
common),也是最重要的,几乎构成了日常生活、商务交往中的主要部分。做得好能给人留下深刻印象,使自己如鱼得水,(like a stranded fish put back into
water) 潇洒应酬。同时也给自己带来巨大语言学习满足感!但这也是最难自如应用的部分!这第一关就是“社交性的宣喧”。当中外人士夸奖我英文说得地道时,我最后我发现我并没有和他们深谈,不过就是脱口而出这些社交性的宣喧(greeting)可惜的是,绝大多数中国英语学习都苦学英语这么多年,连最基本的“打招呼“都没有搞清楚!
1.A: how are you doing?(比how are you ?更亲切)(你好吗?)
  B: i'm doing fine/ok/pretty(相当;颇) well/great(极好的;超乎寻常的)super(特级的)&&&
 terrific  (非常的,了不起的)/so-so (很好/好/一般)或: not bad./ the same as ever./i
can't  complain&&&&& (发牢骚) too much.(还过得去/和以前一样/我不能太抱怨/还不错。)
& C: terrible(极糟糕的;极差的) i've
had a headache all morning.
 he made a pretty fortune by selling all his land. (他卖了所有的土地发了大财。)
 today is pretty cold. 今天挺冷的。
 those were great days and we were very happy. (那些日子美好极了,我们过得很幸福)
 you have a great future.(你前途无量。)
 we feel this is a super place to live. (我们觉得信在这里真是好极了)
 you'll like her, she is super.(你一定喜欢她,她好极了)
 my mother is terrific at any kink of sewing.(我母亲做任何针线活都棒极了。)
 A: i'll come and give you a hand tomorrow. (明天我来帮你忙)
 B: terrific. (好极了)
 i've really got nothing to complain of .(我确实没什么好抱怨的)
 he complained to me about the food.(他向我抱怨伙食不佳)
 she is a terrible student. 她是一个极糟的学生。
 the food was terrible。食物糟透了。
2.A: how is it going?近况如何
&&& B :fine./pretty good .很好,挺好的。
&&& A: how's everything with you/going?你一切如何?
&&& B: well, i'm still (还是)alive and kicking(活蹦乱跳的,活跃的/so far so good. (活着混日子/到目 前为止一切都好)
 i still don't understand what you mean. 我还是弄不懂你是什么意思
 she was still beautiful at the age of forty. 她活到四十岁仍然很美。
alive and kicking
 my grandfather is very alive and kicking. 我的祖父还健在
 you'll be glad to hear that Bill is alive
and kicking. 比尔现在精神饱满,你听了一定高兴。've you been?你近来怎么样
 his studies haven't been improving lately.他的学业最近没什么进步
4.A : how are things(局面)with you/going?一切都好吗/事情进行得怎样?
 B: Great. 或:i'm just taking one day at a time.
 things look black. (前途黯淡) things are looking up .(情况在好转)
5.A :what's happening?(你好吗?)愿意为有什么事,现在已演变成你好吗
&& B: nothing
 nothing gives me more pleasure than listening to Mozart.
 there is nothing interesting
in the newspaper.
6.A: what's new? / what's
much./nothing in particular ./nothing special.
 i heard a lot of shouting. what's up?我听到很多喊声,出什么事了?
 i could tell something was up by
the look on their faces.
 is there any particular color you would prefer?
 she is a particular friend of mine.
 he did it as a special favor.
 he never drinks except on special
occasions. 除非在特别场合,他从不喝酒
7.anything interesting happening?
 he is not very interesting to talk
 it must be interesting for you .&
8.A: how are you getting along?
 B: keeping busy. yourself?
 she has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.&
 Keep quiet- i'm trying to get some
work done.& 请安静,我要处理一些工作。
9.A: how do you feel today?&
 B:i feel
like a new man . 我感觉象是换了一个人似的。
 i've always wanted a garden like theirs.& 我总想有一座象他们那样的花园。
 i'm going to be pop star like
Michael Jackson. 我要当迈克尔。杰克逊那样的流行歌星。
 还有两个特别地道的问候是what's going on?
和what are you up to ?
都表示你在忙些什么?在美国电影中常听到,但很 少人听懂。
making progress
 there has been very little progress this term.这学期没有什么进步。
 he is making good progress after
his operation.他动过手术后病情大为好转
 Stone is still in hospital, but he's
making good progress.
 he's not making much progress with
his English.
 2.did you sleep soundly last night?
 you'll sleep sounder for it .你会因此而睡得更加酣畅。
 3. have you gotten over your cold?&&&
 she couldn't get over her shyness. 她无法克服羞怯。
& i think the problem can be got over without too much
 4. how come you look so tired?你怎么看起来这么疲倦?额外成就感
& how come you're not studying? 你为什么不学习?
& how come i wasn't told? 我怎么没有听说?
 5. why are you in such a good mood? 你怎么心情这么好?
& he is in a good/bad mood.他的心情好/不好。
& i'm always in a bad mood on Mondays. 我每个星期一情绪都很低落。
 6. i just stopped by to say hello. 我只是顺路过来问个好。
& ask him to stop by for& a chat. 让他过来坐坐,聊聊天。
 7.What a pleasant surprice running into you . 碰见你真是太棒!
& it was a pleasant surprise. 那是个惊喜。
& it is pleasant to jog in the early morning. 清晨慢跑很舒畅。
&&guess who i ran into today? i ran into Stone at
the supermarket this morning
。你猜到我今天碰到 谁了?早上我在超级市场碰见世通了。
 8. i'm glad i ran into you: where have you been hiding
& lies cannot hide facts 诺言掩盖不了事实.
&&where are the toys hidden away?那些玩具藏在什么地方?
 9. i've been thinking about you lately. let's talk over
 do you ever think about your
childhood?& 你回忆过童年吗?
 do you ever think about other people?& 你从来就不考虑别人吗?
 10. you're just the man i want to see. 你正是我想见的人。
 11. i haven't seen you for ages/in years/for a long time. 很久没见面了。
 12. it's nice to see you again. Have you changed your jobs?
 you've changed a got since i last saw you.
 our plans have changed. 我们的计划已经改变。
 13. how was your trip to New York? (挑起一个话题)你的纽约之行如何?
 her illness kept her in bed for a week.
