
pip [options] &package& ...
pip [options] -r &requirements file& ...
Uninstall packages.
pip is able to uninstall most installed packages. Known exceptions are:
Pure distutils packages installed with python setup.py install, which
leave behind no metadata to determine what files were installed.
Script wrappers installed by python setup.py develop.
-r, --requirement &file&
Uninstall all the packages listed in the given requirements file.
This option can be used multiple times.
Don't ask for confirmation of uninstall deletions.
Uninstall a package.
$ pip uninstall simplejson
Uninstalling simplejson:
Proceed (y/n)? y
Successfully uninstalled simplejson1.&yum -y install openssl* &
<span style="color: # tar zxvf Python-<span style="color: #.5.<span style="color: #.tgz
<span style="color: # cd Python-<span style="color: #.5.<span style="color: #
<span style="color: # ./configure
<span style="color: # make && make install
<span style="color: # [root@localhost Python-<span style="color: #.5.<span style="color: #]# pip3 install pymysql
<span style="color: # Collecting pymysql
<span style="color: #
Downloading PyMySQL-<span style="color: #.7.<span style="color: #-py3-none-any.whl (78kB)
<span style="color: #
<span style="color: #0% |████████████████████████████████| 81kB <span style="color: #.3kB/s
<span style="color: # Installing collected packages: pymysql
<span style="color: # Successfully installed pymysql-<span style="color: #.7.<span style="color: #
<span style="color: # You are using pip version <span style="color: #.1.<span style="color: #, however version <span style="color: #.0.<span style="color: # is available.
<span style="color: # You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
&上面提示有新版本了 &可以升级.
1 [root@localhost Python-<span style="color: #.5.<span style="color: #]# pip3 install --upgrade pip
2 Collecting pip
Downloading pip-<span style="color: #.0.<span style="color: #-py2.py3-none-any.whl (<span style="color: #.3MB)
<span style="color: #0% |████████████████████████████████| <span style="color: #.3MB <span style="color: #.2kB/s
5 Installing collected packages: pip
Found existing installation: pip <span style="color: #.1.<span style="color: #
Uninstalling pip-<span style="color: #.1.<span style="color: #:
Successfully uninstalled pip-<span style="color: #.1.<span style="color: #
9 Successfully installed pip-<span style="color: #.0.<span style="color: #
<span style="color: # [root@localhost Python-<span style="color: #.5.<span style="color: #]# pip3 --version
<span style="color: # pip <span style="color: #.0.<span style="color: # from /usr/local/lib/python3.<span style="color: #/site-packages (python <span style="color: #.5)
pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available.&
yum install openssl-devel -y &安装一下即可.
再按照上面的方法重新 编译一下即可.
阅读(...) 评论()pip 18.0 发布,Python 包安装和管理工具
pip 18.0&发布,自该版本开始采用新的基于日期的版本更新规则。每3个月发布一个无bug修复的新版本。功能支持从&pyproject.toml&文件安装构建包依赖清单(PEP518)新增&--prefer-binary&选项, 用于使用就有的 wheel 包增强文件名称自动提示功能废弃不再支持&Python3.3pip list&输出移除旧有的格式,使用columns(列表格)形式发行说明:
pip 的详细介绍:
pip 的下载地址:
转载请注明:文章转载自 开源中国社区
本文标题:pip 18.0 发布,Python 包安装和管理工具
引用来自“tianyiya”的评论我的是 10。0,使用pip install --upgrade pip升级成功我的失败了:sweat:
pipenv 其实是一个基于 pip 的虚拟环境管理器。
我的是 10。0,使用pip install --upgrade pip升级成功The service is unavailable.python pip安装
easy_install.exe pip
On Linux or macOS:
pip install -U pip
python -m pip install -U pip


更多关于 pip离线安装ipython 的文章

