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& 无锡春发液压气动机械有限公司是一家集科研、生产和营销为一体的现代化企业,位于风景秀丽的太湖之滨,享有“水蜜桃之乡”美誉的无锡市阳山镇。&&& 本厂专业生产珩磨缸筒(珩磨管),精密细长轴,工艺采用冷精拔、精磨和高精度抛光的先进工艺制造,各项技术指标均达到国家标准,可直接用于油缸、气缸活塞杆、导杆、导柱、导轴,并广泛用于纺织机械、矿山机械、机床和汽车等行业。同时,本厂还制造电力系统及天然气行业中的有关机械及电子仪表类产品。&&& 活塞杆填料函 船用低速柴油机在活塞杆上浮动安装有一个活塞杆填料函,该填料函通过封板固定在缸体底部,一方面用来防止扫气箱内的污油进入曲柄箱内,曲柄箱内的滑油带入到扫气空间,同时也用来防止扫气空气(扫气箱内的)窜入曲柄箱内。&&& 填料函壳体由用紧配螺栓连接在一起的两半部分构成。壳体中共含七道环槽。&&& 最上面一道环槽安装刮油密封组合环,上面是带斜刃的,由四段组合而成的刮油环,以防止扫气箱内的污油进入,下面有一个由八段组合而成的密封环,用来防止扫气空气沿活塞杆向下泄露,刮油环和密封环用圆柱销定位。接下去的两道环槽中均安装组合密封环,上面是由四段组合而成的密封环,下面是由八段组合而成的密封环,上下密封环间用两个圆柱销定位。最下面的四道环槽均装有由三段组合而成的刮油环,它们刮掉活塞杆上的润滑油。&&& 下三道刮油环槽槽内有油孔直通底部,从活塞杆上刮下的润滑油可从这三道环槽上的孔流回到曲柄箱。下面四道刮油环与最上一道刮油环结构不一样,刮油环的内孔壁上下有两道槽,槽内装入有刮油薄环。这四道环槽最上部的环槽中有油孔穿过填料函壳体,通至壳体外部的空腔内,该空腔通过油孔通往封板,封板上有一出口,引一根管子至柴油机外。如果油量过多说明刮油环有故障。&&& 借助于装在各刮油环和密封环外环槽内的螺旋弹簧,刮油环和密封环各段被固定并围绕活塞杆上。各环段间的间隙确保在一定磨损的状况下,各环也能被压紧在活塞杆上。 无锡活塞杆
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为了提高活塞杆的使用寿命和填料的密封运动的零件,对它的要求,一方面要有足够的 性,活塞杆采用38CrMoAIA材料,对与填料强度和韧性,防止在正常运行中发生断裂和弯 相接触的圆柱表面进行氮化处理。曲,另一方面,与填料相接触的圆柱表面
本报记者 杜若原;[N];人民日报;2002年
地址:北京清华大学 84-48信箱 知识超市公司
出版物经营许可证 新出发京批字第直0595号
液压缸中的活塞杆利用 液压缸气蚀预防
先说它的最基本5个部件:1-缸筒和缸盖2-活塞和3-密封装置4-缓冲装置5-排气装置。 每种缸的工作原理几乎都是相似的,拿一个手动千斤顶来说,千斤顶其实也就是个最简单的油缸了。通过手动增压秆(液压手动泵)使液压油经过一个单向阀进入油缸,这时进入油缸的液压油因为单项阀的原因不能再倒退回来,逼迫缸杆向上,然后在做工继续使液压油不断进入,就这样不断上上升,要降的时候就打开液压阀,使液压油回到油箱,这个是最简单的工作原理,其他的都是在这个基础上改进的,气缸跟油缸的原理基本相同。&
本文将会介绍液压油的相关问题,当然这其中也会涉及活塞杆的问题,因为液压油的运动当中需要的工作。&&&&& 液压油引就是利用液体压力能的液压系统使用的液压介质,在液压系统中起着能量传递、系统润滑、防腐、防锈、冷却等作用。对于液压油来说,首先应满足液压装置在工作温度下与启动温度下对液体粘度的要求,由于油的粘度变化直接与液压动作、传递效率和传递精度有关,还要求油的粘温性能和剪切安定性应满足不同用途所提出的各种需求。液压与控制技术,以它独有的天赋,应用在20世纪90年代的数显、程控切纸机压纸机构上。以快速、安全、运动平稳、压纸力大、噪音小以及自动化控制等特点,在国内外市场得到垂青,独领风骚。先简单介绍设计要求与依据:工作原理:1.光压纸&裁切&裁切刀回位&压纸千斤回位。动作要求:①裁切刀在上止点位置的锁定。 ②裁切抗力的过载保护。 ③双手操作、安全、灵活、可靠。 ④裁切刀运动到任意位置都能停车,不应有连刀和明显滑刀等现象。 ⑤操作动作可脚踏压纸,单项和连续进行裁切运动。主要技术参数:120g/m2双面铜版纸的线性裁切抗力为15000N,压纸高度120mm,切纸速度40次/分。全液压切纸机传动原理:根据国家标准的设计要求,设计全液压切纸机传动原理图、动作图、电磁铁动作顺序图表如下:脚踏压纸操作:踏下脚踏板,二位二通阀被截止的同时,电磁阀3YA接通。压力油经叶片泵&3YA&滑阀4&柱塞增速缸,使压纸千斤快速下移和增压。压力的大小,可通过调节压力继电器来实现,系统的裁切抗力大小与卸荷,可通过调节溢流阀来实现。液压泵卸荷:裁切前,启动系统电机,通过皮带带动叶片泵工作。压力油由过滤器经叶片泵&脚踏二位二通阀&二位二通电磁阀卸荷。连续裁切:在连续裁切时,将转位开关,转到连续裁切位置,压纸千斤回位行程开关C4被触动时,使电磁阀2YA、3YA同时接通,从而又开始新一轮次的单次裁切运动程序。&&&&& 油液中混入水分,油液中水分进入的途径 :冷却器或热交换器密封损坏或冷却管破裂使水漏人油中。 油箱盖因冷热交替而使空气中的水分凝结成水珠落人油中。 通过活塞杆密封不严密处进入系统的潮湿空气凝聚成水珠。 用油时带人的水分以及油液暴露于潮湿环境中与水发生亲合作用而吸收的水。 单次裁切动作程序:光压纸:双手按下工作台前双按钮,电磁阀2YA、3YA通电动作,电磁销拔销。压力油&3YA&滑阀4&柱塞增速缸&摆臂1转动,压纸千斤快速压到纸上。增压:随着系统的压力提高,控制管路使滑阀右移,柱塞受力面积增大,压纸力达到设计标准要求。裁切:同时系统控制管路中压力油使压力继电器换向,接通三位四通电磁阀6YA,同时3YA断电。压力油经6YA右端进入裁切缸的右端,使活塞左移,推动摆臂2,带动连杆裁切刀沿切入角裁切到下止裁切刀回位:当裁切刀下落到刀条时,触动行程开头C2,使6YA断电,3YA、5YA通电,压力油经换向阀5YA进入裁切缸左腔,使活塞右移带动摆臂2,连杆裁切刀回位到原点。插销:裁切刀在运动中,任意位置停车,当三四通电磁阀6YA接通,压力油经阀进入裁切缸右端,带动裁切刀向下运动的过程中遮挡物将工作台前安全区内的光电光栅遮挡,光电开关接收信息,使三位四通阀6YA断电,处于中位,进油回油路封闭,使裁切刀能处于任意位置。过载保护:纸张的裁切抗力和安全系统是保障机器正常运转的必要条件,系统中的溢流阀主要起两个作用。压纸千斤回位:插销回位,触动行程开关C3,使2YA、3YA断电,一是单位裁切抗力过载保护―溢流,二是多余压力油溢流回油箱。裁切刀回位到原点,触动行程开关C1,使电磁销断电,插销在弹簧作用下,插入裁切刀体内,以防止裁切刀下滑。柱塞增速缸在压纸千斤回位簧的作用下和系统回油情况下卸荷,滑阀4回位,柱塞增速缸回位,压纸千斤回位,一切恢复常态。油液中混入水分后的危害 :油液中混入一定量的水分后,会使液压油乳化呈白浊状态。如果液压油本身的抗乳化能力较差,静止一段时间后,水分也不能与油分离,使油总处于白浊状态。这种白浊的乳化油进入液压系统内部,不仅使液压元件内部生锈,同时降低其润滑性能,使零件的磨损加剧,系统的效率降低。 液压系统内的铁系金属生锈后,剥落的铁锈在液压系统管道和液压元件内流动,蔓延扩散下去,将导致整个系统内部生锈,产生更多的剥落铁锈和氧化物。 水还会与油中的某些添加剂作用产生沉淀和胶质等污染物,加速油的恶化。 水与油中的硫和氯作用产生硫酸和盐酸,使元件的磨蚀磨损加剧,也加速油液的氧化变质,甚至产生很多油泥。 这些水污染物和氧化生成物,随即成为进一步氧化的催化剂,最终导致液压元件堵塞或卡死,引起液压系统动作失灵、配油管堵塞、冷却器效率降低以及滤油器堵塞等一系列故障。 另外,在低温时,水凝结成微小冰粒,也容易堵塞控制元件的间隙和死口。