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404 Not Found【读币看世界】第二期专访美国区块链行业的知名企业家尼尔森先生
尼尔森先生毕业于美国知名院校犹他大学,曾经在多家知名金融机构就职,有超过三十年市场投资经验。投身区块链行业后,尼尔森先生投资开办了The Blockchn Academy以及CatalWave Inc两家公司。其中,CapitalWave经过几年的发展,目前已经是美国模拟交易平台的领头羊公司,为无数美国投资者提供了财务领域的培训经验。可以说,教人投资正是尼尔森先生的本行。
(英文翻译):How&will tronal&finance be changed in the next 10 yea by blockchain chnology?
尼尔森先生(答):It is difficult to project 10 years into the future.& Nevertheless, for me the question should be how will blockchain technology change finance in the next 5 years.& In a single word: &atically&.&&
Payments, remittances, lending, commerce will fundamentally undergo a huge change.& Blockchain Technology will be the foundation of that change with transparency, speed and trust.& For most consumers, it will appear to be transparent.& They will not even know, may not even care, that everything was moved to the blockchain.& What they will experience is ease, fluidity, and simplicity of how banking and finance works.
读币网海外社(问): 目前市场上有超过2000种数字加密货币,各种ICO不计其数,作为CapitalWave Inc.的创始人,请问您对投资者们在如何甄别项目好坏上有什么建议?
(英文翻译):There are more than 2000 cryptocurrencies in the market now and countless ICOs. As the founder of CapitalWave Inc.,
you share your experience about how to identity if a project is worth to invest or not.
尼尔森先生(答):The problem with many of these 2000+ cryptos is that they lack liquidity.& Sure they have irrational volatility, which can make you a lot of money and lose you at lot of money.& For me, I break down cryptos into some categories.& I identify them as MAJORS (top 15 cryptos) with billion dollar valuations, MINORS (cryptos 16-30) which are associated with excellent products and have potential, COMMODITY cryptos (31-50) which includes cryptos that have potential, but are speculative, and finally, EXOTICS, which are cryptos 51 to ?? which are at best gambling.& For me, I DO NOT consider any investment outside of the MAJORS or MINOR cryptos.
读币网海外社(问):请问您能给我们介绍一下The Blockchain Academy吗?The Blockchain Academy是一家什么样的公司/机构,你认为你们的工作将给人类的生活带来怎样的改变?
(英文翻译):Can you introduce The Blockchain Academy for us? What is The Blockchain Academy? What changes does it bring to people&s lives in your opinions?
尼尔森先生(答):The Blockchain Academy is a company whose entire focus is blockchain training.& With the growth of blockchain technology, there is a desperate need for developers and architects. We have created learning paths that will quickly bring qualified developers up to speed on blockchain and its capabilities.& Given that we are only at the start of any implementation of this technology, the growth curve for developers and implementation of the technology is going to last a long time.
读币网海外社(问): 现在市面上有很多区块链应用,但除了外没有一个可以深入改变人们的生活,你认为下一个和比特币一样划时代的应用将出现在什么时候,它更有可能在哪一个应用场景里出现:游戏、金融,还是说人力资源?你对这个应用的出现抱有信心吗?
(英文翻译):There are may Dapps in the market now but none of them can change people&s lives except Bitcoin. When will the next Dapp like Bitcoin that can change our lives come out in your opinions? Which fields will it come out first?Digital games, finance or human resources? Are you optimistic about it?
尼尔森先生(答):I would disagree with your statement.& I agree that Bitcoin has changed many peoples lives.& But so has a dozen of other cryptos.& But a monetary system built on blockchain is not the killer app.& For me the area that will impact the globe the most will be its use in: &digital identity& and the &supply chain&.& Games will be fun, but crypto kitties showed that blockchain is not really ready for a gaming environment.& Finance will of course be impacted, but in ways that we will least expect.& For me, finance will have its largest growth when we have wide spread adoption of 4th&generation blockchains.& Human Resources is an area that will benefit f blockchain, but its impact there, in my opinion will be minor.
Apart from digital identities, the impact of the technology will be most felt in the supply chain.& Its implementation there will fundamentally transform the way we build, buy and deliver products globally.
(英文翻译):&In China, people think blockchain is just a tool that can make money. You are the expert in blockchain, do you think blockchain will be the next prosperous industry like the Internet? What suggestions can you offer to those young men who also want to join this field?
尼尔森先生(答):For me, the internet did something that is uniquely human, and that is it allowed for vast amounts of information and communication to exist. With the internet, our ability to quickly access information, like crypto prices, allowed for us to act on that information.& It also allowed for analysis of things to be instant & globally.& Crypto&s are taking advantage of this fluidity of information, which allows for people to make money.& That said, Blockchain Technology will transform how we do things by interjecting TRUST.& We will now have the ability to trust that the information we access is correct as well as that messages, trades or other communications are valid.
