俄语歌曲my country的dsa不识别中文名歌曲

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My Country
I really love my country even though I perfectly know it has a lot of economical and political problems. Indeed , to be honest,
I think that nowadays the majority of Western Countries have to deal with
these kind of troubles.
But, if I consider Italy
from another point of view , I cannot
deny that it has several appreciable qualities too. Obviously, I 'm refering to the food which, in my opinion, is the best of the world. With regard of this matter , one of the asset of my country is that every region has its own food speciality so that travelling all around Italy
is even more satisfactory .
Moreover, Italy
is also synonymous with art and culture owing to the huge quantity of masterpieces spread in thousand of italian museums. It doesn't matter if you like sculpture, architecture, painting or archeology because you will surely satisfied wherever you will go.
Feb 28, 2013
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My Country
I really love my country even though I perfectly know (know perfectly well)&it has a lot of (many)economical and political problems. Indeed, to be honest, I think that nowadays the majority of Western Countries have to deal with these kinds of troubles. But, (we are taught in English not to start sentances with conjunctions, such as BUT)&if I consider Italy from another point of view , I cannot deny that it has several appreciable qualities too. Obviously, I'm refering to the food which, in my opinion, is the best of the world. With regard&to this matter, one of the asset of my country is that every region has its own food speciality, so that travelling all around& (throughout)&Italy is even more satisfactory . I think you may mean satisfying.Moreover, Italy is also synonymous with art and culture owing to the huge quantity of masterpieces found in their thousands&in the&&Italian museums. It doesn't matter if you like sculpture, architecture, painting or archeology, because you will surely be fulfilled/delighted/thrilled wherever you will go.
Mar 02, 2013
My Country
I really love my country even though, I perfectly know, it has a lot of economical and political problems. Although, to be honest, I think that nowadays the majority of Western Countries have to deal with these kind of problems.(or you could even use the word crisis) But, if I consider Italy from another point of view, I cannot deny that it has several appreciable qualities too. Obviously, I 'm refering to the food which, in my opinion, is the best in the world. One of the asset of my country is that every region has its own food speciality so, traveling all around Italy is even more amazing. Moreover, Italy is also known for its arts and cultures hence, the huge quantity of masterpieces spread in thousand of Italian museums. It doesn't even matter if you like sculpture, architecture, painting or archeology because you will surely learn to appreciate it.
I took the word "satisfactory" because it didn't fit the context, the word "satisfactory" means when you fulfilled an expectation so, I decided to use the word "amazing" because I think that's what you were trying to say.
The word "hence" means as a consequence or for this reason for example, Italy is known for its arts and cultures hence (for this reason) there're masterpieces all over the museums.
Bravissima :)
Mar 01, 2013
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& 2015 italki HK Limited.I Vow To Thee My Country 歌词_百度知道
I Vow To Thee My Country 歌词
the dearest and the bestThe love that never falters,the love that stands the testThat lays upon the altar,the love that pays the priceThe love that makes undauntedthe final sacrificeThe love thve heard of long agoMost dear tll Never Walk Alone - The Collection:I Vow To Thee My Country歌手://music,all earthly things aboveEntire and whole and perfect://music:Alfie Boe&Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra&John Owen Edwards&Crouch End Festival Chorus专辑, my country,the dearest and the bestThe love that never falters,we may not see her kingHer fortress is a faithful heart,the love that pays the priceThe love that makes undauntedthe final sacrificeAnd there&#39.com/song/8163307" target="_blank">http:You&#39.I vow to thee,we may not see her kingHer fortress is a faithful heart,the service of my loveThe love that asks no questions,her pride is sufferingAnd soul by soul and silently hershining bounds increaseAnd her ways are ways of gentlenessand all her paths are peace<a href="http.baidu,the love that stands the testThat lays upon the altar歌曲名,most great to them that knowWe may not count her armies.baidu,her pride is sufferingAnd soul by soul and silently hershining bounds increaseAnd her ways are ways of gentlenessand all her paths are peaceWe may s another countryI&#39
出门在外也不愁  学一些外文歌曲对于学习外语、了解别国国情有益处。这里的歌曲都是英语的,俄语的不太好找,其它语言又不懂,藏拙了。
  John Lennon的 Imagine,他演唱的视频据说是第一次拿出来的。
  皇后乐队Queen献演 We Will Rock You,这首歌我们在看足球赛时常可听到。
  Spice Up Your Life 是由辣妹 Spice Girls 演唱的,当初的辣妹如今都是辣嫂了,但
楼主发言:412次 发图:0张
  (因疏忽把(2)作为新帖发了,现重录于下,抱歉!)  (2)Auld Lang Syne是一首很著名的苏格兰古典歌曲,曲调用苏格兰民歌,作词者是容膺"世界文化名人"的Robert Burns。歌名不能按现代英语来读,因无法标注音标,只好请需要者查词典了。  Auld Lang Syne 常被译为「友谊地久天长」或「过去的好时光」,二者均可。现在这歌总在要告别时使用,大概是受电影Waterloo Bridge(魂断蓝桥)的影响,其实它是一首颂扬人世间最美好的感情之一--友谊的优美歌曲。我收集了不少演唱版本,梦网中也有多种,不妨自选。  顺便一提,R.Burns作词的另一首歌曲 My Heart's in the Highlands 也非常有名,这里的Highlands 通常译作"苏格兰高地",读音也要查词典。
  (3)Londonderry Air(伦敦德里小调)是一首古老的爱尔兰歌曲,大家想必耳熟能详,我现在耳边听的是 Eugene Ormandy The Philadelphia Orchestra 的器乐曲,真好听!  Loch Lomond(罗梦湖)也是苏格兰古曲,James Last And His Orchestra 的器乐曲和 Nana Mouskouri 的女声唱。但Nana Mouskouri 将这歌的名叫做The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond。请各位注意这位女歌唱家,以后还会多次提及。
  Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
  And never brought to mind?
  Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
  For auld lang syne.
  For auld lang syne, my dear,
  For auld lang syne,
  We’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet,
  For auld lang syne.
  And surely ye’ll be your pint-stoup !
  And surely I’ll be mine !
  And we’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet,
  For auld lang syne.
  For auld lang syne, my dear,
  For auld lang syne,
  We’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet,
  For auld lang syne.
