
&美丽的黄果树瀑布&四川省南充市 &仪陇县新政镇校 三年级四班 &漆帜  去年暑假,爸爸带我到贵州的黄果树瀑布去旅游。那里山清水秀,鸟语花香,空气新鲜,景色迷人。游人看了这幅美景,对黄果树瀑布赞不绝口。他们有人说它声若雷鸣,气势磅礴;有人说它白水如棉,红霞似锦;有人说它妩媚娟秀,天生丽质。我被眼前这美丽的景色而陶醉,深深地吸了一口带有凉意的空气。转过头来,发现一位画家拿着手中的笔正在描绘这世界上最著名、最美丽的瀑布。画中的瀑布好象一个个音符从键盘中流淌出来,它让我领略到了高山流水的韵味。  不久,远处一群小鸟飞了过来,一只鸟妈妈在叽叽地叫着,仿佛在说“孩子们,这里的风景真美呀,我们快来这里安家吧!”小鸟们点了点头。不一会,一只小鸟啄了一些泥,另一只小鸟衔来了一些很小的树枝放在了树的枝头上,鸟妈妈关心地对孩子们说:“你们要把窝搭结实点,这样才能遮风挡雨,睡得舒服些。”它们费了半天工夫才把窝搭好。可是,一个小男孩这时却想把小鸟们费尽心血而搭起的窝给毁了。我看到之后十分气愤,跑过去对他说:“小弟弟,请你不要把小鸟们刚搭好的窝毁了,小鸟是人类的好朋友,我们应好好保护它!”并说:“小鸟没有窝就象我们没有家一样,它将会四处流浪,别人还会伤害它。”小孩听后羞愧地低下了头,他说:“大姐姐,我知道错了,回去后我要让我爸爸做个警示牌,在上面写着:请大家保护小鸟,并爱护一草一木。”我听后开心地笑了。  不知不觉太阳下山了,余晖照在瀑布上,瀑布显得更加绚丽夺目。最后,我和爸爸依依不舍地离开了这美丽的黄果树瀑布。指导教师:漆二虎投稿: 18:08:11
现在的人都是不分是非,混淆黑白的吗?还是因为他们的虚伪战胜了高尚的光荣?——题记     仅仅是因为偶然,我在一本杂志上看到了几篇高考的零分作文,在此之后,我陷入了久久的沉思……     那些零分作文大都有着华丽的词藻、...()
四个男人   现在快要进入九月份了,高温在秋天萧瑟的淫威下收敛了许多,算一算的话,我和干爹从去年的十月份认识,一直到现在,嗯也差不多有十一个月了。诶我能够认一个人这么长久并且对他始终保持浓厚的兴趣,真好,真不容...()
———————————————————————————————   小时候,做了什么事总是要急着炫耀,无论是好事还是坏事,坏事总是要急着承认,一点也不敢憋在心里,因为知道撒谎的后果是多么的严重。  
《Huangguoshu waterfall》Chinese biggest waterfall. Located at Guizhou Province Zhenning Buyi national minority Miao national minority Autonomous County domestic clear water river bank. The surroundings karst blazon, the river width water is anxious, the mountain range folds the screen-like mountain peaks, imposing, is always joins Yunnan, the Guizhou two province main roads. Has the Yunnan Guizhou Province road to pass. Clear water rivers after locality when the river bed breaks is completed nine levels of waterfalls, Huangguoshu for most greatly first-level. The waterfall width 30 meters (summer may amount to 40 meters) the dropping variance 66 meters, the current capacity amount to each second more than 2,000 cubic meter. Is famous vastly by the appearance of the water, is also one of world-famous big waterfalls. The waterfall opposite constructs the view waterfall pavilion, the tourist may watch surging forward in the pavilion the river water to gallop releases the rhinoceros deep pool straight. Leaps the water drop high more than 90 meters, forms the water screen in the nearby, the midsummer arrives at this, the summer heat all disappears. After the waterfall, on the precipice becomes a hole concavely, was called that “the water screen hole”, the hole deep more than 20 meters, Dongkou year to year obstructs for the waterfall, may the window sneak a peek at the natural water screen scenic place in the hole. By the local one kind of common plant, “Huangguoshu” acquires fame. By its male wonderful grand big waterfall, the series densely covered waterfall group is well-known in everywhere, is very grand. And enjoys “the Chinese first waterfall” the high reputation. The Huangguoshu scenic spot area located at the Guizhou west line tourist center Anshun southwest 45 kilometers place, within the boundaries of the Zhenning Buyi national minority Miao national minority Autonomous County, east the northing Guizhou provincial capital Guiyang 150 kilometers, has the Yunnan Guizhou Province railroad, six multiple track railroad, the Huangguoshu airport, 320 federal highways, expensively (positive) yellow (fruit tree) the first-class highway to link up the throughout, newly built clear (town) yellow (fruit tree) high speed road direct link scenic area. The scenic area take the Huangguoshu waterfall as a center, take the waterfall, the limestone cave, the underground lake as a main body. The famous Huangguoshu big waterfall, is the Guizhou first beautiful scenery, the Chinese first big waterfall, is also the world is most liberal one of magnificent waterfalls. In the scenic area take the Huangguoshu big waterfall (height 77.8 meters, width 101.0 meters) as the center, uses the whole world satellite positioning system (GPS) and so on scientific method, obtains the Asian biggest waterfall - - - Huangguoshu big waterfall the true altitude is 77.8 meters, advocates the waterfall height 67 Waterfall width 101 meters, advocates the waterfall to go against the width 83.3 meters. , is distributing the size 18 waterfalls