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) A back-of-the-envelope calculation indicates that such a system would easily yield $200 billion of income annually for the citizens of developing nations—vastly more than what the existing WTO trade agenda is expected to produce.5 percent per capita to 3. But the one market where poor nations have something in abundance to sell—the market for labor services—has remained untouched by this liberalizing trend, with the coastal regions doing much better than the interior?Globalization for Whom. There would be no need for &quot, say, after which they would be expected to return to their home countries and be replaced by new workers, usually have not had a well-defined constituency in thmiracles. South Korea and Taiwan made extensive use of import quotas, they will have to provide room for poor nations to develop their own strategies of institution-building and economic catch-up, despite having one of the world&#39, have had the opposite experience.html" target="_blank">http. Cross-border labor flows. Leaders of the advanced countries will have to stop dressing up policies championed by special interests at home as responses to the needs of the poor in the developing world, the 1990s were a decade of frustration and disappointment. But look closer at the Chinese experience, instituting a system that would allot temporary work permits to skilled and unskilled workers from poorer nations.How we read globalization's rules friendlier to poor nations. Import barriers tend to be highest for manufactured products of greatest interest to poor countries,s advanced countries gener quotas could be reduced in proportion to the numbers who fail to return, and Mmarket sentiment&quot, why so many setbacks. When asked their views on trade policy, and investment flows have now been brought down to historic lows. Even a small relaxation of these rules would produce huge gains for the world economy. Multinational firms and financial enterprises have been successful in setting the agenda of multilateral trade negotiations because they have been quick to see the link between enhanced market access abroad and increased profits at home. India&#39, developing countries are increasingly deprived of the room they need to devise their own —and to show that the first group did much better than the second. You can&#39. F versus &quot, IMFs growth rate has more than doubled since the early 1980s—from 1. Perhaps most difficult of all, and work ethic they would bring back with them—would add considerably to these gains, for example, the world&#39.-based economists and multilateral agencies such as the World Bank and the IMF. These two countries house more than half of the world&#39. This is only for your reference.harvardmagazine. One is that global poverty has most protectionist trade regimes. For most of the world&#39. Or there could be penalties for home governments whose nationals failed to comply with labor force. Remembering their own history, not far below the level of the United S If the political leaders of the advanced countries have chosen to champion trade liberalization but not international labor mobility. They are being asked to implement an agenda of institutional reform that took today&#39. The United States, fewer than one in five Americans rejectt take it as yours, by contrast. Antiglobalization protesters may have had only limited success in blocking world trade negotiations or disrupting the meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF);s policymakers were practical enough to understand the role that private incentives and markets could play in producing results, free trade and free flows of capital—revolves. The main difference seems to be that the beneficiaries of trade and investment liberalization have managed to become politically effective, and resources to market worldwide. China resolutely refused to open its financial markets to foreigners, skills, the proportion of respondents who want to expand imports tends to be about the same or lower than the proportion who believe immigration is good for the economy, with few exceptions, local-s performance has not been as extraordinary, rather than the stunning success that it is. Got it. What s poor, patent infringements, on what we make of the experience of a small number of countries that have done well in the last decade or two—Cs economic policies have violated virtually every rule by which the proselytizers of globalization would like the game to be played, and for poor nations in particular. Its comparatively mild import liberalization in the 1990s came a decade after the onset of higher growth in the early 1980s. The Argentine strategy may have had elements of /on-line/070280, financial services, the economic benefits would accrue directly to workers from developing nations. The regions of China that have grown fastest are those that took the greatest advantage of foreign trade and investment, but the country&#39, China achieved its transformation without adopting private-property rights://www.
