Acta Pharmaceutica Sinicaacta cryst是什么杂志意思

Online Submission
2014 Vol. 4 No. 5
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B
2014 Vol. 4 No. 5,
Review Article
Sivacharan Kolliparan, Rajesh Kumar Gandhi
): 333-349 &
Original Articles
Ranjan Ku. Sahoo, Nikhil Biswas, Arijit Guha, Nityananda Sahoo, Ketousetuo Kuotsun
): 408-416 &
Radha Krishan Arora, Navneet Kaur, Yogita Bansaln, Gulshan Bansal
): 368-375 &
Pankaj Verma, Rajagopalan Vijayaraghavan
): 394-401 &
Siyun Xu, Yongsheng Xiao, Li Li, Lushan Yu, Huidi Jiang, Aiming Yu, Su Zeng
): 350-357 &
Zhongliang Zhang, Qiang Li, Qiufen Li, Simiao Du, Yongquan Zhou, Chunming Lv, Yan Zhao, Yongjun Wang, Ning Zhang
): 384-393 &
Chuting Gong, Janvier Engelbert Agbokponto, Wen Yang, Ernest Simpemba, Xiaohong Zheng, Quanying Zhang, Li Ding
): 402-407 &
Máximo Gallignani, Rebeca A. Rondón, José F. Ovalles, María R. Brunetto
): 376-383 &
Aline Augusti Boligon, Robson Borba de Freitas, Thiele Faccim de Brum, Emily Pansera Waczuk, Cláudia Vargas Klimaczewski, Daiana Silva de ?vila, Margareth Linde Athayde, Liliane de Freitas Bauermann
): 358-367 &
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Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica Information for Authors
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Elsevier 没有word template,latex template倒是有;楼主按他们的要求,单栏双倍行距投稿就行,具体的要求可参考
我在这杂志投好几篇了,都是latex的,祝好运 : Originally posted by gangguo at
Elsevier 没有word template,latex template倒是有;楼主按他们的要求,单栏双倍行距投稿就行,具体的要求可参考
我在这 ... 非常感谢,爱死你了,哈 : Originally posted by gangguo at
Elsevier 没有word template,latex template倒是有;楼主按他们的要求,单栏双倍行距投稿就行,具体的要求可参考
我在这 ... 对了,这个审稿周期等效率如何?以及录用率高吗?:arm::arm::arm: 审稿周期还行,三四个月左右给一审意见吧,难度中等 : Originally posted by gangguo at
审稿周期还行,三四个月左右给一审意见吧,难度中等 问两个问题:
2.版面费多少? word也可以,不需要版面费 : Originally posted by gangguo at
Elsevier 没有word template,latex template倒是有;楼主按他们的要求,单栏双倍行距投稿就行,具体的要求可参考
我在这 ... 登录这个网站了,不行啊,直接编译不能通过,新手求指导。。,感谢~ 楼主,你好,我也是菜鸟,在这个网址里面/journals ... e-for-authors#22000& &找到了,可是不知道具体是哪一个?没有找到clc文件在哪里?请教请教,感谢 楼主,不知道你问题解决了没有,我准备投acta astronautica,被格式搞的一团糟Periodicals
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica
CN: 11-2163/R
12 issues per volume
Chinese Pharmaceutical Assosiation
Institute of Materia Medica, CAMS & PUMC
Prof. Xiaoliang WANGHonorary Editor-in-Chief:
Prof. Guowei
Sang &&&&&&&&Prof. Tonghui ZhouEditorial Office: &&&&&&& Ms. Ailian Zheng&&&&&&&&Institute of Materia Medica, CAMS & PUMC
&&&&&&& 1 Xian Nong Tan Street, Beijing, 100050, CHINA
&&&&&&&&Tel: +86-10-&&&Fax: +86-10-&
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica&
started its publication in July 1953 following
its predecessor “Chinese Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences” which was started in
1936. &It is devoted to original research
articles on pharmaceutical sciences including
pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacy,
pharmacognosy, antibiotics, chemistry of natural
products, pharmaceutical chemistry and
pharmaceutical analysis. Research articles,
communications, reviews and commentaries
introducing new theories and new technologies
are also published. Readers of Acta
Pharmaceutica Sinica are supposed to be
mainly those involved in scientific research and
those pertaining to higher education. Papers in
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica are mainly
written in Chinese with an abstract in English.
However, all tables, figures and references are
in English. Papers in English are also
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica
is included in many important index systems all
over the world, such as Medline, CA, Scifinder
Scholar, Scopus, BA, AJ(Russia), CABI, IPA, IC,
IPA, CSA, CBST (Japan) and Ulrich’s
International Periodicals Directory, etc.
