happy birthday wish, wish you well in heaven! we miss

Happy birthday Paul!. News. The Official Website of a-ha
Happy birthday Paul!
Posted on &&--&&<font color="#/15/2015&--&&<font color="#/13/2014the pic to go with post below.&--&&<font color="#/13/2014
&--&&<font color="#/13/2014Hey Danny, thinking of you!&--&&<font color="#/13/2014Well brother -- I &miss you, as always. &Here's a pic of your namesake, Daniel, and his sister, Madeleine, chillin in colorado together. &Here's why I picked this pic for posting: they've got field guides in hand, there's both water AND keg cup in view, "MOUNTAIN" on the bench, Danny Z's expression, and of course, my wish that you could have met my two children. &LOVE YOU BROTHER. &PLM!!!&--&&<font color="#/14/2014
you are never gone from my heart, my mind...........so many memories!&
Had a great time with Arrowhead 04 and 14.......truly a wonderful celebration of your life
Miss you just as much!!&--&&<font color="#/03/2014You were the coolest of the cool thr badesof the bad and the greatest of all the greats! You are missed and loved more than ever. I take you wherever my adventures go. I can only hope you are proud of the person I have become! PLM - Sanborn&--&&<font color="#/02/201410 years!& Where did the time go?& Hard to believe Dan has been gone that long.& I often wonder what adventures you would have gotten into in those ten years.& I can only imagine they would have been wonderful.& We miss and think of you often!!&
Aunt Lisa&--&&<font color="#/02/2014So hard to believe ten years have passed. I think of you often and laugh at all the memories. Your spirit will live on in this world forever and the mountains forever echo your soul.&Ten years&--&&<font color="#/01/2014Here's the first of (hopefully) several blog posts commemorating the man on the 10th anniversary of the incident.&http://www.sanville.net/blog/?p=1523
Thank you guys SO MUCH for keeping this site active for 10 years!!
Cousin AndyPLFM&--&&<font color="#/04/2013Hey bro... just recently spent some time in NH with this crazy lady.& We had a lot of fun! :) Then I headed over see the man burn in the desert (with a beautiful woman), down to Yosemite and over to Denver CO to see Msrs Sanville and Zweibel for some +14k' action.& You would definitely approve brother!& You are always in my heart, but even more so on this trip.& We miss you.& PLFM. JP&--&&<font color="#/02/2013Thinking of you one the eve of the 2nd&
-Arrowhead hotshot&
never forget
Enjoy Swale D sorry we couldnt be thereTrying to contact Matthew&--&&<font color="#/01/2013Hi folks, My sister is with Dan now, I am hoping& to get Matthew to contact the family.Miss you Dan and you too Sissy.Laura
fdsfsdf&--&&<font color="#/26/2013
hi honey&--&&<font color="#/10/2013
You know how much you are loved and missed by all- this past week has been awful- we know you greeted your 19 "brothers" when they arrived to be in heaven with you- wow I bet it's louder than ever now!
I loved what Joe Biden said- " the day will come when the memory of your firefighter will bring a smile to your face before it brings a tear to your eye"
I know that in our family that happens a lot- but there is just as likely to be a tear and sometimes both at the same time
Take care of the new arrivals and assure them that they will never be forgotten!
I send my love to you all- I love you honey
Auntie N xoxoxoxo
From Louise&--&&<font color="#/07/2013
The last post was by Louise Kane Brock's mom
From Louise&--&&<font color="#/07/2013
The last post was by Louise Kane Brock's mom
miss you Dan&--&&<font color="#/07/2013Dear Dan,
this recent tragedy made me think of the shock that Brock and I felt when we heard you had died. I'll never forget the relief I felt in meeting you as Brock's roommate and that the two of you had bonded so well. I have all these memories of your laugh, your crazy infectious humor and love of life and of you and Brock leaving on your adventure to Arcata, most notably the last day you left. I loved you as my son's best friend but also as the friend you were becoming to me also. I'll never forget some of the kind letters you wrote to keep Brock in your heart and to keep me posted of your whereabouts and what you were up to. Dan you were one special young man. we miss you.....You touched our lives so memorably. Dee if you see this please send me an e mail
and Andy I am not sure I ever got the CD years ago. If you have another I would truly love one you can reach me at 508-237-8326
RIP Danny&&--&&<font color="#/02/2013
Thinking about you Dan. Think about you throughout the years. I really wish you had gotten the chance to teach me snowboarding. I to this day have never been. I will have to go do it one of these days in your memory. Lets all give our prayers to the firefighters in Arizona. Our prayers are always with you too Dan. You are missed by so many.
