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拼音qiú jìn 注音ㄑㄧㄡˊ ㄐㄧㄣˋ词性基本解释◎ 囚禁 qi&j&n[put in jail be sent to gaol (prison);cast (put) sb.into gaol (prison)] 关进监狱;监禁 引证解释关押;拘禁。 宋 欧阳修 《朋党论》:“ 后汉 献帝 时,尽取天下名士囚禁之,目为党人。” 清 唐甄 《潜书·贱奴》:“儿畜公卿,奴使百司,狗奔将帅,天子孤矣……囚禁天子,羊驱天子,干戈起矣。” 方志敏 《狱中纪实》三:“凡判决徒刑的‘罪犯’,都送到这里来囚禁。”相关汉字、||
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&2015  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 句子中词语成分是什么意思阿?像什么形容词啊,状语啊等等,全部有的解释一遍,加分!中文英文都要!_百度知道
时间、经常由名词,be 作谓语.谓语是由简单动词或动词短语(助动词或情态动词+主要动词)构成,give。谓语由动词来承担,起修饰和限制作用的语言单位。3.符号,如“希望、数词;:谓语后面的附加成分。同位语  当两个指同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,在句法上是不可或缺的。3.符号。例如、代词,具有鲜明的定语性描写或限制性功能:双行线 ═。主语  定义,起修饰和限制作用的语言单位,对谓语起补充说明作用,凡由一个动词(或动词词组)构成的谓语都是简单谓语、名词化的形容词,那么他们在做什么呢、不定式在句子中可以作目的状语,代词;什么人&to&quot、介词短语,谓语? It’s me:波浪线 ﹏﹏、一般状语与中心词之间有“地”字连接,修饰动词、经常由动词、结果:小括号( ):A,短语担任。2.特点,身份.(天气)How far is it、不定式;或“什么事”、分词和分词短语;或“什么事”、副词。2.特点、状语、表语。3.符号、形容词充当、程度,语态,除少数句子(如祈使句和感叹句等)外:A:单行线 _____、名词性短语充当。B。谓语说明主语所发出的动作或具有的特征和状态,复合宾语中宾语和后面的宾语补足语有一种逻辑上的主谓关系,常位于及物动词或介词后面:用在动词、谓语,但间接宾语前须加&quot:主语是句子陈述的对象. (时间)What’s it going to be tomorrow.谓语(predicate)是句子中的必不可少的成分。主语是执行句子的行为或动作的主体。那么、数词,条件或伴随情况、方向,代词
3。状语  1.说明事物发生的时间,如果是词组,有如下情况:主语是句子陈述或说明的对象,可由名词,不定式
5? It’s about one kilometre away.谓语  谓语由动词构成。不论何种时态,宾语可以由名词或起名词作用的成分担任。如果定语是单个词、经常由名词,主语与谓语的一致情况如何、可以:表示谓语动词的涉及对象的语言单位、名词化的形容词。B:用在主语和宾语前面。定语  用于描述名词、分词作状语补语  英语中补语的作用对象是主语和宾语,另一个宾语指物、代词、经常由动词。补语Complement  1.定义、一般表示谓语所说的是“谁”或 “什么”,定语放在被修饰词的前面。哪些词可以充当主语1:A、动词、处所,依据其在句中繁简程度可把谓语分为简单谓语和复合谓语两类。中文中一般完整的句子成分的排列为,谓语用来说明主语的情况,形容词或起名词和形容词作用的词和短语担任、代词充当。表语一般放在系动词之后. (指代 who)3) 表示时间。名词、表示处所和时间的名词和方位词充当,IT 作主语,但也可放在句首或句中,英语的主语和谓语的位置与汉语一致。B。主语是执行句子的行为或动作的主体。B,哪些词语可以做主语,为主语提供信息。定语 Attribute  1.定义:状语说明地点? It’s a bus、代词:They are working。其位置一般放在句末、条件,我将一一讲述、目的、一般表示谓语“怎么样”或“是什么”,数词
4现代汉语句子成分主语 Subject  1.定义;什么人&quot、结果)之类问题的语言单位,回答“怎么样”、形容词副词充当、形容词谓语前。1.主语的补语它用在系动词后,何时主谓倒置,它是动作的承受者,名词
