can onlyyou can call mee a fool man

& Mourinho is a fool for calling me an old man – Eto’o
In a new interview with AfricanFootball, Samuel Eto’o spoke about his time at Chelsea and the 2014 World Cup coming up in Brazil next month.
The striker is back on the continent, for the second edition of Copa Coca Cola which will take place in Bouaké, Cameroon and spoke to newsmen at the Félix Houphou?t-Boigny international airport in Abidjan after his arrival.
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Call Me A Fool Lyrics
song performed by
in the album
Oh girl, I don't know what to say
I feel you love me less each day
You seem so far away
And there's not a kiss thats strong enough
I could give to keep your love
To change my mistake
So you packed your bags, said you needed a break
And you left me here to wait
So you might come back some day
So I'm holdin' on
In spite of what they say
They said '??Man she's gone'??
And only a fool would wait
And call me a fool
'Cuz I'm a fool
With no where else to be
And nothing left to do
Call me a fool
'Cuz I'm a fool
Theres no where I'd rather be
Then waiting here for you
So call me a fool
Oh, girl the time goes by so slow
Just staring at the door
Just hoping you'll walk through
So if I hang on long enough
Would I be worth your love?
'Cuz that's something I could do
I'm just holdin' on
Despite of what they say
They said '??Man she's gone'??
And only a fool would wait
And call me a fool
Still holding on
In spite of what they say
They said '??Man she's gone'??
And only a fool would wait
Then call me a fool
'Cuz I'm a fool
With no where else to be
And nothing left to do
Call me a fool
'Cuz I'm a fool
Theres no where I'd rather be
Then waiting here for you
Call me a fool
'Cuz I'm a fool


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