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balloon payment是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释分期付髋中最后一笔特大的偿还款漂浮式付款气球式付款最末期大笔还清来源:&&&&n. 1.轻气球,气球;气罐。 2.【纺织;印染】气圈。 ...:&&&&n. 1.支付;缴纳;付款额,报酬;支付物。 2.报偿; ...
例句与用法1.Using the relationship between periodic and continuous compound interest as well as the time value of money , the time value of money calculation is explored for balloon payments and equal payments when interest is continuously compounded摘要根据间断复利和连续复利之间的关系,结合技术经济学中资金时间价值的基本原理,研究连续复利条件下整收整付及等领收付系列资金时间价值计算的方法和特点。
balloon是什么意思 balloon在线翻译 balloon什么意思 balloon的意思 balloon的翻译 balloon的解释 balloon的发音 balloon的同义词 balloon的反义词
balloon[bə'lu:n]第三人称单数: ; 动词过去式: ; 过去分词: ; 现在分词: ; balloon 基本解释n. 气球vt. 使成气球状vi. 膨胀如气球, 激增balloon 例句vt.1. He balloons his cheeks when he is hesitant.& & 他迟疑不决时会鼓起双颊。vi.1. Trade deficits have ballooned.& & 贸易逆差急速增大。2. Membership has ballooned beyond all expectations.& & 会员的增加比预期的要快。n.1. The girl was startled when the balloon exploded.& & 这女孩在气球爆炸时吃了一惊。balloon 相关词组1.
[口](行动、战争、事件、骚动等)开始, 发动(时)balloon 网络解释1. 气球& & 特别提醒:此类物品里的&气球&(BALLOON)一摸(TOUCH)便会人间蒸发,千万小心!可算特别中的特别. 我是所有东西都吃过摸过听过看过读过欣赏过检查过射击过使用过啊(变态)2. 汽球& & 2.走回港口,将发票交给管理员,向他说要拿回汽球(balloon),接着打开附近的箱子(crate),拿取汽球. 再往左走,拿取大篮子(largebasket),此时管理员会过来阻止,于是琼斯便拿标志(sign)和他交换,同时他也翻译了里面的文字给琼斯听,3. 囊& & 对狭窄段行单纯球囊扩张.若决定放置支架(PTAS),则选择比正常肾动脉小1~2mm的球囊做预扩张后,或直接释放支架.男,58岁.肾移植后8年.移植肾动脉造影示肾动脉开口近端狭窄(stenosis) (A经直径6mm球囊(balloon)扩张(dilating)术后(B4. (迅速增加颜色)& & 19.12 Whirl(旋转) | 19.13 Balloon(迅速增加颜色) | 19.14 Combine Alpha(联合Alpha通道)balloon 网络例句1. I want to have a big balloon. & &我想要个大气球。2. It was the first balloon in the world. & &它是世界上第一个气球。3. I can`t see my balloon. & &我看不见我的气球。4. Here`s a balloon for you. & &这个气球是给你的。5. I also want to be a happy balloon. & &我也想成为一只快乐的气球!6. If you are not careful, you are going to burst the balloon. & &如果你不小心的话,会把气球撑破的。7. Tomorrow I want to go to the balloon festival, do you want to come with me? & &明天我想去参加热气球节,你要和我一起去吗?从 balloon 开始单词接龙选择难度小学英语初中英语高中英语大学英语出国英语考试英语balloon是什么意思,balloon在线翻译,balloon什么意思,balloon的意思,balloon的翻译,balloon的解释,balloon的发音,balloon的同义词,balloon的反义词,balloon的例句,balloon的相关词组,balloon意思是什么,balloon怎么翻译,单词balloon是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2015  京ICP备号-6 与balloon相似词语
balloon [b?'lu:n]
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1. An instrument carried aloft, chiefly by balloon, to gather and transmit meteorological data. 无线电高空测候器一种被带到高空(主要由气球)进行气象数据收集和传送的仪器 2. Humanitarianism is apt to be forgotten when the balloon goes up. 一旦战争爆发,人道主义往往就被抛到脑后了。 3. Bob mentioned the class presidency to Ted as a trial balloon to see if Ted might be interested in running. 鲍勃向特德提到班主席职位以试探特德是否热衷于参加其竞选。 4. A balloon floated across the sky. 有个气球从空中飘过。 5. I don't want to be around when the balloon goes up. 要出事了,我趁早离开是非之地。 6. The balloon burst and fell to earth. 气球破裂而落到地上。当前位置: &
weather balloon是什么意思
中文翻译气象气球:&&&&n. 1.天气,气候;暴风雨(天气)。 2.(某种)时候 ...:&&&&n. 1.轻气球,气球;气罐。 2.【纺织;印染】气圈。 ...
例句与用法1.I mean , it could be a piece of weather balloon ,我说,这可能是气象探测气球的一部分2.Explain why hydrogen is still used fill weather balloon althoughtit cause esplosion easily为什麽氢气虽然容易爆炸,但是经常用来做氢气球? ? 3.As he watched jets fly overhead , an idea came to him to use weather balloons to fly他看到喷气机从头顶飞过,就想到可以用气象探测气球来飞行。 4.Upper air observations made by a radiosonde attached to a weather balloon are used in the estimation of soaring conditions滑翔条件是利用系于气象气球上的探空仪所录得的高空观测来估计。 5.At present , there are two kinds of weather balloons hydrogen charging instruments - one is buoyancy balance , and the other equalizer气球以充氢气为主。目前气象气球充氢设备主要有浮力天平和平衡器两种。 6.The winds are also preventing the launching of the helium filled weather balloon with the 80 / 160 antenna . they will try again tomorrow他们准备放气球了?我感觉有一定的危险,如果风吹过来,气球带着绳子转,就那么大的台子。回来看照片就知道了。 7.To forecast thunderstorms , he she makes use of various forecasting aids including results from computer models and weather conditions aloft as measured with weather balloons预报员会根据各种预报工具,例如数值天气预报模式的计算结果及探空气球所测量到的高空状况,来预报雷暴。 8.To forecast thunderstorms , heshe makes use of various forecasting aids including results from computer models and weather conditions aloft as measured with weather balloons预报员会根据各种预报工具,例如数值天气预报模式的计算结果及探空气球所测量到的高空状况,来预报雷暴。 9.Mexico has a long history of fanciful ufo sightings , most of which are dismissed by scientists as space debris , missiles , weather balloons , natural weather phenomena or但科学家们对大多数不明飞行物都不予理睬,他们认为那不过是一些太空碎片导弹探测天气的气球自然的天气现象或者是一些骗局而已。 10.Using newly digitized temperature , humidity , and wind data collected from instruments aboard weather balloons between 1971 and 2003 , scientists found a winter season warming throughout the antarctic atmosphere上收集到的1971年至2003年间的温度湿度以及风的有关数据进行分析后,科学家们发现冬季升温现象贯穿于南极洲的大气层中。 &&更多例句:&&1&&


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