改错:thanki miss you so muchh for your belief in me

Remember me?
We are coming to that time of the year that is both blessed and cursed with zillions of invitations. Here are some that are in my email right now: Can you meet me for coffee to help me with my book proposal? Will you bring a snack to the 8th grade party on December 19th? Are you coming to our housewarming party? Can you help with my son’s college applications? Do you want to take the kids to see “The Nutcracker” this year?
As much as I’d like to do all of these things, I can’t. When I take on everything that comes my way, I find that I start staying up late in order to get everything done. And then, tired, I start pressing snooze instead of meditating in the morning. Before I know it, I’m too tired to exercise, too, something that is essential for my wellbeing.
It’s a slippery slope that starts with me taking care of other people’s needs at the expense of my own, and ends with me being too tired (and sometimes sick) to take care of anybody’s needs, my own included (much less do anything fun, like go to a party). Perhaps this is obvious, but just to spell it out: When we get sick and tired, we have a hard time feeling happy, and a hard time fulfilling our potential, both at home and at work.
But saying “no” can be really hard—I hate making people feel bad for even asking. It takes practice to say no in a way that doesn’t offend people, much less to say it in a way that makes folks feel happy they asked. Giving no that good takes practice. Here is my three-step plan.
Step One: Prepare yourself to say “No.”
It is much easier to say no to an invitation when we have a concrete reason for doing so—a way to justify our refusal beyond the vague notion that we should avoid the commitment in question.
This means that we need to create the reason for saying no before we need it—we need a decision making structure, or “rules” to guide us so that we don’t have to agonize over every invitation.
For example, one rule I have for myself is that I don’t go out more than two nights in a given week, because I know that when I do this, I get cranky, tired, and run down. So if someone asks me about a third evening one week, I have the structure I need to tell them I’m not available (but thank you for asking!). Similarly, I only meet people during the workday for lunch or coffee two times per week, I only do two speaking engagements a month, and I only do one phone interview a day.
In addition to making rules for myself, I block out time on my calendar for things like writing (in the morning, when I’m most productive), hiking (in the afternoon, when I need a break), and for tackling administrative tasks (on Fridays, when I’m most inclined to want to just tick stuff off my list). This means that a lot of time on my calendar is blocked out, which can be really annoying to people who are trying to make an appointment with me. At the same time, however, blocking time out for the things I need to do to feel calm makes it totally clear to me when I’m just not available. This makes it much easier to give good no.
Finally, if I’m available to do something, I don’t say yes before asking myself a very important question: Do I want to do this thing, or is it that I feel I “should”? Will saying “yes” bring me joy or meaning? Or will I feel dread or regret when this particular event or task rolls around? I’ve learned to notice when I’m glad I said “yes”; it has helped me realize how much happiness I get from helping other people. (I always try to help my friends’ children with their college applications, for example. So fun.)
One of the joys of middle age is that I now feel confident that if I do only the things that I really feel compelled to do (rather than the things I used to do because I thought I “should” do), I end up contributing more. If I find myself considering an invitation because I’m worried about what other people think of me, or because I think it will “look good on my resume,” I just say no.
Step Two: Say no.
<img src="/images/uploads/ChristineCarter-2014-crop.jpg" width="198" height="236" alt="Christine Carter, Ph.D., is a Senior Fellow at the GGSC. She is the author of
(forthcoming in January of 2015) and ." />
Christine Carter, Ph.D., is a Senior Fellow at the GGSC. She is the author of
(forthcoming in January of 2015) and .
I’ve found it incredibly helpful to have go-to ways to just say no. I mostly use Renee’s “I’m already booked” strategy (see below), because that is most often the reason I can’t do something. Here are some other tactics—21, count ‘em!—that work for me:
1. Vague but effective: “Thank you for asking, but that isn’t going to work out for me.”
2. It’s not personal: “Thank you for asking, but I’m not doing any interviews while I’m writing my book.”
3. Ask me later: “I want to do that, but I’m not available until April. Will you ask me again then?”
4. Let me hook you up: “I can’t do it, but I’ll bet Shelly can. I’ll ask her for you.”
5. Keep trying: “None of those dates work for me, but I would love to see you. Send me some more dates.”
6. Try me last minute: “I can’t put anything else on my calendar this month, but I’d love to do that with you sometime. Will you call me right before you go again?”
7. Gratitude: “Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and support! I’m sorry I’m not able to help you at this time.”
8. Give Dad a chance: “You know, I feel like moms are always getting to do the holiday parties at school. Let’s ask Dad if he wants to help this year.”
9. 5-minute favor: “I can’t speak at your event, but I will help you promote it on my blog.”
I also asked my friends Renee Trudeau and Katrina Alcorn—two people who’ve honed their ability to say no well—for their favorite go-to ways to say no. Here are Renee’s favorite ways:
10. Just No: “Thanks, I’ll have to pass on that.” (Say it, then shut up.)
11. Gracious: “I really appreciate you asking me, but my time is already committed.”
12. I’m Sorry: “I wish I could, but it’s just not going to work right now.”
13. It’s Someone Else’s Decision: “I promised my coach (therapist, husband, etc.) I wouldn’t take on any more projects right now. I’m working on creating more balance in my life.”
14. My Family is the Reason: “Thanks so much for the invite, that’s the day of my son’s soccer game, and I never miss those.”
15. I Know Someone Else: “I just don’t have time right now. Let me recommend someone who may be able to help you.”
16. I’m Already Booked: “I appreciate you thinking of me, but I’m afraid I’m already booked that day.”
17. Setting Boundaries: “Let me tell you what I can do…” Then limit the commitment to what will be comfortable for you.
18. Not No, But Not Yes: “Let me think about it, and I’ll get back to you.”
(Renee’s list is from her book The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal.)
And here are the additional ways that Katrina most often says no:
19. Say nothing: &#8220;Not all requests require an answer. It feels rude to ignore a request, but sometimes it’s the best way for everyone to save face.&#8221;
20. Let it all hang out: &#8220;Recently my daughter got injured in gym class. It was a week of visits to the ER, the concussion clinic, specialists, etc. I decided to just tell people what was going on, which sort of shut down the requests for a bit.&#8221;
21. I’m “maxed out”: &#8220;We need a &#8216;safety word&#8217; for saying no—an easy way to tell people that we can’t/won’t do the thing they are requesting, but that it’s not personal. One convenient thing about authoring a book called Maxed Out is that now I can say &#8216;I’m maxed out&#8217; and people who are familiar with the book know I’m asking them to respect that I’m taking care of myself, and that I also respect their need to take care of themselves.&#8221;
Step 3: Don’t look back.
suggests that when we make a decision in a way that allows us to change our minds later, we tend to be a lot less happy with the decisions that we make. So once we decline an invitation, we need to make an effort to focus on the good that will come from saying no, not the regret or guilt we feel about turning down an offer. Perhaps we will be better rested because we didn’t go to a party, or we’ll feel less resentful because we let someone else help out. Maybe saying no to one thing frees up time for another (more joyful) activity. Whatever the case may be, focus on the positive outcome of your effort to give good no.
Because that is what all this saying no is really about: Allowing ourselves to really enjoy what we are doing in the moment, whatever that might be.
What is your favorite way to say no?
About The Author
Christine Carter, Ph.D., is a sociologist, happiness expert, and a Senior Fellow at the Greater Good Science Center. She is the author of
(forthcoming in January of 2015) and .
