
is your gardening adviser.
Now,just as our
garden are at their most colourful, and most productive time, what do we do?We’ll
go off on holiday. What I suggest you do is this: invite a friend or neighbour
to help you. You can ask him to water the plants in the greenhouse until you
return, but first make sure
that he knows how to do it. What he should not do is throw water over the
leaves of the plants themselves, because if he does that, it will invite
diseases. Also for the same reason, ask him if he can possibly water in the
morning, rather than in the evening.
If you haven’t got a greenhouse, there is
one safe and easy way to keep the plants well when you are away, and this is
how you do it. Place six-inch-deep newspapers in the bottom of the bath. Yes, the
bath! Turn the tap on and keep the water running until the papers are
all wet. Now put the flower pots(花盆)to
stand on the wet paper, go off on holiday, and they should be alive and well
when you return in two weeks’ time.
Thank you for
calling. Goodbye and good gardening!
36. What is the passage about?
&&& A. holiday.&&&&&& B. health.&&&&&&&&& C. bathing.&&&&&&&& D. gardening.
Which advice does the speaker give?
A. Pouring water to prevent diseases
B. Watering the plant in the morning
C. Watering the plants in the evening
D. Throwing water over the leaves of the
37.What is not
the reason the speaker repeats“the bath”?
&&& A. To attract the listeners’ attention
B. To advise the listeners’ to buy
beautiful baths.
C. To make sure the listeners understand
him clearly
D. To remove the listeners’ surprise when
they hear this.
38.& What is the speaker like'?
A. Helpful and patient.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Stubborn and impatient.
C. Modest and imaginative&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Careless and easy-going
【时间: 19:10:44】
The Museum of the Moving Image
This is a museum about films and the cinema. It has examples of the
first cameras and information on old film stars and the history of TV.
Entrance: Adults£8& Children£ 4
Children under 5free
&The Old Town of York
York& is& a&
city& in the north of
England.& It& is three hours by train from London. It's
over two thousand years old. You can still walk round the old city walls
and the old town. Don't miss some interesting museums there.
Entrance fees to the museums are
between£5 and£10 for adults.
&Sea Life Centre
It’s at Plymouth. Special attractions
Include a quiz and hourly feeding
Time for different animals and fish,
Starting at 9:30.The latest attraction
At the centre is a big glass tunnel you can walk through. All
around you, you will see big fish swimming,
Sometimes even over your head.
£3.70 for adults,£2.00 for children,
less for over sixties and school groups.
This theme park is in Windsor near
One of the queen’s castles. You can
Walk round hundreds of models of
Famous places which are made out of Lego. There are also lots of
fun rides.
Entrance is£25and all rides are
Included in the pric
31. Where is York?
A. In the north of England. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B. In Windsor.
C. In the west of London. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. At Plymouth.
32. Mr Smith is
visiting The Museum of the Moving Image with
his wife and their four-year-old son. How much should the pay?
A.£10.&&&&&&&&&& B.£12.&&&&&&&&&&&& C.£16.&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.£25
33. Where will
people probably go if they like fun rides?
A. The Old Town of York &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B. The Museum of the
Moving Image
C. Legoland& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. Sea Life
34. What is the
latest attraction at Sea Life Centre?
A. A quiz show.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Animal and fish
C. Models of famous places.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. A big glass tunnel
【时间: 19:10:44】
Hawaii is a truly beautiful place. Most
people know Hawaii for its lovely beaches. However, Hawaii is also a land full
of legends(传奇). One of
the oldest legends tells of a special dance called the hula, which started here
around 300years ago.
One hula teacher tells the story of how the dance started. “The hula
started, as far as the legend tells it, when Hi’iaki and her good friend Hopoe
went down to the beach. And then, when they were there, they noticed the waves(波浪)…and they imitated the waves. And
then started to use their hands…like showing the waves.That is how the hula
However,not everyone has always liked the hula.In 1820,some religious(宗教的) people from Western countries
came to Hawaii.The visitors were shocked by the hula because the dancers were
not wearing many clothes.So they asked the local government to ban(制止) the dance.
After that,most Hawaiians were not allowed to perform the hula in public
for almost 60 years.But that did not mean the dancing stopping stoped.Many dances
still performed the hula in secret.The dance was always there.
Things have changed.At the moment,people of all ages want to study the
old culture.They want to learn how to dance the hula.As a result,more and more
people are attending halaus. Halaus are special schools that hula in the
traditional way.
