这句话翻译和语法分析,to which和in which的区别怎么用的?

最新的杨浦区小学排名1  【1梯队】公办:二师附小  民办:阳浦小学、上外双语、民办打一小学  【2梯队】公办:控二小学、齐一小学、打一小学 、六一小学  民办:沪东外国语学校、同济小学  其他:复旦科技、上音。最新的杨浦区小学排名2  1.杨浦区**山路第一小学  始建于1953年,学校占地面积30多亩。小学部有8个教学班,学生约有400名,教职员工20多名。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,教师多数为中师毕业**,少数为速成师范毕业。  曾入选**图片社编《**名校》文献档案和上海市十大名牌小学,作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,是华东师范大学教育实验基地,是杨浦区“名师、名校长、名学校”的“三名学校”。  特色:艺术类对口中学:昆明学校、杨浦初级中学。  学校地址:**山路138号  2.水丰路小学  1958年10月建校,至今已有超过50年历史。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,目前在校学生600余人,在校教师50余人。  校训:让学生学会做人,学会求知,学会合作,学会创新;培养学生良好的行为习惯,学习习惯,劳动习惯,生活习惯。  特色:科技类对口中学:九年一贯制学校。  地址:上海市杨浦区水丰路201号。  3.复旦大学附属小学  复旦小学有许多特点,最重要的首先是校风正。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,校风是影响一个学生一生学习最重要的外部条件之一。  复旦小学的第二个特点是,非常重视基础知识的教学。  该校的第三个特点是,特色鲜明。我们深刻认识到,作为一个学校,有特色才能有优势。  特色:名校附属,外语类,科技类。  地址:上海市杨浦区政修路130号。  4.杨浦小学  创办于1958年,是杨浦区的一所中心小学,共有5个年级20个教学班。学校有特级教师1名,中学高级教师5名,具有小学高级教师以上职称的教师占了80%。  学校科研组被授予上海市劳动模范集体称号,语文教研组被命名为上海市先进教研组等。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,学校获全国、上海市、区级以上荣誉称号奖项达62项。  对口中学:上海市教科院附中分校。  地址:上海市杨浦区河间路401号。  5.控江二村小学  创办于1953年,系上海市一期课改、二期课改首选实验基地,作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,学校现有2名特级教师,7名中学高级教师,4名区首批骨干教师;多名教师在全国、市、区教育教学、教育科研、学科竞赛、特长生培养等方面取得优异成绩。  对口中学:控江初级中学。  地址:上海市杨浦区双阳路650。最新的杨浦区小学排名 (菁选2篇)扩展阅读最新的杨浦区小学排名 (菁选2篇)(扩展1)――上海杨浦区民办小学排名哪家好3篇上海杨浦区民办小学排名哪家好1  1.杨浦区**山路第一小学  始建于1953年,学校占地面积30多亩。小学部有8个教学班,学生约有400名,教职员工20多名。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,教师多数为中师毕业**,少数为速成师范毕业。  曾入选*图片社编《*名校》文献档案和上海市十大名牌小学,作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,是华东师范大学教育实验基地,是杨浦区“名师、名校长、名学校”的“三名学校”。  特色:艺术类对口中学:昆明学校、杨浦初级中学。  学校地址:**山路138号  2.水丰路小学  1958年10月建校,至今已有超过50年历史。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,目前在校学生600余人,在校教师50余人。  校训:让学生学会做人,学会求知,学会合作,学会创新;培养学生良好的行为习惯,学习习惯,劳动习惯,生活习惯。  特色:科技类对口中学:九年一贯制学校。  地址:上海市杨浦区水丰路201号。  3.复旦大学附属小学  复旦小学有许多特点,最重要的首先是校风正。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,校风是影响一个学生一生学习最重要的'外部条件之一。  复旦小学的第二个特点是,非常重视基础知识的教学。  该校的第三个特点是,特色鲜明。我们深刻认识到,作为一个学校,有特色才能有优势。  特色:名校附属,外语类,科技类。  地址:上海市杨浦区政修路130号。  4.杨浦小学  创办于1958年,是杨浦区的一所中心小学,共有5个年级20个教学班。学校有特级教师1名,中学高级教师5名,具有小学高级教师以上职称的教师占了80%。  学校科研组被授予上海市劳动模范集体称号,语文教研组被命名为上海市先进教研组等。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,学校获全国、上海市、区级以上荣誉称号奖项达62项。  对口中学:上海市教科院附中分校。  地址:上海市杨浦区河间路401号。  5.控江二村小学  创办于1953年,系上海市一期课改、二期课改首选实验基地,作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,学校现有2名特级教师,7名中学高级教师,4名区首批骨干教师;多名教师在全国、市、区教育教学、教育科研、学科竞赛、特长生培养等方面取得优异成绩。  对口中学:控江初级中学。  地址:上海市杨浦区双阳路650。最新的杨浦区小学排名 (菁选2篇)(扩展2)――杨浦区小学排名哪些最好 (菁选2篇)杨浦区小学排名哪些最好1  【1梯队】公办:二师附小  民办:阳浦小学、上外双语、民办打一小学  【2梯队】公办:控二小学、齐一小学、打一小学 、六一小学  民办:沪东外国语学校、同济小学  其他:复旦科技、上音。  上海市杨浦区重点小学(以下的.排名不分先后)  1.杨浦区**山路第一小学  始建于1953年,学校占地面积30多亩。小学部有8个教学班,学生约有400名,教职员工20多名。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,教师多数为中师毕业**,少数为速成师范毕业。  曾入选**图片社编《**名校》文献档案和上海市十大名牌小学,作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,是华东师范大学教育实验基地,是杨浦区“名师、名校长、名学校”的“三名学校”。  特色:艺术类对口中学:昆明学校、杨浦初级中学。  学校地址:**山路138号  2.水丰路小学  1958年10月建校,至今已有超过50年历史。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,目前在校学生600余人,在校教师50余人。  校训:让学生学会做人,学会求知,学会合作,学会创新;培养学生良好的行为习惯,学习习惯,劳动习惯,生活习惯。  特色:科技类对口中学:九年一贯制学校。  地址:上海市杨浦区水丰路201号。  3.复旦大学附属小学  复旦小学有许多特点,最重要的首先是校风正。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,校风是影响一个学生一生学习最重要的外部条件之一。  复旦小学的第二个特点是,非常重视基础知识的教学。  该校的第三个特点是,特色鲜明。我们深刻认识到,作为一个学校,有特色才能有优势。  特色:名校附属,外语类,科技类。  地址:上海市杨浦区政修路130号。  4.杨浦小学  创办于1958年,是杨浦区的一所中心小学,共有5个年级20个教学班。学校有特级教师1名,中学高级教师5名,具有小学高级教师以上职称的教师占了80%。  学校科研组被授予上海市劳动模范集体称号,语文教研组被命名为上海市先进教研组等。作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,学校获全国、上海市、区级以上荣誉称号奖项达62项。  对口中学:上海市教科院附中分校。  地址:上海市杨浦区河间路401号。  5.控江二村小学  创办于1953年,系上海市一期课改、二期课改首选实验基地,作为上海市杨浦区重点小学,学校现有2名特级教师,7名中学高级教师,4名区首批骨干教师;多名教师在全国、市、区教育教学、教育科研、学科竞赛、特长生培养等方面取得优异成绩。  对口中学:控江初级中学。  地址:上海市杨浦区双阳路650。杨浦区小学排名哪些最好2  徐汇  第一梯队:世界外国语小学、爱菊小学、逸夫小学、盛大花园小学、高安路一小、向阳小学、汇师小学、建襄小学。  第二梯队:田林第三小学、徐汇一中心、上海小学、田林四小、东二小学、求知小学等。  闵行  公立第一梯队:明强小学、闵行区实验小学、莘庄镇小、莘庄实验小学、七宝实验小学、*南小学、日新小学。  私立第一梯队:七宝外国语小学、协和双语小学。  第二梯队:上海交通大学附属实验小学、明星学校、田园外语实验小学、莘城学校、莘松小学、日新实验小学。  浦东  第一梯队:明珠小学(ABC)、六师附小、浦东二中心(巨野、张江)、浦明师范(东城、潍坊、潍坊西)、福外(花园、瑞华、证大)。  第二梯队:*和、实验东校、昌邑、浦东南路小学、海桐小学、建*、进才、竹园小学、***实验小学、尚德等。  其他:浦东金茂小学、沪新小学、莱阳小学、北蔡、白玉兰小学。  