what would you do if you were elected president是什么牌子?

>>>What would you do if you were lost in the dark forest at nig..
What would you do if you were lost in the dark forest at night? The first sensible lesson is that you shouldn’t bother trying to find your way in the dark at all, but just stay put until dawn. Because then you won’t trip over things? No, mainly because you’ll have an idea of direction. The sun rises in the east. But you will be amazed at how many people forget they know that. Apparently, the area underneath a holly bush provides a good makeshift shelter — they are thick, and evergreen. The next thing to do — or rather not to do — is panic, for the obvious reason that unless there is someone there to hear you scream, it will get you nowhere. Just try to think of nice, happy things.There is always a point in films when a person who is lost in the desert or the snow, dehydrated(脱水的) and exhausted, comes across a set of their own footprints and realizes they have just walked in a huge, round circle. It is wrong to owe it to the unequal strengths or different lengths of your legs. Experiments prove that, without the sun or the moon (or landmarks) as a fixed guide, lots of small errors add up over time so the brain can’t correctly identify the “straight ahead” direction. To just get out of somewhere, pick a spot on the horizon and just head for it.There are several ways to find directions in the dark, and by far the best is to establish north using the stars. Most people can identify the Plough, which is part of Ursa Major. It looks a lot like a saucepan. The Plough rotates through the sky, but let’s imagine the saucepan lying horizontally (水平地), with its handle on the left. You need to trace a line from the star at the right-hand base of the pan, through the star at the right-hand rim (边沿), a the north star is roughly five times the distance between those two “pointer” stars. Then drop a vertical line from the North Star to the horizon and that’s north.“Tonight is very cloudy and I can’t see the Plough.” Maybe luckily, it is quite windy. Keep in mind that almost all of our weather comes from a south-westerly direction. (This only works if you are in the British Isles). To find the direction, you can throw light bits of dried-out grass in the air and see or, if there are clouds and patches of clear sky, see which way they blow across the stars. You can also get an idea of direction from leggy plants. If they look as if they have been blown over, they will probably be pointing north-east. If they are simply leaning in one direction as they grow, there’s a good chance that is south (they will be reaching towards the sun). The last thing to do is to judge your direction and off you go.68. What might be the best title of the passage ?A. How to survive in the forest&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. How to protect yourself in the forest C. How to direct your way out of the wild&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. What to do if you are lost69. Which of the following pictures matches the description of the position of the north star?