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Stellar honestly open up about why they had no choice but to go the sexy route
When Kpop fans hear the name , their first thought is not of the cute and quirky concept that the girls debuted with, but rather the provocatively sexy concepts that created immense buzz, and of course, backlash.Stellar made their debut in 2011, but it wasn't really until 2014 that they became a familiar name. During their early years, the girls went through songs like "Rocket Girl", "U.F.O", and "Study", which were fun and spunky, but failed to gain traction. Then 2014 came and the girls made their comeback with "Marionette", the song that launched them into spotlight due to the erotic nature of their outfits, choreography, and music video.Through an interview with No Cut News, the girls sat down for an honest heart-to-heart session, frankly revealing what led to their change in concept and why they continue to promote this provocatively sexy image that gains much backlash.&SEE ALSO:
"Marionette" (February, 2014)Q: It seems like there may have been many difficulties due to consecutive unsuccessful releases.&Junyool: We didn't have money for rides, and it was a difficult situation to the point that we'd have to share one order of food among all of us. There were many sad instances. Once, we used the practice room that a famous choreography team would use. But if we went early and waited, they would give us looks. But at the time we didn't have money to go to a cafe, or anywhere else to go and wait.Minhee: It was the cold winter, and to kill time [before we could use the practice room] we played a game of rock paper scissors to determine who would take one step. So this way, we took one hour for a trip that only takes 5 minutes to get there. If we saw a famous girl group pass by us in their vans, we would hide out of embarrassment.Q: Is that why you decided to take on the shocking skin exposure?Minhee: We had to put everything on the line. We weren't in a position to think about what will come after. The success of 'Marionette' was going to determine the existence or disbandment of the team.Junyool: I prepared with the thought that this was going to be our retirement album. I watched other sunbae teams who took on the sexy concept and sharpened my knife.Gayoung: Honestly, we didn't think ourselves to be sexy. Even our agency wondered if this would suit us. But as we practiced, we realized we could be [sexy].Q: At the time, you received a lot of backlash for the sexual nature of your concept. What did you think?Gayoung: 3 of our members took ballet before, so when we first saw our outfits, we just thought "Oh they just look like leotards".Hyoeun: That's right. We were [comfortable] to the point that we'd run around and play on set. But once the lights turned on, our skin was transparently visible, and it looked erotic.Minhee: Our music video was especially erotic. We didn't even know it was going to be erotic to that extent. The script just said, 'Lie in bed then sit up' 'Drip milk while you drink as you long for someone'. We were shocked after we learned what all these references had meant, only after reading the comments we received. I guess you could say we were innocent.Q: So was the result satisfactory?Gayoung: It turned out really well for us. We got tons of love calls for various event performances and our negative [bank] balance became positive. We also got a car and a dorm. We also got a practice room that we could use all we wanted."Mask" (August, 2014)Q: Thanks to the success you were able to release another song. It seems like you toned down the amount of skin exposure.Minhee: Instead of sexiness, we wanted to pour our sincerity into the release ["Mask"].Gayoung: We included in the lyrics why we had no choice but to do the sexy concept for 'Marionette'. We wanted to explain that we did it to receive love from the public.Hyoeun: But, nobody seemed interested in our sincerity. It was to the point they didn't even know we made a comeback. Those who listened to the track said it was good, but people wouldn't even give it a listen.Minhee: Because the results weren't good, our promotion cycle was short."Fool" (March, 2015)Q: You changed up your style completely for this one, and there was no skin exposure.Junyool: Actually we thought 'Fool' was just going to be a side song, we didn't know we would end up promoting with it.Gayoung: We thought the song wasn't all that good, but the agency pushed us saying that it's a song that makes people think of their first love.Hyoeun: At the time 'Infinity Challenge's ToToGa was all the rage...Minhee: That's right. They even brought up that we should wear wide-legged pants that S.E.S&sunbaenims wore.Q: But unfortunately, the results weren't great.Hyoeun: We were persuaded in the end by the agency, but it didn't turn out well. Later on, we even tried