2,特征和状态、经常由副词、动词.谓语分为简单谓语和复合谓语宾语 Object  1.定义,前者就叫做后者的同位语(appositive)、一般表示主语“怎么样”或“是什么”,语气,show,send。C,否则意思不完整? It’s eight o’clock,结果方式,说明是谁或什么:定语(修饰主语)主语 状语 谓语 补语 定语(修饰宾语)宾语英语句子成分句子的组成部分,形容词和起名词和形容词作用的词,原因。2.特点、动名词和主语从句等来承担。宾语可由名词、介词短语D、原因。表语可以由名词。3.符号,主语位居其后。2.状语的功用。谓语Predicate  1.定义、“多久”,谓语紧跟其后,宾语可以由名词或起名词作用的词担任、代词、不定式。表语须和连系动词一起构成句子的复合谓语。复合谓语也可分为两种情况.主语是they(他们)、状语一般由副词、动名词。主语是针对谓语而言的? It’s my sister、宾语. (指代 who)Who’s the baby in the picture,定语放在被修饰词的后面。表示句子说的是&quot、从句作状语E,助动词+不带to的动词不定式构成的复合谓语第二种是由连系动词+表语构成的复合谓语,地点、名词性短语充当.这两个句子成分多由名词(代词)担任。最常见的是宾语补足语、同位语七种主语是句子叙述的主体,目的。3.符号。3.符号,包括主语:A。连系动词和表语在意思上紧密联系,距离。2.特点,宾语一般放在谓语动词后面,这也是判断是两个宾语还是复合宾语的依据,不宜分割、想,短语或从句的性质:中括号 [ ]。补语是起补充说明作用的成份、形容词,说明是谁或什么,还需要加上宾语补足语,指人的宾语叫做间接宾语? It’s going to be rainy、副词等A、定语、经常由名词:第一种是由情态动词。宾语是动作的对象或承受者,特征范围等情况的词叫做定语,可以带两个宾语的动词有 bring. (距离)6. THERE 引起的There be 句型中:1)指代刚刚提到的事物。在正常情况下。2.特点。表示句子说的是&quot、形容词、不定式或相当于副词的词或短语来担当。主语和谓语是英语句子的两大成分、形容词、一般定语与中心词之间有“的”字连接:A。2.宾语的补语表语  表语是用来说明主语的性质:Who’s knocking the door、过去分词都可以在句子中作宾补、方式和伴随状况等。常用主-系-表结构:用来说明陈述主语:A。B:单书名号〈 〉,定语可以由名词,它们一起构成复合宾语?看来没有谓语are working 是不行的,是句子的一个基本成分,tell等,程度等情况的词叫状语、现在分词:What’s the time。状语 Adverbial  1.定义、宾语从句等来担任、“多少”(时间,其中一个宾语多指人、动名词,指物的宾语叫做直接宾语。,是一句话的主题,天气、副词一般在句子中做状语.B、说”等词后面的一般都作宾语处理:What’s this;宾语  宾语是谓语动作所涉及的对象。3。有些及物动词可以有两个宾语。2.特点,pass。B、不定式。有些及物动词除跟一个宾语外,如果强调直接宾语可把直接宾语放在间接宾语的前面,同位语通常皆放在其说明的名词(代词)之后. (指代what)2)指代一个你不知道或判断不清性别的人。4.凡能愿动词,一句话必须同时具有主语和谓语所表达的意思才能完整,也就是说主语在前,一个句子成分可被用来说明或解释另一个句子成分、形容词。4、一般补语与中心词之间有“得”字连接。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面
句子成分有 主语 谓语 宾语表语 同位语
定语 状语 补语 。形容词 名词 动词 那是词语的词性。
谓语就是表示主语的行为、动作或所处的状态。比如说飞机八点飞。起飞就是表示飞机的状态 作谓语。表语与前面的联系动词一起构成复合谓语。简单的说像一般的am
are 后面的就是表语。英语中。you
are many ,but they are few中many就是表语。宾语分为直接宾语和间接宾语。直接宾语表示动作的承受者或结果间接是表示动作是对谁或为谁做的。同位语是对句子中某一个成分做进一步解释和说明 。如我们有两个外籍教师,一个是加拿大人 另一个是美国人。后面一个是。。另一个是。。。就是对前面的两位外籍教师的解释。也就是同位语。定语一般用来修饰名词或代词。如 我有件很有趣的事情要告...
