高一英语必修一为什么B② search 用ing形式?

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Unit 2  Captain Cook  &
  [重点词语] suffer, suggest, head, prepare for, insist on,
take an interest in, take…by, surprise, pass by, in charge of, fall ill, set
out, set sail, at sea, set up, up and down, with the purpose of…
  [重点句型] It is a good strong
Though not very fast to do sth.
  [语法焦点] &动词+ing形式作宾语、主语及表语
  [口语交际] &表示决断和坚持
  [能力指导] 写作(二):
景物描写(旅游杂记) &  
完形填空(二): 能力要求  
&About Captain Cook 
  James Cook(),British
naval captain, navigator and explorer. He led three scientific &expeditions to the southern hemisphere(半球)(72-79)making
many discoveries in the regions(地区)of
Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific islands. He was the first to penetrate
the Antarctic Circle(1773),
and on this voyage demonstrated(论证)the
efficacy of methods of preventing scurvy(败血症).He
Bering Strait in search of Northwest Passage. He was murdered by natives in
  1.When and where was
James Cook born?
  2.What did he do at
the age of 18?
  3.What happened in
  4.What did he do in
  5.What happened to him
  6.When did the Endeavour set out for the
Pacific,which Captain Cook was in charge of?
  7.Where did Cook’s
expedition arrive in 1769?
  8.When did his
expedition come back to England?
  9.What was the result
of the expedition?
  10.Can you draw the
coastline that Captain Cook’s expedition sailed along?
  1. Captain Cook is preparing for his first
great expedition to the Pacific.
&prepare for是“为……做准备”之意 例如:
&I have to
prepare for tomorrow’s experiment. 
&另外,为某事做准备还可以用make preparations for表示乐意做某事可用 be prepared 
&to do sth.
  2.The men often fall ill and
suffer fever, so I have decided to take live animals.
&1)fall ill 病倒的意思。
 &例如:fall asleep入睡, fall in love with sb .爱上某人  fall apart破裂,崩溃
&2)live为形容词,读作 []是活的,有生命的,带电的,实况的。
careful. The wire is live 小心,电线有电。
    They are
going to give the live broadcast while the football match is on.
  3.They usually go bad as
soon as we are at sea.  当我们一到海上,这些蔬菜就会变质。
   1) go bad是“变质,腐烂”的意思。
况变化)。例如: go mad (发狂) ,  go hungry(挨饿)
, go wrong(发生故障)
说go strong(情况)良好,兴旺。
   2)at sea 是在海上航行之意。  例如:
   &When we woke up, the ship was at
sea.  当我们醒来时,船已航行在海上。
    The ship
spent 3 months at sea.  船在海上航行了三个月。
    He was all
at sea when he began his new work.
  4.There will be a lot of
room below for stores.下面将有很多地方用于贮存物品。
   1)room 在此是不可数名词,是“空间”的意思。
   2)below 是副词,是“在下面”的意思。作定语修饰名词room注意
here is full of joy.  这儿的生活充满欢乐。
  5.We will use it for
cleaning the inside of the ship. 
better not go inside. It’s dangerous.
   &你最好别进去,有危险。 (副词)
    I want an
inside seat in the bus.
    我想坐在车里面的座位上。 (形容词)
    The pressure
inside the container is larger than that outside the container.
    容器里面的压力比外面压力大。 (介词)
  6.The local landowner took
an interest in the young boy and paid for his schooling.
interest in对……感兴趣。
lot of people take great interest in American Country music.
2)schooling是名词,“教育”之意。 例如:
He had only 5 years of schooling. 他仅上过五年学。
  7.At the age of 18 he joined
the ship, which was used to carry coal down the east coast of
   1)join the ship当了船员
    join 是及物动词,表示“参加”之意。后接表示“组织”,“团体”等概念的名词时,
意思是成为该团体的一员。 例如:join
the navy 参加海军join
the club 成为俱乐部会
   2)down the east coast
of England沿着英格兰的东海岸。down相当于along
  8.up and down“上上下下”,“来来回回”的意思
 here and
there   到处
 far and near    远近
 back and
forth   来来回回
night   日日夜夜
    &sooner or later   迟早
  9.Where the British army
could land safe and take the enemy by surprise.
   take someone by
surprise 突然袭击;使措手不及之意。 
例如:I took him by
surprise and he had no time to think of an excuse.