一、首先给大家提供一段最典型的对话,然后是大量的实用的“废话”,使你无论在任何场合都能“主动出击”(launch an attack),建立新的友谊!
&A: Mary, this is Stone's
brother Jim. 玛丽,这是世通的弟弟吉姆。
&B: i'm very gald /pleased to
meet you. 很高兴认识你。
&c: it's a pleasure to meet
you./the pleasure is mind. 认识你是我的荣幸(高级说法)
&& A:it's has&
been a pleasure to talk to you. 和你谈话是件很愉快的事。
&& remembering the
past was his only pleasure.  回忆往事是他唯一的乐趣。
&& B: how do you like
China so far? /what's your impression& of China?/ what do you think of  China?
疯狂联想:外国人认为中国人只会说第一句,而且还不会加上so far ,那么下次就来个连珠炮,吓他一大跳!
&& C: It's really
different from what i expected. 这和我想象中的很不一样。(最聪明的回答)
&& i expected that
he'll pass the examination. (我料想他会通过考试)
&&&this dictionary is more
useful than i expected.这字典比我预期的更有用。(高级精品句)
& B: don't worry. you'll get used to it
in no time. 别担心,你会很快适应的。
& 额外成就感
&& she got/became used to the new
job.& 她对那表工作已经习惯了。
&& he's still not used to life in the
city.& 他仍然没有适应城市生活。
&& he did it in no time.& 他马上做了那件事。
疯狂联想:一段简单的对话我们就学到了这么多东西! 如果大家能够“不懂只是一次不懂、糊涂只是一次糊涂,那么英文
&& 请恶狠狠地用“三最法”将下面的句子统统脱口而出!
&1. may I have your name, please?
&&& 请问尊姓大名?
疯狂联想 以后大家不要说:“what's
your name?& 这样“粗鲁、没有教养”的&低级英文&!
&2. I think I've seen you before. you look
very familiar.
&&& 我想我以前在哪里见过你,你看起来非常面熟。
&3.Say,don't I know (认识;熟悉)you from somewhere?
&4. i must have seen you somewhere else this evening.我一定在哪里见过你。
&& I'm going somewhere else
this evening.& 今晚我要去另外一个地方。
  I know somewhere you can eat Japanese
food.& 我认识个地方,可以吃日本菜。
&5.Haven't we met before?我们没见过吗?
&6.We have talked of you often. 我们经常谈到你。
&7.I didn't quite catch your name. i'm sorry. i didn't get your name.
&& 对不起,我没听清楚你的名字。
&8. A: how do /shall i address you?我该怎样称呼你?
&9. How many brothers and sisters do you
have? 你有多少个兄弟姐妹?
&10. Where are you working now? 你现在在哪里工作?
&11. i've been looking forward to meeting
you. 我一直盼望能有幸认识您。(高级甜言蜜语)
&&& we've been so much
looking forward to seeing you again.
&&& i'm looking forward to
the weekend.& 我在期待着周末的到来。
&12. i've heard a great deal about you.&& 久仰大名。
&13. is this your first trip to China? /have
you ever been to Guangzhou?
&&&& 这是你第一次到中国吗?你以前来过广州吗
&14. what impressed you the most about
&&&& 你对上海最深的印象是什么?(精彩问题)
&& that book impressed a lot of
people . 那本书在很多人心中留下深刻的印象。
&& i was deeply impressed
by/at/with his speech.& 他的演说给我留下深刻的印象。
&& the signs of the city never
fail to impress the foreign tourists.
&&&& 外国游客无一不对该城市留有深刻的印象。
&& we were most impressed with
your efficiency.
&&&&& 你的工作效率很高,我们极为钦佩。
&& 注:我在英文电台采访外国人的时候,每次都要用到这个句子。
&15. may i ask where you are from? 我可以请问您是哪里人吗
&16. i hope you're enjoying your stay here .我希望你在这里过得愉快。
&&&& i enjoyed
reading these books very much. 我很喜欢这些书。
&& Tom doesn't enjoy going to
school. 汤姆不喜欢上学。
&17. It always takes time to get used to a
new place.
&&&& 适应一个新地方总是需要一段时间。(永远不会错的废话)
&18. sorry, i couldn't help overhearing ,did
you mention something about
&&& 对不起,我无意中听见你们的谈话,你是不是提到...
&&& 注:这是和陌生人开始谈话的绝招。我曾经用这个办法在中国大酒店吃饭时和一批美国商人交上了朋友。
& 额外成就感
&& don' you may be
overheard. 别这么大声说话,别人会听见的。
&& i happened to overhear what he
said. 我碰巧听到了他所说听话。
&& i could not help laughing .我忍不住笑了出来。
&& 1. ur, are you going to be busy
this evening? 今晚忙吗?
& 2. um, i was thinking of going
to a movie tonight, would you like to come?
&&&&& 我想今晚去看电影,你愿意一起去吗?
&& 3. are you doing anything
tonight? i was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie
&& with me.
&&&&& 今晚有安排吗?不知道你是否有兴趣和我一起去看电影。
特别提醒:反复苦练上面这个高级长难句子,直至像hello 一样轻松脱口而出,从而提高自己口语的层次。如果你不能脱口而出,那就最好不要使用它,找个简单的代替算了!结结巴巴说出来让人难受。
join you in a minute. 我马上就来找你。
&& ask him to join us for lunch. 请他来和我们一起吃午饭。
&&&& 1. that'd be very nice.那太好了。
&&&& 2. i'd love to .非常愿意。
&&&& 3.& that's a great idea . 这是一个绝妙的主意。
&&&& 1.sorry,i'm afraid i'm busy
tonight. 很抱歉,恐怕我今晚没空。
&&&& 2. tonight's a problem. what
about tomorrow night?
告别和打招呼一亲友重要,一定要善始善终(start well and end well).
& A: I really must be going now. 现在我真的该告辞了。
& B: but you just got here. can't
you stay a little longer?(假惺惺装模作样)
&A: That's very nice of you (高级口语要素),but i
really can't.
