i want to ask youask sb a questionn, do you have a ment

翻译英语展信安百忙打扰真意思,事今,我想我应该给写封信候,我现才知道原讨厌我,请允许再做我听众?我想通封信式告诉.谢谢些,失联系同失我间友谊,我深深懊悔.惜悔我能帮忙请要客气朋友应该互相帮助,?许知道,我直都思念,怪,怪我初懦弱与逃避高毕业,家要我&官&(迷信讲土)我于躲同家我现想起真笑明明想知道高考考没勇气打电给呢情烦躁胆或许都吧于我拜托打听消息(打电给),我知道骚扰能伤,辜负伯母期望我何尝呢?我希望借机向表达我歉意,说声起!我知道些事情单说起没用,我乞求原谅希望能接受我姗姗迟忏悔希望让或许已遗忘,或许我没必要再提起,或许始余罢.... 再,渐渐没消息我没办,我真乱,我世界变团糟,我情绪坏极点,我想连累,真!.(其实我托别东溪找现才知道家东溪)候,由于家境窘迫,我退.间,我直边工作边习状态,候, 范利给我帮助.业压力工作忙碌使我每充实紧张,思念却曾消退.些觉自像埋沙包鸵鸟忘掉切烦恼与思念我发现我错烦恼短暂忘却思念论何斩断每夜深静候,我总想起切点点滴滴,我始终忘温柔体贴声音美丽,秀外慧每想起些候,我都觉我幸福,劳累烟消云散.曾知道每忙完,带着甜蜜思念入眠我,该惬意呵.美我杭州,其实没必要见我.想跟叙叙旧想告诉些我说杭州要请客.其实玩笑.我丽明说我前交朋友.手.其实我想试探反应罢,情条件谈让晓引转告我说男朋友说我意,假,论男朋友事真假,我都真诚祝福!真我没觉?我傻算许我都保重我些厢情愿,自作情罢.总要,情更.呵呵,说起,像给我课哦?家笑我傻,许吧,或许情真该看重前段间本想逗点(其实我朋友搜主意哎...错再错)真尊重意思哎....许结局件事谢谢家笑我傻或许吧傻照啊哈哈....现?姐姐弟弟都?伯母身体?叫觉现点像伯母伯父眼睛像痴情伯母幸福呵呵写完些,觉情真放松少呢,原没事着轻松,切都放罢,随遇安!让切随风真祝福,祝工作顺利,愿找真伴侣,祝伯母笑口,祝全家幸福快乐!
除伯父眼睛像痴情伯母幸福呵呵 句其句我保持原意逐字逐句翻完疑问发消息给我 Greetings!
I find it embarrassing to bother you in your busy schedule but I think now is the time to write to you. I was unaware of your hate on me until now, but would you kindly be my audience for the last time please? …because I have a lot of words to say herein, thanks for your patience.We had lost in touch with each other in recent years and meanwhile lost the friendship between, I’m profoundly regretful for that, anyway,life is regretless!( And hey, you need anything, you can always come to me, what’s a real friend for?)Perhaps you don’t know, I have been missing in you, it’s my fault---my cowardly behavior and escapismAfter high school, my family wanted to govern me into a superstition life. I refused to comply and hid in my friend’s home, how ridiculous I was, evidently I wanted to know your performance in college entrance exam, but not brave enough to ask, why? Fidgety? cowardly? Maybe both, so I requested him to sound you out (by phone), I knew I annoyed you. You were likely to be hurt, and I betrayed the expectation of auntie. But did I feel differently? I hope you accept my apologies, I’m really very sorry! Although I know apology is not enough at all, I beg your pardon, hope to get my confess toward your comprehensive heart, Let bygones be bygones. Perhaps you’ve forgotten, perhaps it’s no need to remind it, perhaps it’s redundant from the beginning…then, gradually I lost touch with you. Did I have choice? My life is chaotic, my world is a mess, I had the worst mood, and how could I embroil you in at that time?(in fact, I had consigned a friend to find you in DongXi, now I know that you don’t live there )Living in a poor family, I discontinued my studying while was a freshman. In the following days, I kept working and learning, meanwhile, FanZhengLi helped me a lot. Tension and stress from busy work and study enrich my daily life, but I’d never stopped missing you .Like an ostrich puts its head in sandpile, I thought I could forget all the trouble and stop longing for you, but I failed, annoyance can be swipe aside but how could love be. In the dead of night, I was thinking about every detail of you,I will never forget your softness considerate voice, your beautiful and goodness. Every time think about this,I feel happy and release from one-day busy work, sleep with sweet memory is so agreeable. You are so beautiful !
