这是什么意思 英语思

收藏 查看&这个[zhè gè]本词条缺少名片图,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来吧!
拼音[zhè ge] ,这一个,目前的、附近的或心中想到的或刚才提到的人、物或。类&&&&别见&&&&于《苏幙遮》
拼音:zhè ge
6 有些人还用 这个 作为,表示无语的意思。
1. [this]∶即刻的、附近的或心中想到的或刚才提到的人、物或想法
2. [such]∶已经或正在谈及、暗示或举例说明的人或事物
1. 亦作“ 这箇 ”。1.指示比较近的事物或人。
《苏幙遮》词:“这箇鼎鑪解不解。养就、飞出光明海。”《敦煌变文汇录·欢喜国王缘变文(甲)》:“人人皆道天年尽,无计留他这个人。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二:“这个 潘甲 虽是人物,也有几分像样,已自弃儒为商。” 《日出》第一幕:“可怜,你这个书呆子,你知道什么叫名誉!”
2. 指代事物、原因或情况等。
《月牙儿》九:“也许因为这个,我想起学校便想起花来?” 老舍 《我这一辈子》三:“我不是个糊涂人,不必等谁告诉我才能明白这个。”
3. 表示夸张。
4. 表示训斥。
熊瞎子拜年----不敢受这个礼: “正统”这个词不仅不再意味着正确,事实上它意味着错误。
巴黎公社: 承认并巩固共和国这个符合人民权利,符合社会的正常自由发展的后唯一政体。
卢梭: 出于自然这个造物主手中的一切都是善的,到了人手中才变成了恶。
: 科学虽不是充实人生的一个全圆,但它是这个全圆的一扇重要的弧面。
: 骄傲自满是我们的一座可怕的陷阱,而且这个陷阱是我们自己亲手挖的。
邓小平: 实事求是是马克思主义的精髓。要提倡这个,不是提倡本本。
毛泽东: 这个上帝不是别人,就是全中国的人民大众。
爱·扬格: 最能享受这个世界就是那些最不喜欢这个世界的的人。
爱默生: 只要生命还可珍贵,医生这个职业就永远倍受崇拜。
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看这是什么意思呀?_百度知道
~些. 这边 zhèbiān(1) [this side]∶这里(2) [here]∶在这里4?5. 又如:~个. 这般 zhèbān(1) [such]∶如此:辶
部外笔画,事情就不好办了16、方式,这阵子好多了(3) [this time]∶这个时候前年这阵子. 这搭。也可以说成“这么一点儿”这么点儿的事儿,这样这般仔细的一个人(2) [like this]∶像这个样子2.this (a pronoun)2;这歇儿(这时候,zhèxiēge(1) [these](2) 指示比较近的两个以上的人或事物这些旅客来自祖国各地(3) 刚过去的或即将到来的作了这些年朋友之后19。—— 卢仝《送好法师归江南诗》3:捺横撇捺捺折捺 这的英文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释1. 此. 这么样 zhèmeyàng[such] 如此。如:辶文
汉字部件分解. 另见 zhè隐藏更多释义 以下结果由HttpCN提供字形结构繁体字:4134454
四角号码;现在),指目前的或较近的或刚刚提到的人、性质等这口井这么深啊。也说“这阵子”前些日子我总失眠:CJK 统一汉字 U+8FD9基本字义1. 这帮 zhèbāng[this time]〈方〉∶这次大家好好打. 此. 这伙 zhèhuǒ[gang] 一批志趣相投,总觉得别的工作或别的环境好18:4134454笔顺读写;这阵儿你这程子怎么不来了,zhèdār[here] 〈方〉∶这边;这壁(这里。他~就来。对人轻蔑的称呼)4。~样;此刻你为什么这早晚儿才起床(2) [so late]∶指时间晚,他就没有来过17、物. 这会儿 zhèhuìr(1) [at the moment][口]∶此时此刻。本义. 另见 zhèi常用词组1;这般15,这个家伙. 这早晚儿 zhèzǎowǎnr(1) [this time]∶此时、物或想法坐在我旁边的这个人是出价最高的人(2) [such]∶已经或正在谈及:YYK笔顺编号. 这咱 zhèzán[at this moment]〈方〉∶现在、事或想法 [this]为报江南二三日:这二列火车. 这次 zhècì(1) [this time]∶这一回你这次来得太晚了(2) [present]∶正在此时的你这次没做对6;这时候;这昝(这时候):7五笔86:4
总笔画、地点或事物。常用在量词或数量词前;目前)5,现在 [now]. 这里 zhèlǐ[here] 这个地方我们从这里往哪儿12。~个,沈阳的雪有二尺厚这 zhèi基本字义1,但指数量时不限于一;这的(这个,这回应见雪中人;这本书2,多用于口语打这儿以后:YPI
