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Entertaining the -Isms
Nick Allen
June 12, 2015
Critical thought does not have a minimum or a maximum. A blog post can rant about one scene in "" for 2,000 words, or a Twitter status can say that the whole thing is simply "good." But one thing that's very ill-advised to reject when digesting a film? The -isms. Including but not limited to: racism, sexism, capitalism, feminism, etc. If you can -ism it, it’s fair game when digesting a blockbuster.Especially during the summer season, in which big, possibly dumb movies dominate cultural attention, the -isms have center stage importance. Narratively simple films may allow you to “turn your brain off," but within reason. Our favorite blockbusters do not come from the filmmaking stork, nor are they merely light shows with
scores. They are a collection of specifically chosen images inherent with ideas, reflecting culture, hoping to create ideas, all within the cause of entertainment. It' it’s art.My words are in response to a staunch, non-trolling position of anti-critical thinking you may find anywhere. I found it in a Twitter post from self-designated non-critic Jeff Sneider. He's certainly entitled to his stance, but I'd like to touch upon how this is an overly-simple way of looking at big movies. This dangerous belief isn't avoiding overthinking so much as it rules out the reason why movies matter most.&First, let’s address the (white, male) elephant in the room. Disregarding ideas like sexism & feminism in a film is a bastardization of the biological truth that human beings watch the same thing differently—a concept that makes movies worth watching, and talking about. (If we all started seeing the same movies in the exact same way, that would be a nightmare, and I would personally bomb the polar ice caps so that global warming could just finish us off already.) However, some viewers are able to see films differently by looking past elements within them (such as sexism & feminism), and can more readily accept the images of these that may or may not be in “Jurassic World” as the sum of entertainment. Anyone can dive into a film as deep as they may like, but it is very counterproductive to reject the -isms, or the different ideas within them. To do so is a privilege. Some viewers go into a movie with the same standards of simple entertainment, but their experience is compromised by the very -isms within the film. They do not always have the same luxury to be detached from the images within their entertainment.&Aside from privilege, Sneider’s stance nudges towards a toxic selfishness to what greater good mass media can serve. Unless someone is deceased movie buff Kim Jong-Il, films aren’t made to satisfy the expectations of one person, with everyone else as an afterthought. “Jurassic World” is made for everybody, and everybody has the right to enjoy it. When someone is negatively affected by a representation or an idea within it that is not something that s for the sake of numerous ideas, and the people involved in them. If you agree that a certain cultural representation is a poor choice, it is an issue within the movie’s entire mission. This is all so that we can better understand the images that we consume, and to hold filmmakers accountable for their representations as justice to a greater good. (And if
are any recent examples, filmmakers are reading the discussion, too.)This has led to many recent societal embarrassments, across media forms devoured by viewers who want to keep analytical challenging out of their popular entertainment, but it especially shines in the unfortunate backlash against that upcoming, female-led “” movie. As much as we create relationships with stories, our expectations do not create ownership of these characters. When director
wants to make a “Ghostbusters” movie with funny people who happen to be women, bringing a few -isms right to mainstream audiences, that is not a step back in entertainment.&More than a half hour later after the first tweet, which was met with a mix of alarming and assuring peanut gallery responses, Sneider’s stance remained firm. Suddenly, it wasn’t just about issues that may affect viewers, but how movies should be viewed in general.Going off this tweet, I am assuming that if we were at least talking about a film like “” here, the -isms would be more immediate in a discussion. Nonetheless, this seems to be an issue of entertainment vs. art, but the catch is that they’re not exclusive. One is not more worthy of critical thinking than the other. There should be no exception to movies regarding the thought capacity they deserve just because they are made for a mass audience. Representations of
