
拼音.. 看就知道了 (醒你妈妈)?mama said歌词的中文意思_百度知道
mama said歌词的中文意思
Mama she has taught me well 妈妈一直在好好教我 Told me when I was young 小时候她对我讲 Son your lifes an open book 孩子 生命如同打开的书页 Dont close it before its done 读完之前 请不要把它合上 The brightest flame burns quickest 最明亮的火团最先爆发 Is what I heard they say 我听到他们这样讲 A sons hearts owned to mother 儿子的心灵属于母亲 But I must find my way 但我的人生必须独自闯荡 Let my heart go 放我的心灵去流浪 Let your son grow 放你的孩子去成长 Mama let my heart go 妈妈 给我的心灵以自由 Or let this heart be still 否则它将被沉寂埋葬 Rebel my new last name 叛逆 我新的姓名 Wild blood in my veins 野性 在我的血管中流淌 Apron strings around my neck 围裙带系在我脖子上 The mark that still remains 点点污渍 清晰可见 Left home at an early age 年幼时背井离乡 Of what I heard was wrong ——我听到的那些话错了 I never ask forgiveness 我不要求原谅 For what I said is done 因为这些已成事实 无法补偿 Let my heart go 放我的心灵去流浪 Let your son grow 放你的孩子去成长 Mama let my heart go 妈妈 给我的心灵以自由 Or let this heart be still 否则它将被沉寂埋葬 Never I ask you 我不曾要求 But never I gave 也不曾付出 witch you gave me your emptiness 女巫 你留给我你的空虚 And now take to my grave 现在把它带进我的坟墓 Never I ask you 我不曾要求 But never I gave 也不曾付出 witch you gave me your emptiness 女巫 你留给我你的空虚 And now take to my grave 现在把它带进我的坟墓 So let this heart be still ——就让这颗心灵一直沉默 Mama now Im coming home 妈妈 现在我要回家了 Im not all you wished of me 虽然并不完全是你期望的样子 But a mothers love for her son 但是母亲对孩子的爱 Unspoken, hear me be 默默的 [hear me be怎么翻译啊] Yeah I took your love for granted 曾经我把你的爱当作理所当然 And all the things you said to me 还有你曾对我说的一切 I need your arms to welcome me 现在我需要你的怀抱来迎接我 But a cold stones all I see 但我只看到一块冰冷的墓碑 Let my heart go 放我的心灵去流浪 Let your son grow 放你的孩子去成长 Mama let my heart go 妈妈 给我的心灵以自由 Or let this heart be still 否则它将被沉寂埋葬 Let my heart go 放我的心灵去流浪 Mama let my heart go 妈妈 让我的心灵去流浪 You never let my heart go 而它从未离开过你 So let this heart be still 所以让这颗心归于沉默吧 Never I ask you 我不曾要求 But never I gave 也不曾付出 witch you gave me your emptiness 女巫 你留给我你的空虚 And now take to my grave 现在把它带进我的坟墓 Never I ask you 我不曾要求 But never I gave 也不曾付出 witch you gave me your emptiness 女巫 你留给我你的空虚 And now take to my grave 现在把它带进我的坟墓 So let this heart be still ——就让这颗心灵一直沉默累人ING
出门在外也不愁英 [ kli:n ?p ]
美 [ klin ?p ]
And while I'm out you might clean up the kitchen.
The nation's advertisers need to clean up their act.
Since then, the authorities have tried to clean up the sport.
Toxins, though, are expensive to clean up.
Q clean up your own act.
Clean up trails and neighborhood from trash and grafitti.
PHRASAL VERB 打扫;清扫;把…弄干净
If you clean up a mess or clean up a place where there is a mess, you make things tidy and free of dirt again.
语法信息V P n (not pron)
语法信息V P
语法信息Also V n P
Police in the city have been cleaning up the debris left by a day of violent confrontation...
Nina and Mary were in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner.
