
Xx【解析】试题分析:1.本题考查我们英语中字母的顺序和大小写,题目中给出的字母是C,它的前面一个字母应该是B,后面是D。注意他们大小写的书写要规范,大写字母占中上格,小写的b和d也占中上格。2.本题考查我们英语字母表的顺序和字母的书写,题目中给出的字母是H,它的前面一个字母应该是G,后面的字母是I。大写字母占中上格,小写的g占中下格,小写的i占中上格。3.本题考查我们英语字母表的顺序和字母的书写。题目中给出的字母是O,它的前一个字母应该是N,后一个字母是P。大写字母占中上格,小写字母n占中间一格,小写p占中下格。4.本题考查我们英语字母表的顺序和字母的书写。题目中给出的字母是U,它的前一个字母应该是T,后一个是V。大写字母占中上格,小写的t占中上格,小写的v 占中间一格。5.本题考查我们英语字母表的顺序和字母的书写。题目中给出的字母是W,它前一个字母应该是V,后面一个是X,大写字母占中上格,小写字母v和x都占中间一格。考点:英语字母书写。
(每小题2分,共计10分)1.欢迎来到仁寿!到目前为止你觉得仁寿如何?____ to Ren shou !
____ do you like Renshou ____ ____2.他比我更擅长讲故事,他经常使我们大笑。He is ___ ___ telling stories . He often ____ us ____3.她几乎从不去看电影He ___ ____ ____ to the ___4.北京是中国最大的城市之一Beijing ___ one of ___ ___ ___ in China .5.智能手机在现在的生活中起着重要的作用。The smartphone ____ ____
____ in today’s life . 
When Mary was seven, her family moved to a new town. She usually went to school by bus, for it was not near her house.One morning , their family clock stopped and when they got up, it was too late for Mary to catch the school bus. Her mother said she would drive Mary to school on her way to the office.“ But how can you find the way, Mum ?” Mary asked . “ You have only been to my school once. ““ Yes, “ her mother answered . “ But you’ve been there by school bus seven times , you know the way. “ “ Oh, yes. “ said Mary.They started out and Mary asked her mother to turn one way or another on their way to school, so she made her mother drive round most of the town before they got there. When they arrived , her mother found it was not really very far from their house.“ Why did you make me go such a long way?” her mother asked her . “ Well, Mum.” answered Mary . “ I know only this way . The bus always goes like this, so the other children can take it to school.1.Mary usually went to school. __________________.A. by can
B. by bikeC. on foot
D. by school bus.2.One morning Mary got up late because _____________.A. her mother forgot to wake her upB. the family clock stoppedC. She was not feeling wellD. She wanted to sleep more.3.Mary ___________to her school.A. knew only one wayB. didn’t know the wayC. knew the shortest wayD. knew many ways4.Mary made her mother go a long way because ______________.A.she wanted to stay with her mother longerB.the school bus always went that wayC. she didn’t want to get to school to earlyD. she want to take other children to school.5.From this story we know that __________.A. Mary was a kind –hearted girl.B. Mary’s mother had never been to the school.C. the school wasn’t very far from Mary’s houseD. Mary enjoyed going to school in her mother’s car 
-----________ the girl in a purple hat?
-----She is my sister Anna.A. Who’s
B. What’sC. How’s
D. What color 
Hello! I’m Tom. This is a pencil box. It’s orange. It’s my pencil box. What’s in the pencil box? A ruler is in the pencil box. It’s my ruler. The ruler is blue and red. That is a pencil in my pencil box. It’s black and white. It is not my pencil. Look! That girlis Lucy. It is her pencil. I find a green pen in the pencil box, too. It’s Tim’s. I callTim at 759-631. It is his telephone number.1. What is blue and red?A. The pencil box
