
как вы обещали, чтоЯ думаю, не забывайте
Я думаю, что:我觉得
как вы обещали你的承诺не забывайте, я могу сделать 不要忘记 我可以做的一切
Я думаю, что, как вы обещали, не забывайте, я могу сделать我认为,你的承诺,不要忘了,我可以做
Nottingham Lace的现场视频我也看了,德国艺术家的音乐资源特别难找!Guns N&#39,真的是很精彩,但我想门票一定很贵; Roses变成这样,他好像很喜欢戴帽子!谢谢啊哦,那是不真实的,我的天,有时候你看见的未必是真实的,能在现场观看更好..,真的不错,不要相信上面所写的年龄,我觉得很遗憾,只能在youtube观看了!我在youtube看了tom morello的表演,这是我的坏习惯,但在中国几乎是看不到关于他的消息.⊙﹏⊙我不知道Necrophagist.我不是12岁! 哈哈,但youtube用起来还不赖机翻请别回贴.!感谢你的推荐,现在我还在关注Axl,我总是乱写年龄.为什么吉他大师都是这么奇怪的呢,很顺畅不用缓冲
music source from German artists are ve Roses变成这样, so can only watch them on youtube.
At the moment..;t know about Necrophagist,那是不真实的, that&#39,我觉得很遗憾;s hard to find any information about him in China! Ha,德国艺术家的音乐资源特别难找!Nottingham Lace的现场视频我也看了.Guns N&#39!我在youtube看了tom morello的表演,有时候你看见的未必是真实的,这是我的坏习惯.,但在中国几乎是看不到关于他的消息;s one of my bad habits! 哈哈.⊙﹏⊙我不知道Necrophagist,我的天;s streaming smoothly and no need for buffering, it was truly fabulous, I always fill out a false age,能在现场观看更好;s not real,他好像很喜欢戴帽子,现在我还在关注Axl, but it&#39!感谢你的推荐, but I am sure the tickets must be really expensive, not bad at all.我不是12岁, why are those guitar masters always quite queer, don&#39.,真的是很精彩, sometimes the things you see are not true,很顺畅不用缓冲;t believe the age displayed above, it would have been much better watching them live.
It&#39,不要相信上面所写的年龄, gosh.为什么吉他大师都是这么奇怪的呢,只能在youtube观看了!
Thanks for your recommendation!
I watched the performance of Tom Morello on youtube, 我总是乱写年龄; Roses had turned out this way.⊙﹏⊙ I watched the live video of Nottingham Lace as well,但我想门票一定很贵, I am still into Axl, I am not really 12,真的不错, it&#39!
Haha! I am really disappointed that Guns N&#39.
But youtube is not too bad啊哦!I don&#39,但youtube用起来还不赖.
He seemed to like wearing hats a lot.
Echt klasse. Die Music von deutschen Musikern sind schwer zu erreichen, die Karte kostet bestimmt sehr viel!Die live-video von Nottingham Lace habe ich auch gesehen, das nicht wahr ist. Vielen Dank fuer deine Empfehlung! ich bin nicht 12 Jahre alt, dass Guns N&#39... Ich kann mich dann nur an Youtube wenden..Warum sind alle Gitarremeister so komische, sehr fliessend! Es traegt anscheinend sehr gern gruenen Hut. Glaub nicht das angegebene Alter. Ich hab naemlich die Gewohnheit. Es waere bestimmt besser gewesen, ist oft nicht die Wahrheit. Doch Youtube funktioniert recht gut, gefaellt mir auch sehr, aber in China ist ueber ihn n Roses sich so veraendert.@_@Ich kenne nicht Necrophagist, mein Alter zu dichten.Es tut leid. aber ich denke. haha , dass ich es live gesehen haette. Ich hab mir in Youtube die Auffuehung von Tom Morello gesehen.Was du siehst. Ich verfolge jetzt noch Axlach mein Gott
如下ach mein Gott! ich bin nicht 12 Jahre alt. Glaub nicht das angegebene Alter, das nicht wahr ist. Ich hab naemlich die Gewohnheit, mein Alter zu dichten. haha ..Was du siehst, ist oft nicht die Wahrheit. Es tut leid, dass Guns N' Roses sich so veraendert. Ich verfolge jetzt noch Axl, aber in China ist ueber ihn nichts zu informieren. Ich hab mir in Youtube die Auffuehung von Tom Morello gesehen. Echt klasse! Es traegt anscheinend sehr gern gruenen Hut..Warum sind alle Gitarremeister so komische! Die live-video von Nottingham Lace habe ich auch gesehen, gefaellt mir auch sehr. Es waere bestimmt besser gewesen, dass ich es live gesehen haette. aber ich denke, die Karte kostet bestimmt sehr viel..@_@ Ich kenne nicht Necrophagist. Die Music von deutschen Musikern sind schwer zu erreichen. Ich kann mich dann nur an Youtube wenden. Doch Youtube funktioniert recht gut, sehr fliessend. Vielen Dank fuer deine Empfehlung!
