the cat want her back rubbed 是不是css 省略号了to be

No sooner had it stopped raining than a beautiful rainbow appeared.
no sooner … than指“一……就……”,表示后者紧跟前者发生。no sooner部分为主句,常用过去完成时,than引导时间状语从句,常用一般过去时。在原句中,no sooner位于句首,表强调,主句部分必须倒装,而than后面的部分不用倒装。原句还可以换一种说法,即:
It had no sooner stopped raining than a beautiful rainbow appeared.
与no sooner … than用法、释义类似的还有hardly/scarcely/rarely … when。除此以外,我们也可以用到如下的表达法:
1. as soon as
2. immediately/instantly/directly
3. the moment/minute/instant/second
4. shortly/soon after,5.on+动名词
If you say that no sooner has one thing happened than another thing happens, you mean that the second thing happens immediately after the first thing.
My brother makes it a rule to look over the newspaper before going to his office.
make it a rule to do something指“有做某事的习惯,通常”,也可以写作make a rule of。
look over意指“快速翻阅,浏览”,类似的还有glance through/at,skim through,browse through等。
look over是指快速查阅,旨在了解大意;glance through/at侧重的是耗时短,并未仔细查看;skim through是非正式用语,指略读、速读;browse through指随意翻阅、浏览。
If you look something over, you examine it quite quickly in order to get a general idea of what it is like.
See to that you do not leave your umbrella behind.
see to可指“留意,注意”,也可指“照看,处理”,如:“I have to see to something.”我得去处理些事情。需要注意的是,如果你说see that或see to it that,后接完成某事,意指“确保、保证”,如:“See that you take care of the baby.”,一定要照顾好孩子。
leave behind的释义比较多,可指“抛下,永远离开”,如:“He left his wife behind.”他抛下了自己的妻子。在本句中,leave behind指“留下”,人走了,伞还在。
If you leave behind an object or a situation, it remains after you have left a place.
She assisted her mother in caring for the baby.
assist指“帮助、协助”,可以是通过分担部分工作来协助,也可以是提供信息、意见或金钱的协助。通常用作assist someone at/in/with something,其中assist in后可接动名词。如果我们说something assists in doing something,则指前者于后者有助益、起促进作用。
If you assist someone, you help them to do a job or task by doing part of the work for them.
care for常用作“照料、照顾”,这里就不赘述了。除此以外,care for还可表示“喜欢,爱”,如:“I don’t care for that book.”我不喜欢那本书;也指有礼貌的询问是否“愿意,需要”,如:“Would you care for a cup of coffee?”来杯咖啡怎么样?
If you care for someone or something, you look after them and keep them in a good state or condition.
You should make the most of this rare opportunity to demonstrate your talent.
make the most of指“充分利用”,这里的利用还有“及时”的意思,如原句中说机会难得,make the most of暗指机会易逝。表示“充分利用”的还有make the best/most/utmost of,或take full advantage of,get the utmost out of。
Make the most of something refers to take full advantage of something because it may not last long.
Essentially, I have to pick between love and an incredible career due to relocation etc. I absolutely cannot have both.
Answered by Justin Cremer
Justin Cremer的回复:
I had this choice once. I chose the girl.
It is the only regret I have in my life.
The job was on a NASCAR pit crew.
The girl is long-gone. As was the NASCAR opportunity by the time that was sorted out.
The most important thing that stands out to me from here, now, is “why did I perceive these to be mutually exclusive choices?” That was a false problem. If she really loved me, the job wouldn’t have stood in the way. We could have worked it out together.
Love always finds a way.
No, what’s clear to me now is that I created a false dilemma because I didn’t believe I was worthy to do what I really dreamed of doing.
I created a false problem and it was an excuse to avoid my fear of being exposed as a below-average engineer. NOW – today – I know that I’m not below average. Back then, I wasn’t sure. NOW I know I’m great. And that has nothing to do with anyone else – or the averages of those anyone else’s.