&--&&<font color="#/02/2013Had a real hard day today bro. Thinking of you a lot! Watch over all these families that are dealing with the loss of your WFF brothers! We all miss you a lot cuz! P.L.M.&Luke&--&&<font color="#/20/2013Hold him tight Danny
We all miss you
Luke Sheehy&--&&<font color="#/15/2013Thinking of you Dan.& We learned from our mistakes, but it is still happening.& When will we get better protection...&--&&<font color="#/05/2013I know where you were Saturday night..felt you at the Club Casino..Miss you Cuz&--&&<font color="#/05/2013&--&&<font color="#/07/2013
Been thinking of you a lot Cuz! Took Mom to her first paintball game with my boys it was a day in your memory!! The boys are getting big and your a big inspiration to them, to live life to it's fullest like you! Miss ya Bud..love ya!!&
&--&&<font color="#/06/2013LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! MISS YOU MORE THAN I CAN SAY. You would have loved the paintball fund raiser, would love knowing Aaron and Quinn (and Noah)&Thinking of you as always!&--&&<font color="#/30/2013Hey buddy sure do miss you as I prep for a summer of camping, but you will be with me on every trip. &Happy Birthday&--&&<font color="#/16/2013
Hi HoneyHappy Birthday- we love and miss you!Auntie
We Miss You Homeboy&--&&<font color="#/02/2012Danny - we will all be thinking about you tomorrow on the 8th anniversary of the accident. Your spirit and passion for life lives on everyday within your family and friends.
PLM my Brother!Peace, love and mountains&--&&<font color="#/02/2012I can't believe it's been 8 years. Not a day goes by that something doesn't remind me of my big cousin. Many lives were profoundly changed on October 2, 2004, mine among them. But so many lives were positively impacted by Dan in the time before that, mine among them. I think it speaks to his character that so many of us still feel his presence so powerfully. But it doesn't get easier. We miss you, Danny. Peace, love, and mountains.&&--&&<font color="#/02/2012Hey Dan.& Can't believe 8 years have gone by already...............you are in our thoughts and hearts everyday and always!
Auntie Lisa&--&&<font color="#/01/2012Miss you danny boy. cant believe it has been 8 years. think about you every day. listening to your fav Phish song and remembering/ laughing at the good times.. Dosent get better than that. :) miss and love you Dan&
John patrick
&--&&<font color="#/01/2012Miss you danny boy. cant believe it has been 8 years. think about you every day. listening to your fav Phish song and remembering/ laughing at the good times.. Dosent get better than that. :) miss and love you Dan&
John patrick
&--&&<font color="#/01/2012Hi HoneyWow 8 years!! Never out of our thoughts always in our hearts. I know you are with me and I get your signs!Love as alwaysAuntie
&--&&<font color="#/16/2012January 16, 1978 one of the happiest days of my life.......a beautiful star came into our lives and shone brightly for 26 years! On that first day, it was the first day that MLK day was celebrated in MA., it was in the middle of the snowiest winter, snow banks higher than an adult...! Hints of things to come??
& Oh the adventures, the memories, the friends........"Ma, we got a situation!!!
I/we miss you my darlin' son. But you shine on in our hearts, always
&&&--&&<font color="#/16/2012Happy Birthday Danny! You got another beautiful day. I am going to be sure to enjoy the sunshine,&and have a&couple Cape Coddas for you later too. We miss you so much, and it never gets easier. The best we can do is enjoy life and treat each other kindly, as you did.
ShannaHappy Birthday&--&&<font color="#/15/2012Happy Birthday day Dan - I know I'm a day early!& You have been on my mind so much- i think we are going out for my birthday today and we will have a Cape Codda for you!!& We all love and miss you you!!Love Auntie
Danny Boy - Your Namesake is 1!! We Miss You & Love You!!&--&&<font color="#/05/2011Hey Danny Boy - your namesake, Daniel Richard Zwiebel - born in Colorado (the "fuckin Yankees of States") just turned one year old!! YES!!!& Here's a pic to celebrate - ROCK ON!!& Sure wish you were here in Denver with us.& I think of you every fucking week.& Love you, Bri Z & Danny Boy Z.
