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HD2相信大家都不会陌生,而如今作为一款曾经的机皇,它再一次让玩家震惊了,Windows Phone 7终于如愿来到,相信许多HD2的持有者和小编一样心情激动,机皇达成了大家玩转三系统的心愿,长话短说,以下即为HD2正式迈入WP7行列的详细情况。
HD2相信大家都不会陌生,而如今作为一款曾经的机皇,它再一次让玩家震惊了,Windows Phone 7终于如愿来到,相信许多HD2的持有者和小编一样心情激动,机皇达成了大家玩转三系统的心愿,长话短说,以下即为HD2正式迈入WP7行列的详细情况,请用户再仔细阅读相关事项后,谨慎操作。Dark Forces Team 正式宣布全球LEO WP7 系統直刷发布 :(Dark Forces Team Officially announced release of LEO70 project )DFT团队历经了五个月的研发,终于成功在HD2上直刷运行 WP7。所需工具以及刷机ROM:1、MAGLDR1122、LEO70_ROM刷机前一定要做好内存卡的备份!如刷回WM6.5发现无法识别内存卡,请在电脑上用此工具(立即下载)格式化内存卡。以下为详细内容(粗体为中文翻译,括号内为英文原文):HTC版HD2 运行WP7系统:(HTC HD2 running WP7 system :)刷magldr 1.12 一次性顺利通过(Flash MAGLDR 1.12)刷wp7 OS包 一次性通过(Flash WP7 OS via DWI (DFT Windows Installer).)启动迅速,刷机完毕后,首次进入系统约20秒即可进入设定界面。(System starts quickly, after flashing the first boot needs about 20 seconds up to start settings.)充电正常,电量消耗正常,或者可以说是相当的省电。(Battery can be charged normally in WP7 OS.Testers reports that power consumption is normal.)电话功能正常,接听、拨打均无问题,通话音清晰,听筒音量很大,音量+、-键工作正常。通话过程中调节音量时,音量的调节界面显示正常。(Phone functions are working: call answer, dial without problems and good sound quality, speaker volume is very large, volume +,- keys works fine.During a call when you can adjust the volume.)短信发送、接收正常,显示中文正常。(SMS send and receive works without problems, display Chinese symbols right.)从sim卡导入联系人正常,名字显示中文正常,联系人编辑功能一切正常。指定铃音与提示音正常。(Import contacts from the SIM card works, the Chinese text displayed correctly, contact editing all normal. Setting ringtone working.)照相机工作正常,全部功能可用,包括720P录像。(照相的闪光灯同步稍慢了点,而且光照暗带闪光的效果会发绿,不用闪光照相效果不错)(Camera works, all the features available, including the 720P video. (Photo-Flash sync is slightly buggy, better make photos without flash)Green camera can be used for camera activation.)Wifi打开、关闭迅速,工作正常,寻找可用网络正常,无法进行详细设置(wp7原生系统没有设置项)。(WiFi turn on, turn off, fast, and works for available networks properly, unable to make detailed settings (common WP7 system issue).)蓝牙正常,无法进行详细设置(wp7原生系统没有设置项)。(Bluetooth functional normally, but have not detailed settings (common WP7 system issue).)系统UI及程序界面正常,各项功能俱全。(Program inte**ce and system UI works correctly, features fully stocked.)系统日期、时间正常,闹钟正常。(The system date, time, normal, alarm clock works correctly.)日历全部功能正常。(Calendar have all functional.)IE全部功能正常。(Internet Explorer all functions works, up to 6 pages possible. multitouch works.)Office全部功能可用。(Office - all functions are available.)音乐与视频正常。(The music and video player works.)图片管理正常。(Picture view works, including multitouch.)待机界面正常、各事件提醒正常、壁纸设置正常、唤醒迅速,一切ok。(Lock screen inte**ces works normally, show event reminders, wall**, and appear on screen quickly after power button press, everything OK.)与zune同步正常。(Sync with the Zune works.)可实现U盘功能(通过修改pc端的注册表) ,可进行读、写操作,一切正常。(USB function can be achieved (by modifying the registry on the PC side), you can read, write, everything works.)重力感应正常,屏幕的重力感应旋转、过渡画面相当流畅。(Accelerometer works, autorotation works with beautiful effects.)屏幕亮度自动控制、手动控制正常。(Screen brightness control can be manually controlled. Automatic works fine too.)主题模式设置正常。(Ability to choose custom wall** works.)锁屏、解锁正常,包括密码设置。