&B: it was our pleasure .不胜荣幸。
&&&&&& 迎接2000年王牌道别精品句荟萃
&1. we really enjoyed your
company. 我们喜欢与你为伴。
&& i always get nervous in her
&& he keeps good/bad company.
& 他和好人/坏人交往。
& 2. well, then ,perhaps we can
get together another time. 也许我们可以另
& 3. please give my best regards
to your sister. 请向你妹妹转达我最诚挚的问候。
&&&&& no one showed the least regard for my feelings. 没有人关心我的感受。
&& my father sends his regards to
you. 我父亲向你问好。
&& 4. i'll be seeing you! 再见 (绝对地道的美国英语)
&& 5. A: take care of yourself. 多保重/ have a good trip .旅行愉快!
&& B: You too, bye. 彼此彼此,再见。
&& 6.& i shall miss all of
you. let's get together soon.
&&&&&& 我会想念你们。让我们在不久的将来再相聚。
&& 7.&& i hope i can see
you again ./let's meet more often.
&&&&&&&&&&& 我希望再到你/让我们常见面。
&&&&&&&& 额外成就感
&&&&&&&& i hope that he will succeed. 我期望他会成功。
&&&&&&&& we haven't heard from him for weeks but we're still hoping for a better.
&&&&&&&& 我们已经有几个星期没有他的消息,但仍然盼望着他的来信。
第二部分 来宾道别
& 8.& well, i'm afraid i'd better be on
my way/leaving.
&&&&& 好啦,恐怕我该走了。
& 9.& i'm sorry, but i've got to be on
my way. 很抱歉,我必须走了。
10.& i'm afraid i stayed too long. 恐怕我呆得太久了。
11.& i think it's about time we got going. 我想差不多是告辞的时候了。
12.& i really have to rush .我真的得赶快走了。
&&& 额外成就感
&&&don't& rush, take
your time. 别急急忙忙的,慢慢来。
&& people rushed to buy the shares
13. i enjoyed myself very much. 我玩得很开心尽兴。
&&& 额外成就感
&&&&& we enjoyed our trip to
Europe . 这次到欧洲旅行,我们非常愉快。
&&&&& did you
enjoy yourself last weekend? 上个周末你玩得愉快吗?
glad to have met you. 非常高兴认识你。
15.& i really enjoyed the meal .我真的吃得很高兴。
16.& i really had a pleasant/ an
enjoyable/great evening.
&&&& 额外成就感
&&&&&& the film was quite enjoyable. 这部电影很有趣。
17.& i had lots of fun tonight. 今晚我玩得真愉快。
&&&&&& that was a wonderful dinner . i had a wonderful great time being with you.
&&&&& 额外成就感
&&&&&& she is a wonderful mother. 她是个了不起的母亲。
&&&&&& their life together has been wonderfully happy.
&&&&&& 他们在一起的生活极为幸福。
18.& i enjoyed every minute of the party. 这个晚会的每一分钟我都很快乐。
19.& thank you very much for a wonderful
&&&&&& 非常感谢你组织了这么精彩的聚会。
20.& i& hope that someday maybe you'll
be able to visit my family& in Beijing.
&&&&& 我希望将来有一天,你也许能来北京我家里做客。
&&&&&&& 额外成就感
&&&&&&& this afternoon we're going to visit a friend in hospital.
&&&&&&& 今天下午我们将去探望一位住院的朋友。
during our stay in London, we visited Bickingham Place.
&&&&&&& 今天下午我们将去探望一位住院的朋友。
21.&& i really enjoyed talking with& you. 很高兴和您聊天。(结束谈话的好办法)
&&& 额外成就感
he doesn't enjoy going to school .他不喜欢上学。
第三部分 主人道别
22.&& please don't be in such a hurry. 请别这么急。
23.& would you like to stay for dinner . 可以留下来吃饭吗
you have a good time today? 今天玩得开心吗
25.& you'll have to come and see us soon .你一定要再来看我们。
第四部分 简短小对话
26.& A: thank you for inviting me .谢谢你的感情邀请。
&&&&&& B: it was a
pleasure having you.(绝对地道)please come again.
&&&&&&&&&&&&& 和您在一起,我们非常荣幸。请有空常来。(完美社交。)
&&&&&& 额外成就感
&&&&&& i've been invited
to give a talk at the conference.
&&&&&&&&&&&&& 我已受邀在大会上发言。
27. A: thanks for all your hospitality. 谢谢您的热情招待。
&&&&& B : you're welcome. 别客气,欢迎你再来。
28& A: have a nice weekend. 周末愉快。
& &&& B: the same to
you. 你也一样。
29.& A: thank you for everything. 一切谢谢你。
&&&&&& B: well
,have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife.
30. A: if you're ever in& Xian ,look me up. i'd love to see you again.
&&& 额外成就感&&&
&&&&&&&&& don't count on a salary increase
this year.
&&&&&&&&& 别指望今年会给你加薪。
can i count on your help?=can i count on you to help me?
&&&&&&&&& 我能仰仗你的协助吗?&&&&
1. Thank you for
&&& thank you
very much indeed. 真是非常感谢你
& I was very sad indeed
to hear about it .
2. I appreciate it/your help very much. 我非常感激/对你的帮助我非常感激
& (美国人常用)
3.I don't know how to thank
you enough.
4. It's kind of you to say that.
5. You've been a great help/very helpful.
&&& 你帮了大忙。(美国人常用)
6.Thanks a million, Mr. Lee,
for what you done for me.
&&& 非常感谢您为我所做的一切。
7.I hope I can repay you for
it . 我希望能报答你。
&& How can I ever
repay you for your kindness.我该怎样才能报答您对我的好意呢?
8.You've been very
thoughtful. 你一直都很周到。(美国电影常用)
&&& What a
thoughtful boy he is.他是个多么体贴的男孩啊!
& It was very
thoughtful of you to send flowers.你送花来,想得真周到。
9.I appreciate your
consideration.& 我很感激你的体贴。
& He has no
consideration for others. 他不顾及别人。
& He showed no
consideration for his wife.他从不体谅他的妻子。
10. Thank you very much, but
I guess I'd better do it myself.