  We twa hae run aboot the braes
  And pou’d the gowans fine.
  And we’ve wandered mony a weary fit,
  Sin’ auld lang syne.
  For auld lang syne, my dear,
  For auld lang syne,
  We’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet,
  For auld lang syne.
  We twa hae paidl’d in the burn,
  Frae morning sun till dine,
  But seas between us braid hae roared
  Sin’ auld lang syne.
  For auld lang syne, my dear,
  For auld lang syne,
  We’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet,
  For auld lang syne.
  Spice Up Your Life
  两首歌又听了一遍,真好听,谢谢版主!R.Burns的「我心在高原」的词对年长些的人如在下容易引起共鸣。  My heart's in the Highlands,my heart is not here,My heart's in the Highlands  a' chasing the deer,A' hunting the wild deer and chasing the roe,My heart's
  in the Highlands wherever I go.  Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,The birthplace of val- or,the   Wherever I wander , wherever I rove, The hills of the   Highlands forever I love.  Farewell to the mountains,high covered with snow, Farewell to the straths  and green valleys below, Farewell to the forests and
wildhanging woods,  Farewell to the torrents and loudpouring floods.
  (4)还有一首很有名的爱尔兰歌曲「夏天最后一朵玫瑰」The Last Rose of  Summer 大家一定都知道。此歌的曲调是爱尔兰民歌,由Thomas Moore 作词,梦网上有 Nana Mouskouri 演唱可供下载。  关于这歌有一个现实的小故事。沪上名家赵鑫珊先生在一个月刊上说,1970年代他二十几岁,也喜欢哼哼此歌。一次被「工宣队」听到了,说他唱"黄色歌曲",要倒霉了。他声辩说这是恩格斯及其夫人都喜欢的,人家不信,他居然引经据典找出书证,结果不了了之。
  (5)七十年代末﹑八十年代初为了四个现代化的全国学习热潮令人赞叹,其中的英语热延续至今。那时电台和电视台都有英语节目,央广的《星期日广播英语》影响不小。主持人申葆青也常介绍些歌曲,有时还自己钢琴伴奏。1982年春的一期节目中,她介绍了三首歌:Home On The Range , Red River Valley , Take Me Home
Country Road . 下面将分别介绍。  Home On The Range 是在北美牧人中非常流行的歌曲,中文由蒋英女士译配。我感到 Frank Sinatra 演唱的有味道,关于他唱的歌以后还要谈到。  
  (6) Red River Valley 红河谷,大家都知道From this valley they say you are going, We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile...这歌好听好唱,流行好久了。但也有说这是加拿大民歌,歌词也不同了:  Oh, the buffalo's gone from the prairie,  And the land waits the coming of man.  To awaken to life and be merry,  And to bloom at the touch of his hand.  Golden grain waits to cover these spaces,  Mighty cities are waiting their birth.  Welcome folks of all faith and all races,  To this beautiful corner of earth.   我有 The Hit Crew 的演唱,这个组合似乎可关心一下。  
  (7) John Denver的 Take Me Home
Country Road 流行三﹑四十年了。1979年邓公访美时 Denver 现场弹着吉他献演此歌,旋即传入国内。我感到丹佛作的歌词很好,对故乡的热爱且有厚重的历史感。此歌也有许多人翻唱,上面提到的 The Hit Crew 也唱过。丹佛其它的歌以后另有介绍。  
15:59:00  我都收藏的了,我很喜欢英文的歌曲,今天真的是赚的了  -----------------------------  这里选的歌都要下载方便,我自己觉得听到好歌却无法"拥有"是撼事一桩,推己及人,网友们大概也差不多吧。这里的歌都可以方便地从梦网下载到手机上。
  (8)More Than I Can Say
一首好学又朗朗上口的歌。"Wo,wo,ye,ye!Love you more than I can say......"一听就会。可以下载Lasse Stefanz 的边弹吉他边演唱,好听,年轻人一定喜欢。  下面一首歌名 Que Sera Sera 的意思是 What will be,全文如下:  When I was just a little girl, I ask my mother " What will be?
Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me:
( Refrain )  When I grew up and fell in love, I ask my sweetheart "What lies ahead? Will there be rainbows day after day?" Here's what my sweetheart said: (Refrain)  Now I have children of my own, They ask their mother " What will be? Will I be handsome,will I be rich?" I answer tenderly: (Refrain)  (Refrain) Que Sera Sera,What ever will be,will be.The future's not ours to see,Que Sera Sera,What will be,will be.
  (9)对故乡﹑对土地的热爱也是一种人类共通的感情,下面介绍两首这种歌曲。  Land Of The Silver Birth 是一首加拿大印第安民歌,在安大略湖和渥太华之间的区域流行。请听Kidzup Chidren's Music 唱下面的歌词:  Land of silver birth,home of the beaver,  Where still the mighty moose wanders at will (Refrain)  Down in the forest deep in the low lands,  My heart
cries out for thee,hill of the north  (Refrain)  High on a rocky ledge I'll build my wigwam,  Close by the water' edge,silent and still,  (Refrain) Blue lake and rocky shore,  I will return once more.  (Chorus) Boom de de boom boom,  Boom de de boom boom,  Boom de de boom boom,  Boo-oo-oom  
  (上文打错一词,应为water's edge,抱歉!)  (10) The Blue Bells of Scotland
苏格兰的蓝铃花,是一首民歌,词曲作者均不可考。  Oh!where,tell me,where is your Highlands laddie gone?  Oh!where,tell me,where is your Highlands laddie gone?  He's gone with streaming banners,where noble deeds are done,  And it's oh! In my heart I wish him safe at home.  Oh!where, tell me,where is your Highlands laddie dwell?   Oh! Where tell me ,where is your Highlands laddie dwell?  He dwelt in bonnie Scotland,where blooms the sweet blue bell,  And it's oh! In my heart I lo'e my laddie well.  (bonnie=bonny
lo'e=love )  
  (11)A Bicycle Built for Two
是十九世纪末 Harry Dacre写的一首浪漫色彩的歌曲,说 Patric 和 Daisy 要结婚了,但小伙子承担不起一辆婚车的费用,只能用双人自行车带上 fiancee。Daisy说好,再把在娘家时穿的旧鞋挂在车上(当地风俗,新嫁娘带上旧鞋是吉利),两人一同骑车去寻求美好生活。现在的歌词是1972年 Gary Gabriel 改写的,第二段意思不大,一般只唱第一段。  Daisy,Daisy give me your answer,do  I'm half crazy all for the love of you.  It won't be a stylish marriage,  I can't afford a carriage.  But you'll look sweet upon the seat  Of a bicycle built for two.