THANK YOU ALL for posting&--&&<font color="#/13/2011Thought of Dan today, when I was explaining to my students one of our old study techniques where we would make up a funny story with all our vocab in it.....then i looked up and saw his picture next to my board and realizwed his spirit lives on! &--&&<font color="#/02/2011
Hello my boy- you have been gone from our lives for 7 years! It is so hard to believe! You are never out of my thoughts- I feel you with me- I hear your laugh- I feel your big, strong hug.I know you were at Cathleen's wedding- you little devil- tugging on your mom's dress- Blackbird twice! We all miss you, love you and think of you.Peace, Love and Mountains my boy
Much Love&--&&<font color="#/02/2011Dan there really isn't time that passes me by that I don't think about your up beat spirit.& You were so positive.& Such a powerful personality.& Like nothing in this world could get in the way of you and the outdoors.& The go for it attitude.& "Why not, just do it, lets go now.& Grab the pack, lace up the boots, lets rally up the white mountains."& I loved that about you Dan.& That attitude is so great.& No need to waste time in contemplation, just get out there and live life. & Breath the air, soak up the beauty of the view, and let scent of evergreen fill your soul with the greatness to change the world with your simple presence. That i will carry with me my friend.& Peace Love and Mountains.dusty
Remembering Dan&--&&<font color="#/30/2011Hey everyone. As October 2nd approaches, we all know what that means. For anyone not on Facebook or not amongst my "Friends", please feel free to look at a Dan photo album I'm adding to daily at&/media/set/?set=a.1.6140379&l=077c6e3653&type=1
It occurred to me that while we'll always feel a loss, we'll always remember the laughs, joy and good times, too. For me, the pictures are the quickest way to bring those sentiments to life. I hope you check it out, feel free to tag anything I miss, and thanks again to the guys for keeping this site up and running and available for almost 7 years.
Peace, Love, and Mountains.&--&&<font color="#/01/2011Hey homey - Still feel your absence every single day. I am moving to your other neck of the woods - Flagstaff area - know you'd be super "stoked" for me on my next adventure. Someone recently told me that death ends a life but not a relationship. So true, so true. Love you always. &--&&<font color="#/16/2011& love love love & miss you more than words can say......many many happy memories shared with family and friends this weekend & & missed seeing you there and hearing you laugh and tell stories of adventures, but hey, who pulled on the tie to my dress?!! Blackbird playing twice?? you would have loved meeting Kaden and Spencer &the world goes on &our love for you goes on!
"Ma"Wildfire, Memories, and Growing up&--&&<font color="#/21/2011Hey folks, I recently wrote and posted this note in Facebook. It's been awhile since I checked in on this site, and then it occurred to me this is a better place to share the note. - Cousin Andy
Since I first visited The West in 2001, I have been aware of wildfires and Fire Season. While visiting Aunt Dee and heading to the Grand Canyon, I saw wildfire smoke for the first time as an area near Flagstaff burned. I fell in love with The West on that trip, and also became wary of wildfires. My safety was never in jeopardy, but the whole concept of a wild fire seemed so menacing. "Wild" is part of its name.
When I was a kid, I idolized my cousin Danny. Nearly 2 years older than I, he was one of "the big kids" and very cool. As we hit our teens and early adulthood, we became friends, too. We shared some really good times together. We corresponded often, usually with him writing a letter from somewhere exotic and me responding via email. We didn't see each other but once or twice a year, but our ongoing dialogue made any geographic distance disappear. The last letter I got from Danny was him telling me what his next adventure was going to be, that he was on a hotshot crew. The "fucking Yankees" of hotshot crews, in fact. Although I had no idea what a hotshot crew actually was, it seemed cool and exciting and real. (I've since learned a thing or 2.) Not without danger, but a service to society where he got to be outdoor his element.
October 2, 2004, many of our lives changed. My cousin and friend lost his life while working a prescribed burn as a member of the&Arrowhead Hotshots Interagency Hotshot Crew. Just like that. Approaching 7 years later, I still can not comprehend the loss of him. But I can process it a lot better today.
Hearing about "the accident" was the most devastated I ever felt. There are dozens of people that were similarly impacted. His life impacted so many of us, naturally his death should too. But in the fallout of that devastation, for the first time I witnessed a genuine, massive outpouring of love and support from complete strangers to complete strangers. People cared about what happened and cared about other people affected by the tragedy. It didn't matter if "you" and "I" if we both knew Danny, then we were instantly bonded. Almost 7 years later, that continues to be true. And that comforts me.