I threw away my life’s dream because I was scared.
So I’ll pose the same question to you: why do you perceive these to be mutually exclusive? Are they really?
Choose the career and the relationship becomes difficult not impossible. Choose to pass on the career choice and that career choice is now impossible, not difficult.
My advice is to get real with yourself. Keep asking why you want what you want and why to that answer and why to the answer of that until you land on “real.”
You know what you want. It’s in there. You owe it to yourself to be real. Then you can have a fair conversation with her about what you want, what she wants, and how it might work. You owe it to her too.
Answered by Susie Johnson
Susie Johnson的回复:
My old psychology lecturer taught me this one.
Flip a coin. But do not focus on whether it comes up heads or tails.
Instead, focus on the moment the coin went into the air. What were you hoping would happen? Were you hoping it would be tails and that the universe is telling you to stay with your beautiful partner? Or were you hoping it would be heads, to take a risk on that new job venture? Believe me, you already know what you want. Bring the answer into your consciousness!
Good luck.
The girl is long-gone. As was the NASCAR opportunity by the time that was sorted out.
这两句话是需要放在一起的(也不是所有的美国人写作都很严谨)。这里的that指的是跟女朋友的恋情,因为回复请人的那份新工作就一句话的事,不会跟雇主sort it out。需要sort out得是诸如“爱我就跟我走”、“爱我就别走”等等。等到这些都理清了,人家早就雇用别人了! 不幸的是,这理清的爱情是发现原来你不是那么爱我。
by the time是用另外一个不同的事情来reference时间,所以that不能是NASCAR的工作机会。Therefore ‘that’ has to reference something else and the closest thing to this sentence is ‘The girl is long-gone.’
这句“was sorted out”含有的意思是,他们两人因男方有外地工作的机会起了不同意见的争执,所以需要sort out。女方可以说爱我就别离开我,男的说爱我就跟我走。也许女方自己有很好的事业、家人或环境,不愿意放弃等等。等到双方都明白了彼此不愿为对方放下什么,“事情就有了个结果”那就是分手了,而大好的工作机会也早有别人占去了。
所以that指的是“她有没有爱我爱到愿意跟我远走他乡”,“be sorted out”则是有了结果、一个了断,前句的“The girl is long-gone”就是结果。“When that was sorted out”还常带有“当大家都认清楚了真相”的意思在里面。从下文可以看出作者的不满:“If she really loved me, the job wouldn’t have stood in the way.”
The most important thing that stands out to me from here, now, is “why did I perceive these to be mutually exclusive choices?” … No, what’s clear to me now is that I created a false dilemma because I didn’t believe I was worthy to do what I really dreamed of doing.
这一段还有两个关卡就是“… that stands out to me …”与“No, what’s clear to me now …”
前一个关卡说的是作者行文至此,就以现在式的口吻(… from here, now, is …)说当时(… why did I …),意思是提出一个很明显(stands out)的你我都会问的问题,甚至引用一句 cliche(Love always finds a way.)。这一段话需要带上一分自嘲、两分对空口说爱情的讽刺的口气来理解,翻译才会对味。
第二个关卡是作者回答自己 (No, what is clear to me know is …),不是那么回事,当时他自己也以为是爱,对爱有很多幢憬 (Love always finds a way!),想要“晓以大爱”来挽回一切。最后觉悟到他们之间的爱是那么经不起考验时,工作的机会已成了“时不与我”,而自己当年其实是逃避,却以爱情来作借口,所以他要提问者确确实实地面对自己。
不,不是的! 现在我才很清楚的知道……”
意思是说:你提出两难,那我就告诉你,之所以会是两难,一是你们的爱情是虚假的,所以不要有任何妄想,觉得留下来就会live happily after(我当时以为我是这个例子)。不然就是二:你根本是在因恐惧而以“为爱牺牲”作为逃避的借口(我后来才明白我其实是这个例子)。若是你们的爱坚固,若是你真有信心胜任新的工作,那你也不会在Quora问这个问题了。
You had better go to bed right away, or your cold will get worse.
