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<em id="authorposton15-6-18 11:11
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& && &&&未说出口的话,会在纸上,开出繁花。
& && &&&踽踽漫步于林荫小路间,远处飘来一阵茶香,一阵热浪,一阵回旋,目送我十五年的时光。娉娉袅袅间,那是你古色古香的茶坊,广州风格。那一层轻白的薄纱,内里细切点肉食,它名为肠粉;那绵绸白米置于青瓷碗中,若隐若现的腐竹,鲜美的鱼肉,历历可数藏卧粥底的花生,他名为艇仔粥;又是一层薄纱,里面游虾脱纱而蹦跃到蒸笼内,许还带有点点汤汁,它名为虾饺。那蕴含着你几百年美食传统的沉淀,唤起无数以美食为生的人,陶醉于你之下,早茶,这是你独特的味道,广州风格。
& && &&&蹁跹于粤剧院的门口,远处传来一阵悠扬的歌声,一阵低吟轻唱,一阵空际回响,陪伴我从小到大的日夜。“卖荔枝….轻纱薄锦玉团儿,入口甘美….”赠予我炎炎盛夏的一阵清凉;“落雨大,水浸街…”带领我梦回旧时代广州的风土人情;“月光光,照地堂….”带我追溯到旧时代深入广州的贫苦确又夹杂喜悦的生活……那蕴含着你娓娓道来数百年历史的文化产物,粤剧,这是你的独特的音阙,广州风格。
& && &&&1840年,你受尽屈辱,被列强伤害得体无完肤,奄奄一息;2010亚运会的晚上,你缓缓屹立在帷幕上,大呼一句我们赢了。你娉婷地缓缓走来,不带一丝邀功,不带一丝仇恨,雍容大方地笑着,低调地显示着站起来的风茂,始终以和为贵地不卑不亢,友好待人。那是你历经磨难却勇往直前的精神底蕴,广州风格。
& && &&&于是乎,你的精神,也传承到世代子民。“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。”林则徐是精神的一大代表,虎门销烟的那一壮举,蕴含了广州子民的坚韧不屈,坚持不懈的精神,那是你传承深入子民骨髓的精神底蕴,广州风格。
& && &&&远处又是一阵茶香,又是现世安稳地穿越在石阶青石板小巷内,看江上木筏声咿呀,看流水送落花,江南洇染你的无暇。迎面素不相识的路人,照面说句“早晨”,然后与众生结下不解的宿缘间,惊醒岁月静好的思絮,又如烟雾缭绕,朦胧间看见你独特的风格。既然来日方长留不住青春,怎能不断被韶光辜负?错过昨朝那支花,又怎能错过今朝这壶茶。细呷春酒但始觉甜,蓦然浅笑,也许我是你前世一直无法破解的棋局,你是我今生永远不能猜透的谜底。
土豪 我们做个朋友吧
金币 + 76&
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<em id="authorposton15-6-18 12:25
本帖最后由 prklee 于
12:29 编辑
60+2,值这个分数。 要是能再写写广州的包容与敢为天下先,就有成人的深度了,牛!!!!!
在线时长:11 小时
<em id="authorposton15-6-18 12:43
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<em id="authorposton15-6-18 12:45
prklee 发表于
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<em id="authorposton15-6-18 14:33
本帖最后由 悟理阁 于
14:35 编辑
好似一卷卷广州对外宣传片,移步换景,步步吸睛 !