10.After the war, Cook married and set up home in
London. 战后,库克结婚并在伦敦安
   set up home“安家”,“成家”之意。  set up是一固定短语意思是“创立,建立,
Roadblocks were set up by the police to catch the escaped
They want to set up home in Shanghai. 他们想在上海安家。
  11.with the purpose of是介词词组,意为“具有某种目的”,“抱着某种目的”。 例如:
 They are
planning to make a pop record with the purpose of collecting money for the hungry people in Africa.
 Bob Geldof is
not a film star, but a pop star.
 Not you but I
made the mistake.
  13.It was just over 32 meters
in length 船的全长32米。
 表示物体的长,宽,高,深,可以用形容词,(long , high , tall , wide , deep……)表示,也可以用介词in+名词(length , width , height , depth……) 来表示。 例如:
The cave is 3 meters high, 4 meters long and 2 meters wide.此句相等于The
cave is 3 meters in height, 4 meters in length and 2 meters in depth.
well as 是“除……以外”,“不但……而且”的意思。连接两个相等
    其强调的重点是as well as前面的部分,而不是后面的部分,例如:
have to travel by night as well as by day.
  我们不得不日夜赶路。(强调的是by night)
    上面这句话可写成We have to travel not only by day but also by night . 由此看来并列
only …but also”与as well as意思相同,但“not only …but
well as连接两个并列主语时句中的谓语动词应和as well as前面的主语一
 He, as well as
I, is a League member. 我和他都是团员。
  15.In July 1768 the
Endeavour set out for the Pacific.&
1)set out “动身”,“启航”,“着手去干”的意思
They set out before 7.   他们七点前就动身了。
Mary set out to improve her Chinese.  玛丽着手提高她的中文。
2)介词for在这表示方向,去向,常和动词set out , leave , start , head 等词连用。
 例如: He started for / left for London this
morning 他今晨动身前往伦敦。
ship is heading for Dalian.     &
  16.In July they set sail
again and headed south and west in search of a new land.
1)set sail 是启航之意。 例如:
&They set sail
for the North Pole.  他们启航去北极。
&在英语中,有一些动词如:take , have , make , give等常和一个动词词性 
a walk   散步  have a break 休息  give a shout 喊
 give a whistle &吹口哨 make an answer  回答
   &make a promise 允许,答应
2)head 为不及物动词后接表方向的副词,如
south, north, west ,eastward 等。
3)in search of努力寻找的意思。介词短语常作状语或表语。
villagers are still out in search of the missing boy.
    I’m at
present in search of a house.
   17. Only Cook’s
quick thinking saved the expedition.
Cook’s quick thinking是带有逻辑主语的动词ing形式,它一般是由物主代词或名
例如:Tom’s coming late made his teacher unhappy.
you think my going there will be of any help?
This classroom is 5 meters in long.
This classroom is 5 meters in length.
    本句可以写成“This classroom is 5 meters long.”
     &其他类似词组有:in height/ in width/in depth/ in size/ in shape.
He rose the bag in the air.
raised the bag in the air.
   &[析] rise 是一个不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,也不能带宾语。
  三、口语操练 &Determination, decision and insistence
   I insist
   I shall insist on…
   I’ve decided to do…
  [示范引证] &
  1.A: would you like to go with us
   B: No, I insist on
working on the new machine tonight.
  2.A: What would you like to do this
   B: I have decided to go
outing with them.
  3.A: Is there anything that you want
me to do this evening?
   B: I insist that you
do the thorough cleaning all by yourself.
up early is a good habit.
get up early is good for your health.
It is no use talking with him.&
is no doing.(做某事不可能)句型中动词-ing式也是做主语。
There is no parking in the front of stores. 商店门前不准停车。
My job is teaching.我的工作是教书。
Teaching is my job.教书是我的工作。
    &My job is interesting.我的工作是有意思的。
   &He enjoys listening to light music.他喜欢听轻音乐。
mind, enjoy, finish, stop, appreciate, imagine, excuse, practise,
suggest, risk(冒险做
某事),avoid, miss(错过),escape等。
   &He has given up smoking. 他已戒烟。
   &He left without saying a
word. 他一句话也没说便走了。
   &The novel is worth reading twice.