had better是一个比较常见的用法,缩写是’d better,意指“最好”,用于建议、警告、威胁、发表意见等。在口语中,有时会省略had或be,例如,You better not waste my time. 需要注意的是,you’d better这样的说法是带有命令口吻的,常用于上司对下属、长辈对晚辈的对话。
You use had better or ‘d better when you are advising, warning, or threatening someone, or expressing an opinion about what should happen.
right away指“立刻,马上”,也可以用right off来表达。这里的right表示强调,我们可以看到right after,“就在……之后”,right now,“此时此刻”,还有“I’ll be right back.”,“我马上回来。”都是right表强调的用法。
If you do something right away or right off, you do it immediately.
It will be some time before the economy will move out of the current stagnation.
move out指“搬迁”,也指“离开”,可引申为“脱离,摆脱”,如摆脱贫困,move out of poverty,离开视线,move out of someone’s eye line等。
表示“摆脱”的短语有很多,如cast off,get rid of,shake off,free oneself from,get over,平时可以注意记录一下同义词方便替换。
Move out means to leave a place of residence permanently or to begin to depart. Especially in reference to a large number of persons or things.
Would you please sort out all the white clothes from the wash?
sort out在本句中指“分类、整理”。除此以外,还可以用sort into,sort through来表达,如sort the papers into folders,sort through the papers。
sort out的释义还有很多,后接某种问题或活动,指“解决(问题),理清(细节)”,如sort out dispute,解决争端。sort someone out指“教训、规劝某人”,sort yourself out则指“理清头绪,镇定下来”。
If you sort out a group of things, you separate them into different classes, groups, or places, for example so that you can do different things with them.
We will now report on this year’s business performance.
report on指就某个事件或主题进行报告、报道,通常是出于个人的工作或责任需求,如记者进行报道。同时我们也可以说give someone a report on something,指向某人作出报告。
If you report on an event or subject, you tell people about it, because it is your job or duty to do so.
performance最常用的释义是“表演,表现”。根据语境的不同,performance的释义会有微小的变化,如task performance为工作表现,performance target是业绩目标,the performance of a car指车的性能。表示性能卓越也可以用这个词,如a performance car,或a high-performance car。
Someone’s or something’s performance is how successful they are or how well they do something.
Please feel free to contact me for details about the meeting or the schedule.
feel free指“请随意,不必拘谨”,后面通常会接to do something,表示“可以做某事”,如feel free to share ideas,自由地表达自己的观点,feel free to ask questions,随意提问,feel free to contact, 随时联系。
You say ‘feel free‘ when you want to give someone permission to do something, in a very willing way.
Answered by Anonymous
The following is an account of a true but unusual experience (I’m not a doctor and I’m only telling my story, to the best of my understanding):
I had an undiagnosed arterial problem for a couple of years, which reduced the blood supply to my heart and probably to my brain too, and seemed to have depleted B vitamins from my nerves (probably to keep the heart in good repair). Although there is some vagueness as to the mechanisms, this made me forgetful, slow, and easily overwhelmed. In short, I felt like I was stupid compared to what I was used to, and I was. The symptoms were very atypical for what was eventually revealed to be a fairly typical heart condition.
It was frightening at first because I knew something wasn’t right but didn’t know what, and very worrying for my career because I was simply not very good any more.
However, once I got used to it and resigned myself, it was great. Even though I knew I had a worrying illness, I was happy as a pig in mud. I no longer had the arrogance of being frustrated with slow people, I abandoned many projects which reduced a lot of stress, I could enjoy films without knowing what would happen (my nickname before this used to be ‘comic book guy’ if you get the reference, on account of always knowing what would happen and being quite contemptuous of the writer’s simplicity), and I became amazingly laid back and happy go lucky. I got on with people much better. I developed much more respect for one of my friends in particular who I always considered slow – it turned out he is much deeper than I thought, I just never had the patience to notice before. You could say I had more time to look around. The world just made more sense.