In 2007 I moved out to the West that I was enamored with. I moved in with Dee, in a town Danny had spent some time. Packing up and leaving my comfy life in Connecticut for the unknown of New Mexico was the scariest "risk" I've taken. But it seemed a very Dan thing to do. He ha I knew were he able to tell me, he'd have approved of me living my life in a new and different way in a new and different place. There were a lot of reasons to leave, but the final push in my mind was Dan.&
Four years later, I live in Colorado. I'm engaged to a woman I love, have a job I enjoy, and every day I'm in awe of the fact that I live in Colorado. "The fucking Yankees" of states. I feel better about my life than I ever have.&
But the fires.
Since the spring, southern Colorado has been blanketed with wildfire smoke. Some is from in-state fires, some is from surrounding states like NM and AZ. It paints the sky and the sun and the Rocky Mountains unnatural colors. It lingers. Some days you can taste it. The smoke is present. Constantly. Present.
The smoke is a constant reminder to me of my cousin and friend, and of the men and women who battle these blazes. How impossibly large is a fire that its smoke blankets a city hunderds of miles away? How do people take on these monsters. Well, they do. They're called wildland firefighters, and they're folks with the same spirit of adventure and service that made Danny. And that comforts me. I think of these folks, whom I've never met, and I hope for their safety and thank them for what they do. I'd like there to be fewer fires and less peril in the world, but the smoke reminds me of my cousin and that people like him are nearby. And that comforts me.&--&&<font color="#/13/2011Love, love, love!
miss you more than words can sayMarisa and Michael&--&&<font color="#/08/2011Hey Holmsey!& We miss you and will never forget you.& Lots of love, amigo!& Marisa and Michael Budds
&--&&<font color="#/26/2011Hey cuz, Its been a long time since I have posted on here. i just wanted to say you are always on my mind and and in our thoughts. A day doesn't go by that im not thinking about you. I love you man Peace Love & Mountains& Cousin John.& & Happy Birthday !!!!&--&&<font color="#/18/2011Happy birthday my friend! Missing the adventurous stories and hanging out, but your spirit is with us all. Listened to one of your favorite phish shows 10/31/96 the other day and remembering the good old days of rockin out "crosseyed and painless" at Senators North.
Peace, Love & Mountains
Dan DHappy birthday&--&&<font color="#/16/2011happy birthday Dan! We all love and miss your smile and hugs!Love Auntie
&--&&<font color="#/22/2010
Danny, My friend, it?s been a long time coming, but this is my first post to the site.
&In that time you have been in my
thoughts whenever I?m near the hills, or when something reminds me of you or
the adventures we had.& You are missed.& You really showed me something different
brother.& Your overwhelming love, passion
and fearless optimism will always be with me. &This Christmas, I?m going back to NZ and will
be passing through some of those places.& Trust you're coming too.& Sorry its been so long. &Peace, love and mountains always. JP
Danny boy you are loved missed and live on! - love Bri Z&--&&<font color="#/21/2010Back from Swale&--&&<font color="#/06/2010Back from visiting my "fire family", the strength I get from being in the place you so loved is incredible....you can't imagine the love and laughter, with tears mixed into it all, &that are there.......this time i really felt your presence, your laughter, your love!!&
&& That damn tree is still there, but there is life growing around it now! "The Rocks" is sweet smelling this year, the leaves haven't turned, but being up there with friends, with kids, sitting in the sun, or having a beer with Ben @ sunset.......just how I hoped it would be when Brit & I picked the spot out 6 long years ago!!
&& & You are always, always in my heartYour fiend Jeremy&--&&<font color="#/04/2010
Thinking of you man. You were a terrific friend and roomate. I remember taking photos in our yard of you and your girlfriend minutes before you pulled out of the drive way and headed for your duties in Kings Canyon National Park. I am surrounded by mountains and can't look at a single one without thinking of you. I hope you are climbing mountains in another and wonderful place these days, sitting atop of it with your smile and looking down on all of us friends of yours and your family.