(Lock screen, unlock correctly, including password.)备注:()按下 拨号键 进入相机模式 ,再次按下拨号键为拍摄。(Press the dial(green,send) key to enter activate camera, press the dial key again for shooting.)待机下只有 挂机键 可唤醒设备。(Wake up from standby possible only via power key.)Home(小房子)键 实际是搜索键。(Home key are actually search key (bring up Bing).)程序退出(切入后台)全部是由返回键控制。(Return back via return hardware key.)关于市场:手机端必须启动GPRS、3G、wifi等数据连接,可进入市场,浏览、搜索全部资源,但购买、安装软件必须经过Live ID的激活,否则无效。目前激活码未知。(Market place : in mobile phone you can start the data connection, such as GPRS, 3G, WiFi, market place access, browse, search, all of the resources, but Purchase and install the software requires a Live ID to activate, otherwise invalid. Current activation codes is unknown.)关于3G:必须手动设置3G APN,设置好后,视网络环境会在屏幕顶部将出现 "G、3G、H" 等标志,数据连接工作稳定。(About 3G: 3G APN must be set up manually, once it is set, depending on network environment will appear at the top of the screen ", 3G, g, h" signs Data connection is stable.)关于sd卡:(About SD card: )这次测试,用的是2G的sd卡,关机拔掉sd卡后,用读卡器将sd卡插入电脑,只有200M可用,其余1.64G的空间被分成了一个windows无法识别的分区,如果日后想用这个sd卡必须要重新分区。(This test, I used SD card 2G, about the mechanism after you remove the SD card, Card Reader make SD card into the computer, only 200M available, the remaining 1.64G Space is divided into a personal identification by Windows Phone RAID region, if you would like to use this SD card after the date required to reformat the card.)通过修改windows 7(windows XP也可以)的注册表,插入手机后可以在电脑上自动识别出移动硬盘,可以对其进行读、写操作,但回到手机wp7系统后,写入的东西无法看到,我已经成功对wp7解锁,并安装上了资源管理器,可以进入任何目录,包括windows和windows下的system目录,但无论如何也找不到sd卡,也找不到先前复制进手机的那些文件,在电脑上却可以看到。 (Modbus, ASCII modify Windows 7 (Windows XP) brochure sheets, plug the start with the machine to automatic identification in computer don't mobile Ying pan, you can The market for its further rows read, Xie operation, but returned to after sales of wp7 systems, Dong Xie into West radio law see, I have been successful solutions of the market for wp7 Locks and install on the Data source Manager, any Directory can be entered, including under Windows and Windows System Directory, but the radio how the matter could not find the SD card, also found Previously could not certify release of further sales of those **s, can be seen on the computer.)我想,应该是那个资源管理器软件依然没有突破wp7对sd卡的限制吧。 (I think nutrited source of that personal information manager software is still no breakthrough in wp7 restrictions the market for SD card)关于电量:(About battery capacity: )wp7下的电量显示几乎是很准确的,我目测还有50%的电量,但刷回wm后,进入wm6.5的系统看电量,却是29%也可能是目测的不够准确吧,也可能是电池的问题,也可能是wm系统对电池的保护机制,总之,因素太多,这点可以不予考虑。(WP7 battery show is Almost a standard confirmation, my battery of measurement there are 50%, but flashing back to WM, entered WM6.5 systems baterry show 29%,maybe not enough getting confirmation of it, might also be a problem of pool battery , can also be WM system protection mechanism for pool battery , anyway too many factors, this No examination to consider)关于wp7的解锁: (About solutions of wp7 unlock:)成功解锁了,这是我能够确认的,但是,一段时间后,再次联机打开解锁软件,发现wp7系统又锁上了......能肯定的是可以随时联机解锁,也可以自行上锁。 (Successful solutions for unlocked, and this is I can confirmed it , but some time later, try to run program its locked again ... ...For sure you can unlocked any time you want and also can be locked by yourself.)最后说一下刷回wm系统:(Last part talking about flashing back WM65 system.)三色--联机--刷机,很顺利,不用先刷官方rom,直接刷自制的就ok。 (Three color boot screen - connected to PC- flash ROM , without flashing back official ROM can be directly flashing any custom WM65 ROM.)写在最后:(Last :)整体的感觉是,开机迅速,进系统20秒左右,系统的运行极其流畅、内存控制的相当好,把原生自带的程序都点击一遍,几乎感觉不到系统有卡顿的现象,可以说速度一流、稳定性极佳,但是,关机非常慢!(The overall feeling is, turn on quickly, into the system for about 20 seconds, memory control system runs extremely smooth, very good,Comes with original programs click on it again, almost cotton feel to the system, you can say speed of first-class, stable Very good, however, the shutdown is very slow!)市场与 Xbox Live无法通过认证激活。(Market place with the Xbox Live certification cannot be activated)目前,wp7系统如想绕开市场自行安装软件的话,就必须具备以下几点:1、pc端操作系统,vista以上,推荐win72、zune同步软件3、Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.30319.1 以上版本4、windows phone 7 sdk 开发包5、wp7手机端IE浏览器安装越狱证书ChevronWP7.cer (可通过给自己发邮件的方法实现)6、解锁wp7,pc端ChevronWP7.exe。解锁时手机必须联网,解锁后wp7很可能还会自动上锁,多多留意,锁了就再解7、pc端安装后缀注册补丁包Tom XAP Installer.exe8、重启计算机后关闭一切防火墙、杀毒软件。9、确保手机处于同步且处于唤醒状态,在pc端直接双击欲安装的软件开始安装。 注意事項 I :(Readme I :)*安装 MAGLDR 1.12*Install MAGLDR 1.12运行 ROMUpdateUtility.exe 文件Run ROMUpdateUtility.exe*安装 HD2 刷机包 LEO70 ROM*Install LEO70 ROM在MAGLDR菜单按"音量 -" 键选择 第5项 "5. USB Flasher" ,然后按通话键确定,在pc端运行刷机包内的 DWI.exe , 阅读 告知信息 后开始刷机。(In MAGLDR select "5. USB Flasher" via VolDown key and Green key.Run DWI on PC, read information (!IMPORTANT!) before flashing.Flash it.)注意事項 II :(Readme II :)DFT 制作 HTC HD2(LEO)手机 Windows phone 7的系統Windows Phone 7 for HTC HD2(LEO) by DFTWindows Live:Windows Live 和 软件市场 还不能正常工作。您需要手动设置才能同步您的 Hotmail 帐户联系人、行程、电子邮件等信息。可能需要使用 Outlook 同步您的 Hotmail账户。Windows Live functions including the Market don't work.To sync contacts/calendar/emails you need to manually set upyour Hotmail account. Using MS Hotmail Connector it's thenpossible to sync with Outlook.硬重启:Hard reset:当启动后屏幕上"1234"时, 同时按住 音量+ 和 音量- 键,直到消息出现。按两次 音量- 键,进入系统重置,将清除用户所有数据During boot, when "1234" appears on screen, press and hold VolUp + VolDown,until the message appears. Press VolDown twice to clear data.SD 卡:(SD Card:)在设备首次启动时sd卡将被设定为只能由wp7系统使用,移除SD卡将摧毁所有用户数据,且在系统硬重置时sd卡必须在设备内。(The SD Card will only be available to the OS if it's inside the device during its first boot. Removing the SD Card will destroy all user data and a hard reset is required!)并非所有 SD 卡都都与 WP7 兼容。如果您的卡不兼容 WP7,它不会用于数据存储或有可能会导致随机重新启动。(NOT all SD Cards are compatible with WP7.If your card isn't compatible with WP7, it won't be used for data storage or it may cause random reboots.)没有兼容卡的列表(There's no list of compatible cards yet.)警告:设备首次启动时将会对sd卡进行格式化操作,并在启动期间创建2个分区:第一是 200 Mb 的 FAT 分区和未知的另一个格式,用作系统 RAID 主内存。(WARNING: WP7 will format the SD card during the first boot. Two SD card partitions are created during cold boot.First one is a 200Mb FAT partition and another one with unknown format which is used as RAID with main memory.)