&70. Why will people often walk in a circle if they are lost in the desert or the snow?A. Because without anything to refer to for directions, the brain will be confused by errors.B. Because one of the legs is longer and stronger than the other.C. Because the desert or the snow usually covers a large area for people to get across.D. Because people usually feel dehydrated and exhausted in the desert or the snow.
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“What would you do if you were lost in the dark forest at nig..”主要考查你对&&人物传记类阅读,广告布告类阅读,日常生活类阅读,人生感悟类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
人物传记是记叙文体的一种,主要描写某人的生平事迹、趣闻轶事、生活背景、个性特征、成长奋斗历程等,包含记叙文的时间、地点、人物、事件等要素。其特点是以时间的先后或事件的发展为主线,空间或逻辑线索贯穿文章始终,脉络清楚,可读性较强。 人物传记类文章的阅读策略和解题技巧:
1、把握文体特征,注意写作手法如前文所述,人物传记是记叙文体的一种,因此在阅读时要把握好时间、地点、人物和事件这四大要素。其次,还应该注意人物传记类文章的结构多按时间顺序排列,一般采用倒叙的写作手法,有时也采用插叙和补叙等手段。弄清楚人物传记类文章的特征和写作手法,能帮助考生在阅读和回答问题时做到高效省时、准确无误。 2、抓住题干关键词,采用寻读的方法查找细节描述事实细节题是人物传记类文章的主要题型,一般常见以下几种类型: (1)对号入座题:这种题的答案一般在原文中可以直接找到,只要读懂文章,掌握文章中的事实,如时间、地点、事件等细节问题,就能选对正确答案。 (2)词义转换题:这种题常常是原文有关词语和句子的转换,而不能在原文中直接找到。它要求考生能理解原文中某个短语或句子的含义,从而找到与答案意思相同的词语和句子。 (3)是非题:该题型俗称“三缺一”题型,即题目四个选项中有三个符合文章内容,剩下一个不符合。题干多为:Which of the following isTRUE?或者三个不符合文章内容,剩下一个符合,题干多为:Which of the following…isNOTtrue?或All the following are true EXCEPT(4)排序题:这种题要求考生根据动作发生的先后顺序和句子之间的逻辑关系,找出事件发生的正确顺序。可采用“首尾定位法”,即先找出第一个动作和最后一个动作,迅速缩小选择范围,从而快速选出正确答案。 (5)指代理解题:一般是在人物或事物关系比较复杂的情况下使用的一种题型,所以理清人物及事物之间的逻辑关系是关键所在。可采用“逻辑关系梳理法”,使人物或事件关系清晰条理。不管题型如何,在做事实细节题时,可采用比较实用的方法一有目的的阅读。在阅读时,首先看题目要求我们理解什么细节,找出关键词,然后以此为线索,运用寻读的技巧迅速在文章里找出相应的段落、句子或短语。认真比较选项和文中细节的区别,在正确理解细节的前提下,确定最佳答案。这样一来,既提高了阅读的速度,又能确保答案的准确率。同时,建议阅读文章时把与答案相符的句子或短语用红线标示出来,标号注上是哪一题答案的相关句子,这样在检查时就不必重新阅读整篇文章了。 3、抽丝剥茧,推理判断深层含义推理判断题主要提问那些未曾在文中说明,但已特别暗示的内容,考查考生对文章的准确理解和判断。人物传记类文章常见的推理判断题型为: (1)细节推断题:要求考生根据语篇关系,推断具体细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、人物身份、事件等。一般可根据短文提供的信息,或者借助生活常识进行推理判断。 (2)因果推断题:要求考生根据已知结果推测导致结果的可能原因。考生要准确掌握文章的内涵,理解文章的真正含义。 (3)人物性格、作者态度及观点判断题:人物传记类文章中有些是考查考生对作者的主导思想、被描写人物的语气、言语中流露的情绪、性格倾向和作者或文中人物态度、观点等方面的理解题。推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上做出一定推论和判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。解答此类题时,要注意: (1)吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉有用的提示和线索,这是推理的前提和基础。 (2)对文字的表面信息进俐宅掘加工,由表及里,由浅入深。从具体到抽象,从特殊到一般,通过分析、综合、判断等进行符合逻辑的推理。不能就事论事,断章取义,以偏概全。 (3)基于文章内容,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据,立足已知,推断未知。不能主观臆想,凭空想象,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点。 (4)把握句、段之间的逻辑关系,了解语篇的结构。要体会文章的基调,揣摸作者的态度,摸准逻辑发展的方向,悟出作者的弦外之音。 (5)注意文中所用词句的感情色彩,是讽刺性的,批评性的,赞成性的,还是反对性的,以便推测作者的观点和态度。广告类阅读:1、品味广告的标题,联系平时所积累的知识,为了解材料大意作铺垫。 2、要特别留意广告中包含的数字、联系人、地址等。 3、要注意文中以黑体、大写、下划线等方式加以提示的文字,因为这很有可能是材料的核心或&&&&至少是一部分内容的概括。 广告布告类阅读特点及解题技巧:
一、广告布告类阅读试题的文体特点:此类文章不同于其他文体的文章,其目的是为了向读者传输信息,措辞简洁明了,直截了当,一般说来,广告布告类阅读试题具有以下特点:1、选材特点:信息量大,文句精炼,形式灵活,用最少的篇幅表达最大量的信息。2、内容特点:生活化,实用化,多样化,如产品宣传、服务介绍、通知、海报、启示、招生招聘等。3、形式特点:标题醒目,重点突出,条理清晰,常用粗体字或各类项目符号使文章结构更鲜明。4、语言特点:人名、地名、专有名词多;生词多;缩略词、祈使句、省略句多;结构不完整。5、命题特点:主要考察考生提取信息和处理信息的能力,既注重特定细节的筛选、类比、综合,又注重推理判断题的考查,题目设置相对较容易。二、解题技巧点拨:阅读这类文章时,也应该在整体把握文章结构的前提下,主要注意细节信息。细节题题干都是相应原文的变形(如同义改写、词性转换等),因此要找到答案一定要找到题干在原文中的出处,再把原文和选项相比较。做题时,根据所提问题用寻读、跳读的方法可达到事半功倍的效果。同时,在阅读时也要特别注意文中以粗体、大写、下划线等方式加以提示的文字,因为这很有可能是文章的核心或某一部分内容的概括。具体答题策略如下:1、先题后文:先读试题,了解考点;明确目的,快速捕捉,获取信息。2、题干定向:根据题干关键词到文中定位答案范围,按照题目顺序依次而下:问题与材料相同:对号入座;问题与原文相同:同义替换、归纳事实等。3、生词模糊:遇到生词;如无关答题,直接跳过;涉及答题,则根据语境、构词法等猜词。4、信息补全:对于影响理解的省略句,可根据语境,将其补全。 日常生活类阅读的概念:
日常生活这一话题主要涉及人们衣食住行等方面的活动。这一话题的选材主要针对人们日常的工作,生活以及学习情况。做这一类题时,最主要的是要把握好人物的活动内容,时间和地点。 日常生活类阅读题答题技巧:
【题型说明】该类文章内容涉及到人们的言谈举止、生活习惯、饮食起居、服饰仪表、恋爱婚姻、消遣娱乐、节日起源、家庭生活等。文章篇幅短小,追根溯源,探索各项风俗的历史渊源,内容有趣。命题也以送分题为主,如事实细节题、语义转换题、词义猜测题和简单推理判断题等。虽然这类文章读起来感觉轻松,试题做起来比较顺手,但绝不能掉以轻心。因为稍不留神,就会丢分。   【备考提醒】为了保证较高准确率,建议同学们做好以下几点:   1、保持正常的考试心态。笔者在教学中发现,越是容易的试题,同学们越是容易失分。为什么呢?因为在这种情况下,同学们极易产生麻痹思想,认为题目好做,就不引起高度重视,于是思维不发散、不周密。而命题人就是利用同学们的这一弱点,设计陷阱题。所以,无论试题难易与否,我们都要保持正常的考试心态。试题容易,不欣喜;试题难,不悲观。   2、根据前面讲到的方法,认认真真、细细心心做好事实细节题。   3、做好语义转换题。这类题是根据英语中一词多义和某些词语在文中能表达一定的修辞意义的原则而设计的。要求同学们解释某生词的含义,确定多义词或短语在文中的意思,确认文中的某个代词所指代的对象,或者对英语中特有的表达、格言、谚语进行解释。这种题要求同学们一定要根据上下文猜测词义或理解句子,切不可望文生义。   4、做好简单推理判断题。简单推理判断题要以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论。人生感悟类阅读的概念:
与“What would you do if you were lost in the dark forest at nig..”考查相似的试题有:
4253413581473940263409093529143299644.开放性问题 ① What would you do if you were- ② What other suggestions would you give? ③ How would ——精英家教网——
4.开放性问题 ① What would you do if you were- ② What other suggestions would you give? ③ How would you settle the problem if you were -? 对于开放性问题.应在理解文章的基础上结合自己的观点组织答案. 【】
  The small black ants that we see running back and forth in the grass are the same ants that annoy(打扰)us by coming to our picnics uninvited.They are not trying to make pests of themselves, but are only doing the housekeeping job they were made for.They are nature’s cleanup crew.
  One of these ants, scouting(侦察)in the grass, finds the trail of an injured beetle(甲虫).In some mysterious way the news spreads.Soon there are two ants, then a few more.Then a dozen or more are running around the beetle.Enough ants will come to put an end to it.
