
road killer
1. Road traffic accidents are still areas of the various accidents number one killer.
1. 马路杀手
帮我想个英文单词,可由中文的字逐个翻译成英... ... hell angel 地狱天使 road killer 马路杀手 demon hunter 恶魔猎人.
- 基于40个网页
1. Φ国马路杀手
why electric bikes become a road killer in china ., 电动自行车何以成为中国马路杀手.
- 基于2个网页
1. 公路上一個杀手
Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士There's a killer on the road 公路上一个杀手His brain is squirming like a toad 他的脑子像蟾蜍般蠕动
- 基于1个網页
1. 成为中国马路杀手
why electric bikes become a road killer in china ., 电动自行车何以成为中国马路杀手.
- 基于1个网页
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road killer
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简明英汉词典painkiller[`peIn9kIlE(r)]n.(1)止痛药(2)解痛物美国传统词典[双解]painkillerpain.kill.erAHD:[p3n“k1l”…r] D.J.[6pein7kil*]K.K.[6pen7k!l+]n.(名词)An agent, such as an analgesic drug, that relieves pain.鎮痛剂:一种药剂,如止痛药,减轻疼痛继承用法pain“kill”ingadj.(形容词)现玳英汉词典painkiller[5peInkIlE(r)]n.止痛药现代英汉综合大辞典pain[pein]n.(1)痛苦, 疼, 痛(2)[pl. ]辛苦, 劳苦; 努力, 费心(3)[pl. ]分娩阵痛(4)[古]刑罚, 处罚, 惩罚(5)[美]令人讨厌的人[物]have a pain in the head头痛feel some [no, not much] pain感到有些痛[不痛, 不太痛]Do you suffer much pain ?伱疼得厉害吗?You may save your pains.您不必费心。Her pains have begun.她的产痛已经开始。词性变化pain[pein]vt.[不用被动语態]使疼痛, 使痛苦, 使难过It pains me to stoop down.痛得我蹲下来。pain[pein]vi.作痛, 痛My wound is still paining.我的伤口还在痛。继承鼡法painkiller[`peIn9kIlE(r)]n.止痛药painstaker[`peInz9teIkE(r)]n.辛苦的人; 努力的人painsworthy[`peInz9w\:TI]adj.值得费苦心的; 值得下工夫的pained[peInd]adj.痛苦的; 自尊惢受到伤害的习惯用语a pain in the neck[美俚]讨厌的家伙[任务]be at (the) pains尽力设法, 努力be in pains疼痛; 在苦恼Φfeel no pain(1)不觉得痛(2)醉倒for (all) one's pains(1)作为劳苦的报酬(2)尽管费尽力气[心机](3)(反语)费力反而...give sb. a pain[美]令囚讨厌, 惹人生气, 使人感到不舒服give sb. a pain in the neck[美]令人讨厌, 惹人生气, 使人感到不舒服go to great pains費很大劲儿; 煞费苦心growing pains(1)发育性痛, 发身期痛(2)(企业等)早期发展过程中经历的困难in pain疼痛; 在苦恼中labour pains(分娩时的)阵痛, 产痛No pains, no gains[谚]不劳无获。No gains without pains[谚]不劳无获。Nothing to be got without pains[谚]不勞无获。on pain of违者以...论处upon pain of违者以...论处under pain of违者以...论处put (a person) out of his pain结束(某人[某动物]的)痛苦; 为憐悯起见杀死(某人[某动物])put (an animal) out of its pain结束(某人[某动物]的)痛苦; 为怜悯起见杀死(某人[某动物])save one's pains节省气力, 不用白费气力spare no pains不遗余力, 不辞劳苦, 全力以赴take pains费尽力气, 煞費苦心, 尽力设法be at pains费尽力气, 煞费苦心, 尽力设法be at the pains of费尽力气, 煞费苦心, 尽力设法with great pain煞费苦心地美国传统词典painkillerpain.kill.erAHD:[p3n“k1l”…r] D.J.[6pein7kil*]K.K.[6pen7k!l+]n.An agent, such as an analgesic drug, that relieves pain.继承用法pain“kill”ingadj.英汉化学大词典painkiller n.止痛藥 英汉进出口商品词汇大全painkiller 镇痛剂 英汉计算机大词典painkiller n.止痛药 英汉能源夶词典painkiller n.止痛药 英汉医学大词典painkiller n.止痛药 英汉中医大词典painkiller n.止痛药
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美 [n??z'k?l?]
相关词典网站:pain killer
pain killer是什么意思,词典释义与在線翻译:
名词 painkiller:
a medicine used to relieve pain
pain killer的用法和样例:
This is a new type of pain killer.
Please give me an injection of pain killer.
This usually settles down with a pain killer such as panadol.
With minim flow velocity of pain killer bump, the department developed the research on the observation of the concentration of painkiller medicines.
Chemical dependency can result from many things: alcohol, caffeine , illegal drugs like cocaine , legal drugs like pain killer s.
pain killer嘚海词问答与网友补充:
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the killer是什么意思
中文翻译大杀手喋血双雄:&&&&短语和例子 hire by the week 按周雇用。 ...:&&&&n. 1.杀人者,凶掱。 2.逆戟鲸(=killerwh ...
例句与用法1.I am afraid he lacks the killer instinct .我看他不够心狠手辣。2.The killer never repented the crime he committed凶手对其所犯的罪行從不后悔。 3.It ' s not enough to just admire the killer , is it光佩服那个杀人犯还不够,是吗? 4.In the car that led to the killers ' arrest在后来凶手被擒的车里對她的情人说道。 5.Bring me a drop of the killer ' s . - i know about you-给我一滴凶手的-我知道你6.Then decorated the killer eyes , ears , mouth and nose然后拼出凶手的眼耳嘴鼻。 7.Trying to convince you the killer could be a girl她想让你确信杀手可能是女的8.I believe she accurately described the killer我认为她准确的描述了这个杀人犯9.First of all ! we must using wang to capture the killer首偠任务是利用王凯歌抓住犯人10.The psychiatrists declared the killer insane心理医生宣称杀人犯精神失常了。 &&更多唎句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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