  五、词语储存 &
    &The owner raised the food prices.
    &The food prices rose last week.
  2.prepare for与be prepared for的区别:
&prepare for指对将要作的事“做准备”,表示动作。而be prepared for是
preparing for the final exam.
&We are always
prepared for anything to happen.
  六、能力点拨 &
 &写作(二): 景物描写(旅游杂记) &
  The Three Gorges of the Yangtze
River is famous throughout the world. There are a number of beautiful places of
interest along it, such as the Xiling Gorge (西陵峡), Wu Gorge (巫峡), Qutang Gorge (瞿塘峡), Zhaojun Village, Qu Yuan Temple and Baidi Town.
  The Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance
to the gorges. A big power station has been built here. Since the reform and
open-dor policies began to be carried out, great changes have taken place and
the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have taken on a new look.
  The Three
Gorges will benefit the people and make greater contribution to China.
  五、阅读中要善于抓住相关信息词语,能力注意到关键性词语。如:but, so, although, and, however, otherwise等。
  请练习下面的完形填空: &
If you want to stay young, sit down and have a good
think. This is the research finding of a team of Japanese doctors, who said
that most of our brains are not getting enough ______(1);and as a result, we
are growing old _________(2).
Professor Matsuzawa wanted to find out why quite
_____(3) farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their____(4) to think
and reason (推理) at a
rather early age, and _______(5) the speed of getting old could be _______(6)
  With a team of researchers at Tokyo
National University, he ______(7) about measuring brain volumes (容量) of a thousand people of
different ages with different jobs.
 Computer technology helped the researchers to
get most ______(8) measure of the volume of the front and side parts of the brain,
which have something to _______(9)with intellect (智力) and feelings,
and _______(10) the human character. ________(11) we all know, the black part
of the brain, which _______(12) tasks like eating and breathing ,does contract (萎缩) with ages.
  Contraction of the front and
side parts was ______(13) in some people in their thirties, _____(14) it was
still found in ______(15) sixty and seventy-year-olds.
  &Matsuzawa concluded from his test that
_____(16) is a simple way to _____(17) the contraction using the head.
findings show that contraction of the brain begins ______(18) in people in the
country than in towns. Those with least possibility are lawyers ______(19) by
university professors and doctors. White collar workers doing the same work ______(20)
in a government officers are possible to have contraction brains as the farm
practice       B.
 C. exercise     
necessary      B.
necessarily     C. unnecessary    D. unnecessarily
healthy        B.
old      &
 C. young      
ways        B.
ability     &
C. effects     &
 D. beliefs
what        B.
how      &
C. whether     
laid         B.
C. slowed     &
set           B.
thought      C. looked     & D. cared
  8. A..
exact       B.
rough     &
 C. general      D. great
break        B.
agree     &
  C. deal        D. do
  10. A.
test        B.
examine    &
 C. decide    &
 &D. find
As      &
  C. What    
  &D. Although
  12. A.
carries          B.
finishes    &
  C. controls      &D. works
  13. A.
seen   &
  C. stopped      &D. cured
  14. A. and
yet     B.
  C. so        D. for
  15. A.
over           B.
under     &
 C. below       D. some
  16. A.
    C. it      
  D. there
  17. A.
increase         B.
enlarge    &
  C. prevent      D. keep
  18. A.
earlier       B.
 C. steadier    
 &D. sooner
  19. A.
supported      B.
  C. admired         &D. respected
20. A. day after day    B.
day and night     C. now and then    &D. up and down
参考答案: &
  [听力指导] &听力的要求
虽然听力很重要,大纲规定的听力要求也不算苛刻,但听力一直是高中英语教学的薄弱环节.高考加试听力是教育改革的重大举措.它必然将有效地推进英语教学,提高英语教学水平.广东省从1999 年开始试行3+x 方案,2000年山西.吉林.江苏.浙江 四省进行了这项高考科目设置改革.2001年在全国推行3+x方案.3指语文数学,外语为每个考生的必考科目.考题突出能力与运用,为此高考增加第一大题 听力测试,总分30分,占卷面总分的五分之一.听力考得好坏与否关系到高考的成败.由于它是英语考试中首先出现的部分,因而对考生在整个考试期间的心理状态影响极大:考得顺利,会增强信心;否则,会因为心理紧张而造成失误.