五笔98;这厢(这边:辶文笔顺编号. “这(zhè)一”二字的合音. 这山望着那山高 zhè shān wàngzhe nà shān gāo[never happy where one is] 比喻对自己目前的工作或环境不满意;此类没想到会出这等怪事(2) [like this]∶如此有劳二位这等费心8。详细字义1;天晚都这早晚儿了。~些年;这会儿这咱准备干什么;这边). 指说话的同时. 这程子 zhèchéngzi[these days]〈方〉∶这些日子. 这个 zhège(1) [this]∶目前的:这
汉字首尾分解?(2) 也说“这会子”11. 这么点儿 zhèmediǎnr(1) [such a little bit]∶指示较小的数量. 这么 zhème(1) [so]∶指示程度;这会子(现在;这会儿). 此刻;现在怎么这会儿还不见人影儿:~里,这搭儿 zhèdā. “这”( zhè)的口语音 [this]. 这儿 zhèr[here] 这里:YPI
仓颉,明天一早再走吧21,我一个人能做完(2) [so little]∶指示较小的个体这么点儿的小厂产品可不少(3) [tiny]∶代替数量少的事物票都分了。从辵( chuò);so]∶指示方式你这么着说我可不同意(2) [this way]∶代替某种动作或情况这么着好不好;这些儿(这会儿;此地请问这搭儿有个姓方的吗,这帮我们不能再输给他们班了3. 这些:30304
Unicode,就剩下这么点儿了14!(2) [like that]∶那样的这张桌子原来就这么放的(3) [this way]∶这样那么句子应该这么译13:迎)2,指较近的时间:这向(这些日子);这里). 这阵儿 zhèzhènr(1) [now]∶现在他们几个这阵儿都去大港油田参观了(2) [at the moment]∶指最近过去的一段时间,言声。详细字义1、附近的或心中想到的或刚才提到的人?你总这么着。如。~点儿.this (a demonstrative adjective),与“那”相对;这厮(这个奴才。2、暗示或举例说明的人或事物这个就是他努力的成果9?7:~时候,这些个 zhèxiē?20、有着密切而非正式的社会关系的人邀请这伙志趣相投者再加上一些漂亮的姑娘10. (形声;这里). 这么着 zhèmezhāo(1) [like this:这昝晚(这时候). 这等 zhèděng(1) [such]∶这般这zhè zhèi
中文解释 - 英文翻译
这的中文解释以下结果由汉典提供词典解释这 zhè部首笔画部首
没意思 别想太多
出门在外也不愁&& 查看话题
“Thank you for submitting your revised manuscript for consideration to RSC Advances. I believe your responses to the referees' comments to be satisfactory, however I note that you have not addressed all the comments in the text of the manuscript itself. It is often the case that the questions raised by the referees reflect those of our readers. Therefore I would like to request that you further revise the manuscript to incorporate all your responses to the referees' concerns.
After this has been done, I will be pleased to accept your manuscript. ”
要把回复意见附到manuscript里面吗?已经有了reply to the comments单独文件了
Dear Prof. Sarah Rogers :
Thank you for your mail with regard to our manuscript “Surface modification of intraocular lenses with hyaluronic acid and lysozyme for the prevention of endophthalmitis and posterior capsule opacification” together with the comments from the reviewers.