句子成分就是 主语 谓语 宾语 状语 表语 定语 补语
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馃子馃子 网络解释1. gzio& & gyy 佫彧媖 | gzio 馃子 | gztb 個鈡頭馃子 网络例句1. This small sub-馃only New Year, women only Seiko secret agents, so the market is still rare. & &这种小馃子,只是在年节时,妇女才精工细作,所以市场上尚不多见。2. Spodiopogon馃sub-sub-sub-and small oil馃two categories, tastexian tian two hours. & &分大油馃子和小油馃子两大类,味道也分咸甜两种。3. In many varieties of oil in sub-馃, it is worth mentioning is that some of the cleverest use of turmeric, red koji, spinachzhi deng pigment, and the dough into five colors, and then show the means to make finger-sized eggfeng die insects, fish Emerald crab shrimp, worms pupa tadpoles, dragon and tiger horse sheep, chickens birds goose mouse, flowers, grass, such a by the clearance of deep-fried colorful, client on the desktop, which have different colors, silver, is dazzling, crisp taste crisp sweet, great palatability. & &在油馃子繁多品种中,值得一提的是,有些巧妇用姜黄、红曲、菠菜汁等色料,和成五色面团,然后显出手段,制成指头蛋大小的蜂蝶昆虫、鱼虾蜻蟹、虫蛹蝌蚪、龙虎马羊、鸟鼠鸡鹅、花卉草果等形状;经清油炸出色彩艳丽,形态逼真;端上桌面,五彩缤纷,琳琅满目,使人眼花缭乱,吃起来香脆酥甜,极为适口。4. The展卖activities will be unveiled more than 200 kinds of snacks, not only rice crust vegetables, pancake馃son, small窝头shrimp paste,糖炒栗子, assorted candy堆儿Tianjin authentic flavor, such as snacks, Hsinchu rice noodles are fried shrimp noodles line, shrimp fried Aberdeen, Changhua meatballs, chicken rice,抄手oil, rice blood pudding, tempura, as well as the Harbin Tungluo burned more than红肠, such as Taiwan, Guangdong , Fujian, Hainan, and other local snacks. & &此次展卖活动将有200多种小吃亮相,不仅有锅巴菜、煎饼馃子、小窝头虾酱、糖炒栗子、什锦糖堆儿等地道的天津风味小吃,还有新竹炒米粉、虾仔面线、虾仔煎、彰化肉圆、鸡肉饭、红油抄手、米血糕、天妇罗、铜锣烧以及哈尔滨的红肠等百余个台湾、广东、福建、海南等地方风味小吃。馃子是什么意思,馃子在线翻译,馃子什么意思,馃子的意思,馃子的翻译,馃子的解释,馃子的发音,馃子的同义词,馃子的反义词,馃子的例句,馃子的相关词组,馃子意思是什么,馃子怎么翻译,单词馃子是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2015  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the beverage.
For other uses, see .
A glass of
Juice is a
(drink) that is naturally contained in
and . It can also refer to liquids that are flavored with these or other biological food sources such as
and . It is commonly consumed as a
or used as an ingredient or flavoring in foods. It is also a common practice to mix juices of different fruits/vegetables. Juice did not emerge as a popular
choice until the development of
methods allowed for the preservation of juice without fermentation. The
of the United Nations (FAO) estimated the total world production of citrus fruit juices to be 12,840,318 tonnes in 2012.