The only negative, apart from struggling to perform at work, and having to write everything down, was that I no longer found sci-fi interesting – it just didn’t seem important. (I’m not joking, although it sounds like a cliché.)
Injections of B12 every other day, for a month helped a lot, but I was still not right. Cornflakes also helped a bit (due to folic acid I suspect, which I’m now on a daily dose of). The issues did not go away though, which included the cognitive issues, feeling cold all the time, numb fingers, and being prone to snoozing.
Eventually after more physical and life threatening symptoms developed I got the right tests and they found my arteries were blocked up. Two of the three main coronary arteries were completely blocked – they couldn’t work out how I was alive, and had avoided any angina or a heart attack. I later found out that I had unusually good peripheral circulation, probably from the intense cycling that I was very fond of.
I’ve since had stents to open up the arteries again and made a full recovery of all symptoms. Physically I felt like superman the first time I got back on my bike and raced up a local hill at about 30mph. And mentally, the difference was equally startling.
After a year or so I am almost as ‘clever’ as I used to be, although I tend to ignore distractions more than I used to and focus on a smaller number of projects. I’m still more laid back than I used to be though, and have more patience with people. Most people still find me more socially competent. I also enjoy sci-fi again.
So an unusual perspective, from a fairly unusual circumstance, but that’s what it feels like to be stupid when you used to consider yourself fairly bright. In some ways it was a great learning experience, although obviously in other ways it is a life changing fact I have to live with. Heart disease cannot be cured, just the consequences
I’ll have to live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life and even so, be subject to future procedures. Not many people get to walk about in other peoples shoes, and then more or less pick up where they left off. It’s also obviously nice to still be alive.
In short I would say that the frustration of dealing with slower people is worse than being one of the slower people, even if you know you are slow. I suspect most people who are relatively slow, don’t know it, but I think I’ve glimpsed how they experience the world, and actually, I quite liked it.
Update: Since I wrote this, several studies have linked memory problems and other cognitive issues to cardiovascular disease.
注1:comic book guy是动画片《辛普森一家》里面的一个角色,是一个肥胖的有点神经质的中年男人,炒鸡喜欢收集连环画,并且IQ极高,还有点变态。并以妙语连珠,讽刺挖苦而出名。
Some people are apt to think of their own way of life as the normal one and to look down on life-styles that differ from it.
be apt to do指“有……倾向的,易于……的”,也可以为“往往、常常”。例如,动不动就发火,apt to lose someone’s temper,容易犯错,apt to make mistakes。
If someone is apt to do something, they often do it and so it is likely that they will do it again.
someone’s way of life指某人典型的生活方式,或行为模式。我们比较常用的可能是life style,除此以外,还可以表述为mode of life,styles of living。其中life style写作lifestyle或life-style都是可以的。
A way of life is the behaviour and habits that are typical of a particular person or group, or that are chosen by them.
look down on指蔑视,轻视。表示蔑视的时候,我们还可以用scorn,contempt,despise等。其中,scorn是极端的蔑视,常伴有愤怒的情绪,look down on是自视优越瞧不起别人或某事,despise指因软弱、渺小等而被轻视,contempt是因觉得人或事无关紧要所以轻视。
To look down on someone means to consider that person to be inferior or unimportant, usually when this is not true.
differ from指“不同”,其中differ为动词,形容词形式是different,be different from,也可以用distinct from。
If two or more things differ, they are unlike each other in some way.
I love the smell the pages of an old book give off when you open it.
give off指“释放”,也可指散发出某种气味,释放热量、气体等,可以用give out替换。send out指发出信号、声音、光等,如果这里使用的是emit,则特指通过某种物力或化学的方式散发出来,是较正式的用法。
If something gives off or gives out a gas, heat, or a smell, it produces it and sends it out into the air.
If something emits heat, light, gas, or a smell, it produces it and sends it out by means of a physical or chemical process.
