英语演讲小短文 想做一名怎样的护士,为什么?

初二英语作文 我的梦想当一名护士 300字-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站
> 初二英语作文 我的梦想当一名护士 300字
初二英语作文 我的梦想当一名护士 300字
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为了帮助网友解决“初二英语作文 我的梦想当一名护士 300”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“初二英语作文 我的梦想当一名护士 300”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:初二英语作文 我的梦想当一名护士 300字,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:
  I have a dreamDream is to be a nurseThe nurses wore a pink dressIn the hospital every day to help people  我有一个梦想  梦想是当一位护士  护士穿着粉红色的服装  每天在医院里帮助人们  
通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:答:I have a dreamDream is to be a nurseThe nurses wore a pink dressIn the hospital every day to help people 我有一个梦想 梦想是当一位护士 护士穿着粉红色的服装 每天在医院里帮助人们 ===========================================问:以my dream为题……些一片作文……初二水平……要求写出你的梦想是什么?理由…...答:Everyone has a dream, some of them are easy to get through but some are hard. I have a dream as well, and my dream is to be a computer scientist, because my hobby is playing computer. And computer technology can make our live m...===========================================问:以my dream为题……些一片作文……初二水平……要求写出你的梦想是什么?理由…...答:The world has a lot of people affected by the pain of torture. I want to be a doctor. I now want to learn. I believe I can become a famous doctor. So I have a own hospital, I can save them.===========================================问:要初二的知识答:我有一个梦想自从我孩提时代。我很想成为一名医生。 我想成为一名医生,因为医生可以医治病人,从而使人们健康快乐。医生可以提供他们的帮助穷人,让更多人可以获得医疗帮助。 如果我是一名医生,更多的病人我治好了,我会觉得更幸福。这是非常原因我...===========================================问:急啊答:I have a dream,I want to be a nurse when I graduate .Now I am in Grade 2 of a medical school.I study very diligently in order to make my dream come true.I am ready to help others.I think helping people in need is of great value...===========================================我的梦想是当一名歌唱家,虽然我知道这遥不可及。我希望我的声音可以让更多的人听到... 但是我觉得这是我最大的一个梦想了。好几次我都思考过我的梦想,以前是护士、医生。...===========================================My Dream To be an English language teacher, is my own dream But it has to be in English, that I dream my dream If I have been dreaming in Chinese, all the time My dream w...===========================================有些却很难。我也有一个梦想,我的梦想是成为一名计算机科学家,因为我的爱好是玩电... 话说我刚失学,好想上学啊。不过初中英语作文的话还是不难的。=========================================== If I am a teacher I will be a teacher in 15 years.If I am a teacher,I will love my students as my children.I will encourage my students. After class ,I will play sports with them. On we...===========================================the good wish. 假如我是一名老师,我在讲课的时候,会非常仔细、认真。同学们有时听不懂,我会给她们重讲一遍,他们要是还听不懂,我会再给他们讲一遍,他们要是仍然不会,我就...=========================================== WangHai is a middle school student,He's very health.He exercises very morning.His eating habits is pretty good,He often eats vegetables and fruits. He eats junk food once a mo...===========================================不知道你要用第几人称写这篇作文,以下为第一人称: As an exchange student, I came to Beijing to join in the &Experience China& activity. During this activity, ...=========================================== 手工原创! As an exchange student, I came to Beijing to take part in the "Experience China" activity. During this activity, I studied with my classmates and learned ...=========================================== My ambition My ambition is to be a teacher.Because I love the children. I want to stay with then. Then I feel happy and young. And the most important thing is I can teach them m...=========================================== We should obey the traffic rule when we go across the road.Firstly,don't run a red light .Secondly,we need to be careful enough when we are walking or riding on the road.That's t...===========================================
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> 护士节演讲稿:奉献与快乐
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>>>想一想,选一选。1. 当你想说“我妈妈是一名护士”时,你应说: [ ..
1. 当你想说“我妈妈是一名护士”时,你应说:
A. My mother is a doctor.B. My mother is a nurse.C. My mother is a teacher.
2. 当你想知道别人有多少支铅笔时,你应说:
A. How many pencils do you have?B. How many books do you have?C. I have six pencils.
3. 别人有一件夹克衫,你想知道它是什么颜色的,你应说:
A. What colour is the jacket?B. What colour is the coat?C. Which colour is the jacket?
4. 当你想知道你的吉普车在哪儿时,你应说:
A. Where is my bus?B. Where is my jeep?C. Where is my book?
5. 当你想让别人看你的新包时,你应说:
A. Look! My new bag.B. Look! My new lamp.C. Look! My new kite.
1. B &2. A& 3. A &4. B &5. A
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“想一想,选一选。1. 当你想说“我妈妈是一名护士”时,你应说: [ ..”主要考查你对&&情景交际&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
情景交际:常以对话的形式出现。 小学生生活情景英语会话分类举例:1、早间(Morning)&场景一:早上七点Mom: Johnny, get up!Johnny: Oooook.Mom: Hurry up, sweety. It’s late.Johnny: What time is it, Mom?Mom: It’s seven.&场景二:好玩的梦Johnny: Mom, I had a dream.Mom: Oh, really? What was it about?Johnny: Mashi Maro.Mom: How nice!&场景三:刷牙洗脸Mom: Hurry up, Johnny, or you’ll be late.Johnny: O.K, Mom, I’ll brush my teeth.Mom: Don’t forget to wash your face.Johnny: O.K.&场景四:早餐Mom: Johnny, breakfast is ready.Johnny: Mom, please pass me some bread.Mom: Here it is.&场景五:整理书包Mom: Don’t forget your books.Johnny: Let me see, Chinese, English, maths and music. All in, Mom.Mom: Good.&场景六:上学去Johnny: Dad, Mom, I’m going to school.Mom: Take care.Dad: Don’t be late.Johnny: I won’t. Bye, Dad. Bye, Mom.