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Family & Couples | April 21, 2015短文改错 thank you very much for invite me to your birthday party in Saturday evening.I’d like...短文改错 thank you very much for invite me to your birthday party in Saturday evening.I’d like to come and I have to go to my hometown to see my grandparents.They were ver_百度作业帮
短文改错 thank you very much for invite me to your birthday party in Saturday evening.I’d like...短文改错 thank you very much for invite me to your birthday party in Saturday evening.I’d like to come and I have to go to my hometown to see my grandparents.They were ver
短文改错 thank you very much for invite me to your birthday party in Saturday evening.I’d like to come and I have to go to my hometown to see my grandparents.They were very old and are unluckily they are not in good health recontly .My mother has already made a telephone call to them and promised visit them with me this Saturday,my mother said we Will stay at my grandparents the whole weekend,so i am Real sorry i can not attend your party,i hope you Will understand all this,here i wish you a lot fun
1.invite改为2.in改为on;3.and改but;4.see改visit;5.were改are;6.去掉and后面的are;7.promised后加to;8.will改would;9.grandparents改grandparents’;10.real改really;a lot后加of
invite 改成inviting,were 改成are,are unluckily 改成unlucky
thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party on Saturday evening.I'd like to come but I have to go to my hometown to see my grandparents.They are very old and unluckily, they are not in ...
thank you very much for invite(inviting) me to your birthday party in Saturday evening. I’d like to come and (but)I have to go to my hometown to see my grandparents. They were very old and are (去掉and)...
are删去 promised后加to
a lot后加of
thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party on Saturday evening. I’d like to come but I have to go to my hometown to see my grandparents. They are very old and unluckily they are not in...短文改错: Dear Peter, Thanks very much for invite me to your birthday 66. _____________ party o..._百度知道
短文改错: Dear Peter, Thanks very much for invite me to your birthday 66. _____________ party o...
短文改错:Dear Peter,Thanks very much for invite me to your birthday 66. _____________party on Sunday. I’d like very muchcome but 67. _____________I had an examination on Mondaymorning. It is 68. _____________a very important exam but I can’t afford to 69. ___________订怠斥干俪妨筹施船渐__fail it. I’ll spend all the whole weekend reading 70. _____________and prepare for it. So I’m really sorry that 71. _____________I won’t be able to come in this time. I hope you 72. _____________can understand. I’ll take this chance to wish 73. ______________you wonderful time on your birthday. Happy 74. ______________birthday, Peter, and many happy return of the day! 75. ______________Yours,Li Ming求答案!
66 invite--inviting67 much 后加to68 had--have69 but---so70 all或者whole去掉71 prepare--preparing72 in 去掉73chance--opportunity74 you后面加a75 return---returns希望可以帮到你
Dear Peter,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party on Sunday. I&#39;d like to come very much but I have an examination on Monday morning. It is a very important exam and I can&#39;t afford to fail it. I need to spend the whole weekeend reading and preparing for it. So I&#39;m very sorry that I wont be able to come this time and I hope you can understand. In this chance I wish you a wonderful time on your birthday. Happy birthd订怠斥干俪妨筹施船渐ay Peter, and may many happiness return to the day. (最后一句话。。实在是不懂你想说什么。)YoursLi Ming
你这个是考试题?这个是刚看里题目给你做了一下,还有那块看的不明白,可以追问我,我解释给你原因哦~~invite---invitingcome---前面加tohad----havebut----andall----去掉prepare ----preparingthat ---前面加forin----atwonderful ---前面加amany----much
invite改为inviting, (thanks for doing sth)come前加to,(would like to do )had 改为have ,(时态统一)but 改为and或so,(是顺接或递进的关系)reading前加 on,(spend
on doing sth) prepare改为prepering,(prepare 与reading并列,所以都应该用分词形式)in改为 at,(at this time)正确,wonderful 前加a, many改为much(many 是修饰可数名词的)
66.invite- inviting67. very much like(换位置)68.had-have69.but-so70.weeked(on)reading 加个介词71.prepare-preparing72.去掉in73.can-could74.在you 和wonderful中间加 a75.return-returns
Dear Peter,Thanks very much for inviting me to your birthday party on Sunday. I’d like very much to come but I have an examination on Monday morning. It is a very important exam and I can’t afford to fail it. I’ll spend the whole weekend reading and preparing for it. So I’m really sorry thatI won’t be able to come this time. I hope you can understand. I’ll take this chance to wish you a wonderful time on your birthday. Happy birthday, Peter, and many happy returns of the day!
出门在外也不愁帮忙做道改错题:2.Thank you very much for your letter of 15 January,which we received today.In answer to your enquiry we have pleasure in enclosing an information pack,giving full details of our services.If you would like any further information,do please contact me by phon_百度作业帮
帮忙做道改错题:2.Thank you very much for your letter of 15 January,which we received today.In answer to your enquiry we have pleasure in enclosing an information pack,giving full details of our services.If you would like any further information,do please contact me by phon
2.Thank you very much for your letter of 15 January,which we received today.In answer to your enquiry we have pleasure in enclosing an information pack,giving full details of our services.If you would like any further information,do please contact me by phone or in writing and I will be pleased to help.I hope that our services will be of interest to you and I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,3.There are a number of queries that I would like to raise about your products and I would be grateful if you could ask a representative to get in touch with me with a view to discussing these queries and hopefully placing an order if the queries are satisfactorily answered.还有其它的错哇,结构和语法
