
15篇80字初中英语作文_百度知道 15篇80字初中英语作文 要80字或80字以上,初中1的 1.What fun I had last Sunday! Last Sunday, my classmates and I went to the moutains.We met at the school gate,then we went there by bike.When we got there, the sun was rising.How beautiful it was!We decided to climb the mountains.We played a game to see who was the first one to get to the top.I tried my best,but I failed.We were tiredl,but happy! 2.Last weekend, On Saturday morning I got up at 6;30. After breakfast I did my homework at home. In the afternoon , I played football with my friends on our playgroud. In the evening I watched TV with my parents at home. On Sunday morning I went to visit my grandparents with my mother. In the afternoon I went to go fishing with my grandpa. We had a good time . I went back home with my mother in the evening. What a wonderfu weekend ! 3. My vacation was very fun.I went to World Expo.There were many interesting building about China,Amrica and France.The Chinese building is tall.And I enjoyed beautiful things.I thought my vacation was very substantial. 4.During my vacation,I went to World Expo with my family. While visiting the hall , we fell in with a group of foreign friends.And we talked happily with a volunteer's help.Then we were interested a lot by some fun inventions.In a word,we had a good time in Shanghai,I hope I can spend vacation here once more.5.Last summer vacation, I visited Beijing with my parents,The weather was fine but a little hot.We visitded the Palace Museum,the Great Wall,,Tian'an Men Square and a Beijing hutong,they are all so great and beaitiful.And i enjoyed lots of delicious and cheap food during the days.We also went shopping .My parents bought some beautiful clothes for me.I had a good time there.6. Last summer holiday,My family had gone to HongKong ,At the morning ,my father drive the car to Shenzhen,After the lunch,we take the car to HongKong,HongKong is a center of fanancial.There are many people in there,We just go shopping ,then ,we had a good dinner. The next day ,we gone to the Ocean Park,it was very intersting and wonderful.7.Last summer, I went to a village that was far away from our city. My parents and I went there to visit my uncle.I found it a beautiful place to live. The water was clean in the river, birds were singing in the trees, farmers were working hard in the field, and the moon at night was whiter than that in our town. The village was so nice that I didn't want to come back! 8.Today,we were went to the beach.The weather liked fine.We were swam and played beach volleyball.Our lunch was very delicious.There people were very friendly.We had a great feeling.We also fished many big fish.They were very delicacy.We had dinner in a big restaurant.There were many nice food.We came back home was nine o,clock.9.Last weekend Tony was busy but happy. He did a lot of housework.. He cleaned the room and washed the clothes. Because his