静安  第一梯队:静教附校、一师附小、静安一中心。  第二梯队:上外静小、万航渡路小学、静安三中心。  黄浦  第一梯队:黄埔上外、蓬莱二小、卢湾二中心。  第二梯队:私立永昌小学、黄浦上海实验小学、黄埔一中心、卢湾一中心、复兴东路三小、曹光彪小学。  虹口  民办:上外附小、宏星小学、丽英小学。  公办:虹口四中心、广灵路小学、长青小学、红旗小学、虹口三中心。  长宁  第一梯队:江苏路第五小学、愚园路第一小学、建青实验小学、长宁实验小学。  第二梯队:长宁区幸福小学、长宁区玉屏南路小学、长宁区新实际小学、新世纪小学、包玉刚实验学校。  普陀  第一梯队:朝春中心小学、中北一小。  第二梯队:金洲小学、曹杨中学附属学校、新普陀小学、江宁小学。  闸北  民办:童园小学、扬波小学、彭浦实验小学。  公办:闸北实验小学,三中心,一中心,二中心。  杨浦  第一梯队:二师附小、阳浦小学、上外双语、民办打一小学  第二梯队:控二小学、齐一小学、打一小学、六一小学、沪东外国语学校、同济小学。  宝山  第一梯队:宝山实验、一中心。  第二梯队:红星小学、虎林路小学、广育小学。最新的杨浦区小学排名 (菁选2篇)(扩展3)――届杨浦区高三语文模拟试卷及答案届杨浦区高三语文模拟试卷及答案1  一、阅读80分  (一)阅读下文,完成第1―6题。(16分)  每个引进的名词术语都自带文化视角  申小龙  ①一段时间以来,构建**话语体系引起广泛关注。**话语有着丰富的内涵和外延,但就话语本身而言,是表达思想、观念、情感、文化的载体。所以,当务之急是先从语言学的角度,把**话语这个概念弄清楚。  ②一个世纪前,我们的语言还属于古代范畴。现代化之后引进了很多新的词语,导致我们的语言研究实际上是用欧洲的术语范畴分析中文,这就会碰到很多无法解决的问题。比如语言学上用的最基本单位:词。这是对英语word的翻译,中文中没有这样一个基本单位,只有“字”。而“字”在现代语法结构中是没有任何价值的。因为按照拼音文字,“字”只是一个书写单位,并不是语法上的基本单位,所以引入了欧洲语言中的“词”。句子也是这样,句子的概念也是从欧洲翻译过来的。古代汉语的“句”是“句读”的句,和我们现在理解的“句子”的“句”是两个概念,是完全不一样的。  ③由此就给研究带来了很大困扰。在语言学里,词是语法分析的基本单位,但是一旦引入了欧洲语言中的这个概念之后,它在中文中变得模糊不清,我们说不清楚汉语的词,就是当两个汉字被组合在一起的时候,究竟是词组还是词。也就是说,我们往往搞不清楚还能不能再往下分析,不能确认它是不是语法分析的基本单位。比如“睡觉”,是一个词,但是“睡” 和“觉”在古代汉语中是两个单位,是可以拆开的,比如“睡了一个好觉”。  ④在欧洲语言理论中,“字”是没有任何地位的,而我们现在渐渐认识到,中文语法肯定是要建立在字的基础上,而不是建立在词的基础上。汉字的组合对于中文来说是有根本意义的,而这个意义在欧洲语法的视角中是看不见的,因为它们只认词。这意味着整个现代汉语语法的基础是建立在**范畴之上。  ⑤其实每个学科都会碰到这样的问题。  ⑥由此可见,几乎所有欧洲术语拿到**来以后都要打个问号。当它们被用来分析**文化的时候,可能都不是一个具有合法性的表述单位。就语言学而言,只有厘清了这些基本范畴之后我们才能更科学地认识我们语言的特点。原因在于**文化和**文化太不一样了,**人的思维方式和欧洲人也有很多根本性不同,用了他们的范畴之后会曲解我们自己的语言。每一个词都是视角,是特定的文化视角。我们需要从**本土文化视角来分析中文,也就是要消解掉**语言理论的那些范畴。  ⑦实际上,除了学科领域,还有日常生活中的语言,也存在这样的问题。我们现在有许多翻译腔很重的语言,你也能够听懂,也觉得它是汉语。但我们要让学生知道什么是地道的好的汉语。之前翻译家周克希谈到《小王子》的译法中“需要彼此”和“彼此需要对方”的不同,认为前者不是**人的表述方式。这其实是整个思维方式的问题。欧洲思维方式是动词中心,一个句子只有一个核心,句子很长,这样的思维方式和**是完全相反的。中文是流水句,很短,意在言外,充分依赖语境。  ⑧中文是有诗意的语言。我们一定要了解什么样的中文是好的中文,什么样的中文是欧化的中文。我们应该怎么书写,怎么继承传统语文的好的特点。所谓好的汉语,就是音乐性很强的汉语,有声象和意象的汉语。音乐性是中文最基本的要求,而欧化的语言都是没有音乐性的。  ⑨当然要做这样一个工作很不容易,因为**的概念和话语体系已经融合在我们的意识里成为我们视角的一部分,你中有我我中有你,要真正做到追根溯源很难。语言学界甚至有这样的说法,说现在人说话已经欧化了,没有必要建立**人自己的语法了。然而,如果我们现在不去关注,不建立自己的理论范畴理论体系,听任整个体系全盘欧化,我们的语言,我们孩子的语言,也都说得像英语一样,这对我们民族文化是一个好事情吗?这是绝对不可容忍的。世界上历史最悠久的文化,从来没有中断过的语言文字的历史,这么大的国家,怎么可以没有自己本土文化的研究的主体性,建立自己的理论范畴,而是听任**的范畴把我们牢牢束缚住?  (2015年11月11日《文汇报》)  1.第③段划线句中的“此”是指 。(1分)  2.第⑤段空格里排序正确的一项是( )。(3分)  ①比如逻辑学上主语、谓语这样的概念,都不是中文原来有的  ②现代的各个学科都引进了很多名词术语  ③现在我们做语法分析,主语是一个基本的单位  ④这些术语都是欧洲语言,背后是欧洲文化的视角  ⑤但是主语在中文中恰恰又是一个非常不重要的单位  A.③①②⑤④ B.②④①③⑤  C.②①⑤③④ D.③①④②⑤  3.根据文意,下列有关“**话语”的表述不正确的一项是( )(3分)  A.**话语把字作为书写单位而非语法上的基本单位。  B.**话语的语法基础不应该建立在**的范畴之上。  C.**话语应该有合乎本土特定文化视角的.中文语法。  D.**话语现在还没有建立起自己的理论范畴和体系。  4.第⑦段举《小王子》的译法这一例子有何作用?(2分)  5.第⑨段从 和 两方面阐明了作者对构建**话语体系的看法。(2分)  6.下面是对海明威《老人与海》片段的两种翻译。试结合本文内容,判断哪种译文更接近好的汉语,并说明理由。(5分)  译文(1):他身上的每一部分都显得老迈,除了那一双眼睛,跟海水一样蓝,是愉快而毫不沮丧的。  译文(2):他这人处处显老,只有双眼例外,眼珠子是海蓝色,显得很愉快,仿佛从未遭受挫折。  (二)阅读下文,完成7-12题。(20分)  药碾子  刘群华  ①一个药碾子,是一个悬壶之人必须修炼的禅道。  ②药碾子靠碾轮在碾槽里不断滚动而把中药碾成粉末,中间宽敞,两头收紧,像一只驮着岁月的小船,行走于悬壶的湍急河流。  ③我的药碾子是师父送的,他见我性躁,嘱我多多碾药,能修养心性。当年,我在师父的惠风医馆学艺,在城东一角,一个苍老的巷子里,是个粗糙的木门铺子,几根木柱支撑着,但厅堂宽阔,几个中药柜子泛着陈黄色漆的光亮,还透出浓郁的中药芳香。药碾子搁在大堂一侧,见闻着来往的求诊者。  ④我拜师时,起初每天看药熟药,晚上听师父讲读《内经》。有时医馆很忙,其他的几个师兄腾不出手,师父便喊我去碾药。初上手时,我面对沉重的药碾一片茫然,因为自己技艺的生疏,碾轮在我面前也更显笨重难使。我甚至不会用双脚滚动轮子,只能用双手握住轮子柄,不断地滚动。这样一天下来,双手掌一手的血泡,有的还磨破了嫩皮,出血了,痛得我钻心流泪。  ⑤如此历练再三,我慢慢掌握了窍门,终于能够稳妥而有效率地碾药了。我常赤膊坐在木椅上双脚滚动着铁碾轮,咔嚓咔嚓地碾着干枯僵硬的中药,仿佛一曲重复的粗犷山歌,盘旋于青瓦白墙之间。中药被往返碾磨,然后过筛,细末另装,粗末再碾,直至药碾如泥。这种药泥大概有两种去处,一种混蜂蜜做中药丸子,一种和油脂做外敷膏药。中药丸子可大可小,小如绿豆即可,大如梧桐亦行。而外敷的膏药则深如夜色,青黛之中,还有几丝像桔黄的灯光,贴在患处,人温暖,心透亮。  ⑥有一次,医馆来了一个病重的患者,他儿子拿着师父的处方虔诚地递给我,方子上有一味野山参,特别注明“研末服用”。我赶忙从抽屉里拿出药材,在药碾子上滚动碾轮,碾得药细细的,几乎含口即化。事后,我问师父,为什么不水煎呢?师父笑道:“一味野山参,物稀而价贵啊!况且此人为心绞痛,冲服更易充分吸收,见效快。”  ⑦碾药是一个辛苦的活儿,夏天怕热,冬天怕冻。一日,天气闷热,门外的玉米叶**头蒸卷了。我在屋里碾药,师父进来,看我汗流浃背,又一脸的厌烦,说:“碾药累不?孤独不?”我的心思仿佛被师父一下洞察无余,只能尴尬地嘿嘿笑。师父说:“碾药也有乐趣,要学会自寻快乐,转移***,可以边碾边读书的。”他示范性地拿起一本药书,双脚滚动碾轮,在叮当叮当之声中翻阅起了一页页远古的方剂。  ⑧我在旁看着,在师父的脚下,药碾子是一只驮着快乐的船,在碾槽里张帆,一路风雨而去。他踩的药轮子不是药轮子,是桨,爱它而习惯于它,脸上所表露的神色,自然、深邃,像一名得道的禅师,怡然地品味着窗外的阳光和书中的淡泊。  ⑨在药碾子的陪伴下,我也在不断地成长,也会治疗一些简单的风寒风热的外感了。有一次,一个萎靡的小儿被他的父母抱进来了,我号了下小儿的脉,又看了他的手掌鱼际,在处方笺上准备写几味疏风散热的药。尚未落笔,师父从外面进来了,他看了看患者,说:“小儿娇嫩,用药要轻灵,如羽毛一样。”便嘱咐我去药碾子上碾几味药,调油脂敷在小儿的脚板上。我起先忽视师父这种举重若轻的治疗方法,认为太简单,无法体现一个医生丰富的专业知识。但师父说:“病之治,一味即可,不用二味,既节省了病人的费用,又减少了对身体的潜在伤害。你看那些古医书中,为什么有的方剂仅一二味,是药专而力足啊。”他停顿了下,又说:“像这个药碾子,碾药的话,我们还有研盂,也有捣药罐,但各有其长,各有其用。”  ⑩我看了看身边的药碾子,再环顾四周,陡然发觉这些中药器具,被师父赋予了它们治病救人的职责,进而获得了生命,鲜活地生活在草木之中。第二天,小儿病好转了,药费也只花了一个鸡蛋的钱。  ⑾拜师后的第五年,我离开了惠风医馆。临行前,师父说:“中医之道,必尊中医之术。”他从后房搬出一个铁药碾送给我,说:“别小看一个药碾,其实是中药的一种工艺,马虎不得。”  ⑿我出师后在另一座城的街上也开了家医馆,虽然比师父的小,却五脏俱全。二百多味草木的中药柜子,高高**立在大堂中间;一张四方长桌放在左侧,上面摆着一个崭新的号脉垫子;师父赠我的铁碾子置于大堂的右侧,没事时,静静地睁着眼看我,看得我不敢怠慢任何一事。  ⒀然而,经营久了,患者日多,需要碾的药也越来越多,我觉得有些忙不过来了,有患者推荐我用电动磨粉机,我便买了一台。这样,我把大堂的药碾子搬进了西厢房,它的位置被电动磨粉机无情地代替了。我有时无事,心想没有药碾子的**,便觉**轻松了许多。  ⒁每次我去师父的惠风医馆,看师父还在坚持用药碾子,累得腰酸背痛,便小声提醒:“买台小磨粉机吧?”  ⒂师父摇了摇头。  ⒃我知道, 。  7.第①段具有开篇点题, 和 的作用。(2分)  8.分析第③段环境描写的用意。(3分)  9.赏析第⑧段划线句的表达效果。(3分)  10.对第⑥⑨两段所用事例的作用理解不当的一项是( )(3分)  A.第⑥段承接上文,既突出了药碾子对发挥药效的作用之大,也表现了师父医术之高。  B.第⑨段具体展现了“我”在药碾子的陪伴下对中医的认识经历了一个不断深化的过程。  C.第⑨段特别写师父对“我”的悉心教导,进一步体现他一心为病人着想的高尚医德。  D.第⑥⑨两段前后呼应,叙述详略有别,意在从不同角度表现出中药特有的神奇禅道。  11.结合上下文,分析第⒁段加点词语“小声提醒”表现了我怎样的复杂心理。(4分)  12.根据你对文意的理解,揣摩第⒂段“师父摇了摇头”背后的深意,在文章结尾的方格内续写一段文字(不超过60个字)。(5分)  我 知 道 ,  (三)默写。(6分)(任选6空作答,超过6空,按前6空评分)  13.(1) ,任重而道远。(《论语》七则)  (2) ,却话巴山夜雨时。(李商隐《夜雨寄北》)  (3)生乎吾前, 。(韩愈《师说》)  ⑷ 锦江春色来天地, 。(杜甫《登楼》)  (5) ,山色空蒙雨亦奇。(苏轼《饮湖上初晴后雨》)  (6) ,并怡然自乐。(陶渊明《桃花源记》)  (7)沾衣欲湿杏花雨, 。(僧志南《绝句》)  (8) ,绝知此事要躬行。(陆游《冬夜读书示子聿》)  (四)阅读下面诗歌,完成第14―16题。(8分)  塔子矶① 陆游  塔子矶前舟自横,一窗秋月为谁明。  青山不减年年恨,白发无端日日生。  七泽沧茫非故国,九歌哀怨有遗声。  古来拨乱非无策,夜半潮*意未*。  【注】①陆游到夔州任官,入蜀途中,舟泊塔子矶,作此诗。  14.这首诗的韵脚是 。(1分)  15. 对本诗分析不正确的一项是( )(3分)  A.“横”写船泊江岸的情形,表达了作者入蜀途中的颠沛和孤独。  B.“明”写月照中天的景象,暗示了作者对朝廷昏聩不明的愤懑。  C.“不减”写作者纵然见到青山美景也难消心头连年积压的怅恨。  D.“无端”含作者因白发日增而生发出时光流逝岁月蹉跎的感慨。  16.联系全诗,选一个角度赏析诗中划线句。(4分)  (五)阅读下文,完成第17―21题。(18分)  云梦山人传  严首升  云梦山人孙斯亿,字兆孺,华容人也。七岁能赋诗,年十四补弟子员,声称籍甚。久之,**督学,弃巾褴,日与世外人交,不袖一刺还。遍览名胜,长啸高歌。时人莫之测也。于时若王元美、汪伯玉诸公,靡不倒屣延致山人。山人傲然无所屈,意有所适,往往不谢去。浪游数十年,未尝以私干人。归里,入元石山中,颓然自放以终。远近问字之士,日无虚席。天下无知不知,咸称云梦山人。  山人殆古诗人之狂者也。当分宜秉国时①,杨忠愍、沈经历遇害,著《直**》以泄其不*。江陵②居首辅时,贻书艾和甫诸公,有田昼责邹浩③之意。比江陵卒,诸公征起,则不出,务全晚节,识者韪之。见人善,多方奖与;见不善,则啮袂愤起,似不能容者。久之,亦无所恨。其始稍戾俗,人亦卒鲜怨之。万历初,料民田,邑中竟为隐弊。山人责令里正毋以私相爱,所得税额独重。里中**训子若弟者,辄口实山人不置。山人又古独行者流欤?  余尝至澧水,见逆旅壁间,有云梦山人墨迹,时主人年八十余,颇能忆山人遗事。为予言,山人君子人也。流寓数旬,手口不辍。时或当食,投箸绕屋,行吟数匝,乃复食。每上官见访,稍不合,则拂衣起。人有挟赀鸣不*于山人者,叱不受,已,乃秘为伸之。不令其人知。呜呼,山人,君子人哉!  【注】①当分宜秉国时,指严嵩保持朝政时。②江陵,张居正,时称张江陵。③田昼责邹浩,是指田昼与邹浩以气节相激励。  17.写出下列加点词语在句中的意思。(4分)  (1)不袖一刺还( ) (2)往往不谢去( )  (3)未尝以私干人( ) (4)多方奖与( )  18.下列各组句子中加点词语的意义和用法相同的一项是( )(3分)  A.时人莫之测也 石之铿然有声者  B.颓然自放以终 余与四人拥火以入  C.山人责令里正毋以私相爱 日与哨相后先  D.为予言,山人君子人也 人方为刀俎  19. 把文中的划线句子翻译成现代汉语。(5分)  人有挟赀鸣不*于山人者,叱不受,已,乃秘为伸之。不令其人知。  20.云梦山人的君子风范集中表现在他傲世**、 、 等思想品性方面。(2分)  21.试比较本文结尾转述逆旅主人的话和《左忠毅公逸事》结尾转述“余宗老涂山”的话用意有何异同。(4分)  (六)阅读下文,完成第22-26题(12分)  青溪别业记  (清)廖燕  ①青溪别业者,为金陵鹤闲朱先生读书处也。予未至其地,其胜概则不可得而知者焉。今得而记之者,□因其嗣君林修未予道其详也。  ②林修于兹岁甲子春自金陵来粤。袖图示予曰:“予族始家四明,至于祖双塘公值流寇之乱,以越地濒海不可居,遂徙家金陵。父鹤闲公以孝廉历宦荆楚,虽清白所遗,而堂构恢廓,颇称名阀。有别业在秦淮名青溪者,为予祖父及予身三灯火之地,兹图是其大略者。君其为予记之。”  ③予按其图,青溪为秦淮胜地。唐诗人王昌龄曾卜居于此。而别业隶其中,园林泉石,左右环绕,其最高而迥出城堞者,曰尘外楼,鹫岭、蒋岭、虎踞诸胜隐然在望。而沿溪一带,阁其上者八九,可弈可钓。对岸游人,曳屐扶筇,往来短篁疏柳间。凡图之所有者,皆可书而记也。  ④虽然,人当役境,不当为境所役。故舜禹有天下而不与①,颜子陋巷而不改其乐。有舜禹之心,则虽天台、雁荡、罗浮以及鄱阳、洞庭伟丽奇崛之景,只如其胸中文章之所变现。有颜子之心,则虽一箪一瓢,皆足以寄其心斋坐忘之怀。况兹园林泉石之胜,有可乐而可游者耶?自②非然者,吾俱其诱于物者必多也。此林修所以欲记之,而有所取舍于其间也。呜呼!知林修,则可以知鹤闲先生焉。于是乎书。  【注】①与:私有,享有。②自:假如  22.可填入第①段方框中的虚词是( )(1分)  A.亦 B.夫 C.故 D盖  23.分析第③段在文中的作用。(3分)  24.第④段中“舜禹之心”和“颜子之心”可贵之处分别是 、  。(用自己的话回答)(2分)  25.下列关于“青溪别业”的说法正确的一项是( )(2分)  A.青溪别业是作者仰慕已久的秦淮名胜。  B.青溪别业有鹫岭、蒋岭、虎踞等美景。  C.青溪别业曾有唐代诗人王昌龄居住过。  D.青溪别业是朱家三代人生活过的地方。  26.简析本文的写作意图。(4分)  二、写作(70分)  27.根据下面材料,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于 800字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。  草在结它的种子,风在摇它的叶子,我们站着,不说话,就十分美好。最新的杨浦区小学排名 (菁选2篇)(扩展4)――肇庆学院的最新排名 (菁选2篇)肇庆学院的最新排名1年度全国排名省内排名总分20175192960.320164662060.5420154772260.5220135462460.02肇庆学院的最新排名2广东省大学排名学校名称学校类型1中山大学综合2华南理工大学理工3华南师范大学师范4暨南大学综合5深圳大学综合6华南农业大学农林7南方医科大学医药8汕头大学综合9广东外语外贸大学语言10广州大学综合11广东工业大学理工12广州中医药大学医药13东莞理工学院理工14广州医科大学医药15广东财经大学财经16广东技术师范学院师范17广东海洋大学农林18广东金融学院财经18广东药科大学医药20广东医科大学医药20五邑大学综合22韶关学院综合23嘉应学院综合24广东石油化工学院理工24韩山师范学院师范24惠州学院综合24仲恺农业工程学院农林28佛山科学技术学院综合29肇庆学院综合30广东第二师范学院师范31广州航海学院理工32岭南师范学院师范最新的杨浦区小学排名 (菁选2篇)(扩展5)――邵阳学院的最新排名 (菁选2篇)邵阳学院的最新排名1年度全国排名省内排名总分20174871960.3320164951860.4920155251960.4620134531760.06邵阳学院的最新排名2湖南省大学排名学校名称学校类型1中南大学综合2湖南大学综合3湖南师范大学师范4湘潭大学综合5长沙理工大学理工6湖南农业大学农林7湖南科技大学综合8中南林业科技大学农林9南华大学综合10吉首大学综合11湖南中医药大学医药12湖南工业大学理工13湖南商学院财经14湖南理工学院理工15衡阳师范学院师范16湖南文理学院综合17湖南工程学院理工18湖南科技学院综合19长沙学院理工20邵阳学院理工21湖南城市学院综合22湖南人文科技学院综合23怀化学院综合24湖南财政经济学院财经25湖南工学院理工26湘南学院理工27湖南第一师范学院师范28长沙师范学院师范29湖南女子学院语言30湖南医药学院医药31湖南**学院政法最新的杨浦区小学排名 (菁选2篇)(扩展6)――届上海市杨浦区高考英语模拟试卷及答案届上海市杨浦区高考英语模拟试卷及答案1  II .Grammar and Vocabulary  Section A  I was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in __21__ 60s. When it was her turn to pay, the cashier greeted her by name and asked her how she was doing.  