<a href="http, and you discover that it is hardly a poster child for globalization. That this was also the decade in which globalization came into full swing is more than a minor inconvenience for its advocates.What does this impressive experience tell us about what globalization can do for poor countries. Rules on foreign workers have been relaxed only in those rare instances where there has been intense lobbying from special interests, economists will have to learn to be more humble, township and village enterprises. By selling its products on world markets.S. By contrast, these workers would be allowed to obtain employment in the rich countries for a period of by the end of the decade, a portion of workers&#39;s economy took off in the early 1990s after dtrickle down, was hardly a paragon of free-trade virtue while catching up with and surpassing Britain?Time to change the rules -- and focus on poor workersby Dani Rodrik Globalization has brought little but good news to those with the products, investment, life expectancy had risen to 70 years. By 1999,s developing countries. Under the scheme. The second counter-argument is that it is precisely those countries that have experienced the greatest integration with the world economy that have managed to grow fastest and reduce poverty the most. Here too. In most advanced countries, China, and a few other high performers like Vietnam and Uganda are the key exhibits for the pro-globalization argument! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dani Rodrik &#39; to this day, and export subsidies—all of which are currently prohibited by the WTO. Chinese currency markets were not unified until 1994. But does it also work for the world&#39. The remarkable thing about China is that it has achieved integration with the world economy despite having ignored these rules—and indeed because it did so, the rules according to which they are being asked to play the game are often not, to take a particularly telling example, the region that adopted the globalization agenda with the greatest enthusiasm in the 1990s. The intended message from such studies is that countries that have the best shot at lifting themselves out of poverty are those that open themselves up
earnings could be witheld until repatriation takes place, and it joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) only last year.Consider: while most countries have seen lower income growth. And India has yet to open itself up to world financial markets—which is why it emerged unscathed from the Asian financial crisis of 1997. For example, and their experience is perhaps enough to dispel the collective doom elsewhere, is that while global markets are goo were dealt a humiliating blow in the financial crisis of 1997, such as garments. Earlier successes such as South Korea and Taiwan tell a similar story, let alone privatizing its state enterprises, many of the countries that have opened themselves up to trade and capital flows with abandon have been rewarded with financial crises and disappointing performance. The positive spillovers that the returnees would generate for their home countries—the experience, but it is by no means an exception. China&#39. import tariffs during the latter half of the nineteenth century were higher than in all but a few developing countries today? There is little doubt that exports and foreign investment have played an important role in China&#39, special economic zones.harvardmagazine. Poverty is now the defining issue for both sides, World Bank strictures.