Thank you very much for your letter of enquiry dated 15,enclosed please find a pack which contains full details of our services.For more information,please contact me by phone or E-mail,any question by you will be treated seriously and answered soon.I hope that you would be interested in our services and I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,I would like to raise some questions about your products,it would be grateful if you could send a representative to get in touch with me to help me understand your goods.Hopefully we may place an order if the questions are satisfactorily answered.queries,用得非常少,词本身带有些许质问的语气.商务信函简单明了即可,您整个洋洋洒洒 恩多个“and" 只会让对方看得头疼……写商务信函,不要把中国的句式加进去.enquiry 没错,一楼说的那个也可以用.一样的道理.
enquiry 拼错了 inquiry透析中考英语补全对话考点
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章来源 莲山 课 件 w w w.5Y k J. c oM 透析中考英语补全对话考点【命题特点与应答策略】一、补全对话的命题特点& 通过对中考考试大纲及历年中考试题的分析发现,中考情景交流能力型的测试,主要有以下两个方面的特点:1. 重视语言的真实性,测试中使用的对话、问题文章,均与现实生活有密切的联系;2. 重视语境对语言的影响。脱离了语境,交流能力测试就失去了意义。  一、情景对话选择  这种题型一般采用每组两句或两句以上的对话,突出其中某一句话,用问句做题干,将答语设计成四个选项(有时也用答语做题干,将问句设计成四个选项),要求从选项中选择一个最佳答语或问句。例如:   ① A:__________?  B:It's very hot.  A. What bad weather B. It's a fine day, isn't it  C. Do you like the day D. How is the weather in Nanjing  ② A:Would you like some more coffee?  B:__________   A. Yes, I would. B. No, I wouldn't.  C. No. Thank you. D. I've had enough.  【例题点拨】 对话① 的语境是谈论天气,对话的下句:It's very hot.是回答天气情况。选项A、B都是表达感叹语气的。选项C问句与回答语意不符。询问天气情况可以用What's the weather like?或How is the weather?来提问,选项D符合上面情况的表达。   对话 ②中的题干Would you like some more coffee?是招待客人的常用语,对于这个问题的回答,根据英语习惯,谢绝时用:No. Thank you!应允时可说:Yes,please. / Please. 而不能用一般疑问句所常用的回答方式Yes,I would.或No,I wouldn't.来表示,所以选项A、B被排除,选项D也不宜来直接回答上句,故此题答案为C。  【思路归纳】 此类题都是由三两句话的对话构成一个真实的情景,表达一个意念,要求考生在特定的语境中判断和选择所缺的选项。这个选项用在对话中必须符合英美人的情景交流习惯。对于这种题目,所给的选项都是完整的句子,并且从句子本身的语法结构上看是正确的,有时从汉语的习惯上看,意思也是正确的,所以考生在做这类题时,既不要考虑句子的语法结构,更不要以中国人的常理来判断意思,而要根据对话的情景和前后句意的关系,再根据英语的习惯来确定选项。  二、情景反应选择这种题型可以不通过对话方式考查,而是利用汉语或英语设置一定的情景,然后根据这一情景配备四个选项,要求考生根据提供的情景,选出最佳选项。例如:&当新学期开始时,李老师说:Welcome back to school.学生应该回答:__________A. Certainly,Mr. Li.&B. I'm sorry,Mr. Li. &C. Thank you,Mr. Li.&&D. I'm glad,Mr. Li. When your friend told you his mother was ill, you should say,“__________”A. It doesn't matter.&B. Don't be afraid. &C. Take her to hospital.&D. I'm sorry to hear that.   【例题点拨】 ①的答案是C。因为在受到别人的欢迎时,你应该很有礼貌地表示感谢。英语中说谢谢的场合很多,最常见的有:听到别人赞扬时、回绝他人的邀请时、讲话或作报告结束时、医生对给予合作的病人做好检查时、写回信时以及公事往来的信件等都常用:Thank you.  ②的答案是D。该题所给的是有关“同情、遗憾”的交流项目。听到别人身体不好时,或听到别人遇到不幸的事时都可以说:I'm sorry to hear that(it).如果因故某事未能成功或错过机会出现问题时可以说:What a pity!以示同情。  【思路归纳】此类题的目的在于检测考生在特定的情景下,按照英美人习俗,能否运用英语进行情景交流。测试的重点放在英、汉语言表达方式的差异上。解答这类题目首先要掌握《大纲》规定的30个日常交流项目中口语的各种习惯表达方式,尤其要注意在特定的情景下避免按照中国人的思维方式来考虑问题。三、情景对话配伍   这种题的特点是采用由Ⅰ、Ⅱ栏两部分组成的形式,分别在Ⅰ栏和Ⅱ栏中给出一定数量的上下句,两栏句子数量可以相等,也可略有差异,要求从Ⅱ栏中找出与Ⅰ栏中相对应的句子。例如:   &&&Ⅰ&&&&&&&&Ⅱ1. Can you help me,please?&&&&&A. That's all right. 2. Who's that?&&&&&&&&B. It's June 1.3. What's the date today?&&&&&&C. Of course. 4. Shall we go to the park this afternoon?&&&D. This is Lily.5. Thanks a lot. &&&&&&&&E. That's a good idea.【试题解析】本题可按下列顺序去找答案。 ―Can you help me,please?(请求)―What's the date today?(问日期)―Of course.(C)―It's June 1.(B) ―Shall we go to the park this afternoon?(建议) ―Who is that?(打电话) ―That's a good idea.(E)―This is Lily.(D) ―Thanks a lot.(感谢) ―That's all right.(A)这样就容易找出该题的答案顺序为:1.C 2.D 3.B 4.E 5.A。 【思路归纳】这类题目不仅检测考生的英语理解能力,更主要检测考生英语口语的运用能力。解答时,要首先分辨题干句所表示的交流功能项目。这类题目不一定按顺序去做,可以先把日常交流用语中语境明显的对应句找出来。四、逻辑顺序排列   此类题采用一段具有某种语境关系的对话,打乱其顺序,任意排列。要求考生根据该对话的逻辑关系,将对话的各句子按正常的自然顺序排列出来。例如:   选择下列每组句子的对话顺序: ① How long have you been like this?④ Since yesterday evening. ② What's wrong?⑤ I've got a headache. ③ It's nothing serious. Take this medicine and you'll be all right soon. ⑥ Thank you. A.⑤④②③①⑥ &&B.④⑤①③⑥② &&C.②⑤①④③⑥ &&D.①④②⑤③⑥ 【试题解析】 例句是有关“看病”的语境,在这种情况下,通常是由医生询问病情开始:“What's wrong?”根据上下文的对应,可以确定该组对话的句子逻辑顺序为②⑤①④③⑥。因此正确答案应该是:C。 此类考题旨在考查考生对情景交流用语的熟练程度,以及逻辑推理能力。它既要求考生对考题所提供的情景充分理解,又要求考生能够正确分析这些情景而作出判断。利用正常上下文的关系对语言顺序的制约,甚至要把语言成分的顺序与超出语言的上下文相联系,作出正确的逻辑排列。   解答这类题时,首先要纵观全局,弄清楚整个对话的语境,根据语言习惯挑选出首句,然后以情景交流的语言逻辑关系,确定顺序,最后按照句子正常顺序排列好对话,再通读一遍,加以验证,以确保准确无误。 五、情景对话补全  “补全对话”题主要是以一个完整的功能项目展开交流,现在中考命题形式开始以某一场景展开交流为主,兼顾设置众多的交流内容的题型转变。考查的形式是补全对上句问题的回答或者是补全对下句所回答问题的提问。有的侧重考查补全在对话中起承上启下作用的句子。题型有选择式、填词式、填充式等。例如:A:Hello!! B:Oh,hello. Could I__1__ __2__Jim, please? A:Sorry, he is __3__ here at the moment. Can I__4__a message? B:Yes,please.This__5__Bill here. Is that Mrs. Green? A:Yes,__6__is Jim's mother. B:Could you tell him that I'd__7__to come to his birthday party. But I'm afraid I may be a little late. A:All__8__. I'll give him the message.B:Thank__9__. Goodbye. A:__10__.& 【试题解析】通读全文,了解这是考查“打电话”的交流项目。内容梗概是:Bill给Jim打电话,Jim不在家,Bill让Jim的妈妈Mrs Green给他捎口信,说明他想来参加Jim的生日聚会,但可能要晚一点来。根据“打电话”的交流习惯,通话后找人的常用语是:Hello! May(Could)I speak to...?/ Is that... speaking?可试填第1―2空分别为speak to;第3空由Sorry一词可推断Jim不在家,故应填not;联系上句Jim不在家,肯定是说“捎个口信”,这里习惯用take a message;介绍自己或回答对方常用语是:This is...一般不用“Are you+姓名?”或“Who are you?”的表达方式,可试填第5―6空分别为is,this。第7空涉及到一个句式:Would you love(like) to do sth.?(你愿意或高兴做某事吗?)这里可填love或like。第8―10空是填一组交流习惯用语,All right表示明白对方的意思;在通话结束时双方都应该使用礼貌用语,如Thank you. Goodbye. Bye. Bye-bye. 其中Good bye. 较为正式。 在填写时应注意:①所使用的语言要符合英语在情景交流中的表达习惯;②利用好所学的固定搭配;③抓好关键词进行推断,使填词后组成的句子结构完整、合理。 二、补全对话解题技巧点拨 解补全对话题可采取以下三个步聚: 1首先全篇对话,了解对话大意,在掌握了对话主题与大意的基础上着手做题较为快捷准确。 2根据情景语境,有选项的可结合待选语句,边读边做题。 3重读全篇对话,确定补全后的对话是否通顺连贯,语法是否正确。 解题时应正确使用会话用语,日常会话用语有一定的语言模式,应熟练掌握;理清询问或答语:若为询问句,则应注意询问句与其上下句的关系;若为疑问句,还要搞清楚何种疑问句,是一般疑问句,还是特殊疑问句,或选择疑问句。弄清了疑问句的种类,好对症下药,给出中肯的答语;注意上下句式关系:上下句子间有多种关系、有因果关系、转折关系,描述、过程、空间、举例、证明、分类、比较、对比、比拟、类推和添加等关系。对话句之间的关系搞清楚了,就容易根据这一特定语境确定选项。 【考点诠释】【考例】①[长春]& 根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一项是多余选项。A.Thank you for joining US,SOnia.B.I missed them very much.C.I’m glad to be here.D.I love Africa very much.E.Why do you say so?F.What did you do there?interviewer:Good morning.Today we have Sonia,a v01unteer,with us.Welcome to our radio station.Sonia:Thanks.