Kumano is a hula teacher. For him, the dance is a way to bring the best
of old Hawaii culture to people today. Kumano says that the dance is not really
about the body.He feels that it is more about the mind.He explains this
feelings,”…the hula is more… not so much a physical thing,but more of a mental
thing.For new dances,the dancing
means very little,because for Hawaiians today,many of them don t speak the
Hawaiian language. So,what I try to do is to mind the real thing they see
34.Which of the following has the closest
meaning to the underlined word”imitated”in this passage?”
A.Absorbed& B.Chased.& C.Recorded.&
35.Why was the hula banned for almost 60
A.Because the local government found the movements of the dance were
B.Because the religious visitors thought that the dances did not dress
C.Because the dances realized it was not suitable to perform the dance
in public.
D.Because the Hawaiian people believed the dance was not in fashion any
36.What can we learn from the passage?
A.Hi iaki and her good friend Hopoe got the idea of the dance from
B.The hula had already had a history had a history of over 200 years
when it was banned.
C.Many people attend hulaus because they teach
the hula in a modern way.
D.Kumano thinks that the hula dance is good exercise for people of all
37.How do we understand that Kumano tries
to bring to mind the real thing they today?
A.He tries to help young Hawaiian understand the old culture better.
B.He tries to let new dances feel the beauty of the Hawaiian language.
C.He tries to advise his students to pay more attention to the mind.
D.He tries to show local people that the hula can be different today.
【时间: 19:06:10】
Mr. Jones opened a shop in Aston to sell
writing-paper, pencils and things like that. During the first month, very few
people visited his shop. He sold little,and he could see that he was going to
lose money.
One night,Mr.Jones sat bay the fire and was
worried after another very bad day. Suddenly he got an idea. He found a piece
of wood and wrote to the following notice on it in big letters:
He put up the notice in front of the shop
window before he went to bed. He slept better than usual that night.
The following day, many people came to the
shop. Mr. Jones said good morning to them all with a bright smile and asked the
frist woman what she wanted.
She chose some writing paper and a pencil.
As soon as he out them on her hands, she turned to leaved the shop.
“That will be thirty cents(美分),please,” he said.
“Why?” she asked in surprise.
“That’s the price of the paper and the
“But your notice says it’s free,” she
“Oh no,” he said, “how can I make any money
if everything is
She took him outside and showed him the
notice “It is wrong,too,”she said. “where is the question mark after the world ‘think’?”
“There isn’t a question mark,”he said.
“But there should be one .”
“I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake,”
Mr.Jones said.“You have read my notice in the wrong way.”
“Not at all,” said the woman. “It is quite
easy to read. It
says: What do you think? I give away pencils and paper and ink!”
“No,” Mr.Jones said. “You should read it
like this: &&32& &And the answer to the question is: Certainly
not! So you really have to pay me thirty cents, you see.”
did Mr.Jones most probably fell that night.
Confident. B.Guilty. C.Nervous. D.Worried.
of the following sentences is the most suitble for the blank in the last
A.What do you think?I give away pencils and
paper and ink!
B.What?Do you think I give away pencils and
paper and ink?
C.What do you think I give away?Pencils and
paper and ink.
D.Ink and paper and pencils away give.I think
you do what?
can we infer(推断) from the
A.Mr.Jones agreed to let the shoppers get
things for free that day.
B.People in the town considered Mr.Jones a
smart and honest man.
C.The woman paid the money unwillingly and
left the shop angrily.
D.Mr.Jones s trick proved to be a longtime
success and he got rich.
【时间: 19:06:10】
(2014无锡)阅读理解Climb to the top of the amazing Sydney Harbour Bridge and look down 134 meters at the water below! This 4-hour climbing tour is fantastic! Book your tour now?Tour includes:A certificate to prove your climbed the bridge.&&&&&& A photo of you and your friends on top of the bridge.We also offer you :★ Special clothes to protect you from the strong wind.★ A radio to communicate with the tour leader.
Morning/Afternoon/Night Tours
Lunch /Dinner Tours
From June 1to August 31
Children (10-16)
Children (10-16)
From September 1to November 30
★ Snacks(for lunch and dinner tours only).★ Prices are in Australian dollars★ Children must be with a adult. At must 2 children per adult.★ For more information,email us at .28.This is most probably a(n) &&&&&&.& A.invitation&&&&&&&& B.timetable&&&&&&&&&& C.notice&&&&&&&&&&& D.advertisement29.What can we learn from the article?A.Children can join in the tours alone if they are about 10.B.It can be quite windy sometimes on the top pf the bridge.C.Free snacks are offered to the climbers during the tours.D.It takes at least 4 hours to climb to the top pf the bridge.30.Mr. and Mrs.Johnson are going to take their twin daughters (aged 11) to climb the bridge this Sunday morning(June 22). How much do they pay for the tour?A.$480&&&&&&&&&&&& B.$560&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.$640&&&&&&&&&&&& D.$880
【时间: 19:06:10】
often ride a bike to school? Here’s some advice for you.