Ao, my days .. I am not a 12-year-old, do not believe that the above written by age, it is not true, this is my bad habits, I always walls age! . He, and sometimes you see is not necessarily true! Guns N 'Roses into the case, I feel very sorry, now I am still concerned about Axl, but in China is almost He can not see on the news! I read in youtube tom morello performance, is really very exciting, he seemed to like wearing hats guitar master .. Why are so strange! Nottingham Lace the live video I saw, really good, better able to watch the scene, but I would like to very expensive tickets must ⊙ .. ⊙ ﹏ I do not know Necrophagist, the German artist's music especially difficult to find resources, can only watch in youtube, but youtube used to Huanbu Lai, it is not smooth buffer! Thank you for your recommendation!怎么样?
“Warning: the surgeon general has determined that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health.” When you see this statement, what do you think of? The 1964 surgeon general’s report established cigarette smoke as a primary cause of lung cancer, and, since then, most Americans have mentally connected the two.But suppose a cigarette smoker regularly has his or her lungs examined and everything seems fine? Or what if a pipe or cigar smoker doesn’t inhale? Doesn’t this mean they have no smoke-related health worries? The answer is a definite “no”.In addition to the obvious dangers of lung cancer and other respiratory ailments(呼吸道疾病), smoking has been associated with higher rates of many other kinds of health problems that are less well known. For example, the pipe or cigar smoker runs a greater risk of having cancer of the lips, mouth and larynx.Much evidence suggests that women should be concerned about smoking during pregnancy. Women who smoke generally give birth to babies who weigh less. There is also greater probability that the mother will have a spontaneous abortion(流产), a premature delivery, or a stillbirth.Although it is not generally recognized, smoking is the leading cause of peptic ulcers and has been linked to gum disease, tooth loss and even sinusitis. Amblyopic, a condition that caus俯禒碘溉鄢防碉狮冬饯es a person’s sight to grow progressively dimmer is also directly linked to excessive smoking.
very good!thanks!
”警告:外科医生上将已经决定抽烟的香烟对你的健康是危险的。”当你见到这一份陈述,你想到什么?1964 外科医生上将的报告确定的香烟烟当做肺癌的主要因素,和,之后,大多数美国人已经心理上连接二个。但是推想一个香烟吸烟者经常地有被调查的他或者她的肺,而且每件事物似乎很好?或什么如果一个管或雪茄吸烟者不吸入?这一个中间不他们已经没有讲烟的健康烦恼?答案是一明确的 & 不 &.除了肺癌和其他呼吸器官的小病的明显危险之外(呼吸道疾病),抽烟已经有关许多其他类型比较不广为人知的健康问题的较高的比率。举例来说,管或雪茄吸烟者冒较高的危险─有唇、嘴和喉头的癌。很多的证据指出女人应该关心在怀孕期间抽烟。通常吸烟的女人生下秤重比较少量的宝贝。也有较棒的可能性母亲将会作一个自然的流产手术(流产),一次早熟的递送,或一个死产。虽然它不通常被辨认出,抽烟是有助消化溃疡的主要原因而且已经与牙周病相连,装以齿损失而且使窦炎相等。Amblyopic,一种直接地也导致人的视力逐渐地生长调光器的情况与过度的抽烟相关。
哈哈,很多歌曲我还没来得及收听!我总是在重复收听King of Demons,我也很喜欢Carcass我看见了,现在只是重复收听最喜欢的歌曲,我有他们的专辑!我觉得Besatt也值得一试!我觉得他们很猛
now I just repeat
my favourite songs!There are so many songs for me to listen but I do not have enough time!I think they are tough!