&&& 1&&& Interviewer:well,Sonia,I hear you have been to Africa as a volunteer.Can you tell us where you worked in Africa?Sonia:1 worked in a country called Kenya,in East Africa.It was the most wonderful time in my life.Interviewer:Really?&& 2&&&& Sonia:Because the people there are so friendly that I can't forget them at all.Interviewer:& 3&&&& Sonia:1 was a teacher.The children in my class were blind.But they were very hard―working.Interviewer:And our listeners want to know what your trouble was.Sonia:The only bad thing was that I couldn't see my family or friends.& 4&&&& Interviewer:And the last question,Sonia.Will you go back to teach the blind children in the future?Sonia:0h,yes,I really hope I can.It is a hard job, but I love it.&& Interviewer:&&& 5&&& It was nice talking to you.Sonia:Thank you!&&& 本对话是记者采访Sonia,询问她在非洲的一些事情。&&&& 1.答案:C解析:由上句“欢迎到我们无线电台”知,Sonia应该说“很高兴来到这儿”,选C。2.答案:E3.答案:F解析:由下句“我是一名老师”可知,上句应问“你在那儿做什么?”,选F。4.答案:B5.答案:A& 解析:采访结束了,因此记者应该说“感谢你的参与”,选A。②[&#8226;吉林]&&&& & 从方框内选择最佳选项,完成对话,并把字母序号 写在对话后面的空格内(其中有两个选项是多余的)。A.Did you buy anything there?B.I spent the whole day there.C.I went to the Palace Museum.D.It was great.E.Beijing is so,big that I almost got lost.F.Yes,it was much better.G.What places did you visit?Mike:Jane,you're back.Welcome back to school.I missed you.Jane:I missed you,too.Mike:How was your trip to Beijing?&&& 。Jane:&&& 1&& I spent four days in Beijing.Every day I did something different.Mike:& 2&&& Jane:Well,the first day I went to the Great Wall.Mike:& 3&&& Jane:No,I had no time to buy anything.But the next day the weather was so bad that I went&&&& shopping and bought some Chinese paintings.Mike:Was the weather better the third day?Jane:& 4&&&& Mike:Did you go anywhere else?Jane:Yes,I did.& 5&& I bought a gift from the museum for you.Mike:Thank you. 1.答案:D解析:上句问“北京之行怎么样?”,选项中D最适合,意为“很棒”。2.答案:G解析:由下句“第一天我们去了长城’’可知,上句应询问“你去参观什么地方了”。C项最合适。3.答案:A4.答案:F 解析:上句问“第三天天气好些了吗?”,下句应针对天气的好与坏进行回答,故F项“是的,它好多了”最合适。5.答案:C 解析:由后句“我从博物馆为你买了一件礼物。,可知,“我去博物馆了。”选C项最合适。③[200吉林]&&& 根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语,话语可以是一个句子,也可以是一个短语或一个单词,使对话完整、正确。(A―Shop assistant& B―Mrs. Wang)&&&&&&&&&&& A:Can I help you?B:&&& 1&&& .I'm looking at these sweaters.A:May I know who it is for? Maybe I can give you some advice.B:Sure,it's for my son.A:&&& 2&&& ?&&&& B:He is thirteen.A:How tall is he?B:He's about 1.75 meters tall.He's very strong.I always buy him clothes in a larger size.A:I see.&&& 3&&& this one?B:The style is all right,but I'm not sure about the color.He looks good in dark colors,but I always think that a boy should wear something lighter.I don't know.Let me think…&&&& A:That's easy.Here,there are&&& 4&&& :dark blue,green brown,black and sky blue.B:Well,can I change it if he doesn't& 5& the color?A:0f course.B:I think I'll take the dark blue one.&& 1.答案:Yes/Yes,please/Yes,thank you/Thank you2.答案:How old is he/What is his age/His age解析:由下句“他13岁。”可知,本句是询问年龄的句子。&&&& 3.答案:How/What about/What do you think of/How do you like解析:本句为服务员为顾客提供建议的句子。&&&& 4.答案:(many)different colors/(some)different colors&&&& 解析:由后句列举出了这么多颜色可知,本句应为“有许多不同的颜色"。&&&& 5.答案:like/love/enjoy&&&& 解析:本句句意为:“如果他不喜欢这个颜色,我可以换吗?”“喜欢”可以用love,like或enjoy。&&&& ④[天津]&&&&& Peter:0h,David.Please don't put anything oil this desk!David:& 1&&& ?Peter:Look!& This leg is broken.David:&&&& 2&&& .When did you find it?Peter:I found it just now when I was sweeping the floor.&&&& David:Let's tell our teacher about it at once and then someone will repair it.Peter:No.&&& 3&&& .David:Yourself? Have you learnt to repair a desk?Peter:Yes.My father is an expert in repairing things.&& 4&&&&&& .David:0h,your father taught you? That’s great.Do you think&&&& 5&&& ourselves?Peter:Certainly.Let's begin.& 1.答案:What's the matter&&&& 解析:由答语“This leg is broken.”,说明桌子腿坏了,故填:What's the matter?2.答案:Thank you for telling me about it解析:由上句“桌子腿坏了”可知,应填“非常感谢你告诉我”。3.答案:I think I can repair it myself解析:由答语“No”可知,应填“I think I can repair it myself"。4.答案:He taught me how to do that解析:由于“我父亲是一个专业修理工”,故“他教过我怎样去修理东西”。5.答案:we can repair it解析:由答语“Certainly.Let's begin.”可确定答案。【能力过关】Passage 1.[重庆]下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并将其番号填人题前括号内。A.&Would you like to see some old things with us?B.&I will help my parents do much housework.C.&When and where shall we meet?D.&How shall we get there?E.&What are you going to do?F.&Are you free tomorrow?G.&We’d better stay at home. & & & A:Hello, this is Kangkang here.Is that Helen?B:Yes.speaking.A:Helen.The happy weekend is coming.&& 1&&& B:Yes.I’m not busy at all.I’ve already finished my homework.A:&& 2&&& B:I've no ideas.What about you?A:Let me see.We’d better do something interesting and helpful.& 3&& B:Certainly.Where?A:In the new museum.B:Oh, I remember.I heard of it last week.& 4&& A:By bike.It’s Saturday tomorrow.The traffic must be heavy,I think.B:I agree.&& 5&&& A:At the gate of our school at nine in the morning.B:OK.See you then.Passage 2 [长沙]第一节完成对话通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容. (共5小题,计l0分)A : What can I do for you?B: Yes, please ___1___.But what kind of flower shall I buy, roses or carnations (康乃馨)? She likes red& roses best while today is Mother’s Day.&& A:I think carnations are special and better today.They show& happiness, sweetness and love.They are for mothers.B: All right. Can I have a look at those carnations ?A: Sure _____2______?B: Red.A: What about these?B: Great._______3__________?A: 30 yuan.B: OK&&& 4&&& . Here is the money. A: Thank you. Here’s the change and a card from our shop to your mom. Best wishes to her!B: ______5_____.Passage 3[厦门]& A:Bill,could you please help me?B:Sure,what's it?A:Uh,my mother is coming&&& l&&& New York today,and I can't go to meet her&&& 2& there will be an important meeting this morning.Could you please go out to the&&& 3&&&& and meet her instead of me?B:Yes,I think so.What&&& 4&&& ,and which flight?A:It's 10:45,Delta flight from New York.B:Sure,I can do that.But I never met her.What does she look&&& 5&&& ?A:Well,she’s short and heavy,and she has short and blonde hair.She's 65 years old.B:0K.Should be easy to find her.Does she&& 6&&& glasses?A:Yes,she does.Thanks a lot.B:You're welcome.Passage 4 [山西]根据对话内容,从所给选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入相应的横线上。