to change our outfit to a sexy one, but it just didn't fit together with the song, so it was a big failure.Gayoung: 2 weeks after we began promotions, the agency told us "We're sorry" and "From now on, we will follow your opinions.""Vibrato" (July, 2015)Q: I was shocked after seeing your teaser image [photo above]. Not just me, but everyone was shocked.Hyoeun: Honestly, we were shocked too. We didn't do it because we wanted to. Having experienced two failures after "Marionette", we accepted the reality and decided that we needed something that would become an issue.Junyool: We wanted to get Stellar's music out there. When we didn't have skin exposure, nobody even knew we released a new song. If it's not provocative, there is no response.Minhee: We were even asked "Why didn't you guys come out again after 'Marionette'?" when we had already made two comebacks after that song...Q: You're receiving backlash to the level of your "Marionette" promotions.Minhee: It wasn't a thong like many people were imagining. It was actually a swimsuit bottom, but because a portion of it was covered by the dress, the picture came out looking more erotic than it really was.Junyool: There's a chance that even those who insult us will listen to our song. And if our song is good, then they could become our fans. And I think that as a woman, we have a right to be sexy.Gayoung: Rather than trying to explain every time a problem is raised about our sexual concepts, we just want to continue striving forward, trusting in those who recognize our efforts.Q: But it seems like you still have some worries.Gayoung: We have to promote ourselves, but I couldn't get myself to upload the controversial teaser image of us on my SNS. But we can't always live doing only what we want. We have to do what the public wants for them to listen to our song.Junyool: That's right. Of course we do have worries, but every time I go up on stage, the urge to do music continues to grow.Hyoeun: If a group is not from a large-scale agency, it's hard to gain attention even if the song and concept are great. Because this is reality, it's pitiful when we see teams from other smaller agencies also decide to take on sexy concepts to become successful.Q: You came back when competition is tough. What is your goal for this promotion?Gayoung: We really hope it turns out well. The agency told us that if we are able to stay top 20 on music charts for a week, they'll send us on a vacation abroad, we really hope it happens.Minhee: They say that once you get into the top 20, you don't easily fall back down. If that happens, then we can see [the possibility] of a next album. We really hope we achieve success.Junyool: If that happens, then I want to hold a guerrilla concert wearing the outfits from our music video.Q: If "Vibrato" achieves success, will you put away the sexy concept?Junyool: I want to try a sexy concept that's [more toned down] and just on the level of hearing "It's pretty".&Hyoeun: I want us to promote with a song that we can all enjoy together. Perhaps there won't be excessive skin exposure.Minhee: It's not that we don't do innocent concepts because we don't know how to do it. We are normally like other women in their early twenties. However, I do hope that Stellar can retain a bit of our color still.
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· Posted July 31, 2015 @ 6:15 pm
The most frustrating part of their story is that they their songs/ singing are actually GOOD.&Top "Class" Entertainment seems to be the problem. Hopefully the agency will begin to understand that Stellar has a real opportunity to succeed and will do a better job of promoting them. Stellar Fighting!
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· Posted July 31, 2015 @ 7:12 am
(QUOTE)"Gayoung: We really hope it turns out well. The agency told us
that if we are able to stay top 20 on music charts for a week, they'll
send us on a vacation abroad, we really hope it happens.Minhee: They
say that once you get into the top 20, you don't easily fall back down.
If that happens, then we can see [the possibility] of a next album. We
really hope we achieve success."Well congratz to them, 31 July 2015 (MCountdown), Their song was at #10 position. Which i believe was the first time they entered the Top 10 ranks.Hope their agency give them that vacation that they deserve.
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· Posted July 28, 2015 @ 5:45 pm
it makes me f****** angry how male dominated the industry (and all other industries too) is, that they have to do things they don't want to do in order to get noticed.&what's worse is that girls don't stand up for other girls, they attack with words like "slut" too.&I hope this opens some peoples eyes
I think you accurately summed up what is really going on. It's disgusting and degrading. And the fact that the idols themselves don't know this is sad.