Her car collided with a bus from behind.
collide with指“碰撞”,这里需要注意的是,两个或更多移动物体相撞是collide,如果一方在移动,一方静止,发生碰撞的时候应该用collide with。原句中使用collide with,表明她的车是静止的,公交车从后面撞上了小车,而追尾发生的情况是两车在同一车道行驶,后车车头与前车车尾相撞。
collide with还可以指目标或意见相冲突,如果用到了conflict,指信仰、观念或利益之间有严重分歧,clash with则指信仰、观点等相互抵触,不相容。
If two or more moving people or objects collide, they crash into one another. If a moving person or object collides with a person or object that is not moving, they crash into them.
If the aims, opinions, or interests of one person or group collide with those of another person or group, they are very different from each other and are therefore opposed.
Dripping water wears away a stone not with its strength, but with its constancy.
wear away指某物磨损,逐渐磨薄、最终消失,原因可能是使用频率高,或者摩擦较多。我们以前也讲解过wear out,也是磨损,特指用坏。
If you wear something away or if it wears away, it becomes thin and eventually disappears because it is used a lot or rubbed a lot.
The aurora is a phenomenon characteristic of the Polar Regions.
be characteristic of指典型的,显著的。我们常用的表示典型的单词还有typical, representative, classic,除此以外还可用be emblematic of或canonical。
A quality or feature that is characteristic of someone or something is one which is often seen in them and seems typical of them.
He lost his balance and fell off his bicycle.
lose one’s balance指失去平衡,还可以用off balance来表示。相对的,保持平衡是keep one’s balance。如果说一个人心理失衡,可以用psychological imbalance。
If you keep your balance, for example when standing in a moving vehicle, you remain steady and do not fall over. If you lose your balance, you become unsteady and fall over.
fall off的释义比较多,可以指跌落、脱落,还可指程度降低、数量或规模减少。
Essentially, I have to pick between love and an incredible career due to relocation etc. I absolutely cannot have both.
essentially: adv. 本质上;基本上
relocation: n. 重新安置;再布置,变换布置
Answered by Justin Cremer
I had this choice once. I chose the girl.
It is the only regret I have in my life.
The job was on a NASCAR pit crew.
The girl is long-gone. As was the NASCAR opportunity by the time that was sorted out.
NASCAR: abbr. 全国运动汽车竞赛协会(National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing)
pit crew: 后勤维修人员
sort out: vt.& vi.把…安排妥当; (从…中)区分出来,辨别出来; 分类; 整理; 整顿; 解决
The most important thing that stands out to me from here, now, is “why did I perceive these to be mutually exclusive choices?” That was a false problem. If she really loved me, the job wouldn’t have stood in the way. We could have worked it out together.
Love always finds a way.
No, what’s clear to me now is that I created a false dilemma because I didn’t believe I was worthy to do what I really dreamed of doing.
I created a false problem and it was an excuse to avoid my fear of being exposed as a below-average engineer. NOW – today – I know that I’m not below average. Back then, I wasn’t sure. NOW I know I’m great. And that has nothing to so with anyone else – or the averages of those anyone else’s.
stand out: 突出;站出来;坚持到底;坚决反对
perceive: vt. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知 vi. 感到,感知;认识到
mutually exclusive: 互相排斥的; 不兼容的
stand in the way: 妨碍;阻碍
work out: 解决;算出;实现;制定出;消耗完;弄懂
dilemma: n. 困境;进退两难;两刀论法
I threw away my life’s dream because I was scared.
So I’ll pose the same question to you: why do you perceive these to be mutually exclusive? Are they really?
Choose the career and the relationship becomes difficult not impossible. Choose to pass on the career choice and that career choice is now impossible, not difficult.
My advice is to get real with yourself. Keep asking why you want what you want and why to that answer and why to the answer of that until you land on “real.”
