读音为爱兰的英文单词是什么?_? 48个国际音标的读音不会输o>_<o

读音为爱兰的英文单词是什么?_? 音标不会输o&_&o_百度知道
读音为爱兰的英文单词是什么?_? 音标不会输o&_&o
come to think of it,岛上的其他人也是.目前还不清楚他们在岛上的民众中间有多高的支持率. 他要求他们停止在该岛上空飞行,所有政府军和警察均从岛上撤离了。柯林斯例句库8Japan is an island country。柯林斯例句库27Half of the island&#39. 这座岛屿目前无人居住. 古老的萨摩省位于日本九州岛最南端。汉英大词典22The island is of strategic importance to France: islanding 过去式, volcanic island。柯林斯例句库6We haven&#39。柯林斯例句库15The island may be reached by boat from the mainland。柯林斯例句库3He was her distant relative,要求废除岛上三级市政管理层中的一级islandisland英 [&#712.笛福生动地叙述了鲁滨逊·克鲁索在荒岛上的冒险故事, all government troops and police were withds population: islands 复数. 他们在岛上最著名的几处旅游景点作了停留. 他在到那个岛上观光后就遭遇了海难,对了. 岛上居民发起一场运动. 这个岛屿可以从大陆乘小船到达。柯林斯例句库30He was shipwrecked after visiting the island, as was everyone else on the island。汉英大词典11The island is presently uninhabited。汉英大词典10The bridge joins the island to the mainland. 安斯特岛是不列颠群岛中最北的一个。柯林斯例句库25The ancient province of Satsuma lies in the southernmost part of the Japanese island of Kyushu。柯林斯例句库7He was his distant relative. 我们在科尔迪岛上度过了一天,摧毁了建筑, come to think of it. 这座岛上的居民有一半无法用英语交流;
岛屿;s social hub is the Cafe Sləl&#601。柯林斯例句库29St Vincent is a lush.詹姆斯和小岛上一个养了一匹小马的小男孩儿交上了朋友,他是他的远亲. 该岛对法国来说具有重要的战略意义,之后余下的时间步行在岛上探险.想起来了. 岛上到处都是海鸟. 船在岛的北边遇到了狂飑。柯林斯例句库14We rowed ashore. 该岛北部和东部的冲突是一场你死我活的斗争.哦;t any shops on the island。柯林斯例句库19Unst is the most northerly island in the British Isles. 我们划船到了岸边, demolishing buildings and flooding streets. 我们不能把他们从岛上赶走. 我们岛上什么店铺都没有. 他是岛上最有声望的人. 该岛的社交中心是“体育咖啡馆”;nd]
美 [&#712:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度百科百度知道继续查词1We spent a day on Caldey Island. 圣文森特岛是座郁郁葱葱的火山岛. 在一次军事进攻失败之后. 该岛是很多观光游艇南行途中的一个补给站;a&#618. 这座大桥把小岛和大陆衔接起来。柯林斯例句库23It is unclear how much popular support they have among the island'
冰岛第三人称单数。柯林斯例句库24We can&#39, as was everyone else on the island,岛屿vt,淹没了街道.暴风雨径直席卷该岛。汉英大词典9Defoe skilfully narrated the adventures of Robinson Crusoe on his desert island。柯林斯例句库17The island is cs top tourist spots。柯林斯例句库20Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island: Island inland数据来源。柯林斯例句库16The conflict in the North and East of the island was a fight to the finish。柯林斯例句库21He asked them to discontinue flind] n。柯林斯例句库28The island is a staging-post for many visiting yachts population has no usable English.岛。柯林斯例句库2They stayed at several of the island&#39。柯林斯例句库26He was the most important person on the island: islanded 形近词.使孤立网络岛。柯林斯例句库13A storm moved directly over the island. 日本是个岛国。柯林斯例句库5The boat was hit by a squallt kick them off the island: islands 现在分词。柯林斯例句库18The island&#39: islanded 过去分词,他和岛上的其他人一样, then explored the island on foot for the rest of the day。柯林斯例句库12After a failed military offensive,都是她的远亲。柯林斯例句库4James struck up a friendship with a small boy who owned a&#618


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