
我最喜欢的城市 英语作文后天老师要查,喜欢的城市,好背的!
My favourite city is Changsha,I was born in changsha,where their is very beautiful and clean.
with the devolopment of people's living standars,it's becoming increasingly important to live in a comfortable city ,don't worry.Changsha is the best one .
let me introduce it for you .first,there are too much delicious food in the street.second,people there is very pretty .third,the weather is comfortable ,nither too hot nor too cold.
so ,I like changsha very very much.
Tokyo--a City RebuiltTokyo, the capital of Japan, is one of the largest cities in the world. It is one of the world's most modern cities. Twice in the 20th century, the City was destroyed and rebuilt.In 1923 a major earthquake struck the city. Thousands of people were killed and millions were left homeless as buildings collapsed and fires broke out throughout Tokyo. It took seven years to rebuild the city. During World War 11 , Tokyo was destroyed once again.As a result of these disasters there was nothing of old Tokyo remaining in the downtown area. After the war, the people of Tokyo began to rebuild their city. Buildings went up at a fantastic rate between 1945 and 1960, the city's population more than doubled. Because of the Olympic Games held in Tokyo in 1964, many new stadiums,parks and hotels were built to accomodate visitors from all over the world. As a result of this rapid development, however, many problems have arisen. Housing shortage, pollution,waste disposal have presented serious challenges to the city,but the government has begun several programs to answer them.[点评]这篇文章主要描述了东京是如何在20世纪两次被毁,两次得以重建。但是,第二次重建,由于1964年的奥运会,速度过快,带来诸多社会问题。这也是中国目前城市建设中所存在的问题。读者可以写一篇关于自己所熟悉的城市的文章。[参考译文]东京――重建之城日本首都东京是世界上最大的城市之一,也是最现代化的城市之一。在20世纪,这坐城市两次被毁,两次得以重建。1923年,一场大地震袭击了这座城市。楼房倒塌,大火烧遍整个东京,成千的人丧命,几百万人无家可归。重建城市花了整整7年时间。二战期间,东京又一次被毁。灾难过后,老东京的商业区没有留下任何建筑。战后,东京人开始重建家园。1945年到1960年间,高楼大厦以惊人的速度平地而起,人口也翻了一翻。为了1964年在东京举办奥运会,建起了许多新体育馆、公园、饭店,为来自世界各地的客人提供足够的食宿和娱乐场馆。然而,这种快速发展的结果是社会问题大增。住房短缺,污染,垃圾处理等问题为这座城市提出了严峻的挑战。不过,政府已经起动了好几个项目来回应这些挑战。
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