  回复第17楼(作者:@南方东方长江 于
12:19)  (9)对故乡﹑对土地的热爱也是一种人类共通的感情,下面介绍两首这种歌曲。  Land Of T……  ==========  热爱故乡就是人类的真情实感,我们自己也有许多这样的歌曲,喜欢《父亲的草原
  22楼说得对,这里也有一首同类的歌 Land Of My Father,它是威尔士的民族颂歌。歌曲旋律优美,用词有民族色彩,抒发了深厚的对威尔士的感情。  O, land of my fathers, dear homeland for me,  The mother of poets, the land of the free!  Thy noble defenders were gallant and brave,  For freedom their life's blood they gave.  Wales! Wales! Home, sweet home is in Wales.  Till life is past,  My love shall last,  My longing, My yearning for Wales!
  (13)这几天台风又要来了。几年前飓风 Irene 袭击美国时,撤退的居民在房子上写下 Good Night,Irene,这也是现在要介绍的歌曲名。这首歌在1930年代很流行,正是这歌让当时五位民歌名人 Huddie Ledbetter,John and Alan Lomax,Moses Asch 和 Pete Seeger 走到一起来了。在梦网可下载 Jim Reeves的演唱,很好听。  (Chorus) Irene, Irene,  Good night, I good night, Irene.  I'll see you in my dream.  Last Saturday night I got married, Me and my wife settled down.  Now me an  I'm gonna take another stroll downtown. (Chorus)  Stop ramblin'; stop your gamblin';  Stop stayin' out late at night.  Go home to   Sit down by the fireside bright. (Chorus)
  (这里的网络大概又不愉快了,大段发不出,只好一小段小段的发,抱歉!)  (14)介绍一些大家都熟悉又好听的歌,不一定是英语的,但有英译文。「鸽子」这歌大家都知道,原是西班牙语(在下不懂),若键入 Dove 或 Pigeon 听到的就不是我们想听的。要键入 La Paloma 就可下载 Placido Domingo的演唱和 Captain Cook乐队(以后会多次提到他们)与 Helmut Zacharias 的器乐曲。  下面给出 La Paloma 的一种英译,我感到该 version 似乎好些。
La Paloma  The day that I sailed away on the roaring sea,  I said, Nina, dear had promised to wait for me.  And I, tho I roamed from China to far Peru,  At last will be sailing homeward to love you.  Open your lattice the dearest dove will be,  Comes to your window out of the blue above.  I will ever be true,  To my home and to you.  Ah, till the day when my ship comes a sailing,  Over the ocean blue.
  (14-1)(真正不好意思,打字时和人说话,少了两句。重发在下面)  La Paloma  The day that I sailed away on the roaring sea,  I said, Nina, dear, had promised to wait for me.  And I, tho I roamed from China to far Peru,  At last will be sailing homeward to love you.  Nina, if some fair morning a tender dove,  Comes to your window out of the blue above.  Open your lattice the dearest dove will be,  Tender and true are token of faith from me.  I will be ever true,  To my home and to you.  Ah, till the day when my ship comes a sailing,  Over the ocean blue!
(Repeat)  ( from China to far Peru,成语,意"遥远")
  (15)说一点那坡里歌曲,想来喜欢的人不会少。那些歌若用意大利语唱比用英语唱要好,但在下不懂,只能提供英译文了。不过几位歌唱家的演唱仍是意大利语。我的态度是实用主义,只要好听就行,那怕是意大利语。下面先给出《重归苏莲托》,歌声响起,眼前会浮现一幅秋日的美丽景色,美得让人连呼吸都要轻轻地……  Come Back To Surrento 由Josef Locke 演唱,很好。遗憾的是没找到 Placido Domingo 与 Josac Carreras 的演唱。另,演唱组 Various Artists 的也不错。  
  天知道啊!英语歌词发了两遍发不上,老百姓打字也要化时间的啊!  天涯呀 海角哟 看来是阁下的事哦!
Come Back To Sorrento  O'er the sea the sunlight dancing,  Waking thoughts of tender feeling,  I have seen your eyes reflecting,  This same light that makes me dream.  When I pass alovely garden,  Breathing sc  There's a mem'ry and a picture of but you within my heart.  Now you say goodbye I'm leaving this poor heart  Can it be that you've forgotten?  Can it be that love is gone?  Say not farewell and leave a heart thay's broken.  Come back to Sorrento, that I may live!  (Words and music by Curtis Brothers)   
  (16)Santa Lucia 是一首非常好听的那坡里歌曲,大家也一定都知道,介绍给各位的是 Captain Cook 的器乐曲和 Various Artists Memoir Records 的声乐。  Santa Lucia
(English words by T.Marzials)  See where the star of eve, Beams gently yonder, See where from wave to
  wave, S Far down the silver track, Twilight is failing,Far,  oh, so far away, Sweet songs are calling.  (Refrain) Come, then, ere night is dark, Come to my bounding bark, Santa   Lucia, Santa Lucia.  See, see, how far it is, There in mid ocean, Rocked by the silver wave, With  
All sunk in peace and rest, All sweetly dreaming, Now thro'  The deep'ning night,Moonlight is streaming.  (Refrain) Come, then, ere night is o'er, Come leave the noisy shore,Santa   Lucia, Santa Lucia.