You know what you want. It’s in there. You owe it to yourself to be real. Then you can have a fair conversation with her about what you want, what she wants, and how it might work. You owe it to her too.
throw away: 扔掉,丢弃
get real: 现实点;别幻想了
fair: adj. 公平的;美丽的,白皙的;[气象] 晴朗的 adv. 公平地;直接地;清楚地 vi. 转晴 n. 展览会;市集;美人
Answered by Susie Johnson
My old psychology lecturer taught me this one.
Flip a coin. But do not focus on whether it comes up heads or tails.
Instead, focus on the moment the coin went into the air. What were you hoping would happen? Were you hoping it would be tails and that the universe is telling you to stay with your beautiful partner? Or were you hoping it would be heads, to take a risk on that new job venture? Believe me, you already know what you want. Bring the answer into your consciousness!
psychology: n. 心理学;心理状态
flip: vt. 掷;轻击 vi. 用指轻弹;蹦跳 adj. 无礼的;轻率的 n. 弹;筋斗
tail: adv. (a coin comes down tails) (硬币) 反面朝上地
venture: vt. 敢于 vi. 冒险;投机 n. 企业;风险;冒险
Answered by Melisa Sudirman
I believe this job only exists in my country, as a matter of fact, only in our capital city, Jakarta. It’s a job people refer as ‘Joki’. Joki is a person that you can find on streets looking for a car that wants to hire him/her as an additional passenger so that they pass the required 3 person in one car regulation along three-in-one streets. This regulation is only applied in selected streets in specified hours, particularly in business hour time and crowded streets.
Notify me if there’s such a thing exists anywhere else.
Answered by Naveen Kumar G
Dabbawala: They transport your lunch box made at your home to your office. After your having food, they return it to your home too.
Parrot fortune tellers:
Gangireddu: It is a term used for decorated OX. During Sankranti festival in Andhra Pradesh, People will come with gangireddu and musical instruments to every street and village. They make ox dance for and music and they do some stunts with the ox.
Fakirs in India who sends away ill effects(things) in your business by giving sambrani Dhoop in your office & Vehicles
Answered by Dan Knight
I’m fairly sure this is unique to our little group of islands here in Britain
This is is Simon Allison, he is a pet food taster for Marks & Spencer, a middle class high street retailer.
Mr Allison is a ‘senior food technologist’ who’s special responsibility is pet food. He has three cats at home – Pants, Socks and Vest and has a favourite pet food: the organic luxury chicken dinner with vegetables for cats.
I have to stress that he would rather spit than swallow the pet food due to the negative health implications – he always has a glass of water at hand to wash his mouth out.
Answered by David Stewart
Here in Australia we have the . Our country is so large, and our population so small, that we have people living in far flung locations who are more than a full day’s drive from any idea of a township. So in 1928 The Reverend John Flynn pioneered the idea of an aerial doctors service who could attend to patients in far flung locations. It still operates today.
We’ve all heard the story of the ugly duckling who turns into a swan but does this actually happen in real life? Has anyone gone from ugly to pretty or I’ll even take average to beautiful? What kind of reactions did you get from strangers before and after? How did it change you? Do you now take advantage of your looks?
Answered by Lyndsey Scott
I feel as if I’m a pretty extreme case.
Picture of me from middle school:
Picture of me in a Victoria’s Secret Show:
And backstage:
I didn’t technically start being bullied until my super awkward high school years where I all of a sudden found myself at 5+ and 89 pounds. I’m still scouring my things for photos from during that time, but they seem to have disappeared somehow.
It’s been strange having people regard me at such extremes throughout the course of 15 or so years … I was a late bloomer. Didn’t really start looking like a model until after college. So it’s been a rather jarring experience having people see and treat me the way they suddenly do now.
I was bullied and often friendless throughout puberty because people automatically judged me as being someone I was not. OK, sure … I’ll admit that I’ve always been a nerd, but I like to think I’m a pretty cool nerd. The difference between then and now though is that back then, they wouldn’t give me the chance to show them that I was kinda cool, and now they readily give me a chance … and are then often disappointed that I’m kind of a nerd.