&--&&<font color="#/04/2010Always thinking of you Dan!& Peace, Love and Mountains. miss you brother&--&&<font color="#/04/2010danny,
raising some glass to you on this day.&
uhlMiss you Dan&--&&<font color="#/03/2010We miss you Dan.&
NH Mts 10-2-10&--&&<font color="#/03/2010New Hampshire Mountains 10-2-10&--&&<font color="#/03/2010Miss you always! It never gets easier, but I never miss you any less. I keep you with me on every adventure I take. Love you forever! SANBORN&
Thoughts&--&&<font color="#/13/2010Getting to be that time of year, nights are cool, leaves are starting to change and memories of you are constantly running through my thoughts...Love ya and miss ya Danny Boy!! Cousin Scott
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Thinking of Dan&--&&<font color="#/31/2010Hanging out in Flagstaff AZ Saturday night, thinking how Dan use to live here. Wish we could have watched the band together. Miss ya Dan.
Coming soon&--&&<font color="#/12/2010
I plan on a major post soon, I'm so glad to see the site is alive and well! Thanks guys!Andy
&--&&<font color="#/12/2010
Just hanging around thinking about you bro. Miss you, think abt you whenever Im on a good adventure!......Sanborn
Just read the news...&--&&<font color="#/09/2010I knew Danny through my friendship with his brother Matt. Both of our little brothers were the same age growing up and even played hockey together. I am now an independant forester and logger&in NH and have traveled and worked in some of the same areas as Danny. I am in total shock at the news. I feel badly that I found out&only today&and wish I could have passed on my&condolences earlier. My heart goes out to Danny and those he leaves behind. I am glad Danny went after his dreams and I am positive he was well aware of the risks it involved. It's a&special breed men and women that put on their hardhats and boots everyday to keep the rest of us safe. Godspeed Danny.
Michael Jensen (adopted name Swanson, changed back to Jensen&after high school)&--&&<font color="#/18/2010
Just returned from the WFF annual Family Weekend.....saw some of our mutual friends, met a new friend, Patty..so wonderful to talk to people that you knew!! Got a wonderful message from Toby and Eric....& More proof that your spirit is always with us
Thinking of you...&--&&<font color="#/17/2010Oddities...& The family I nanny for just had a baby boy (Henry).& He came into the world at 10:01am on your birthday.& I have a feeling he's going to be a special little guy!!& I miss you Daniel.All of my love,Jules
Cousins with Danny&--&&<font color="#/17/2010Trying this again... The cousins and Danny&--&&<font color="#/17/2010Happy Birthday!&--&&<font color="#/17/2010Danny - I hope you loved your birthday party. Your cake was amazing. The cape codders were just right. It was the regular crazy Burke good time. Your mom was in from NM, and Andy and Chelsea were over the computer. The only thing missing was&you.... but you were with us. Thank you for the beautiful day in the middle of January!
We love you. We miss you.
Love Always, Shanna&--&&<font color="#/17/2010WE had sucha nice party at Scott's house- we all had a "cape codda" and Val made a beautiful cake-your mom was home it was really nice and only one thing missing- YOU!!!& We all love and miss you honeyhappy 32nd birthdayLove Auntie nancy
Happy Birthday Dannyboy!!!!!!&--&&<font color="#/16/2010I'll be raising a cape coder in your honor. Miss your smile, laughter, and stories of great adventures!!!!!
Peace, love, and Mountains
Dan&--&&<font color="#/24/2009OurChristmas Star!!
&--&&<font color="#/22/2009Merry Christmas Dan.& We will all be thinking about and missing you.
Auntie Lisa&--&&<font color="#/25/2009
&--&&<font color="#/15/2009Seems like an eternity since that last snowy night partying at my pad,a day doesn't go by that a thought of you doesn't at some point pass through my head and bring a smile to my face.My boys are growing up fast and what a impression you left on Aarons young life,he has 2 pictures of you in his room and talks a lot about you.You wouldbe glad to know they both love the woods and Quinn is even a boy scout.Dude I miss you like crazy!! Till later,Peace little Cuz&--&&<font color="#/05/2009Matt and I went to Grand Canyon this past weekend, Slide Rock, Sedona.....thought of you, talked to you and about you, missed you so much. Great friends and great family have helped us so much.........you know who they are. We love you!
Mom&--&&<font color="#/05/2009Danny,
Tomorrow I am going hiking in VT and I will be thinking of you... I know you will be with us. I wish you could have met my dogs Bailey and Fenway (and Michael too).. you would have loved them.