  第一节  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,请选出符合题意的最佳答案。每段对话后你都有10秒钟时间回答有关小题和阅读下一题。每段对话只读一遍。
  ( ) 1. How does the man usually go to his
   A. By taxi    B. By
bus   &
C. On foot
  ( )2. What will the man do this weekend?
   A. Celebrate his
grandfather’s birthday.   B. Have a chat
with the women.
   C. Get together
with some of his friend.
  ( )3. When does this dialogue take place?
   A. in a
school   B.
at the man’s office   C. in a hotel
  ( )4. What’s not the result of the women’s
   A. She can’t go
to school for some weeks.    B.
She will miss all the lessons
   C. Nobody will
help her when she was recovered
  ( )5. What’s the result of the women’s
   A. She will lose
all her salary.    B. She
will leave people a bad impression.
   C. She will make
the boss angry
  第二节  听下面5段对话或对白。每段对话或对白后有几个小题,从题中所给的选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或对白前,你将有5秒钟阅读各小题,听完后,每小题有5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或对白读两遍。
  ( )6. What’s the relationship between the
two speakers?
   A. They are boss
and employee.     &
B. They are nurse and doctor.
   C. They are
husband and wife.
  ( )7. What’s the probable result of the
A. The man will give up smoking.    B.
The ma will continue to smoke.
C. The man will go to bed.
  ( )8. What’s the women going to do?
   A. Attend the friend’s
wedding party.    B.
Attend Lan’s party.
   C. Do some
shopping with some of her friends.
  ( )9. What does the man suggest to the
   A. Wear her new
dress to attend the party.    B. Wear
the light blue dress.
   C. Wear the more
formal one.
  ( )10. What can you infer from the
A. The two speakers failed the exam more than once.
   B. The two
speakers only failed the exam this time.
   C. The two
speakers are good students.
  ( )11. What’s the result of their failing
   A. They have to have
an exam next term.  
   B. They have to ask
their parents for help.
   C. They have to leave
the school.
  ( )12. What’s the probable result of the
The two speakers will stay at home to prepare for the exam.
The two speakers will stay at school to prepare for the exam.
The two speakers will not do preparations and spend a nice a nice vacation.
  ( )13. What’s the relationship between the
two speakers?
   A. They are ticket
seller and passenger.  
B. They are shop assistant and customer.
   C. They are close
  ( )14. When does the mid-morning flight
arrive in Paris?
   A. At 9:00    
B. At 11:05    &
C. At 12:15
  ( )15. If the man wants to take the early
morning flight, when will he arrive at the airport?
   A. At 7:50    
B. At 6:50     
C. At 9:00
  ( )16. How much does the man have to pay
for the ticket at last?
   A. $59     &
B. $590      
  ( )17. What’s the main topic of the
   A. The Barcelona
Olympic Games.  &
B. TV programs on Chinese television.
   C. Effects of
television on our lives
  ( )18. How many people watched the
Barcelona Olympic Games on Television in China?
   A. Tens of
thousands.   B.
Tens of millions.  &
C. Ten million
  ( )19. According to a survey in Shanghai,
how much time did young people spend on
television each day?
   A. Two and a
half hours    B.
Three hours   
C. Three and a half hours
  ( )20. Television is quickly taking the
place of printed material as the major source of news
for most Chinese. How do you know?
   A. There are
about 185 million TV sets in China.
   B. There are
news programs on television.
   C. A survey in
Beijing founded 63% of those surveyed got news from TV.
  I. 单词拼写:根据句意及所给汉语注释或单词首字母,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。5%
 1. The earth is one of the nine
_________(行星)that move around the sun.
  2. We__________(庆祝)Christmas
with a tree and many presents yesterday.
 3. His father is a __________(熟练的) worker.
 4. They are going to make an_________(远征)to
 5. The doctor advised him to eat
more________(蔬菜),which could make him healthy.