Try not to use busy roads. In some cities
there are special pains for bikes only. Use them when you can, but watch out―people
often walk along them. Check the road before starting and look all around.
Also, when you’re with friends on bikes, it’s much safer to ride behind, not
next to, each other. Where one road meets another, you should take even more
care. Slow down and check both roads. Use your eyes and be careful.
Check your bike often. Do all the parts
work properly? Is there enough air in your tyres(轮胎)?
If you have an accident or fall off your
bike, a helmet will protect your head. It must be the right
Size, so ask for help when you buy it.
You must use lights at night, so keep them
clean and check the batteries. Don’ yellow and white are
the easiest colours for drivers to see.
&&A bike isn’t a toy and there should be only
one person on it. Many children have accidents when
they play still games on their bike.
Red traffic lights aren’t only for cars and
buses.They’re for you too if you’re on a bike.You’re also breaking the law if
you go the wrong way up a one-way street.
25-27. Please choose best title for each
A .CAN THEY SEE YOU ?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.LOOK AFTER YOUR BIKE.
【时间: 19:06:10】
(2014恩施州) 阅读理解
How many hours do you spend sitting in a
chair every day? Eight hours in the office and three hours in front of the TV
after work is the normal condition for many people.
probably don't need an expert to tell you that sitting too much is not
good for your health, but the following fact can tell you more.
A study showed the health of 123,000
Americans between 1992 and 2006. The death rate
(比率)for men who spentsix hours or
more per day sltting was about 20 percent higherthan for
who sat for three hours or less. The death rate for women who sat for more出an
six hours aday was about 40 percent higher& ①& .
In other words,& ②& .
So what can we do about it? Health experts
suggest we spend more hours standing instead of sitting.
The BBC and the Universitv of Chester
in& the UK did a snnple experiment with a
small group of 10 volunteers who usually spent mo st of the day sitting. They
were asked to stand for at least three hours a day. The researchers took
records on days when the volunteers stood, and when they sat around. As a
result, there were some great
differences, the BBC reported on Oct 16.
The researchers believe that even small
movements,& like standing while talking
on the phone, going over to talk to a workmate rather than sending an e-mail,
or simply taking the stairs instead of lift, will help.
A. you can sit while you're standing for
B. sitting is killing us
C. than the death rate for women who sat
for three hours or less
①____&&& ②____
In the passage, what do the &great
differences& refer to in English?
If possible, will you stand or sit while calling according to
the passage?
Choose a proper title to the passage.______
A. You can Never Sit&&& &&&B.Always
C.A Survey on Standing&&& D.Stand More or Sit More
【时间: 19:04:09】
(2014恩施州) 阅读理解
&&& If you had a chance to prepare dinner for
your mother, would you choose to make it right now or some day in the future?
Watch the video Paradise (天堂) Dinner by Liu Xiaoyu, a junior
Institute of Communications, and you will find a right answer.
Recently the six-minute film Paradise
Dinner won a great success on the Internet. It told the story of a son who made
a big lunch for his mother, but he can only send the dinner to paradise, because
his mother has been dead.
&If you do not show your filial piety to your mother
right now, you might never have the
in the future, because your mother is growing older and older day by day-this
theme of my film, & said the 21-year-old Liu.
Liu conceived(构想)& the story for Paradise Dinner over his 2010
summer vacation.
One day during that holiday,& Liu found his parents were not young any
more.& & So I decided to write a
story for Paradise Dinner to call for all people, especially young people, to
show more filial piety to their parents,& he said.
With the help of his teachers and his
schoolmates, he found actors, Zhang who played the
and Yuan Zhen who played the son. At last he finished the film.
Many Web users said they liked the film very
much and most of them cried like Liu's parents when they watched it.
From the passage, we know Liu Xiaoyu _____.
A. made a big dinner for his mother&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. made a short video on the
C. has graduated from a university&&&&& &&&&&&&&&D. sent a dinner to paradise himself
What have you known about Liu Xiaoyu's mother?
A. She didn't know the film.
B. She didn't feel moved.
C. She couldn't help crying when she saw
D. She acted the mother in the film.
The underlined words &filial piety&
probably mean ___in Chinese.