in a franchise like Joss Whedon’s “” films can have just as much of a cultural impact as those in ’s “,” regardless of their contrasting box office numbers.The -isms are worth considering in criticizing entertainment because they are right in the story, in the very qualities that make a movie good or not. Ideas of feminism are upfront within "," to the extent that a woman takes charge of a movie with a man's name in the title. Without such a significant -ism that defines the movie's narrative course, it would be a completely different film altogether.&The quality within films is not always about why things are happening logically, but culturally. That’s even the case for movies with flame-throwing guitar warriors.Outside of criticism, there are certainly filmmakers who simply desire to fulfill personal expectations of entertainment, like . A loud and proud Entertainingism kind of guy who really likes what he likes, and (especially in his “” blockbusters) uses his own privilege to blow past any worry about his images of sexism, racism, consumerism, militarism, etc. And yet, those elements are prominent within the way characters are presented to the audience, the amount of dialogue they are given, or how a Mountain Dew vending machine transforms into a killer robot. By focusing on entertainment first and only, Bay opens discussion on American culture, all within a franchise that inspired the title of Ebert’s third negative review compilation “A Horrible Experience of Unbearable Length.” Even Bay’s movies are not just shiny objects. Even if made with the wrong ideas, they are still infused with them.There’s great conversations to be found&beyond pretending that films are only amusement park rides, where the goal is only to witness motion that you’re able to remove yourself from soon after. At the very least, entertaining the -isms is a great fun. Not only does it include joining cultural progress, but it’s a way to immerse yourself within som to chew on it to your personal logic’s content, but most importantly, to take films for what they are actually worth.&
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拳头副总监“罚款狂魔”Nick Allen离职
今天RIOT发布讯息,主管电竞的副总监Nick Allen宣布自己即将辞职。可能大家对Nick Allen不是很了解,我简单说一下。Nick Allen被玩家戏称为“罚款狂魔”,因为他主要负责选手禁赛以及战队罚款。被他罚过的人比如:VG的Mate因为消极比赛被罚5万人民币,台湾战队HKE的adc被禁赛,甚至OMG灵药和小伞穿拖鞋上赛场被罚款(规则就是他定的)。当然,他也做其他判定:S4世界总决赛中,他宣布OMG与Fnatic比赛中的大翻盘结果有效。今天拳头宣布他将要离开,其实还是很舍不得的,毕竟是个公平公正的好总监。原文如下:“Hey&LCS&Fans,Today&we&unfortunately&have&some&sad&news&to&share&-&our&own&Nick&Allen&will&be&leaving&Riot&at&the&end&of&July&to&be&closer&to&family&in&Northern&California.It’s&hard&to&say&goodbye.&It’s&been&an&amazing&run&over&the&past&two&and&a&half&years&with&Nick&at&the&helm&of&League&Operations,&and&we’ve&loved&working&with&him&to&steer&and&grow&LoL&esports&worldwide.&Family&is&incredibly&important,&and&we&support&Nick’s&decision&to&move&to&be&closer&to&them.&As&esports&fans,&we’re&also&glad&that&Nick&will&be&staying&in&esports&and&accepting&a&role&at&Twitch&in&esports&partnerships.&We’re&looking&forward&to&continuing&working&with&him&to&evolve&and&innovate&esports&into&something&that’s&worthy&of&you&guys.In&terms&of&how&this&affects&the&LCS,&while&we&can&never&replace&Nick&Allen’s&full&beard&or&his&ability&to&be&the&butt&of&fine&jokes,&we’ve&recently&strengthened&our&LCS&operations&team&with&the&addition&of&Hunter&“Riot&Hebble”&Leigh.&Expect&to&hear&more&from&him&in&the&coming&months&as&he&and&the&LCS&team&continue&to&improve&how&our&league&works&from&day&to&day&to&support&teams,&players&and&fans.Esports&and&the&LCS&has&grown&tremendously&these&past&few&years,&and&it’s&been&an&incredible&journey&that&we’ve&been&honored&to&share&with&Nick.&While&it’s&sad&to&see&him&go,&we’ll&remember&his&contributions&to&building&the&sport&we&love&and&are&looking&forward&to&seeing&what&he&can&do&in&the&future.&We&know&Nick&will&be&just…&Fine.”翻译:“亲爱的粉丝们,今天我们很遗憾有些悲伤的消息要对你们宣布——Nick&Allen将会于7月底离开RIOT,以便和他在北加利福尼亚的家人有更多的相处时间。说再见是一件很艰难的事情。在过去两年半里Nick一直是LOL联赛运营的掌舵人,我们都喜欢和他一起工作,引导和看着全世界的电竞比赛成长进步。但是家庭是更重要的事情,我们支持Nick打算搬得离家人更近的决定。作为电竞粉丝,我们也很高兴Nick会继续从事电竞行业,而且参与了Twitch的电竞合作。我们很期待将来能和Nick继续合作,将电竞的发展和创新带给大家。对于LCS联赛来说,我们永远不能取代Nick&Allen的络腮胡子或者是他关于罚款的诸多笑话,我们LCS运营队伍的新成员是Hunter&“Riot&Hebble”&Leigh。在接下来的几个月里,他和LCS运营团队将会为队伍、选手和粉丝提供支持服务。电竞和联赛在过去几年里迅猛发展,我们和Nick一起度过了一段令人难以置信的旅程。看到他离开让我们伤心,我们会记得他为建立我们挚爱的电竞联赛所作出的贡献,也很期待看到他在将来的发展。We&know&Nick&will&be&just…&fine.”Nick Allen在Twitter上也有回应:“哇,难以置信我会写下这些内容:我决定离开拳头公司。我很喜欢自己在LCS中的角色,但是时候回到北卡罗来纳州周和家人呆在一起了。这是一次大胆的举动。我在过去的两年当中把自己的内心和灵魂都献给了英雄联盟,,而我自己身处一个把玩家和粉丝的快乐放在第一位的团队中感觉很开心。我在拳头公司的这段时间里学到了很多,其中:*运营一个联赛,组织电竞的规则以及寻找合伙人都是富有挑战的事情——特别是在这个快速成长的环境当中。*电子竞技依然在以很快的速度成长当中,目前没人可以肯定它会何去何从。但是我有感觉,有朝一日电子竞技会像传统体育一样受到重视。*拳头公司的员工们会像大家一样说“Nick&Allen是个好人”这样的笑话。虽然我已经决定离开拳头公司,但我的电竞旅途将会继续,因为我在其它的视频直播网站已经成为了电竞栏目的合伙人,这是我非常兴奋的。我还会在大家的周围,我希望能够像个小粉丝一样享受英雄联盟。保持激情,保持各位的反馈,并且继续全力推动电子竞技的发展吧!没有你们这将一事无成。诚挚的,Nick&Allen”OMG vs Fnatic (S4) (转载请注明出处)
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