品。7. She has a voice of gold and sings beautifully.&&&&她有一副金嗓子,唱歌很甜美。8. Lynette: Yes, you can tell them how beautifully behaved the boys are.&&&&是的,你可以告诉他们这两个孩子表现有多么出色。9. The hotel is beautifully situated in De Koog, seaside-resort of Texel.&&&&您可以从您安静的公寓方便地前往De Koog温泉浴场。10. As I say, I think Rose Troche directed it beautifully. She`s very good.&&&&我说过了,我觉得Rose Troche拍得相当出色。11. When we do, self-esteem and love blossom will grow more beautifully than any bed of flowers ever could.&&&&&&只要我们永远牢记这一点,那么,自尊和爱的花朵就会比花圃中的任何花儿都开得灿烂、美丽。12. 12. Welcome to the ultimate in luxury in the city. Sixty-two beautifully designed rooms and fifteen exceptional suites evoke grandeur with a splash of 1940s-inspired Hollywood glitter.&&&&&&欢迎来到城市中奢侈的终极目的地:六十二件设计炫美的房间和十五间以1940年好莱坞式风格为设计灵感的行政套房。13. Following along as Flora and her dad have a fun-filled day looking at all the animals in the zoo in this beautifully illustrated picture book with ryhming and predictable text.&&&&&&简 介:本书在描述小女孩到动物园去,逐一看到的动物,本书的插画全都是属於撕画的作品,相当生动。适合3岁以上儿童阅读。14. Once this part equity is patted, and buy suffer beauty of Fang Youfei country, criterion the country accuses a partner status beautifully to will be challenged.&&&&&&一旦该部分股权拍出,而买受方又非国美,则国美的控股股东地位将受到挑战。15. 15. You can see it in the city`s beautifully preserved Barri Gotic, in the architectural confections of Gaudi and his Modernista pals, and in recent contender Jean Nouvel`s shimmering Torre Agbar.&&&&&&你可以看到它在城市的保存完好的巴里戈蒂奇,在建筑甜点的高迪和他的Modernista好朋友,在最近的竞争者让努维尔的波光粼粼的托瑞Agbar。16. Second, this full moon will be beautifully angled to transiting Mars, now in your workaday sector.&&&&&&其次,这次满月与经过的火星形成一个漂亮的角度,影响你的工作部分。17. As you can see, the for-each construct combines beautifully with generics.&&&&&&大家可能发现到for-each和泛型的完美结合。18. For example, a pianissimo passage played only with the flesh will sound fuzzy and indistinct, yet the same dynamic shaped with the nail projects beautifully, even in a large hall - Sharon Isbin&&&&&&举个例子:如果不留指甲演奏极弱的乐句,声音将会变得模糊不清。如果留指甲,同样的力度就可以优美地发音,即使在大音乐厅里。19. A beautifully designed media kit is nice but not necessary.&&&&&&1精美的设计,媒体工具,是不错,但没有必要的。20. By amlodipine Juan logo for slightly more than Yunlong, Phoenix Peony, the Qing Emperor Yongzheng carved seven years, worshipping shrines carved peonies, pomegranates, lotus and other flowers, and beautifully composed Hongzhi is that the relics of 17 years.&&&&&&减地平镌图案多为小幅云龙、凤凰牡丹,清雍正帝七年刻,崇圣祠刻牡丹、石榴、荷花等花卉,构图优美,是明弘治十七年的遗物。beautifully 单语例句1. The wine is beautifully balanced with a captivating nose that offers aromas of roasted coffee and licorice.2. What a beautifully written, well researched intriguing story about heart surgeon Wu Qingyu and medical advances in cardiac surgery.3. It seemed that each course was a classy work by the chef, nicely presented and beautifully named.4. The fried cuttlefish with garlic is beautifully arranged in the shape of a cuttlefish.5. The parade included 24 sailing boats from as far afield as Taiwan and the Philippines, all beautifully decorated.6. Surrounding the enclosure is a beautifully designed Chinese walkway and bamboo grove, built with help from Chinese and local craftsmen.7. Some old houses look shabby externally, but amazingly clean and beautifully decorated inside.8. Pandora is a vibrant fairytale land with its own unique ecology, beautifully contrasted with the human interlopers'gunmetal aesthetic.9. The oak of the 2004 Beringer Private reserve chardonnay was beautifully integrated and locked horns with the fishiness.10. Even the menu is beautifully designed, with plum blossoms on the front and a freehand Chinese painting on the back.beautifully 英英释义danci.911cha.comadv1. in a beautiful manner&&&&e.g. her face was beautifully made up&&&&Synonym: beautifully是什么意思,beautifully在线翻译,beautifully什么意思,beautifully的意思,beautifully的翻译,beautifully的解释,beautifully的发音,beautifully的同义词,beautifully的反义词,beautifully的例句,beautifully的相关词组,beautifully意思是什么,beautifully怎么翻译,单词beautifully是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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