B. The rulerC. The pencil
D. The pen2. _____ things( 东西) are in the pencil box.A. 3
D. 63. What color is Lucy’s pencil?A. Orange
B. Blue and redC. Red
D. Black and white4. What are not Tom’s?A.
The pencil box and the rulerB. The ruler and the pencilC. The pencil and the penD. The pencil and the pencil box5. What is Tim’s telephone number?A. It’s seven five nine-six three oneB. It’s seven five eight –eight three oneC. It’s six eight nine – eight six oneD. It’s seven three eight – six one eight 
假设你的名字叫Han Fang, 你正拿着两张照片向你的同学介绍你的家人和你的房间:你家里有爸爸妈妈和一个哥哥;你的房间里有粉红色的被子和白色的电脑。(至少写5个句子)    
The music in the supermarket sounded so&#&#__________ that I wanted to leave at once.A. soft
B. wonderfulC. friendly
D. noisy 
阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在文章后第62—71小题的空格里填入恰当的单词。注意:每空只填1个单词。Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana, and he was the eighth of the ten children. Michael’s father, Mr Jackson realized that his sons had a lot of talents, and he knew he could train them to become fine musicians. In those days, there were lots of music groups and some of them were very good. He knew if his sons were different from others, they would have to be the best. Their group later became the Jackson Five. Michael Jackson was the lead singer of the five in the team.Practice makes perfect. And the Jackson boys practiced! Soon the group was much better than others. When the Jacksons took their first professional (专业的) job, their total pay was only five dollars! But they kept on. They played at important parties. They entered big competitions. They worked at various clubs. Five Jackson boys first performed together at a talent show when Michael was six, and they walked off with the first prize. Then name of this group began to get around.When Michael was only 11 years old, he became the star. The young boy rose to become the “King of Pop”. Later on, Michael got a chance to do some solo (独唱) songs. He made his first solo album (唱片) in 1972. It just didn’t seem possible that so much talent could come from such a young performer. For the following years, Michael was always on the top among the popular singers. One million records of his were sold in New Zealand, which has only a total population of three million.When Michael was eighteen, he entered another field of his acting career. “I plan to star in movies,” he told his friends, “but of course, my first love is music”. Michael wrote a lot of his own songs. Whatever he did, it worked! Still, with all his success, Michael managed to keep his head calm. “I just do a different job from other people,” he said, “but it doesn’t make me think I’m better than other people,” For anyone who wants to be successful, the road to success is a long hard one to travel.In 1994, Michael married Lisa Marie, but the marriage ended in 1996. He married Debbie Rowe the same year and had two children. The couple never lived together after 1999. Jackson had three children named Prince Michael I, Paris Michael and Prince Michael II. Michael Jackson died after suffering a heart attack. His contribution to music, dance, and fashion, along with a much-publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over forty years.  Title: A successful