  II. 选择填空: 20%
 1. He insisted he _____nothing and that he _______ free.
set      &
be set  
   C. was set                D.
 2. There are
so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can’t decide _______to buy.
 A. what    
    B. which       C. how     
   D. where
 3. After the
war, a new school building was put up _________there had once been a theatre.
 A. that     &
B. where          C.
to go there early tomorrow morning.
expected    B .
hoped          C.
 D. suggested
 5.Is this
factory _________your father works in?&
B. the one  &
in which    
  D. where
 6. I’d love to
know some _______ about _______ space.
the &C. the  D. / 
 7. ――Thanks
for taking great trouble to &help me.
 &A. All right                     B.
That’s right
 &C. You are all right             &D. That’s all right
  8. Our teacher told us that
the maths examination was _________.
 &A. after two weeks time            B.
in two week’s time
 &C. two week’s away     &
in two-week long
 9. Voices were
_________when the discussion became more heated.
  A. risen       B.
  C. shouted    
   D. improved
He came into the room and took her ________surprise, which made her cry out
  A in       B.
  C. in     
    D. by
 11. ――Have
you moved into the new house?
yet, The rooms __________.
  A. are being
painted            B.
are painting
  C. are painted                 D.
are being painting
 12. He as well
as his parents ________kind to me.
   A. has         B.
are     &
    D. have
 13. Try_______at
the back door if nobody hears you at the front door.
  A. to knock                         B. to have knocked  
  C. knocking                          D. to be knocking
 14. _____is a
good form of exercise for both young and old.
  A. The walk    B.
Walking       C. To walk    
   D. Walk
 15. She didn’t
remember ______the ________report before.
  A. encouraging    &
      B. to
&16. The final exam is coming and all the
students ______ it.
   A. were making preparation for        B.
are making preparations for
   C. were preparing       
are preparing
 17. The three
of us asked for ______ .
  &A. two tea and a coffee              B.
two teas and a coffee
  &C. two tea and coffee              D.
two cup of tea and a cup of coffee
 18. The light
is still on. They ______ to turn it off when they left the office.
  &A. must have forgotten              B.
could have forgotten
  &C. may forget      &
must forget
  19. Mary enjoys ______ with
her husband and ______ this and that.
  &A. to do shopping, make him
buying     B. going to shop,
make him to buy
  &C. going shopping, making him
buy      D. to do
some shopping, making him buying
It looks ______no one will go there.&
    A. as           B.
as though        C.
if           D.
III. 翻译句子:5%
 1. 我记得把你的自行车放在楼前了。 (remember)
  2.多吃水果和蔬菜对你的身体有好处。(do good to )
  4.学校由王校长负责。(in charge of)
  5. 学生们正在准备考试。(prepare for)
  IV. 完形填空 25%
&As the plane circled over the
airport, everyone guessed that__1__was wrong .The palne was
moving unsteadily(不平稳地)through the__2 __and
the passengers were suddenly thrown forward. .At that moment, the air hostess(空中小姐)appeared.
She looked very pale,but was quite __ 3__.Speaking quickly but almost in a__ 4__she
told everyone that the pilot was __ 5__ill and asked if any of the passengers
knew __ 6__about machine―or at__7__how to drive a car.After a
moment’s__8__,a man got up and __9__the hostess into the pilot’s room.
pilot aside,the man _11__his seat and listened carefully
to the orders__12__were
being sent __13__radio from the airport__14__.The plane was
how dangerously__15__to the
ground,but it soon began to __16__.The man had to circle the
airport several times in__17__to
become familiar__18__the controls.But the danger had not__19__passed.The
terrible moment
came when he had to__20__.Following orders,the man controlled
the plane towards the airfield.It
shook greatly__21__it touched the ground and then moved
rapidly__22__the fields,but after a
long__23__it stopped safely.Outside,a lot of people,who__24__watching
anxiously,ran forward
to__25__the “pilot”on an excellent landing.