在线时长:170 小时
<em id="authorposton15-6-18 16:11
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<em id="authorposton15-6-18 17:29
悟理阁 发表于
好似一卷卷广州对外宣传片,移步换景,步步吸睛 !非常感谢蒋老师的点评及提出的宝贵意见,还望日后多多指教。
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<em id="authorposton15-6-18 22:29
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<em id="authorposton15-6-19 11:42
解毒丸 发表于
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<em id="authorposton15-6-19 12:04
赛马 发表于
请尊重教育的本真,孩子的纯真,出发点只为能看到更多的参考意见,希望以此来改进并提高自己的作文水平。诸如一位有心的家长看完孩子的作文后,私信与我提出为何列举“林则徐”这一例子?如果选用“三元里抗英”是否更具代表性?我也觉得此建议很好!这位家长还很用心的帮忙翻阅了一些关于林则徐禁烟的历史数据,而后我和孩子讨论,孩子给我一一列举了林则徐在广州禁烟的壮举以及当时广州民众群情激昂的状态。 我也查找了一些当时广州禁烟的相关资料,最后才被孩子说服,当时选用“林则徐销烟”这一例子是可取的。最后才被孩子说服,当时选用“林则徐禁烟”这一例子是可取的。
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<em id="authorposton15-6-20 08:57
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<em id="authorposton15-6-23 08:47
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<em id="authorposton15-6-23 09:03
初中生从自己纯真的感情出发,提炼出对广州本土深深的眷恋之情,那是真正的广州风格,个人感觉比高大上的包容向上进取好多了 。
在线时长:161 小时
<em id="authorposton15-6-23 09:53
楼上说什么过于华丽的,你们可真挑剔,别说你的孩子,你自己写得出来吗?写一篇不华丽的好文给我们看看?!酸成你们这样,真让人怀疑真实生活中的你low 到什么地步!
在线时长:6 小时
<em id="authorposton15-6-30 15:49
这篇文章文笔上真没得说,作为一个初中生看出来语言文学方面有相当的功底。前部分一段一段的内容也挺扣主题,但最后一部分有点可惜,跑题还是比较严重。没什么用的东西,再好也不要拿来堆砌,这是写作的大忌。并且句子套用别人的东西太多以至于有在哪里见过的感觉,这可能就是有人说有(抄袭)嫌疑的原因吧,比如开头,“未说出口的话,会在纸上,开出繁花”这句来自于《分手合约》主题曲《我们不是说好了吗》那一句“以为没说出口的话,会在纸上,开出繁花”,结尾处“也许我是你前世一直无法破解的棋局,你是我今生永远不能猜透的谜底”来自白落梅的 《世间所有相遇,都是久别重逢》,包括最后一句“余生请你指教”来自《咬唇》这首歌,等等....作为“引子”借用不是不可以,但不要太过,掩盖掉本身的风格,就有了比较重模仿痕迹。最后一段生生的不知道跑题跑哪去了,怎么“江南”都出来了,你是写华南啊。
在线时长:6 小时
<em id="authorposton15-6-30 15:52
还有引用的东西 一定记得加引号,不然很容易引起误会
在线时长:23 小时
<em id="authorposton15-7-2 01:22
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annette 发表于
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不记得了 发表于
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<em id="authorposton15-6-18 14:10
annette 发表于
Powered by珀西?比西?雪莱是英国著名的浪漫主义诗人。雪莱在自然,爱情和政治自由方面的短诗是他文学作品中的一个重要部分,他擅长通过各种自然意象来表达他的感情。《西风颂》是他最经典的代表作品之一,这首诗的感想来自于他在树林里散步时,突然狂风大作,暴风雨夹杂着冰雹倾盆而下,在这样的情景下,诗人将西风与社会问题联想到了一块。于是在这样的氛围下,他创作了这首《西风颂》。本文通过对诗中的落叶、乌云、西风、地中海和大西洋等自然意象的解读来剖析诗人当时的感情。
&&& 关键字: 雪莱;西风;意象
Percy Bysshe Shelley is one of the famous English romantic poets. Shelley’s short poems on nature, love, and political freedom form an important part of his literary output. He is skillful at expressing his emotion through the description of all kinds of natural phenomena. “Ode to the West Wind” is one of the most classical works of Shelley. The poet came up with the thought when he was walking in a forest and a strong storm seemed to come soon. And the storm came together with wind and hails. In such condition Shelley came up with social problems and reality. Under this atmosphere he wrote this poem “Ode to the West Wind”. In this paper, the author will use the fallen leaves, west wind, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic and other natural image to analyses the poet’s feelings, to see how the poet expressed his hate to the old forces, his waiting for the new force and yearn for the revolution through the different natural scenes.