Same is true now as it was then — I (like everyone else I’m sure) am judged on sight. But it’s nice to now have that perspective rare to the newly beautiful — the world is a super shallow place, yes, but it’s pointless to take their snap judgements too seriously because no one deserves to be treated differently based solely on their appearance.
The perks of being good looking: People offer me a lot more freebies, I make money off of my looks through modeling, strangers talk to me more often, more people listen to me and laugh at my jokes, and I even have the occasional suitor … all good things.
On the other hand: Would-be catcallers will sometimes skip the compliments and just call me a bitch as I walk by, some women (although very few) are very catty to me from the get-go, and many people are shocked to find out that I’m anything other than an airhead … that I was a comp. sci. major and that I program iOS apps, for example. Sometimes it all makes me very, very angry. Sometimes even a complimentary cat-call can make my blood boil. Sometimes I feel as if I have to prove myself now just as I felt I had to prove myself then. Can’t catch a break, I guess.
I clearly take advantage of my looks. I’m a model for pete’s sake … And in general, having beauty and intelligence is super useful during occasions that require me to assert a bit more authority. When I need to feel most powerful, I’ll do my hair, throw on a nice outfit, put on a bit of makeup and it helps a disgusting amount. In general, I feel extremely lucky to have been granted this new super-power. But when I’m home and completely myself, when my hair is a mess, when I’m wearing my now broken glasses with the tape in the middle, and I’m up coding at 3 AM, I could give my middle-school self a major run for her money. I have to wonder, why didn’t they like me then when I’m still the same person now? Why do they like me now? How do I know that they like me now? Does anyone actually really even like me now?
Some things don’t leave you.
Until Mary gets back to work, we’ll have to make do with Ken.
get back to something指重新开始,特指继续做已停止的工作。同样是表示重新开始,start over指从头开始做某事,类似的还有begin again。
If you get back to an activity, you start doing it again after you have stopped doing it.
make do with是将就、凑合的意思,指手头资源并没有那么好,但只能凑合着用。另外有一个表示勉强应付的短语,get by,这个是指利用手头仅有的资源,但能达到一种自己比较满意的状态,也可以用get along来表达。
If you make do with something, you use or have it instead of something else that you do not have, although it is not as good.
If you can get by with what you have, you can manage to live or do things in a satisfactory way.
In other words, it takes all sorts of people to make a world.
in other words指“换言之”,这里通常是以另一种浅显易懂的说法来解释自己之前所说过的内容。除了in other words,我们还可以说that is to say, put another way等,简单一点的话,可以用scilicet,也是指“换句话说”。
You say in other words in order to introduce a different, and usually simpler, explanation or interpretation of something that has just been said.
You should apologize to Dad for not coming home in time for supper.
apologize to someone是向某人致歉的意思,也可以用其名词形式,make an apology。Apologize是英音的拼写,在美语中为apologise。
When you apologize to someone, you say that you are sorry that you have hurt them or caused trouble for them. You can say ‘I apologize‘ as a formal way of saying sorry.
In time在本句中的释义为“及时”,而on time指的是“按时、准时”,前者是指在约定的时间之前发生,后者指刚好在约定的那个时间发生。此外,on time一般用于句尾,而in time会后接某一事项或某种情况,如及时回家吃饭,be home in time for supper。
in time的释义还有很多,如“迟早,最终”,something will happen in time,也可以表述为given time。另外,in time还可以表示“合拍”,如dancing in time with the music,随着音乐节拍起舞。
If you are in time for a particular event, you are not too late for it.
If you are on time, you are not late.