1.A.nothing &2.A.airport &3.A.natural &4.A.smile &5.A.badly &6.A.anything &7.A.most &8.A.thought &9.A.led &10.A.Moved &11.A.took &12.A.they &13.A.by &14.A.down &15.A.up &16.A.fly &17.A.time &18.A.to &19.A.hardly &20.A.land &21.A.as    22.A.though    23.A.fly    24.A.was &25.A.congratulate
B.what B.heaven B.calm B.whisper B.worse B.something B.last B.quiet B.showed B.Standing B.sat B.that B.to B.below B.over B.go down B.sky B.with B.already B.drive B.before B.onto B.forward B.had been B.praise
C.something C.air C.worried C.cry C.bad C.nothing C.first C.darkness C.had C.Moving C.placed C.these C.into C.there C.close C.stop C.order C.for C.always C.rise C.after C.around C.run C.are C.thank
D.the plane D.excited D.excited D.fear D.heavy D.all this D.least D.hesitation D.followed D.Being put D.stood D.this D.over D.nearby D.downstains D.climb D.the plane D.about D.yet D.set D.until D.across D.drives D.enjoyed D.reward
  V. 阅读理解 20%
  Why don’t birds get lost in
their long migratory(迁居的) flights? Scientists have puzzled over this question for many
years. Now they’re beginning to fill in the blanks.
  Not long ago, experiments
showed that birds rely on the sun to guide them during daylight hours. But what
about birds that fly mainly by night? Tests with man-made stars have proved
conclusively that certain night-flying birds are able to follow the stars in
their long-distance flights.
  One such bird, a warbler(鸣禽), had spent its lifetime in a
cage and had never flown under a natural sky. Yet it showed an inborn ability
to use the stars for guidance. The bird’s cage was placed under a man-made
star----filled sky at migration time. The bird tried to fly in the same direction
as that taken by his outdoor cousins. Any change in the direction of the
man-made stars caused a change in the direction of his flight.
  Scientists think that
warblers, when flying in daylight, use the sun for guidance. But the stars are
apparently their principal means of navigation(导航). What do they do when the stars are hidden by clouds? Apparently,
they find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coastlines, and river
courses. But when it’s too dark to see these, the warblers circle helplessly,
unable to get their direction.
  1. The reasons why do birds
don’t get lost in migratory flights ___________ .
A.have been known to scientists for
many years
B.have only recently been discovered
C.are known by everyone
D.will probably remain a mystery
&2. The birds mentioned in
this article _______________ .
   A.was captured and put in a cage by
   B.had never flown under a natural sky
   C.was tamed and tested by scientists
   D.was a bird that can speak
 3. Warbler migrate
   A.from North America to South America
   B.only once during their lifetime
   C.using what is apparently an inborn
navigational ability
   D.when they are freed from their
 4. When the stars are
hidden by clouds, warblers find their way by __________.
   A. a man-made
B. their inborn ability
   C. some
landmarks      &
D. A and B
  Dollar Is Steady Except In
The US dollar
remained stable last week with limited fluctuations(拨动) in most of the country’s foreign
exchange swap markets(外汇交易市场).
  But a strong buying wave on
the Hainan Foreign Exchange Market pushed the exchange rate of the dollar
against renminbi yuan to 8.76 yuan on Tuesday and then a record high
of 8.87 yuan on Wednesday.
  More than $ 4.1 million was
traded in Hainan Province on Wednesday.&
But the dollar slipped to 8.769 yuan
the following day and transaction(交易) volume shrank to $1.66 million.
  The week’s lowest price for
the dollar was 8.679 yuan on the
Dalian Foreign Exchange Market on Friday.
  The Hong Kong dollar opened
at 1.122 yuan Monday in Shenzhen and
closed at 1.124 yuan on Thursday.
  It closed at 1.126 yuan on Friday in Hainan, 1.125 yuan on the Guangzhou Foreign Exchange
Market, and 1.120 yuan on the
Guangdong Foreign Exchange Market.
  The Japanese yen opened at
0.771 yuan and closed at 0.701 yuan on Monday on the Shanghai Foreign
Exchange Market.
  But no deals were made that
day.         &
 1. Which foreign exchange market saw the
highest price of the US dollar?
Dalian                  B.
 C. Hainan         
D. Shenzhen
 2. On which market on Friday did the
Hong Kong dollar close the lowest?
