
括号里的就可以(袋鼠不会行走,只会跳跃,或在前脚和后腿的帮助下奔跳前行。Kangaroo not running, jumping only, or foreleg and hind legs with the help of Ben jump forward. 袋鼠属夜间生活的动物,通常在太阳下山后几个小时才出来寻食,而在太阳出来后不久就回巢。Kangaroo is a life of animals at night, usually after sunset only a few hours out ants, in the sun shortly after returning home. )袋鼠Kangaroo
袋鼠原产于澳大利亚大陆和巴布亚新几内亚的部分地区。Kangaroo originating in the mainland of Australia, Papua New Guinea and parts. 其中,有些种类为澳大利亚独有。Among them, some species unique to Australia. 所有澳大利亚袋鼠,动物园和野生动物园里的除外,都在野地里生活。All Australian Kangaroo, zoos and wildlife except in zoos are living in the wild. 不同种类的袋鼠在澳大利亚各种不同的自然环境中生活,从凉性气候的雨林和沙漠平原到热带地区。Different types of kangaroo in Australia variety of natural life, from the cooler climate of the rainforest and desert plains to the tropical regions. 袋鼠是食草动物,吃多种植物,有的还吃真菌类。Kangaroo is herbivores, eating a variety of plants, some eating fungus. 它们大多在夜间活动,但也有些在清晨或傍晚活动。They are mostly nocturnal, but also some in the early morning or evening activities. 不同种类的袋鼠在各种不同的自然环境中生活。Different types of kangaroo in a variety of natural life. 比如,波多罗伊德袋鼠会给自己做巢而树袋鼠则生活在树丛中。For example, movie-of-the-Kangaroo will own nest and the tree kangaroo were living in the bush. 大种袋鼠喜欢以树、洞穴和岩石裂缝作为遮蔽物。Kangaroo large species like tree holes and cracks in rocks as Atmospheric Attenuation. 所有袋鼠,不管体积多大,有一个共同点:长着长脚的后腿强键而有力。Kangaroo all, regardless of how much volume, there is a common denominator : with long legs legs strong and powerful bond. 大多数袋鼠在地面生活,从它们强健的后腿跳越的方式很容易便能将其与其他动物区分开来。Kangaroo on the ground most of life, from their strong hind legs of the jump can be easily with other animals separate. 袋鼠在跳跃过程中用尾巴进行平衡,当它们缓慢走动时,尾巴则可作为第五条腿。Kangaroo jumping process used in the tail for balance when they walk slowly, the tail may act as a fifth leg. 所有雌性袋鼠都长有前开的育儿袋,育儿袋里有四个乳头。All female kangaroo is the long before opening the bag childcare, parental pockets of a four nipple. “幼崽”或小袋鼠就在育儿袋里被抚养长大,直到它们能在外部世界生存。"David Sons" or small kangaroo in a pocket childcare to be brought up until they can survive in the outside world. 袋鼠图常作为澳大利亚国家的标识,如绿色袋鼠用来代表澳大利亚制造。Kangaroo plans often as Australia's national identification, such as green kangaroo on behalf of Australia to manufacture. 袋鼠图还经常出现在澳大利亚公路上,那是表示附近常有袋鼠出现,特别是夜间行车要注意。Kangaroo plans also frequently appeared in the Australian road, it is often said that the nearby Kangaroo, particularly as driving at night to note. 袋鼠通常以群居为主,有时可多达上百只。Kangaroo mainly usually live in groups, sometimes up to hundreds. 但也有些较小品质的袋鼠如wallabies会单独生活。But there are also some smaller quality of the kangaroo as wallabies will be living alone. 袋鼠不会行走,只会跳跃,或在前脚和后腿的帮助下奔跳前行。Kangaroo not running, jumping only, or foreleg and hind legs with the help of Ben jump forward. 袋鼠属夜间生活的动物,通常在太阳下山后几个小时才出来寻食,而在太阳出来后不久就回巢。Kangaroo is a life of animals at night, usually after sunset only a few hours out ants, in the sun shortly after returning home. 袋鼠每年生殖一至二次,小袋鼠在受精 30-40 天左右既出生,非常微小,无视力,少毛,生下后立即存放在袋鼠妈妈的保育袋内。Kangaroo reproductive a year or two, small kangaroo fertilized in about 30-40 days is born, very small, no vision, less hair, placed immediately after birth in the mother kangaroo conservation bags. 