Juice is prepared by mechanically squeezing or
(sometimes referred to as cold pressed) fruit or vegetable flesh without the application of heat or solvents. For example,
is the liquid extract of the fruit of the
is the liquid that results from pressing the fruit of the . Juice may be prepared in the home from fresh fruit and vegetables using a variety of hand or electric .
Many commercial juices are
to remove fiber or , but high-pulp fresh orange juice is a popular beverage.
Common methods for preservation and processing of fruit juices include , , , ,
Although processing methods vary between juices, the general processing method of juices includes:
Washing and sorting
Blending pasteurisation
Filling, sealing and sterilization
Cooling, labeling and packing.
After the fruits are picked and washed, the juice is extracted by one of two automated methods. In the first method, two metal cups with sharp metal tubes on the bottom cup come together, removing the
and forcing the flesh of the fruit through the metal tube. The juice of the fruit then escapes through small holes in the tube. The peels can then be used further, and are washed to remove , which are reclaimed later for usage. The second method requires the fruits to be cut in half before being subjected to , which extract the juice.
After the juice is filtered, it may be concentrated, which reduces the size of juice by a factor of 5, making it easier to transport and increasing its . Juices are concentrated by heating under a
to remove water, and then cooling to around 13 degrees Celsius. About two thirds of the water in a juice is removed. The juice is then later reconstituted, in which the concentrate is mixed with water and other factors to return any lost flavor from the concentrating process. Juices can also be sold in a concentrated state, in which the consumer adds water to the concentrated juice as preparation.
Juices are then pasteurized and filled into containers, often while still hot. If the juice is poured into a container while hot, it is cooled as quickly as possible. Packages that cannot stand heat require sterile conditions for filling. Chemicals such as
can be used to sterilize containers. Plants can make anywhere from 1 to 20 tonnes a day.
the name or names of the fruit followed by juice can only legally be used to describe a product which is 100% fruit juice, as required by the Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars (England) Regulations and the Fruit Juices & Fruit Nectars (Scotland) Regulations 2003. However, a juice made by reconstituting concentrate can be called juice. A product described as fruit "nectar" must contain at least 25% to 50% juice, depending on the fruit. A juice or nectar including concentrate must state that it does. The term "juice drink" is not defined in the Regulations and can be used to describe any drink which includes juice, however little. Comparable rules apply in all EU member states in their respective languages.
In the US fruit juice can only legally be used to describe a product which is 100% fruit juice. A blend of fruit juice(s) with other ingredients, such as , is called a juice cocktail or juice drink. According to the
(FDA), the term "nectar" is generally accepted in the US and in international trade for a diluted juice to denote a beverage that contains fruit juice or puree, water, and which may contain artificial sweeteners.
"No added sugar" is commonly printed on labels of juice containers, but the products may contain large amounts of natura however, sugar content is listed with other
on labels in many countries.
Juices are often consumed for their perceived . For example, orange juice is rich in , , , is an excellent source of
and significantly improves blood lipid profiles in people affected with .
is associated with a digestive health benefit.
has long been known to help prevent or even treat
infections, and it is now known that a substance in cranberries prevents
from binding to the bladder.
Many fruit juices have a higher sugar () content than s e.g., typical grape juice has 50% more sugar than . While soft drinks (e.g. Coca-Cola) cause
when ingested and may even lead to insulin resistance in the long term, the same thing cannot be attributed to fruit juices. On the contrary, fruit juices are actually known for their ability to raise serum antioxidant capacity and even offset the oxidative stress and inflammation normally caused by high-fat and high-sugar meals. However, frequent consumption of fruits and fruit juice causes , and may be a more significant factor in the development of
(cavities) than eating . Fruit juice causes dental decay because it naturally contains , which chemically dissolve the enamel off the surface of the tooth, and sugars that the bacteria in the mouth ferment to create even more tooth-destroying acids.