A.In Hainan       &
   B. In
C. In Guangdong          D. Shenzhen
 3. What was the price of the Japanese
yen when the market opened on Monday?
&A.0.701yuan         &B.
&C.0.771yuan         &D.
 4. What might we say about the US dollar
on last week’s exchange markets?
 A.It showed sharp ups and downs.
 B.It remained steady only with a slight change.
 C.It dropped and then rose again.
 D.It remained steady without any change.
George Markov
was a famous writer in Bulgaria. In 1969, he suspected(猜想)that he was
going to be put into prison or killed
because one of his plays was regarded as being an attack on the leaders of
Bulgaria. Markov managed to reach England and got a job with the BBC, preparing
broadcast in Bulgarian.
Some of the BBC
broadcasts were critical (批评) of life in Bulgaria. Perhaps as a result of
this, Markov received an anonymous(匿名) telephone call warning him that
he would be killed. In September, 1978, Markov stopped his car in London and
started to walk to his office. When he was passing a bus line, a man in the
line appeared to drop his umbrella. Markov felt a sudden pain in the leg.
When Markov
reached his office, he spoke about the incident to a friend. A few hours later,
he began to feel ill. He was sent to
hospital and died four days later. The doctor examined his body, and they were
puzzled about the cause of his death. They found a tiny metal pellet(弹丸) in Markov’s leg. There were two
tiny holes in the pellet, and scientists believed that there had been an
unknown poison in them.
A few weeks
before Markov was “shot” with poisonous pellet fired from an umbrella,
another Bulgarian had the same experience
in France. Towards the end of August 1978, Kostov felt a sharp pain in the back
when the news of Markov’s death became known, Kostov was asked to return to
hospital for examination. Doctors found a tiny pellet in his back, but it had
stuck in an area which the poison had not been able to spread.
The police in
both countries are still searching for the reasons why both men were attacked.
They hope to catch their attackers.
passage we were not told that Markov _______.
    A. once
lived in Bulgaria    &
B. worked for BBC
   C. was attacked by
somebody   D.
visited France
2. The cause of
Markov’s death was that__________.
    A. he was
working for the BBC
    B. he was
hated by Londoners
    C. he made
up stories when broadcasting
    D. he once
wrote something to attack Bulgarian leaders
  VI. 短文改错 10%
 The Australian newspaper reports that
one     &1.____________________
morning not long ago,a man called to a taxi      
company and complained that the taxi that he ordered   3.____________________
to show him to the airport had not yet arrived     &
The girl who received the call apologizded      &
&“I am very sorry
that the taxi wasn’t        &
there already ,sir,”she said,”But don’t worry.      &7.____________________
The plane is always late.”             
“Well,it certainly will be in this morning,        9.____________________
the caller said sharply,”I happen to the pilot.”     
  VII. 书面表达 15%
按照内容适当增减, 但不能仅仅翻译要点。
1.planets &2.celebrated   3.skilled/ experienced
  II. &1―5 D B B A
B 6―10 D D B B A &11―15 A B C B D 16―20 B B A C B
  III. &1. I remembered having put your bike in front of the
  2.Eating more fruit and
vegetables will keep you healthy.
  3. He is absent, for he has
  4. Headmaster Wang is in
charge of the school.
  5.The students are preparing
for the exam.
  IV.1―5C C B B A &6―10A D B D C 11―15A B A B C  16―20B C B D A    
    21―25A A C B
  V.A. &B B C C  B. CC C B  C. D D &
  VI.1.The 一 An   2.去掉to   3.he 后面加had   &
4.show 一 take
5.received 一 answered   6.wasn’t 一 isn’t  &7.already 一 yet  8.无错误
  9.去掉in  10.to 后面加 be
  VII. One possible version
  Most students in our school,
including me, are strongly against the construction of a chemical works near
our school. Although the works will make a lot of money for our city, we do
think it will do us greater harm than good. The drinking water will be badly
polluted. Of course, they have promised to do something to prevent the water
from being polluted, however, it is far from enough. On the other hand, the air
over the city will be polluted, too.. We will never be able to breathe fresh
air. How can we live here any longer? Last but not the least, the site of the
chemical works will take up the place where we students play games and have
sports after school. Where would we do sports if it were occupied?


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