A.友善&&& B.同情心&&& C.仁慈心&&& D.孝心
The fifth paragraph mainly tells us _
A. when Liu Xiaoyu wrote the story&&&&&&&& B. Liu Xiaoyu's parents were old
C. why Liu Xiaoyu
wrote the story&&&&&&&&& D. why our
parents should love their children
The writer wrote this article to _
A. encourage p.eople to care more about
their parents
B. introduce a short video
C. think highly of the talent of Liu Xiaoyu
D. show the kind heart of most people
【时间: 19:04:09】
(2014恩施州) 阅读理解
Where to go?
is one of China's top tourist destinations(目的地)where visitors can
explore the beautiful scenery along the attractive Li River and countryside
of Yangshuo as well as the best of Cuilin City.
Days Guilin and Yangshuo& From US $ 394 per adult
Destination:& Guilin (3 nights) , Yangshuo
:& 4 Days& 3 Nights
Tour Type:& Multi-City Tour
Tour Code:& GLCP-3
is full of history and culture. Dujiang Yan, a 2500-year
conservation system that works as well today as it did when it was set
up,& the mystical(神秘的)& temples which housed some of China's great
philosophers and of course the panda, alljust waiting to be explored.
Days Chengdu and Giant Pandas& &From US $415 per adult
Destination: Chengdu (3 Nights)
Duration:&& 4 Days & 3 Nights
Tour Type:& Multi-City Tour
Tour Code:& CDCP-2
& Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet, belongs
to the highest cities
the world at an ajtitude of 3490 meters.
Days Holy Tibet&&&&&& From US $ 848 per adult
Destination: Lhasa (4 Nights)
Duration : 5 Days & 4
Tour Type:& Multi-City Tour
Tour Code:& LSCP-1
. If Ann's parents go on a visit to G.uilin. the tickets will cost them& ______&&
A. $ 830&&&&&&&&&&& B. $ 788&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. $ 1696&&&&&&&&&&&& D. $ 394
Tom is searching for the information about the tour code on the Intemet.& The tour code of
Chengdu is ___
A. CDCP-2&&&&&&&&&& B. CLCP-3&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. LSCP-l&&&&&&&&&&&& D. CDCP-3
Steve is interested in history and culture, he had better go to__according to
instructions above.
A. Lhasa&&&&& &&&&&&&B. CuiLin&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. Chengdu&&&&&&&&& D. Yangshuo
If David goes to Lhasa for a visit, the whole jouney will last _& .
A. 5 Days & 5 Nights &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B.4 Days & 3 Nights
C. 3 Days & 2 Nights &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D.5 Days & 4 Nights
Which of the following is Not true?
A. In Guilin, you can enjoy the best city
B. In Chengdu, anyone can live in the
mystical temples.
C. Lhasa is the capital of Tibet.
D. Dujiang Yan has worked well since it was
【时间: 19:04:09】
&& If your pen broke at school
today,what would you do?You would go to a shop and buy a new one.What if you
could simply
print out a real,working pen with your 3-D printer without leaving your room?
Ten years ago people could only
see 3-D printing in science fiction movies.But now 3-D printing is here and it’s
bringing big changes.
Unlike normal printing that can only copy a 2-D picture with ink.3-D
printing can build almost anything made from material.The printer layers(分层) the material in different shapes
to create the object you want to be copied.
The 3-D printer has been used to make many different things.People have
made cups cars and even an airplane with it.
have been using 3-D printers for several years.People’s nervous systems have
been printed out in 3-D form medical research.Some body parts have been printed
and used in hospital.Several months ago,doctors used a 3-D printer to rebuild
the face of a person who had a bad accident.In the future,it is expected that
the printer will make human organs to save more lives.
However there are drawbacks to the printer.At the moment,printing
can be quite slow and it’s still rather expensive.The average(平均的) price of a household printer is
around $1,700,not including the cost of the materials.
But as the technology
develops,it shouldn’t be long before disadvantages are improved.Only time will
tell where this new technology will take us.
could see 3-D printing in_________ten years ago.
A.large high school&&&&&&&&
B.science fiction movies&&&&
C.digital camera shop
still can’t make a(n)________with a 3-D printer so far
A.airplane&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.face&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.organ
the underlined word “drawbacks” mean?
&& A.不足&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.趋势&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.优点
the following is TRUE?
A.The normal printer can build 3-D objects you mant.
B.No nervous systems are printed out in 3-D form.
C.The 3-D printing can be cheaper and faster in the future
What’s the
best title of the passage?
A.The disadvantages of 3-D printing&&&&&
B.the changes brought by 3-D printing
C.The rapid development of science
【时间: 18:56:55】
Long long ago,there once
lived a God called Ratu in the sky.Ratu was fond of playing games that made
people very angry.One of the games he liked to play best was to fly down into
the sea suddenly to frighten all the fishes.Ratu kept doing that again and
again.And the fishes became very tired of his game.They could do nothing but go
to ask Hemi,the god of the sea,to help them.