选项中有两项为多余选项.A:& Hi, Tina, ______1______?B:& It was fantastic, really fantastic. A:& ______2______?B:& No, I didn’t .___3__.Look, here are my photos.A:& ________4_________?B:& No, there weren’t any sharks, but there were some really clever seals.A:& Wow, _____5______. What else did you do?B:& Well, I hung out with my friends and I took lots of photos.Passage 5[江西]阅读下面对话,根据对话内容在空格内填入恰当的句子,使对话意思完整。(每空一句,每句2分)A :Good afternoon.B: Good afternoon.A:&&& 1&& ?B: Yes. People always feel good on a fine day.A: _____2_____?B: Yes , I have been to a concert before.A: By the way?&& 3&& ?B:I like pop music best. And you?A:I prefer light music because it can help me relax.&&&& 4&&& ?B: Well,I think it’s quiet and really beautiful. But I hate rock music. It’s too noisyA:&&& 5&&&& .It’s exciting.Passage 6[安徽]补全对话。(共5小题,每小题1分; 满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。M: Good morning. Can I help you, madam?W: Yes, please.&&& 1&&& M: OK, Qingdao is a nice place to visit.&& 2&& The weather is neither hot nor cold.W: Sounds good.&& 3&& M: You can get there by train.W: Shall I visit places of interest by bus in Qingdao?M: Sure,&& 4& W: Really perfect.&& 5& M: 280 yuan each person. It includes train tickets, park tickets, hotel and meals.W: Well. It’s nice. I’d like to book(预定)the tour for two. A.&Why not call a taxi to go there with your friends?B.&Our sightseeing(观光)bus will take you around the city.C.&How can I get there?D.&Could you introduce me a nice place to see over the weekend?E.&Hope you will have a great time there.F.&How much does it cost?G. It’s the right time to go there.【参考答案】Passage 11.答案:F解析:由答语“是的,我一点也不忙。”可知,上句应问“明天你忙吗?”,F项最合适。2.答案:E解析:由答语“我不知道”可知,问句为:“你打算做什么?”3.答案:A解析:由下句的回答及询问地点可知,本句应是对所做的事提了一个建议,故选A。4.答案:D解析:由回答By bike可知,询问的是“如何去”。故选D。5.答案:C解析:由答语可知,询问的是“见面的时间及地点”,故选C。Passage 21.答案:I'm looking for some flowers for my mom& 解析:由问句及答语可知作者正在为母亲寻找一些花。&&&& 2.答案:What color do you like解析:由答语“红色”可知,上句应是询问颜色的句子。3.答案:How much are they解析:由回答"30元”可知,上句是询问价格。4.答案:I'll take them 解析:由后句“给你钱”可知,“我要买它们”。5.答案:Thank you very muchPassage 31.答案:from 解析:句意“我妈妈今天从纽约回来”。“从……回来”应用come from。2.答案:because解析:此处考查because引导的原因状语从句。3.答案:airport解析:由下句的“and which flight"推知,妈妈是坐飞机返回的,因此要到“飞机场”去接她。4.答案:time解析:由下句中“It's 10:45”知,本句询问的是时间。&& 5.答案:like解析:由下句“she's short and heavy,and she has short and blonde hair"知,此句是询问其妈妈长得什么样,用固定句型:What does she look like?6.答案:wear解析:由句意“她戴着眼镜吗?”知,此处用wear表示“穿戴”Passage 4本对话谈论了Tina的学校旅行。1.答案:F解析:由答语“它非常迷人”可知,问句应是问“学校旅行怎么样?”,故选F。2.答案:C解析:由答语No,I didn't.确定问句是以Did开头的一般疑问句,选C。3.答案:E解析:由上句“没去动物园”确定选E,“去了水族馆”,选E^4.答案:D& 解析:由答语中No确定问句是一般疑问句,选D。5.答案:B解析:由Wow确定赞叹那儿的奇观,选B“听起来妙极了”Passage 5这个对话主要谈论所喜欢的音乐及一些常用语。1.答案:A fine day/It's fine/Good weather, isn't/Isn't it a fine day/a good day解析:由下句“人们总在好天气里感到舒服”说明上句应说天气好。2.答案:Have you ever been to a concert before解析:由下句“是的,我以前曾去过音乐会。”说明上句应问“你以前曾去过音乐会吗?”。3.答案:What kind of music do you like best/What's your favourite music解析:由下句“我最喜欢流行音乐”说明上句应问“你最喜欢什么音乐?”,故以上答案均可。4.答案:How do you like it/What do you think of it&&&& 解析:上句说了自己的看法,下一句肯定询问对方的意见,即“你认为它怎么样?”。5.答案:I don't think so./I don't agree/I disagree(with you)&&&& 解析:由下句“它令人兴奋”与前句“吵闹”形成相反意见,说明他不同意对方的意见。Passage 61.答案:D解析:由下句“青岛是个参观的好地方。”可知上句问“你能介绍个周末去看一看的好地方吗?”,故选D。2.答案:G解析:由后句“天气不热也不冷。”可知“现在是去那儿的合适的时间”。3.答案:C解析:由下句“你可以乘火车去那里。”可知上句是询问如何去那儿,故选C。4.答案:B 解析:上句问“在青岛我们将会乘汽车参观名胜古迹吗?”,下句答:“当然了。”及与“汽车”有关的内容,故选B。5.答案:F解析:由回答“每人280元。”可知问句应为“多少钱?”,故选F。第四章 阅读填词解题技巧阅读填词又叫综合。考查方式是给出一段短文,在文中挖出数空,要求考生根据短文意思,在每一空缺处分别填入一个适当的单词。为降低难度,一般给出了所填单词的第一个字母。阅读填词题是目前中考试题中综合性最强、难度最大的一种主观性题型。本文谈谈做这类题的一般方法。首先,把握文意。阅读填词兼有阅读理解与完形两种题型的主要特点,类似补全对话,但又不同于以考查口语应用为主的补全对话题。做这类题,关键是阅读。文章意思清楚了,才可能根据文意进行合理的判断,从而有可能突然产生“灵感”,将断层点的意义信息比较准确地反映出来。其次,注意精读。如果第一遍只是浏览,即使粗略把握了文章大意,对所填单词印象也会过于模糊。因为这类题没有可供选择的答案,所给文章也没有见过,粗略读过,很可能一个单词也填不出来,等于白读。如果第一遍读得细致,初步确定了部分答案,再精读第二遍、第三遍时,因对文章整体内容已有了较具体而连贯的理解,个别细节处也容易作出合理判断。第三,反复琢磨。做这类题,即便精读一、两遍,一般情况下,总会有几空难以确定填哪个词。这时,不必再看全文了,就抓住空词句及其前后的句子反复推敲、再三琢磨就可以了。第四,填写准确。这里的“准确”应包括:①符合要求。即所填单词必须以规定字母开头。②符合意思。既符合整篇文章基调,更符合所在句子的含义,不可出现意义断层。说东道西情况。③符合语法。意义相符了,单词选准了,还要注意所填单词是否要作词形变化:如名词是否要用复数,形容词是否要用比较级,动词是否要变时态等。【中考试题范例】阅读填空: 读短文, 然后将短文中斜体部分的内容填到相应的图画的横线上。共5小题,计10分。&(湖北宜昌) Three men are in the truck. The men are Sam, Joe and Tom. The truck is pulling a house. The men drive under the bridge. The truck stops. Why? It is stuck (卡住) under the bridge.&&& The men get out of the truck. They look at the house. They have a problem! Joe says, “Maybe we can pull the house out.” Sam says, “Maybe we can push the house out.” Tom looks under the house. He looks at the tires(轮胎). He lets some air out of one tire. The men let air out of all the tires.&&& Now there is half an inch (英寸) between the house and the bridge. The house is not stuck! The men get into their truck. They drive away with the house.&& &&&&&&&&&& && Model: let air out of all the tires&& &76. __________________&&& 77.________________&&&& &&&&&&&& && &&&&&& 78.______________&&& &&79.__________________&&& 80.________________[解析]:76. get into their truck&&&&&&& 77. push the truck out&&&&&&&&&&&& 78. drive under the bridge79. pull the truck out&&&&&&&& 80. get out of the truck第五章 完成句子翻译填空解题技巧点拨 翻译类题在中考试题中出现的频率极高,出题形式有翻译填空、翻译句子、英汉词组互译、选择正确译句等,而中考翻译类题采用最多的还是“翻译填空”这种形式 。这类题一般采用根据给出的汉语句子完成英语句子的形式,它一般空出一个或几个空,空格内有时限填一个词,有时不限制词数。要求考生补全空格从而使所要表达的思想完整。还有一种出题形式是给出汉语句子和几个英语单词,要求把这几个词按照汉语意思排列成正确的顺序,有时还需要加上几个词。翻译填空题常把哪些部分空出来呢?即它常考查哪些内容呢? 第一步,先读一下汉语句子,了解这个句子所要表达的意思。 第二步,跳过空格读一下已给出的那一部分内容,然后再仔细分析一下要求翻译的英语。 第三步,观察一下要求翻译的汉语,然后联想一下相关词汇和句型,再考虑语态、时态、词形变化、主语与谓语数的一致性等问题。 第四步,试填空格。不要一看空格就填,例如有的同学一看“照顾”就填look after,实际上根据情况还可填take care of或take good care of。若对第一个空格要填的词没有把握时,可从后面的空格填起,这样即使前面的空格填不上,也不至于全部丢分。 