The Leaving Of Liverpool 和 Green Green Grass Of Home。这两首歌都很好听,但文字资料没找到,虽记得歌词,不过还是等找出来后再补上吧。  The Leaving Of Liverpool 可下载
The Seekers 演唱组和 The Dubliners 演唱组的。前年上海世博会时在利物浦案例馆和他们交流,利物浦人都喜爱这歌。  Green Green Grass Of Home 抒说对家和家乡的热爱,Kenny Rogers 用他的方式唱出来别有味道,年轻人或许更喜欢。肯尼-罗杰斯还是相当有名气的。  
  (18)说几个电影插曲。Casablanka《卡萨布兰卡》是好莱坞名片,有两个与歌曲有关的情节不太会忘。一个是当德国兵在里克酒吧狂唱纳粹冲锋队歌时,在场的法国人纷纷唱响 La Marseillaise《马赛曲》,雄壮的歌声撵走了德国兵。《马赛曲》的曲词确实雄壮,我有英译文。  还有就是贯穿全片的 As Time Goes By,尤其当那位黑人侍者边弹琴边以低沉浑厚的嗓音唱出来,真感动。可以下载 Bing Crosby (名家,以后会谈及) 与Frank Sinatra 的演唱,还有电影的录音。  
  (18-1)上文中说的 As Time Goes By 的歌词我没有,已请
  (18-1)上文中说的 As Time Goes by 的歌词我没有,已请我在北外的同学赐教,同学说找到就发给我们,届时发给大家。  下面想说一点电影音乐片。音乐片的最大特点是要有好音乐、好歌曲,电影的故事或许已记不清,但片中的音乐不会忘。「音乐之声」就是一部好音乐片,大家都说得很多了,不在重复。「翠堤春晓」也是一部优秀的音乐片,其主题歌 One Day When We Were Young 实在好听。1991年春节文化部晚会有一位穿着得体中老年女士深情演唱此曲,给我极深感受。也望年轻人听听它,毕竟慢慢老去是人生之一大幸事。
  (18-2)还要说几句我们自己的音乐剧。「刘三姐」的音乐不错,但歌词把文化人讽刺得太不堪,令人不太舒服。但那是在特定年代的作品,不必苛求。1980年代初,拍了一部以关牧村为背景的音乐片,故事情节很励志,但音乐不行,现在大概已被遗忘。  苏联时代也有些音乐片,关于俄语歌曲以后有较多分析,祈望网友们指教。「大马戏团」中杜那也夫斯基作曲的歌大都不错,但「政治正确」,流行多年的「祖国进行曲」(我们祖国多么辽阔广大......)已听不到了。倒是讲普通人包括小官生活的「忠实的朋友」的插曲还偶尔能听到。那电影的故事早忘了,但"不论走到遥远的地方飘泊在海上,我们忠实的朋友总在我身边......"和片中其它歌曲我尚能哼哼。
  @rainyday-29 21:04:00  -----------------------------  谢谢版主督促,我会一直发下去,直到自己肚子里不多的存货"抛售一空",或网友们不再点击。
One Day When We Were Young
Music by Johann Strauss  Words by Hamerstein  One day when we were young, one wonderful morning in May, You told me you loved me, When we young one day.  Sweet song of spring were sung and music were never so gay, You told me
you loved me, When we were young one day.  You told me you loved me and held me close to heart, We laughed then,  We cried then, Then came the time to part.  When song of spring are sung, remenber that morning in May,  Remenber you loved me, When we were young one day
  (18--1)刚才赶着发,版式没弄好。One Day When We Were Young 的作曲是 Johann Strauss, 大名鼎鼎。作词是 Hamerstein 名气也不小。演唱者是 Richard Tauber,这位唱的歌也不少,如 Serenade 小夜曲就有 Schubert,Tosselli 等的名作,好听极了。
  (20) 在(18)段说到 As Time Goes By 时忘了一事。上海有一个不错的爵士乐队叫做“上海老百乐门爵士乐队”,他们用爵士乐的方式来演奏此曲,取名《似水流年》,味道与 Bing Crosby与 Frank Sinatra 的不同,倒有点像电影中里克酒吧的黑人侍者的弹唱。这个“老百乐门乐队”原来都由老年人组成,演奏他们年轻时的 Jazz,那一种如金色深秋般的醇厚令人难忘。请网友们注意这个乐队。  
  (21)有一首歌,它的曲调被不同的国家、不同的人们拿来填上自己的歌词。像我们就把它当作贺新年的歌曲:"新年好呀,新年好呀,祝贺大家新年好......"。还有个国家把它当作电影插曲音乐,填上词算"卖花姑娘"。这歌的原义讲"49年淘金者"( forty-niner)的事情,1850年前后许多人到加州的 Sutter's Fort (苏特要塞)即现在的 Sacramento(萨克拉门托,篮球迷都知道那里有个"国王队")附近淘金,但大多数人除了艰苦,什么也没找到。于是就产生了这首自嘲的Clementine。
Clementine  In a cavern, In a canyon, Excavating for a mine, Lived
miner, forty-inner, And his daughter Clementine. (Chorus)  Light she was and like a fairy, And her shoes were number nine: Her ring boxes without topses, Scandals were for Clementine.(Chorus)  Drove she ducklings to the water, Every morning just at nine. Stubbed her toe against a splinter, Fell into the foaming brine. (Chorus)  How I missed her, How I missed her, How I missed my Clementine, Until I kissed her little sister, And forgot my Clementine. (Chorus)  (Chorus)Oh, my darlin', Oh, my darlin', Oh, my darlin' Clementine, You are lost and gone forever, Dreadful sorry Clementine.
Clementine 这歌有 The Hit Crew 的演唱,那还是"正规"的演唱。另有 Duke Ellington(艾林顿公爵,艺名)的另类演绎,则见仁见智了。
  (22)说一点夏威夷民歌。独特的地理环境以及由此而产生的民族风情,凡到过那里的人都说难忘。到夏威夷,四周飘来的音乐声中最多的就是 Aloha, Oe,我们译作「珍重再见」,也合适。Aloha 在当地土语中有三种意思。当你去夏威夷旅游,刚到达就有当地姑娘为你送上花环并说 Aloha,意甲是"欢迎您"。当你踏上回家的路时,当地人对你说 Aloha 意思则是"再见"或"一路平安"。还有青年男女间说 Aloha 的意思就不用我饶舌了吧,相应的那三个汉字年轻人说起来又流利又含情脉脉。  这首歌曲用夏威夷吉他伴奏来唱,真好听,我也比较喜欢,就多谈一点。现在通行的歌词版本有几个,以夏威夷原先的女王 Qreen Liliuokalani 填的词较为常见。
Aloha, Oe  Proudly sweep the rain cloud o'er the cliff, Borne swiftly by the western gale,  While the song of lovers parting grief, Sadly echoes amid the flow' ring vale.  Farewell to thee, Farewell to thee, The wind will carry back my sad refrain,  One fond embrace, before we say goodbye, Until we meet again.  Aloha Oe, Aloha Oe, The wind will carry back my sad refrain,   One fond embrace, before we say goodbye, Until we meet again.