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica is also one of the
important journals, primarily supported by China
Assocation for Science and Technology
Foundation. The total citation rate and impact
factor of Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica in
2010 were 2916, and 1.085, respectively.
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica
won the 1st “National Prize for Chinese
Journals” in 1999 and was selected as the
“Journal of High Popularity and High Academic
Level” in the “Phalanx of Chinese Journals” in
2001. It also won “ National Prize for Chinese
Journals (100 Leading Science and Technological
Journals)” for nine times from 2002 to 2010, the
3rd “ Prize for Chinese Excellent Science and
Technological Journals” in 2002 and “The Chinese
Government Award for Publishing” for Journals in
Chemical Letters
&CN: 11-2710/O6
Editorial Office: &&&&&& Institute of
Materia Medica, CAMS & PUMC
&&&&&&&1 Xian Nong Tan Street
&&&&&&&Beijing, 100050, CHINA
&&&&&&&Tel.: +86-10-
Chinese Chemical Letters (CCL) was founded in
July 1990. The journal publishes preliminary
accounts in the whole field of chemistry,
satisfying a real and urgent need for the
dissemination of research results, especially
hot topics. In a way, it has become a show
window of important chemical literature. For
this purpose, articles in the journal are only
written in English. The journal does not accept
articles previously published or scheduled to be
published. After publication of the
communication in the journal, it can be expanded
to a full paper and published elsewhere. Authors
are requested to send papers of 2-4 pages.
Readers of the CCL are supposed to be mainly
those involved in scientific research and those
pertaining to higher education.
official journal of the Chinese Chemical
superintended by the China Association for
Science and Technology, and
undertaken by the Institute of Materia Medica of
the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and
Peking Union Medical College.
CCL is published monthly with 126 pages in each
issue. The Editor-in-Chief is Professor
Xiao-tian Liang. The editorial
board consists of 21 professors from research
institutes or departments of chemical sciences
in universities. The papers published in the CCL
must be reviewed by at least two members of the
editorial board.
The journal has been indexed by Science Citation
Index-Expanded since 1993.
The total citation rate and
impact factor of the CCL in 2010 were
2063 and 0.775 respectively.
The journal is also indexed or abstracted by
Chemical Abstract, Chemical Citation Index,
Research Alert, etc.
Journal of
Asian Natural Products Research
&12 issues per volume
Taylor & Francis
Editorial Office: &&&&&&& Institute of
Materia Medica, CAMS & PUMC
&&&&&&&&1 Xian Nong Tan Street
&&&&&&&&Beijing, 100050, CHINA
&&&&&&&&Fax: +86-10-&
Journal of Asian
Natural Products Research (JANPR) was
founded in October 1998. The Journal &publishes
chemical and pharmaceutical studies in the
English language in the field of natural product
research on Asian ethnic medicine. The journal
will publish work from scientists in Asian
countries, e.g. China, Japan, Korea and India,
including contributions from other countries
concerning natural products of Asia.&
The journal is
chemistry-orientated. Major fields to be covered
are: isolation and structural elucidation of
natural constituents (including those for
non-medical uses), synthesis and transformation
(including biosynthesis and biotransformation)
of natural products, pharmacognosy, and allied
topics. Biological evaluation of crude extracts
are acceptable only as supporting data for pure
isolates with well-characterized structures
journal has been indexed by Science Citation Index-Expanded since
Acta Pharmaceutica
&6 issues per volume
Editorial Office: &&&&&&& Institute of
Materia Medica, CAMS & PUMC
&&&&&&&&1 Xian Nong Tan Street
&&&&&&&&Beijing, 100050, CHINA
Fax: +86-10-&
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B
(APSB) is a bimonthly English peer-reviewed
online journal in ScienceDirect
(/apsb), which publishes
significant original research articles, rapid
communications and high quality reviews of
recent advances in all areas of pharmaceutical
sciences — including pharmacology,
pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, natural
products, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical
analysis, pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism.
APSB is a part of the series Acta
Pharmaceutica Sinica, which was founded in
1953, and indexed in Chemical Abstracts, Index
Medicus, SciFinder Scholar, Biological
Abstracts, International Pharmaceutical
Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts,
Current Bibliography on Science and Technology,
etc. It is sponsored by Insititute of Materia
Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and
Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, produced and
hosted by Elsevier B. V.
Address: 1 Xian Nong Tan
Street, Beijing 100050 ChinaTel: +86-10-& Fax:+86-10-


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