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to be fair是什么意思
to be fair是什么意思 to be fair在线翻译 to be fair什么意思 to be fair的意思 to be fair的翻译 to be fair的解释 to be fair的发音 to be fair的同义词
to be fairto be fair 网络解释1. 公平的说& & courteous a.有礼貌的 courtesy n. | to be fair 公平的说 | observation n.评论;观察;遵守;庆祝 observe v.2. 公平地说& & 坦率地说 to be frank | 公平地说 to be fair | 长话短说 to cut a long story short3. 公平& & 9. 对...有所了解 知道关于...的事 know of | 10. 公平 to be fair | 11. 开发...的潜能 develop one's potential4. 说句公道话& & intriguing 有趣的 | to be fair 说句公道话 | cutting edge 尖端,最前沿to be fair 网络例句1. I want to be fair with you. & &我不想让你吃亏。2. The most important thing is to be fair to everyone. & &最重要的是公平对待每个人。3. So it would not be fair to me. & &所以这将对我来说是不公平。4. The result is not going to be fair. & &结果是不会公平的。5. I trust you to be fair. & &我相信你是公正的。6. I know you got to be fair. & &我知道你得公道7. And to be fair, I never even told him that I liked him. & &说实在的,我都没跟他说过我喜欢他。to be fair是什么意思,to be fair在线翻译,to be fair什么意思,to be fair的意思,to be fair的翻译,to be fair的解释,to be fair的发音,to be fair的同义词,to be fair的反义词,to be fair的例句,to be fair的相关词组,to be fair意思是什么,to be fair怎么翻译,单词to be fair是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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fair wage是什么意思
中文翻译公正工资:&&&&adj. 1.〔古诗〕美丽的;女性的。 2.(水等)清澈 ...:&&&&短语和例子 wage2 vt. 1.实行,进行,作(战等 ...
例句与用法1.The workers demanded a fair wage for their work工人们要求一个合理的工资。 2.Begin fair wage advocacy for out - sourced workers in hong kong在香港倡议政府服务的外判工人应有合理薪金3.And no children at the mangles . no children anywhere . and a fair wage .他说, “劳动不过度,夜间不干活,碾压机禁用童工,一律禁用童工,工资合理。 ” 4.The need for fair wages has become a sensitive topic in places where care for just arrangements can be easily neglected中国正在经历一个转型期,由原来统一工资的计划经济向工资差距巨大的市场经济转变。 5.We also expect them to offer fair wages and employee benefits and to provide a satisfactory product or service at a reasonable price我们也希望企业能够支付公平的报酬,为员工提供相应的福利,并以合理的价格提供令人满意的产品和服务。 6.A remuneration which provides all workers , as a minimum , with : fair wages and equal remuneration for work of equal value( i )获得公允之工资,工作价值相等者享受同等报酬,不得有任何区别,尤须保证妇女之工作条件不得次于男子,且应同工同酬; 7.Chapter 4 : chiefly analyzing the presuppositions of fair wages motivation system in the enterprises . that is the creation of a scientifically effective examining system第四章,重点分析了企业薪酬激励公平性的前提,即科学的绩效考核体系的建立。 8.Of course , many will participate in the life of the community in other ways . some are committed to ethical business practices , paying their staff fair wages and providing reasonable benefits , treating their suppliers and customers fairly当然,还有很多机构透过其他方式关心社会,有些则恪守商业道德,给予员工合理的薪酬和福利,并公平对待供应者和顾客。 9.Of course , many will participate in the life of the community in other ways . some are committed to ethical business practices , paying their staff fair wages and providing reasonable benefits , treating their suppliers and customers fairly当然,还有很多机构透过其他方式关心社会,有些则恪守商业道德,给予员工合理的薪酬和福利,并公平对待供应者和顾客。 10.Chapter 5 : mainly explaining how to create a fair wages motivation system inside and outside an enterprise and personally as well from the job assessment , wages investigation and selection of ways of paying wages , thus setting up a fair system of wages motivation第五章,从工作评价、薪酬市场调查和薪酬方式的选择等方面重点阐述如何完善企业薪酬激励的内部公平、外部公平和个人公平,从而构建起企业薪酬公平激励系统。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
fairwater的音标: 英音 [ 'f??w?:t? ] ; 美音 [ 'f??w?:t? ] fairwater的意思是: 指挥台围壳
fair adj.美丽的,女性的,(肤色)白皙的,(头发)金黄的,干净的,公平的,(天气)晴朗的adv.公平地,公正地,直接地,清楚地n.美好的事物,美人,展览会,市集vi.转晴
adj. 公平的;美丽的,白皙的;[气象] 晴朗的adv. 公平地;直接地;清楚地vi. 转晴n. 展览会;市集;美人
adj. 公平的;美丽的,白皙的;[气象] 晴朗的adv. 公平地;直接地;清楚地vi. 转晴n. 展览会;市集;美人
口语中 常说 Fair enough 意识是 有道理 我同意
作形容词 有 公平公正的,合理正当的,相当的,好的 天气晴朗的,整齐清洁的,白皙的(肤色),浅色的(头发),美丽的(女性)做副词 有
公平公正地,诚实地作名词 有
娱乐场 儿童乐园
商品展交会 商品交易会
集市交易会 其中 Fair Lady


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