Aloha 这词的读音好听,字形看上去也舒服(比 phenylalanine 这种词好记吧),所以难怪早期的计算机网络有一个协议就叫做 Aloha 协议,一笑!  我们可以听 Hawaii Calls 演唱的 Aloha Oe
Farewell To You,Marty Robbins演唱的 Aloha Oe
Farewell To Thee,和 Captain Cook 乐队和 The Honolulu Revivalists 乐队的器乐曲。
夏威夷还有些好听的歌曲,Blue Hawaii 就是。可以在梦网上找到 Frank Sinatra 的演唱和 Captain Cook 乐队的器乐曲。遗憾的是这歌的歌词也找不到。1980年代初,有段时间我收集了许多外文歌曲。那时刚开放不久,对外文歌曲很有些好奇心,但三十年后当初的"宝贝"有些不知搁在哪里了。  前面说起的上海老百乐门爵士乐队用爵士乐的风格演奏了一些夏威夷歌曲,如「夏威夷日出」、「夏威夷天堂」、「夏威夷战鼓」等,也可一听。
  (23)我们对北美的歌曲了解得较多,对南美洲的歌曲了解得要少一些,与语言有关系。秘鲁有一首民歌很有名,喜欢的人不少,这就是「飞逝的雄鹰」El Condor Pasa(西班牙语,意思是 The Condor Passes Over)。它由秘鲁著名音乐家 Daniel Alomia Robles作曲,民间人士填词,描绘了在安第斯山脉上空翱翔的 Condor(神鹰)。  我们可以下载 Placido Domingo 那雄厚的男高音,也可下载 James Last and His Orchestra 的器乐曲。多明戈的男高音世人皆知,他和卡雷拉斯、帕瓦罗蒂也唱了许多大众喜欢的歌曲。杰姆斯-拉斯特乐队的轻音乐很不错,不妨多听些。
El Condor Pasa  I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail.  Yes I would, if I could, I surely would.  I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.  Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would.  (Chorus)  I'd rather be aforest than a street.  Yes I would, if I could, I surely would.  I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet.  Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would.  (Chorus) Away, I'd rather sail away,  Like a swan that's here and gone.  A man gets t  He gives the world its saddest sound,  Its saddest sound.   
  (24) 谈到英语歌曲总要提及福斯特(Stephen Collins Foster,年) ,他有很好的音乐才能,一生写过大量的歌曲,主题多半是爱情﹑乡土和黑人的生活感受。他虽然出生在中产家庭,但成年后一度在一仓库里和黑人搬运工一起劳动,所以也熟悉黑人的劳动歌曲和宗教赞美诗。  福斯特歌曲的基调是温文﹑柔美和怀旧。他的歌大多是四段式,第一段就定下调子,以后再作不同的演绎。只要哼一下 Oh, Susanna 就可体会到福斯特歌曲的特点。他的歌直到现在仍四处传唱,有两个州,肯塔基和佛罗里达的州歌是他的名曲 Old Folks At Home 和 My Old Kentucky Home。他的《哦,苏珊娜》还有个好玩的趣事。福斯特19岁时作此歌,卖给表演团后又感到后悔:严肃音乐家怎能写这种滑稽歌曲。他想请朋友去索回,但不料此歌早就流行开了。前面说到的 forty-niner 都喜欢这首歌曲,后来更在西部十分流行。  
「老黑乔」 Old Black Joe 是我最早学的英语歌曲之一,它曲调优美而稍带伤感,用中国人的话来说就是到达"怨而不怒、哀而不伤"的境界。怨气冲天、呼天抢地有时并不一定能博取同情。当然也可以"批判"它以"彼岸"的幻想来来稀释"此岸"的现实,但那有什么意思呢?  从这歌曲中我们还可以看到当时美国社会对辛勤劳作但黑人是充满同情的,这也是后来废奴主义 abolitionism 能取得成功的社会心理基础。
  (24-1-1)我们来听 The Robert Shaw Chorale 的 Old Black Joe  Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay, Gone are my friends from the cotton fields away, Gone from the earth to a better land I know, I hear their gentle voices calling " Old Black Joe". (Refrain)  Why do I weep when my heart should feel no pain? Why do I sigh that my friends come not again? Grieving for forms now departed long ago? I hear their gentle voices calling " Old Black Joe". (Refrain)  Where are the hearts once so happy and so free? The children so dear that I held upon my knee? Gone to the shore where my soul has longed to go, I hear their gentle voices calling " Old Black Joe".(Refrain)  (Refrain) I'm coming, I'm coming, for my head is bending low: I hear their gentle voices calling " Old Black Joe".
Old Folks At Home(故乡的亲人)后来成为佛罗里达的州歌,福斯特的歌曲总很好听。我们可以听 Alexander Schneider Robert
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir乐队和 The Hit Crew 的演唱。我感到前一合唱似乎好听些,The Mormon Tabernacle Choir 乐队以后还会遇到。为方便下载,这里介绍的歌曲都能在梦网上找到。  
The Old Folks At Home  Way down upon de Swanne River, Far, far away,  Dere's wha my heart is turning ever, Dere's wha de old folks stay.  All up and down de whole creation. Sadly I roam,  Still longing for the old plantation, And for de old folks at home. (Refrain)  All round de little farm I wander'd, When I  Den many happy days I squander'd, Many de songs I sung.  When I was playing with my brothers, Happy was I;  Oh! take me to my kind mother, Dere let me live and die. (Refrain)   One little hut among the bushes, One dat I love,  Still sadly to my mem'ry rushes, No matter where I roam.  When will I see the bee a humming, All round the comb?  When willI hear de banjo tuning, Down in my good old home. (Refrain)  (Refrain) All de world is sad and dreary, Ev'ry where I  Oh! Darkies how my heart grows weary, Far from de old folks at home.  