Keywords: Shelley?West Wind? Image
.............................................................................................................................. i
Abstract...................................................................................................................... ii
Contents.................................................................................................................... iii
0.1 Shelley’s Life and Achievements1
0.2 The Story of “Ode to the West Wind”……………………………………………......2
Chapter One The Leaves and Clouds: the Old Word............................ 3
1.1 Ugly Image........................................................................................................ 3
1.2Untenable Condition.......................................................................................... 3
Chapter Two The West Wind: Revolutionary Force............................... 5
2.1 Impetuous West Wind....................................................................................... 5
2.2 Wild West Wind................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Vernal West Wind.............................................................................................. 7
2.4 Free West Wind................................................................................................. 7
Chapter Three Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic: rulers........................ 9
3.1 Revival of Rulers............................................................................................... 9
3.2 Hate towards Rulers.......................................................................................... 9
Conclusion............................................................................................................... 11
References................................................................................................................ 12
Acknowledgement................................................................................................ 13
0.1 Shelley’s Life and Achievements
Born in Field Place, near Horsham, Shelley was the grandson of a baronet and the descendant of Sussex squires. Before he was eighteen years old, he had written two romances and published a collection of poems, in which he glorified freedom, exposed tyranny and expressed sympathy for the oppressed. In 1810 he entered Oxford University. There, he produced a pamphlet, “The Necessity of Atheism,” with his friend Thomas Jefferson Hogg in 1811, which claimed that God’s existence couldn’t be proved on experimental grounds and thus caused the expulsion of both. In the same year, Shelley was attracted by a pretty girl of sixteen, daughter of a retired coffee house keeper named Harriet Westbrook,.
&He sought the acquaintance of William Godwin, being attracted by his ethical determinism and political individualism. What’s a pity, things were not going well. Shelley’s marriage with Harriet had proved hasty because his wife could not live up to Shelley, and Shelley could not live down to her. The unwise union was dissolved in 1814. In 1816 Shelley married Mary Godwin. His second marriage was a wise one because Mary could understand and shared his ideals. But Shelley’s political enemies made a great scandal of the sudden death of his first wife who drowned herself in a fit of despair. In great anger and despair, Shelley left England in March 1818 and never returned.
On July 8, 1822, Shelley left Leghorn for Spezzia in his boat but he never arrived. No one knows what happened about him. His body was washed up several days later at Viareggio and was cremated on the shore in the presence of Byron and his other friends. His heart was snatched from the expiring flames and the other remains were gathered into a casket and buried by the wall of the old Protestant cemetery in Rome. The inscription on his tombstone reads: “Percy Bysshe Shelley, Cor Cordium” (The Heart of Hearts). After his death, his wife worked hard to collect and edit his poems. Her explanatory notes have been helpful to all editors and readers of Shelley’s works.
By 1818 Shelley had completed his important work, The Revolt of Islam. And in 1819 he wrote his famous allegorical poem Masque of Anarchy, his lyrical drama Prometheus Unbound and a historical tragedy on an Italian subject, The Cenci, as well as many other shorter poems. His other poems are also very famous, such as To A Skylark, Ode to the west wind, The Cloud and so on.