第五步,将已填好的句子再读一遍,从时态、语态、词形、数的一致等方面检查一下,若一切没问题,该题就OK了。给出单词的题实际上属于连词成句题,做题时要: (1)先找出句子的主语和谓语。主语和谓语一般由表示人或物的名词和代词担任。因此要先找到名词(代词)和动词,以确定句子的主谓语。 (2)还要注意使用习惯搭配法,用此法做起题来会简单得多。 (3)根据实际情况,必要的时候要进行一些变化,并注意时态和语态。 解题步骤掌握了,做题时还要注意那些词数有伸缩性的词汇。因为这类题的空格是一定的,多填或少填都是不对的,即使意义相符也不合要求。有些词汇的缩写形式可以写在一格内,如:isn't,let's,won't等。也可根据情况将缩略式扩展,如可将didn't分解为did not,将no分解成not any等。填空时一定要灵活。如将这样一个句子翻译成英语“他什么也没说”,若给出三个空格,可以填:He didn't say anything.若给出四个空格,可以填:He did not say anything.若只给出两个空格,则可填He said nothing. 【考点诠释】一、考查固定句式1. 李平昨晚花了半小时做功课。 _______________ Li Ping ___________________ his homework last night.(答案:I half an hour / thirty minutes to do / finish) 2. 当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以至于大喊大叫。 When the football fans saw Beckham, they got _______ excited _______ they cried out.(答案: that) 3. 秋天的天气不冷也不热。 It is& _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______in autumn.(答案:neither too hot nor too cold) 4. 她不仅会说英语,还会说汉语。 She can speak _________English _________ Chinese.(答案: but also) 5. 昨晚玛丽11点才睡觉。 Mary did _______ go to bed _______ eleven o’ clock last night. (答案: until ) 6. 外面正在下大雨,你最好呆在家里。 It’s raining heavily outside. You’d________ at home.(答案:take, to build; better stay ) 7. 我想能尽快看到他。 I would like to see him& ____ _____ as possible, please. &(答案:as soon) 8. 如果今晚他们外出散步,我也去。 If they go out for a walk this evening, _____________. (答案:so will(shall) I ) 9. 孩子们对科学越来越感兴趣了。 Children are becoming _____________ in science.(答案:more and more interested) 10. 他是一个好人,与每个人都相处得很好。 He is such a kind man _____________. (答案: that he gets on well with everyone) 11. 她和我都不正确。 _____ she nor I _____ right. (答案:N am) 12. 我认为在短时间内学好一门外语很难。 I _________it ________ to learn a foreign language well in a short time.(答案: hard /difficult) 13. 他说得太快了,别人听不懂。 He spoke too fast to_____ himself______. (答案:make, understood ) 二、考查交际用语1. 向右转,你就会看到一间绿树环绕的屋子。 _______________ and you’ll see a house _____________________________.(答案:Turn right / Take the right turning / Turn to the right ; with / which has green trees around it) 2.& 喝杯咖啡怎么样? ________ ________ drinking a cup of coffee?(答案:How about / What about) 3. 请问,去火车站怎么走? ________ me, how can I ________ to the railway station?(答案:Excuse, get) 4. 这儿天气很热,为什么不出去散散步? It’s very hot here. ______ _______go out for a walk?(答案:Why not) 5. 我很高兴又在这儿见到你。 &I’m very _______ _______ _______ you here _______.(答案:glad /to meet / see again) 6. 为何不改去参观猴岛呢? Why _____go and visit the Monkey Island_____?(答案:not, instead) 7. 你认为泉城广场和新建的泉城路怎么样? _________do you ______________the& Quancheng Square and the new Quancheng Road?(答案: W think of / about) 8. 你给我这么多帮助,你真好。 &________________ to give me so much help.(答案:It’s nice of you ) 9. 不久我们就会再次见面的。It won’t be _____ ______ we see each other again.(答案:long before ) 10. 请你告诉我怎样去邮局,好吗? Could you ______ me _______ to the post office, please? (答案: how to get ) 三、考查时态与语态1. 这位外国朋友来中国已经半年了。 This foreign friend has _______ _______ China _______ _______ a year.(答案: for half) 2. 我到火车站时,火车开走了。 The train had left when I _______________the station.(答案:arrived at / got to / reached) 3. 老师要求我们保持教室的清洁和安静。 We are_____________________.(答案:told / asked to keep our classroom clean and quiet) 4. 熊猫在我国受到很好的照顾。 Pandas ______________________ in our country.(答案:are taken good care of) 5. 一位外籍老师正在我校演讲。 A foreign teacher _______________________ in our school. (答案:is giving us a talk)四、考查固定搭配1.天色渐晚,我想我们该回家了。 It’s ______________, so I think it’s time ______________________________.(答案: (for us)to go home ) 2.& 我们怎样才能与邻里和睦相处呢? How _________________________________ our neighbors?(答案: to get on / along well with ) 3. Alice 擅长跳舞。她将来想当个舞蹈家。 &Alice is _________ _________ dancing. She wants to be a dancer in the future.(答案:good at ) 4. 学校规定上课不许迟到。 &The school rule says, “ Don’t _________ _________ _________ class.”(答案:be late for) 5. 王楠是世界上最优秀的运动员之一。 &Wang Nan is _________ _________ the best _________ in the world.(答案: athletes ) 6. 尽管困难重重,登山队员们还是成功地到达了山顶。 _________ _________ _________ all the difficulties, the climbers reached the top of the mountain successfully.(答案: In spite of ) 7. 我不敢肯定明天她是不是会准时到学校来。 I’m not& _______ _______ she’ll come to school _______ _______ tomorrow.(答案:sure whether (if); on time ) 8.不要阻止孩子们尝试他们的新想法。 Don’t stop the children ________________________.(答案: (from) trying out their new ideas) 9. 我请求妈妈不要生我的气了。 I asked my mother________________. (答案: not to be angry with me ) 10. 嘲笑处于困境中的人是不礼貌的。 It’s not polite to__________________ those people in trouble. (答案:laugh at) 五、考查词形变换1. 今天的报纸上有什么重要内容吗? _______ _______ _______ important in _______ newspaper?(答案: I today’s ) 2. 这座山没有你想象的那么危险。 The mountain is ______ _______ than you think.(答案:less dangerous ) 3. 第九课在第九十页。 The ________ Lesson is on the________ page. (答案: ninetieth ) 4. 街道的两边有好几家儿童鞋店。 There are quite a few children’s _____shops on ______ side of the street. (答案:shoe;either ) 5. 最近的医院离此地也有大约十公里远。 The _______hospital is about ten kilometers_________.(答案:nearest, away ) 6. 你的书和我的不一样。 Your book is ________ _________ mine.(答案: different from )7. 随着科学的发展,计算机将得到更广泛的应用。 ______the development of science, computers will be used more _______.(答案: With, widely ) 8. 这是一场如此重要的球赛,我们不能不观看。 It’s such an _____ match that we can’t ______it. (答案:important,miss ) 【能力过关】[济南]完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 每空一词 (10分)1. 所有参展的东西我都感兴趣.I __________ ____________in all the things__________1.am interested, on show2.飞机半个小时后就要起飞了,咱们做好准备吧.The plane ________ ________ _________in half an hour. Let’s get ready.2. will take off3. 必须采取措施防止此类事故在该市发生.Something must be done _______ ________this kind of accident ______ ________in this city. 3.to, stop ,from happening 4.你认为你最原愿学哪一门学科?Which of the subjects do you think you would ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ?4. most like to learn/study 5. 丢失的部件在船拖出水后找到.The lost parts __________ __________after the ship was___________ _________of the water. 6.were found, pulled out (年苏州)将下列句子译成英语。1.