  (24-3)福斯特的歌,词和曲都是他自己写的,曲好听,词也很美。前面的两首如此,现在要谈的 My Old Kentucky Home 也如此。福斯特以前没有到过南方,虽然他也写南方的歌曲。这次他到肯塔基的巴茨城探望一位老年亲戚,那里的一切启发了他的感情,于是写下这首后来成为肯塔基州歌的名曲。  我们一起来听 Alexander Schneider Robert Cundick
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir 的合唱。
My Old Kentucky Home  The sunshine bright in the old Kentucky home, 'Tis summer,   The corn top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom, While the birds ma   The young folks roll on the little cabin floor, All merry,
  By'nby hard time comes a knocking at the door, Then, my old Kentucky home, good night!  (Refrain)
Weep no more , my lady, Oh! Weep no more today!  We will sing one son for the old Kentucky home,   For the old Kentucky home,far away.
My Old Kentucky Home  (2) They hunt no more for the possum and the coon, On the meadow, th   They sing no more by the glimmer of the moon, On the bench b   The day goes by like a shadow o'er the heart, With sorrow w  The time has come when the darkies have to part, Then, my old Kentucky home, good night!
(Refrain)  (3)
The head must bow and the back will have to bend, Wherev   A few more days, and the trouble all will end, In the field where the sugarcanes grow.  A few more days for to tote the weary load, No matter, 'twill never be light,  A few more days till we totter on the road, Then, my old Kentucky home, good night!
福斯特十六岁时就创作了一首欢快的歌曲「请打开你的窗户,我爱」,但使他走上职业作区家道路的则是前面提到的 Oh,Susanna。我们说过他作了该曲又后悔,当时他把这歌卖给音乐出版商得了100美元,但因克里斯蒂黑人剧团的演出该曲走红,出版商赚了10000美元。  当时这歌先是用黑人式的英语唱的,后用标准英语唱了。歌词中一些自相矛盾的话(下雨了,天气还干燥等),人们觉得蛮有趣的。
Oh, Susanna  I came from Alabama wid my banjo on my knee, I'm goin' to the Louisiana, my true love for to see. It rained all night the day I left, the weather it was dry, The sun so hot I froze to death, Susanna don't you cry.
(Chorus)  I jumped abroad de telephone, And trabbelled down de riber, De lectric fluid magnified, And killed five hundred persons. De bullring buste, de horse run off. I really thought I' I shut my eyes to hold my breath, Susanna don't you cry.
  (24-4-2)  I soon will be in New Orleans, And den I'll look all around, And when I find Susanna, I' ll fall upon the ground. But if I do not find her, Dis darkie'll surely die, And when I'm dead and buried, Susanna don't you cry.
(Chorus)  (Chorus)
Oh, Susanna, Oh, don't you cry for me, I've come from Alabama wid my banjo on my knee.
Oh,Susanna 有许多演唱版本,甚至歌词都不同,我不懂音乐史,没法考证。有一些演唱"演绎"过头,我也不太喜欢。一般说来我还是喜欢"传统"的演唱,所以对太"流行"的歌曲,无论中外,就不懂了。  我感到 Douglas Jimerson 唱得还是不错的。
  (24-5) 福斯特的名曲之一是《金发的珍妮》Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair。这是他为妻子写的歌,但“不幸”很快就传唱开了,所以我们都知道福斯特有位美丽的金发妻子珍妮。  Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair  I dream of Jeanie, with the light brown hair, Borne like a vap  I see her tripping where the
bright stream play, Happy as the daisies that dance on the way,  Many were the wild notes her merry voice would pour, Many were the blithe that warbled them o'er.  Oh! I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair, Floating like a vapor on the soft summer air.  
  Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair
  Stephen Foster: A Family Album
  Douglas Jimerson
  (24-5-1)  (2)
I long for Jeanie, with the day dawn smile, Radiant in gladness warm with winning guile,   I hear her melodies like joys gone by, Sighing round my heart o'er the fond hopes that die.  Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain, Wait for the lost ones that comes not again.  Oh! I long for Jeanie and my heart bows low, Never more to find her where the bright waters flow.
  (24-5-2)  (3)
I sigh for Jeanie, but her light form strayed, Far from the fond hearts' round the native glade,   Her smiles have vanished and her sweet songs flown, Flitting like the dreams that have cheered us and gone,  Now the nodding wild flowers may wither on the shore, While her gentle fingers will cull them no more.  Oh! I sigh for Jeanie with the light brown hair, Floating like a vapor on the soft summer air.
福斯特的爱情歌词写得真好,虽然对我来说那是几十年前的事情了,但那些诉诸人类共同感情的词语仍令我感动。尊敬的版主已经给出了 Douglas Jimerson 的演唱,谨表示感谢!另外还想介绍前面已提到的 Alexander Schneider Robert Cundick The Mormon Tabernacle Choir 的合唱。  顺便说说国内的男声合唱"原野三重唱",他们在「金发的珍妮」标题下用英语演唱了此歌,不错。还请注意他们的其它歌曲,如二、三十年代的「天伦歌」、「忆儿时」和一首非常好听的歌曲「过去的春梦」。
  (24-6) 福斯特一生创作的最后一首爱情歌曲是 Beautiful Dreamer,真可用天鹅的歌声来比喻,《美梦人》公认是福斯特最优秀的作品之一。有评论家甚至认为“之一”两字去掉也无妨。  Beautiful Dreamer  Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me, Starlight and dewdrop are waiting for thee,  Sound of the rude world heard in the day, Lull'd by the moonlight have all passed away!  Beautiful dreamer, Queen of my song, List while I woo thee with soft melody.  Gone are the cares of life's busy throng, Beautiful dreamer awake unto me.   Beautiful dreamer awake unto me.   
  (24-6-1)  Beautiful dreamer, out on the sea, Mermaids are chanting the wild lorelei,   Over the streamlet, Vapors are born, Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn.  Beautiful dreamer, beam of my heart, E'en as the morn on the streamlet and sea.  Then will all clouds of sorrow depart, Beautiful dreamer awake unto me.  Beautiful dreamer awake unto me.
  (24-6-2)这首「美梦人」我们可以听女高音和男中音的演唱。女高音是Marilyn Horne Mezzo +Soprano +English Chamber Orchestra+Carl Davis Conductor,男中音是 Thomas Hampson,唱得都不错。  关于福斯特的歌就先谈到这里。有一点要向网友们道歉,我常用 iPad 发帖子,好像看得比台式机和笔记本清晰,但触屏灵敏,手一碰可能把才写了几个字的东西发送了。有两个"帖子"就如此,很对不起大家!