&&&&&& 液压系统的设计计算,当压纸力30000N,裁切抗力20000N,压纸高度120mm,运动部件自重10KN,采用矩形导轨,摩擦系数f=0.1,切入和退回平均速度21.2cm/s时,求液压泵流量,输入功率,工作压力?裁切工作压力:在力臂与重臂1∶1时,f推=F切+F导+F惯+F密+F背,裁切缸内径,选70油缸内径。活塞杆直径:根据裁切缸压力4MPa,查表2,取0.6D=0.6&70=42mm。选45mm直径。效果分析,整个系统结构简单,传动效率高,反应快、运动平稳、能实现系统的过载保护自动化控制,操作和调节方便,安全、劣力、噪音小,符合和达到制造及裁切工艺要求,有广泛的应用前景。确定液压泵流量:已知裁切速度21.2cm,有无活塞杆面积之差,在定流量时,活塞运动有快慢之别。油缸所需流量:q1=A1=21.2(D2)=48.8L/min;q2=A2=21.2[(D2-d2)]=28.6L/min油缸需流量平均为q==38.7L/min,q泵=q?(1+10%)=1.1q=42.67=43L/min液压泵需流量,拖动液压泵的电机功率。泵输出功率,Pq===3.37kw,电动机功率,P电===3.94kw。&&&&& 油中混入各种杂质颗粒 ,油液中的固态污染物主要以颗粒状存在。这些杂质有的是元件加工和装配过程中残留的,有的是液压元件在工作过程中产生的,有的源于外界杂质的侵入,其危害是:油中的各种颗粒杂质会对泵和马达造成危害。当杂质颗粒进入到齿轮泵或齿轮马达的齿轮端面和两端盖侧板、齿顶和壳体之间,或当杂质颗粒进入到叶片泵或叶片马达的叶片与叶片槽,转子端面和配油盘、定子与转子(叶片顶部)之间,或当杂质颗粒进入到柱塞泵或柱塞马达的柱塞与柱塞缸体孔,转子与配油盘、滑靴与倾斜盘、变量机构的滑动副之间时,均有可能造成卡死故障。即使不造成卡死故障,也会使磨损加剧。杂质颗粒还有可能堵塞泵前的进油滤油器,使泵产生气蚀或造成多种并发故障。 油中各种颗杂质会对液压缸造成危害。颗粒杂质会使活塞与缸体、活塞杆与缸盖孔及密封元件产生拉伤和磨损,使泄油量增大,容积率和有效推力(拉力)降低,如果颗粒杂质卡住活塞或活塞杆,将导致油缸不动作。 油中的污染颗粒会对各种阀类元件造成危害。污染颗粒可能引起滑阀卡死或节流121堵塞,造成阀动作失灵,即使不产生卡死或堵塞故障,污染颗粒也将使阀类元件运动副过早磨损,配合间隙加大,性能恶化。 污染物繁殖细菌,加剧油液老化,使油液发黑发臭,更进一步产生污染。本文由原创,转载须注明出处,本文关键词:。转载自/shownews.asp?id=202
使其活塞杆产生倾斜,活塞杆在运转时填料中的金属盘摩擦加剧发生发热。排除方法:重新装配填料,适当调整其配合间隙;重新装配活塞杆,具有冷却装置的填料箱冷却不好;填料箱往机身上装配时螺栓紧的不正。不得偏斜;准确装置,重新磨泣塞杆;清洗换油,调整供油量;使气和油清洁;装置时要试一下,活动要自由,并按规定坚持一定间隙;检查调整填料箱的冷却情况;重新检查填料箱,将其倾斜改过来。本文由原创,转载须注明出处,本文关键词:活塞杆。 转载自/shownews.asp?id=199
(1)防尘圈防尘效果差。a.防尘圈结构选型不合理。随着工程机械多用途的应用,每日连续十几& 液压缸精密活塞杆外泄漏的主要原因密封圈失效和油液污染。主要原因如下: (1)防尘圈防尘效果差。 a.防尘圈结构选型不合理。随着工程机械多用途的应用,每日连续十几个小时超载、超温使用,要求防尘圈必须具有高抗污染、抗高温的功能。目前单唇口防尘圈已不能适应工程机械的需要,从拆检的液压缸防尘圈来看,基本失去防尘功能,使污染物从精密活塞杆进入,造成密封磨损失效。 b.防尘圈在装配过程中保护措施差。主要表现在建筑工程机械整机喷漆过程中,对液压缸防尘圈不采取保护措施,造成防尘圈唇口部位存在残留油漆,对防尘圈起到一定破坏作用,影响防尘效果。 (2)精密活塞杆表面碰伤。装载机在起升过程中,由于铲斗的运动,使斗内物料滑落,砸在伸出的精密活塞杆表面上,造成精密活塞杆表面出现微小凹坑,增大了密封圈与精密活塞杆的摩擦力,使密封圈磨损失效。 (3)精密活塞杆与导向套的配合间隙选配不合理。按照液压缸设计原则,精密活塞杆与导向套的配合公差是H9/f8。但在实际应用中,如果二者配合为最小公差值,由于工程机械长时间超载使用,高温情况下材料膨胀,容易造成精密活塞杆表面油膜锐减,密封唇口润滑效果降低,局部温度超过密封圈容许温度,使密封圈高温老化,失去密封效果。降低液压缸精密活塞杆外泄漏的主要措施 (1)选择内外双唇口防尘圈。使防尘圈起到阻止污物从唇口和槽底处进入液压缸。&
(4)采取精密活塞杆表面保护措施。随着人们对建筑工程机械在工作中发生液压缸精密活塞杆碰伤问题的深入认识,各装载机生产厂已经开始对精密活塞杆碰伤比较严重的翻斗液压缸,在精密活塞杆耳环处增加一个保护板,能够有效降低和避免精密活塞杆碰伤的隐患。 (5)合理设计和选配精密活塞杆与导向套的配合间隙。在保证密封圈挤出安全间隙的前提下,尽量通过支承环使二者的配合间隙有足够的油膜厚度,保证密封唇口的润滑,避免因产生于摩擦而出现异常高温状态。
本文由原创,转载须注明出处,本文关键词:活塞杆。 转载自/shownews.asp?id=201
According to the above, the electroless deposition of Ni-P alloy plating is different in that: the plating is the use of electrical energy to the metal cations are reduced to metal and deposited on the cathode nickel, electroless plating is no DC power supply conditions, a chemical reduction methodcation is reduced to metallic nickel and deposited on the surface of the catalytic metal. Catalytic iron, nickel and other metals and alloys, the alloy can be and deposition of Ni-P alloy plating And once you start, nickel catalysis, oxidation-reduction reaction will throughout the uniform continuous proceed to obtain a certain thickness of Ni-P alloy coating. When high phosphorus plating, generally from 8% to 13.5%, the structure of the coating is amorphous. This structure does not exist grain boundaries, dislocations and other tissue defects, no intergranular corrosion and stress corrosion. Coating provides good corrosion resistance than the plating layer. Due to the high hardness of Ni-P alloy coating, the deposition state, the hardness of the coating 500 to 600HV, 400 & C heat treatment after 980 to 1100HV, it is equivalent to or better than hard chrome plating wear.