0.2 The Story of “Ode to the West Wind”
“Ode to the West Wind” is Shelley’s most famous lyric. The poet came up with the thought when he was walking in a forest and a strong storm seemed to come soon. And the storm came together with wind and hails. In such condition Shelley thought of social problems and reality. Under this atmosphere he wrote this poem “Ode to the West Wind”. In the poem, Shelley found the truth of life by catching the specific images and that enlighten people to fulfill regeneration and the bright future. It contains five sections. In the first three sections, it describes the great influence brought by west wind to earth, sky and ocean as a destroyer of old life and a preserver of new things to praise the overwhelming power of the west wind. In section four, Shelley expresses his strong determination and dream to mix with the west wind through some subjective sentences, such as “if I were a dead leaf thou highest bear…impulse of thy strength…” (Shelley, Ode to the west wind, 1819.). In the last section, Shelley shows his firm belief of revolution and the coming of bright future. And especially, the last line “if winter comes, can spring be far behind?” (Shelley, Ode to the west wind, 1819.). It as the trumpet of a prophet, gives people across the world a great amount of enlightenment and encouragement.
In the paper, I will analyses the poet’s feelings through the fallen leaves, west wind, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic and other natural images.
Leaves and Clouds: the Old Word
Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” is a political lyric poetry, although the poem is not a word in writing revolution, but the whole poem that surrounding revolution to imagine.
The first part, the poet mainly descript the residual leaves are swept by the west wind, and the west wind send the seeds of life. The second part of the poet describes the west wind unsettled cloud of the heaven. The author seemed just writes about the scene when he had a walk in a forest of Florence Arnold Banks. On that day the temperature was vernal, pure and fresh, while at sunset, a strong wind was blowing, along with the kind of spectacular special lightning in west Sa Er Bin area, the hail pouring.
However the sight stirs up poet’s feeling, through the scene he associated all kinds of problems in the society. He used leaves, clouds and so on to stand for the reactionary forces.
“Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red”,
“Pestilence-stricken multitudes”
“Like a corpse within its grave”
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&(Shelley, Ode to the West Wind, 1819)
Shelley not only used words like the disgusted Pestilence-stricken multitudes and the off-putting corpse to describe the image of the fallen leaves, but also used different colors to describe the decay of leaves. The poet uses the image of fallen leaves stand for the darkness of the reactionary forces. Vivid description of the image is on behalf of the darkness of the forces of reaction, and expresses the suffering people’s abominations of under the reign in darkness, and they urgently want to get rid of dark rule.
Untenable Condition
Na the entire phenomenon in the world will inevitably follow the law of nature.
The withered leaves and the floating clouds in the sky certainly will be vulnerable under the violent attacks of west wind.
“Are driven,
enchanter fleeing”
“Mid the steep sky’s commotion”
“Loose clouds like earth’s decaying leaves are shed”
“Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean”
And tremble and despoil themselves”
&&&&&&&&&&& (Shelley, Ode to the West Wind, 1819)
The violent attacks of the west wind’s coming, make the leaves like ghosts from an enchanter ,make the wind flutters around, and even when listen to its voice, suddenly grow gray with fear.
&In the season of rotation, the nature has an irresistible force. In decline and prosperous cycle, it has national damage and the creation of passion. Coming events cast their shadows before them, whether it be calm before the storm, the darkness before dawn, or under the lake of dark hung, can be in close call time, in the eyepiece trend to break this calm, cause a stir. So after the attacks of west wind, the leaves and floating clouds appear so fragile and ever-changing immediately.
The fate of the fallen leaves and floating clouds presupposes the destiny of the reactionary forces. When a ruling class can not adapt to the continuous development of society, it will certainly be instead by new power.
Revolutionary Force
The image can also be called the “concept”, to describe the form level, to reach a image structure. West wind as a center image of the poem’s images was endowed with the wings of the imagination. Along with the west wind’s float in the sky, the artistic conception and emotion of this poem also work continue to expand the sublimation. We can say, the ungoverned wreak havoc and the power of the west wind is eager to pursue life. It also stand for that poet’s imprisoned life is strongly against. In this poem, the west wind is the appearance which Shelley catches the colorful and means deep suspicion of it. And this appearance is deep inner nature, thoughts, and it is the symbol of the will. With the aid of this appearance, through the
of metaphor and symbol, west wind becomes the poem’s center image.