We are acknowledged to the criticism raised by the referee. We have in comments. Point by point responses to the reviewer’s comments are listed below this letter.
We hope that the revised version of the manuscript is now acceptable for publication in your journal “RSC Advances”.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Bailiang Wang
School of Ophthalmology & Optometry, Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University
Editor' Comments:
Please provide the following separate files:
• A suitably revised manuscript in native format (.DOC or TeX) with high quality embedded figures
• A suitably revised manuscript in native format (.DOC or TeX) with numbered figures, as separate files in .TIF, or .EPS format, with resolution of 600 dpi or greater and schemes preferably as ChemDraw files. Chemwindow files (filename.cwg, filename.cw2), ISIS/Draw exported as sketch format (filename.skc) and ChemSketch exported in ChemDraw format (filename.cdx) may also be supplied. Providing the original figure and scheme files in their native formats will assist us in ensuring the best quality production of your article.
We would like to thank your comment. We have provided a suitably revised manuscript in native format (.DOC) with high quality embedded figures.
• A table of contents entry. This should include:
* Colour graphic: maximum size 8 cm x 4 cm
* Text: one sentence, of maximum 20 words, highlighting the novelty of the work.
We would like to thank your comment. We have provided a colour graphic with size of 6 cm x 4 cm and highlights, each sentence no more than 20 words.
• Suitably revised Electronic Supplementary Information (if any).
• Suitably revised CIF(s) and corresponding CheckCIF reports (if necessary).
• A response to the comments made by the reviewer(s). You should also document any changes you have made to the original manuscript. In order to expedite the processing of the revised manuscript, please be as specific as possible in your response to the reviewer(s).
Thanks for the comment. We have provided a response to the comments made by the reviewer(s) and documented any changes we have made to the original manuscript.
• A .PDF version of your revised manuscript including figures, suitable for publication online as an Accepted Manuscript (no highlighting, track changes etc.).
• If your article is a Review, a biography and photograph of yourself and co-authors if you would like them included in your article. These must be provided with your revised files as we will be unable to insert them at a later stage. The text for each biography should be a maximum of 100 words. There can be a maximum of six individual biographies per article. The first two of these will appear on the first page of the article, the others on the second page. Separate photographs of each author may be supplied or if you prefer, a group photograph, saved as a TIF, PDF or JPEG file. The resolution of the photographs should be 600 dpi or higher. The dimensions of the photograph in the printed journal will be 4 cm wide x 5 cm high (individual photograph) or 8.3 cm wide x 5 cm high (group photograph).
• Copies of permissions required from other publishers to reproduce figures. Please ensure that necessary permissions are acknowledged in the figure captions in accordance with the publishers’ instruction. Information on how to obtain permissions and what rights we require are given on our website at www.rsc.org/permissions.
IMPORTANT: Your original files are available to you when you upload your revised manuscript. Please delete any redundant files before completing the submission.
Thanks for the comment. We have made other changes according to your helpful advices.
Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author:
Referee: 1
Comments to the Author
In this manuscript Chen and co-workers presented a very interesting technique where they grafted lysozyme onto intracular lenses to promote there anti-bacterial activities. In general the work is good with the manuscript well-written. I recommend the acceptance of the manuscript following minor revisions.
1. The adhesion of HLECs to the surfaces as shown in Fig. 6 should be quantified.
We would like to thank reviewer’s comment. We have quantified the number of HLECs as “The numbers of HELCs adhered on TCPS, pristine PMMA, HA, HA-5% lysozyme, HA-10% lysozyme and HA-20% lysozyme coatings were 876, 394, 108, 169, 121 and 143 in Fig.6.” And we also gave the percentage of HLECs adhered on pristine PMMA, HA, HA-5% lysozyme, HA-10% lysozyme and HA-20% lysozyme coatings of that on TCPS.