The woman looked down, ___22___(shake)her head and said:“Not so good.”My husband just lost his job and my son is up to his old tricks again. The truth is, I don’t know how I’m going to get through the holidays.”  Then she gave the cashier food stamps.  My heart ached. I wanted to help but didn’t know how.(23)______I offer to pay for her groceries or ask for her husband’s resume?  As I walked into the parking lot, I saw the women ___(24)(return)her shopping cart. I remembered something in my purse(25)________I thought could help her. It wasn’t a handful of cash or an offer of a job for her husband, but maybe it would make her life better.  My heart pounded as I approached the woman.  “Excuse me,”I said, my voice trembling a bit.“I couldn’t help overhearing what you said to the cashier. It sounds like you’re going through a really hard time right now. I’m so sorry. I’d like to give you something.”  I handed her the small card from my purse.  When the woman read the card’s only two words, she began to cry. And through her tears, she said:“You have no idea(26)_______ this means to me.”  I was a little startled by her reply.(27)________(not do)anything like this before, I didn’t know what kind of reaction I might receive. All left for me (28)_______(say)was:“Oh. Would it be OK to give you a hug?”  (29)________we embraced, I walked back to my car --and began to cry, too.  The words on the card?  “You Matter.”  A few weeks earlier, a colleague gave me a similar card(30)____ encouragement for a project I was working on. When I read the card, I felt a warm glow spread inside of me. Deeply touched, I came home and ordered my own box of You Matter card and started sharing them.  Section B  A. technology B. contemporary C. stretched D. hidden E. recognized  F. discovery G. updated H. extensive I. countless J. estimated K. definition  Most of us learn at primary school that there are seven continents, but the next generation of kids may be adding one more to that list.  According to a recent paper published in the Geological Society of American Journal by a group of researchers,“Zealandia” is a new continent that’s ___31___ beneath the ocean.  Zealandia is ___32___ to be five million sq km. Most of this massive area is covered by water, but its highest mountains already have their own name:New Zealand.  The small country is the only part of Zealandia that isn’t underwater, but the paper’s authors want the huge landmass to be ___33___ worldwide as its own continent.  “The scientific value of classifying Zealandia as a continent is much more than just an extra name on a list,”the researchers wrote in their paper.  Scientists discovered Zealandia all the way back in 1995, then started ___34___ research on the area using underwater and satellite mapping ___35___. After completing their work, they were finally able to write a report suggesting that Zealandia be named a continent.  But who decides on what is a continent and what isn’t? There is, in fact, no official organization that does. Some countries’ schools teach that there are six or even five continents. This changes depending on where in the world school is.  Due to their __36__ as a “continuous expanse of land”,some classify Europe and Asia as the same continent -- known as Eurasia. Schools in Russia and parts of Eastern Europe teach this.  And to make things even more confusing, France and Greece, as well as other countries, classify North America and South America as simply America.  This argument over how land is defined has even ___37___ into outer space. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union(IAU)decided that Pluto was no longer a planet, 76 years after its ___38___ in 1930. Experts argued that it no longer met the requirements needed to be called a planet alongside the eight others in our solar system. It was therefore renamed a “dwarf planet(矮行星)”,meaning that ___39___ books, models and museum exhibits all over the world had to be ___40___.  But will the world take the same notice of Zealandia? The best way to tell is to keep an eye on our textbooks.  Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension  Section A  Good news for awkward teenagers around the world. As time goes by, you could ___41___ up like a completely different person.  This comes from the longest running personality study ever ___42__ by scientist. According to researchers from the University of Edinburgh in the UK, our personality changes so much from youth to old age that most people’s personalities in older age are barely ___43___ compared to their younger selves.  The researchers ****yzed results from a study in 1947, which gathered 1,208 teenagers in Scotland aged 14 and asked their teachers to ___44___ their personalities based on six traits(特征) .  Now, more than six decades later, the University of Edinburgh team has managed to contact 635 of the ___45___ students, and 174 agreed to have their personalities tested once more.  At an average age of 76.7 years old, the group were asked to ___46___ themselves on the same six personality traits, then pick a close friend or family member to do the same.  By ___47___ the then-and-now test results, the researchers found that there is hardly any relationship between traits people had as teenagers and those in their older years.  It was “as if the second tests had been given to ___48___ people,”the study’s researchers wrote in their report, which was published in journal Psychology and Aging.  The results were a surprise because research in the past found personality ___49___ in people tested from childhood to middle-age, and from middle-age to older age.  As the team explained, our personality appears stable over short intervals -- ___50___ so throughout adulthood. ___51___, the longer the interval between two tests of personality, the ___52___ the relationship between the two tends to be.  It’s clear that more studies are needed to find out what’s going on here. But it could be the first ___53___ that it’s not just our cells that are being ___54___ throughout life ? the way we think, feel and behave might no be as ___55___ as we once thought.  41. A. hold B. wake C. end D. cheer  42. A. carried out B. applied to C. participated in D. made up  43. A. incredible B. accessible C. changeable D. recognizable  44. A. assemble B. assess C. assume D. access  45. A. alternative B. inpidual C. original D. separate  46. A. score B. rate C. comment D. remark  47. A. comparing B. reviewing C. presenting D. observing  48. A. young B. similar C. ******* D. different  49. A. combination B. stability C. transformation D. flexibility  50. A. increasingly B. strangely C. subsequently D. obviously  51. A. Therefore B. Moreover C. However D. Otherwise  52. A. stronger B. closer C. further D. weaker  53. A. option B. sign C. symptom D. cause  54. A. replaced B. exposed C. pided D. cultivated  55. A. stuck in mud B. buried in sand C. lost in thought D. set in stone  Section B  (A)  One way people are responding to food safety concerns is by growing their own food. However, not everyone lives on property with enough space for a private plot. One solution is community gardens, which have become popular worldwide, numbering 18,000 in North America alone. In addition to providing low-cost, delicious food, these public spaces offer cities a range of other benefits.  Community gardens are located in a town or city and tended by local residents. Often, the land is on a vacant lot owned by the city. The site is pided into manageable plots, which may be tended by inpiduals or by the garden’s members collectively. Since the land is usually publicly owned, the cost for gardeners to lease it is minimal. In fact, New York City, which is home to more than 750 community gardens tended by more than 20,000 members, charges people just $1 a year to lease a plot. Other costs involve soil, tools, seeds, fencing , and so on. However, because they’re shared by many people, inpidual gardeners pay very little.  A community garden can quickly pay off, in terms of delicious fruits and vegetables, in addition to beautiful flowers. Excess produce can be sold for a profit at farmers markets. But a garden’s benefit don’t stop there. They also beautify cities, foster strong relationships among residents, and lower an area’s crime rate. Award-winning spaces like London’s Culpeper Community Garden even attract tourists. Beautiful and affordable, community gardens are often described as oases in crowded cities.  