So Hemi tried hard to catch
Ratu when he flew into the sea,but every time Hemi was too slow.Ratu laughed
loudly at Hemi as he flew past him each time.This made Hemi quite angry.He
thought hard and then had an idea.He asked the fishes to bring him a lot of
collected all this and tied it together to make a large net.Soon Ratu flew down
again and Hemi threw the net over him.Ratu fought and fought but could not get
free.He was caught.
Ratu promised never to fly
down to frighten the fishes again if Hemi would let him go.It was known to all
that Ratu was not an honest god.So Hemi did not set him free.Instead,he changed
Ratu into a mountain in the sea.Ratu was so angry.When he opened his mouth to
shout at Hemi.fire and smoke broke out.And that is why the Island of Ratu is a
It’s clear
that the passage was a(n)____________.
&& A.ad&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.tale&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.joke
Ratu liked
to fly down into the sea suddenly to make the fishes feel___________.
&& A.excited&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.bored&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.frighten
the seaweed to make a _________to catch Ratu.
&& A.net&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&B.rope&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.net
Hemi didn’t
believe Ratu because__________.
&& A.Ratu was not honest&&&&&&&& B.Hemi hated ratu&&&&&&&& C.the fishes disliked Ratu
The passage
tells us_________.
&& A.when ratu was born&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.how Hemi beat the fishes
C.why the island of Ratu is
a volcano.
【时间: 18:56:55】
&& Raisins(葡萄干) in ice cream,in chocolate
bars,and in cookies...Our favorite snacks cannot be without raisins!
Have you ever thought about
how people get raisins from full and juicy grapes?Dry them in the
sun?well,that’s one way.But people from
Xinjiang have another way.They make the best raisins in China.
People there build many”blockhouses(碉堡)” out of earth near a grape
garden.It;s in these blockhouses that the best raisins are made.
Many”blockhouses”are built
on the hillside.They’re usually three meters tall and are as big as the size of
a classroom.
They are quite different
from the houses we live in.They have lots of holes in the wall.Inside there are
many wooden shelves.
After picking the
grapes,people pout them on the shelves.Because of the hot weather,hot dry wind
gets through the holes in the wall and dries the grapes up.Thirty to forty-five
days later,the fruits will turn into soft,sweet raisins.
In around the year
535,people in Xinjiang started to send raisins as gifts to the emperor.This
means that about 1,500 years ago people there already knew hot to make raisins.
easily find raisins in our favorite snacks.
second paragraph,we know there are two ways to make raisins.
In Xinjiang
people build many “blockhouses”in order to live in.
holes are made in the wall for hot dry wind to get through.
Xinjiang have known how to make raisins for just one thousand
【时间: 18:56:55】
(2014内江) 阅读理解 By the time Rihanna was seventeen ,she had released (发行) her first album and had an international hit with her first single (单曲) Pon de Replay.Rihanna was born in Saint Michael , Barbados in 1988 . She grew up there with her two younger brothers . As a child , she loved singing . She formed her first group with friends from secondary school when she was just fifteen . In 2004 friends introduced the group to American record producer Evan Rogers ,who was on holiday in Barbados . Rogers thought Rihanna could be a star in America,so she moved there aged sixteen to take up music after she finished school. Rihhanna& lived with Rogers and his wife . Then she worked for Def Jam Recordings and started working on her first album , Music of the Sun .It came out at in 2005 and got into the top ten . Over 69,000 copies of the album were sold in the first week alone . It went on to sell over two million copies worldwide and Rihanna quickly became a big star . Her second album , A Girl Like Me&&& ,came out a year later and included the song SOS , which was her first number one hit in America. In 2007 Rihanna brought out her third album , Good Girl Gone Bad ,which had more dance music than the first two albums.Rihanna sold more than fifteen million album and forty - five million singles worldwide between 2005 and 2010 ,the most of any artist at the same time . However ,she manages to find time for her charity work ,too . She has performed in several concerts to raise money for charity and in 2006 she created her Believe Foundation to help sick children . She also took part in Gucci’s activities to raise money for children in Africa.
67.What had Rihanna released before she was seventeen ?
&&&&&& A. An album but no singles.B. A single but not an album .C. An album and at least one single .D. Two album and a single Pon de Replay.68. Why did Rihanna move to America ?A. To try to become a famous singer .B. To form her first music group .C. To meet the record producer Evan Rogers .D. To record her album ,A Girl Like Me ,with the help of Rogers.
69.Which is true about Rihanna’s first album ?