&&& 谢谢你,但我想我最好还是自己做。(美国人独立性格的表现)
11.Thank you/thanks for trying (your best). 谢谢您尽了力。(对失败的努力致谢)
12.Thank you anyway/all the
same/for asking.
13. I'm most/very/extremely/tremendously/awfully/terribly grateful to you for taking so
trouble to explain the best way of getting there.(高级精品句)
&& 您不厌其烦地给我解释去那里的最佳途径,我对此深表感激。
&&&&& That is extremely interesting.那极为有趣。
&& I'm extremely
sorry for the delay. 对此延误,我深感抱歉。
&& It makes a tremendous difference to me.这对我来说差别极大。
He is a tremendous walker. 他很能走路。
I'm afraid I'm awfully late.我实在太迟了。
&&The plight of
starving people is too awful to think about.饥民的苦境糟得不可想象。
& I've got to explain about it .我得解释一下此事。
Could you explain why you
潇洒回答:sure.不用谢/you're most welcome.不用客气/don't mention it 别在意、it
was my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸/think nothing of it .别放在心上/that's all right.没关系
/any time随时效劳/don't worry about it .别介意/forget it .算了吧。/you
Did she mention when she would arrive? 她说过什么时候到吗?
&& They mentioned
you as a good source of information.他们说你消息灵通。
1.I do /completely/strongly agree (very much)我完全/绝对同意。)
& She finished the race
& I feel strongly that
I can make it .我坚信我一定能成功。(经常使用副词就是一.
2.That's /You're absolutely
&&& It is absolutely impossible.这是绝对不可能的。
3. I think exactly the same
4. That sounds like a good
5. He sounds just the person
we need for the job.听起来他正是我们所需要的人,
6. I see your point/what you
7. That's understandable那是可以理解的
instructions were not easily understandable.这份说明书不容易理解。
8.&& It was all
worth. 那完全值得。(感人的肯定)
&& The book is
worth reading. 这本书值得一读。
&& He felt that
his life was no longer worth living.他觉得他的生命已经没有再活下
&& The scheme is
well worth a try.这个计划值得一试。
9.& you said it ./you
can say that again.你说对了。(美国电影特别常用) hit it /the nail
right on the head .一语中的。你说对了。 have every reason to be proud of it .你有足够的理由为此感到骄傲。
complained, with reason, that she had been underpaid.她抱怨她的工资一
&&& we aren't going, for the simple reason that we can't afford it .我们不去,原因很
12. you're pretty close.你的答案相当近了。
13. that would be
14. that figures .那有道理
sounds reasonable.好像有道理。
&John isn't here today.& &That figures, he looked very unwell
&&&&&& “ & 约翰今天没有来。”“怪不得,他昨天就好像不大舒服。”
15. Whatever you decide is
all right with me。不管你怎么决定我都会赞成的。
&&& you are right, whatever opinions may be held by others.你做得对,别人怎么看不必理会。
&&& whatever
nonsense the papers print, some people always believe it .不管报纸胡说什么都有人信。
16. That 's it. 对了。that will do .那可以。
17.& i'll say. 是的。 that's what it is .的确是如此。&
18. i suppose so . 我认为是这样。 no doubt about it .毫无疑问。
19. You can put it that way. 你可以那样说。
20. That's just what I
think. 那正是我所想的。
&&& I take
the same view. 我的看法一样。
21. i'm afraid you're right. 恐怕你是对了。
22. Come on, you can do
that\you can make it .振作起来,你一定行。(美国电影常用)
&&& I bet you
can make it . 我敢打赌你一定能做到。
&&& He says
he'll get up at six tomorrow morning,but he'll never make it .他说他明天早上要6点起床,
23. You have nothing to
worry about.你没有什么好担心的。(鼓励他人)
24. never say die. 永不气馁
25. you never know what you
can do till you try. 除非尝试,否则你永远不知道你有何价值。
26. you will come up with
the right answer. 你会想起正确答案的。
come up with a new idea for increasing sales.她想起了增加销售量的语音。
&&& He came
up with a bright idea.他想到一个妙主意。
&&& You've
come up with a good idea. 你想出来的主意好极了。
27. It is not as difficult
as it looks.(高级精品句)
28. You've got lots of time
to improve your English. 你已经花了好多时间去改善你的英语。
&&& the Post&
Office aims to improve its quality of service.邮局锐意改善服务质量。
studied harder to improve his English. 他更加努力提高英语水平。
health is improving markedly. 她的健康正在显著好转。
29. take your medicine like
a man. 做一个男人,去接受磨练吧。
&&&& he really hates shopping but he goes anyway, and takes his
medicine like man .
& a good medicine
tastes bitter. 良药苦口;忠言逆耳。
30. well, that's life, isn't
i know how you feel .我明白你的感受。(超级精品句)
1.You did a fine/good/great job.(你做得真棒!)
2.You've done a wonderful job. Well done! Well done!
& {一连串伟大的形容词}(你做得真棒!做得好!做得好!)
&& *The organization was beautiful.(组织工作极佳。)
&& *What beautiful
&& *I find it amazing that you can't swim.(你不会游泳可真使大吃一惊。)
&& *She is a fantastic swimmer.(她游泳游得非常好。)
&& * She's a
really fantastic girl.(她真是个了不起的女孩。)
&& *You passed
your test? Fantastic!(你测验及格了?太棒了!)