PHRASAL VERB 清理,清除(污染物)
To clean up something such as the environment or an industrial process means to make it free from substances or processes that cause pollution.
语法信息V P n (not pron)
语法信息Also V n P
Under pressure from the public, many regional governments cleaned up their beaches.
PHRASAL VERB (警方或当局)肃清,整肃(犯罪、腐败等)
If the police or authorities clean up a place or area of activity, they make it free from crime, corruption, and other unacceptable forms of behaviour.
语法信息V n P
语法信息V P n (not pron)
After years of neglect and decline the city was cleaning itself up...
Since then, the authorities have tried to clean up the sport.
PHRASAL VERB (尤指在干脏活后)收拾干净,弄整洁
If you go and clean up, you make yourself clean and tidy, especially after doing something that has made you dirty.
语法信息V P
语法信息V pron-refl P
Johnny, go inside and get cleaned up...
I cleaned myself up a bit, and got the baby ready.
PHRASAL VERB 获得巨额利润;赚大钱
If someone cleans up, they make a large profit or get a lot of money.
语法信息V P
It has cleaned up at the box office.
打扫; 清理
This room needs cleaning up.
Boys and girls, clean up for dinner.
孩子们, 收拾干净准备开饭吧!
Let me clean up the broken glass before someone walks on it.
我来把碎玻璃扫掉, 以免有人踩到。
〈口〉赚钱, 发财
The brothers cleaned up a profit in the property market.
He certainly cleaned up on that deal.
在…进行扫荡; 消灭
They fought bravely to clean up the bandits.
痛打, 击败
The boxer cleaned up on his opponent.
对…作最后处理, 结清
They clean up old debts.
整顿; 实行改革
The new mayor said he would clean the city up.
新市长说, 他要整顿本市。
(给自己)洗脸〔洗手, 洗澡〕
Wait for me, I have to clean up.
等等我, 我得洗洗手。
Please wai I'm going to clean myself up.
请稍等几分钟, 我洗一下就来。
1. put (things or places)
" "Tidy up your room!" "
2. often in a
" "The investor really cleaned up when the stock market went up" "
" "settle the bills" "
4. make oneself clean,
" "Clean up before you go to the party" "
冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... clean v. 擦干净,把...弄干净 clean up 清除;收拾干净 cleaner n. 清洁工.
- 基于3087个网页
九年级英语单词表 ... attitude 态度 clean up 打扫 hunger 饥饿.
- 基于2919个网页
九年级英语单词表_百度知道 ... attitude 态度 clean up 打扫干净 hunger 饥饿.
- 基于1508个网页
冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... clean v. 擦干净,把...弄干净 clean up 清除;收拾干净 cleaner n. 清洁工.
- 基于1130个网页
cleaning up
清理   d.清理(Cleaning up) BOOL UnmapViewOfFile(LPCVOID lpBaseAddress);CloseHandle()  4、动态数据交换(DDE)通过维护全局分 …
- 基于444个网页
清洁洗涤 清洁洗涤 (CLEANING UP) MEMBERSIHKAN用不同之清洁布清洁地板,家俬,餐桌,洗杯碟,洗盆,洗厕盆等,切勿混淆。
- 基于19个网页
vacuum clean up
真空除气 石油英语词汇(V1)--石油百科 ... vacuum centrifugal pump 离心式真空泵 vacuum clean up 真空除气 vacuum cleaner 真空清洁器.
- 基于114个网页
clean up one's act
自我检点 slang_互动百科 ... chicken 鸡(胆小鬼) clean up one's act 自我检点,自我改进 come down in bucket 倾盆大雨.
- 基于650个网页
自我改进 slang_互动百科 ... chicken 鸡(胆小鬼) clean up one's act 自我检点,自我改进 come down in bucket 倾盆大雨.
- 基于638个网页
clean up on
击败 clean the slate 了结往事clean up on 击败clean up 打扫干净
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