  When the beetle is dead, the ants carry it away to their underground burrows(穴).The efficient(讲效率的)ants leave nothing in the grass but the empty shell.
The ants that come to our picnics are ________.
trying to make pests of themselves
doing their job
looking for company
help injured insects
The selection says that the job of these ants is to ________.
clean up the grass
kill all beetles
make trails
help injured insects
As soon as an ant finds an injured insect, it ________.
lets other ants know
carries it away
More ants learn about the beetle ________.
by passing by it
by smelling it
from other ants
by hearing the sounds it makes
The ants clean the grass by ________.
burying the beetle
carrying the whole beetle away
eating the beetle
carrying away everything but the shell
have problems with…
have questions with
  Dear John,
  I've got a problem and as I don't know what to do, I thought I'd write to you and ask for your advice.
  I've been working at a meat factory for about two months now. It's a part-time job, so I only work in the evenings. I've recently noticed that one of my workmates is stealing, From time to time, I notice that he puts a piece of meat down his trousers just before he leaves the factory. Now the manager has found that things are missing. He says that all this happened after I started work.
  What should I do? Maybe I should have told that workmate I knew what he was doing. Or possibly I should have gone to the manager and told him who was stealing meat.
  I think I'm in a difficult position. Please tell me how I can solve this problem. I'd like to hear your advice.
  Best wishes.
参考词:I'm afraid that it is quite common…; I think …; There is no need, I advise you to…
  A:Terrible! Terrible!
  B:What’s the matter?
  A:After school, I was riding home hurriedly along the street on the right when suddenly a boy rushed out of his house, with his dog following him.
  B:What happened?
  A:I was too scared to stop my bike.The boy escaped from being hurt.But the dog was hit by my bike.It was rolling on the ground, barking and barking.
  B:What about the boy?
  A:The boy was first frightened to death.Then he calmed himself down.He caught hold of my bike.He demanded that I pay him fifty yuan for his dog or I give him my bike.
  B:What did you do then?
  A:I gave him forty yuan, the only money in my pocket.I had to hurry home for lunch on my bike.If I was late for class, I would also be punished by the head teacher.
  B:Bad luck.
1.Was the author riding in the wrong way?
2.Should the dog be hit instead of the boy?
3.What should the author do?
4.Why didn’t he stop his bike?
5.Why did the author offer his money instead of his bike?
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阅读理解What would you do if you were too shy? Here are some tips which can help you to get over shyness.★Get into the habit of smiling — it’s to your own advantage. When you smile at people, some will return it. ★Read and learn about different and interesting topics like events, music, the environment and weather. Then you can start suitable conversations with others. When you do this, you’re no longer shy about your ability (能力) to keep the conversation going on. ★Feel good about yourself. Positive thinking is a good enhancer (强化剂) of personality. Shyness is caused by such negative thoughts that others are far better than you. Stop such thoughts and believe in yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror (镜子) every morning and say to yourself, “I’m a beautiful creation of God!” ★Improve your appearance. Being shy can also be a result of not so being confident in front of people. Putting on clean and tidy clothes from top to bottom can help improve your confidence.★Ask for the help of a professional image (形象)enhancer. There are also certain books which help you develop your image and do with shyness. You can turn to these things to get guidance. Enhancing your image is one good way of getting over your shyness. It can build up your self-confidence in front of anyone.(
)1. The underlined word “get over” means “
” in Chinese.
)2. If you want to keep the conversation with someone else going on, you should
A. smile at him
B. be friendly to him
C. have a suitable topic
D. feel good about yourself(
)3. What does the writer think can cause shyness?A. Negative thinking.
B. Positive thoughts.
C. Believing in yourself.
D. Looking at yourself in the mirror.(
)4. What can help someone improve his confidence according to the passage?
A. Talking to himself.
B. Reading more books.
C. Speaking in public often.
D. Dressing nicely and neatly. (
)5. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A. Someone’s appearance is very important.
B. Some people can help you develop your image.
C. You should be self-confident in front of anyone.
3A&& 4D&& 5D


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