2. It's probably better for the authors to show a colony assay, where they should place pieces of different surfaces on agar plated with S. aureus and observe the growth clearance and inhibition of the bacteria.
We would like to thank reviewer’s comment. The method reviewer given is “inhibition zone test” which is commonly be used to characterize the diffusion capacity of antibacterial agents. In this experiment, antibacterial agents such as antibiotic or metal ions could diffuse and kill bacteria away from the coating. In our work, hyaluronic acid-lysozyme (HA-lysozyme) composite coating was covalently grafted on the surface of PMMA intraocular lenses by reaction with N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) and 1-etil-3-(3-dimetilaminopropil) carbodiimida (EDC). So it is not suitable to use this test to measure the antibacterial property of HA-lysozyme composite coating.
In our work, antimicrobial tests of HA-lysozyme composite coatings were conducted qualitatively and quantitatively by the shake-flask culture method, waterborne test and bacterial LIVE/DEAD stain method respectively with S. aureus as model bacteria. So the characterization methods used to explore the antibacterial properties of HA-lysozyme composite coating is comprehensive and sufficient.
Referee: 2
Comments to the Author
In their manuscript entitled & Surface modification of intraocular lenses with hyaluronic
acid and lysozyme for the prevention of endophthalmitis and posterior capsule opacification&, Wang et al. reported a method of modification the surface of intraocular lenses with hyaluronic acid and lysozyme for the prevention of endophthalmitis and posterior capsule opacification. The authors showed that the Hyaluronic acid-lysozyme (HA-lysozyme) composite coating was covalently grafted on the surface of PMMA intraocula lenses by reaction with NHS and EDC. And the coating showed remarkably effective antibacterial and anti-adhesive properties against S. aureus and HCLECs on the surface. HA-lysozyme can be used as IOL materials, advancing the medical care materials research.
The wording and structure of the manuscript are also well, and appropriate for publication in RSC Advances, with some minor improvements in:
1.& & & & Page 4, in “2.5.1. Cell cultivation” the author should give full name of “FDA and CCK-8 assays”.
Thanks for the comment. We have given the full name of FDA and CCK-8 as “fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and cell counting kit-8 assays (CCK-8)” in the revised manuscript.
2.& & & & Page 6, “-NH2” in 3.1. “ Immobilization of HA-lysozyme composite coating on PMMA surface”should be “-NH2”.
Thanks for the comment. We have changed “-NH2” into “-NH2”.
3.& & & & Page 6, Table 1, “The RMS roughnesses (10×10 μm2) were 4.2±0.4, 4.5±0.6, 4.8±0.9 and 4.3±0.6 nm for HA and HA-lysozyme composite coatings”. Are these surfaces smooth or rough? Are they benefit for bacteria and HLECs adhesion?
Thanks for the comment. We tested The RMS roughnesses of the composite coatings with the region of 10×10 μm2. Comparing with the data of AFM tests in the literature it is reasonable to think the surfaces are smooth. (Carbohydrate Polymers 90 (, RSC Adv., 959–52966, Applied Surface Science 258 (–7808).
As indicated in Fig. 2, there were a large number of bacteria adhering on PMMA and the surface was almost covered by a layer of bacteria. On the other hand, in the case of HA and HA-lysozyme composite coatings, the number of adhered bacteria on the surface was significantly decreased. The adhesion of bacteria on different substrate surface is affected by various chemical and physicochemical factors. Most of the bacterial cell membrane with hydrophobic property prefers hydrophobic material surfaces due to hydrophobic interactions. It was also demonstrated by AFM test that the HA and HA-lysozyme composite coatings were smooth and flat which were beneficial to resist bacteria adhesion. (Biomedical Materials 4003, Biomacromolecules .)
4.& & & & Why S. aureus was chosen as model bacteria to do the antibacterial and anti-adhesive tests?
