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right of publicity是什么意思
中文翻译公开权形象宣传权:&&&&adj. 1.右,右方的,右侧的,右派的 (opp. l ...:&&&&短语和例子 five minutes of four 差 ...:&&&&n. 1.公开(性);传开,出名。 2.宣传;宣扬。 3 ...
例句与用法1.Reflecting on protection modes of rights of publicity论公开权保护模式的建构2.In contrast , the right of publicity could stimulate people to take首先可以肯定的是,真实人物形象权3.When the image of a famous person is merchandised , there comes the right of publicity形象权,是指形象被付诸商业使用的权利。 4.But in our country , the right of publicity is not a legal concept but a theoretical concept但形象权在我国仍是一个应然而非实然的法律概念。 5.On the protection of celebrity ' s right of publicity in view of the case : wang junxia appealed against kunming cigarette company从王军霞诉昆明卷烟厂案看名人形象权的保护6.The right of publicity was studied very early in america , and lots of states had enacted laws and statues about it美国对形象权的研究比较早,很多州的立法都有关于形象权的法律规定。 7.The right of publicity should include three types of right , i . e . the right of publicity of real person , the right of publicity of fictional character and the right of publicity of social organization从理论上讲,形象权应包括真实人物形象权、虚拟角色形象权和组织形象权三类。 8.I release company and company ' s assigns , licensees and successors from any claims that may arise regarding the use of my image including any claims of defamation , invasion of privacy , or infringement of moral rights , rights of publicity or copyright本人同意不对贵公司及贵公司的受让人、被授权人及继受人追诉(索)任何因使用我的肖像而生的请求或诉讼包含毁谤、侵害隐私权、侵害人格权、侵害肖像权或侵害著作权。 9.Not to use the cleverlearn software and cleverlearn services to infringe any third party s copyright , patent , trademark , trade secret or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy or to knowingly receive information relating to ( or include links to ) pornography , pirated software andor computer games or other counterfeit goods( 5 )不得利用慧学英语软件和服务侵犯其他第三方的版权、专利、商标、商业机密或其他独家权益及公众或隐私权。 10.By entering the promotion , entrant or , in the case of a minor , his her parent or legal guardian releases and shall procure his her nominees to release hktb and any of its directors , officers , employees , agencies and sponsors collectively , the " released parties " from any liability whatsoever , and waive any and all causes of action , for any claims , costs , injuries , losses , or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the contest or the use of the prize and related activities including , without limitation , claims , costs , injuries , losses and damages related to personal injuries , death , damage to or destruction of property , rights of publicity or privacy , defamation or portrayal in a false light , whether intentional or unintentional , whether under contract , tort including negligence , warranty or others参加本推广活动,即表示参赛者如参赛者并未成年,则为参赛者之父母或其合法监护人就由于或关于是次比赛或奖品的使用及相关活动而根据合约侵权包括疏忽保证或其他基础提出的任何种类的申索费用伤害损失或损害赔偿包括但不限于有关人身伤害死亡财物损毁公开或私隐权利有意或无意诽谤或失实描述的索偿费用伤害损失或损害赔偿,免除并促使其提名人士免除旅发局及其任何董事高级职员雇员代理及赞助商统称获免责人士的任何责任及放弃任何及所有诉讼因由。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
JESSICA 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是怡茹要问的:炒作。
YR: JESSICA, 你看,这两个电影明星被偷拍到一起吃饭逛街。
JESSICA: Hmm, interesting. So, are they dating?
YR: 杂志说他们约会,可他俩不承认。我看,这一定又是炒作,因为他们一起拍的电影快上映啦! 哎?“炒作”美语怎么说啊?
JESSICA: We call that a "publicity stunt". Publicity is spelled p-u-b-l-i-c-i-t-y; and stunt, s-t-u-n-t. A publicity stunt.
YR: Publicity 是“宣传”, stunt 是“特技”,放在一起,a publicity stunt,“为了宣传而使出的绝招”,这就是炒作!
JESSICA: Right. 炒作是为了票房。I bet that this is a publicity stunt to make the movie a box office hit.
YR: 哦~~box office 就是票房。 卖座好,票房高的电影就是 a box office hit. 不过 JESSICA, 我听说这部要上映的片子还真不错,要不咱们也买张票去看看,支持一下他们的 box office?
JESSICA: No, I'm not going! YR, 现在很多电影都没有宣传的那么好,they're promoted too excessively!
YR: 你是说好多电影被吹过头了?
JESSICA: Right. We have a word for that---overhyped, o-v-e-r-h-y-p-e-d.
YL: overhyped 就是名不副实,吹嘘过头。那我如果说,The movie star's performance in this comedy was overhyped. --这个明星在这部喜剧中的表演被吹过头了。对不对?
JESSICA: That's correct. Now let's see what you've learned today!
YR: 第一:炒作叫 第二,票房叫 第三,形容吹嘘过头,可以用 overhyped.
To make the movie a box office hit ,they overhyped the actor and even abused publicity stunt
the movie is a publicity stunt, it hit the box office,but The plot of the movie is just so-so and the actor"s performance is too overhyped.
Nowadays so many people want to be well-known in the communities, especially in entertaining industry.But i think different people have their views about things, such as the success of the Fengjie realized by most of the Chnese.Some people mock her humble performance, others laugh at her poor appearance.Maybe the better way is to do yourself and lead a good and quiet life ,as is better than anything others.
these super starts love pubicity stunt
Year,publicity stunt is seen in any entertainment news.We've alresdy been used to such news.And it also has its markets.
In fact ,I don not like a publicty stunt for making box office,because many movies are overhyped.
that this is a publicity stunt to
box office hit.
It must be a publicity stunt that
my favourite actress
has stolen
other's husband.Is it overhyped or to
box office hit? I really can't understand!
Chinese movies like publicity stunt to make the movie a box office hit. Sometimes they make up overhyped lover affairs or gossips of the heroine and hero, which backfires.
chinese film usually choose a publicity stunt, so the film have nothing after watching。I like US film,Hollywood blockbuster.
It's useful
publicity stunt
a box office
they are hyping it up1. It was all a publicity stunt.
2. Everyone saw the stunt you pulled on me.
3. Lack of water will stunt the plant's growth.
1. Would you pull the same stunt with Hinduism?
2. His bisexuality...was attracting sensational publicity. How much...was simply a stunt?
3. The stunt will air live on television around the world.
Much advance publicity was given to the talks.
It was all a publicity stunt.
The film actress's marriage got a lot of publicity.
The case has generated enormous publicity in Brazil.
1.a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution
the packaging of new ideas
2.the quality of being open to public view
the publicity of the court room
1.In public
2.In publicin public areas
3.Iin public
4.In public; publicly
5.Make publicity


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