mother had to work last Saturday. He did most of the housework for her. His sister had to study for the geography test. They were really busy.10July 22th Thursday sunnyToday I came to the city of Bishan,it's a beautiful city.It's the shoes centre of western china. I think many people know it. It developed very quickly these years.More and more people move in it. I'm pleased to be a Bishan people.July 26th Monday sunny Hello, everyone! I’m so pleased to tell you: I have finished my website. 其他类似问题 按默认排序 其他3条回答 保护环境The Earth is like our mother.She gives live to all the living things on the Earth.And she provice us with air、food、water and other things we need for living.Once she was beautiful ahd rich.But mow she is crying,becacuse she is becoming dirtier and dirtier ,poorer and poorer.It's our duty to protect our Earth.So we must stop pollution,plant more trees and keep our enviroment clean.The Earth is our only home.It's very important to take good care of her.Saving the Earth is to save ourself. 世博会志愿I really hope to be a volunteer for the EXPO.If I am a volunteer,i will treat every visitor politely and make a good impression on them.It's important to smile to others.Besides,i will try my best to study English well and improve my spoken English so that i can commuicate better with the foreign friends. I will also intrduce Shang Hai to the visitors and help them know more about our the Shang Hai EXPO culture,food and people. It is summer vacation and school is out. During summer vacation, most children stay home, watch TV and play with their friends. Some take part in a neighborhood sports program and some go camping. A camp is summer vacation place for children. They can go swimming, mountain climbing or boating. Now, there are computer camps. At this camp, children learn how to use computers, which is very important today. Most children enjoy playing computer games. At the computer camps, they can learn more about computers and make friends easily. If you don't have a plan yet for your vacation, a computer camp should be a good choice.现在是暑假。许多孩子呆在家里看电视或者和朋友们玩。一些孩子们参与社区活动或者去露营。营地是暑假里孩子们呆的地方,他们游泳、登山或划船。现在有许多电脑营地,在那里,孩子们学会怎样用电脑,这在今天是非常重要的。很多孩子喜欢玩电脑游戏。在电脑训练营,他们学到更多的电脑知识,容易交朋友。如果你暑假没有什么计划,电脑训练营是个很好的选择。找得我好辛苦啊,改了一点,但还是八十多个字,不知道符不符合你的要求啊~~ 到网上查。 初中英语的相关知识 您可能关注的推广回答者: 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁新年快乐 英语作文80字 新年快乐 英语作文80字 如题,新年快乐 英语作文80字 已知作为中国新年的春节是在China.From中最重要的节日到了二月初1月下旬,中国人民正忙着准备新的这四季清洁地注意到他们的房屋,把头发剪,和买新衣服。最受欢迎的饺子。从他们的家住在远方的人这个节日也是一个framily团聚的时刻。他们经常去回回家和家人一起庆祝这一节日。新年的第一天是当用户访问他们的朋友兼的时间祝彼此好运在新的一年。 TheSpringFestival