56. Community gardens are designed for those who ___.  A. are concerned about food safety  B. live in a house with a private plot  C. can’t afford to buy organic food  D. don’t have their own property  57. New York City _____.  A. is owned by 20,000 inpidual gardeners  B. charges residents a lot to lease tools and fencing  C. contains more than 750 community gardens  D. is tended by professional gardeners and local residents  58. What’s the benefit of community gardens?  A. People can enjoy safe and delicious vegetables and animal meat.  B. Residents are more familiar and related with each other.  C. The neighborhood is becoming safer but of lower taste.  D. People can make some profits from the visiting tourists.  59. The underlined word“oases”is closest in meaning to ____.  A. cultural and art centers B. popular platforms for exchanges  C. peaceful and safe lands D. commercial and prosperous places  (B)  African Safari  Essential information you need to know before booking your African Safari in Southern Africa ? These tips will enhance the experience that you have  Things to Consider Before Booking an African Safari  1) Book in Advance  African Safaris are now hugely popular and good safari camps often get booked out more than a year in advance, especially during the high season from July through to October. Show more…  2) Choosing which game park  Different parks have different topography and weather patterns ? this greatly affects animal movements at different times of the year. If you want to target certain species of animals, then some parks are better than others for certain species. Show more…  3)Choosing which lodge or safari camp  A typical safari camp has between 10 and 20 beds, it is an intimate safari experience and very personalized. However, there are also hotels in some places, either inside or just outside a national park, which can sleep anything up to 300 people. Show more…  4)Guiding  The quality, experience and knowledge of the game at any Safari camp is almost the most important factor to consider. Good guides can transform your experience from ordinary to exceptional. Show more…  5)What’s the Best Time of Year to go on Safari  Understandably as the seasons change so does the safari experience. It is highly advisable to find out the best time of year for the safari area that you are intending to visit. Prices will change dramatically between the high and the low season, so good deals are to be had in the low season but it is important to know the difference, as your experience will be vastly different. Show more…  6)The Price  Going on safari is not cheap whichever way you do it , but the price range can be enormous. Unfortunately, safaris in most cases are a case of “you pay for what you get”,Show more…  7)Fly-in safari or not  Using small charter planes is sometimes an absolute necessity for camps in remote areas, where road transfers are just not practical or viable. These flights can increase the overall cost of the safari substantially but generally they are woth it and allow you the flexibility to visit a variety of safari camps in different locations. Show more…  8)Use an Agent  As you can see from all the information and options detailed above, there is great deal to understand and unless you go on safari several times a year it is impossible to know all this stuff. Show more…  CONTACT US NOW TO HELP PLAN YOUR SAFARI  We are qualified travel agents who know this area intimately!  Click on the below buttons for some fantastic safari ideas  60. Which is a determining factor in choosing a Safari camp?  A. Means of transport. B. Accommodation.  C. Weather patterns. D. Game guides.  61. John is planning to have an African Safari in August 2018. He should book it in ______.  A. July 2018 B. January 2018  C. July 2017 D. October 2017  62. Which of the following is FALSE about African Safari?  A. You can have a good price but same experience if you travel in low season.  B. If you visit different camps in remote areas, flights may be unavoidable.  