I miss you everyday....
Love always,
Shanna&--&&<font color="#/27/2009DannyIn a couple of days we will be marking a very sad anniversary.& It is so hard to believe that you've been gone 5 years!& We miss you every day- but we feel your presence. How I would love to hear your voice or feel your hug.I miss you honey!Love& Auntie N
Thinking of you&--&&<font color="#/10/2009Dan,
I was thinking of you this morning.& Just stopped by to say hello.& I wish I knew you as an adult.& You always made me feel better and made me smile, always.& Makes me very very sad to know you're gone.&
*Katie Schmidt.
Living memories in Cali&--&&<font color="#/15/2009Danny Boy,
Was just telling a classic story about trudging through the snow with you bro. &Miss you all the time. &
See you on the trail.
Z Young&--&&<font color="#/04/2009I love you Danny. You are with me every step of the way. CEC
&--&&<font color="#/01/2009Here it is, the 1st of May. In many yers past, it would be time to get ready for "the season" A season of adventures at Mt. Rainier. How you loved that mountain and the seasonal life there! Your friends, the work!&How I miss you and your tales of adventurepeace Love and Mountains& Mom
&--&&<font color="#/27/2009
Not a day goes by Holmesy, not a day, without you in my mind.& love ya buddydust
&--&&<font color="#/13/2009
Damn Cuz, miss you everyday! Went to Vail last month man, it was ur b-day and I had a cape codda at 14,000 ft bro, thats the closest I could get to having a drink with you. Im pretty sure you were with me that whole trip riding right next to me, and partying all night! This never get easier homie, all I wish is that could have another adventure to share with you! I take you everywhere I go man and spread the love that is Dan Holmes!&
Cuz SanbornSIncerely&--&&<font color="#/30/2009I never met Dan but he sounds like a remarkable dude. I'm sure we've chewed on some of the same ash at one time or another. God bless brother.
Silver State Hotshots
Dept. of Interior&--&&<font color="#/16/2009
Another January 16 without you! WOW. I remember the snows that week, the joy, the begining of the adventure that was your life.
Last night we watched the wonderful DVD Andy put together as we raised a Cape Codda, laughed, cried, remembered!
I miss your smile, your hugs, your phone calls from all over the world "Ma, this is your son Daniel, calling you
I miss YOU!!
Peace, Love, and Mountains, my beloved son! We will NEVER forget
&--&&<font color="#/16/2009Happy birthday Dan- we miss you every day
Auntie N&--&&<font color="#/05/2009&--&&<font color="#/07/2008&--&&<font color="#/07/2008Dan "Homeboy" Holmes,
Although we have never met, your spirit
is alive and still inspiring. This year the Arrowhead Hotshots saw a
handful of "rookies" take residence at Swale and dedicate a
portion of their lives to the crew. As the season has now come to an
end, we can all say that part of that dedication is to you homeboy.
Your spirit and what you stand for is everywhere at Swale. You are in
the ready room, the mess hall, the saw cache, the recycling cashe,
and up on the "knob". You are forever an Arrowhead Hotshot,
and will continue to live on in the spirit of the crew. Just
Yesterday the 4th annual "Homeboy Positive Mental Attitude
Award" was giving out in remembrance and celebration of your
spirit. This season, On Oct 4th, Brit Rosso added a few things to
your collection on the "knob" and the crew celebrated late
into the night. This picture is from an early season trip to the
snag. "Peace, Love, and Mountains".
PEACE LOVE MOUNTAINS.. tibetan&--&&<font color="#/21/2008&--&&<font color="#/21/2008Its wierd, the more time I have spent in the mountains the closer I feel to you bro. Maybe the higher I get the closer I am to your strong spirit! Miss you man, just trying to be more like you every day! P.L.M.
Memories&--&&<font color="#/16/2008I recently reconnected with a mutual friend of ours Jared Steer. We new each other from New East Rochester school. Having learned of Dan's passing a flood of memories came rushing back. Two in particular stuck out. One was during recess at school. We were all playing football, Dan had approached me and asked "how do you run so fast", to which I answerd "I don't know". He then asked if I could teach him. I proceded to try and teach him how to run fast by showing him how fast I ran...Needless to say it didn't work to well, but we had a good laugh. From that day on we were friends.
