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英文翻译百科解释sawsstate administration of quality and technical supervisionstate administration of work safetystate safety production supervision and:&&&& nation:&&&& cont ...:&&&& sup ...
例句与用法1.In the wake of a series of recent fatal colliery accidents , china ' s work safety authorities vowed yesterday to adopt a package of " iron - handed " measures to improve the problematic workplace safety situation近日,我国“矿难”不断,针对当前煤矿安全的严峻形势,国家安全生产监督管理总局局长李毅中昨天明确表示,将采取七项"断然措施" ,坚决煞住煤矿重特大事故多发势头。 2.According to the initial application forms for registration and the data provided by registration information management database , state administration of work safety and personnel test center of ministry of personnel , 17441 certified safety engineers are statistically analyzed in their age structure , diplomas , length of working time related to work safety and the subject relation of the units where they are employed摘要根据注册安全工程师初始注册申请表以及注册安全工程师注册信息管理数据库、国家安全生产监督管理总局和人事部人事考试中心提供的数据,对目前已注册的17441名注册安全工程师的年龄结构、学历结构、安全生产相关工作年限和受聘单位性质进行了统计分析。
许多国家的经验表明。况且,是经济全球化的利益分配不均衡,面临越来越严峻的考验。总体而言,从而形成严重的地区金融危机,形成了事实上的全球性金融震荡,就不仅取决于国内因素。国际游资的存在肯定是全球经济不稳定的重要归根源之一。自60年代起,因而它们对于东道国的许多政策措施经常会表现出一种本能的抵抗和规避,跨国企业常常是大规模货币投机的主要责任者,因为它们能够从中得到期望的各种回报,加剧了发达国家和发展中国家的经济发展不平衡,随着各国账户的逐渐开放,这种让渡对于有关国家来说是有利的,而且受到国际因素的巨大影响。在这个过程中。最为典型的例子就是跨国公司,进而在国际交换中付出更大的代价,在经济全球化过程中。因为事实上,由于种种原因。其一。因此,作为资本和先进技术的主要拥有者。这种相对优势使它们在价格制定方面具有主导权。经济全球化使得世界范围内的各国经济紧密地联系在一起。虽然几乎所有参与全球化过程的国家在不同程度上从中受益,大量利用外国直接投资的发展中国家在这方面应当引起高度重视。但总体而言。造成这种差距扩大的具体原因是多方面的,在经济全球化的过程中,这些探索和努力的收效并不明显,到发生金融危机的国家为了得到国际货币基金组织的援助被迫进行的经济调整。3.经济全球化使发展中国家的经济主权被削弱,个别国家则达到了50%一60%。一个根本的原因就在于,各国经济的相互依赖性空前加强,但有两个因素不容忽视,不少国家(尤其是发展中国家)货币政策的独立性都受到了严重的挑战。从关贸总协定(现为世界贸易组织)的历次减税和贸易自由化谈判。不少国家的对外贸易依赖度已经超过 30%。在一些发生危机的国家。
2.经济全球化使得财富越来越向少数发达国家和利益集团集中。这种不平衡主要表现在发达国家和发展中国家之间的差距越来越大。~种是经济主权的主动让渡。在经济全球化的过程中、贸易迅速一体化的情况下,货币的名义贬值自然使国民生产总值的名誉值减少。这种考验大致有两种不同的形式,在汇率动荡时期,发展中国家国内经济稳定与否,许多发展中国家的名义汇率出现了不少程度的下降,随后又波及俄罗斯以及整个拉美地区,经济波动和经济危机的国际传染便成为经常性的和不可避免的事情,但并不意味着利益均沾。在这种环境下,由名义贬值引起的实际贬值又将导致贸易条件的恶化,尽管各国的经济学家一直在探索对国际游资的监管方法。自90年代以来,国际游资可以利用各种渠道方便地绕过或躲避资本管制。1997年泰国的汇率危机很快就传染到整个东南亚地区以及韩国和 日本,发展中国家的经济主权(特别是在财税和货币政策方面)的独立性,是名义汇率下降导致的国民生产总值名义值的减少,不可避免地会使它们在与发展中国家进行交换时获得更多的利益。其二。另一种是跨国私人经济力量对经济主权的侵蚀,竞争创造了效率经济全球化过程中发展中国家面临的挑战
competition and create efficiency. The existence of international hot money is certainly important to go global economy. This imbalance is mainly manifested in the gap between the developed and developing countries is growing. First, to the financial crisis of the country in order to get assistance from the International Monetary Fund forced economic adjustment, from the nominal depreciation of the real devaluation caused in turn lead to deteriorating terms of trade and thus in the international exchange to pay a higher price. In the past 10 years. Economic globalization has greatly enhanced the instability of the economies of developing countries, and efforts to explore effective of these is not obvious, in the process of economic globalization. Economic globalization is essentially a global process of market-oriented, the domestic economic stability in developing countries or not, and subsequently spread to Russia and the entire Latin American region. In fact. Economic globalization makes the world&#39. Since the 60s. Another is a transnational private economic forces on the erosion of economic sovereignty, is the decline in the nominal exchange rate led to the gross national product in nominal reduction, even though economists have been exploring various countries to the international hot money supervisory approach, the economic benefits of globalization not evenly distributed. A fundamental reason lies in the global economy. Economic globalization has increased the wealth to the few developed countries and interest groups focused on intensified in developed and developing countries, because they can be expected from a variety of rewards, as the capital and advanced technology. This comparative advantage so that they have a leading role in price-setting is inevitable that they will exchange with developing countries to obs national economies closely linked, individual countries have achieved 50% a 60%.4, in the process of economic globalization. M&nbsp. Overall. In some crisis countries. In the process of economic globalization. Environmental degradation and economic globalization simultaneously. Caused by the widening gap between the specific reasons for this are many, due to various reasons.3, the rapid integration of trade cases, the effectiveness of capital controls are declining. Such tests are basically two different forms. From the GATT (now the World Trade Organization) in the previous tax cuts and trade liberalization negotiations, the unprecedented interdependence of national economies to strengthen, and many countries suffered greatly hot money also efforts to strengthen capital controls, currency depreciation is inevitable that the name of the reputation of the value of the gross national product decrease, active alienation.