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· Posted July 28, 2015 @ 10:08 am
Well, its "fool" that made me a twinkle now.. The music is really good, the lyrics is sincere, and the dance is not too provocative.. So, its not always a bad thing for them.. They got a new true fans from "fool".. People just don't know how good stellar is.. From the voice to choreography, everything is perfect..&
"not too provocative"
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· Posted July 28, 2015 @ 1:42 am
This kind of broke my heart reading the hardships they went through and how they keep thinking that their next release will be the end for the group. At least they are being real about the situations they are in and aren't blinded. They realize that sexy concepts have to be used in order to catch people's eyes and get their careers on the right track and that is sad because all this time people are hating on them and all like "if they want to be noticed for their music they shouldn't be being so slutty" (and etc. with all that slut shaming crap). But in reality those haters don't see that these girls have already tried using their music to get known it just doesn't work, so they have to use an image that will catch the eye. I hope Stellar will be together for the long run because I really love their songs and they are so talented. Stellar fighting!
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· Posted July 27, 2015 @ 9:43 pm
wow.. that's kind of sad :(Marionette was actually a pretty decent song (anything is better than Rocket Girl).Of course the company are going to strive to squeeze as much money out of them as possible in whatever way they have to. They invested in them, so they want their money back. The sad reality of idol life.
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· Posted July 27, 2015 @ 3:27 pm
(This is a bit 'off topic' here. &But the topic did arise from messages posted on this AKP Article discussing 'other concepts' that STELLAR could use them to achieve K-entertainment Celebrity success.)As far as 'career paths' to K-Entertainment Celebrity success. &Typically, young females start out as members of K-pop Groups, and *not* as actresses. &The simple reason being that there are *not* that many YOUNG AGE (14-18) Actress jobs available. Whereas, there are (by comparison) a *lot* more YOUNG AGE (14-18) K-pop Idol job openings (although, competition for these 'more numerous' openings is *very* strong). So, IF you can debut in a *successful* K-pop Group, say at age 16, then you 'go with that' and hope that it is as *very successful* as say SNSD (which is *RARE*). &A person who fits this situation would be JIYOUNG, ex-member of KARA Group, who is now a successful *actress* in JAPAN. &Anyway, hopefully, you are at least as successful as say GIRL'S DAY is. &And say around AGE 22, after creating some 'public visability' as a K-pop Idol, you can 'transition' that popularity into a *solo* ACTRESS type career. Another way to travel, would be as a MODEL, then maybe a K-pop Group member (POCKET GIRLS group comes to mind), and then finally an ACTRESS type career. There seem to be more *modeling* jobs for age 14-18 females, than ACTRESS jobs too. &Anyway, in general, you do NOT go the route of ACTRESS to K-pop Idol. &I did read of some *aspiring* MALE ACTORS, who formed their own K-POP Group to 'get some exposure' if you will.In fact, a *lot* of the K-pop Idols, probably would PREFER to be working ACTRESS jobs, right from the very beginning. &SOHEE (ex-member Wonder Girls) supposedly wanted to BEGIN as an Actress. &But SOHEE 'went with' Wonder Girls (Group) because the opportunity for earning money and 'public visibility' were there. &When Wonder Girls did have their 'pause situation' due to SUNYE getting married, SOHEE did decide to CHANGE AGENCY (leave JYPe Agency) and *try* to transition into ACTRESS and PRODUCT ENDORSEMENT work. &Which, SOHEE has done that fairly well (REEBOK shoes CF TV Ads with TOP/Big Bang come to mind).Finally, *most* of the YOUNG AGE (14-18) female K-pop Groups transition from a debut 'start up' 'CUTESY CONCEPT' into a more 'SENSUAL CONCEPT' as the female members age over time. &APINK Group would be an exception to this somewhat, but a *very* rare one, in my view. &Currently, DSP Agency is going to debut a 'start up' female group called APRIL. &It would *appear* that, due to one member being age 14, and others near that age, that they will go with a 'wholesome' type 'CUTESY CONCEPT' at first (like APINK). &But APRIL member (*main* vocal) SOMIN is age 19. &And say two years from now, I look for APRIL to be 'tracking' a more 'SENSUAL CONCEPT' approach. &Probably *not* quite as strong as what STELLAR is doing it. &Probably more like what EXID and GIRL'S DAY are doing it.So, for STELLAR, they are just 'following the normal pathway' of almost inevitable transition to a 'SENSUAL CONCEPT' as I see it. &STELLAR = "Giving the S.Korean Boys What They Want It !!!" ... The BRITS (U.K.) have this saying about "MeThinks They Doth Protest Too Much!" ... (Joking) Of course, that could *never* apply to S.Koreans, right? ... &...&Tagging --&
https :// en . wikipedia . org/wiki/The_lady_doth_protest_too_much,_methinks ... <-- Actually, the 'true reference' is from (author) Shakespeare's "HAMLET" and has a *female* orientation which surely applies to males just as well.