  (25) 讲一些黑人的灵歌 Spiritual,年轻的朋友可能不知道这些对后来的民权运动产生影响的歌曲。灵歌发轫于十九世纪南北战争前后,在音调和节奏上都带有黑人音乐的特点,内容都是向往愉快而不可及的天堂生活。灵歌,以及福斯特等音乐家写的黑人歌曲,为黑人兄弟姐妹争取到社会同情。当时的黑人兄弟姐妹都辛勤劳作,不是那些穿着肥裆裤﹑游荡﹑无事生非﹑靠社会救济生活的人。  影响较大的灵歌有 Swing Low,Sweet Chariot,Roll,Jordan,Roll 和 Deep River,将逐一介绍。  
Deep River  Deep river, My home is over Jordan,  Deep river, Lord I want to cross over into camp ground.  Lord I is acomin',
Lord I is acomin',   I want to cross over into the camp ground, camp ground,  Lord.  此歌有 Douglas Jimerson 的独唱和 The Mormon Tabernacle Choir的合唱。
  (25-2)影响最大的灵歌恐怕是「云车,你飞下云端」 Swing Low,Sweet Chariot  Swing low, sweet chariot, Coming for to carry me home.  Swing low, sweet chariot, Coming for to carry me home.  (1) I looked over Jordan, and what did I see, Coming for to carry me home?  A band of angels coming after me, Coming for to carry me home.  (2) If you get there before I do, Coming for to carry me home?  Tell all my friends I'm coming too, Coming for to carry me home.  (3) I'm sometimes up and sometimes down, Coming for to carry me home?  But still my soul feels heavenly bound, Coming for to carry me home.
Louis Armstrong 的演唱,他那沙哑厚重的声音给人以深刻的印象。另外,The Fairfield Four 的重唱也不错。
「约旦河,滚滚地流」Roll, Jordan, Roll  (1)
O preacher, you oughta been there.  (2)
O brother, you oughta been there.  (3)
O sister, you oughta been there.  (4)
O sinner, you oughta been there.  (Chorus) Yes, My Lord, A sittin' in the kingdom, To hear old Jordan roll.  Roll, Jordan, roll, Roll Jordan roll, I want to go to Heaven,  When I die to hear old Jordan roll.
(上文中的 My Lord 不能按通常的音读,用汉语拼音可标注为 mi lo,是"父王"之意。)  下面谈一些轻松些的歌曲。在「老歌会」已经有网友说到歌曲 Casablanca,但这歌不是好莱坞名片「卡萨布兰卡」(国内又名「北非谍影」,真好看!)的插曲,那电影的插曲是我们前面说到的 As Time Goes By。这歌曲是1970年代著名音乐人 Bertie Higgins 在看过电影后有感而作,仍用电影名。  顺便一提,Bertie Higgins 唱的许多歌曲都很好听,他唱的 As Time Goes By 与 Frank Sinatra 和 Bing Crosby 的演唱各擅胜场,我都喜欢。
Casablanca  I fell in love with you, Watching Casablanka, Back row at the driven show, In the flickering light, Pop-corn and cokes.  Beneath the star, Became champagne and caviar, Making love.  On the long hot summer's night, I thought you fell in love with me, Watching Casablanka, Holding hands beneath the paddle fan, In Rick's candle-lit cafe.  Hiding in the shadows from the spots, A rocky moonlight in your arm. Making magic in the movie, In my old Chevrolet.
  (26-2)  Oh, a kiss is still a kiss, In Casablanka,  A kiss is not a kiss without your sigh,  Please come back to me, In Casablanka,  I love you more and more each day,  As time goes by.
  (27)帕蒂-佩姬 Patti Page 从1950年代起就成为不少国家歌迷欢迎的歌星,她善于演唱柔美的抒情歌曲和乡村歌曲,这里先介绍三首:Tennessee Waltz, That Doggie In The Window 和 Changing Partners。 Changing Parterners(交换舞伴) Bing Crosby 也唱过,但我感到还是佩姬唱的好听,可能因为后者的风格适合这类歌曲。我要和网友们说抱歉的是这歌的歌词一直未能收集到。另两首歌确是佩姬唱出名的,三十年前我从电台的立体声节目用卡带录下,但梦网这两首歌则由他人演唱。  
Tennessee Waltz  I was dancing with my darling to the Tennessee waltz, When an old friend I happen to see,  I introduced her to my loved one and while they were dancing, My friend stole my sweetheart from me.  I remember the night and the Tennessee waltz, Now I know just how much I have lost.  Yes I lost my little darling the night they were playing, the beautiful Tennessee waltz.
  (27-1-1) Tennessee Waltz 这歌确实很好听,有多个演唱版本,如 Ingrid 与Erskine Hawkins 等。但这些数码录音仍不如佩姬唱的好听,虽然那是当初我用卡带从上海电台103.7 mHz 调频立体声频道录下的。八十年代的音乐节目真好  啊!  「田纳西圆舞曲」还有 Various Artists 的器乐演奏,听起来不错。
  敬请版主帮助,不知能否把 Patti Page 演唱的 Changing Partners 和 Tennessee Waltz 贴上来。佩姬唱的许多歌中,我感到这两首真好听,所以想和网友们一起欣赏。
「橱窗里的小狗」由鲍勃.梅里尔创作。这位流行歌曲作家十分多产,作品题材信手拈来,冰箱、台灯、小狗都可成为他作品中的"主人"。That Doggie In The Window 是他在酒吧见一小狗向人摇尾乞怜后的即兴之作。原本想作为儿童歌曲,但交给 Petti Page 后立即走红,连续高居 Bill Board 达八周。我国著名歌唱家朱逢博在八十年代也演唱过此曲并灌制了唱片、磁带。  我们可以听 Lita Roza 的演唱,唱得很有趣。
That Doggie In The Window  How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the waggly tail. How much is that doggie in the window? I do hope that doggie's for sale.  (1) I must take a trip to California, And leave my poor sweetheart alone, If he has a dog, he won't be lonesome, And the doggie will have a good home.