2、上学(On the Way)&场景一:一起上学Johnny: Good morning.Anny: Good morning.Johnny: What’s your name?Anny: Anny. And you?Johnny: I am Johnny. Let’s go to school together.Anny: O.K, let’s go.&场景二:过马路(红绿灯) Anny: Watch out! The light is red.Johny: O.K. (half a minute later)Anny: It’s green now.Johnny: Let’s go.&场景三:等车Anny: The bus is late.Johnny: Wait a bit.Anny: Look, it’s coming.Johnny: Let’s get on the bus.&场景四:绑好鞋带Anny: Look at your shoe lace, Johnny.Johnny: Oh, it’s loose. Let me tie it up.&场景五:认识新老师 Johnny: Anny, this is my teacher, Miss Lin.Anny: Hello, Miss Lin.Miss Lin: Hello.
3、课前(Before Class)&场景一:今天值日Johnny & Anny: Good morning, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: Good morning. Why so early today?Anny: We are on duty.&场景二:擦黑板Anny: Oh, it’s out of my reach.Johnny: Let me give you a hand.Anny: Thanks.&场景三:打扫教室Johnny: Let’s clean the floor.Anny: See? It’s so dirty.Johnny: Let’s clean it.&场景四:文具盒 Johnny: I have a pen and a ruler. And you?Anny: I have a knife and an eraser.Johnny: May I see it?Anny: Sure.&场景五:早读 Johnny: Excuse me, Anny, can you spell this word for me?Anny: O.K. Which one?Johnny: Apple.Anny: A-P-P-L-E.Johnny: Thanks.
4、课堂(In Class)&场景一:起立问好 Miss Gao: Good morning, class.Class: Good morning, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: Is everyone here?Tome: No, Mary is not here. She’s sick.Miss Gao: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.&场景二:铃响过后 Anny: Johnny, the bell is ringing.Johnny: Oh, hurry up. Class has begun.Johnny & Anny: Excuse me.Miss Gao: Come in, please.&场景三:加法练习 Miss Gao: What’s six plus four?Anny: Eight!Miss Gao: Are you sure? Think again.Johnny: Let me try. Oops! It’s ten.Miss Gao: Well done.&场景四:减法练习 Miss Gao: What’s five minus three, Johnny?Johnny: Two.Miss Gao: Right.&场景五:乘除法练习 Miss Gao: Anny, what’s eight times two?Anny: It’s sixteen.Miss Gao: Wow, you’re clever! What’s six divided by three?Johnny: I know! Two.& Right?Miss Gao: Yes, you got it.&场景六:借橡皮擦 Johnny: Anny, can I borrow you eraser?Anny: I’m sorry. I don’t have one.Johnny: That’s O.K. Thanks anyway.&场景七:下课 Miss Gao: Class is over.Class: Goodbye, Miss Gao.Miss Gao: See you next time.
5、课间(Break)&场景一:排队 Monitor: Stand in four lines, please!Johnny: Hurry up, Anny.Anny: Ouch, you are stepping on my foot.Johnny: I’m sorry.&场景二:升旗 Monitor: Attention, please! Salute!&场景三:我的红领巾咋不见啦 Miss Gao: Class is over. Time for morning exercises.Johnny: Anny, hurry up.Anny: Wait! Where is my red scarf?Johnny: Gosh! I can’t wait.Anny: Go ahead then! Who cares?&场景四:上厕所 Johnny: I can’t help.Tom: You can’t help what?Johnny: I wanna go to the restroom now.Tom: Too bad! You have to wait.Johnny: Oh, no!&场景五:下节课上什么 Johnny: Anny, what’s for next class?Anny: Music. Can you sing?Johnny: I can sing many songs.Anny: Cool.&场景六:认识新朋友 Johnny: Hi, my name’s Johnny. What’s your name?Nancy: I’m Nancy. Where are you from, Johnny?Johnny: Xiamen. And you?Nancy: I’m form Fuzhou.Johnny: How old are you?Nancy: Seven. What about you?Johnny: Oh, we’re of the same age.情景对话题的解答:常见的题型有:补全对话,给问句选择对应的答语,给下列的句子按正确的顺序排列等。情景交际试题特点: 1、以情景为条件,以对话为主要表达形式; 2、既短小又灵活,前言后语连接紧凑,答语多呈现省略,增加了答案的隐蔽性; 3、主要考察英语的日常用语、习惯用语以及各种场合的交际性语言,并从实际出发,考查交际语言的运用能力。做法:仔细阅读上下文,找出上下文之间的联系。
与“想一想,选一选。1. 当你想说“我妈妈是一名护士”时,你应说: [ ..”考查相似的试题有:
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