The last memory I have of Dan was at the Rochester Fair. My family moved back to Massachusetts when Dan and I were 12. A few years later my family and I went to the fair to catch the fireworks, while I was wondering around Dan saw me and ran up to say hi. I was so happy to see him that I spent the next couple of hours talking about old times with him. We watched the fireworks together, when they were finished we said our good byes with a see you later and Keep in touch.&&Unfortunately we did not keep that promise&and I have not spoken with him since.
I am sad that I did not know Dan as a man but I am comforted in the fact that I knew him as a child.
I will never again take for granted the friends and family in my life.
My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends,
"there's an ache in my heart and I don't know why. Something to do with the sea and sky."
-Derek Roy
&--&&<font color="#/07/2008I'm so happy to see the site back up! Dan I miss you and think of you every day- I'll hear a song, see a butterfly &or just feel you with me.
So hard to believe that it has been 4 years!
love Auntie Nancy&--&&<font color="#/07/2008holmes-sketch, xo&--&&<font color="#/05/2008-miss you&& your infectious laugh and spirit.
Always, brennan&&& xo
&--&&<font color="#/03/2008So glad the site is up and running.& I tried posting yesterday and couldn't.
WOW.....4 years already, hard to believe that much time has gone by.& We are thinking of you Dan, as we do quite often.& We all miss you.
Uncle John, Aunt Lisa, JP and Mike
&--&&<font color="#/03/2008
I am so excited to see the site back up! There are so many "family members" that I wish I could talk to and this is a great vehicle to do it!&I am in CT this week for a wedding and it is all so close, being here! & How can 4 years have gone by? It seems like yesterday, it seems like forever since we lost Danny! Everday I am reminded of something he said, or did, or a place he went.....God I miss Danny!!&&& Am so grateful for you all out there in the world that help to keep the love, the energy, thememories alive!Peace Love and Mountains&&&&&&& Dee
&--&&<font color="#/02/2008Much love to you always...
Jaclyn 4 years&--&&<font color="#/02/2008Hard to believe it's been 4 years....& A bunch of us parkies at Mt. Rainier&congregated around&Danl's tree at Sunrise this morning, burned some incense and toasted his life with a Sammy Smith Oatmeal Stout.& We miss you, bro and think about you every day.& Peace, love and mountains.
James&--&&<font color="#/02/2008
dans tree in johnson vt
&--&&<font color="#/02/2008Miss you Dan.& Everyday for the past 4 years.& Love you brother.dustps. bran has the site is up and running just have to add old posts.
Dusty VT&--&&<font color="#/08/2007After Dan?s ceremony in nh we were pretty shooken up and still are, but there has been these reacquiring moments where Dan continues to remind me that he is still so very much in our lives and souls.
We felt his great spirits in us that day telling us be strong, to hold tight to the love and to live - to live full - to live real - to live strong, so with tears in our eyes and Dan in our minds we pushed to a small pub in Hampton to order the dannyboy stoli and low and behold Colin goes to the ATM and the machine had kicked out a $20 to cover a round, tnks D.
We made our way to the beach and took a good jog out onto the jetty into the middle of the ocean and I wanted to thank ya Dan for whispering in our ears and touching our souls that day, I will never be the same. We love ya brother and you will be in my heart forever ? dust
An Email from Dan&--&&<font color="#/08/2007Subject: mid-season &waddup!&Date: Fri, 03 Sep :54 +0000
dear fam/friends, Greetings from Hotshot land! Well, we are
certainly on the down-slope of the season, and i am getting ready for the winter
to begin.? We are probably going to work until the 7th of Nov, pending anything
crazy happening, so then i will be heading back up north to Bellingham, WA.? My
girlfriend Jules and I are going to the Cook Islands in December for three
weeks, it will be out little summer, as i did not really lie out in the sun very
much this summer (fires put a damper on that).? The Islands?are located in the
south pacific Ocean, and are basically?a?part of New Zealand--meaning it's
beautiful and the people are chill.? Should be a lot of fun.? I will then be
flying back east for the holidays around Xmas, and will probably be staying for
NYE somewhere, possibly VT.? Upon my retunr to WA, my buddy Shaun and i will be
possibly goign climbing in Peru for a month.? That will be sweet!!!!! I hope
that our plans line up and we make this a reality (more on this later).? Cali
has been fun, but i am ready to be back in WA, and the casades and the sea.? I
was slightly injured 2 weeks ago when?we were on a fire in WA, near lake
Chelan.? I recieved 2nd degree burns?on my leg, above my boot.? i have been
on?&light-duty& since, but?i have fully recovered and will be ready to go next
week.? Hope that everyone is well and that i get achance to see most of you?this
fall/winter.? Take care, and if you haven't recieved my info., here it is: dan
Holmes C/O Arrowhead Hotshots P.O. Box 925 Kings canyon, CA 93633??cell# (360)
393-2701? Cheers and Please Vote for?a new president this Nov!!!! Peace, love
and Mountains ----danny boy?Brando - Johnson, VT&--&&<font color="#/08/2007
Just wanted to say thank you so much to all those who came up to Johnson to attend the memorial ceremony at Johnson State College.Also, a special thanks to Catherine, Les, and JSC for putting it all togther, including the scholarship, commemorative plaque, and the red oak tree that will be planted in the spring.What an amazing time to laugh, cry, console and appreciate. Many of us really needed today to help ease our souls.We love you all so much.Thanks again,Love, Peace, and Mountains!
