
“当时的”形容词 用英语怎麼说 比如说 当时的情况 当时的社会背景 当时的状态不要那个at that time 那个只能当副词 当状语 我现在需要一个形容词修饰名词_百度作业帮
“当时的”形容词 用英语怎麼说 比如说 当时的情况 当时的社会背景 当时的状态不要那个at that time 那个只能当副词 当状语 我现在需要一个形容词修饰名词
“当时的”形容词 用英语怎麼说 比如说 当时的情况 当时的社会背景 当时的状态不要那个at that time 那个只能当副词 当状语 我现在需要一个形容词修饰名词
current /present 既可以当“现在的,目前的”也可以做“当前的,当时的”翻译.希望对你有帮助!
at that time 放在名词后面,做定语啊。 或者of that time也可以例如当时的情况 situation of that time 或者 situation at that time都可以 一个是你说的形容词,一个是我说的定语
of the time
当时的; 当代的
He is one of the most outstanding writers of the time. 他是当今最杰出的作家之一。底价用英语怎麼说?_百度作业帮
1. a floor price2.(at an auction) (Br.) (Am.) an upset price
底价 两种说法:base price floor
The opening bid
1 base price
base price~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the basic pricea pricing floora bidding floor.
bottom price
底价就是净价,就是net price
底价an upset pricea floor price a base price
[我是英文老师,请放心使用, 一定地道] The bottom price
Bottom price base price实用英语翻译:心烦意乱的说法
【网络综合 - 英文写作翻译】英语发展日新月异,新词不断涌现。所以,与时俱进,掌握最新流行词汇至关重要。“地道英语”让你亲耳听到今天英国年轻人日常使用的语言和词汇,可下载音频,有文字对照。地道英语,真正地道!
John: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m John.Helen: 大家好,我是 Helen.John: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.Helen: 在地道英语里,希望大家可以学到现代英式英语中经常出现的流行词汇和新鲜表达。John, 今天你给我们带来的新词是什么呢?John: Today’s phrase is, bad hair day.Helen: 坏发型日, bad hair day. So what does it mean then John?John: It describes the type of day you are experiencing, one where your hair just looks awful! The phrase has been extended a bit, to mean a day when everything seems to go wrong.Helen: Mmmm, I know what that’s like. A bad hair day, 今天的头发造型很糟糕. 其实就是说今天的心情不好,什么事情好像干起来都不顺。如果你的头发乱糟糟的,那么回影响到整天的情绪。John: Here’s someone having a bad hair day.ExampleA: I woke up this morning and thought, today is going to be horrible.B: Oh yes?A: And as for my hair, it looked awful!B: Sounds like you’re having a bad hair day.John: Doesn’t sound good, does it?Helen: No, and you know John, I think I’m having a bad hair day.John: Things not going well?Helen: Nothing seems to be working out, and as for my hair, what a mess!John: You’re really having a bad hair day Helen. Well you’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Do join us next time.Helen: 我们下次节目再会。承认用英语怎麼说_百度知道
供给eg.000 persons. 我承认我错了admit承认(事实. into the university 获准入大学The auditorium admits 5, 进气.. admit sb. 他招认了罪行..进入; 使获得(某种地位或特权)接[容]纳导入。He admitted his crime. 这座礼堂可容纳五千人。I admit that I was wrong、错误等)让
承认:admit, acknowledge,根据不同的语义可以选择不同的单词。我承认...: I admit that...
I admit that
出门在外也不愁根据你的要求操作 用英语怎麼说?_百度作业帮
根据你的要求操作 用英语怎麼说?
根据你的要求操作 用英语怎麼说?
operate according to your requirement
operate in accordance with you requirement
operate according to your requirement


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