4.You're so nice!/That's
very nice of you.(你真好/你真是太好了。)
&& *It is nice of
you to invite me to the party tonight.(你真好,邀请我参加今晚的聚会。)
5.Mrs. Smith, you're a
wonderful cook.(史密斯夫人,你是一个了不起/高明的厨师/做饭做
6.I'm very proud of you.(我为你感到非常骄傲。)
7.I didn't expect(没想到)you to do such a good job.(没想到你做得这么好。)
&& *Don't expect too much
of /from me.(不要对我寄望太大。)
&& *I expect
(that) I will be back on Sunday.(我预计星期日回来。)
&& *You can't
expect to learn a foreign language in a week.(别指望一个星期就能学会一门外语。)
&& *I expect you
to be punctual.(我希望你守时。)
8.For a beginner, you're
pretty good.& (做为一个初学者,你已经做得很好了。)
&& *the movie was pretty good.(那部电影非常好) are the right man for the job. (你正适合做这项工作)
10.she is quite good with her hands .(她的手很巧)
&& *he is a good speaker of English.=he is good at
speaking English.& (他英语说得非常流利)
11.we loved it/i love it /i like it .(太棒了,谢谢你。)(简短有力的赞扬)'ve got a point there. (你的话很有道理。)
&& * what's the point of your argument.(你主张的论点是什么?) look young for your age.(你比你的实际年龄年轻多了。)
14. you have a very good memory/beautiful eyes.(你的记性真好/你的眼睛真漂亮。) 're lovelier than your pictures .(你比你的照片可爱多了。) do you keep fit /in shape?(
&&& * world-class athletes are extremely fit
&&& *he keeps himself fit by running 5 miles
every day.(他每天跑五公里以保持身体健康。)
&& In shape:&&
&&& *you'll never be in shape until you eat less and take more exercise.
17. you look nice in your new shirt.( 你穿这件新衬衫挺好看的。)
&&&& (实用社交废话)
18.that tie goes well with your suit.(那条领带和你的西服非常搭配。)
&&&& * i need some new shoes to go with
these trousers. (我需要双新鞋来配这条裤子。)
&&&& * white wine goes well with fish.(吃鱼最适合喝白葡萄酒。)
19. it really looks good on you. (穿在你身上真是好看。)
20. you must be very popular 。(你一定很受欢迎。)
&&&& *Jeans are popular among the young.(牛仔裤很受年轻人喜爱。)
&&&& *Jogging is a popular form of
&&&& *Her face was tanned.(她的脸晒成了棕褐色。)
21.Where did you get such a nice tan?(你到哪把皮肤晒成棕色的?)
&&&& *Her face was tanned.(她的脸晒成了棕褐色。)
22.You flatter(恭维;奉承;讨好)me immensely(极大的;极端的).(你真是过奖了。)
&&& *If you flatter your mother a bit she
might invite us all to dinner.
&&&& (你如果多奉承你母亲几句话,说不定她会把我们全都请去吃饭。)
&&& *They enjoyed the film very immensely.(他们非常喜欢这部电影。)
23.What a lovely couple you make!(你们真是美丽的一对)
24.How come you speak such good English?(你为什么能说这么好的英语呢?)
&&& *How come she hates birds?(她为何讨厌鸟?)
25.You speak English without an accent.(你说英语一点口音也没有。)
&&& *He spoke in a German accent.(他说话带有德国腔调。)
26.You have a good command(掌握;使用或控制某事物的能力)of English.
&&& (你的英文能力很强。)
&&& *He has enormous funds at his command.(他掌握着巨额资金。)
&&& *He has no command over himself.(他不能克制自己。)
&&& *Our troop was under his command.(我们的部队由他指挥。)
27.She is cut out for {有(做)某事所需的素质或才能;(指两人)相当,相配}
&&&& that job.(她很适合那个工作。)
&&& *He is not cut out for teaching/to be a
&&& *Sally and Michael seem to be cut out for
each other.(莎莉和迈克看起来很相配。)
&&& *I don't think he is cut out for the
job/to be a doctor.(我认为他不适合那份工作/当医生。)
28.You've got it.(你对了!)(出现频率极高之口语要素)
&&& *Get it?(明白吗?)*You got it.(答对了。)
29.You made a tough decision.(你做了一个困难的决定。)
&&& *He is tough in doing everything.(他不管做什么事都很有毅力。)
30.You have an eye(眼光;鉴别力)for beauty.(你有审美的眼光。)
&&& *He has the eye of a painter.(他有画家的鉴赏力。)
&&& *She has an eye for detail.(她有鉴别细节的眼力。)
&&& *She was a beauty in her day.(她年轻的时候是个美人儿。)
31.He has an old head(头脑;智力)on young shoulders.(他年轻又有见识。)
&&& *She has a clear head.(她头脑清晰。)
&&& *Use your head.(动动你的大脑。)
&&& *Two heads are better than one.(三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮/一个人抵不上
&& 两个人聪明。)
32.You always know the right thing to say.(你说话得体。)
33.He is quick-witted(才思敏捷的;机敏的;有急智的;领悟力强的).
&&&& (他反应灵敏。)
&&&&& 注:wit: 才智;风趣;机智;智力;智能。
&&& *conversation full of wit(情趣横溢的谈话)
&&& *His speech was full of wits.(他的演说很富机智。)
34.You are a walking dictionary/encyclopedia(百科全书).(你是活字典。)
35.I wish I had your will(意志)power.(但愿我有你的意志力。)
&&& *Where there's a will,there's a way.(有志者事竟成。)
&&& *Tony is a man of weak will.(托尼是个意志薄弱的人。)
&&& *He has a strong will.(他意志坚强。)
&&& *Her will to live enabled her to recover.(她求生的欲望使她得以复原。)
36.I admire(钦佩;欣赏)you for sticking to your plans.(我佩服你能坚持你的计划。)
&&& *I admire him for his success in
&&& *Aren't you going to admire my new hat?(你难道不想夸夸我的新帽子吗?)
&&& *I'm not a great admirer of& his
&&& *A piece of chewing gum stuck to my shoe.(一片口香糖粘在了我的鞋子上。)
37.I owe(归功于)my
success to my Mom.(我的成功归功于母亲。)
&&& *I owe what I am to my uncle.(我能有今天要感谢我的伯父。)
&&& *He owes his success more to luck than to
&&&&& 因为自己的能力。)
&&& *He owes his wealth to diligence and good
&&& *She owes her good health to her regular
38.I envy(羡慕;忌妒)you for your ability to cope with(对付;处理)the situation.
&&&& (我羡慕你有能力应付这个情况。)
&&& *I have always envied your good luck.(我一直羡慕你的运气好。)
&&& *I don't envy him his money problems.(我庆幸自己没有他那些金钱的烦恼。)
&&& Cope with:
&&& *There was too much work for our computer to cope with.