A. It included her first number one hit in the US.B. It sold 69,000 copies in total.C. It made Rihanna a star. D. It came out before she finished school .70. It can be learnt from the text that Rihanna ______.A. Wants to start a charity to help sick children B. Has helped to raise money for African children C. Has organized some concerts to raise money for charity D. Is producing another album for her Believe Foundation
【时间: 19:08:06】
(2014内江) 阅读理解 While we are still children ,most of us live at home with our parents, more or less peacefully . But as we become teenagers , things change ,and we begin to grow apart from our parents . This means we are almost ready to leave the house where we grew up and make a new home of our own .All humans must do this ,but they don’t all do it in the same way . If ,for instance ,you belong to a primitive tribe (原始部落) ,then as you grew up ,you’d learn the skills you needed as an adult---how to catch fish ,how to keep the house and look after children . You would be ready to marry in your early teens and you would build a house and live near your family in the village.This seems a very old way of life , but it is what humans have been used to through hundreds of years. And it is what we are still used to in the 21st century ,for man hasn’t changed in the short time since he became civilized(文明的). But could you leave home and look after yourself during the teen years ? Most people would not do very well . Why ? Because although man hasn’t changed very much , the society he lives in has changed greatly ,which means that we have to learn more and more before we are ready to leave our parents’ shelter( 居所 ) and live alone . However ,sometimes it is very frustrating to live at parents’ home . Parents can be very upset about late nights ,criticizing friends and always saying that we are noisy and dirty . But we still need our emotional (情感的) shelter till we finish our studies , and that is why we usually stay in our parents’ home until we feel grown up enough to deal with living alone .
63.When does the relationship with parents start changing ?
&&&&&& A. When we are children .&&&&&&&&&&&& B. When we become teenagers .C. When we are alone .&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. When we get married .64. For most teenagers of the& 21st century ,making a new home of their own may be ________.A. difficult&&&&&&&&& B. unimportant&&&&&&&&& C. impossible&&&&& D. quite easy
65.Why must we know more to be able to live alone ?
&A. Because we are becoming less talented .B. Because our society has changed a lot .[来源:17教育网]C. Because not enough is taught in our schools. D. Because man has never really been civilized.66. From the passage ,we know living at parents’ home when we become teenagers _______ .A. is always pleasant&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&B. must be very excitingC. makes us feel lonely&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. may be annoying
【时间: 19:08:06】
(2014内江) 阅读理解 Droughts (干旱)are common in Kenya . Before ,they came every 10 years ,but now they seem to be hitting us more often and for a longer time .We gave the droughts names :“longoza”was the drought whe there was the drought of the “planes” because food was dropped fr and one particularly bad drought was called “ man who dies with his money in his fist (拳头)”,because ,even if there was money , there was simply no food to buy .I was born in 1951 in Machakos. From what my mother tells me , when I was 7, there was a serious drought . I clearly remember the terrible weather and the hunger. I can’t tell you how many times I went to bed without eating . “ I slept like that ,” is how we described it . I can’t count the number of days when “ I slept like that,” or describe the feeling of going to sleep hungry ,knowing I’d wake up and there would still be no food for breakfast.My father would leave early in the morning carrying a little basket to ask for food on credit (赊欠). Each night he would return home around 10:00p.m. My mother would try to encourage me by telling me to keep the water in our pot boiling so that when my father arrived we could quickly cook any food he brought in the already prepared water . I would keep the fire burning and the water boiling , along with the hopes that we would eat that night. But my father would arrive frustrated and empty -handed. And I would sleep like that.
59.The best title for the text is ________.
A. A Hungry Childhood Caused by DroughtsB. Food and HungerC. Protecting the EnvironmentD. Droughts and Their Names60. What does the drought of the “ longoza”refer to (指代)?A. Many animals needed food dropped by planes.B. People had to eat animals because of hunger.C. Many animals died because of the droughts.D. People died of hunger even if they had money .61. Why would the author keep the fire burning and the water boiling?[来源:17教育网]A. To wait for her father to come back to have supper .B. To cook the food that her father would bring back .C. To keep her house warm all night .D. To make her hungry mother happy.62. The sentence “I slept like that ” means “ ________ .”A. I was disappointed when my father came back empty-handedB. I felt sorry because my family got hungry again C. I went to sleep with no food for breakfast.D. I went to bed with nothing to eat
【时间: 19:08:06】
(2014内江) 阅读理解 Children laugh often and easily . But as we grow up , we laugh less and feel more stressed. Try laughing for no reason at all . That’s how thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world , and doctors now think that having a good laugh may be one of the best ways to stay healthy. The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai ,India ,in& June,1995 by Dr Madam Kataria. “ Young children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day , ”says Dr Kataria . “Everyone’s naturally good at laughing . We want people to feel happy with their lives .” There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 worldwide.Place : 264 North Main Street , East Longmeadow. We’re in an office building near the entrance . Walk&&&&&&&&&&&&& down the hall and we’re on the right .When : Every Sunday afternoon from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.Cost : Free. Donation will be welcomed. Ages : Adults from 18 to 75.Parking (停车):If you’re facing the building ,the car park is on the right of the building .Teacher : Robert Rivest.More information ,go to http:// www. .If you want to feel like a kid again ,try our Laughter Club . You will get used to it in five minutes and begin to laugh for real in ten minutes and sometimes you just can’t stop! You’ll experience deeper pleasure in half an hour. You’ll meet other people who want more fun and laughter. And you will feel so relaxed in about one hour !Come and join us for laughter and a fun social experience!