非原创,HappyNewYear! SpringFestivalisafavoriteofchildrenaday,Iwasnoexception.Thisyear'sSpringFestival,Iamparticularlypleasedthatyouwanttoknowwhy?Itisbetterformetotellyouit!DanianYebecause,Imustpersonallyagainstthewriteaffixedtothedoor.Ihopethatyouhopethatyouandsoonandsoon,untilatlasttheday.Goodmorning,mymotherandbreakfast,begantoputthecouplet.求一篇80字左右的作文按图写作 急求_百度知道 按默认排序 写雪景的作文600字 | 来自手机知道 | 分类:学习帮助 | 浏览207次 扫描二维码下载 下载知道APP10分钟有问必答!建议:可使用微信的“扫一扫”功能扫描下载 00:02 提问者采纳 美丽的雪景今天,下了一场鹅毛大雪,一片片雪花在天空中飞舞。  雪花落在树姑娘的身上,树姑娘好像披上了雪白雪的的婚纱。雪花落在屋顶上,屋顶好像带上了雪白雪的帽子。雪花落在大地上,大地好像盖上了雪白雪白的羊毛毯。我双手接过晶莹的雪花,想数一数它有几朵花瓣,谁知它到手上就不见了,变成了小水珠。  小朋友们可高兴了!有的打雪仗,有的堆雪人,你看!小线和小红堆的雪人,大大的脑袋,圆圆的身子,黑黑的小眼睛,红红的小鼻子,手里还拿着一把扫帚,好像在清扫着世界的每一个角落。我爱这美丽的雪景。  雪景的作文600字2.美丽的雪景  雪是冬天的使者,洁白的象征,它以自己独有的身姿装点着大地。像玉一样洁,像烟一样轻,像柳絮一样柔,从天空中纷纷扬扬的飘落,把这美丽的世界装点得“银装素裹,分外妖娆”。  清晨,我走在路上。突然觉得脸颊一凉,抬头望去,无数颗米粒大小的雪子纷纷降下,有的打在屋顶上,“沙沙”地演奏着冬日交响曲;有的打在树枝上,调皮地翻了个跟头;有的落在了地上,高兴地蹦来跳去。渐渐地,这些顽皮鬼都溜了,化作了清澈的雪水一个劲儿地往土里钻。  这时,飘下来的不再是雪子,而是雪花了。像一片片鹅毛,纷纷扬扬,飘飘悠悠,宛若一群穿着白纱裙的小仙女,牵着那轻柔洁白的舞裙,向人们展示自己的芳姿。一时间,色彩斑斓的世界已变成了粉妆玉砌的童话王国。  我伸出双手,接住几片洁白的小雪花如获珍宝似的欣赏着它们:多么可爱的小雪花呀!比点点晨露都要晶莹,比丝丝秋雨都还要细密,简直如玉屑办无瑕,让人爱不释手!雪花在空中嬉戏着、飞舞着,它净化了世间的一切尘埃,送走了严冬的寂寞,它自由地来,潇洒地去,多少著名的诗词都赞美过它:“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”,多么俏丽呀!“瑞雪兆丰年”,它还是丰收的预言家呢!  雪渐渐地小了,空中零星地飘着几朵绒毛似的雪花。我有些好奇的张开嘴,迎接飘落的雪花,六角形的雪花轻轻地落在我的舌头上,那种清凉的感觉一直沁到心底,润醉了我的心田。过了一会儿,雪停了。整个大地好像被一层银纱裹住,又好像被一层薄雾笼罩着。路旁的松树上挂满了“水晶屑末”,发出耀眼的光芒。如果你的赞叹声惊动了树枝上的小鸟,那“水晶屑末”将会如晨雾般挥洒,无声无息地融入大地;如果你顽皮地摇了摇树枝,那“水晶屑末”会发出“叮叮当当”清脆的响动,让你陶醉其中。不过,谁也舍不得去摇树枝,因为大家都不忍心破坏那无瑕的“水晶”工艺品。  多么美丽的雪景啊!我沉醉在这美妙的世界里,感觉雪是那样的可爱,那样的亲切,这真是一场瑞 我要的是英语 这个我拿手。 题目1.哭泣的香蕉皮2.知错就改的小明3.保护环境人人有责 英语初三水平 不能胡编乱造 我以为是小学语文。 一边玩去吧 可以的。你去吧 你。几年级的啊 你写这样的作文干什么 明天寒假作业抽测英语老师说有这一篇 我主要英语不好 其他类似问题 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁热点作文: 您现在的位置: &   波光粼粼,   水面映的是你的影子。   秋风瑟瑟,   传来耳畔的是萧萧的笛声。   落叶纷飞,   谁能说它无情无义?   玫瑰吻湖,   拨动了多少人的心弦?   幽蓝的夜,   唯有皎皎圆月如昨&&&&&&六年级:黄靖倚作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载 百科词条: 同主题的其他文章 &关于的其他文章 &关于的其他文章 &关于的其他文章热门搜索: I think it’s very important for everyone to do sports. I like sports because they’re not only good for my health but also good for my study. My favorite sport is swimming. Whenever I am free, I will have a swim with my friends in the swimming pool. Afte... 10:35:54 十四岁的花季, 也有许多不如意, 老师父母的苦口婆心, 明明我学习也够努力。 十四岁的花季, 梦中都充满笑意, 慢慢地没了声音, 只是心跳还是那么有力。 十四岁的花季…… 07:14:31 我站在港口 回望 小小的舟 酝酿着 新的起航 而我 还想着再续 昨日的梦 涩涩的 成成的 甜甜的 所有的 斑斓的曾经 牵手昨日 斑斓装进行亵 起航 就别再 无端搁浅 天空落下的黑幕 等待黎明的收场 点星 零碎的张扬 被风吹落的孤独 散落成漫天神伤 望眼欲穿 掩不了潸然的倔强 侧影叠着花香 幻化出不同凡响 你的流浪 逆向我的天堂 苍穹悄悄地化为幕布趁着浓浓夜色躲藏到月亮之后透明的月光朦朦胧胧似真如幻从天际旋转着徐徐而落轻盈优雅无声无形薄荷般清爽它静静地挥洒仅有的光亮似黑夜中微弱的萤火带着暖意直到天亮 08:21:31 像月光一样稠稠地流着流过我不经意的每一个动作流过我随口说出的每一句话语流过我身边每一处角落我抓不住它日子像波涛一样滚滚向前奔冲淡了忧伤冲走了欣喜只留下我一个人孤单地惆怅 14:35:14 冬天在哪里?我寻找着……早晨的一洼薄冰,折射了冰冷。一棵光秃秃的柳树,盼望着绿的方向。天降圆润的冰雹,晶莹剔透。幽蓝的夜幕里,点缀着璀璨的星星。哦!我找到了……诗意般的冬天! 09:52:53 下雨了,蘑菇撑开了伞。看,蚂蚁躲在蘑菇的房檐下,欣赏雨中的美景。听,小雨滴落在蘑菇上,滴答,滴答——正在给小溪伴奏呢!哟,天晴了,空中架起了七色桥,蘑菇在阳光的照耀下晶莹剔透。 19:24:47 喜欢阳光灿烂的日子一如那句日光倾城喜欢五彩斑斓的人生一如那句生如夏花喜欢挫折过后的柳暗花明一如那句浴火重生做朵太阳花追随阳光的脚步仰起头迎上温暖的阳光生命在阳光的普照下怒放…… 16:30:03 青苹果咬着时光羞涩了夏的目光不请世事秋风拉着笑靥悄然将心事滑落植入它的心房涟漪肆意泛滥阳光眯着眼拍落一缕色彩抹上它的脸颊红晕里芬芳氤氲眼眸里幢憬泛着坚定的光酝酿出秋的另一个梦想 14:44:42 相关关键字 1234567891012345678910 & 2007 - 2012 Dangzhi. All Rights Reserved. 京ICP备号


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