&&&& (我们的计算机要做的工作太多,简直应接不暇。)
&&& *The policemen could not cope with the
&&& *How I envy you/your talent.(我真是羡慕你/你的才能。)
39.You are coming along(进步;进展) well.(你进展得很好。)
&&& *The work is coming along quite well.(工作进展得相当顺利。)
&&& *How's your English coming along?(你英语学得怎样了?)
40.That's a good buy.(那买得便宜。)
1.How about let me buy your lunch?(午饭我请客,怎么样?)
2.The concert may run late.(音乐会可以延续到很晚。)
3.I don't think there's a great gulf fixed between them.(我认为他们之间没有根本的分歧。)
4.Life's greatest pleasure is doing what others say you can't do.(人生最大的乐趣就是做人们认为你做不到的事情。)
5.So what?(是又怎么样?[用于承认某事是真实的,但质询由此会推出何种结论,虽然短,但很常用。])
6.He went away without taking leave.(他不辞而别。)
7.There is much less difficulty than I thought.(实际困难比我想象的要少。)
8.Her story had a ring of truth.(她的话听起来不假。[ring:特性])
9.It's up to you.(由你决定。)
10.Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.(不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想失去时,你可能会依然存在,但却虽生犹死。)
11.The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.(生活中最重要的是确定一个伟大的目标,然后决心去实现它。)
12.The most welcomed people of the world are never those who continually look back upon the trials, the sorrows, the failures, the bitter frustrations of yesterday, but those who cast their eyes forward with faith, hope…courage, happy curiosity.(世界上最受欢迎的人从来不是那种不停地往后看着昨天的脚印、悲伤、失败和惨痛挫折的人,而是那种怀着信心、希望、勇气和愉快的求知欲而放眼未来的人。)
13.I must apologize for my discourtesy in arriving late.(我要为迟到失礼而道歉。)
14.Their refusal puts us in a difficult position.(他们的拒绝使我们陷入了困境。)
15.They made it difficult for me to see her.(他们从中作梗,让我不能轻易见到她。)
16.I've discovered a super restaurant near here.(我在附近找到一家一流的餐馆。)
17.Despite all these discouragements, she refused to give up.(她尽管遇到许多挫折,却仍然不气馁。)
18.It doesn't make any difference.(没什么差别/无所谓。)19.Flowers make no/a lot of difference to room.(一个房间里有没有鲜花并没有/有很大的差别。)
20.When you're learning to drive, having a good teacher makes all the difference.(初学驾驶如有好的教师指导,差别很大。)
21.A hot bath makes all the difference in the morning.(上午洗个热水澡能让人精神振奋。)
22.It doesn't make much/any/the least difference to me what you do.(你干什么对我没有多大/任何/丝毫关系。)
23.Are you out of your mind『发疯;神智不清』?(你疯了吗?)
24.If you believe that, then you must be out of your mind.(你如果相信它的话,那一定是你头脑发昏了。)
25.He was out of his mind with grief.(他伤心得精神错乱了。)
26.He's been everywhere.(他到处都去过了。)
27.The cat followed her everywhere she went.(无论她到哪那只猫都跟着她。)
28.I have not traveled everywhere in Guangzhou.(我还没有游遍广州。)
29.What's bothering you?(什么在困扰你?)
30.Don't bother your father (about it) he is very tired.(现在别拿这个去烦你爸,他很累了。)
31.The problem has been bothering me for weeks.(那个问题已经困扰了我几个星期。)
32.Don’t let his criticisms bother you.(别因为他批评你而感到烦恼。)
33.Take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。)
34.How long will it take you to finish the work?(你要花多长时间才能完成那项工作?)
35.It took me an hour to walk there.(走到那里花了我一个小时。)
36.I’m mad about DORAEMON.(我迷死多啦A梦了。)
37.I’m crazy[着迷的;狂热爱好的]about rock music.(我对摇滚乐很着迷.)
38.The girls all went crazy over him.(姑娘们都为他神魂颠倒。)
39.The boys are crazy about the singer.(那些男孩疯狂迷上了那个歌手。)
40.I'm fed up『极其厌倦』 with him..(我受够他了。)
41.I won't wait any longer - I'm fed up.(我腻了,不想再等了。)
42.She is very fed up about it.(她对此非常不满。)
43.You can count on『指望;依赖』us.(你可以相信我们。)
44.You can't count on Tom being punctual.(你不要指望汤姆会守时。)
45.She counted on us to help her.(她指望我们帮助她。)
46.It doesn't work.(坏了/不动了。)
47.I don't know how to work the machine.(我不懂得怎样使这部机器运转/不知道怎样用这台机器。)
48.I think the teacher works us too hard.(我觉得老师差得我们太苦了。)
49.Don't work your employees to death.(别把你的雇员都累死。)
50.It's better than nothing.(总比什么都没有好。)
51.There's nothing like a cup of tea when you're thirsty.(当你口渴时,没有什么东西比一杯茶更好了。)
52.Nothing gives me more pleasure than learning English.(再也没有什么比学英语更让我高兴的事了。)
53.There's nothing interesting in the newspaper.(报纸上没有什么有趣的新闻。)
54.Think nothing of it.(别挂在心上。)
55.I'm not myself today.(我今天心神不宁。)
56.I have a sweet tooth.(我喜欢吃甜食。)
57.I can't express『表示;表达;表明』myself very well in English.(我不能用英语很好地表达自己的意思。)
58.Express your ideas clearly to me.(把你的构想向我说清楚。)
59.I can't express how happy I am that you have come.(我无法说出你来了我是多么高兴。)
60.For the time being.(暂时;暂且;目前)
61.This will do for the time being.(暂时这样就行了。)
62.You'll have your own office soon but for the time being you'll have to share one.(你很快就有自己的办公室了,不过暂时还得和别人合有一间。)
63.The recent rain has had a bad effect on the crops.(最近那场雨对庄稼的影响不好。)
64.He came at a bad time.(他来的不是时候。)
65.Bad habits are easily formed.(坏习惯容易养成。)
66.Their refusal puts us in a difficult position.(他们的拒绝使我们陷入了困境。)
67.All things in their being are good for something. (天生我才必有用。)&
68.The sooner the better.(愈快愈好。)
69.How can I get in touch with you?(我怎样和你联系?)