55.The text is a ______ .
&&A. note&&&&&&&&&&& B. report&&&&&&&& C. story&&&&&&&&&& D. poster 56. How soon will you start laughing in the Laughter Club ?A. In five minutes.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. In ten minutes.C. In half an hour.&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&D. In about one hour.
57.The main purpose of Paragraph 1 is to ________.
A. tell people where the first Laughter Club isB. explain how laugh makes people stay healthy C. show Laughter Clubs are popular in the world&& D. describe the reason why children laugh often and easily 58. Which of the following is true ?A. When you go out of the Laughter Club ,you should turn left for the car park .B. You may stay in the Laughter Club for more than one hour.C. Children can go to the Laughter Club with their parents.D. You have to donate to join the Laughter Club .
【时间: 19:08:06】
(2014内江) 阅读理解
Everyday is afraid of something.
Tommy, 11, is afraid of the dark. Rachel ,11, is most afraid of the big
jellyfish (水母)in
Australia. Morgan, 9 ,wishes she would stop being afraid to ride a bike on busy
What’s fear ? Fear is a feeling that everyone has, and that’s a good
thing because fear is there to protect us . When the fear comes ,it& means we may meet something dangerous.
the fear of dark , a kid could have much imagination .What’s under my bed ? Is
there someone breaking into (闯入)my house ? With the help of a parent , kids can get more comfortable
in the dark. Using a night light to see that there’s nothing there can
also help fight that fear.
other fears ,we needn’t fight . If you’re afraid to ride your bike on a busy
street ,you’re right ! You should be afraid because it’s dangerous. There’s no
need to fight a fear like that . Find a better place to ride.
also ok for Rachel to be afraid of the big jellyfish because it’s really
dangerous . But it lives only in some waters. So when she’s not swimming in one
of them ,there should be no worries about the big jellyfish.
Here is some advice about fighting fears from kids.
Monique,10, says when you are scared, just think about happy times .
Eight-year-old Jessica finds that taking a deep breath helps when you’re
scared. Amanda ,10, thinks kids should talk with a parent . Dustin ,11, likes
to talk with a group of friends.
What is Rachel afraid of ?
A. The dark .&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
B. Talking with others.
C. The bing jellyfish.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
D. Riding a bike on busy streets.
In Paragraph 4, the writer gives ________ way(s) of helping kids fight the fear
A. one&&&&&&&&&&& B. two &&&&&&&&&&C. three&&&&&&&&&&& D. four
According to the writer , ________ needs to fight his/her fear.
A. Tommy&&&&&&&& B. Rachel&&&&&&& C. Morgan&&&&&&&&& D. Dustin
Which piece of advice is not mentioned about fighting fears ?
A. Talking with others .&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
B. Taking a deep breath .
C. Thinking about happy times .&&&&&&&&&
D. Regarding fears as challenges.
【时间: 19:08:06】
(2014乐山)阅读理解 What should you take in with you when you take an exam? Pen, pencil, eraser, ruler…, and don’t forget a bottle of water!According to a study at the British Psychological ( 心理学的) Society Annual Conference held in London, students who bring water into exams may improve their grades by up to 10percent.Scientists at the University of East London and the University of Westminster, UK, did a study on 447 students. The students were studying for different degrees (学历) at the University of East London. Only 25 percent of them entered the exam hall with something to drink.Scientists then compared their exam results with their normal schoolwork grades. They found that all those who had brought drinks with them got better grades by between 2 and 10 percent.It is unclear why drinking water improves exam results. But scientists say having enough water in our bodies and not feeling thirsty could have a helpful effect on our brains. Drinking water may also cut down on anxiety ( 焦虑), which has a bad effect on exam performances, according to Chris Pawson, PhD, of the University of East London.“Whatever the explanation, it is clear that students should try hard to stay hydrated (含水的)with water during exams,” he said.So next time, when you are going to have a big exam, try bringing a bottle of water with you.Who knows C it may help you pass the exam!(&&& )61. How much may the students improve their grades most if they bring water into exams?& A. By 2%. B. By 8%. C. By 10%. D. By 25%.(&&& )62. How many students in the study got better grades?A. About 112 students who brought drinks or water into their exams.B. All the 447 students who come from the University of East London.C. About 300 students who took part in the study.D. About 10 percent of the students who studied different subjects.(&&& )63. The underlined phrase “cut down on” probably means _______.A. increase B. bring C. reduce D. change(&&& )64. According to the passage, how does water help students in exams?a. It is good for their brains.b. It makes students smarter.c. It helps students stay cool.d. It helps students stay awake.A. a b B. a c C. b c D. c d(&&& )65. Where can you probably read the article?A. Fashion magazine. B. Text book. C. Travel guide. D. Newspaper.