&The hydraulic cylinder is a mechanical weak link, pay attention to its maintenance, if there are problems, how to fix it? Wuxi processing tell you:&&&Hydraulic cylinder piston rod strain, if not timely treatment, ranging from affecting normal use, while the hydraulic cylinder does not work. Our repair method is to take local grinding polishing methods to repai the heavier pull marks the take welding and grinding artificial methods to repair.&The pull marks the formation of: after the disintegration of the crane, a luffing cylinder piston rod is serious injury, pull marks side by side 6. The main reason for the piston rod strain: the dust ring embrittlement was massive loss, not only lost the role of dust, and there also piled up a lot of dust and magazines, the piston rod directly with impurities grinding hard, leading to the piston The lever is pulled, bad brim scars Zaigua the rubber seal assembly, resulting in serious leakage of hydraulic cylinders.&Processing and repair requirements: filler and base metal must be combined with a solid, spices must be durable and easy
manual processing must ensure that the piston rod diameter of error of less than 0.06mm. After analysis, the decision to adopt filler J422 electrode. Because the acid electrode is not sensitive to rust, oil and water, not easy to produ technology is good, moderate hardness, easy
arc stability, penetration larger, and the base metal The combination of solid.&Repair process:&(1) The first parts to welding clean, and then use the wet mud will pull marks around surrounded.&(2) selection of 2.5mm diameter electrodes, welding machine current to 120A, smooth welding to take linear motion of Treaty and Law.&(3) All welding after the mud and slag removed, file repair and left 0.1-0.2mm allowance rasp along the rod circumference.&(4) car an outer diameter of 185mm, inner diameter of 125mm, length 150mm cylinder when cam (piston rod diameters 125mm), sawing along the axis of a coarse mode, and the other for the fine mode.&(5) Subsequently the red Yinyou rough mold an inner wall coated with a thin layer of coarse mode abuts on the piston rod to be repaired parts reciprocally along the axis of the run-in times, and then with a fine file heavier red marks on the piston rod ground off. File repair and so forth, and finally leaving the allowance of 0.04-0.07mm.&(6) and then 320 mesh sand bar dipped in kerosene with the fine mold the piston rod grinding to the required size.&(7) Finally, the back of the emery cloth dipped in kerosene manual polishing. After measurement, the maximum error of only 0.03mm.&The crane repair, after a year and a half of use, Change hydraulic cylinder is always no leakage, while the piston rod smooth, no rust.&
无锡的工艺原理,现油缸变色,主要有以下三液压系统存在高温现象,在工作中活塞杆在高温状态下(特别是在寒冷季节)频繁与低温环境接触(温度瞬间骤降)在保养周期时更换了非该品牌挖掘机专用液压油,这个现象一般在刚换完油品几天时间之内就会出现活塞杆变色。原因是液压油里面有一种极压抗磨添加剂的品质和性能不同活塞杆电镀过程中因温度控制不均匀导致在后期的工作中电镀层表面出现龟裂,用高倍数放大镜观察活塞杆表面可以看到不规则细小裂纹。活塞杆一般是液压油温太高所致,且此现象多发生在使用较多的铲斗油缸的前半部分. 建议对散热器部分的灰\土经常清洗,保证散热效果。 动臂缸活塞杆内的液压油更换:用备用的挖掘机用绳子拉住准备换油的挖掘机动臂,(此时准备换油的挖掘机动臂已抬升到最高点)拆开左右2个动臂缸活塞杆上无杆腔的油管,用备用空油桶接住放出的液压油,要注意环境保护,防止环境污染。再把已拆开的多路阀连接动臂的油管放在备用的空油桶中,启动发动机,这时从多路阀至动臂油管中流出的液压油是多路阀中的旧液压油,换油人员注意油液颜色的变化,当新的液压油流出后,立即使发动机熄火。将拆断的管路接好,解开绳子,启动发动机,反复做动臂抬起与下落的动作,直至动臂缸活塞杆中充满油液。只许做此单一动作。