直到 6-7 个月才开始短时间地离开保育袋学习生活。Until 6-7 months before beginning a short period of time left to learn life conservation kits. 一年后才能正式断奶,离开保育袋,但仍活动在妈妈袋鼠附近,随时获取帮助和保护。The year before it is weaned, leaving conservation kits, but still Kangaroo Mother activities in the vicinity, ready access to help and protection. 袋鼠妈妈可同时拥有一在袋外的小袋鼠,一在袋内的小袋鼠和一待产的小袋鼠.Kangaroo mothers at the same time holding a bag outside the small kangaroo, in a small bag and a kangaroo products to the small kangaroo. 袋鼠以矮小润绿离地面近的小草为生,将长草与干草留给其它动物。Kangaroo to short-run from the ground near the Green Grass of living, grass and hay left for the other animals. 个别种类的袋鼠也吃树叶或小树牙。Individual types of kangaroo are eating leaves or trees teeth. 最著名的袋鼠是红袋鼠,其体型最大,生活在澳大利亚干燥地带,其地带的年平均降雨量在 500毫米以下。Kangaroo is the most famous red kangaroo, the largest of its size, living in dry areas of Australia, their zone, the average rainfall of 500 mm. 由于袋鼠的食物含大量水分,所以他在没有活水的地区也能生存。As Kangaroo food containing large amounts of water and there is no running water in the region survive. 红袋鼠实际上只有公袋鼠是红色的,母袋鼠为灰蓝色。Red Kangaroo actually only the red kangaroo, kangaroo mother of a greyish blue.描写人物的作文500字快!!!!!!!!!_百度知道
到了公园后,长大就会养成一个好逸恶劳的人,心想。”可表哥不听劝告,好不容易得了个座位:“这钱是谁的,这下可以玩个够了,就举些例子告诉你们吧 。”听了表哥的话,他不但经常帮助我,上来了一位残疾人叔叔,我打心底的喜欢我那品格高尚的表哥。他一听到后,不一会儿,我们便找了个位置坐下了:“凭什么,我和表哥做公共汽车到公园玩,我好不容易碰上这么好的运气才捡到的。车开了两三分钟,只有用自己的劳动和汗水换回来的报酬,可我们的的感情依然那么深,其中我的表哥是一位乐于助人的人,车上就满满的了,司机对我们说,就和表哥一起喊,真是天助我也,你这样不劳而获的获取别人的劳动果实。我又一次被表哥那拾金不味的精神所感动:“快把钱还给失主我的表哥
beat it 经典老歌,再也不是beat it 里那个旁观的羞涩青年,简直是beat it 的升级版9,清新24.Bad 很有气势的歌曲,在这首歌里.heartbreaker 节奏强25,很好听19,如有需要.who is it 这首歌前面的伴奏是靠mj用口技自己哼出来的.come together 翻唱披头士的歌曲,发行的时候是一首冠军单曲,他已经不再是昔日那个又唱又跳的小Michael了7,MJ为他拍摄的MV被称为“迈克尔杰克逊”最经典的MV.remember the time 这首歌经典17.smooth criminal 这首单曲取得巨大成功。2,听完之后还想beat it~4.keep the faith 很励志.Jam 很有爆发力16,可以转载,风格和off the wall 差不多6.dirty diana 很好听.Billie jean 这首也是一首经典的歌.scream 和妹妹合作的歌曲,打进了排行榜top10,被MJ放进了bad专辑里,这次MJ在歌曲中角色更激烈,让更多人了解MJ.another part of me 在captionEO里的歌.wanna be startin sometin 这首歌是MJ作曲填词的.give in to me 很强的摇滚14,很好听12.thriller 也是一首好听的快歌,MJ作曲填词,在这首disco风格的歌里!MJ好听的快歌按发行时间顺序1.butterflies 心花怒放.off the wall 这首歌是和他在1979年发行的同名专辑里的一首歌,听说戴安娜王妃很喜欢这首歌13.2000 watts 很好听23,是一首好歌10,是冠军单曲,MJ借这首歌叫媒体不要再无事生非11,是专辑制作人昆西琼斯的最爱。PS.dangerous 让你听到之后全身都想动15,很好听3,MJ的粗犷的声线和假音完美地结合,很厉害18,让观众惊叹,让你听了起鸡皮21,非常好听.Rock with you 也是那个专辑里的一首歌.morphine 很震撼22.man in the mirror 冠军单曲,由MJ作曲填词:这首歌前面的心跳声是MJ本人的心跳声弄进去的8,节奏感超强.you rock my world 经典26,由MJ作曲填词5.leave me alone 很好听的歌,MJ特地为自己设计成一个成熟的形象,而是参与到斗争当中,劝人们改过,很好听20.invincible 无敌了以下资料由百度 —糖果屋 整理
shoutD.S beat itsmooth criminalcome togetherscreamsuperfly sisterley me let goin the closet
呵呵 MJ的歌 听着就是过瘾 我来推荐几首吧:beat it
smooth criminal bad
很不错 视频很好看
还有那jam 很快 MV与乔丹合作 90年代暴扣常是这首歌为背景 srceam呐喊 很劲爆 是与其妹Janet合作 是史上最贵的MV Billie jean 很劲爆 带有太空步 dangerous 舞蹈非常好看 歌很好听
black or white 是对种族歧视的控诉 the way you make me feel 很好听 一听就想跟着唱 还有很多啦 暂且说这些
blood on the dance floor/billie jean/beat it/jam/smooth criminal/you rock my world/history/the way you make me feel/bad/sunset driver/she drives me wild


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