键盘按钮映射:Keyboard buttons mapping:绿色(拨号)键-----照相机键主页(home)-----启动搜索菜单(win旗帜)键-----显示主屏幕返回键-----程序跳出(切换)红色(挂机)键-----待机(长按关机)GREEN - camera keyHOME - launch search (Bing)WIN - show home screenBACK - backwardRED - powerLEO1024:目前支持T版(内置1G rom)的LEO,但直刷系统后只有 512M 可用。At current moment LEO1024 supported, but only 512 megabytes of NAND is used."HTC版可刷,这里只是说T版的rom刷了以后只有512M"免责声明:(Disclaimer:)此产品是免费使用的,但需要你自己来承担使用风险。我们不承担任何的软件冲突、系统故障或在此过程中所造成的硬件损坏。也无任何暗示的担保,如果您使用本产品将视为同意。未有更多的测试时间来在更多的设备上测试本产品,您的体验可能会不完全一致。
(This product is free to use at your own risk. We take NO responsibility for any conflict, fault, or damage caused by this procedure. No warranties implied or otherwise, are given if you agree to use this product. No problems were found while testing this product on several different devices, your experience may vary.)本文内容来自于DFT。
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  Windows Phone 7自发布以来,只能通过Zune等官方同步工具进行应用影音同步,让普通的Windows Phone 7用户用起来相当的繁琐。基于此就有一些高手玩家不断的摸索并制作出一些个性化的设置工具,今天介绍的ChevronWP7 Ringtone()就是其中一款。
Windows Phone 7自定义铃声工具ChevronWP7 Ringtone界面效果
  ChevronWP7系列的工具,在此之前已经有将Windows Phone 7成功解锁的ChevronWP7(),并有详细的解锁教程和注意事项。
  而近日放出的则是ChevronWP7 Ringtone这款Windows Phone 7个性化自定义铃声工具,并提供下载给用户使用,以后再也不需要通过Zune等繁琐的操作。
  1、用户需要使用ChevronWP7解锁工具,将自己的Windows Phone 7手机先进行解锁操作(点击查看)
  3、点击工具上的“Build ringtone XAP”按钮,将选择的WMA格式文件,转换为Windows Phone 7正常识别的安装包文件格式。
  说明:Windows Phone 7自定义铃声工具ChevronWP7 Ringtone(点击下载)最多识别将5个WMA声音文件打包到1个XAP包里,用户使用时需要遇到添加无反应时需要注意一下。
  4、生成XAP安装包后,就可以使用Windows Phone Developer Tools工具中的Application Deployment工具将这个XAP文件正常安装到Windows Phone 7手机中。
  目前来说,国内使用Windows Phone 7系统平台手机的用户并不很多,主要是该系统在国内还没有完全中文化,并且应用商店Marketplace下载太昂贵,以及诸多不适宜国人使用的免费应用,都让众多的玩家望而却步。
电话:010-WP7手机系列修改教程 美化你的手机
导读:  各种修改桌面图标 程序图标 让你的手机个性十足关键词:&&&&&&
  各种修改桌面图标 程序图标 让你的个性十足  一、教你更改程序名称  改程序后缀.xap为.zip用解压工具打开  找到WMAppManifest.xml文件  拖到桌面  用记事本打开  查找Title=&XXX&字样  修改后面引号里面的名称  拖回压缩包覆盖  然后把压缩包后缀改成.xap部署到手机即可。  二、教你更换程序图标图片  改程序后缀.xap为.zip用解压工具打开  我们可以看到3个图标文件  ApplicationIcon.png-----程序列表图标  Background.png(有些是Tile.png)--------程序首页Tile图片  SplashScreenImage.jpg------程序启动图片  把你要用的图片改成相对应的名字,直接拖进覆盖  然后把压缩包后缀改成.xap部署到手机即可见到效果。  程序首页界面:正方形小图标173*173  长方形大图标173*358(说到更换长方形的Tile,下面有教程):  三、更改程序首页为长方形大图标的方法  找到你要改的软件  把后缀名改为zip  替换长方形大图片之后  还要更改相应的值  接下来找到WMAppManifest.xml文件  拖到桌面  用记事本打开  找到两处的&TemplateType5&字样  改为&TemplateType6&  拖回压缩包覆盖  然后把压缩包后缀改成.xap部署到手机即可。  另外:已经安装的程序图标更换方法:  ①使用注册表和资源管理器  如:Advanced Explorer for Wp7将复制AppTile_*. PNG格式及AppIcon_ *.PNG格式图标文件复制到手机 \Windows 文件夹中。  其中:  AppIcon_ *.PNG---程序首页主界面砖图标  AppTile_*. PNG---程序列表页图标  ②使用WP7高级设置工具AdvancedConfig更改   选择所要更换图标的程序  然后选择你要更改的图标  然后点击更该即可。  四、更改程序首页名称方法:  用打开wmappmanifest.xml文件,  找到&title&XXX&/title&字样,  修改中间的名称即可  如果不想要桌面显示程序名字  直接删掉,不写即可  那样感觉很干净。  五、教你更改程序的安装位置  我们以游戏为例,大家都知道,  游戏会部署到Xbox里面,  如果我们想让他显示到程序列表里面。  可以这样修改:  改后缀.xap为.zip用解压工具打开  并用记事本打开里面的WMAppManifest.xml文件  将其中的Genre=&   改为Genre=&apps.normal&  把后缀改成.xap部署到手机即可。  相反,想要安装到Xbox里面,反向操作即可。  注:  Genre=& 将程序部署到Xbox里面  Genre=&apps.normal& 将程序部署到程序列表里面  HubType=&&将程序部署到系统设置里面  如果,不想要程序安装到系统列表  把HubType=&&后面的数字删掉覆盖重新安装即可


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