The decay of the temple is due, in part, to acid rain.
in part指“在某种程度上”,常用的表达还有in a way, in/to some degree, to a certain extend, to some extent等等。 You use in part to indicate that something exists or happens to some extent but not completely.
due to指“由于,因为”,大家比较常用的还有because of, as a result of, by reason that, on account of, owing to, in virtue of, thanks to, as a consequence等等。
取其中几个辨析一下,because of是比较普通和常用的表达,更口语化一些。as a result (of)表因果时,通常会有因和果作为上下文。on account of作“因为”讲时后接名词。owing to可以和due to互换,due to为书面语,比较正式和庄重,多作状语,owing to则多作表语。thanks to表达的因果突出的是一种感激之情,可译为“多亏”,也有人将其用作反语,有否定、嘲讽之意。
If an event is due to something, it happens or exists as a direct result of that thing.
Larger pirates often preyed on unarmed merchant ships.
prey on指“捕猎,以捕猎……为生”,如果说someone preys on someone else,指“欺负某人”,而something preys on someone’s mind,则指“折磨,使耿耿于怀”。
If someone preys on other people, especially people who are unable to protect themselves, they take advantage of them or harm them in some way.
Answered by John H. Hillman, V, sorry about the Roman numeral.
In my case it is pretty normal. To be clear, I am not “of the wealth” that flows through my family, I benefit from a minor tributary of the original fortune. I am not a poor person by any means, and I am super grateful for my family history, tradition, and the regional respect given towards us. Something that not only I, but the patriarch and matriarch Hillmans, have always tried to repay. The reality is: the city that helped us, comes first.
Without giving a full family history — which has already been done way better than I could — the gist of it is: I had a relative seven or eight generations ago who did very well cooking iron in Kentucky/Tennessee in the 1850s. A generation continued that success though the U.S. Civil War with some pitfalls until around the 1900s when some southerner Hillmans traveled to a city which was a perfect fit for industrial steel revolution: Pittsburgh. When the U.S. steel industry began to slump beginning in the 1960s my great-uncle Henry diversified into many things, notably an early Kleiner Perkins investment, international real estate, and others. I believe he has been on the Forbes 400 since the first list, though I may be wrong. The rest can be found via Google.
How does it feel for me? Aside from knowing that I come from solid stock, which I try to live up to, I have constant reminders such as the Hillman Library, which was named after my great-grandfather and is the main library of the University of Pittsburgh. The question I most often hear about that building is: “Don’t you like, own a library or something?” other than that there is The Hillman Cancer Center, which is a fantastic facility, every once in awhile, I have misguided people thanking me because their cancer was “cured.” I don’t like that at all, it makes me feel uncomfortable.
The Hillman Center for Future Generation Technologies part of Carnegie Mellon University is cool-looking (inside and out) and is a great partnership with Gates and CMU, but not something the average person cares about, including me. Then there are things like Hillman Hall of Minerals and Gems, part of the Carnegie Museum of natural History that are so amazing, but also made me feel awkward as a first grader visiting with my school. Kids can be tough. I could name over fifty other really important buildings/endowments/things our family’s success has benefited, but most people don’t care. And it can all be found without me telling you.
隶属卡耐基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)的希尔曼未来科技研究中心里里外外看起来都很不错,和盖茨以及CMU有着重要合作关系,但这点一般人是不会在乎的,包括我在内。还有像卡内基自然历史博物馆希尔曼矿物宝石展厅之类的建筑,令人叹为观止,但小学一年级时学校组织参观,让我很难为情。小孩子很难搞的。我可以说出至少50个像这样的重要建筑、捐赠基金以及其它的一些东西,希尔曼家族的成功得益于此。但是大部分人都不会在乎。而我不说,你也会知道。
I have great friends. I can’t clarify that enough. They are all lifelong friends who know me well. It isn’t like I have hangers-on or people who want to be in my life because of a perceived wealth, though I believe others in my family might have that problem.
Every month, I get a stranger that says “Hey, are you related to the Hillmans . . . ?” or something like that. Basically I just go with the flow. I am modest, live a modest life, and it’s all just fun and respect. Respect for my family and respect for people that are interested in “us.” When I think of my family’s fortunes I think of how much has been given back to Pittsburgh, and that is mainly how I identify with it.
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