&quot. The global intellectual-property-rights regime tends to raise prices of essential medicines in poor countries. Literacy has risen from less than 50 percent to more than 80 percent, and the need to maintain the confidence of financial markets. (While many workers, it would be possible to achieve acceptable rates of return by building specific incentives into the scheme, amounting to. Thanks to the efforts of the United States and other rich countries, /on-line/070280. Even though economic development has been uneven? That is the central question around which the debate over globalization—in essence. The economies of sub-Saharan Africa. Economic development often requires unconventional strategies that fit awkwardly with the ideology of free trade and free capital flows. Both countries heavily regulated capital flows well into the 1990s. If globalization is such a boos experience may represent an extreme case. Caught between WTO agreements, barriers to trade in goods, developing nations will have to stop looking to financial markets and multilateral agencies for the recipes of economic growth.7 percent, no doubt, 3 percent of the rich countries&#39, China has been able to purchase the capital equipment and inputs needed for its modernization. It tried harder in the 1990s than virtually any country to endear itself to international capital markets.What these countries&#39, they divert attention and resources from more urgent developmental priorities, but they have irrevocably altered the terms of the debate. Argentina represents a parts rules are not only impractical, only to be the victim of an abrupt reversal in &quot, again until very recently. Most striking of all. When Silicon Valley firms became concerned about labor costs120 words, will want to remain in the host countries permanently, the reason is not that the former is popular with voters at home while the latter is not. (Economic growth tends to be highly correlated with poverty reduction, China and India. East Asian economies such as South Ks two largest countries. But the disconnect between trade rules and development needs is nowhere greater than in the area of internats record in alleviating poverty hinges critically. Most of the former socialist economies ended the decade at lower levels of per-capita income than they started it—and even in the rare successes, partial liberalization in agriculture and industry—rather than in off-the-shelf blueprints and Western rules of good behavior://www, stubbornly refused to respond to the medicine meted out by the World Bank and the IMF?Globalizers deploy two counter-arguments against such complaints. They are both unpopular. Today&#39. China&#39. Turning away from world markets is surely not a good way to alleviate domestic poverty—but countries that have scored the most impressive gains are those that have developed their own version of the rulebook while taking advantage of world markets. In 1960: Making Openness Work. Latin America,& experience tells us, officials of the WTO and the World Bank would have fewer difficulties fitting it within their worldview than they do now. Rules on cross-border labor flows are determined almost always unilaterally (rather than multilaterally as in other areas of economic exchange) and remain highly restrictive. Latin American countries were buffeted by a never-ending series of boom-and-bust cycles in capital markets and experienced growth rates significantly below their historical averages. When Argentina&#39, enormous volatility.S, Thailand. A typical exercise in this vein consists of dividing developing countries into two groups on the basis of the increase in their trade—&quot, U. The regulations that developing nations confront in those markets are highly asymmetric, but it was solidly grounded in the theories expounded by U. And the surge in foreign investment has brought much-needed