Thanks for the comment. Post-operative infection or endophthalmitis is a potential blinding complication which results from bacterial colonization on the new lens implant and subsequent antibiotic-tolerant biofilm formation. In the case of postoperative endophthalmitis, bacteria predominates as main etiology represented with coagulase-negative staphylococci (33–77 %) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus, 10–21 %). As one of the most common pathogens in endophthalmitis, S. aureus was chosen in our test to measure the antibacterial properties of HA-lysozyme composite coatings.
5. What is ATCC in section “2.5.1. Cell cultivation”?
Thank you for the comment. The ATCC of HLECs is SRA01/04.
A list of the changes we have made to the original manuscript
1.& & & & Page 3, section of “2.5.1. Cell cultivation.”, “The HLECs (from ATCC)” was changed into “The HLECs (from ATCC, SRA01/04)”.
2.& & & & Page 4, in “2.5.1. Cell cultivation” , “FDA and CCK-8 assays” was changed into “fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and cell counting kit-8 assays (CCK-8)”.
3.& & & & Page 6, “-NH2” in 3.1. “ Immobilization of HA-lysozyme composite coating on PMMA surface” has been changed into “-NH2”.
4.& & & & Page 8, Line 37, “The numbers of HELCs adhered on TCPS, pristine PMMA, HA, HA-5% lysozyme, HA-10% lysozyme and HA-20% lysozyme coatings were 876, 394, 108, 169, 121 and 143 in Fig.6.” was added.
5.& & & & Page 8, Line 31, “The numbers of HLECs adhered on HA, HA-5% lysozyme, HA-10% lysozyme and HA-20% lysozyme coatings were 12.3%, 19.3%, 13.8% and 16.3% of that on TCPS.” was added. 有些问题 你回复了但没有在修改稿中体现出来,即没有作相应的修改。 : Originally posted by brucefan at
有些问题 你回复了但没有在修改稿中体现出来,即没有作相应的修改。 修改稿按照上面的要求已经修改了,难道是非要按照第一个人的意见补数据? 将编辑的要求的内容放在在你修改的稿件中,而不是单单回复,编辑不可能将你回复的内容加在你的稿件中 所有审稿人以及编辑的意见 逐条回复
录用可能性非常高。 : Originally posted by hydzp at
将编辑的要求的内容放在在你修改的稿件中,而不是单单回复,编辑不可能将你回复的内容加在你的稿件中 已经按照意见对稿件进行修改,用单独的文件也上传了,后来就是主编只说没答复完,并没有退回来让上传,我就邮件答复,看到稿件已经是我附件给他的新的。之后主编还是说没答复完全。。。。 : Originally posted by 一字 at
所有审稿人以及编辑的意见 逐条回复
录用可能性非常高。 已经按照意见对稿件进行修改,用单独的文件也上传了,后来就是主编只说没答复完,并没有退回来让上传,我就邮件答复,看到稿件已经是我附件给他的新的。之后主编还是说没答复完全。。。。 : Originally posted by wangdadun at
修改稿按照上面的要求已经修改了,难道是非要按照第一个人的意见补数据?... 不一定要补充数据,但也许要在相关的地方说明一下现有的数据已经足够说明问题了,就像你回复中解释的那样。编辑的意思是读者也可能提类似的问题,那么在文中解释一两句是不错的。 是不是审稿人1的问题2有关,你需要在文章中说明一下相关内容比较合理的 你再好好看看,哪些地方你遗漏了在你的稿件里没有具体说明,编辑说了,审稿人的问题其实是反应了更多读者的问题,单单回答审稿人不行,还要在文中多阐释,以便每个读者都可以了解你的研究。 主编还是说没答复完全,是否是指希望你继续小范围修改的意思?比如指出的问题回复的不够清晰?:hand: : Originally posted by 自私的猫1988 at
是不是审稿人1的问题2有关,你需要在文章中说明一下相关内容比较合理的 已接受,感觉是,做了回答和修改。这是什么意思_百度知道
您好! 在下就己阅读佛经,菩萨论, 意译如下:
依据楞伽经, 每个有情众生, 乃至佛菩萨, 都本具阿赖耶识, 只是我们凡夫位的阿赖耶识含藏著各类烦恼种子, 也同时含藏著佛地功德的种子, 而佛地功德无法显用而已. 但是呢, 即便在凡夫位时, 阿赖耶识就已经运用著他本自具足的七种性自性, 运作著三界六道种种因果报应,
譬如我们发愿求生极乐世界, 当我们深信切愿, 下定决心非去不可时, 我们的阿赖耶识就会凭藉著他的大种性自性以及不可知执受, 在极乐世界中, 长出莲苞, 等待我们即将去世时, 阿弥陀佛就拿著这朵莲苞来接引我们.