The poem’s first quarter, the main image is the west wind and residue leaves in the forest, it describes the scene of that the west wind swept the forest leaf, waft the seeds of life. Here, metaphor and symbolism get vivid using. The poet compared “west wind” to the breath of Autumn’s being in the invincible nature, and compared the “spring breeze” (namely the west wind of spring ) to “thine azure sister of the Spring”. The poet use the dead leaves symbolize the British Use “pestilence-stricken multitudes” to describe the reactionary class’s dying state. The west wind is “wild spirit”, it is not only the “destroyer” but also the “preserver”. The whole poem opens with west wind’s impetuous momentum, it can not only destroy the old world, but also can create new world.
In the poem’s second section, Shelley used these images of west wind, cloud, rain, electricity
further described the momentum of the west wind’s crossing in the sky. Angels of rain and lightning are gathering to a group to . Here the poet uses the personification to describe the west wind’s majestic momentum. It means that the west wind brings the revolution storm. Poet compared the tangled boughs of heaven and ocean to the fixed clouds in the heaven. Finally, in a double line sentence, the eruption of black rain, fire and hail incarnate the destructive force of the west wind. The poet use the scene of the west wind’s bluster in the air to implement the “destroy” in the first quarter of the poem: west wind will bring thunder, lightning, the anxious rain and hail. In the second quarter of the poem, the author’s field of vision change from the ground to high altitude, descript the scene of west wind’s crossing sky, shaking sea, and let the electricity fire and hail slide, make black rain pour down. In this section, the author announced the coming of the revolution storm that will destroy the old things.
In the third quarter of the poem, Shelley portrayed the scene that the west wind wipes out the old forces. The poet uses “crystalline streams” to descript the sea’s beautiful scenery, it is tra use “coil” descript the voice of the low b use “so sweet” descript the fragrance of flowers. In this poem, “the blue Mediterranean” means the rulers of that time they have a deep sleep in the beautiful scenery, but the old tower and palace are trembling. Two scene in a static dynamic, combining static, form the fresh bright contrast, this is the symbol of the reactionary class status has been at risk. The Poet in this section of this poem describes the scene of the west wind’s spouting in the sea to continue carry out the first quarter of the said in “destroy”, in another word, west wind’s big power of damaging old thing. The central image in this section-west wind and sea water, huge waves, and the old Palace combine together to declared the west wind , will split wave , sea and palace will be changed ghastly! It is& the symbol of the reactionary forces will be crumbled, revolution storm will like a rising wind and scudding clouds coming, the dark, ugly, decayed old world is about to be broken. A bright future of the new world is about to be built.
In the fourth quarter of the poem, the poet uses several article virtual sentences. For example “If I were a dead leaf thou mightiest bear”, “If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee” (Shelley, 1819). In order to express he hope himself can be turned into leaves, floating clouds or waves, so that he can feel the pulse of the west wind, and make himself and west wind melt into an organic whole, to show his determination and desire of wiping up the decadent and corrupt reactionary force. “Lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud! I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!” (Shelley, 1819) The poet also uses this to explain his injury of heart in the life struggle. From this section begin, &&the poet implement the first quarter of what the “Protection”. The poet’s focused not only on the destructive force of the west wind above, but also emphasizes its protection force. The poet put himself into the center of the image -- the west wind, with heroic style expressed the hope to be like the billowing waves under the west wind, the dead leaves floating in the sky and the speeding clouds, because they fear neither bloodshed nor dark reactionary forces. Always fight the reactionary forces resolutely. In this section, the poet makes the overture of the whole poem’s theme-looking forward to combat.
The poem’s last quarter continue to put the first quarter of what the “Protection”, it is the climax of the whole poem, further expounds the west wind’s power as a “guardian”. In the poem, poet uses “Make me thy lyre” to express the poet hope the west wind can refer him to the lyre, so that he can cast his power to spread the idea of revolution. “What if my leaves are falling like its own” express the poet’s strong determination of even sac he is still ready for the revolution.