注意查看液压油箱内的液位变化,及时添加缺少的液压油斗杆缸活塞杆内的液压油更换:把动臂抬升至最高点后,(只准许做这单一动作)发动机熄火,(此时斗杆缸活塞杆杆全部伸出),从多路阀处拆开与斗杆缸活塞杆有杆腔的油管,放净管路中的油液后,重新连接好管路。再从动臂背部拆开斗杆缸活塞杆无杆腔的油管,用油堵封堵住已拆开的多路阀与斗杆缸活塞杆无杆腔油管。用备用油桶准备接好从斗杆缸活塞杆油缸活塞杆放出的液压油,启动发动机,收回斗杆油缸活塞杆活塞杆,(如图2所示,斗杆缩进缸活塞杆筒内)发动机熄火。连接好已拆开的油管后,再启动发动机,工程油缸将斗杆缸活塞杆活塞杆伸缩几次,把斗杆放置于垂直地面的角度后,发动机熄火换油完毕铲斗缸活塞杆内的液压油更换:从动臂背部拆开铲斗缸活塞杆无杆腔的油管,用油堵封堵住已拆断的多路阀与铲斗缸活塞杆的软管油口。用空油桶接住小臂油缸上已断开的油口,启动发动机后,做收斗动作缸活塞杆活塞杆全部缩回缸活塞杆筒内),只能做这一种单一动作。新的液压油进入铲斗缸活塞杆有杆腔内,活塞杆回缩后,促使铲斗缸活塞杆无杆腔内的液压油全部排放到空油桶内。发动机熄火,连接好断开的油管。活塞杆注意查看液压油箱上的液位计油位的位置回转马达系统的油液更换:拆断多路阀至回转马达的2根油管中的拆断任意一根。用油堵封堵住多路阀与回转马达的出油口。用备用的空桶筒接在回转马达已拆开的油口上,启动发动机,操纵挖掘机缓慢回转。如果向某一方向回转时,马达上的油管不出油就须向另一方向回转,直至流出油即为操作正确。同时要注意查看流出油液颜色变化,当新的液压油流出后应立即关闭发动机。(活塞杆)
Wuxi process principle, now cylinder discoloration, mainly three hydraulic systems there is a high temperature phenomenon at work piston rod under high temperature (especially during the cold season) frequent contact with the low-temperature environment (temperature instantly plunged) in the maintenance cycle replace the non-brand excavator hydraulic oil, this phenomenon generally occurs in the finished oil just changed a few days time the discoloration of the piston rod. Hydraulic oil which has a different piston rod plating process can be seen due to non-uniform temperature control lead to cracking in the latter part of the work in the copper foil surface, high-times magnifying glass rod surface quality and performance of the extreme pressure and anti-wear additives to irregular small cracks. The piston rod is generally due to the hydraulic oil temperature is too high, and this phenomenon has occurred in the first half part of the Multiple bucket cylinder. Recommended for the radiator part of the gray \ soil regularly cleaned to ensure the cooling effect. Boom cylinder piston rod of the hydraulic oil change: with a rope pulled a spare excavator excavator boom to prepare an oil change (ready to oil the excavator boom has been uplifted to the highest point) apart around 2 boom cylinder piston rod rod chamber tubing, with alternate empty oil barrels to catch the release of hydraulic oil, pay attention to environmental protection, prevention of environmental pollution. Then disassemble the multi-way valve connected to the boom tubing on the back of empty oil barrels, start the engine when the oil flows to move the arm tubing from the multi-way valve in the old hydraulic oil in the multi-way valve , oil Note the change of oil color, new hydraulic oil outflow, and immediately the engine flameout. Will split off pipe connected to untie the rope to start the engine, repeated boom-up with the whereabouts of the action until the boom cylinder piston rod filled with oil. Can only do this a single action. View level changes in the hydraulic tank, hydraulic oil change: Add the missing hydraulic oil stick cylinder piston rod within a timely manner the boom is raised to the highest point (only allowed to do it single action) and turn off the engine, (in this case arm cylinder piston of legs fully extended), apart from the multi-way valve rod chamber tubing and stick cylinder piston rod, put the oil in the net line, reconnect lines. Follower arm back apart arm cylinder piston rod rod chamber tubing, oil dam blocked detachable multi-way valve and the arm cylinder piston rod rod chamber tubing. Spare barrels to pick released from the arm cylinder piston rod cylinder piston rod hydraulic oil, start the