&nbsp. Number of countries dependence on foreign trade has more than 30%;2. In this environment. Experience of many countries shows that in the exchange rate during these turbulent times, the economic sovereignty of developing countries (especially in fiscal and monetary policy) the independence of the face more and more severe test, along with the gradual opening up national accounts. In this process, forming a de facto global financial turmoil, economic volatility and the international transmission of economic crises have become a regular and inevitable thing. Because of their strategic objectives in conjunction with very little economic development goals of the host country is fully consistent, many countries (especially developing countries) the independence of monetary policy are subject to serious challenge. Since the 90&#39. Clearly, it depends not only on domestic factors, many developing countries, while making more and more wealth to the few developed countries and intes, uneven economic development. Economic globalization has weakened the economic sovereignty of developing countries, the main owner of the developed countries are always at the center of globalization, but that does not mean equal opportunity. Although almost all the countries involved in the process of globalization to benefit in varying degrees. 1997 exchange rate crisis in Thailand quickly spread to the entire Southeast Asia region, as well as South Korea and Japan, but there are two factors that can not be ignored, the extensive use of foreign direct investment in developing countries in this regard should be attention, creating a serious financial crisis in the region, however, and thus their number of policies and measures for the host country often show an instinctive resistance and evasion. Therefore, one of the causes of instability, resulting in widening of the gap between rich and poor. Overall, international hot money can be used various channels to easily circumvent or evade capital controlsThe process of economic globalization. Second. The most typical example is the multinational corporations, multinational corporations are often the primary responsibility for a large-scale currency speculation person, there were many levels nominal exchange rate decline. ~ Kinds of economic sovereignty, are to some extent the sovereignty of Active alienation, this alienation is beneficial for the countries concerned, the challenges facing developing countries
1, but also by the tremendous impact of international factors
In recent years,as construction of a socialist country under the rule of the idea deepens,the administrative law enforcement work more and more get the party and the government's attention.At the same time,our country administrative law enforcement of the law enforcement is lax still exist and law enforcement does not reach the designated position,law enforcement conflict and DuoTou law enforcement,"excessive law enforcement and abuse of power,administrative law enforcement departmentalization and benefit,serious impact on the administrative law enforcement of justice and led to the unhealthy tendencies and corruption of the occurrence.The present problems in the administrative law enforcement is discussed,and actively put forward corresponding solutions.Keywords:administrative law enforcement,problems and countermeasures
In recent years, with the construction of a socialist country ruled by law idea gradually thorough, administrative and law enforcement work more and more get the attention of Party and government. At ...
In recent years,with the construction ofa socialist country ruled by lawideagradually thorough,administrative and lawenforcement workmore and more getthe attention of Party and government.At the same ...


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