I think Besatt is ,我有他们的专辑I saw,哈哈!我觉得Besatt也值得一试!我觉得他们很猛!I am always replaying
&quot!I got their albums很多歌曲我还没来得及收听;King of Demons&quot,我也很喜欢Carcass我看见了!我总是在重复收听King of Demons.I like Carcass very much too,现在只是重复收听最喜欢的歌曲,haha
I also like Carcass! I think they are very Meng, listen to now is to repeat the most favorite song, I have their albums! I always listen to repeat King of Demons, many songs I have not enough time to listen. He,! I think Besatt also worth a tryI can see
我英语8级 翻译如下I can see, I also like Carcass, I have their albums, many songs I have not enough time to listen, listen to now is to repeat the most favorite song! Besatt I think is worth a try! I think they are very Meng,. He! I always listen to repeat King of Demons!
笑死我了!英语八级原来是这种水平!!把机器翻译的拿上来的好意思!口语就是要尽量简单生动!我看见了,我也很喜欢Carcass,我有他们的专辑,很多歌曲我还没来得及收听,现在只是重复收听最喜欢的歌曲!I saw it!And I love Carcass! I have many of their albums,but I have not got the time to listen. Now I just listen to my favourite over and over again. 我觉得Besatt也值得一试!我觉得他们很猛,哈哈!我总是在重复收听King of Demons!You should try Besatt!They are amazing!you could tell it!really!!haha!Guess what?I've listened to their&King of Demons& countless times!
I’ve seen it! I love Carcass too. I have their albums.I have not listen all their songs yet. Now I just listen my favourite again and again.I think Beasatt is OK too. I think they are awesome. AHA!AND NOW I always listen the song ”KING OF DEMONS”```
你要是树可叉,俺丢是奔叉门儿。使俺里嘴,把你里心掏俄窟窿,再把俺高啊溜!&&&&&&& 你要是土可拉,俺丢是脸欠。不管你多硬,俺都能钻啊里头。&&&&&&& 你要是光俄脚儿,俺丢是刺刺儿。你要是不把俺放眼里,丢是不占闲。&&&&&&& 你要是王八,俺丢是秤砣。这辈泽俺丢是铁了心,也待见你里奥。&&&&&&& 你要是羊巴巴旦,俺丢是屎壳郎。俺把俺全部的家当儿都给你!&&&&&&&& 你要是大锁儿,俺丢是那钥匙。没有加你,俺都没有价值兰。&&&&&&&& 你要是敢气猪圈里抓猪,俺丢敢大白天,气别人那儿挖坟。&&&&&&&& 说是嘛也不能叫别人说咱昂,谁让咱是两口俄里。&&&&&&&& 你要是杨白老,俺丢是傻喜儿,俺舞大刀你要毛票儿,咱是卖艺不卖身昂。&&&&&&&& 你要是冬天里的麦泽地,俺就是麦泽地里的雪。就算融化了,俺也要滋润你那干涸的心。&&&&&&&& 你要是凤凰台上的一块石头,俺丢是火车站边上的一棵树。&&&&&&&& 就算这辈子不能和你相遇,俺也会在风雨里与你屹立一万年。因为俺想你,想的黑啊都睡不着觉。俺里心都让你带走兰昂!你到底待见俺不?&&&&&&&&& 答:“&&& 占!占!” &&
你要是树梢,我就是啄木鸟 ,有我的嘴,不你的心逃可窟窿,在把我放进去。&&&


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