C. The more money you pay, the better experience you’ll get.  D. Not all the parks have the same species of animals.  (C)  A busy brain can mean a hungry body. We often seek food after focused mental activity, like preparing for an exam. Researchers think that heavy bouts of thinking drain energy from the brain, whose capacity to store fuel is very limited.  So the brain, sensing that it may soon require more calories(卡路里)to keep going, apparently stimulates bodily hunger, and even though there has been little in the way of physical movement bodily hunger, and even though there has been little in the way of physical movement or calorie consumption, we eat. This process may partly account for the weight gain so commonly seen in college students.  Scientists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and another institution recently experimented with exercise to counter such immoderately post - - study food consumption.  Gary Hunter, an exercise physiologist at U.A.B., oversaw the study. Hunter notes that tough activity both increases the amount of blood sugar and lactate(乳酸盐)―circulating in the blood and increases blood flow to the head. Because the brain uses sugar and lactate as fuel, researchers wondered if the increased flow of fuel-rich blood during exercise could feed an exhausted brain and reduce the urge to overeat.  Thirty - - eight healthy college students were invited to U.A.B.’s exercise lab to report what their favorite pizza was. At a later date, the volunteers returned and spent 20 minutes dealing with selections from college and graduate - - school entrance exams. Next, half the students sat quietly for 15 minutes, before being given pizza. The rest of the volunteers spent those 15 minutes doing intervals on a treadmill: two minutes of hard running followed by about one minute of walking, repeated five times. Hunter says, that should stimulate the release of sugar and lactate into the bloodstream. These students were then allowed to gorge on pizza, too. But by and large, they did not overeat. In fact, the non-exercisers, however, consumed about 100 calories more.  The study has limitations, of course. We only looked at lunch. Hunter says;the researchers do not know if the runners consumed extra calories at dinner. They also cannot tell whether other types of exercise would have the same effect as running, although Hunter says they suspect that if an activity causes someone to break into a sweat, it should also increase blood sugar and lactate, feeding the brain and weakening hunger’s call.  63. According to the passage, ______ may cause many college students to overeat and gain weight.  A. a lot of energy-consuming mental activities  B. numerous physical movements or calorie burning  C. failure to resist the temptation of delicious food  D. bodily hunger caused by physical growth  64. The underlined word“counter”is closest in meaning to _____.  A. stimulate B. maximize C. balance D. prevent  65. What can be inferred from the passage?  A. Running is more beneficial than walking.  B. Sweating in exercise can make people hungrier.  C. The amount of blood sugar and lactate can affect people’s appetite.  D. When the brain feels exhausted, people tend to do exercise for relaxation.  66. Which of the following statements is FALSE?  A. Mental activities can make people feel hungry.  B. Physical exercise can make people refreshed and stay hungry.  C. Sugar and lactate can help energize and restore people’s brain.  D. It’s uncertain what types of exercise can effectively feed the brain.  Section C  Directions : Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below . each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.  A. When something comes from within you ,you always try your best to ****yze it in a scientific way .  B. Psychologists call this private speech ----language that is spoken loud but directed at yourself  C. So words to the self , spoken silently or loud , are so much more than just chatter  D. We keep the private speech we use as children inside ------but we never truly put away the out=loud version .  E. According to he well-known saying , talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.  