engine to recover the arm cylinder rod piston rod (shown in Figure 2, the arm the indented cylinder piston rod cylinder) turn off the engine. Stripped tubing is connected, and then start the engine, engineering cylinder telescopic stick cylinder piston rod piston rod several times, the stick is placed in the vertical angle of the ground, turn off the engine oil change is complete hydraulic bucket cylinder piston rod oil change: the back of the follower arm apart bucket cylinder piston rod rod chamber tubing, oil dam block has been split off the multi-way valve and bucket cylinder piston rod hose port. Empty oil barrels to catch the arm cylinder piston rod disconnected port, start the engine, do the closing bucket Action cylinder piston rod piston rod fully retracted cylinder piston rod cylinder), can only do a single action . New hydraulic oil into the bucket cylinder piston rod rod cavity, piston rod retracted, prompting the bucket cylinder piston rod rod cavity all hydraulic oil discharged into the empty oil barrels. Turn off the engine, connect good Disconnect tubing. View level gauge on the hydraulic tank oil level position rotary motor oil replacement rod Note: split off the multi-way valve to the demolition of the two tubing rotary motor off any one. Oil dam to block the multi-way valve and the outlet port of the rotary motor. Spare empty bucket cylinder is connected to the port rotary motor apart, start the engine, manipulation excavator slow rotation. To rotation in one direction, the tubing no oil in the motor to another and the direction of rotation until the outflow of oil is operating correctly. At the same time pay attention to see the outflow of fluid color changes should immediately turn off the engine when the new hydraulic oil outflow.
活塞杆常见问题解析 从日常对活塞杆就行维护
&&& 还有一种很常见的现象,即是活塞杆变色。油缸活塞杆变色的原因:挖掘机油缸变色的原因有多种,主要有以下几种,为:活塞杆电镀过程中因温度控制不均匀导致在后期的工作中电镀层表面出现龟裂,用高倍数放大镜观察活塞杆表面可以看到不规则细小裂纹油缸活塞杆变色的处理,变蓝是油封和液压油内的添加剂在高温下附着油缸杆上造成的;如果是油缸活塞杆出现很细微部分的蓝色,可以不用管它,过一段时间会自动消失;如果变色比较严重的话,需要更换油封和耐磨套,同时尽量避免液压油高温,过一段时间也就恢复正常。在保养周期时更换了非该品牌挖掘机专用液压油,这个现象一般在刚换完油品几天时间之内就会出现活塞杆变色,原因是液压油里面有一种极压抗磨添加剂的品质和性能不同。变黑是耐磨套内的喷涂物里的含铅添加剂高温下附着油缸杆上造成的,一般是液压油温太高所致,且此现象多发生在使用较多的铲斗油缸的前半部分,建议对散热器部分的灰土经常清洗,保证散热效果。液压系统存在高温现象,在工作中活塞杆在高温状态下(特别是在寒冷季节)频繁与低温环境接触(温度瞬间骤降)。
&&& 再给大家介绍另一种情况:活塞杆的外径公差对直径线轴承内切圆径的允许公差具有适当的缝隙。但必须在精密运动的情况下,调整实心轴的公差,使其不发生缝隙或加些细微的压力。如若轴的直线度或圆周度不好,在实心轴或直线轴承上周期性的加压,不仅得不到顺利的直线运动,而且缩短寿命,所以要注意对直线光轴的选择。活塞杆电镀过程中因温度控制不均匀导致在后期的工作中电镀层表面出现龟裂,用高倍数放大镜观察活塞杆表面可以看到不规则细小裂纹。出现油缸活塞杆变色,液压系统存在高温现象,在工作中活塞杆在高温状态下(特别是在寒冷季节)频繁与低温环境接触(温度瞬间骤降);油缸活塞主要起密封,导向等作用。在保养周期时更换了非该品牌挖掘机专用液压油,这个现象一般在刚换完油品几天时间之内就会出现活塞杆变色。原因是液压油里面有一种极压抗磨添加剂的品质和性能不同;活塞是气缸中的受压力零件。为防止活塞左右两腔相互窜气,设有活塞密封圈。带磁性开关的气缸或在耐腐蚀环境中使用的气缸,缸筒应使用不锈钢、铝合金或黄铜等材质。活塞上的耐磨环可提高气缸的导向性,减少活塞密封圈的磨耗,减少摩擦阻力。耐磨环长使用聚氨酯、聚四夹布合成树脂等材料。活塞杆是气缸中最重要的受力零件。通常使用高碳钢,表面经镀硬铬处理,或使用不锈钢,以防腐蚀,并提高密封圈的耐磨性。油缸是一个密闭的容器,能承压,活塞可以靠油的注入、通过密封件密封在油缸内滑动,从而把液力转换为直线或曲线运动活塞杆把活塞产生的运动传递到执行元件上,一般活塞杆是中空的,液力从内通过进入活塞和油缸形成的密闭容器产生运动,运动是靠液体的体积变化产生的。 小型气缸有使用不锈钢管的。对钢管缸筒,内表面还应镀硬铬,以减小摩擦阻力和磨损,并能防止锈蚀。缸筒材质除使用高碳钢管外,还是用高强度铝合金和黄铜。活塞的宽度由密封圈尺寸和必要的滑动部分长度来决定。滑动部分太短,易引起早期磨损和卡死。活塞的材质常用铝合金和铸铁,小型缸的活塞有黄铜制成的。
&& 以上所述的内容只是为了加强大家对活塞杆的防护。(活塞杆:)