(Joking) I watched BAMBINO video clips until my LEFT EYEBALL FELL OUT. It was APPALLING !!! ... So, I watched BAMBINO some MORE, until my RIGHT EYEBALL FELL OUT !!! ... ;-)
I'm not saying that they should start as actresses and lead it into the music industry. I know most idols transition into acting after garnering attention. STELLAR has achieved a lot of attention at the moment due to their sensual risque concept. It might not be great attention, but it's something to work with. If they don't want to keep raising the bar for this, I'm saying they should look for alternatives now.
I also know that the sensual/sexy concept is a part of the kpop culture. The female groups have been hit with this more than the male groups. Actually, in general, it seems that female groups have less variety in concepts (though this might just be a matter of perspective). Despite the presence of it in the kpop industry, what I'm disliking is that this is not "we want to show that side of us now." but more like "we have to do this right now even if we're not super comfortable with it."
said --> "(STELLAR is) more like 'we have to do this right now even if we're not super comfortable with it.' " ... <-- I do feel that I understand the viewpoint that you are presenting it about STELLAR. I would comment that it all has a 'feel' of like someone saying "I wanted to be successful working in an Drinking Bar. But I am *not* 'super comfortable' serving (alcohol) SOJU to customers." ... ;-) ... STELLAR did try the APINK route, and it was *not* financially successful enough (apparently). Should STELLAR members, who are *very* attractive females as I view them, be all that 'shocked' if their Agency did request that they transition to a more 'Sensual Concept.' And see if that was MORE SUCCESSFUL, which it was / is ... ;-) ... I am just *not* quite 'buying' STELLAR in quite as much a 'victimized' manner in their current 'Sensual Concept' situation. But you can surely 'buy into that' as much as you choose ... ;-)
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· Posted July 27, 2015 @ 12:33 pm
The way they say things you can see how agencies just control everything about idols
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· Posted July 27, 2015 @ 4:39 am
The agency is really taking advantage of the idols especially EXO... they are making millions &but they only get like 1 procent of the earnings, its really sad....
If you joined an agency as an equal, meaning you come in with talent on hand, and you dont owe them a cent, you can talk on Equal footing with your agency.
However most idol group members are like Students on SCHOLARSHIPS, they signed a contract and they owe the agency Money even before they debut.
They ate, drank, and spent the agency money, in training and others, and before the debut album is even out, they are in debt.
Just like how you Borrow money from the Bank to start your business, but the 1st 2 years of your business you are just repaying the Bank Loan.
The same goes for Idol group I think EXO now is probably raking in the profits, but back then with Growl, they are just starting to Break Even with what they owe SM in the first place.
The larger your group the longer it takes since the agency also spend a BIGGER sum, creating a 12 member group than compared to say a 5 member Shinee.
Every $10 you spend on an album, you have to minus off the people who designed the album cover, who did the marketing, who produced the CD, and etc, then comes the staff and trainers who are Behind the Scenes of every album, Hence it seems that the idol group get only 1%, (after dividing it by 12 or 9 in this case).
by the time EXO reach their 5th year, I think they would be veterans and going on Worldwide Tours, and having holidays in Europe and others like their sunbaes. so just have to endure a bit more.
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· Posted July 27, 2015 @ 2:01 am
It must be really hard for them.