In this section, the poet use subjunctive mood again to express his strong desire----“Be thouSpirit fierceMy spirit! Be thou meimpetuous one!” (Shelley, 1819) The poem’s finally, Shelley use a double line sentence as the end of the poem’s sentence. This is one of the most famous sentences, its meaning is very deeply, and its artistic conception is very meaningful, thought-provoking, interesting, and inspired, it can make the frustrated people up. Especially the last line, hands down its name to posterity at the expression of faith in the future. “If Winter comescan Spring be far behind?” In the end of the poem, poet generalized and summarized the results of the destroyer’s (winter is coming to an end) and protector’s (spring is coming) actions, and combine it with deep philosophy. It proclaims to people the end of the west wind’s damage and protection: the dark will pass by, sunshine is just ahead. In the last section of the whole poem, the author blowing the horn of battle, and combine himself and the center of the image west wind as a whole. Shout for revolution, make the sleeping people awaken, spread truth to the world, and encourage the people all around the world to fight the vile, and dark reactionary forces for freedom, happiness, and then lead us to victory. This fully embodies the poet’s faith of the revolution’s certain success and revolutionary spirit of optimism, this bring the valuable theme to the climax.
Free West Wind
Singing for freedom, expressing the warm desire and pursuit for freedom is the theme of the Shelley’s lyrics forever. In “Ode to the West Wind”, Shelley called west wind as “Wild Spirit”. He wrote “a des hear, oh hear!” (Shelley, 1819) “Free” is the exalted word, the real freedom is never a moral corruption type follows one’ it must be based on a noble ideal and good sentiment above. In “Ode to the West Wind”, we see Shelley’s life pursuit is very noble:
If I were a dead leaf
If I were a swift cl
A wave to pant beneath thy power,
And share the impulse of thy strength, only less free…
(Shelley, Ode to the West Wind, 1819)
But it is not easy to get freedom, at Oxford University, Shelley was fired because his outspoken views about atheism, and later he forced to leave England forever in 1818. Because his long poem “Michael Cloth Queen” attacked oppression and power, and call for the reform of the reality which make the ruler upset. In his personal life, he also quest for freedom and equality love so that he broke with his family. In “Ode to the West Wind”, the poet appeal painfully and deeply the west wind to bring him freedom:
“Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud
I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!
A heavy weight of hours has chain/d and bow/d.
One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud.”
(Shelley, Ode to the West Wind, 1819)
The meaning of life lies in freedom. Shelley’s life is always surrounded in a hostile environment and the misunderstood distortive state, this kind of boring life makes Shelley knew the value of freedom, makes his poems permeated with an ideal color. So “Ode to the West Wind” is the singing for dream and the call for freedom.
Atlantic: Rulers
Shelley is a passionate romantic poet, and at the same time, he is a brave warrior of the revolution. He uses poetry as weapon, throw him into revolutionary movement, although suffered defeat and the setback, he also has a high fighting spirit. In his early years in Ireland, he took part in the national liberation struggle, and then when he came back to Britain, he continued to attack tyranny, call on revolution, and support workers’ movement. As a result, he got the persecution by the bourgeoisie of the reactionary government, and had to leave his country in anger. Then during the living in Italy, he associated close with Italy “Charcoal burner party” and Greek revolution person, supported their revolutionary activities. “Ode to the West Wind” is full of Shelley’s bumpy life road, expressed his indignation to reactionary rulers.
At that time, many countries along the shore of the Mediterranean Sea are enslaved, be suppressed. The British Isles in the Atlantic Ocean and France are the countries who carried out the hegemony of colonial. The “lethargic Mediterranean sea” and “billowy Atlantic” reflect the poet’s care to the national liberation struggle and the hate to the ruler. “Ode to the West Wind” contained Shelley’s bumpy life road, was full of Shelley’s indignation to the reactionary rulers. And it is permeated with Shelley indomitable fighting spirit, expressed a strong desire of Shelley’s devotion.
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