&In the last article, and the introduction of the process of the piston rod, but even the best technology will also fails, the fault encountered is how to solve: piston rod sudden rupture is a very dangerous behavior, easily formation damage to other equipment and personnel the digging machine operation most likely to form one of the causes of the accident, the driver friends, to develop good use and maintenance, inspection habits, take 2-3 minutes before operation observe the the solder joints site (also including the size of the arm, frame, etc.), to ensure the safety of the operation process, reliable! Often see in some industries website users reflect the piston rod weld fracture, some believe that it is their own operational problems, some believe that product quality problems, I repeatedly experienced and treated fracture of the cylinder rod and cylinder rod fracture trace analysis for a long time, and to share, if there are different views, hoping for a correction and further exchanges also hope that through this article, so that a deeper understanding of the reasons for the failure occurred, to help correct operation, reduce the incidence of failure, reduce down time to repair, to the owner to create more effective! Fracture of the piston Analysis: product quality problems, if off the first root, you can say, but also suggested that the cause analysis, do not just think that the issu off of two or more, it is difficult to say quality problems, At present, the basic fuel tank level of quality control does not appear batch problem, other doing live, and some sites need to be broken for a long time in peace operations, resulting in high-frequency vibration of the piston rod or Rally, such as regular this type of operation and force a large, easy
equipment quality problems, the shaft and sleeve gap is too large, the shaking of the form cylinder digging machine operation, this is also formed one of t driver operation, In some master technology live off Flanagan paragraph Flanagan, this time the owner should think more.&& & There is a very common phenomenon, i.e. the piston rod discoloration. The cause of discoloration of the cylinder piston rod: excavators cylinders cause of discoloration for a variety of mainly the following: the piston rod plating process, the plating layer in the latter part of the work surface cracking due to uneven temperature control, high multiples of a magnifying glass to observe the surface of the piston rod can see the discoloration of the processing of irregular hairline cracks cylinder piston rod, the turn blue oil seals and hydraulic oil additives caused by high temperatures attached very minor part of the cylinder piston rod blue, do not ignore it, over time, would aut discoloration more serious, you need to replace the oil seal and wear sleeve, at the same time try to avoid the high temperature of the hydraulic oil will return to normal over a period of time. Quality in the maintenance cycle to replace the non-brand excavator hydraulic oil, this phenomenon generally occurs in the finished oil just changed a few days time the discoloration of the piston rod, hydraulic oil which has an extreme pressure anti-wear additives and performance. The blackening is under the lead additives high temperature wear comprising spraying was attached to the cylinder rod caused by ships is caused by the hydraulic oil temperature is too high, and this phenomenon occurs in a part of the first half of the bucket cylinder to use more , we recommend regular cleaning in the dust of the radiator part, to ensure the cooling effect. The hydraulic system in high temperature piston rod in the work under high temperature (especially during the cold season) frequent contact with the low-temperature environment (temperature instantly plunged).