My ase to anyone is that you should be doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to learn about this technology. This is the future.&&
(英文翻译):We noticed that SEC is seeking for more regulations to crypto market and the chairman of SEC claimed that SEC will not change any laws although blockchain has its own feature. Could it destroy the entire crypto market? How should cryptocurrency deal with these difficulties that come from regulation?
尼尔森先生(答):&The SEC will continue its role in regulating the crypto market.& Cryptos share a lot of the same traits as other financial instruments and currencies.& Nevertheless, the role that blockchain is taking is entirely different.& Crypto&s exist ON TOP OF blockchain.&
For people who have a singular focus on Crypto&s, I would suggest that they be prepared for a highly regulated market.& Regulatory discrepancies will diminish over time and we will quickly get to a global approach to crypto&s and there role..
(英文翻译):We notice that many countries like Russia and Japan are playing an active role in spreading and expanding blockchain in their countries like the Internet in 2000. The internet and blockchain, who will be the last winner? Can the public earn profit from the competition?
尼尔森先生(答):The internet and blockchain technology are not in a win/lose competition.& They are complementary.& We would not have blockchain if not for the advances in internet technology.& And going forward, the internet will benefit greatly by blockchain.& There are investment opportunities that will arise by internet power players adopting blockchain.
(英文翻译):When President rose power, he started a trade war between 2 countries. What&s your opinions about the trade war? Do you think trade war could jeopardize crypto market? &
尼尔森先生(答):The current trade war is not really about competition. It is about equal access to each market.& The current attention to it is way overblown and 2-3 years from now will be thought of as very minor.&
No, this current disagreement will not impact crypto.
(英文翻译):In&Too Big to Fail, Mr. Sorkin describes the process of how American government aids Wall Street. In your opinions, will there be any giants as Mr. Sorkin describes in the future? Do you think it good or bad to blockchain and crypto market?&
&尼尔森先生(答):No.& No.
(英文翻译):After an increase in interest rates by the Fed, assuming a large amount of capital is expected to escape from emerging market, how can it affect the development of crypto market and what will be the consequences? Could it lead to a shakeout in crypto market?
尼尔森先生(答):The current policy being implemented by the Federal Reserve will have zero impact on the crypto market.
(英文翻译):In June, exchanges in Korea were attacked twice by hackers. The commentary said crypto market is becoming ATM for hackers. Will it be a fatal defect for crypto industry? Can it avoid the attack from hackers in the future?
尼尔森先生(答):The crypto market is in its infancy.& There will continue to be hacks of exchanges for the foreseeable future.& At some point, people will avoid the exchanges that have poor security.& Security will also be improved the moment the exchanges start using blockchain for their dbs. &
(英文翻译):The features of blockchain is tamper-resistant, but you can delete a post when sometimes cutout post is needed. Facebook deleted many posts that is believed being manipulated by Russian government and even Telegram, an IM that claims to be the most secure one, also deleted many groups that terrorists build. How can the development of blockchain affect freedom of the press? Could government block out blockchain technology due to the fear for uncontrolled publicity?
尼尔森先生(答):Blockchain&s capabilities will impact social media and communication.& Given that you cannot simply delete a post, group or more will provide transparency that will frustrate many governments.& Governments do have the capability to block applications, so yes, they will also have the ability to block blockchain based communication.& The difference being is that those blockchain solutions will not be able to just &delete& things that are deemed as propaganda.
读币网海外社(问): 区块链技术和时下另一个热门的技术人工智能技术能够实现结合吗?它们未来的应用形式会是怎样的?
(英文翻译):&Can blockchain combine with AI technology? What apps could it be in your opinions?
尼尔森先生(答):&Blockchain and AI can work in perfect hony.& I believe that AI can amplify the huge datasets that blockchain will create.& To me, AI will make some transformational impact for health care, finance and supply chain management.
(英文翻译):We noticed that John Griffin, a professor at the University of Texas, published a report and thought the price of Bitcoin was manipulated. Do you agree with it? Have you ever seen examples like this?