【时间: 19:06:26】
Usually, students are not encouraged to run or jump
around in the corridor (走廊).
However,students in a British grammar school really enjoy running on the
corridor tiles (瓷砖) and their teachers even encourage them to do that.
Why? It is because the corridor was built with special
kinetic (动能的) tiles. When students jump on the tiles, electricity
will be generated ( 产生). After one year, the
electricity generated from the tiles can fully charge 853 mobile phones or
power(供电) an electric car to drive seven miles. It’s amazing,
isn’t it?
The corridor tiles are really a brilliant invention. Students
not only play on the corridor,but also help power the lights in their school
corridors and other devices ( 设备) in
their& classrooms. Besides, this is a
good way to teach students to be creative. They will be inspired to be
scientists, inventors and engineers in the future to find clean energy for all
The inventor of the magic corridor tiles is Laurence
Kemball-Cook. He was once a student in this school. Now, he is CEO of his own
company. The corridor tiles are not Laurence’s only invention. He has also
invented a special dance floor, which can be used at music festivals. It allows
dancers to charge their mobile phones while they are dancing on the dance
(&&& )56. Why do
the students in the passage enjoy running on the corridor tiles?
A. Because the corridor tiles are expensive.
B. Because the teachers ask them to do that.
C. Because the corridor was built with special tiles.
(&&& )57. After one
year, the electricity generated from the tiles can provide enough energy for
A. over 800 mobile phones
B. all the lights of the school
C. an electric car to drive 70 miles
(&&& )58. The
underlined word “inspired” most probably means “ _________”.
A. encouraged B. forced C. trained
(&&& )59. What else
has Laurence invented besides the corridor tiles from the passage?
A. A mobile phone. B. A music player. C. A special dance
(&&& )60. According
to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Students are not allowed to walk in the corridor.
B. Laurence once studied in the British grammar school.
C. Laurence has more than one company of his own.
【时间: 19:06:26】
Monty Robert’s father was a horse trainer. As a child,
Monty often went from one farm to another with his father. Sometimes they
didn’t have enough money to pay for food, but Monty still
kept hoping to own a horse farm.
When he was in school, his teacher asked him to write a
paper about his dream. He wrote a seven-page paper. He wanted to have a horse
farm one day. He even drew a picture of a horse farm in the paper.
The next day he handed it in to
his teacher. Two days later, he got his paper back. On the front page was a
large red “F” with the words “See me after class”. So the boy did and asked his
teacher:“Why did I get an F?” The teacher said: “This dream will not come true
for a young boy like you.You need a lot of money to own a horse farm. You have
to buy the land. You have to pay for a lot of things. There is no way you could
ever do it.” Then the teacher added: “If you write this paper
again with a simpler dream, I will
give you a good grade.”
After school he thought hard about it. At last, he
decided to hand in the same paper, making no changes at all. He wrote: “You can
keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.”
Many years later, Monty had his own large horse farm. His
dream came true.
So don’t let anyone take away your dreams. Follow your
dreams, no matter what they are.
(&&& )51. From
Paragraph 1, we learn that _______.
A. Monty’s family was poor
B. Monty’s father didn’t support him[来源:17教育网]
C. Monty hoped to be a horse trainer
(&&& )52. What did
his teacher ask him to do when he was in school?
A. To write a seven-page paper.
B. To draw a picture about his dream.
C. To write a paper about his dream.
(&&& )53. What was
Monty’s attitude (态度) towards his paper?
A. Careless. B. Serious. C. Funny.
(&&& )54. Monty’s
teacher gave him a red “F” because he thought ______.
A. Monty’s handwriting was too bad
B. Monty copied from another student
C. Monty’s dream was too hard for him to achieve
(&&& )55. What does
the story want to tell us?
A. Follow a simple dream.
B. Never give up your dream.
C. Don’t take away others’ dreams.
【时间: 19:06:26】
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