hubs and authoritiess是什么意思

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issuing authorities是什么意思
中文翻译出证当局签发当局签证当局:&&&&n. 1.出口;河口。 2.结果,结局;成绩。 3.收获 ...:&&&&n. 1.权威,威信;权力,权柄;权限,职权,权能。 2 ...
例句与用法1.Issuing authority and accreditation details of
and(六) ?生证书的签发机构和认证内容;和2.Encrypted with the issuing authority s private key in pki framework的校验和,它使用颁发证书的权威在pki框架中的私钥进行了加密。 3.It is not necessary that the issuing authority be based on public key infrastructure颁发证书的权威并没有必要一定基于公钥基础设施。 4.The certification - issuing authority should maintain a version number per user in its repository颁发证书的权威应该在自己的仓库中为每个用户维护一个版本号。 5.Pac versions should be maintained by the certificate - issuing authority ; the version should change when the user s group membership information changesPac版本应该由颁发证书的权威机构进行维护;当用户组的成员关系发生变化时,版本也应该变化。 6.Article ten in cases of the change of the registered software items , the applicant shall go through the formalities of the change of the registration at the original issuing authorities第十条软件产品登记项目变更,登记单位应及时到原颁发证书机关办理变更登记手续。 7.Article 11 the examination and approval administration organ should , upon approval of the transfer of mineral exploration right or mining right , notify the original permit issuing authority in time第十二条探矿权、采矿权转让后,探矿权人、采矿权人的权利、义务随之转移。 8.Article 11 : the examination and approval administration organ should , upon approval of the transfer of mineral exploration right or mining right , notify the original permit issuing authority in time第十一条:审批管理机关批准转让探矿权、采矿权后,应当及时通知原发证机关。 9.Confirm the legality of excavation with the local issuing authorities of rock excavation permits and export licences and require the verification of such permits and licences by lo and与签发石料挖掘证及出口证的当地政府人员确认石料挖掘的合法性,并需得到当地公证人认证挖掘证及出口证的真实性;及10.In case of changes of the information specified in the alien ' s residence permit such as address , university / college of study and place of work / employment , you must , within 10 days , register the changes with the permit - issuing authority如果您的住址、就读院校、任职或就业单位等情况发生变化,须在变更后10日内到我处申请变更手续。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&
issuing authorities的中文翻译,issuing authorities是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译issuing authorities,issuing authorities的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。当前位置: &
中文翻译英英解释当局,权力,权威权限:&&&&n. 1.权威,威信;权力,权柄;权限,职权,权能。 2 ...
例句与用法1.They have complained to local authorities .他们向当地政府提过意见。2.His voice carries the ring of authority .他的声音中带有权威的口气。3.He ignored the existing lines of authority .他不顾现有的职权系统。4.Policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers .警察有权逮捕犯法者。5.These factories are run by the local authorities .这些厂属地方领导。6.Teachers exercise authority over their pupils .教师经常管束学生。7.Books of authority are all of some antiquity .权威著作都有点古老色彩。8.I shall have to report this to the authorities .我得把这事向当局报告。9.He battered him with authorities .他引经据典地对他实行重炮轰击。10.The authorities were alerted to the danger .当局对危险警惕起来。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
1. Her case was/went unheard by the authorities. 她的问题当局不予考虑。 2. The authorities believe there is a mole at the Treasury. 当局认为财政部里有内奸。 3. The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。 4. Broadcasting authorities are often public corporations. 广播事业管理机构一般为公营公司。 5. I shall have to report this to the authorities. 我得把这事向当局报告。 6. State authorities yesterday pulled the plug on a Manhattan money-wiring operation that allegedly funneled millions of dollars to and from banks in the Dominican Republic, mainly for use by drug dealers. 州政府当局昨天勒令曼哈顿一家电汇款项的商号歇业。据说其与多米尼加共和国数家银行往来调动美金数百万地,主要供毒贩使用。authorities什么意思_百度知道
rɪθɒ 权限,权威; 政府当局; 权威( authority的名词复数 ); 网络官方;; 学术权威;s][美][ɔr&#618:' 权力;;tɪθ&#594,权力;t&#618.当局:'s]n; [复数]当权者authorities[英][&#596
 ;tɪrɪ[复数]当权者;  权威( authority的名词复数 );&#160:' ;tɪθɒ权力:'s]n;r&#618,权威;s][美][&#596,权力;θ&#594.当局;学术权威authorities[英][&#596
出门在外也不愁英语(英国)Tripartite authorities是什么意思三方权威这个解释没听过.希望熟悉英式英语的达人帮忙解答一下_百度作业帮
英语(英国)Tripartite authorities是什么意思三方权威这个解释没听过.希望熟悉英式英语的达人帮忙解答一下
英语(英国)Tripartite authorities是什么意思三方权威这个解释没听过.希望熟悉英式英语的达人帮忙解答一下
三方机构:英国金融服务管理局、英格兰银行(英国中央银行)和财政部tripartite authorities:the Bank,the Financial Services Authority,the regulator,and the Treasury
有么有语境?可以指"Tripartite system of education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland"也可以指"Tripartite classification of authority"就是金融的文献,跟英国银行政府有关的那就是Tripartite classification of authority"1...
那就是Tripartite classification of authority"1 charismatic authority (familial and religious),2 traditional authority (patriarchs, patrimonalism, feudalism) and3 legal authority (modern law and state, bureaucracy).


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