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· Posted July 26, 2015 @ 3:55 pm
Quoting the AKP Article here --&Gayoung: "Honestly, we didn't think ourselves to be sexy. Even our agency wondered if this would suit us. But as we practiced, we realized we could be [sexy]."Is it really that much of a hardship to be performing as *very* attractive young women who are fairly talented K-pop entertainers (my view) too? & I've seen a lot of messages from AKP users about 'how sorry that I feel' for STELLAR members. &Consider the possibility that STELLAR does *enjoy* to perform as *successful* 'sensual concept'' K-pop performers. &STELLAR is surely making MORE MONEY performing in that manner.HYUNA (4minute) seems comfortable with her 'sensual sell' concepts in K-pop. &And HYUNA seems to be giving S.Koreans that which they *like* to see it. &Apparently STELLAR is now doing that too, on a smaller scale than HYUNA. &I am hoping that STELLAR is *proud* that they are able to attract K-pop fans with their 'sensual sell' strategy of K-pop. &K-pop is a *rough* business to survive in it. &That STELLAR is surviving, and apparently now making some MONEY, GOOD FOR THEM !!!(My view) A *lot* of S.Korean females would (figure of speech) *kill* to be as attractive and talented as the members of STELLAR. &All this 'mindless chatter' about 'I feel so SORRY for them' (STELLAR) ... I find it fairly HILARIOUS !!! ...
Correction: sexual not sexy. They used the wrong word.
HYUNA is/was/became comfortable with her sensual image. STELLAR, but by the looks of this article, are currently not fully comfortable. They didn't want to. They might "enjoy" the small monetary benefits but they're not enjoying the experience that comes with it. That's where all the 'I feel so SORRY' comes from. When they're comfortable and fully happy with strutting their stuff onstage, then there will be none of this.
said --> "(STELLAR) They might "enjoy" the small monetary benefits but they're not enjoying the experience that comes with it." ... <-- So you *claim* it about STELLAR *not* enjoying to be *FINANCIALLY SUCCESSFUL* ($$$$$) 'Sensual Concept' K-pop performers ... ;-)
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· Posted July 26, 2015 @ 2:25 pm
I want to hug them! T-T
... (Joking) ONLY in your dreams! ... ;-)
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· Posted July 26, 2015 @ 12:59 pm
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· Posted July 26, 2015 @ 11:01 am
This is kind of sad. They are kind of struggling to survive. They want vacations after all these rough years. They want their music to be heard. I feel bad for them.. :(
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· Posted July 26, 2015 @ 10:03 am
tbh the only reason i didn't pay attention to mask and fool is because the songs weren't that good
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· Posted July 26, 2015 @ 4:08 am
This is why I dislike the onslaught sexy concepts in girl groups these days. Now, they're all trying to out "sex" the others. See, the thing is, they're not into the sexual concept themselves. I mean, if they were all for it, then yeah, go be as sexy as you want.Not sure how much this would work, but maybe a different approach would be better? Like launching to stardom through acting (which is a pretty big one) or a unique concept that's not been done recently. I mean, if EXO can be wolves and AOA are cats, they can be birds or something like that.I also like that they said they want to comeback with a sexy concept but with less exposure. Because you really don't have to be exposed to be sexy.
This is sexual concept not sexy.
said --> "if EXO can be wolves and AOA are cats, (STELLAR) they can be birds" ... <-- (Jokiing) Uh, you had VULTURES in mind, right? ... ;-)
AOA has done nothing but sexy since they put their instruments down. You can't compare guys and girls when it comes to music concepts, especially kpop.
Not to mention both AOA and EXO are from Gigantic companies. Both are in the top 5. A group from a big company can come out with a ridiculous somg and still chart well.
The chances of them being able to promote thru acting or anything else is just as hard. Drama producers aren't going to cast no name actors if they can get even a D list celebrity.
said --> "AOA has done nothing but sexy since they put their instruments down." ... <-- (Joking) AOA = Queens of the ANT WAIST (Minah, Jimin). So, since WONDER GIRLS is picking their instruments UP, does that mean that WG is NOT SEXY now? ... ;-)
not at all. Instruments doesn't mean automatic un-sexy. When AOA were using insturments they weren't trying to do a sexy concept. Once they put their instruments down they were and they've only been doing sexy concepts ever since.