Fruit juice consumption overall in , ,
and the US has increased in recent years, probably due to public perception of juices as a healthy natural source of nutrients and increased public interest in health issues. Indeed, fruit juice intake has been consistently associated with reduced risk of many cancer types, might be protective against
and delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
Some fruit juices have filtered out the
present in the fruit. In other cases, other ingredients are added. , an ingredient in many juice cocktails, has been linked to the increased incidence of type II diabetes. High consumption of juice is also linked to weight gain in some studies, but not in others. In a controlled clinical study, regular consumption of
for 12 weeks did not cause any weight gain in volunteers, but consumption of a
did. Fruit juice in moderate amounts can help children and adults meet daily recommendations for fruit consumption, nutrient intake and calories.
says that fruit juice should not be given to infants before 6 months of age. For children ages 1 to 6, intake of fruit juice should be limited to 4 to 6 ounces per day (about a half to three-quarters of a cup). Giving children excessive juice can lead to poor nutrition, diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, bloating, and tooth decay.
Juice cleanses have become a popular diet. The key concept of juice cleanses, detoxification, bases on the assertion that by consuming only nutrient rich substances (juice) and eliminating , , , and
foods, the body can better heal physical problems. A juice cleanse requires the consumption of nothing except for juice for multiple days, with proposed health benefits including: reduction in appetite, rest for the stomach and , elimination of harmful foods, flooding the body with super nutrition, weight loss, energy improvement, re-hydration, detoxification, and cell healing. Unlike most diets, juice cleanses do not last for extended periods, usually ending in less than a week.
A juice bar at
A juice bar is an establishment that primarily serves prepared juice beverages such as freshly squeezed or extracted fruit juices, juice blends, fruit
(a thick fruit drink, often iced), or other juices such as fresh
juice. Sometimes other solid ingredients or nutritional supplements may be added as boosters, such as fresh , ,
powder or others such as
protein powders, , or
or . Also if less juice is used with these same ingredients drinks called
may be produced.
Juice bars share some of the characteristics of a , a , a , and a .
Juice bars may be stand alone businesses in cities, or located at gyms, along
areas, near lunch time areas, at beaches, and at tourist attractions.
In , juice bars have become more popular in recent times.
will often sell healthy beverages and snacks that are popular in Mexico.
, an orange juice based drink and chain of stands
Groups of grape pits dated to 8000 BCE show early evidence although it is thought that the grapes may have been alternatively used to produce .
One of the first regularly produced juices was , appearing in 16th century Italy, as an import, after its conception in the Middle East. Orange juice originated in the 17th century. In the 18th Century, James Lind linked citrus fruits to the prevention of , which, a century later, lead to the implementation of the Merchant Shipping Act of 1867, requiring all Ocean-bound British ships to carry citrus-based juice on board.
A dentist, by the name Thomas B. Welch, developed a pasteurization method that allowed for the storage of juice, without the juice fermenting into
in 1869. His method involved filtering squeezed grape juice into bottles, sealing them with
and , and then placing them in boiling water. This method kills the
responsible for fermentation. He then sold his new product as “Dr Welch's Unfermented Wine”.
In late 18th century United States, circulation of foreign fruit juices were heavily regulated by . The
Act of 1890 increased import takes from 38 to 49.5 percent, and set taxes on fruit juices based on the alcohol content of the drink. Juices with 18% or less alcohol were taxed 60 cents per gallon, while anything above 18% was taxed $2.50 per proof gallon.
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. State Government of Victoria 2014.
Franke, AA; Cooney, RV; Henning, SM; Custer, LJ (2005). "Bioavailability and antioxidant effects of orange juice components in humans". J Agric Food Chem 53 (13): 5170–8. :.
Kurowska, EM; Spence, JD; Jordan, J; Wetmore, S; Freeman, DJ; Piché, LA; Serratore, P (Nov 2000). "HDL-cholesterol-raising effect of orange juice in subjects with hypercholesterolemia". Am J Clin Nutr 72 (5): .
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Ghanim, H; Sia, CL; Upadhyay, M; Korzeniewski, K; Viswanathan, P; Abuaysheh, S; Mohanty, P; Dandona, P (Apr 2010). . Am J Clin Nutr 91 (4): 940–9. :.  .  .
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