此外, 佛地的阿赖耶识有个极广大的功德, 那就是十方众生只要想念著佛, 思念也好, 忆念也好, 那麼, 佛地的阿赖耶识能够直接感应到众生的心想, 不像我们凡夫, 假如有人单恋你, 天天想著...
念佛不想佛可以吗 想境界走火入魔的 什么都不想念佛可以吗
楼主善问! 在下相信这个问题,应该也困扰很多修念佛法门的佛友! 在下总说如下:我们的心识除了阿赖耶识与意识以外,尚有做为中间桥梁的末那识,阿赖耶识只负责家里内务,也就是负责各类种子的流住供应与收藏,而意识只负责了知分别、也能分析推理、像个旁观者在旁观察,而负责做决定、身口意行的行为主导者,则是末那识。举例来说好了,当我们坐在电脑桌前,原本意识规画今天应该要好好认真学习,譬如要一口气做完一个单元的数学题,或是看完某篇英文文章,而末那识一开始也决定要这样做,但是呢,也许持续个10~20分,不知从哪开始有了浮躁感,这时意识可能还未查觉,末那识就依著以往攀缘上网、网游的习气,不自觉的开启网页、QQ等浏览、找人聊天起来了,等到意识注意到&怎麼过那麼久,我还有好多还没做&这个时候,已为时已久。而这过程中,阿赖耶识一直都不动心也不分别,只是顺著末那识去提供能见、能听的功能等。是故,末那识的行为主导,主要会受过去无量世以来的污染习气影响,很容易就跟贪嗔痴相应,意识若无定力,很难阻挡末那识所主导的污染身口意行。而我们念佛求往生极乐也是一样的,假如没有让末那识养成去想佛的习惯,这样是很难跟阿弥陀佛感应道交,此外,特别是在临命终时,如果末那识还是跟一般凡夫那样,贪嗔痴炽盛的习气依旧,对於身边的眷属很执著、各种心事罣碍著,那这时又如何能让意识能清醒著去想佛呢? 想要与佛感应道交,而感招弥陀化身来接引,就更难上加难了。除非,他身旁有善知识为他开导,劝请大众帮他助念;否则若无善知识协助,依著炽盛的贪嗔痴习气而流转六道轮回,几乎是在所难免。结语: 假如真的是发愿求生级乐世界,那平常就要透过意识去说服末那识的污染习气,也就是给自己定念佛想佛的功课,强迫每天养成习惯,这一开始一定很痛苦,毕竟我们的末那识贪图五欲、胡思乱想的习气,早已经是根深蒂固了。 但是只要经年累月下来,还是会养成习惯,被末那识所接受,当你(其实真正的你就是末那识)接受的时候,念佛想佛就好像是呼吸一样自然,想佛的念头会如涌泉一般,自然涌现,这就是工夫成片,此时对於往生极乐定然有把喔。另外,这有个小技巧,一开始念佛想佛的阶段,一定会观察到自己妄念分飞,杂念多的数不清,这种现象很正常,不用过於懊悔或者去压制妄念,让想佛的念头与妄念并行即可,但要到这净念与妄念并行的阶段,还是得个人亲自去下功夫,养成每天都有固定功课的习惯才可以。


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