and actorDifferent timesHis CareerEarly lifeOf the Jackson Five, Michael sang
When Michael was six, five Jackson boys first performed together at a talent show and
the first prize easily. His father, , played a large role in young Michael’s
4. .SuccessIt seemed
that so much talent could come from such a young performer. Michael was always on
of the list. One million records of his were
7.out in New Zealand——the number of one-third of the total population in this country. At the age of 18, Michael also
in films.Marriage and familyHis first wife went away from him in
9. . Then Michael got married for the
time and the couple had three children in all. 
A supermarket is between the school
the hospital.A. in
C. behind 
余老师30日20点直播unit5第二课时 Section Ac语言:按顺序输出两个大写字母之间的字母序列。。。输入 U Y输出为 U V W X Y_百度知道
c语言:按顺序输出两个大写字母之间的字母序列。。。输入 U Y输出为 U V W X Y
int i以下为我自己编写的;
return 0;,请帮忙看看是哪里 的问题;i++)
scanf(&quot.h&gt,但是无法输出结果;int main(void){
char ch1;i&lt,ch2;%c&#92,&ch1;
for(i=ch1;=ch2;n&quot,i)?#include &lt
而当你输入 U Y 中间包含空格的时候;%c&nbsp,&amp:&nbsp,&%c&quot首先;如果你要实现中间有空格可如此,第二个字符其实是一个空格的值&;ch2);scanf(&ch1,请注意你的输入格式 按照你的代码输入的时候应该是UY中间前后都没有任何空格才行&nbsp
我们可以通过 将大写字母+32来将其转换为小写,或将小写字母-32来转换大写字母。
不是的,原因如下关于英文字母起源世界上存在着许多讲法,但比较常见的讲法(根据Funk《Word origins》一书)是起源于希伯来语.应该讲这个讲法是有一定依据的.因为《圣经》是西方文明的根源,而《圣经》所记录的正是犹太人(希伯来语)的历史.而现在英语的二个重要语源希腊及拉丁语的祖先也是“希伯来语”.希伯来语本身就是象形文字.因此,现代英语中大量词汇隐现出象形文字的特征.如A表 “牛头”,暗示“尖,锋利”,如此引伸出“ace”尖,“aciform”类形,“acid”酸等各种表示“尖”的词汇.但随着历史的不断发展,文明的不断提升,文字也融入大量文化的内涵.因此,许多现代英语词汇已无法单纯从象形文字上推得,如“apogee”这地点,这个词,就由二部分组成 “apo”表示“远离”+“gee”表示“土地”,其中apo来自于“阿波罗太阳神apollo”,表示“远征,远离”.以下将26字母起源简析,及举例: A a 如同汉字起源于象形,英语字母表中的每个字母一开始都是描摹某种动物或物体形状的图画,而这些图画最后演变为符号.但这些符号和原先被描摹之实物的形状几无相似之处.谁也不能肯定这些象形字母原先究竟代表什么.我们的解释只能是学者们基于史料作出的有根据的猜测.一般认为希腊字母乃西方所有字母,包括拉丁字母的始祖.其实希腊人的字母又是从腓尼基人那儿借过来的.约在3000年前,在腓尼基字母表中字母A读如aleph,写起来形似字母V,中间再加一横,代表牛头或牛角.以后希腊人将它倒过来写.对于古代腓尼基人来说,牛意味着财富,吃,穿,耕作都少不了它.这也许就是A被列为第一个字母的缘故吧. B b 和A一样,字母B也可以追溯到古代腓尼基.在腓尼基字母表中B叫beth,代表房屋,在希伯来语中B也叫beth,也含房屋之意.字母B原来形似原始社会的两室房屋,小写字母b是后来从大写字母B衍变出来的.在今约旦河西岸有一犹太教,基督教圣地叫Bethlehem.该词中至今还包含着beth这一成分.B在字母表中之所以排在第二位也许是因为对人类的生存来说住的重要性仅次于衣食. C c 字母C在腓尼基人的文字中叫gimel,代表骆驼.它在字母表中的排列顺序和希腊字母I(gamma)相同,实际上其字形是从后者演变而来的.C在罗马数字中表示100. D d D在古时是描摹拱门或门的形状而成的象形符号,在古代腓尼基语和希伯来语中叫做daleth,是“门”的意思,相当于希腊字母Δ(delta). E e E是英语里用得最多的字母.在腓尼基语和希伯来语中E是代表窗的象形符号,叫做he,相当于希腊字母E(epsilon). F f F(英语字母表中的第六个字母)源自腓尼基语的第六个象形字母,该字母形似今日之英语字母Y,代表木栓或木钉(peg),在腓尼基语和希伯来语的名称为waw.中世纪重罪犯(felon)的左颊常被打上F的印记,以示惩戒. G g 在古代腓尼基语及希伯来语的字母表里,G是描摹骆驼的头和颈之轮廓的象形字母,其名称为gimel.以后希腊人借用了该符号,作Γ(gamma).其实字母G与字母C系源于同一腓尼基字母.原拉丁字母表里本无字母G,含g音和含k音的词都以字母C为表示.公元3世纪以后,古罗马人根据C创造了G,自此C表示k音,G则表示g音. H h 像其它字母一样,H也可通过拉丁语和希腊语的字母表,一直追溯到腓尼基语字母表.