&& & Give you about another case: the outer diameter of the piston rod tolerances diameter line bearing endo Diameter tolerance with the appropriate gap. But must in the case of precision movement, to adjust the solid shaft tolerances, so that it does not occur slits or add some subtle pressure. Should the straightness of the shaft or circumference is not good, solid shaft or linear bearings periodic pressure, not only not a smooth linear motion, but also shortens life, so pay attention to the choice of the linear axis. Piston rod plating process due to temperature control caused uneven plating layer in the latter part of the work surface cracking, high-times magnifying glass to observe the surface of the piston rod can see irregular hairline cracks. A discoloration of the cylinder piston rod, hydraulic system there are high temperatures, at high temperature (especially during the cold season) frequent contact with the low-temperature environment (temperature instantly plunged); cylinder piston sealing, guiding role from the piston rod in the work. Maintenance cycle to replace the non-brand excavator hydraulic oil, this phenomenon generally occurs in the finished oil just changed a few days time the discoloration of the piston rod. Hydraulic oil which has an extreme pressure the quality and performance of the anti- piston in the cylinder under pressure parts. To prevent the piston from the left and right of the two-chamber gas channeling each other, with the piston seal. With auto switch cylinder or cylinder corrosion-resistant environment, the cylinder should use stainless steel, aluminum or brass and other materials. The wear on the piston ring may improve the guide cylinder to reduce the abrasion of the piston seal, a reduced frictional resistance. Wear ring long polyurethane, poly cloth material such as synthetic resin. The piston rod is the the cylinder most important parts of the force. Typically use high carbon steel, the surface hard chrome plated or stainless steel to prevent corrosion and improve the wear resistance of the ring. The cylinder is a sealed container, under pressure, piston may rely on the injection of the oil sealed by the sealing member to slide within the cylinder, and thus the torque converter for straight or curved movement of the piston rod movement of the piston is transmitted to the executive member, Usually the piston rod is hollow, fluid from within by entering a sealed container is formed by the piston and cylinder to produce movement, the movement is generated depend on the volume of the liquid changes. The small cylinder stainless steel tube. Steel cylinder, the inner surface should also hard chrome plating to reduce friction and wear and to prevent corrosion. In addition to the use of high-carbon steel pipe, the cylinder material, or use high-strength aluminum and brass. The width of the body of the piston is determined by the ring size and the necessary length of the sliding portion. Sliding part is too short, easy to cause early wear and stuck. The piston material commonly used in aluminum and cast iron, small cylinder piston brass.&& &The contents described above is only in order to strengthen the protection of the piston.&