她长大了想要当一名歌手。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.我妈妈经常叫我花些时间练习游泳。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3.汤姆被选为我们的班长。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4.我们的城市正变得越来越美丽。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5.你怎么会错过这则新闻呢? 电视上已播放一周了.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1.She wants to be a singer when she grows up.65.My mother often asks me to spend some time practicing swimming.66.Tom was chosen to be our monitor.67.Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.68,How can you miss the news? It has been on TV for a week.[天津四年制] 根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空只填一个词。66. 如果你们有什么问题,请随时举手。If you have any questions , feel free to&&&&&&&&&&&&& your hands . 67. 无论他是怎么完成的,这都是一个巨大的成功。No matter how he did it , it was a&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .68. 几年前,因为某种无人知晓的原因,这种稀有的鸟绝迹了。Several years ago a rare species of bird&&&&&&&&&&&&& for some unknown reason . 69. 据说这个岛盛产铁矿石。It is said that this island is&&&&&&&&&&&&& iron ore . 70. 那座旧桥上个星期被拆除了。The old bridge was&&&&&&&&&&&&& last week . 66. put up&&&&&&& 67. great success&&&&& 68. died out&&&&& 69. rich in&&& 70. knocked down[成都]1.说实话,我对汤姆的学业有几分担心。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ,I am&&&&&&&&&&&& of& worried about Tom’s schoolwork.2.如果不是水尽粮绝,我们将不会停止宿营。We won’t stop camping&&&&&&& we&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& food and water.3. 你应当把钥匙藏在除了我俩谁也找不到的地方。You& should&&&&&& the& keys&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& us two. 4. 工人们靠自己的力量最终生产出了这种主要针对国外市场的新型玩具。The workers&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& themselves and finally produced the new type of toys which mainly&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& the foreign markets.5. 即使有许多人不同意,他也会坚持自己的想法。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& many people don’t agree with him,he will still&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& to his own idea.1.To be honest,kind&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2.unless/until,run out of 3.hide,from,anyone/anybody/ everyone/everybody,except&&&&&&&& 4.depended on,aimed at&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5.Even though.hold on第六章 &&改错改错主要存在两种形式:一、单句改错题,二、短文改错。【 命题趋势】单句改错题是考查学生的识别能力、分析能力和综合运用英语知识能力。做单句改错题首先要读通句子,在此基础上,根据不同的情况,用所掌握的语法、词汇知识为标准,具体排除干扰,判断、找出错误,予以改正。一、有些句子学生十分熟悉,根据所学知识,一眼就可识破,则不必顾及其他。如 :I must try my best learn English well.try one’s best后应跟不定式。故在 best后应加“to”。二、有些题目要从时态、语态、语气或主谓一致等方面来判断。如 :1. We have studied most of Book by the end of last week. by后跟表示过去的时间状语时,对应的时态该用过去完成时,因此,该句中have应改为 had。2. Those novels wrote by Lu Xun 60 years ago. 句中 wrote应改为 were written。因为 these novels是动作的承受者。三、有些题目要从动词的用法,词组搭配以及用词的知识方面考虑。如 :―Where’s the boy student?―He has been to the library. 句中 has been to表示“去过某地,已回来”,而这里的男同学显然没回来,所以该处需改为“has gone to”。四、越来越多的辨认错误题,综合了尽可能多的语法、词汇知识,因而同学们不能只从某项语法或词汇用法方面去判断,更应从各方面来判断错误的可能性。如 :He broke the window when he was playing football and he paid of the glass the next day. 这一句不但要考虑broke、paid是否正确,而且要判断football, next day前是否有定冠词,更要核对“paid of”的准确性,因为 of与 for较相似,故此句paid of应改为paid for。【中考试题范例】Lily has reached home three hours ago. A&&&& B&&&&&&&&&& C&&& D[解析]:此题选A。可将 has reached改为reached,即一般过去时。另一种改法是将句尾的three hours ago去掉,因涉及到不止一个选项,故在此题中不能这么改。You can’t get across when the lights are green. A&& B&&&&&&&&&&& C&&&&&& D[解析]:此题选D。此题语法上并没有错,只是不符合事实,应将D项的 green改为red,才符合“红灯停,绿灯行”的交通规则。Don’t get into the gate before they tell you do that. A&&&&&&&&&&&& B&&&&& C&&&&&& D[解析]:此题选D。tell后接不定式作宾语补足语,即tell sb. to do sth,其中的to不可省略。短文改错题主要考查在语篇中综合运用英语的准确性。该题考查的内容广、综合性强,其范围涉及英语知识的方方面面。解题的基本要点:(1)先浏览全文,了解文章的题材和体裁,确定文章主要用什么时态以及前后使用的人称代词等。这样,解题时就可以胸有成竹,从容不迫。(2)改错时,应时刻顾全上下文。短文改错不同于单句改错,其改错的过程是在一个特定的语境中进行的,其中的每一个错误都与上下文息息相关。(3)先易后难。一般来说,行文逻辑错误较语法错误隐蔽,不易发现,往往在通读全文的基础上仔细体会文章的意思之后,要找的错误才会“浮出水面”,这自然要多花些时间。(4)遇到一时找不出错误的那行,宜放到最后去考虑。(5)要充分利用本题型的命题特点,即每行最多只有一个错。只设四种类型,即错一词;多一词;少一词;或没错。根据这一原则,错词只能是1个词有错,多词只多1个,而缺词当然也只能缺1个。记住这个原则就可以避免犯不必要的错误。(6)按要求正确使用批改符号。第七章 &&&&单词拼写单词拼写是书面表达的最基本技能,也是全国各省、市试题对高英语书写功能的一项测试。 这种题型的推出,不仅增加了对学生分析运用语言能力的测试比重,而且它可以直接测试学生的书写基本功。高考试题不在单纯考察学生的拼写能力,而是让学生通过所给句子的语境与语法地位,先判断出要求写的单词,然后在正确拼写出来。根据《考试说明》规定,单词拼写的命题方式有两种:一种是根据所给单词的首字母写出单词的正确形式;另一种是根据汉语注释写出单词的正确形根据句义和情景确认拼写的能力语境和句子提示了与被考单词的相关词语。所以掌握好语境,读懂句义是考生判断所填词词义,词性的前提。I am pleased that he gladly________(接受) our invitation. accepted补全词组的搭配能力补全词组的搭配能力也就是指考生掌握习惯用语和固定搭配的熟练程度。习惯用语和固定搭配在所有词汇中站很打比例,也是历年高考必考的一项内容。Tue patient kept________(咳嗽) all night. toughing&这道题考的就是动词keep的搭配形式。如果有的考生未记keep doing这一项式,就难以写出正确单词形式。His hard work led to_______(成功)success 这道题考的是动词词组led to 的搭配形式。根据词的定义确认拼写能力在确认单词拼写时有时我们可以依据定义解释来判断出要填的词。运用实例A biologist is a person who has a great knowledge of b_______. Biology这句话主句的主语是“生物学家”,那么作为生物学家应该是一个具有什么方面知识的人呢?肯定是要具有丰富的生物知识才能符合生物学家的身份。根据构词法知识判断词形的能力根据构词法知识也可以帮助我们确认要填写的词义。这就要求考生在平常记忆不要孤立地记某个单词,有些单词我们可以根据一些词缀(前缀,后缀),词根,合成,派生等形式帮助记忆。这种联锁记忆往往使你的单词量倍增。运用实例The students were listening to the teacher_____(专心)attentivly这道题就需要构词法知识来解决。读完这句话就会发现“专心”这个词是用来说明学生们听老师讲课的状态,故应用副词形式。所以考生可以凭着构词法的知识判断出attentive的副词形式应是直接加后缀ly根据背景常识判断拼写能力除了上述提到的四个方面外,在完成单词拼写时有许多情况下要借助于一些背景常识来确定所要填的词。如:科普知识,历史知识,地理知识以及社会知识,政治经济文化等领域里的常识规律等,这些都可以作为考生理解句文中意义的重要根据。如果缺乏这方面的知识就会防碍考生正确地把握词义。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 运用实例Leaves leep on falling in a________& autumn这道题考的就是有关常识的问题。众所周知,树叶不停地飘落只能出现在秋季,再根据所给的首字母a来确定一下,所以正确词义为autumn。【考点诠释】&[济南]词形、词类转换 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或动词不定式符号。(10分)1.There are a lot of new__________(factory)in our city.2.Look at the sun. It always shines ________(bright)at this time of year.3.Look !The people in the river _______(swim)4.Miss Smith put the new dress on, and looked at _________(she )in the mirror .5.Liu Zhong is in his _______(three)year at No.1 Middle school. 