在腓尼基语中和H相应的字母有两条横杠,它代表篱笆或栅栏,字母名称叫heth或cheth. I i 第九个字母I源自腓尼基语中叫做yod / yodh的象形字母,该字母被认为代表人的手指.最初小写字母I并不带点.I上面的点是11世纪以后抄写员为区分字母I连写(如filii)与字母u才开始加上去的.此外,在19世纪以前i和j的书写或印刷形式是可互换的,词典也不将它们作为两个不同的字母来对等.如在Samuel Johnson()所编的《英语词典》中,iambic排在jamb和jangle这两个词的中间.英语的I相当于希腊语的I (iota). J j 字母J是莎士比亚时代后(post-Shakespearean times),约在1630年产生的,和V并称英语字母表中两个最轻的字母.英国国王詹姆斯一世于1611年颁行的《圣经》钦定英译本中就没有J或j这一字母.正如G是基于C构成的,J是由I衍生而来,即在I上加一尾巴构成.然而,直至19世纪I,J的书写形式或印刷形式一直可以互换,并未完全分家. K k 字母K之根源也可追溯到古代腓尼基语.在腓尼基语字母表里,K乃象形符号,代表人的手.希伯来语把它叫做kaph,即“手(掌)”之意.希腊人借用后作K (kappa).古罗马时期,犯诽谤罪者的前额被打上K之印记,K代表kalumnia,即相当于英语calumny(诽谤). L l 在腓尼基和希伯来字母表中,L叫lamed / lamedh,是表示刺棒(oxgoad)或鞭子的象形符号.希腊语中的相应字母是A(lambda). M m 如同别的字母,M也可一直追溯到古腓尼基语.腓尼基人勇于探险,以海上贸易著称,航行曾远至西班牙海岸.M在腓尼基字母表里是表示海浪形状的象开符号.希伯来语把它叫做mem,即为“水”之意.希腊语的相应字母为M(mu).在中世纪凡犯人罪(manslaugter)者左姆指上往往被烙以M之印记.M在罗马数字中表示1000(拉丁语作mille). N n 字母N在埃及象形字里呈波浪形,在腓尼基语中叫做nun,意为“鱼”而希腊语的相应字母则为N(nu). O o 许多语言都有形似O的字母,而且都代表人的眼睛.在一些古老的字母表里有的O当中还加了个点,表示瞳孔.在腓尼基语中O叫cayin,意为“眼睛”,在古英语里O叫oedel,意为“家”. P p P,英语字母表的第16个字母,古代腓尼基人和希伯来人称之为pe,意为“嘴”.希腊语的相应字母为II(pi).16世纪有一位名叫 Placentius的多明我会修道士(Dominican friar)写了一首题为Pugna Porcorum,由253个六音步诗行组成的诗,诗中每个词 的首字母均为p.这恐怕是亘古及今绝无仅有的. Q q Q,英语字母表的第17个字母,系由腓尼基语和希伯来语的第19个象形字母演变而来.Q的形状有点像垂着尾巴的猴子.无怪乎腓尼基语把该字母叫做qoph,意思就是“猴子”.在英语中Q后面几乎总跟着U,它绝少出现在词尾,除非是外来语. R r R,英语字母表的第18个字母,系由腓尼基语和希伯来语的第20个象形字母演变而来.腓尼基人称之为resh,意为“头”.从古罗马时代起,R一直被称作 dog’s letter或snarling letter,因为R的发意颇似狗的嗥叫声r-r-r-r或gr-r-r-r.英国剧作家,诗人 Ben Johnson()1636年在其所著《外国人用英文文法》(English Grammar Made for the Benefit of All Strangers) 一书中这样写道:“R is the dog’s letter, and
the tongue striking the inner palate, with a trembling about the teeth.”在莎翁的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》一剧中,朱丽叶的保姆和罗密欧谈及他的姓时说,Romeo和rosemary(迷迭香),一种常与婚礼相联系的花,两者都以字母R开头,并称R为dog-name. S s 在腓尼基语和希伯来语中,S叫shin / sin,意为“牙齿”,字母形状颇像今天的W,而现在的字形则是在它进入拉丁语之后逐渐演变成的.希腊语的相应字母为ε(sigma). T t 今 日的字母T系由腓尼基语的象形寂母变化而来.早先的字形恰 似如今的字母X,叫做taw,意为“记号”(mark).基于此符号形成的希腊语相应字母为T(tau). U u 字母U系由字母V派生而来.在19世纪以前的数百年间,这两个字母就如I和J,一直可以换用,在英语辞书上一直不加以区分.例如在16和17世纪出版的图书upon常拼作vpon,而have常拼作haue.甚至到了1847年,伦敦Henry Washbourne公司出版的《英语词典》(A Dictionary of the English Language)仍在沿用这一做法. V v V乃英语字母表中两个最年轻的字母之一(加一个为J),它于莎士比亚时代以后,约1630年出现.但V同时又是U,W,Y等三个字母的祖先,甚至连F也可以说是从V派生出来的.V源于约公元前1000年腓尼基字母表中的第6个象形字母,该字母酷似今日之英语字母Y,叫做waw,意为“木栓”或“木钉”.公元前900年以后,希腊人借用了该字母,并由此衍生出两个字母,一个后来演变为英语字母F,另一个则演变为V和Y.在19世纪以前V和U这两个字母原来是不分的,可以互换的.V在罗马数字里表示5. W w 和U,Y一样,W亦由V派生而来,其实W系双V连写而成,本应读作double V.W之所以读作double U是因为在19世纪以前的几个世纪U和V一直不分,可以互换.V既是V又是U的符号,即使发U也常写成V,如upon往往拼作vpon.法语的字母就读如 double V. Xx 英语字母表的第24个字母,相当于希腊字母表的第22个字母X(chi).其实前者系借自后者,而后者则源自腓尼基语中一个代表“鱼”,读如samekh 的象形字母. X在罗马数字中代表10,在代数学和数学中 X通常被用以表示未知数.当代数学从阿拉伯传入欧洲时,阿拉伯语中表示“未知数”的 shei一词被译为 xei,于是首字母X就成了未知数的常用代号.关于字母X的由来,还有这样一种说法:X原为表示接吻之象形符号,若写如 x,看起来确有点象两张嘴在亲吻.这种解释可能出自民俗语源. Yy Y可以说是从V派生而来,但若究起根源Y可以追述到希腊语中被称为毕达哥拉斯字母(the letter of Pythagoras)Υ(upsilon).在代数中Y常被用以表示第二个未知数. Zz Z在英国英语中读如Zed,在美国英语中则读如zee,但在古英语中则读作izzard.Z源自希腊语的第6个字母Z(zeta),而希腊语的Z又是借自腓尼基语.Z的基本意思表示宇宙之主——宙斯.


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