活塞杆具体参数先容 重点介绍不锈钢活塞杆
一、雪通活塞杆产品参数:&&&1.材质:45#钢 货物运输&&&2.直线度:7丝/米(无奈保证。要保证直线度需要特殊定做,木箱包装)&&&3.公差:国度行业标准G6H7公差。保证5丝以内)保证58-62需特别材料:轴承钢)&&&4.硬度:HRC55-6245#钢只能到55&。&&&5.硬度层厚度:1.5-3mm&&&6.镀铬层厚度:1.5-3丝。&&&二、雪通活塞杆产品特点&&&&型号 φ4-φ120&&&&规格 Φ4-φ120&&&&产量 100000米&&&&价钱 厂价面议&&&&包装 草绳&&&&最小起订量 1米&&&&运输方法 货运或送货上门
First, the snow piston rod parameters:
& &Material: 45 # steel cargo transport
& Of straightness: 7 Silk / m (helpless guarantee. Need special custom-made wooden packaging to ensure straightness)
& &Tolerance: country industry standard G6H7 of tolerance. Guarantee 5 wire less)
58-62 in need of special material: bearing steel) 4. Hardness: HRC55-6245 # steel only to 55 &.
& &Hardness thickness :1.5-3mm
& &6 chrome thickness :1.5-3 wire.
& &Second, the snow-rod Features
& & Model φ4-φ120
& & Specifications Φ4-φ120
& & Production of 100,000 m
& & Price priced Negotiable
& & Packaging Caosheng
& & MOQ one meter
& & Transport freight or delivery
Piston rod polishing skills to understand:
Its corrosion resistance is poor, the quality of polishing after plating directly affect the corrosion resistance of the chromium layer on behalf of the fork tube. Plated stainless steel piston rod if not through polishing. Neutral salt spray test the only 48h normal for 25. Plating after polishing can improve its corrosion resistance, because polishing can greatly reduce the appearance of roughness (from plated Ra0.3 dropped to below Ra0.13), polishing (should be combined with the use of chrome oxide green polishing paste) so that the chromium layer is plastically deformed to seal or reduce voids or cracks in the coating to improve the corrosion resistance.
To pay attention to the following number of points: the fork tube plated and polished take, individually and selling of different mesh in special equipment long. Actual control.
With a feather cloth selling combined with polishing paste, an accurate choice of selling texture and mesh. Fine selling mesh should be greater than 600 mesh. Better the fine polishing consequences as the end of the Road.
2 fair swap selling pressure of the fork tube and the feed rate. It must often be modified.
3 schedule fixed selling. Piston rod due to selling used hard appearance and affect the quality of polishing.
4 Press the delineation of frequency on the selling coated with a suitable polishing paste. The quality of the polishing paste is also crucial.
Can be assessed by examining the surface roughness and gloss. And corrosion resistance and experimental review the best polishing process parameters and premises. The quality of the fork tube after polishing.
To dispel fork tube processing, electroplating process may occur bump, scratch. The kind of process integrity is different from the pre-plating polishing process must be pointed out that some manufacturers fork tube plating and then grinding to lose the ultimate size.
To guarantee the corrosion resistance is useless as appropriate to the straightness of the fork tube and the depth of the scratch, Common needs larger amount of grinding, grinding grinding and heat will cause the chromium plating layer to produce a deep and wide cracks , and deterioration
Use of the fork tube in the process of corrosion resistance.


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