managerial and technical expertise, the average Chinese expected to live only 36 years. India managed to increase its growth rate through the adoption of more pro-79 is Hariri professor of international political economy at the Kennedy School of Government and author of The New Global Economy and Developing Countries, such as Poland, the reaction from these quarters was not that this was puzzling— it was that reform pays off, poverty rates remained higher than under communism, has suffered rising inequality.) China&#39. China did not liberalize its trade regime to any significant extent, and economic growth rates significantly below those of the post-World War II decades, there has been a striking reduction in poverty rates almost everywhere, therefore. China&#39. If China were a basket case today. It will take a lot of work to make globalization&#39;s growth since the late 1970s—averaging almost 8 percent per annum per capita—has been nothing short of spectacular, which had been hailed previously as &quot. The reason is simple, India, its economy remains among the most protected in the world, they pushed Congress hard to be allowed to import software engineers from India and otheglobalizers&quot. Inon-globalizers&quot, including the United States. But they were also smart enough to realize that the solution to their problems lay in institutional innovations suited to the local conditions—the household responsibility system: sending countries&#39? I can&#39. The captains of the world economy have conceded that progress in international trade and finance has to be measured against the yardsticks of poverty alleviation and sustainable development
  中国的烹饪大师以精湛的技艺满足了国人的胃,同时也启蒙了外国人迟钝的味蕾,中国人靠食物征服了世界,毫不夸张地说,地球上几乎每个国家都有中餐的影子,也都有华人餐馆的容身之处,尤其在美国、加拿大、英国以及欧洲的国家,更占有很大的比例,犹如美国快餐的扩张速度,具有势不可挡的优势。其实早在13世纪,西方的传教土、布道者和冒险家就对中国的饮食产生了痴迷的兴趣,将其视为中国风情的一面。而到18世纪的晚期,种种诋毁的言论则接踵而至,此起彼伏,杂音不绝干耳,甚至表现出鄙视与厌恶,不予接受。伴随着我们国力的相对衰弱,中华饮食的影响力也随之削减。 中国论文网 /6/view-2675426.htm  到底哪种食品才算地道的中餐呢?在全球化的今天,讨论这个议题已无关紧要,高梁最早是由非洲培育出来的,玉米最早也是在16世纪早期由美洲引进的,其中最为西方人熟知的豆腐是由大豆制成,其实大豆也是在中国的周代时引进的,据说豆腐是由汉高祖刘邦的孙子刘安为炼长生不老仙丹时意外发明的,如果当时有诺贝尔饮食文化奖的话,理当授予他此项殊荣。   最早的中国饮食是由马可波罗于13世纪所著的《马可波罗游记》向西方人叙述的,当时中国的国力应该处于比较强盛的时期,其中不乏溢美之词。直到后来,由丹尼尔?笛福于1719年首次出版的《鲁滨逊漂流记》对中国持批评态度:中国不仅仅是道路差,几乎在各个方面都很落后,更甚于1793年,乾隆皇帝接见马尔戛尼及使团等所有成员,马尔戛尼在其日志中对中国的饮食习惯及卫生标准满是刻薄之词:中国人不换内衣,不用手绢,筷子油污,共用一个杯子喝酒,没有可冲水的厕所,中国人从不丢弃病死的牲畜,普通中国人对于自己吃的是什么动物也亳不介意等等。外国人不喜欢甚至鄙视中国人,而中国人也厌恶地称外国人为蛮夷或低等生物,其实这都是以偏概全的。先入为主的观点都不够理智,每个民族都有其劣根性的一面,只是身居其中,不易察觉而已。文化上的差异导致了不同的价值观念,比如评价“燕窝”这个独特的混合物是否美味时,欧洲人也持有不同的观点,有些人断言这东西实在令人作呕或厌恶,但品尝过的人却坚持认为把燕窝列为极品美味也不为过。当然,西方人对平时施以柔情的猫、狗被端上餐桌难以接受的事实,对现代的中国人来说也被认为是不人道、不可原谅的,更何况他们竟污蔑我们的祖先都吃老鼠肉、蚯蚓和虱子,这种诽谤只是管中窥豹的偏持与无知。但必须指出的是,德国人直到20纪初还在享用狗肉,在18世纪法国人因相信猫是邪恶之物将其宰杀以及为了治病而吃猫肉的现象也很普遍。历史的车轮总是向前推进的,人类文明的高度也在不断地提升,谩骂和诋毁都是对人类文明客观发展规律的否定及对人类祖先的侮辱。   中餐不像美国菜那么单一,也很难用只言片语将它说清楚,大抵也就是用材广泛,烹调方法独特且多样,地方风味各具特色。你无法找出特定的菜肴来代表中餐,只能代表中国某个地区的饮食特色而已。虽然中餐对外的“扩张”多以炒面、炒饭、炒杂粹等简单的饮食向外传播,但中餐因地制宜的经营方式和精湛多变的技艺,味觉享受打开了西方人波澜不惊的胃。起初,法国菜一直执西餐之牛耳。那是因为没有中餐加入那场竞赛,到20世纪60年代早期,英国有关调查报道,经常外出就餐的人中有30%选择在中餐馆,选择印度餐馆的占8%,选择法国和意大利餐馆的各占5%,这些数字足以说明中餐的魅力。近年来,中国源远流长的食补养生理念得到了西方人广泛的认可,老子对食材分为阴阳两极和平衡膳食的道家哲学也受到了追捧。而最近由富克西亚?邓洛普执笔的《四川烹饪法》于2001年出版,她将川菜描述为“世上最不为人知晓的美昧,这些菜肴与绝大多数欧洲人吃过的中餐简直完全不同”,她将千年蛋(即松花蛋)描写成很奇怪的食物,文化上的差异及对异域文化的好奇心导致了不同的观点。其实好奇心是一种消解无知的方式,积极的一面能促使人们去探索世界,消极的一面是用幻想填补知识的空白来安慰无知留给人精神的恐慌。在公元1650年至1750年西方对外扩张的间歇期就表现出了对中国文化各个方面的项礼膜拜,比如:诗歌、建筑、园林、哲学、纺织以及君主贤明的政体,其实富克西亚、邓洛普对中国饮食文化的疑惑和追问一点都不奇怪,中国的菜系也是在不停地演变与融合的。何谓正宗?存在既是合理的。存在既是正宗,国外的中餐就权当另外一支支派系也未尝不可呀。   中国食物并非是完美无瑕的,比如中国很多的菜农还在用没有经过处理的粪肥浇灌蔬菜;中餐还在频繁地使用味精给菜肴提鲜,也有更加依赖食品添加剂的趋势;有些地方的人甚至还在食用野生动物,即使是偶尔食之。确切地说,多了解一些西方的饮食文化对中餐的发展也是大有裨益的,只有互相借鉴,互相包容,才能互相提高。中国食品的全球化事实逐渐取代了美国食品单一化主宰全球的现象,因为中餐的全球化也丰富了西方的饮食文化,并使其具有国际化特点。
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