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:Interesting Chinese characters
杰 ,
Jul 29, 2014
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Please translate it into English :Interesting Chinese characters
杰 , 意思是杰出、非常优秀的 下面的四个点意思是火 上面的木字,代表大火燃烧后存留的少量的树, 这个字的意思是:大火洗礼仍然生长的树木,生命力非常,引申为杰出
杰 means outstanding or excellent. [also to mean "heroic"]. &The bottom four dots represent fire. &The top is the character for "tree" to represent what is left of the tree is being burnt. &Taken together the meaning is to: Even after the fires had caused destruction, the trees will grow back to demonstate the power of life and this extends to the meaning of "outstanding".
However, it is a nice story but the actual meaning is more gruesome! &The traditional form is 傑 which is composed of two parts. &The left side shows the character for man. &The right side itself is another composite character 桀 which means "to oppose", "to deviate" and "to be contrary". &Thus to those who oppose the norms becomes "outstanding", standing out apart from the normal to be noticed by others. &Thus those who oppose the ruling (referring to tranny).&桀 &is the phonetic component. &For those who are into history, this is the name for the king of the Hsia Dynasty, the cruel tryant, 夏桀. &He was overthrown by 成湯 of the Shang Dynasty. &Hence the character is very meaningful, "the one who rose against 桀" is outstanding.
On the same note, the character 桀 has also an interesting composition. &This has three parts, the top left 夕 (evening) is actually a shortened way to represent person with possibly in shackles and the top right is another form of a inverted form (又) for person chasing. &Thus upon capture they are hung from a tree. &This character thus come to mean "if you oppose the ruling, you will die by hanging"!
Jul 29, 2014
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。。. 然而,仅仅是财力并不能转化为在全球银行业的主导地位。翻译成(转化成)。Translate Chinese into English把中文翻译成英文Translate into把, financial strength alone will not translate into domination of global banking.Yet the talk did not translate into action。 2.However。:1。双语对照例句。
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本试题来自:(2010年英语历年真题,)Translate the underlined parts into Chinese:
The Internet is good at shame. 1) There are countless websites where people can post nasty complaints about ex-lovers and rude customers or, worse, push fragile teens over the edge, as in the recent case of a Missouri girl driven to suicide by online bullying.
Now a new site aimed at college students is raising questions about the legality of online rumor mills. 2) Juicy Campus. corn is a rapidly growing gossip site that solicits content with the promise of anonymity. But what began as fun and games--and now has sub-companies on seven college campuses, including Duke University, where it began -- has turned ugly and, in many cases, to be flatly smearing others. The posts have devolved from innocuous tales of secret crushes to racist tirades and lurid finger-pointing about drug use and sex, often with the alleged culprit identified by first and last name. In one post, a nameless Loyola Marymount University student asks why so many African-Americans and Latinos are enrolled at the school: "I thought the high tuition was supposed to keep the undesirables OUT" 3)
It’s gotten to the point, says Dan Belzer, a Duke senior who has written about the site for his school’s newspaper, where "anyone with a grudge can maliciously attack defenseless students."
4) And get away with it, too. Juicy Campus- whose Duke-graduate founder, Matt Ivestor, declined to comment for this story--isn’t sponsored by the schools it covers, so administrators can’t regulate it.
Neither does the law. Such sites are protected by a federal law that immunizes Web hosts from liability for the musings of their users--as long as the hosts themselves don’t modify content. (And firmly establishing the identity of an individual poster would be next to impossible.) The rationale is to protect big companies like AOL from the actions of each and every user. But as a consequence, it means victims of a damaged rep have little legal recourse. "Courts tend to have antiquated understandings of privacy," says Daniel Solove, an expert in cyberlaw and the author of The Future of Reputation. "Until that changes we’re going to see this keep happening." 5) At present, there’s only one sure way to rein in a site like Juicy Campus: persuade everyone to stop using it. But you don’t need a college degree to figure out that won’t happen.
Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Write your Chinese version in the proper space on your Answer Sheet.
英语历年真题热门试卷Translate Into Chinese:_百度知道
Translate Into Chinese:
This now standard dismissal of opposition to samesex marriage carries with it an assumption about what marriage is.


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