70.I envy you.(我羡慕你。)
71.Where can I wash my hands?(请问洗手间在哪里?)
72.What's the weather like today?(今天天气如何?)
73.Where are you headed?(你要到哪里去?)
74.I wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩。)
75.What do you do for relaxations.(你做什么消遣?)
76.It's a small world.(这世界真小。)
77.It's my treat this time.(这次我请客。)
78.When is the most convenient time for you?(何时最方便?)
79.Take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。)
80.I'm feeling under the weather.(我不舒服。)
81.How do I adress you?(我怎么称呼你?)
82.What was your name again?(请再说一次名字好吗?)
83.She turns me off.(她使我厌恶。)
84.So far so good.(到目前为止都好。)
85.It drives me crazy.(它让我发疯。)
86.She never showed up.(她一直没有出现。)
87.That's no like him.(那不像是他的风格。)
88.I couldn't get through.(电话打不通。)
89.I got sick and tired of hotels.(我讨厌旅馆。)
90.Be my guest.(请便/别客气。)
91.Can you keep an eye on my bag?(帮我看管一下包好吗?)
92.Let's keep in touch.(让我们保持联系。)
93.Let's call it a day.(我们今天到此为止。)
94.Keep that in mind.(记住那件事。)
95.Let's get to the point.(让我们来谈要点。)
96.Something's come up.(有点事。)
97.I couldn't help it.(我没办法。)
98.China's entry into the World Trade Organization(WTO) 中国加入世贸组织&
太空时代 space-age
太空站 space-station
登月车 lunar rover
人造卫星 satellite
发射台 launching pad
宇航员 cosmonaut, space-man
航天飞机 space shuttle
压岁钱& new year lucky money
anti-flood heroes 抗洪英雄
child labour 雇佣童工
family planning 计划生育
world population day 世界人口日
autonomous region/prefecture/county 自治区/州/县
flood 洪水
warning level 警戒线
flood peak 洪峰
torrential rain 暴雨
embankment 堤岸
disaster-hit area 灾区
devaluation/depreciation 贬值-
anti-drug 禁毒
drug addicts 吸毒者
rehabilitation centre 戒毒所
drug dealer 贩毒者
drug traffic 毒品贩运
"Golden Triangle" 金三角
narcotics 毒品,麻醉品
opium 鸦片
heroin 海洛因
cocaine 可卡因
marijuana 大麻
Iraq 伊拉克
oil-for-food plan 石油换食品计划
arms inspection 武器核查
lift sanctions on 撤消制裁
Asia's financial crisis (turmoil) 亚洲金融危机(动荡)
renew most-favoured nation (MFN) status 延长最惠国待遇
World Environment Day (WED) 国际环境日
For Life on Earth--Save Our Seas 为了地球上的生命,拯救我们的海洋(口号)
The State Environmental Protection Administration 国家环保局
environmental protection 环境保护
environmental pollution 环境污染
soil erosion 水土流失
desertification 沙漠化
ecological damage 生态破坏
deterioration of ecological environment 生态环境的恶化
water-soil conservation 水土保持
acid rain 酸雨
sulphur dioxide discharge 二氧化硫排放
forest coverage rate 森林覆盖率
Peace and development have become the main current in today's world. 和平与发展已成为当今世界的主流。
peaceful co-existence 和平共处
respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security 尊重主权,领土完整以及安全
Project Hope 希望工程
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) 香港特别行政区
SAR government 特区政府
Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa 行政长官董建华
Hong Kong compatriot 香港同胞
Basic Law 基本法
one country, two system 一国两制
Nanjing Massacre 南京大屠杀
"greater Far East co-prosperity sphere" 大东亚共荣圈
"comfort women" 慰安妇
privately owned business 私营企业
self-employed laborer 个体户
township enterprises 乡镇企业
retired people 退休人员
pension 养老金
social pension insurance system 社会养老保险体系
social pension insurance fund 社会养老保险基金
双边关系 bilateral relations
促进双边关系的发展 promoting the development of bilateral relations
发展经贸合作 develop economic and trade co-operation
加强各项领域的合作符合两国人民的共同心愿和根本利益。Strengthening co-operation in various fields accords with the common wishes and fundamental interests of people in the two countries.
说曹操,曹操就到。Speak of the devil and he will appear.或
To mention the wolf's name is to see the same.或
Speak of the angels, and you will hear the wings.
state-owned enterprises 国营企业
large- and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 国营大中型企业
laid-offs 下岗人员
laid-off workers 下岗工人
Somebody was laid off. 某人下岗了。
re-employment 再就业
transaction value 交易额
Wall Street 华尔街
Dow Jones industrial average index 道琼斯工业平均指数
A/B shares A/B股
composite index 综合指数
daily turnover 日成交量
knowledge economy 知识经济
housing reform 住房改革
tycoon [tai`ku:n] 大款,巨头(源自日语“大君”。)&
9th Student Team, The First Military Medical University
100.你好,我是中国北京点康() IT 子站贵族品网的编辑bennywu,贵族品网是中国唯一对网站有品评报告的专业站点。我们一直很关注贵站的服务,觉得你们的服务很优秀,中国互联网网站发展迅猛,增长率达到229%,我们欲想与贵站建立合作关系,将贵族的优秀推荐站点介绍给中国大陆用户,从而扩大贵站在本国的影响力及知名度,贵站也可以将我们推荐到世界华人地区,不久我们将推出精装的英文版本,将本国的酷站以英文推荐至全球。进入中国用户市场我们将是你最好的合作伙伴,我们的每一IT子站每天页访达到一万,请决定后将链接图标或URL回复我们,期盼合坐。
Dear Web-Master of
I'm Benny Wu, the editor of "Noble Website Evaluating"---one of the filiale website of , which is the sole professional website-evaluating site in China. I have noticed your website for a long time, and I've known that you have done an excellent service. The Internet websites of China are growing very rapidly now, even up to 229% every year.&
Now, since our site's aim is to introduce the best websites to all China users, I would like to establish a cooperation with you: to increase your homepage's reputation in China, at the same time, we could also introduce our sites to the world. We will present our English version for our elite sites to introduce them to the world. We do hope that we will be your best partner when you enter China's market. Besides, our web has over 10,000 hits per day. I do believe that we will have a successful cooperation in the future. After you make your decision, please email me your link icon or your URL.&
鼠标左键点助手图标出快捷操作菜单,选择“助手朗读英文”,哈哈,what could i speak to you?