F. Self-talk is efficient because when we are vocal about our thoughts , it makes a larger impact on our brain.  Self-talk helps us all  Talking to yourself may seem a little shameful . If you’ve ever been overheard criticizing yourself for a foolish mistake or practicing a speech , you’ll know the social problems it can cause.________67__________  But there’s no need for embarrassment . Talking to ourselves , whether out loud or silently in our heads, is valuable . Far from being a sign of insanity , self-talk allows us to plan what we are going to do , manage our activities and control our emotions.  For example , take a trip to any preschool and watch a small girl playing with her toys . You are very likely to hear her talking to herself : offering herself directions and talking about her problems. ________________68_______________We do a lot of it when we are young.  As children ,according to the Russian Psychologist Lev Vygotsky , we use private speech to control our actions in the same way that we use public speech to control the behavior of others. As we grow older , we keep this system inside.  Psychological experiments have shown that this so-called inner speech can improve our performance in tasks like telling what other people are thinking . Our words give us an interesting view of our actions . One recent study suggested that self-talk is most effective when we talk to ourselves in the second person : as “you” rather than “I”_____________69___________________If you want proof , turn to a sports channel . You’re sure to see an athlete shouting at himself or herself .  Talking to ourselves seems to be a very good way of solving problems and working through ideas. Hearing different points of view means our thoughts can end up in different place , just like a regular dialogue , and might turn out to be one of the keys to human creativity.  Both kinds of self-talk -----silent and out loud ----seem to bring many different benefits to our thinking ._____________70_______-  Summary Writing  Directions ; Read the following passage . Summarize in more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated . Use your own words as far as possible.  For thousands of years , people have sailed across the oceans to trade , explore and transport goods . However , not every ship arrives at its port of destination . Weather ,war , navigation mistakes and bad luck have caused many ships to sink to the bottom of the ocean. These shipwrecks , which are estimated to number more than three million , have long fascinated us . In addition to being historically important , they sometimes contain great riches.  Historical research is a key motivator for shipwreck hunters . Ships carrying documents and artifact can teach us about ancient civilizations and important events . For instance , in 1997 the Pandora , which sank in 791, was discovered off the coast of Australia . The findings from the ship helped us understand the events surrounding the famous mutiny (**) on another ship ----- the Bounty . Another important discovery off the US coast in 1996 is widely believed to be the Queen Ann’s Revenge , the flagship of the private Blackbeard.  Profit is another motive for shipwreck exploration ,as companies use advanced sonar , robots and retrieval equipment to find treasure ships . One such firm is Odyssey Marine Exploration . The company has found hundreds of ships , including , in 2007 , a Spanish sailing ship containing 500,000 silver coins. The ship , which sank 200 years ago in the Atlantic Ocean , carried a treasure estimated to be worth $500 million . Soon after the discovery , a long legal battle over ownership rights took place between the company and the Spanish government . Cases like these are part of an ongoing debate about protecting historically important ships from treasure hunters.  Translation  Directions ; Translate the following sentences into English ,using the words given in the brackets.  1, 新颁布的禁烟令得到了广大市民的**。(ban )  2, 出乎我的意料, 年轻人对**古诗词显示出了极大的热情。(passion)  3,共享单车不仅解决了最后一里路的问题,而且还有助于改善空气质量。(Not only)  4,一考定终身的日子已经一去不复返了, 但不可否认的是考试越多,学生压力越大。(denying )  Guided Writing  Directions : Writing an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


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