Last time I came to HangZhou, it’s not necessary for you to blench me. I just wanted to talk with you about the past, that’s all I want to tell you. It was a joke that I asked you for a treat. I told LiMing that I had a girlfriend before but broke up, I just wanted to know your response on it, how could I have the mood and qualification to dating with a girl at that time? You consigned XiaoYin to tell me that you already had a boyfriend,I do care that,what ever it is true or not,you will have my sincerely wishes!Have you ever had a crush on me?What a fool I am ! If so,It’s nothing different for me if you were my girl or not .Maybe it’s better for both of us,take good care of yourself !All these years I’ve been living in a fancied world created by myself. Everyone should grown up someday,so does affections.Hehe,if so, is it you who taught me a lesson? People make fun of me because of my foolish, it might be true, and I do not have to treat affections seriously. In some times past, I was mean to tickle you(it’s a good idea from my friend, sigh…made another mistake.)How disrespectful I am, shame. Sign…it might be a good ending, thank you. People make fun on my stupidity, may it be, foolish, so what? Life goes on as usual. right?
How do you like your life now? Remember me to auntie、uncle、to your sister and brother. I feel that you and auntie have something good in common, you have beautiful, spoony eyes ! Your parents are Darby and Joan, how I admire them!
HeheWhen I finished these words, I was
relaxing, it’s really leisured for a man to live without anything in his mind, let things be what they like, feel at ease under all circumstance! let all the things go with the wind!I'd like to send you my wishes means more than I can show. With all my heart, Every success in your job. Hope you have an excellent companion that really love you, wish auntie always happy , . Please accept my wishes to and your family.
Zhan Xinan,
sorry to trouble you in such a busy time.but now,i think it's time to write to you. i suddenly realize you hate me so much.shall i be your best audience for the last time?i want to tell you something through the letter,thank you.
in recent years,we have lost not only lost connection but also our friendship.i feel
deeply regretful,but i can't regret.if you have some trouble and i'm able to help you,please tell me without any hesitation.friends should help each other ,isn't it?
perhaps you don't know that i have been missing you Continuously. it's not you to blame but my cowardly evasion.
perhaps you don't know that i have been ...
Show the letter, his busy schedule of the interrupt you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I now know I hate you so original, but let me do the final The audience a good &because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it?
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on the strange and cowardly evasion.
After graduating ...
Opens a letter peacefully, what in spite of being very busy really disturbs you are embarrassed, at this moment, I thought I should be writes a letter to you, I only then knew that now you such dislike me originally, but please allow to be I last time audience again? Because has many words I to want to tell you through this letter way. Thanks. These years, lost your relation at the same time also to lose between us the friendship, my deep regret. Was only a pity that the life is regretless! If has me to be able to be able to help please not to be polite. The good friend should help mutually, not right? perhaps you did not know that I have been missing ...
Show the letter, his busy schedule of the interrupt you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I now know I hate you so original, but let me do the final The audience a good «because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it »
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on the strange and cowardly evasion.
After grad...
Show the letter, 100 bother busy you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I know you hate me so original, but let me do the final The audience a good &because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it &
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on ...
Show the letter, his busy schedule of the interrupt you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I now know I hate you so original, but let me do the final The audience a good &because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it &
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on the strange and cowardly evasion.
After gr...
Show the letter, his busy schedule of the interrupt you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I now know I hate you so original, but let me do the final The audience a good &because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it &
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on the strange and cowardly evasion.
Freshman when the family because of the distress, I had to leave. After a time, I have been in the work-study-state life, at that time, Fan Li has given me is of great help. Academic pressure and work I am a busy day and enrich the lives of tension, but you did not miss it on the 1st dissipated. Over the years feel like a head buried in the sand bags in the ostrich, thinking that you can forget all the troubles and miss, But I found that I was wrong, short-term problems can be forgotten, but miss the cut in any case is ongoing. Whenever Yeshenrenjing time, I always think of you all the little Didi, I still never forget your gentle and thoughtful voice,...
楼上“啊田雨”同志的还不错,楼主可以参考。以“show the letter&开场的都是垃圾。
到电脑自动翻译回答者:给姐跪下 - 见习魔法师 二级 6-23 12:02好像是抄我的把
Wooo,love’s in the air.
就是这个,我花拉好大的功夫,相信我你是没错的!Show the letter, 100 bother busy you are really sorry, things Now, I think I should give you a letter is the time, I know you hate me so original, but let me do the final The audience a good &because I think a lot to the way through this letter to tell you, thank you. In recent years, you lose the link at the same time we also lose the friendship between, I deeply regret. Unfortunately, no regrets in life! If I can help on the busy Do not polite. Good friends should help each other, is not it &
Perhaps you do not know, I have been missing in you, do not blame you, I was on the strange and cowardl...


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