6.The teacher asked her students________(not forget) to sweep the floor..7.I think the dictionary is __________(help)to your study.8.Don’t open your books. Please keep them_________(close)9.There _______(be) great changed in our country since 1979.10.If anyone is ill here , the doctor must_______(send)for.1.There be句型中的be动词由后面的名词来决定单、复数;be动词用复数,后面的名词应用复数,故factory要用 factories。2.修饰谓语动词shines,应用副词形式,故bright用brightly。3.依据句意:看!河里的人们正在游泳。是现在进行时态,故用are swimming。4.依据句意:Miss Smith穿上新衣服,在镜子里看自己。要用反身代词,herself。5.在第几年里,数词应用序数词,故three应用third。6.Ask后接带to的不定式作宾语补足语,故填not to forget。7.Be helpful to sth.对……有帮助helpful。 8.Keep sb./sth. +adj.表示“某人或某事处于……状态”,形容词作宾语补足语。故填closed。 9.由since 1979可判断出用现在完成时被动结构“have/has+been+P.P”故应用have been。 10.情态动词的被动语态结构是“情态动词+be+P.P”故应用be sent。【能力过关】&[邢台]1.Can you give me some tips for studying English _______ (有效地) 2. The kites are so beautiful and _______ (有吸引力的), just like dancers on the stage.3. _______(圣诞节) is one of the most important festivals for Westerners.4.We’ll have a lecture on _______ (星期五) afternoon.5.Asian students, on _______ (平均), score higher than other students from similar academic backgrounds.6.It is my belief that wars can be prevented and ______(和平) can be won.7.“Sales at new store were encouraging.” She ________ (补充说)。8.There are more than ten ________(女服务员) in this hotel.9.How _______ (残忍) it was to kill something of such beauty.10.Jason is better at _______ (物理)than his brother.&[青岛]根据每个句子中所给的汉语意思,写出单词的正确形式。每空一词。1.I did rather _____(差) in the race.2. What are you going to do in your ____(两个月的) holiday?3. The farmers are both busy _____(种)vegetables now.4. He must be ______ (阻止)from crossing the street when the lights are red.5. Why do you ______ (不喜欢)travelling by air?6. Lily felt sad because her bird was _______(死了).7. By the end of the ______ (二十) century ,the world population had passed six billion,.8. At the ________(医务室),Kate was looked over carefully by Mr. Brown.9. Please give us a short talk in English .Nothing _______(难)。10. He put his other shoe under his bed very__________(轻轻地).[苏州]根据下列句子所给的汉语注释及旬意,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式。空格限填一词。1.Timmy really doesn’t understand why his parents are so ____________(严格的).2.The vote was completed. The teacher _____________(宣布) the result.3.This car costs too much. Don’t you have something _______________(便宜)?4.When spring comes, the snow ________________(消失).5.We should learn those ________________(运动员) team spirit.6.This film ______________(导演) was influenced by Bruce Lee’s early works.7.They will try their best to protect these _______________(濒于灭绝的) tigers.8.The worker showed us how to build the bridge _______________(安全地).9.I’m thinking of _____________(邀请) them to spend the summer with me in Italy.10.He is very kind , ____________(耐心的) and friendly to his students.&[南京]A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。1.These years it seldom snows in _____ (冬季)in Nanjing.2.Don’t always make your parents do this or that,Nick.You can do it _____(自己).3.Susan usually has some pieces of ______(面包)and a bottle of milk for breakfast.4.John is ______ (幸运的)enough to be chosen for the school football team.5.If we don’t protect the animals,We will be _______(不能)to see them in the future.B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。6.Children should speak to old people _______ (polite).7.Tree―planting Day is on the _______ (twelve)of March every year.8.David took a lot of& ______& (photo)in Mochou Lake Park last weekend.9.The time is too short.It’s ______ (possible)for Daniel to finish this work.10.Stephen spends about half an hour& ____ (swim) every Saturday afternoon.&[河北] 1. My _______ (爱好) are reading, singing and dancing.2. The glasses he ________(戴) a moment ago are broken. He needs a new pair.3. Mrs. Smith smiled_______(幸福)when she received a present from her son on Mother’s Day.4. Alice is so nice that everyone likes to_________(交朋友).5. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes in class. You won’t be______(嘲笑)&[福州]1.一hope that my dream will__________(实现)in the future. 2.My grandma goes to the park_____________(步行)every morning. 3.一Are you_____________(擅长)chemistry?& 一Yes,I am,4.一The physics problem is so difficult that I can't______it_________(算出)。5.One of my classmates is going to be a policeman when he___________(长大)。【参考答案】[邢台]1.修饰动词study应用副词形式,故用effectively。&& 2.and 连接相同的成分,故应用attractive。&& 3.名词用作主语,应填 Christmas。&& 4.表示星期的名词,应填Friday。& 5.考查固定词组,表示平均含义应用on average。6.用名词作主语,故应用peace。&&&&&& 7.由前句谓语动词可判断是过去是,表示过去发生的动作,故应用added。&&&&& 8.由前面限定词ten可知,后面名词应用复数形式,以s结尾应加-es,故用waitresses&& 9.由How可知是对形容词进行提问的,故应用 cruel。&& 10.表示学科的名词,故应用physics。 [青岛]1. 修饰谓语动词应用副词,故应用badly。 2. 考查名词作定语的用法,连字符使词性变为形容词,故应为two-month。3. 考查be busy (in)doing sth.结构,故应用growing。 4. 由句中谓语动词must be 后应是过去分词stopped。5. 依据题干给出的单词,应用hate或dislike。 6. 表示状态,应用形容词dead。 7. 依据题干给出数词前有定冠词,后面的数词应用twentieth。 8. 表示名词的所有格形式,故应用doctor‘s。9. 不定代词与形容词相连时,应将形容词放在后面difficult 10. 依据题干给出的单词,应用 quietly。[苏州]1. 依据题干给出的单词,应用strict。&&& 2.由前句给出过去被动时态可知,应用announced。&&&& 3. 依据句意:汽车花费太大,与后面的句意构成比较,故应用cheaper。&&&& 4. 依据句意,主句应用一般现在时,故应用disappears。&& 5. 考查名次所有格形式,故应用players’。6. 考查名词director。&& 7. 考查过去分词作定语的用法,故应用endangered。&& 8. 修饰动词应用副词,故应用safely。&&&& 9. think of 后应接动名次形式,故应用inviting。&&&& 10.and连接并列结构,依据句意应用patient。[南京]1.考查名词的用法应用winter。&&& 2.考查与反身代词固定搭配,故应用yourself。&&& 3.考查不可数名词的用法,故应用bread。&&& 4.考查形容词作表语的用法,故应用lucky。5.考查be unble to& do sth的结构,故应用 unable。6.修饰句中的谓语动词应用副词,故应用politely。&&& 7.考查序数词的表达法,twelve的序数词的表达形式是特殊,应用twelfth。&&& 8.考查名词的复数形式,应用photos。&&& 9. 依据句意,应表示不可能的,故用impossible。 10.考查spend some time /money (in) doing sth的结构,故应用swimming。[河北] 1. 由句中谓语动词are,可判断出应用复数形式,故用hobbies。2. 由a moment ago可知句中谓语动词应用过去时态,故填wore。3. 修饰动词smile,应用副词happily。4. 表示“与……交朋友”应用make friends with。&&&&5. 由句子谓语动词won’t be 可知是含有情态动词的被动结构,故用laughed at。 [福州]1.依据句意:宾语从句英语主句的时态相呼应,应用将来时come true。&&& 2.考查介词词组0n foot。 3.考查be good at表示“擅长,在……好” 。&& 4.情态动词后接动词原形,算出的词组表达应为work,out。&&& 5.时间状语从句中用一般现在时态表示将来,故用 grows up。 &文 章来源 莲山 课 件 w w w.5Y k J. c oM
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