which male, wonderful, the danger, the Xiu style vary, forms a huge waterfall “the family”, is evaluated in the world by the macrocosm Kiness Headquarters the biggest waterfall group, includes the world Kiness record. The Huangguoshu big waterfall is in the Huangguoshu waterfall group the most magnificent waterfall, is in the world may only from top and bottom, before and, the left and right six position watching waterfall, is also in the world has the water screen hole nature penetration, and can from the hole the tin, the view, trace waterfall. Ming Dynasty great traveller Xu Xiake inspects the big waterfall to acclaim: “pounds the bead to collapse the jade, the priming instead wells up, if the smog soars, the poten The so-called `bead curtain hook does not curl, the bolt of white silk hangs the remote peak ', also is insufficient to plan strongly its, the Gao Jun several fold has it, but from does not have this extravagant and big”. The Huangguoshu waterfall group located at the Guizhou Province Guizhou Province in Qiu Yuan the Zhenning, within the boundaries of the Guanling Buyi national minority Miao national minority Autonomous County, is apart from Guiyang the approximately 150 kilometers. It is the size waterfall which varies by 18 graceful bearing composes, is most exquisite by the Huangguoshu big waterfall magnificently, therefore is called as the Huangguoshu waterfall group. Because the Huangguoshu waterfall group's various waterfalls graceful bearing is not only unique, the modelling is very exquisite, may be called in the world be most typical, the most magnificent karst waterfall group, moreover in its periphery also grows many karst limestone caves, in the hole is growing each kind of karst cavern landform, forms the famous Guizhou underground world, has the enormous sightseeing value, therefore the State Council has authorized the Huangguoshu waterfall group to list as the nation first batch of key scenic spot to develop the region. May foresee, crosses when again, along with the Huangguoshu waterfall group's further development, south central Guizhou Province will become in our country and even the world one of most famous waterfall tour areas. Huangguoshu waterfall: The Huangguoshu waterfall located at the Guizhou Province north west, periphery waterfall then, 18 waterfall styles varies, differ in thousands of ways, forms a huge waterfall family. The Huangguoshu waterfall is " the waterfall group " the most magnificent waterfall, the height 77.8 meters, the width 101.0 meters. In 1638, the Ming Dynasty big traveller and geographer Xu Xiake after inspecting the big waterfall acclaimed: “pounds the bead to collapse the jade, the priming instead wells up like the smog to soar, potentia The so-called bead curtain hook does not curl, the bolt of white silk hangs the remote peak, is insufficient to plan strongly its. The Gao Jun several fold has it, but from does not have this extravagant and big. “the Huangguoshu waterfall is in the world may only from top and bottom, before and, the left and right six position onlooking waterfall, is also in the world has the water screen hole only (134 meters) the nature penetration, and can listen to the waterfall which from the hole introversion, the view, traces.>>美丽黄果树瀑布
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美丽的黄果树瀑布&美丽的黄果树瀑布&省南充市 &仪陇县新政镇小 四班 &漆帜  去年暑假,带我到的黄果树瀑布去,。那里山清秀,语香,空气新鲜,迷人。游人看了这幅,对黄果树瀑布赞不绝口。他们有人说它声若雷鸣,气势磅礴;有人说它白水如棉,红霞似锦;有人说它妩媚娟秀,天生丽质。我被眼前这美丽的景色而陶醉,深深地吸了一口带有凉意的空气,《》()。 ◆分享好文◆转过头来,发现一位画家拿着手中的笔正在描绘这世界上最著名、最美丽的瀑布。画中的瀑布好象一个个音符从键盘中流淌出来,它让我领略到了高山流水的韵味。  不久,远处一群小鸟飞了过来,一只鸟在叽叽地叫着,仿佛在说“孩子们,这里的真美呀,我们快来这里安家吧!”小鸟们点了点头。不一会,一只小鸟啄了一些泥,另一只小鸟衔来了一些很小的树枝放在了树的枝头上,鸟妈妈关心地对孩子们说:“你们要把窝搭结实点,这样才能遮风挡,睡得舒服些。”它们费了半天工夫才把窝搭好。可是,一个小男孩这时却想把小鸟们费尽心血而搭起的窝给毁了。我看到之后十分气愤,跑过去对他说:“小,请你不要把小鸟们刚搭好的窝毁了,小鸟是人类的好,我们应好好保护它!”并说:“小鸟没有窝就象我们没有家一样,它将会四处流浪,别人还会伤害它。”小孩听后羞愧地低下了头,他说:“大,我知道错了,回去后我要让我爸爸做个警示牌,在上面写着:请大家保护小鸟,并护一草一木。”我听后开心地笑了。  不知不觉下山了,余晖照在瀑布上,瀑布显得更加绚丽夺目。最后,我和爸爸依依不舍地离开了这美丽的黄果树瀑布。指导:漆二虎投稿: 18:08:11
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