尼尔森先生(答):The research that Professor Griffin has done does point to the possibility of manipulation of the price of Bitcoin.& While his conclusions seem amplified, I would suggest that any serious person in the bitcoin/crypto markets all believe that manipulation was impacting the price.& The real question is:& how much did the manipulation really impact the price?& Was it a small amount? A large amount?& Does the Trustee of Mt. Gox actions count as manipulation? Apart from the Bitcoin market, it has been well understood that manipulation was occurring in many/most cryptos.& The hope of many is that regulation will remove any incentive for manipulation, allowing for the markets to function and price the instruments appropriately. &
(中文翻译):格里芬教授的研究已经表明了操控比特币价格的可能性。虽然他的结论似乎被扩大化了,但是我建议那些十分在乎比特币/数字货币市场的人都相信操控影响价格。问题是&这个操纵真正对价格造成了怎样的影响?&&影响是大部分还是小部分?&&Mt. Gox的受委托人的账户操作是否属于操纵?除开比特币市场,大家对其他很多数字货币的价格操纵的情况都心知肚明。许多人希望让监管来打击这些价格操纵,从而让市场充分的发挥作用并且适当的对这些东西进行定价。
(英文翻译):Blockchain equals speculation in most Chinese investors in their opinions and they think the potential of a project depends on the price of its token. Do you agree with the idea? Are there any suggestions that you could offer to Chinese investors?
&尼尔森先生(答):Price is only one datapoint.& Market Cap, volatility, liquidity are equally important.& For me, looking at market liquidity is one of the most important metric as it clearly delineates that there are a number of people in the market and one can enter and exit a position at will.& If an instrument has market liquidity I would avoid it as it will translate into huge volatility and therefore price.
(英文翻译):Many countries are planning to issue their legal cryptocurrency. When do you think it happens? How can it affect people&s lives?
尼尔森先生(答):I believe that all governments will issue their currency on the blockchain.& It has already started to happen with some countries.& When it finally does happen, it will be a non-event.&
(英文翻译):There are increasing people buy bitcoin with the purpose of hedging. Can bitcoin replace gold, in your opinions?
尼尔森先生(答):Bitcoin has a lot of excellent features and purposes.& One of the purposes can be via hedging.& It is not a perfect hedge for all situations, but does have specific utility in some situations.& As for bitcoin replacing gold, that will never happen.& However, they will co-exist in a symbic relationship.
(英文翻译):Our partner is researching a Dapp in human resources. Do you think it possible that there will be a Dapp like Bitcoin that can change people&s lives? &
尼尔森先生(答): It depends on what you define as &human resources&. If you are defining it from a company perspective, then I believe that it will have an impact, but it might not be as large as some people imagine.& However, if you define human resources as: digital identity, medical records, public and government engagement and creating financial opportunities for the &unbanked& then yes, blockchain will be transformational.
(英文翻译):Blockchain is amazing but also brings people stress. Are you satisfied with the career you have chosen? If you could go back to ten years ago, which do you want to change in your life?
尼尔森先生(答):There should be no stress related to blockchain (unless your job will be eliminated by the deployment of the technology.
Yes, I love what I do.& It is exciting to be in an environment that is rapidly changing and impactful.
If I could go back 10 years& I would have invested every penny I owned in bitcoin.
(英文翻译):There has been frequent fluctuation of Bitcoin price, since Bitcoin was born, however, its price is still keep rising. What are your opinions about its future price? & &
尼尔森先生(答):The future for Bitcoin and other crypto currencies, in my opinion, will continue to be highly volatile.& The volatility is directly related to the inability to properly value all crypto currencies. However, I do feel that the value of Bitcoin will continue to be priced in a range from $6,400 to $10,000 for the rest of 2018.
(中文翻译): Are you going to invest in cryptocurrency?If you are, could you let us know which one you prefer?&
尼尔森先生(答):&I was a late investor in cryptos, having only started to invest in June of 2017.& Previously, I was one of those who forecasted the demise of Bitcoin and other Cryptos.& Part of my viewpoint then was that there was insufficient number of investors to provide any sense of liquidity.& Around May of 2017, for me, there was a tipping point when I finally had sufficient confidence that it would have speculative value for the foreseeable future, so at that time I made an investment. &
&As for my portfolio, it has changed over the past year.& At one point it was 100% Bitcoin.& At another point it was 100% Ethereum.& Currently it is diversified between 6 different cryptos with roughly equal weighting.
(中文翻译):Do you think whether decentralization will be obstacle for human beings?&&
尼尔森先生(答):I don&t think that is an issue at all.
(英文翻译):What do you think of the conflict between centralization and decentralization?&Are there solutions to solve the problem?&
尼尔森先生(答):The only conflict is the legacy management of firms who don&t want to embrace the change that is coming.& Blockchain is a tsunami.&
&Removing these naysayers from positions of control.& Late adaptors will find it difficult to survive once the tipping point of adoption starts.
再次感谢以上所有区块链媒体对读币网&读币看世界栏目&专访的支持,下期专访将在7月13日对美国区块链专家Gary Leland进行采访。
Gary Leland简介:
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