That Doggie In The Window (cont.)  (2)
I read in the paper there're robbers, with flash lights that shine in the dark, My love needs a doggie to protect him, And scare them away with one bark.  (3)
I don't want a bunny or a kitty, I don't want a parrot that talks, I don't want a bowl full of fishes, He can't take a gold fish for a walk.
Elvis Presley 在流行音乐界的名声大家都知道。1954年他将乡村音乐和黑人音乐结合起来,创造了一种新形式的音乐,就是众所周知的 Rock and Roll (摇滚乐,有人译作“乐和怒”,也算一种创意吧)。Presley 的作品在1960年代曾引起许多争议,后来他改进了自己的创作,而公众也接受了他。他曾主演过三十几部电影,被歌迷们称为“猫王”。  下面介绍 Presley的名作 Love Me Tender,这是他1956年首次演唱的电影歌曲。我们可以下载他自己的演唱,Nana Mouskouri 的也值得欣赏。顺便一提,Nana Mouskouri 原籍希腊,她的演唱音色优美但又朴实无华,很不错。  
Love Me Tender  (1)
Love me tender, love me sweet, never let me go.  You have made my life complete and I love you so.  (2)
Love me tender, love me long, take me to your heart.  For it's there that I belong and we'll never part.  (3)
Love me tender, love me clear, tell me you are mine.  I'll be yours thro' all the years till the end of time.
Love Me Tender (Cont')  (Chorus)  Love tender, love me true, For my dream fulfill.  For my darling I love you, and I always will.
再回来谈谈 John Denver。1979年邓公访美,丹佛现场演奏了 Take Me Home
Country Road 和 Rocky Mountain High,此后乡村音乐传入国内。我以前闭塞,以为乡村音乐就是“乡下音乐”。丹佛的歌在国内还促进了中国的流行音乐。当时唱歌用轻声﹑气声,用吉他伴奏等都要“批判”,现在年轻人会觉得好笑。但是邓公现场听了丹佛演唱,还鼓了掌,丹佛的歌在国内总不能再禁了吧。这样才为流行音乐打开了一条窄路,以后则顺利发展了。  下面先给出《乡村大道带我回家》的歌词。  
  &loving you&
由Minnie Riperton(蜜妮莱普顿)和她丈夫共同谱写,她是一位黑人,1975年发表,是一个星期后,此歌获得全美冠军。但歌曲发行不长时间,便因乳癌去世。她拥有五个八度的高音。堪称有史以来天赋最佳的歌手之一  《loving you》  Loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful,     爱上你很容易,因为你如此美丽     Making love with you is all I wanna do.     而与你缠绵,是我心愿唯一所系     Loving you is more than just a dream come true,     爱着你,不只是一个美梦成真    And everything that I do is out of loving you.   而我所做的一切都是出于爱你     No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring.     没有人能够让我感受到你所带来的色彩艳丽     Stay with me while we grow old     陪伴在我身边,直到我们年华老去     And we will live each day in springtime.     而我们将春天般的度过每一个日子     'Cause loving you has made my life so beautiful,     因为爱着你使我的生命变得如此美丽     And everyday of my life is filled with loving you.     而我每一天的生命都盈满了对你的爱意     Loving you, I see your soul come shining through,     爱着你,我看见你的灵魂闪闪发光而来     And every time that we, oohh..     而每一次当我们在一起     I'm more in love with you.     我就越来越爱你
20:21:00  &loving you&
由Minnie Riperton(蜜妮莱普顿)和她丈夫共同谱写,她是一位黑人,1975年发表,是一个星期后,此歌获得全美冠军。但歌曲发行不长时间,便因乳癌去世。她拥有五个八度的高音。堪称有史以来天赋最佳的歌手之一  《loving you》  Loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful,     爱上你很容...........  -----------------------------  感谢网友介绍 Minnie Riperton,她唱 Memory Lane 也很好听。1980年代国家刚从文革的深渊中走出来,人们都感觉轻松、盼望「明天会更好」。那时的音乐节目也丰富,各种风格都有。卡式录音机又使爱乐者可按自己的喜好制作自己的盒带,比黑胶唱片时代多了些主动性。我十分怀念1970年代末开始的十几年时光,那时我努力工作、努力学习、发疯似的买卡带和录音乐。现在这上千盒卡带仍在,还能听。
Take Me Home, Country Road  (1)
Almost heaven West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountain, Shenandoah River. Life is old there, older than the tree, Younger than the mountains blowin' like a breeze. Country roads take me home, to the place I belong, West Virginia, mountain mama, take me home country road.
  回复第96楼(作者:@南方东方长江 于
12:14)  (27-4-1)
Take Me Home, Country Road  (1)
……  ==========  Take Me Home, Country Roads(cont')
(2) All my memories gather round her,Modest lady stranger to flue water. Dark and dusty, painted on the sky. Minsty taste moonshine teardrops in my eye. Country roads take me home, to the place I belong, West Virginia, mountain mama, take me home country roads.  I hear her voice in the morning hour as she calls me, The radio reminds me And driving down the road I get a feeling that I should have been home yesterday, yesterday.  Country roads take me home, to the place I belong, West Virginia, mountain mama, take me home country roads, take me home country roads.
Take Me Home, Country Roads 除John Denver自己的演唱,The Hit Crew 的演唱也值得一听。另外还有些器乐曲也不错。  
Rocky Mountain High  (1) He was born in the summer of his twenty seventh year, comin' home to a place he'd never been before.  He left yesterday behind him you might say he was born again, you might say he found a key for ev'ry door.  When he first came to the mountains, his life was far away, on the road and hangin' by a song.  But the string's already broken and he doesn't really care, it keeps changin' fast and it won't last for long.  But the Colorado Rocky Mountain high, I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky.  The shadow from the starlight is softer than a lullaby.  Rocky Mountain high, Rocky Mountain high.
Rocky Mountain High (cont')  (2)
He climb Cathedral Mountains, he saw silver clouds below, he saw
ev'rything as far as you can see.  And they say that he got crazy once and he tried to touch the sun, and he lost a friend but keep his memory.  Now he walks in quiet solitude, the forests and the streams seeking grace in ev'ry step he takes.  His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand the serenity of a clear blue mountain lake.  But the Colorado Rocky Mountain high, I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky.  Talk to God and listen to the casual reply.  Rocky Mountain high, Rocky Mountain high.


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