我好累啊,功能太多,说也说不完,现在请在我身体上点鼠标右键,出菜单了吧?点击“*Character Show Property”可查看我的属性。告诉你一个小秘密!在我的身上双击鼠标左键,可将我藏起来。
Hi, here is Hery, your loyal assistant.I am glad to be at your service.&
And now I will introduce my function and operation method to you. Want to see it or not?
Yes, let's go. No, thank, I've got it.
First please move the cursor to the right down corner of the screen, right click the "assistance"
icon to activate the menu. Then, you can find most of the functions.&
Left click on " assistance " icon to pop out a shortcut menu for commonly use functions.
Following I will introduce the status toolbar:
The status toolbar is shrinkable and will automatically unfold while the cursor moves on it.
Click the little ball can minify the toolbar. Moving cursor on the toolbar and then you can see the startup time and online time. You can set the toolbar appear/hide in the main menu. Here are some tips: dropping a file on the toolbar and it
Double-left-clicking of mouse can hide the bar and right clicking can pop out the main menu.
Following is developing information of this software.
Right click to pop out main menu, you click " about " to pop out dialogue frame.
Ok, let's introduce the setting/configure now. Right-clicking to pop out the main menu, choose " setup ". The first page is for some com the second page is for some
the third page is for the fourth page is to set up dial- the fifth is to set up email- and the last page is for other miscellaneous.&
Want to see the calendar? Want to write diary? Ok, let's do it.
Right-click the main menu and choose " calendar and diary ", get it?
Click "diary" to write. Don't want your diary be peeked? Ok, then, add your private password.&
Reminder will help you for your tasks:&
Right click to pop out main menu, and then choose " reminder management ". Click the button "Add ", and then you can add new task need to be reminded. Of course you also can modify or delete it.
Do you know that I can even understand your voice command? However, the function need is just for good English speaker. At the beginning, I am a greensand, but you can make me clever by use the "Assistance Knowledge maintain " so you can teach me.
Do you want to learn English? Do you want to listen my lecture in English? Ok, follow me.
Left-click the "assistance" icon and choose
"Read English ". Aha... "&
Input English sentence and click " speak " button or press " alt+p " .
I'm tired now. There are too many functions. Right click the toolbar, you can click " “*Character Show Property” to check my property. A tip again: "double click the toolbar can hide me."
101.这个chat room是我有史以来呆的时间最长的一个
this chatroom is the longest one I've stayed in.
The longest time ever spent in a chat room was in here.
If you are a newcomer, and you want to use the function of voicechat, please
adjust your IE safty class to middle or low , when the system ask for
confirmation, choose 'accept'. It will install the voice control part
&若想对所有人说,在句子前加冒号:,比如输入 :hello!
,则所有安装角色的聊友都可听到角色说“XXX speak to all:
hello!” . If you want to talk to all members, add &:& before your
sentence, e.g., you input &:hello!&, then all members who have
installed the cartoon agent will hear the cartoon character miku speak: &XXX
speaks to all:hello!&
&&若想对某个人说不让大家听到只须在句子前加 :XXX),XXX表示对方的名称,如输入
:rancy)how are you. 则只有rancy会听到&how are you?& If you just
want to speak with certain one, then you can input e.g., &:rancy)how are
you&, then, only rancy can hear &how are you&.
103.市监察局局长& Director of ** City Supervision
市纪律检查委员会& Commission for ** city discipline inspection
Jiaxing city Rongtai Insulating Materials Co. Ltd., founded in 1993, is controlling the ownership of a sino-US joint venture Rongtai & Reypasse Insulating Materials Co.
Ltd.. As one of the leading manufacturers of impregnate insulating lacquer Rongtai has been supplying a comprehensive variety of high quality products that are
technically quick-updated
and highly specialized. Its fifty kinds of products are available for impregnate insulation of coils intended for almost all types of motors and electrical appliance/equipment ,by the insulation techniques of soaking immersion, dipping immersion, rotary immersion, running immersion ,and vacuum immersion-drying. It never fails to keep its technically advanced level and enjoys high market shares in such sectors as air-condition
motor, electrical tool motor,&
vacuum-cleaner, pump motor, washing machine motor, mid-and small- type asynchronism motor, and lighting
applicance.The Company 's philosophy is
"science and technology first, quality predominant, and normal development to establish famous brand". It gives much stress on product quality and pays
high attention to the firm image. A complete establishment of product&
quality control systems have made it
a quality system certified company in accordance with the ISO9000 Series Standards and its trademark "Rongtai" has been awarded as
&Jiaxing City Famous Trademark". Of totel production in the impregnate insulating materials
sector ,more than 20% are produced by us( by Industry statistic information,
and &Rongtai Insulating Lacquer" has won a considerably high reputation. The Company are equipped with
high quality staffs, of which 26% are ,at least , trade school
there are two top engineers, and three engineers. With high impact abilities of
product R&D and technologic improvement, most of the company's products were featured ones that are self-developed. Hence its "Technologically Advanced Enterprises" of Jiaxing City.
The Company
is committed to co-develop with its customers on the base of mutual benefit ,
through its solid and truthful product quality superority ,preferential
and active enterprise management
mechanism. It wishes to make contribution to the costumers' technical progress, goods quality and cost reduction&
Your visits and enquires are cordially welcome.
1. Shenzhen Junbo Technology Development Co., Ltd.
2. #3B1, Yihai Building, Jinxiu Garden,overseas Chinese Town, Shenzhen.


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