I don't know AOA at all (oh they're under FNC). But I'm not comparing anything with them. I just used their Like a Cat concept as an example. I'm saying a unique concept might be a better way to go to be remembered. And the acting world is less involved with the idol world. Many unknown idols gained fame through acting. If they pick up attention now, enough to be considered, it would be a good idea to try for it. If they're sick of the sexy concept, then I'm posing an alternative. When the next "sexual" video comes out, they can be forgotten. This concept just has the trait of shortlived stardom.
...I don't know what you're trying to say.
i see what you are saying but AAO's cat was also really sexy. They also didn't have a lot of clothes. I don't think it was the cat concept that got them attention with that song, I think it was the outfits and dance moves. I would have to disagree with the iodl/acting world being seperate. So many idols are acting now and most of them already have some kind of solid fanbase. For example School 2015 or Answer Me 1994. Both had lesser known idols in them but both idol groups already had a good amount of fans. Unless they find a producer that is specifically trying to cast actors with less popularity
(Like Teen Top's Changjo's Sweden Laundry) acting will be pretty hard for them.
I agree there probably is another way to go about it but kpop is so over saturated these days its so crazy. I feel bad that they are doing something they don't feel comfortable doing for their dream
said --> "(AOA Group)
I don't think it was the cat concept that got them attention with that song, I think it was the outfits and dance moves." ... <-- Like say 'ANT WAIST' (AOA member) JIMIN, waving around a WHIP ??? ... ;-) ... In a 'S.Korean Socially Acceptable' version of a DOMINATRIX ??? ... ;-)
AOA's concept was indeed sexy but also unique because they added that idea.
My thinking with the acting world follows some personal examples. I didn't know or care about Girl's Day because of the oversaturation. Her involvement in Reply1996 and the constant media revolving it at the time made me check it out. B1A4 was relatively popular but not immensely. Now Baro's a well-known name from Reply1994. Z:ea's always had struggles keeping the group in the spotlight but Hyunshik's brought them a lot of attention for his various acting gigs. Yes, these groups still had a decent fanbase but I think with STELLAR's current rising attention, it would be a good idea to try.
... Well, I could see a STELLAR member doing a Product Endorsement (CF TV Ad) Fashion Shoot for say YES Brand underwear (as Hyosung of SECRET did do it in the past). Their 'Sensual Concept' might be of interest to the YES Brand firm, as I see it.
I think AOA could gave said they were just regular girls walking diwn the street and they still would have got the same amount of attention.
That's why Im thinking the cat theme didn't have anything to do with the song being a hit.
I agree, I think acting is definitely a good way for some groups to become more popular. That's exactly how I got into kpop in the furst place (Heartstrings
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· Posted July 26, 2015 @ 2:05 am
I think it wasn't the cute concept: it was the terrible songs they promoted that time. Their new songs are so much better.
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· Posted July 26, 2015 @ 12:31 am
Why is so hard to korean idols win money? I mean...DJs on EDM scene not need&be so famous to make lots of money...Kpop have an large market...I just think that it is really&poorly organized or the&agencies are really unfair with idols
Really now? The cost of productioin IS HIGH.
Not just MV but promotions etc.
idols depend pretty much entirely on endorsements, tours, events to make money. If they aren't popular then they won't have any of those things to make money. There is basically no money to be made from digital sales and album sales probably barely cover the cost to make the album and mv in most cases unless you are a top group.
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· Posted July 26, 2015 @ 12:31 am
I hope those stupid haters stop bashing this young ladies.
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· Posted July 26, 2015 @ 12:19 am
Yes you could sell your body and objectify yourself for money,or you could just get a regular job -_-
They dont want to give up on music, the girls just said that, i wouldnt want to give up after fighting so much..they didnt even had a place to sleep, now they do..they wont give up
They're already up to their ears in deep debt from the company. If they stopped now and got real jobs, they would be struggling to survive for the rest of their lives.
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