WIZ PORTLAND, OR.&--&&<font color="#/08/2007The Pats?did it again Dan! 3 in 4 years. What do you think about the Sox going back to back? Jared Steer New Hampton, NH&--&&<font color="#/08/2007Danny D.,?Beautiful Video.? I must of heard the legend of Mansfield?a hundred times.? There is not a day where I do not think of the broheim.? Thanks again for putting it together.? Hope everyone is well.? Feel free to call Eliza and I anytime...603-968-3140.? Miss ya so much Holmes!!!?? Peace Love and Mountains....JaredAuntie Nancy Plainville,CT&--&&<font color="#/08/2007BrandoHow great that the site is back! We've missed it- good job!
a cousin&--&&<font color="#/08/2007Time does not bring you all have liedWho told me time would ease me of my pain!I miss him in theI want him at the sThe old snows melt from every mountain-side,And last year's leaves areBut last year's bitter loving must remainHeaped on my heart, and my old thoughts abide.There are a hundred places where I fearTo go, -- so with his memory they brim/And entering with relief some quiet placeWhere never fell his foot or shone his faceI say, &There is no memory of him here!&And so stand striken, so remembering him.Edna St. Vincent MillayLt. Richard D Murphy Jr Ports A Portsmouth Nh&--&&<font color="#/08/2007As I Write This Dee is on Her Way To New Mexico for a new chapter in her life. -I was Her Escort During those sad Days in Rochester Nh. Today As I Reported For Duty There Was A large Envalope Waiting. It Contained Two Of the Memorial books, Emmitsburg and California, Two Patchs and The Most Fitting Peice of Artwork I have Ever Seen(Kerry Bober)
As most of you have seen the Photo of Dan With the Saw over his shoulder my Lasting memory was Dan With A hockey Bag Slung over his shoulder And Yes The Mullett was in
all its glory. its funny but the Bag And the Saw Were Both Bigger Than Dan--Go Figure--Thanks to all of you that work so hard to keep Dans memory Alive and have been a comfort to Dee and Her Family --Peace To All And Stay Safe---Lt. Richard D Murphy Jr -PFDAndy, New Britain, CT&--&&<font color="#/08/2007
Jill, Southington, CT&--&&<font color="#/08/2007Just wanted to say Happy Birthday Dan.
We met your Aunt Nancy and Uncle Chuck at a Southington FD breakfast.
They are wonderful people and so proud of you.
Jill Katie Schmidt
Portsmouth,NH&--&&<font color="#/08/2007I haven't seen/known him in years- but back in the day I knew him well.
His death was just brought to my attention- and I feel horrible about it.
I am glad to know he was living the dream while he could!
My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
I am so sorry for this loss.Happy Birthday Dan!wedding vid&--&&<font color="#/08/2007Happy B Dan, much luvthe wedding vid
Rebecca Masse, Topsfield MA&--&&<font color="#/08/2007This website is such a great tribute to Dan. I was actually just going through a bunch of old photos from middle and high school and came across a few funny ones of Dan from back in the day. Its still hard to believe he's gone.peace and love Waterville, VT&--&&<font color="#/08/2007Holmes-slice! Was thinking of you the otehr when we were riding...miss you man- your fire will burn in those you touched! Cheers, gonna tip back a Cape Codder for you tonight!
dust an bran :


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